Millas - (Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings) - 221 Levels So Far, Help Wanted!

Started by GigaLem, February 19, 2017, 02:56:35 AM

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Project FPXLemmings is a non-profit fan project by a fan of both francises
Freedom planet is copyright of GalaxyTrail, Sabrina "Strife" Diduro, and Ziyo Ling
Lemmings is copyright of Sony
Please support the official release(s) even if you don't want to

In 2016 I wanted to make a FP themed tileset because of the route 99 tileset from Jamie
Getting these tilesets was a long and tiresome process because the lack of tiles on spriters resource
It soon turned to this

Now I do have a final title for this but, I'm waiting until I can get the lemmings to look like they have Orange hair, Tan tunic, and basset ears to make em look like milla (and Animating those will not be fun, plus i'll need mask files and I ain't gotta clue about how to make em)
But as of this edit(20-6-2017/6-20-2017), This problem is is now Solved Say Hello to the Final name for the project (note. this logo is now outdated)

And Now I have a new Demo for you to play (Version 3.0)
To install, please read the Read me file on Disc 1
Disc 1 (The levels)
Disc 2 (The music)
Disc 3 (Graphic set additions, I will send these to nepster later)
Disc 4 (The extras, custom sounds, VGAspec pieces required for the redone newborn rank, and panel skill sprites)

The Demo Contains
-A full tutorial rank
-8 levels for each rank
-custom lemming sprite to look like Milla Basset ^w^ rrrRAFF!
-and an Avalice themed interface

Known issues

None so far

Change log

Change log v3.0
-Levels reordered due to new tutorial rank
-Levels gone back down to 8 per rank
-New milla sprites
-New logo
-expanded soundtrack
-Sounds Mod
-Panels Mod
-updated sets
-no Talismans currently, those will be added back later

Demo 2.8

-there are now 10 levels per rank, however some levels were shuffled around and some were remove from the demo for the time being
-BGs were changes (Thank you Mobius)
-Levels were of course rearranged

Demo 2.1

-"Deploy Our Sky Battalion" is now solvable
-"Sauna" and "Neera Li Death Experience are Now shorter, The old version of Sauna is in the Beta rank
-"Cold Sonic Rush" Backroute Fixed
-Alpha's level order rearranged
-New Talisman

Demo 2.0

-Levels Rearranged based on difficulty
-Now there are 8 levels per rank instead of 5
-3 more Achievements
-At the time of this upload there is a special new logo to celebrated 3 years of Freedom Planet
-Emergency Bombers now has more blockers and walkers and the typo is fixed
-+5 Level and Oncoming contact should now be solvable

Demo v1.1d Change log

-"Emergancy Bombers" Yes there's a typo in there I saw it too late. This level replaces "Fire when not ready" because of it being a better radiation tutorial

Demo v1.1c Change log

-Color coding added
-Two levels fixed

Demo v1.0 Change log

-New Failure theme
-Achievements Added
-Lemmings look like Milla
-New Skill panels

Dreadnought Demo 1.2 changes
two backroute fixes to the following levels
"When you can't take a short cut"
"Viruses around the core"
The level "Infiltration Station" had some terrain changed
Previous versions

Staff Credits

Sprite rips/Early Contributors

Custom Sprites

Extra Level Design

New Format Port

Feedback and Talisman ideas

Original Music
Leilani Wilson
Sabrina "Strife" Diduro
Shane Ellis "Blue Warrior"

NeoLemmix tools

Tech Support

Special Thanks
Prince Jamie for inspiring me to do this
Poke for helping me push forward when he was working on Binding of Avalice
Sabrina "Strife" Diduro for the fantastic Indie game that started this project
and Plom510 for encouraging me to start spriting and for the Special logo and sprite edits

EDIT 24-02-2017 (2-24-2017 US): I've decided to allow level submissions to those who have FP tileset levels lying around Guidelines are in the spoiler below

PM me on the forums or send a friend request to me on discord
via GigaLemEX#9219
-You must use an FP tileset
-You can send either a finished level or an unfinished level
-If its finished, send a replay with the level and make sure your name is on it
-If its unfinished, Tell me if you still want your name on it, if you don't tell me in the message, I will ask you, if you decide not to, the finished level with have my name on it instead
Either way, you'll still be credited in the Level Design


As for what I have so far in content
I'll need to upgrade my levels to .nxl format but I can tell you what i have for the ranks

Newborn (Tutorials)
Welcome to life young basset, you shall be tested on your skill against simple tasks like Swimming and Climbing. This way we'll show you how to speak, sit, rollover and hopefully not run into traps

Puppy (Fun)
You're now able to walk on your own, now we must "House break" you, life in Avalice ain't exactly easy especial with skies not being safe, so this will get ya through, eventually you'll be an obidient pupper

Hound (Tricky)
You're getting the hang of everything you've learned, now lets see what other things you can do with, nothing wrong with teaching a young pupper new tricks, eventually you'll lead a pack

Adulthood (Wild)
You've grown into an adult now, you're old enough to understand the everything you have learned so far. All the tricks and tips you've learned will aid you on your quest.

Alpha (Taxing)
You're the leader of the pack now, directing your pack through the toughest of routes, think hard about what you do and it'll be clear in the end

SuperDog (Mayhem)
You may have a troop but you're capable of what you can do by yourself, talking death head on and (hopefully) surviving to tell the tail, you're brave in every way, Cute in every way, and eventually smart in every way

Brevon's Lair(Final Boss)
This Rank holds the Finale to your efforts, Face Brevon Head on!

Levels that didn't fit with the final because either
-Better ones take their place
-Debackrouting it is impossible and the good solutions are lost in time
-I wasn't exactly proud with it
-Levels I found fun but not fit for the game
-I don't want to put people through hell

and for what I have so far
Millas Level Progress So Far
Newborn (22/?)
Puppy (24/36)
Hound (34/36)
Adulthood (36/36) COMPLETE!
Alpha (36/36) COMPLETE!
Super Dog (25/36)
Brevon's Lair (8/8*) COMPLETE!
Rematch (2/10*)
Levels to be Remade (24)
Levels to Be Touched up (10)
Levels to be Decided (3)
Level So Far 221

36*=The most I'll go for each rank if I have trouble with the remakes on level placement

Beta Levels will be part of an "Archives Pack" where all the rejected/old versions of levels go, I might remake a level or two from there. More on that later

Level Progress 90.8%
Edit:Why is it now 20% instead of 25 right now? Extra levels added
Edit 2:Why the sudden boost in percentage well, An idea I had planned for this pack. I'm saving it for later
Edit 3:Did some level rearranging
Edit 4:on this date 2017-07-21, 06:40:00 I'm halfway finished with the levels
Edit 5:I have reached 75 levels as of 2017-08-10 (8-10-2017)
Edit 6:Read one of the posts on page 3, it'll tell you why I decided against having an advanced tutorials rank, Advanced tricks should probably be reserved for a pack of its own
Edit 7:Only 3 of wafflem's levels left to finish
Edit 8:All the old format levels are finished, I had fun making them. I'll be putting these levels with the replays together and send them off to nessy very soon :)
Edit 9:Holy crap what a progress jump, I'm so glad to see this nearing its final stages
Edit 10:after 2 years, I finally update this post to accurately reflect the progress of the pack.
Edit 11:I figured I update this, Kaywhyn's remake suggestions have helped me get my drive back, I hope to show off something soon
Edit:12I have done revaluations on the levels, for Levels I can remake, Levels I can archive and then some


I was thinking about allowing submissions for FP levels into this pack
Just for anyone who made levels using my freedom planet tilesets and have no where else to put em, you can send them my way for use in this pack
and If I should do so here are some guide lines

-Must be a FP set(Obviously)
-Make sure your name is on it
-If changes need to be made (such as removing backroutes) I will inform you on that
-And If you have an unfinished level using such any of those tiles, I'm going to ask if you still want your name in the author spot, if you don't do so, I will replace it with mine, you will still be credited for level design however
I want to know If I should allow this or not


QuoteI'll need to upgrade my levels to .nxl format but I can tell you what i have for the ranks

This is not nessecary at this stage, all publicly-released versions (including V10.13.16 experimentals) are still using LVL, not NXLV, and will continue to do so for at least the near future.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Right now im in the middle of getting updates done, It'll be a bit before i can continue progress
EDIT:Also I'm waiting til the latest stable release of the editor releases, Because a fencer tutorial level is needed for the pack


With the newest stable release the project shall resume progress
Made three levels the past few days


Gonna try resuming progress soon, almost all the sets are updated at this point and today I just made a Puppy ranked level called
"Police to meet you..."

10 Walkers, 2 Climbers, 10 Blockers, 11 Bombers, 20 Builders, 1 Miner, 1 Fencer
Save 69(hue hue)/80
:tal-silver: Save all 80
And I might change the number of "Newborn Pup" levels from 12 to around 18 or 19 to fit the Neolemmix Tutorials
And hopefully I'll have a demo ready soon
That way you can save Lemming-sized Puppies before Freedom Planet's 3rd anniversary


Figured I get on a roll with Pangu Lagoon, making two levels
This is one of them
"Trapped in no hideout"

It's my smallest yet, Definitely a second rank level
2 Walkers, 3 Climbers, 2 Floaters, 1 Blocker, 2 Stoners, 6 Builders, 4 Miners
Save 37/40, RR 1

I might make another one tiny level called
"Aw Jail no!"


The "Newborn Pup" rank is finished
this was the last level I made for it
"Skills built in"

Before you say "This looks like one of Wafflem's levels from Lemmingbytes", and trust me you'd be right on that one, and here's why
I couldn't think of any better way to introduce pre-assigned skills than what wafflem did. Believe me That lemmingbytes level is a perfect example of a preassigned skills tutorial


Nice! I'm glad you liked that level! :thumbsup: This seems to be one of the best levels of the pack, one of my testers said it was a really good level. You're right that it's a very great example of a pre-assigned skills tutorial level.

Looking forward to this pack when it comes out! :thumbsup:

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Sorry about the lack of a lot lately, because we had E3 go through. I was feeling fatigued after that so in my downtime I had a few things happen
-Finally got MK8D and played that
-and had my friend help me with something. What is that something you may ask

Here's a preview

These are a few preview's I have I will attach the full sheets to this post
These will be used in an upcoming demo
So what do I mean when I said "Lemming Sized Puppies"
I will be re-branding the topic to the name on this here logo

Yes this is while the project name was place holder, I will edit the first topic not too long after this post, A mojor thanks to Plom510 for all these sprites. I can't thank him enough


As I'm getting a demo ready, I was looking through wafflem's unfinished levels and stumbled across a few
With that I'll finish them up :) and He'll get credit for extra level design :thumbsup:
If you want to be credited for extra level design, Feel free to submit an unfinished FP tileset level to me


In the middle of fixing levels before getting a demo set up, should be available shortly :P


I'm testing the demo right now
Screen preview
Gameplay preview

Demo should be up in a few


I require assistance with a certain file named "default_scheme.nxmi" What I need is to change the color of the hair to blue for athletes and the zombies to have darker skin for those curious
I've attached the file in question below

Edit:after taking a closer look I can see the coding that changes the coloring of the Lemming but, I barely know anything about delphi 7
I want to know How do I change this

to this?


Knowledge of Delphi 7 is not nessecary. The only thing you need to know is hexidecimal notation for colors (and if you at least understand RGB values, it's pretty easy to find something to convert it to / from hexidecimal notation).

Once you've got that, look near the start of the NXMI file:

    FROM x00B000
    TO x4040E0
    FROM x4040E0
    TO x00B000
    FROM xF0D0D0
    TO x808080
    FROM x4040E0
    TO xF02020

You simply need to add / remove / modify the "athlete", "zombie" and "selected" entries. Follow the same format as the existing ones. When one color should be swapped for another, the FROM line specifies what color (from the original image) should be changed, and the TO line specifies what color it should be changed to.

The spaces at the start of some lines aren't important, the file will still work perfectly fine without these. However, other things (like the "x" before the colors, or the space between the "from" / "to" and the color) are important.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I figured it out
Athlete and selected lemming
New demo coming up shortly


I think I will take a look at the DEMO in the future, but I am very busy this week and I have promised to further test SEB Lems at the next weekend, but I think I can schedule a few level tests of this DEMO here after that ;)


Just want to point out that you've uploaded the NXSV of the demo, not the NXP.


Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


oh whoops gonna fix that now

Edit:Fixed, Also New demo will be going up in a while


Here are my replays!

I haven't beaten all the levels, but a lot of these levels are a mix of fun and challenging, and a lot of them have non-trivial solution! However, I had to rely on Clear Physics mode a lot of times, as the backgrounds can be very distracting.

Millas v1.1d Comments

Home a-stone - this one's difficulty is a little bit higher, and it teaches you a nice stoner trick!
Tearing Up Brevon's Wires - I don't think the unlock buttons were necessary in this one.
Triple the Puppies - very nice way to introduce cloners and floaters!
Let's Walk Home For Some Rest - nice way to introduce walkers, and that you must only release the blockers when it's safe to do so.
Today's Lesson - nice introduction to locked exit/unlock buttons, and the solution isn't trivial@
Emergency Bombers - haven't beaten this one yet, but I would add even more walkers and blockers. Otherwise, the level can get frustrating.
Gravity on the down low - one of my favorite levels, very nice way to introduce updrafts!
Weird Energy - nice way to introduce slowfreeze, this object can be extremely hard to work with.
Make like a banana and split - awesome splitter tutorial! It's good that you suggested that you hit the Esc button after saving 30 lemmings in the pre-text screen, though in my solution I had to hold on the spacebar until every lemming exited.
Shady Business - I think this level's hard for Newborn. It'd probably be better in early-Hound due to the small skillset and planning how to get rid of the zombies.
You dropped these! - I don't think we need a pickup skill tutorial level since all the other levels use them a lot. Very clever level with a lot of thinking where to use each skill, though this one is too hard for Newborn in my opinion as well, and would also be much better in early-Hound.
Skills built in! - yay, nice to see the remake of my Lemmingbytes level! :thumbsup: Very good level too!
But first some training... - this one is much easier than Newborn 17 and 18, but a nice way to end the rank.

Make Sure They're Okay - the exit is not set to No Overwrite, which obstructs my builder as you can see in the replay. Otherwise a good level, though I didn't use the walker.
Police To Meet You - even if this level is in Puppy, my solution feels backroute-y.
Aw Jail No! - nice non-trivial level. I could see this in early-Hound due to the limited skillset and some planning required.
Hit All The Targets! - wow, this one was a little on the tough side due to the limited skillset and the huge size of the level! This might be better in Hound.
Skype Battalion - nice pun! Loved this one as well, especially how you need to plan how to get rid of the zombies! I'm not sure if this one would be good in very-late Puppy to early-Hound.

So That's Where I left them... - great level, though there was a lot of long walking which made me hit the spacebar a couple of times. It was great how you made the last part with the platforming to the exit lenient, in that you can allow the crowd of lemmings to fall without splatting and giving one lemming time to platform to the exit. :thumbsup:
Oncoming Contact - hmmm, is this level possible? I don't see any way I can contain the lemmings, especially since I have to save them all and the release rate is 50. Were the entering lemmings meant to be walking right or left?
Turn around they said... - this one is a major backroute.
FREEZE! - only an attempt replay. This one might be better off in Alpha or Super Dog.
Trapped in no hideout - a very good level and clever usage of stoners! It'd be better off in early-Hound, the solution is not that hard to figure out.

No miss hero pants in sight - I remembered playing this level. This one is much harder than it looks, especially with the limited skillset.
+5 Level - haven't beaten this one yet. I'm not sure if this level is possible at all, seeing as the lemmings cannot swim past the waterfall and they get stuck at the top of the pipe, and I see no other way around.
Deploy our Sky Battalion - only an attempt replay. I remember beating this one though, but I need to find my old replay of the level.

Super Dog

Pick Up the Pace Miss Hero Pants - another very good level! I remember watching part of this in a RTW stream. I didn't like the part with the boulders at the beginning, you have to time it so only nine of the lemmings are killed and one must be a blocker, and it may be trial and error to some people. Everything becomes straightforward afterwards, though.

This looks like a very fun pack, and it really shows how much of a Freedom Planet fan you are. Looking forward to the full pack when it comes out! Thanks also again for using my unfinished levels!

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Decided to take some notes, I'll get these things ready for v1.2 (or higher)
I might need more in put

My notes
Tearing up Brevon's wires - Remove Switches
Emergency Bombers - more walkers and Blockers, lower save percentage
Shady Buiness- Move to a higher Rank (Hound)
Aw Jail no - Move to hound
Oncoming Contact and +5 Level - Fix solutions

As for your back route, Looks like one but its not a major one think it could make a good :tal-bronze: or :tal-silver: Talisman?

Plus I've been looking through you're levels and seeing what works and finishing what ever needs to be finished, So in a later demo (Like an event demo) you might see one or two or em


Checklist for 1.2

Change Level arrangement Done!
Fix a couple of levels Done!
Make replacement Newborn levels Done!

Almost finished with this, If I can't find enough replacement levels for 1.2 I'll have to make the ranks have 7 per demo resulting in demo v2.0 (Isn't it nice to have backup plans? :thumbsup: )
Thanks for the feedback Wafflem

Edit:I shall get around to making the new demo soon, once that's done depending on how it goes the next demo is either 1.2 or 2.0


Gonna try to get a new demo up by tomorrow, as for why that is

I'm gonna confirm this now, the next demo is 2.0


Notes for 2.1 or beyond

-Fix "Deploy our Skybattalion"
-Rarrange Difficulty on Alpha
-New Talisman for "FREEZE!"
-Debackroute "Cold Sonic Rush"
-Shorten "Neera li Death Experience" and "Sauna"


Thanks for the Millas update! :thumbsup:

Here are some of the replays + comments of the levels I was able to beat.

Millas v2.1 comments

Emergency Bombers - thanks for adding more blockers and walkers! I would put this in Newborn 18, I found it to be hard. The walls should be slightly thinner as well to make bombing through them easier.
Weird Energy - found two solutions: one that only uses one slowfreeze and the other that uses both slowfreezes (the intended one). I think the backroute can simply be removed by having a 99 release rate and adding more lemmings?
Back off they're armed - a much better zombie tutorial! The solution isn't too hard to figure out, yet at the same time it's a very good solution for a tutorial level! I also have a replay that achieves the talisman!
Park Cleaning - a much better pickup skills tutorial!

Target Practice - I didn't expect you to use the level as-is, I felt this level was incomplete and needed more to be added. It is otherwise a good level in that it requires stoner usage and offers a lot of non-trivial solutions.
Police to Meet You... - got the talisman for this one!
Flight or Fight - another very good level. I found a solution that saves 39/40 lemmings.
Amaze Maze - another level that I feel is too hard for its position and would be better in Hound, especially since the level has a 100% save requirement and doesn't offer floaters. I wonder if it's possible to solve this level without fencers; if so, that can come up as another talisman...
Cube Crazy - very good Anything Goes level, and I got the talisman for that! :thumbsup:

Oncoming Contact - thanks for fixing the level! This one is very good and has a very clever solution, but may work better as late-Hound due to the builders-to-turn-back-lemmings trick. I am left with one climber, though.
Turn Around They Said... - Forgot to answer your earlier question about if my backroute to this level would be a bronze or silver talisman. I feel the talisman for this one is way too easy and feels kind of backroute-y; it should be a bronze talisman.

Deploy Our Sky Battalion - thanks for fixing this level! No wonder I wasn't able to beat it the first time. The replay should be intended; if so, I would switch it with Green With Envy. I haven't beaten the former, while Deploy's solution isn't that hard to figure out.
Door of Destiny - I didn't expect you to use this level as-is either; I felt that the level itself was incomplete. My solution doesn't use all the skills. I'll probably make a few more improvements to this level.

Ruined Ruins - I forgot to send you my intended solution to the level, so I've included it in the ZIP.
Neera-Li Death Experience - this one should be intended. If so, this might work better in Alpha as the solution is not that hard to figure out; it should be switched with FREEZE!

One thing I forgot to say earlier: a huge kudos to Plom510 for the animated Milla sprites! :thumbsup: Animating lemming sprites must be difficult, especially including puppy ears, but Plom really made a huge feat in making the sprites! It was also nice to see part of his stream!

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


No Problem Already wrote down some notes, I await your improved "Door of destiny" level
Plus I already wrote down some notes for 2.2
-Change Talisman
-Change position of "Emergancy Bomber"
-Reposition Hound levels
-Swap NLDE with FREEZE
-Reposition Alpha levels again
-Remove miner in "Today's lesson"


Sorry for the lack everything in a while, I have reached 75 levels and that's nice to see anyways cheers :thumbsup:


I decided to make a rank to serve as an advance techniques tutorial
I call it "Red Scarf", I'll need to make a list of all the necessary tricks to learn to give players more ideas for solving levels
Edit:I decided against this since I feel players may find these out on thier own, however the idea list may help me with any other levels

The list i have right now is
-Terrain Stair Case
-Turn a Digger with a Blocker
-Bashing on a staircase
-Turning without walkers
-Using a blocker to to turn miners
-Other ways to clump lemmings
-Other ways to delay lemmings
-Stopping Miners, Bashers, Diggers, Fencers, with bombers
-Short stacker staircases

If Anyone wants to suggest anything I missed for ideas they can


Here's a list of tricks that I can think of:
1. Two lemmings bashing in different directions (this is the same trick used in an LPIV level).
2. Put a blocker in front of a locked exit. The blocker jumps in as soon as the locked exit opens.
3. Lemmings can bash up diagonal steel.
4. A lemming can still float a few pixels in air even if he is finished digging.
5. Lemmings can glide/float into the exit that has no terrain underneath it.
6. Builder-miner trick: a miner can mine down a built bridge.
7. If a ledge is too high for a lemming, you can have a lemming bomb the top of that ledge to be able to get the other lemmings up.

Clam's list of non-glitch tricks can also be a good place for ideas (note that this is only for the traditional 8 skills).

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


I'll take these suggestions in mind, though im feeling fatigued due to other problems so...
I call for another short break, but with what? AH I know!


After resolving the demo again a week ago, I think I must express my seal of approval for this project in the topic as well! :thumbsup:

After playing through GigaLems 1 and Resident Gigalems, I can see so much positive development in term of overall level quality here.
Where some older levels were let's say suboptimal (the save 50% level where 1 of 2 hatches goes straight to the exit from GigaLems, or the zombie pit where you had to use tons of stoners to get across from Resident GigaLems come to my mind ;))  these ones seems excellent in comparison. :thumbsup:
Such a positive development here over the time and I am glad helping to improve this pack even further. ;)

Also the music is top notch! I'm looking forward to future updates! :)


I see we're nearing the new format so I figured I'd give an update

All of the graphic sets used in this pack will be receiving updates in preparation for said format (when the get those update, they'll be sent to Nepster)
I'll be fixing each of its fault to the be of my ability, that way I can continue progress in the new format

NCFC 2017 will be coming up, I'm gonna try to fix up somethings before submitting the pack to NCFC (That's If I can do it)
There's the possibility that the next demo will contain 10 levels per rank so It'll be Version 3.0

If some things were getting removed, I will need to remove and replace some levels, what helps is with the Shimmier and jumper, they will need to be new strips for them of course but this will open up new levels for the game

I've received backgrounds from mobius, I will be editing them slightly if needed and as such, he'll be added in the credits when the new demo surfaces.

plus I'll need to put some time aside mid to late October to begin my holiday pack for 2017 and of course I'll be playing Pokemon Ultra Moon and Nuzlocking Ultra Sun when that time comes, but after that, I should be back to developing for Millas.

and lastly, I've considered opening up beta testing (or rather Demos with more levels) the Idea with this is as follows
-This is to help test the levels for any backroutes
-They're opened for streaming so if i'm watching I can know whats a backroute and what isn't
-now If I get any for this, I'll have replays ready for them, so if you have any tips for fixing backroutes please let me know

Anyways that's what I've got for now, I hope for the best of the project and hope for completion until then, Cheers! -GigaLem


Since the slowfreeze and radiation will be removed in the following format, Here's the levels that were removed from the developement
Credit to wafflem for one of his donations


Not gonna Lie it feels good to make a level again
I'll make a couple more before sending another beta to Wafflem
I made this level today called "The Lethal Library"


The Alpha Rank is halfway finished
While completing some of wafflem's unfinished levels, the level formally know as "Trapzilla" became

"Scuffle with the Scarves"
RR 1
3 of everything
Save 17 of 20


I started playing your pack and it has some very nice puzzles. But I noticed one minor graphical glitch in the Millas sprites: When transitioning from climber to walker, the 3rd-to-last frame has a white pixel at the top right corner.


Quote from: Nepster on October 25, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
I started playing your pack and it has some very nice puzzles. But I noticed one minor graphical glitch in the Millas sprites: When transitioning from climber to walker, the 3rd-to-last frame has a white pixel at the top right corner.
Yeah I caught that too, it has to do with more so the sprite sheet, I need to find the stray pixel and remove it


My biggest level yet
"Grab the shot"

I'll be sending a demo to wafflem sometime soon


I just submitted my demo to NCFC, if all goes well it'll get approved.
a small change of plans means that I had to go old format with this.

Edit:Submission APPROVED! :thumbsup:


Millas Booth
Demo 2.8 is up on the website
Change log

-there are now 10 levels per rank, however some levels were shuffled around and some were remove from the demo for the time being
-BGs were changes (Thank you Mobius)
-Levels were of course rearranged


If I come off a s angry or anything, I apologize for it...

I'm stressed, I truly am, to the point of getting major headaches (I'm not kidding), ATM I feel demotivated to work on Millas for the time being and I'll tell you why....

First the Minor stuff

In Defense of Sonic Forces + Sonic Burnout & Knuckles

First off, Avoid the Sonic Fanbase like the black plague. If I can describe it kindly, they're essentially the Religion of Classic Sonic. I know that Sonic Forces is a painfully average game but its no Sonic Boom or '06 or hell even Mighty no'9. The game is honestly overhated. and It's timing is just the worst, I can't Like nor Hate Sonic Forces but I can't feel neutral about it.

Plus I feel overwhelmed about Sonic in general and yes this extends to stuff like "Freedom Planet" or "Spark the Electric Jester" just I feel annoyed by it and I just need a break. But at least here's the Sonic Hacking Contest for 2017 and because of the added Quality Criteria its looking great.

Family Matters

Aside from my dad's temper problems, I seem to get more angry during this time and I don't know why but I don't like it at all. Plus I also have thanks giving to worry about.

And now for the Big one and the other other reason for my hiatus

Why I'm not looking forward to updating into the new format

First off I don't like the new format so far, Its fine when I get things working but setting it up...It's not as bad as Lemmini But its pretty d*mn close

1.The blank level folder should be there from the start! the player shouldn't have to make the folder themselves, and on top of that, why not pre-package some Sample levels with it too?
2.While I like how things are loaded externally (Which means, Milla Voice Clips will be added into the pack once and if I go new format) its intimidating to set up and I can't feel but dread it and speaking of dreading something....
3.I always dread whenever a [Discussion] topic comes up, the only thing I can think about is :devil: CULL CULL CULL! :devil: and that leads to "GREAT! I HAVE TO REMOVE THIS TOO?!"
and lastly what really set me off this morning...

My title for the new format
I Hate you GigaLem:The Update!
This sh*t will literally break me! It'll break my spirit because I have to go back and do something ALL OVER AGAIN!! and on top of that the reason why I don't want certain pieces to get removed is because of the following
1.Shading so the piece and on further subject stage looks better than before!
2.Coloring, it means having other flavors in the graphic set and not having those means you'll get bored of pasting the same color here and there
3.Cosmetic entrances, Apparently its taboo to have more than one entrance in a new format set, thats why the Dreadnought Graphic set is missing its entrances. I can't be without those each entrance represents their respective stage and removing those is like removing polish. plus I can't think of an entrance that's all four combined

not to mention, I'm still missing the Horizon Starport set in the new format. I NEED THAT SET IF I WANT TO UPDATE.
the worse part is that i'm a one man team for the most of the development, I would ask Icho for level porting and fixing what's broken but he's busy with his pack. I know it may come off as lazy but, I don't want to fix 80+ levels and what not. It leads me to the point of either continuing the pack in old format and not update it without someone's help, Scrapping or Rebooting the project. or leaving the pack in someone else's hands and...I don't want to do any of that.

And lastly, I don't want to call anyone out, but Nepster I'm sorry, I really am but you're not helping my case. I know updating something is not easy but Does it need to be harder?! Are you actively trying to make it harder?!
and to be very honest, I was right when I thought that this format shift was gonna drive me insane. I mean look at this post, I'm going insane thinking about what to do with level pack, This is my passion project, my edge, MY DRIVE! and if this ends up getting halted by a super high brick wall. I'll be heart broken with nothing to do with no motivation. I want to finish this pack. I really do, I have 80 of the possible 130 levels made, I want to make FP2 Graphic sets when those surface. and I'm just lost, confused, and flustered with what to do.

I'm sorry if I sound bitter, rude or nasty but I needed to let this out of my system. I don't know what else to do at this point :'(

I'll decide after I think it over....Until then, I hope you're updating better than me -GigaLem


I can offer you help with the conversion, as I really want this pack to come out. I saw a very high quality when I played through the demo and loved the work so far.

When the time comes in the future, when the changes that need to happen are final:
I need intended solution replays, the pack and the files for the single levels in the stable version. I have no experience with custom sprites, but I can at least help with the levels after I'm done with my own stuff of course. If you still need it at that point.

Until then I think you can still talk to Nepster about the converted tilesets and find a solution. I can't see a reason why a tileset can't have different exits/hatches. I can see a problem with the number of tiles in one tileset exploding though and there I think a middleway could be found. A few tiles will certainly be redundant but maybe not in the scale Nepster set on them.
I am also interested in these tilesets being successfully converted as I am thinking about making a few levels with them for United, too. (and I would like to have access to all different dreathnought hatches as well ;P)

Strato Incendus

QuoteAnd lastly, I don't want to call anyone out, but Nepster I'm sorry, I really am but you're not helping my case. I know updating something is not easy but Does it need to be harder?! Are you actively trying to make it harder?!

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking at this moment. In the beginning I just considered myself ungrateful, because obviously anything developed completely from scratch will have more issues than a currently stable thing at first. I know fixing all this stuff takes time and requires feedback from users, which is why I tried playing the Halloween pack and Nepster Lems in the new formats version. On the Halloween pack, I simply got stuck; on Nepster Lems, tbe only difference I noticed was the imho uglier level preview screen, plus the level selection menu which now looks like an outgame-thing by Windows rather than a part of the Lemmings game like it used to do.

And that's quite symptomatic:
@Nepster: I'm pretty sure everyone here on the forum has loads of respect for the effort you put into this project, and understanding for all the technical problems arising with this. Currently however, it looks like a great deal of this effort goes into actively making the game worse, rather than the game just becoming temporarily worse "by accident", and only as a transition phase before ultimately coming out on top of what it has been before. I know you want to improve it as far as your personal standpoint is concerned, but please just take a look at GigaLem's post and tell me whether you consider this an improvement.

QuoteI'll decide after I think it over....Until then, I hope you're updating better than me -GigaLem

I probably am, because I'm not doing that, currently ;) . At first, I wanted to create an entirely new pack specifically for the new formats version, but those ideas would have required jumpers and shimmiers. Instead, shortly afterwards I had another stupid radiation-based idea, and there goes the ambition, I'm creating that new thing for 10.13 as well :) .

Hence, if not updating feels "healthier" for you (quite literally, as I hear it from your post ;) ), especially at the moment, then why stress yourself out with it?
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Colorful Arty

My Youtube channel where I let's play games with family-friendly commentary:

My Twitch channel:

My levelpack: SubLems
For New formats NeoLemmix:
For Old formats NeoLemmix:
For SuperLemmini:

My levelpack: ArtLems
For New formats NeoLemmix:


I'll be getting the levels together for @Nessy to port at somepoint, the process of upgrading might be solved but I'm unsure...

to @nepster, sorry if I've been harsh towards you about the update, and in IRC but why did you remove the entrances in the dreadnought set and why isn't the starport set available in the new format yet? Icho sees no probablem with the different entrances in the set and he would like to use em, I need those entrances to fit the astectic of the level. I can't ahve those levels ported with out the entrances

i'll update once I get some answers

Update:Dispite the graphic set having the entrances, Nepster didn't get those, I'm not sure how to explain that. oh and the starport set is available in the new format


I wish christmas was going better for me, at least im not sick anymore...

So what have you been doing?
Making my Holiday pack, but it may show up late again XuX'

How much Longer are you sticking to the old format?
I have three objectives to get done.
1.Finish Wafflem's Old levels, then send them to Nessy
2.begin work on the Purple and Desert Redesigns
3.make the mini pack "Lemmings Discovery Vol.1" to show off the two mania themed sets plom made, and the redesigns in action

Why Vol.1?
Because Vol.2 will have the redesigns for Lemmings plus III as well as Titanic Monarch and Mirage Saloon

Since I've been seeing more people migrating, hopefully I can get used to the New format because right now the format feels, all over the place and im not used to that
Reaction as follows

But once Porting is done, Millas should continue under the new format with Nessy added to the staff for the project.
goals for the new format
-Sprites for the new skills when those are implemented
-Milla Voice clips
-FP sounds for the pick up skills

Anyways, figured I'd shed some news to keep this project afloat but with that said. When the new year hits, new horizons will come.
and Lastly Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. -Andrew Wallace "GigaLem"

As soon as I said some holiday related my mind cracked another idea for holiday sets. where theres one for each holiday in december. STOP IT BRAIN.


As I move on to my next thing to get done in the old format, I tried making a level in the new format and I have to say. I love the new editor.

this is the result

"A beautiful day for swimming"

As an announcement for the project
From 2016 (v1.43) - 2017 (v10.10.10) was the Alpha phase
From 2017 (v10.10.10) to 2018 (v10.13.18) was the Beta phase
for the change in formats once I do so, I'd like to annouce that the New Format phase of Millas will be called the Delta phase. Any demo builds and test builds for Millas will be referred to as Delta Builds.

I'll be wrapping up the beta phase very soon, thanks for your patience :)


I have finished every single one of wafflem's unfinished levels together.
The last thing I need to do is send the levels to Nessy along with the replays.
once all the levels are converted I will continue the pack in the Delta phase
This is the last post on the beta phase, From July 10th 2017 to April 16th 2018. I've made a good load of progress.

To be quite honest, It feels great to make levels again. And the Puppies will see you soon in the new format.



And now the levels have been sent to Nessy.
I will now make a list of notes for the first Delta Build Demo

1.Redo the Newborn rank, make it easier and move some of the tougher levels to higher ranks
2.Have sprites made for Swimmer, Stacker, and Platformer as well as Shimmier and Jumper whenever those are created  (let me know if I missed any)
3.Gather all the beta tracks and update the OST link.
4.FP sound effects. (Milla Voice clips, and sounds if they fit)

I think that's about it.


Okay, conversions have been slow for a while and nessy may need your help. Are you up to converting levels from the old format to the new? are you up for fixing broken levels? Are you will to put yourself on the front lines for the FPxLemmings team?

All you have to do is PM Nessy, and he'll give you what you need plus any levels that haven't been converted yet. He'll tell you everything you'll need to know.
Plus I recommend saving images of the old format versions of the levels to give you an idea of what goes where.

If you end up taking the job, PM me once you do. I'll add your name to the credits of the pack. Thank you :)


The Progress on the Millas conversions is almost finished, only a few levels missing.

One level has problems being converted, the one called "intrusion detected" the report I got from nessy is that it brings up an error when trying to open it. Nessy told me he's trying to see what he can do to restore the level IIRC. I won't confirm until it is deemed otherwise.


I'm gonna bring this list up again and expand upon it because the conversion progress is looking great

All levels converted Done
Avalice themed pickup skills Done
New milla themed sprites Done, expect the swimmer to have a doggy paddle
New Millas logo. Done, Check it out

The Subtitle say's "Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings"
-Redo the Newborn rank, make it easier and move some of the tougher levels to higher ranks Practically finished, just adding the extra touches and I'll have to figure out where to put the old tutorial rank levels
-Gather all the beta tracks and update the OST link. I think I might have all of them at this point
-FP sound effects. (Milla Voice clips, and sounds if they fit) Trailer should be confirmation at this point :)
and the final thing to kick off the Delta phase
-First Delta Demo IT ALL CHECKS OUT! ^w^


All levels have been converted, my next goal is to finish the reworked newborn rank!


Hate to triple post but I have some great news
The New format demo is almost about ready, The revamped newborn rank is almost finished, Lemmings sprite have been changed and there's not much left to do in terms of developing the first delta demo.
I do have to ask, can it possible for certain sets to have custom sounds that are for things like splatting lemmings, and getting pickup skills?
and if not? can that be added in an update to Neolemmix?


Made a Trailer, Demo is almost about ready
View here


I Apologize if the way I set up the link is a bit convoluted but at last the new demo is here. The Delta phase is now on the road.
Check the first post for details. :thumbsup:

Strato Incendus

I see the readme file mentions backing up several old files (like oh-no, yippee etc., as well as the skill panels). Is it no longer possible in New Formats to have these set separately for each pack? I.e. am I forced to use the same skill panel on no matter what pack I play, unless I manually replace it?
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Quote from: Strato Incendus on September 22, 2018, 01:07:14 PM
I see the readme file mentions backing up several old files (like oh-no, yippee etc., as well as the skill panels). Is it no longer possible in New Formats to have these set separately for each pack? I.e. am I forced to use the same skill panel on no matter what pack I play, unless I manually replace it?


Giga just used very special modifiesrs that are non standard. In the old formats these aren't customisable at all to my knowledge.

Sound files - like "Let's Go!" that are universal. With his set of Milla specific sounds you can choose to use this soundpack for example replacing basic sounds.

Skill icons - he replaced the global basic "swimmer", "basher" skill icons with ones resembling Millas. Again in the old formats these aren't customisable at all.

The custom skill panel he used is only pack specific and included in the first download. But this pack goes further and even has custom basic sounds and skill icons you can choose to use.

Strato Incendus

Ah, okay, thanks! :) I thought sounds like "let's go!" etc. could be changed per-pack, just like the success and failure sound, I had just never felt the urge to try it.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Anyone whose downloaded Disc 3 may want to download it again since I forgot a set.
I'll be sending these nepster's way now


Figured I'd show off a short holiday project.
I'll be making a mini pack containing at least 20 levels using 2 tilesets
Plom will be helping me with tileset design and level design
So for now I'm gonna show a preview of what I have

Everything here is WIP and may change in the final. The BG is placeholder
This is the Festive Shang tu set for the holiday pack
the second set has yet to be developed but we do have an idea for it. It'll be Filipino based (to go with the themeing of the Upcoming Freedom Planet 2) The Filipino set will more plant based than city based and will try to be more beautiful. Anyway I hope you enjoy your Milla day and I will post more progress in the future.
Until then Awoo! ;)


Really wish I wasn't the only one replying, I hate having to reply to myself to show progress :(

Anyways, My friend and I has made more progress on the Shang Tu Set and here's another WIP to show ya

What's new is an entrance, Exit, and two switches. They're the lanterns in the picture above.
A hanging one and a grounded one.
The hanging one has a larger trigger for easier placement meaning triggering it won't be so awkward.

What'll be left is water, teleporter, maybe a trap and of course backgrounds.

Now for the Filipno themed set. It's now conceptualized and will be worked on in the near future.
Sketched for the pieces have been made and do have an idea for the look and colors of the set.

The name well this is more of a suprise on how I came up with it.
I asked Dawn M. Bennet herself about "what fictional filipino based kingdom would she make" I discussed it and brainstormed with her about the name so if you want a hint of the color for the set here is the name.

The Filipino Kingdom theme set will be called "Halayangube" (Pronounced Ha-Lie-yan-gu-bay)
The hint with the Color is with the last two syllables. Anyways Cheers and as always, Awoo!


Really wish I wasn't the only one replying, I hate having to reply to myself to show progress :(

Well that's the thing with short progress updates: People see the update and the progress made on the project and go on. For the majority of 2017+2018 my United dev topic consisted only of my little progress updates I made.

The main function of these updates in my opinion are to inform the user about the progress, the next steps and what still needs to be done, so I usually don't reply and just acknowledge it silently for myself.

They also let the user know that the project is still active and not abandoned, so even if there is no immidiate feedback it keeps the project alive in the heads of the users.

Seeing all the download links again I have some feedback ;):

- Why are the "VGAspec pieces required for the redone newborn rank" not in Disk 3 with all the required graphic sets? ??? It seems weird to couple them with optional stuff. Users needs the graphics and VGA stuff, but maybe don't want to download the optional stuff. For that they currently need 2 different downloads, with 1 maybe containing extra stuff they don't want.

- Also I would merge Disk 4 and Disk 5 as they both cover optinal stuff. Bringing the Disk count down I would consider a big improvement as 5 different download links seem very overwhelming even with explanations. So it's best to merge these 2 optional Disks and ease the installation.


I'll try merging the downloads from 5 to 3 in a bit, I will have to change a few things first. :)


For my 1200th post im pleased to tell you that the Shang tu set is almost finished.
The trap and teleporters are finished however this image doesn't show em. I'll probably show em in a bit. maybe edit this post later.

I can show the new BG (one of them) and the first level I have developed for the pack
"Careful Christmas Crackers" a level about bombing carefully

This set is practically 99% done and level development may be more underway


I have made another level that can show what the other objects look like

"Familiar Territory" is what the level is called and will be in the first rank of the level pack
The two mooks you see near the end are trap, they will take their hammers and smack the Milla out of the world.
the gift boxes are the teleporters, labelled correctly.


The Festive shang tu set is practically complete, The city backgrounds are finished now to not only get to level development but to also to get to the second set.
I'll show of two levels, one Plom made

"Night in the garden" its a big level but it'll be a lesson about sending the last lemming to do the job.

As for one I've made, its a late second rank level

"Be a palace and help out" Its low release rate shows that you can do more with less.


Just want to say that these tilesets are coming out really nice :thumbsup:


I think its about time I showed off another graphic set.

I present to you, Halayangube. Its not finished but its on its way there.
this level is called "What's so festive about a detour?"


Merry Christmas People and I have an offer to give for each of you.
I may need some extra hands in the level department. And so I have a question. Do you want to try out the new sets early? Both sets are practically complete but I'm not ready to release em to the public just yet. I'll be taking at least 2 people who PM on Lemmings forum or DM on Discord me first!
The rules are simple.

-You can only tileset mix with the two sets used in the "Festival Millas" pack
-You cannot redistribute the sets prior to when I release the pack.
-The only non-Millas objects that can be used are "arty_snow" and the snow blowers from the snow set.
-The Backgrounds from the both sets are the only backgrounds to be used

I'll even through in the some unfinished wips and test levels for you to edit by your request. I'll also offer the soundtrack for the pack as well.
Anyways, for today. I'll show you some Levels.

"No days off on Christmas"

"One Cool Glide" by Plom510


Happy new year, for those living in different time zones at the time of this post.

I may have not been able to have release Millas for the year of the dog but at least the Holiday pack barely made it before 2019 hit.
Festival Millas 2018 Release Thread

As for the main Millas Project, I will be writing up a "State of the Pack" update in January, About what to do for the rest of the development.
Like what to accommodate for, what to do about the final result, what is planned. Everything is still in progress, but I do somewhat see about 2019 release for the pack its self. Hopefully 2019 will be the last year of development for Millas because its been quite a ride. But until then, enjoy the rest of the holiday break.


Figured I'd get this out of the way.

2018 was an eventful year for better or worse. I wanna recap on what I accomplished for the pack and what I want to do for this year.

Somewhere mid-2018 I have help on converting the Levels to the new format. It started with just nessy but when conversions slowed down, I spoke about it pages ago and Ichotolot and Wafflem stapped in.

I have made a new tutorial rank to try to ease players in however I'll go over the results for what I want to do for 2019.

Got the sets used in the pack to use Millas again and added more pieces to each set to increase usability.

Finally released a new build in the new format.

Made a trailer for it.

Released holiday pack while it was still 2018.

I did accomplish a bit and I'm thankful to anyone whose helped along the way, but now I wanna get to what do for 2019.

Apparently, text isn't enough to guide beginners or beginners just ignore the very obvious text they should follow in the game. I'm completely stumped on what I want to do for the newborn rank. I don't know what to do to make it accessible to learn. I'll redevelop the newborn rank yet again as soon as get a good idea how. I'm open to suggestions so feel free to speak your mind.

I want to reevaluate the Puppy rank to make it more easy for those playing for the first time. I may take some of the current newborn levels and put it there but I want to have the Puppy rank not feel like a difficulty spike once you come off of the Newborn rank.

I'll need to readd the achievements for the game from the previous old format build or builds. I'll need to figure out how to make solutions that are talisman worthy. And I'll need figure out what levels from easier ranks to not only move up to higher ranks but easy levels I can make harder without needing to change too much.

This is something I'm debating post release. I want to rename the sets for my pack (the ones that aren't completely fanmade, IE Basset Temple) to "freedomplanet_set" I'm adamant about it because I'm afraid that I'll break a ton of levels doing that. I'm pretty sure there's a way to prevent that, but it might be a major pain to do over and over again. This will reflect sets for when I do Millas 2. Those sets will have the name "freedomplanet2_set" when it happens.

Me and Plom plan to start working on a holiday pack much sooner than we did 2018. With the idea of making 2 or 3 new tilesets for that while using the sets from 2018. The that's developed the more chances of releasing the pack before Christmas of that year. and while doing so, I'll try to fix whatever issues there were for for 2018 while adding some extra stuff that weren't added due to time constraints. Those who want to aid in that when the time comes are free to apply when I make the post for time sometime later this year.

Before I get to this I will be restoring the Master System sets that Raymanni recently redescovered and I may add some new nuances to the sets to make em fit for neolemmix. Until then to further progress and awoo.


I have a suggestion for the Newborn Rank. From Discord:

"I'll make a post but my quick thoughts on the Newborn Rank: what if you kept the levels from the original Newborn Rank that only introduced the skills one at a time, and then the NeoLemmix objects can be introduced in the Puppy Rank. That way it's a more gentle difficulty spike.

So let me go into more detail on that. I took a look at the pack that was sent to me during the conversion phase. One thing I noticed is that levels that were built to introduce one of the skills felt like good tutorial levels to ease new players into what each skill does because since these levels revolved around teaching the new skill there wasn't a true puzzle that was introduced to stump a player or create a bigger difficulty spike. On the other hand there were some levels that introduced NeoLemmix objects like one-way force fields or pre-assigned skills on an entrance that felt like they had more of a puzzle to them than the skill introduction levels. My ideas on how to handle this are the following:

- Re-make these specific levels to only focus on what the object does with a few other skills (after all the skills are introduced) that are not complex in where they have to go. Perfect examples are the pick-up skill level, the "today's lesson" button level, or the splitter intro level.

- Another idea would be to move them into the mid-Puppy rank like the one-way force field level and the pre-assigned skills to an entrance level. In fact before you even start introducing Neolemmix objects you give the player some more levels to practice the skills they learned.

- Overall even if a level was meant to be a tutorial of some kind don't be afraid to move it to a later rank especially if you or someone feels like it will fit perfectly there. For example that first zombie level in the Newborn Rank can probably be moved to the Puppy Rank and it would be okay because I consider the concept of zombies as something that can be very intimating to new players so not introducing them right away is okay in my eyes.


Wow, so many new tilesets in this topic now. I certainly can't wait to play this pack. Definitely the other pack to watch out for aside from my own pack.

I think it's great how the amount of tilesets we've had to choose from has exploded in the last year or so. I feel like the scope is definitely there to be more experimental with different tilesets.


First off, I want to apologize greatly for the lack of anything from this pack lately. I've tried getting back sooner but lots of things got in the way.
SRB2Kart mods, Trying to stay of the streets, California Trip, and lastly which was my fault Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (which by the way I have every costume, kart, wheel and decal for. Bring it on Back in time grand prix!)

I honestly want to try juggling this and other things while its still summer, I want to get back to the lab redesign, I'll try to fix Festival Milla 2018, I might plan the ground work for Festival Millas 2019 early, of course Let's Play #3 (which is all recorded BTW) which I'll begin in august hopefully.

I still need to consult nessy about the puppy rank, and I need to make another attempt at the newborn rank. I'll need to figure out the talismans for the levels because text editing is fun (Can the Level editor have a talisman editor built in please nepster?) and finally I need to have shimmier sprites made for all of the Millas, and festival Millas sets for the future.

Man I need to get busy, believe me when I say that I wanted to resume work back in june but a lot of things got in the way of my life and that just plain sucks.

But that was then, this is now. Hours ago it has been 5 years since Freedom Planet released, it was also the 4th anniversary of when I met Plom510 (and boy my life changed since, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him) while its not much, trust me I wish I had time to assemble a demo for this occasion. Here's a couple levels I've made to get back into the swing of things.

First an easy once for possibly the Puppy rank "I'll take Charlie Weaver to Block"

And Second a hard one, around the Super Dog rank "Up we go?"

It's entirely possible that after any consultation of the ranks that the Shimmier can be incorporated into the pack but I'm unsure. I Apologize for not progressing with the pack, life took me away from things and I appreciate you all for sticking with me. I should feel extremely ashamed in myself for not doing anything since January. While I did say I was on break, I really should have gotten back onto the project sooner. I'll try showing off any more levels or anything related in the near future. I already have plans for that and the like. Until then.....please come out this year Freedom Planet 2!


GigaLem don't feel ashamed in yourself for not doing anything since January. Everybody understands about life getting in the way and hey even if you were technically able to work on the pack but decided to do something there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's your project and you have the right to work on it whenever you can or feel like it and anyone who is truly excited for the pack to come out will always stick with you throughout the entire lifestyle of the project :)


As i'm getting my sets ready for 12.6 I figure I'd make a Road Map for not only getting to the next update but for handling the pack in general

-Update/Make new objects

Make new One way arrows, make better Switches, Splitters and then some, make new objects for the returning anti splat pads and maybe more

-Reevaluate the levels and or rebalance the pack + Newborn rank redo

I could potentially put in the Shimmier and maybe any new skills that get added, I'll have to consult with anyone who has tested my packs in the past to see what I can do

-Begin work on the two sets for Festival Millas 2019

The first thing im gonna do is update Festival Millas 2018 to fix a couple of things, I'm unsure if I want to add talismans yet, it'll depend on if the talismans get added to the level editor. Second the two new sets for Festival Millas 2019 will have these themes, A mountainous Tibet theme, and a Regal Siberian theme. These plans could change however so not everything is set in stone

-Depending on how much work gets done on Millas, Have a final level exclusive graphic set.

This could end up being an 2020 thing but yeah, a graphic set to wrap up the pack. I could very well not show what it looks like until the pack actually gets released. Just to keep it a surprise. I have come up with the concept earlier this year but yeah, a little something to bring the pack to a close. But just to clarify, it ain't a VGASpec.

That's all I have for now, until then see ya!


The good news is that I have migrated to 12.7, I should be sending the new custom pickups to nessy right now.

One thing I'll be doing is readding the talismans, they're long overdue.

Now with an understanding of the new pick ups, that just leaves other pickups to be done. I apologize for the silence but I should hopefully be back in action.

Two things to add for the 2020 road map. Idles for the existing traps and more talismans.

Thanks for waiting people.


2019 was a very stressful year for me, most of my time was taken away from and I barely even got to touch the pack because needing to migrate, however with the new version not requiring much from to me to Migrate, I should hopefully be back in the groove for this  year and believe me, I'm feeling confident about trying to get this pack done this year. (At least I hope so)

I have a Road map for things I want to get done for this year, that being the following

-Revamping certain objects, IE give Certain ones idles, making smaller replacements (via depreciated tab as soon as I can figure out how that works) New one way arrows and fields, splat/antisplat pads, the works
-Doing that one reevaluation plan I keep talking about to the entire pack to see what still looks good and what doesn't so I can have more better looking levels by the packs release
-Readding/adding more talismans, I dug through the 2.8 demo of Millas to get the old talismans back and I'll readd them as I reevaluate the levels
-Getting that new "New Born" rank done in a way that makes it so it's easy to understand but still interesting
-Finally have that Final Level graphic set done for Millas.

I thank everyone for their patience with this project and I've been feeling the drive again after Festival Millas 2019 which you can play right now by clicking here! or the Updated Festival Millas 2018

Here's to 2020 and finally getting this pack done, and hoping Freedom Planet 2 actually releases this year!


Let's show off one of the Quality of Life updates to the sets that'll soon be part of the auto downloadable sets

Brand New One Way Arrows
Take a Look by Clicking the Spoiler

This level is by Wafflem

More things are to come in the future but I am happy to be getting work done
Credit to Plom510 for making all these


Another Quality of Life Update is coming to Millas and mainly the graphic sets for them
Let's Show them off!

To start we have some newer prettier and sometimes compact switches

I showed off one of the new exits so let's show off the others

some removed versions of objects have seen new life as Splat and Anti-Splat pads. and on top of this, Nine slicing has been added to these objects to give a cool new effect to them

A much needed Change was given to the one way fields in Horizon Starport, the old ones were really rushed due to the fact that at the time of me building the sets, I was in the process of moving to a new home

lets move to the new traps, now no longer a reskin, watch out as a boulder in Dragon Valley could crush a poor Milla, keep your troop alive

and now this behemoth of a trap has now become compact and easier to place in levels for thermal base

now, not all of the revised objects are done, there are probably more on the way but for now I'm really happy to have these get made after so long.
A big thanks to Plom510 for making these.

I hope you stay tuned to more updates.


While I have more revisions on the way, I have a feeling Idle animations (secondary animations) are on very low priority until I can figure how to get them to work
I have followed the tutorial on how its applied, however everything I tried doesn't work.
I'm trying to make a secondary for couple of switches

the following is what I want it to look like while idling

I even had it set up the same way with the file names like everything else that had a idle animation

(this sheet below being the idle, I apologize if it's hard to see)

But in the game, it doesn't show up, at all.
I've looked at many objects with the lines of code I tried, I looked at this tutorial and it still persists on acting like it doesn't exist. Showing up as if there was no "name_constant" in the first place

this was the bit of code I tried before giving up, meaning that, these new object may take longer to release
  NAME constant
If anyone has any suggestions on what im doing wrong and how I can correct it and move on to other idles, please speak up immediately, thank you


I mentioned this on Discord - NL 12.7.X (and current 12.8-RC builds) don't support the "BUSY" flag on unlock buttons. There's no reason they shouldn't support it, so V12.8.0-RC3 (or if that doesn't happen, V12.8.0 stable) will add support for it. Once this is done, you should be able to achieve what you're trying to achieve here - I'll also add an example unlock button that does this to the "examples" style.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Quote from: namida on February 09, 2020, 08:53:45 PM
I mentioned this on Discord - NL 12.7.X (and current 12.8-RC builds) don't support the "BUSY" flag on unlock buttons. There's no reason they shouldn't support it, so V12.8.0-RC3 (or if that doesn't happen, V12.8.0 stable) will add support for it. Once this is done, you should be able to achieve what you're trying to achieve here - I'll also add an example unlock button that does this to the "examples" style.
Read this on discord earlier but yeah, I'll hold off on idles for buttons specifically until 12.8 Stable is released.
but quick question, are teleporters supported by idles yet? There are some animations I want to apply to couple so far


It's time for another state of the pack and its a pretty exciting one.
On the lemmings forum discord, I've shown enough levels to showing the new objects in action and you even get to see some of the levels here.
A lot has been done within a couple of months and I can easily see the light at the end of the tunnel, after 4 long years, the level pack may finally see release!.
As such, I do have some things to announce with this one.

That's right, a big overhaul in terms of the sets themselves, there's a bunch of new objects and pieces for you to try out in Neolemmix yourself.
A big thank you to plom510 for making all these sets and another big thanks to Namida for teaching me about how to implement the other object types (such as glows and idles)

A later 2020 plan is possibly better BGs since I do have issues with trying to make sure the tiles stick out enough against the BGs, and no I will not darken them, I tried that once and hated it for good reason.

If you want to grab the new set additions, go here!

Certain ranks have finally been started, and will resume work soon, Talismans have returned and if any are found they'll be added to the levels themselves. And I've made a lot of levels since the start of 2020, and I made a lot in 2019 too. new additions were thought up as I went on. The final level has been made however I'm keeping it a surprise until late into the pack's development unless something comes up.

Nessy and Plom510 are now aiding the level design and as of yet one has already sent a level in to me. I do hope more levels are thought up by those too and any will help. and If I struggle with ideas, I do have unfinished level they can finished, or you can finish too once they're available on the "bit of levels you can finish" thread.

A lot has happened for the level since the start of 2020, and a lot of progress has been made, here's hoping to see the release of the pack.


Okay, I'm gonna start a poll because I am facing a dilemma.
I thought up of so many good levels that I don't think I could move any more levels out of any of the difficulty ranks to the beta rank.
Plus I've been thinking of separating the beta rank to its own called something like "The prototype files" or something like it.
Both Super Dog and Alpha ranks are now up to 32 levels each and im not sure if I can find level to shift or move around

Here is what i've thought up for the options

Increase the number of levels per rank from 30 to 36 or 40(exlcuding the Newborn Rank, Brevon's Lair rank and Rematch ranks)
I want to leave some room for my other level designers or people who still wish to donate levels for the pack, Because of how my level quality has increased over the years I wouldn't want to leave any quality ones out of the pack.

Stick a rank between Hound and Alpha or Alpha and Super Dog!
If I want to keep the levels per rank to be 30, these two options are something I've thought of to allow more room for additional level designers if say they make some really difficult levels.


Kind of hard to answer without knowing the current situation (rank structure, the number you already have per rank). This post on page 1 has a list but it looks like it was last updated in 2018.

My gut feeling, though, is that Redux has 32 per rank and that already feels long; I would prefer an extra rank over having 40 levels per rank.


More ranks/less levels is definitely the best way to do it IMHO. I prefer Oh No!'s 5 of 20 to the original's 4 of 30. It allows the player to complete the ranks more quickly and therefore build momentum through the pack more easily.

If I complete Rank 1, but it took me ages because there were so many levels (or it was way too difficult for a first rank), I'm that much less likely to start Rank 2.

Conversely, if I complete Rank 2, I usually feel like I want to complete the rest of the pack having made it (almost) halfway!


I would say "don't worry about it much right now". If you're on the verge of releasing, yeah, but if you're planning to make a few more levels still, and you're planning to wait for people to submit levels to you, then I think you should wait until you've done that. You don't know exactly how many guest levels you'll get, or whether they're going to be easy ones, hard ones, etc. Keep your options open and then pick whatever makes the most sense when the time comes.
LOTY 2020 Winner
My NeoLemmix Levels: The Krow Files (File A v1.2 released 21-Feb-2020)


Quote from: Proxima on April 15, 2020, 11:34:57 PM
Kind of hard to answer without knowing the current situation (rank structure, the number you already have per rank). This post on page 1 has a list but it looks like it was last updated in 2018.

My gut feeling, though, is that Redux has 32 per rank and that already feels long; I would prefer an extra rank over having 40 levels per rank.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I will update that relatively soon.

A lot of people are saying, add a rank, which is something I might lean towards, however I can easily adjust if another popular vote overtakes it.

Since it would be after hound, I might name it "Adulthood" because of the stages of dog life themeing


Quote from: GigaLem on April 16, 2020, 12:16:09 AM
Since it would be after hound, I might name it "Adulthood" because of the stages of dog life themeing

Is there a Puppy rank...?


LOTY 2020 Winner
My NeoLemmix Levels: The Krow Files (File A v1.2 released 21-Feb-2020)


By a whooping 2 votes, its settle that another rank was introduced between Hound and Alpha called "Adulthood" making the main game's level count to 150+ levels, this will leave some room for more level ideas for Me and any of my level designers the second post will be updated after this post is made.


I haven't made progress in a while, I haven't felt any inspiration for many reasons (one of those reasons being obvious at the time of this post) and its prevented me from doing fixes to existing packs or make levels that im proud of. I've started and scrapped many levels because I couldn't craft anything around the solution I want. I'm getting frustrated that I've been drawing a blank lately. I'm needing some ideas and inspiration and I could honestly use your help.

I've already submitted my unfinished levels to This Topic

but I could use some suggestions for levels too, I need ideas to get the creative juices flowing again


12.9 Millas
I recommend grabbing this if your Millas don't have the jumper after the update

I may need to take a step back and pace myself a bit and try to slowly approach handling things from 12.9 onward, so I may need a moment to myself before going forward and I'll get to why in a bit.

-BG updates
Better Backgrounds that don't force users to go into clear physics mode but also not sacrificing the source material. I do realize that I don't think my decisions are gonna make everyone sastified with the BGs no matter what changes are made for it so I'm told to go with whatever Im happy with

-Testing the levels
Gotta fix enough back routes with levels with my other designers or any testers who'd want to be involved


This is why I need a moment to destress, I don't know how many levels I made with this and im legitimately terrified about it because im worried there will be levels that I may not remember the solution towards. As such Both Festival Millas need to be updated because of this. I wasn't prepared for the change with the gliders nor was I informed on the change until now. I'm not sure what else to do about it. I'm open to suggestions however.
I do want to thank IchoTolot for letting me know about this.

-Re-evaluating the levels
Removing dated levels, moving levels based on difficulty, and then some. with that said there are over 40 cut levels from the pack because of those reasons and they will be reserved for a pack of their own as some sort of Bonus pack that'll be released at the same time as the final pack

-Update the Freedom Planet 2 Dragon Valley set
FP2's Dragon Valley has changed alot since 2017, and as such I'll be giving that set a much needed face lift, being new objects or revamped objects, another exit and most importantly, Millas themed after Freedom Planet 2. And another thing, a second FP2 set is being worked on but it'll have priority sometime after Millas is released

-Release the Final Level set
This will come sometime before Millas is released, but rest assured its practically ready for anyone's enjoyment

-Release Millas
It's been a Long 4 years, from before v1.43 all the way to 12.9 It'll be ready to go once I deem it ready

Once I build the motivation to resume progress on the pack because, while I do want to make levels with the jumper, its the amount of levels I need to fix that's gonna bother me if left unattended.


I apologize for the long silence on this thread, I've wanted to updated way earlier with a "my plan for the rest of 2020" update but I think I should give a small update before I decide to put together a showcase video of  these projects, and yes I said projects as in plural.

There is a few Qol things Being done to both Millas and Festival Millas's Sets, good news, all of them have been done, there will also be a special level being made that'll I'll show off in full a few days before Christmas for special reasons, if you don't want to be spoiled on the level's solution, you're free to skip it.

I can confirm another Festival Millas is in development however this time it was started early enough to get it ready hopefully before christmas, we only have 6 levels left to develop (7 if you count the credits level), I'll also give my plans regarding Festival Millas 2018 and 2019 in the video where I'll show off Festival Millas 2020. If that video isn't made I'll just talk about it in a forum post instead, Fixes will be done and the 12.10 menus have been made ahead of time.

In the meantime I've also remade levels from past projects that were worth remaking, basically stuff that shouldn't be left in the dark deprecated past.
So I'll reveal them here right now through this spoiler

First off, Sugar Honey Iced Tea from the Autumn 2016 Contest, I decided that I'd put this level in Millas instead since I did like how it turned out, yes those are reskined honeycomb pieces made to fit Pangu Lagoon's theming, this image is the most up to date version given the Steel here, These honey Comb pieces will be part of the "GigaLem Special" set, thanks to plom for helping out with this, one more thing before moving on, If I decide to contribute to the new NeoLemmix Community pack, I'll probably make new levels that are more representative of  my level quality and release the old ones in some sort of "levels from my cancelled projects thread"

Second, Havoc and Anarchy from GigaLems, and nominated for LOTY 2015, Since people Liked this one, I decided to remake it, taking full advantage of the grouping feature here

Third, No time for flying Toast from GigaLems, and Second Place winner for LOTY 2015, I decided if I got that far when my level making skills weren't there yet, it was worth the remake, this is an older version of the level since I had to fix a backroute with the steel here

Fourth is Block Busters from Resident GigaLems, I remember Ichotolot saying this was his favorite during testing of RGL so I gave it a make over

Last is for now the final GigaLems level to get the remake treatment, Bye Bye Baby Balloon (named after a Song from JOGA and appeared in DDRMAX) this was also a LOTY 2015 nominee and I gave it the remake treatment for Millas as well

I have one more remake I'll need to do next being "The Burns of Dread" but I got so caught up in Festival Millas 2020 that I lost time for it, but it will be done since it was a contest winner after all
If you've reached this part of the post, do you want to suggest a remake of a level from one of my deprecated projects that I should do for Millas? It can be from GigaLems, Resident GigaLems (Yes even RGL0 but with a big asterisk on it), Holiday GigaLem 2015, 2016, or the cancelled 2017, go an suggest it if you want.

I'll probably be remaking levels from Millas that im proud to further show my improvement and such and yeah

The Glider Fixes will probably be done sometime early in 2021 considering its the end of the year, fortunately its not that many levels to be fixed.

And lastly I was thinking of adding something to Millas sets, something akin to Lemmings 2
I'll be doing a poll shortly after this post so here it comes.

Would you folks like it if I have some sets from Freedom Planet have use the recoloring features to theme the Millas depending on the sets?
Examples being
Pangu Lagoon, recolors the Millas to look like Lilac (Lavender Skin, Blue Tunic, Purple Hair, Tunic changes to green for athlete, no change in zombie's skin)
Jade Creek, recolors the Millas to look like Carol (Green Skin, Dark Green hair, Black Tunic or Red tunic if the black tunic is to hard to see against the Background, Blue or White Tunic for Athlete)
Trap Hideout, recolors the Millas to look like Spade (White Skin, Grey Hair, Brown or Red Tunic, Tunic turns blue for athlete)
Horizon Starport, recolors the Millas to look like Torque (Bright Green Skin, Green Hair, Yellow Tunic, Tunic turns blue for athlete referencing his goggles)
Battle Glacier, recolors the Millas to look like Neera (Grey Hair, White Skin, Dark Purple Tunic, Cyan Tunic for Athlete)
Fortune Night, recolors the Millas to look like Mayor Zao (Dark Orange Hair, Orange Skin this first two colors I picked are because Zao is a red panda look them up, Red Tunic, Yellow Tunic for Athlete)

I'll leave a Poll for if you're For this Idea, or Against this idea
and if you're for it, suggest theme in with a reply


Recolors could be a good idea, but you need to be careful that they are still clearly visible on the most common backgrounds/terrain pieces of the tilesets.

So I won't vote, but count me under "Yes, if they are still clearly distinctable in the level". ;)

Looking forward to the Festival Millas 2019 Glider fixes. ;P


Since people are in favor of this idea, I'll have the next Millas set update have recolored Millas depending on the set, I'll probably change a couple of ideas but it'll come, I'll say this now, no Brevon palette for the dreadnought sets because it probably wouldn't make sense in context. I'm sorry but its only fitting for the  Millas to stay the way they are for the dreadnought set since they're saving the world after all. But yeah, I'll get them set up and ready for the next set update.

Edit:PS. I'll make sure they're visible as per Icho's advice, and the pole results will be removed within a few days since theres no need to keep them up after the decision has been made.


Welcome People, Crazy Year it has been but we're almost done here. Merry Christmas I shall provide an update as my present

First off the NeoTrailMix A show case a my work for 2020

With 2020 coming to a Close, Millas is sitting at 140 levels currently made in the development, but more will be done hopefully in 2021.
I'm getting some extra stuff done in the meantime, I'll be starting off 2021 with getting some stuff done, such as fixing up Festival Millas 2018 and 2019 as well as Updating and releasing a couple of FP2 sets.
And on top of that, and levels that get removed from 2018 and 2019 are put into Millas Time Capsule

I don't know if I'll do another Festival Millas with that many levels again but I hope it was worth the wait
Not that many Talismans are available but if enough solutions come up, they'll be added.

Millas recolors and more added with this update. I hope you'll enjoy what I've added with this one, big thanks to Plom510 for helping out with it.
I'll update the first post sometime later, maybe after I'll release the FP2 set updates, but until FP2 is actually released, Avian Museum will be the last FP2 set for the time being.

Let's push forward towards 2021.


Alright Gonna give a Quick Update on things since  I do have things to talk about

First Off I knocked off one of my things on my To do list, I have Updated FP2 Dragon Valley and have put together a new set, Avian Museum
I even made a sample pack with those sets

Second, after uploading the update, I have overhauled the first post of the Freedom Planet Sets thread, I've added some much needed things for it
Take a look for yourself

Lastly, the next thing on my to do list is the Festival Millas overhaul, Ontop of needing to look through replays for 2020, I already have plans on what to do for the prior years and to make then more representative of my quality, however I don't know how soon I can do it, I want to do at least starting with march but my reason for why im not sure when to do it is....because I just finished recording my next lets play, and its a long one. Since Lemmings is turn 30, I did a let's play of the SNES and Genesis versions and I'll be editing and uploading it starting from February 14th. editing and rendering takes a while, and I hope during that process, I can find the drive to fix/replace levels for the prior years and give you a more worthwhile update of FM18 and FM19.
I apologize for not getting to it sooner, but I've been juggling a lot of things in life, This awoo must push through


Another quick update

First off, Festival Millas 2018's Overhaul is finished, almost two months polishing up the pack with the mentally of "How would have done this level now"
This update replaces levels that I'm not happy with, and I couldn't think of a way to make them better per se.
You can grab it right here, and right now!

Second off, Getting started on the Festival Millas 2019 Overhaul. I'm going to go into this relatively soon once I know where to start. However I don't know when I'll be able to finish it considering the fact of me having to move most likely at the end of this month Levels can take a while to make, good levels especially. Sometimes you need a artsy push or a beam of inspiration where you can see how to make a great level work, this extends to the Millas project as well, I also have to look at my FM2020 replays to see what to fix too, I have a lot of work to do with these packs and Millas as well. April has run me ragged due to the impending move. I'm glad I have at least one overhaul done.

Lastly, Level remakes. Something I've been discussing with Kaywhyn are level remakes from the now depreciated "Holiday GigaLems" series of packs (the 2015 & 2016) though I'm willing to remake a level from the long cancelled 2017 pack thread here Though you'll need the old format to look at those levels. I'm even thinking of remaking levels from the pack to fit my level quality of today like a better version of "Sash Flopsy vs Lord Namida" for example

Whatever happens, I thank you so much for your patience


So, is Freedom Planet X Lemmings a compilation of Festival/Holiday packs but remade so as not to be Festival-y?


Quote from: WillLem on April 19, 2021, 01:58:22 AM
So, is Freedom Planet X Lemmings a compilation of Festival/Holiday packs but remade so as not to be Festival-y?
Freedom Planet X Lemmings is the project name, it takes the world of Avalice and puts it into Lemmings. The lemmings look like Milla, a character from the game.
The title "Festival Millas" is to be the Holiday Lemmings equivalent of Millas like "what would they celebrate during the holidays on Avalice? Like some sort of winter festival?"
resulting in the subtitle "Project Freedom Planet X Holiday Lemmings" the Volume thing didn't come into effect until Festival Millas 2020, being the third installment of the Festival Millas series of packs. The levels are meant to try to make a fictional looking location to add more variety to the sets used. When Festival Millas 2019 gets the overhaul, the subtitle will say "Project Freedom Planet X Holiday Lemmings Vol.2" and if there ends up being a Festival Millas 2021, that will be Vol.4


So, "Festival Millas 2019" becomes "Project Freedom Planet X Holiday Lemmings Vol. 2"?


Quote from: WillLem on April 19, 2021, 08:02:07 PM
So, "Festival Millas 2019" becomes "Project Freedom Planet X Holiday Lemmings Vol. 2"?
If you're talking about the subtitle? Then Yes!


A lot has been on my mind lately and that has preventing me from trying to push things forward. However I still want to say, I want to continue to push things forward, get things evaluated, tested and then finally released. But there's been a series of events that might grind things to a halt until things finally settle down for me.

To put it simply...I've been a nervous wreck lately because of the move happening at the end of April, My parents haven't found a place, and I grow more scared and worried as the time ticks. Siblings have one edge to the Nth degree, Landlords have been pushy, and me, I find it a miracle to even get a level finished. I've broke down crying for help once, with some attempts to cry again, May has been a miserable month for me, and the progress I've made was A few levels from me, and 1 remade level from nessy, its not on par with the progress made for the FM2018 overhaul, Likely chance I might have to put the overhaul on hiatus until after the move. I want to help my parents but I struggle with that because I worry about asking at the wrong time. I've been so scared that, its hard to focus my attention on the project that I've pour so many hours into. I've drawn sketches for levels, but lack motivation to build most of them due to priorities and such, I want all this pain to stop. I want to get things back to normal, but life has decided to make this month the most miserable month of my life. Another set for the Millas project has been made and I wanted to make a 10 level sampler of that, but I can't with how much I've been struggling with ideas. I've considered a stress call to finally get some blood turning so I can stop focusing my attention on shiny hunting and actually get levels im proud of made. I've been trying to fight against making copies of other peoples levels just to meet a deadline, I'm trying not to make that mistake again, I've asked around this thread for help with level ideas or help with making unfinished levels become finished levels to help complete a project, update or overhaul. But no such luck from others, I'm in a loop, No peace or levels because of No new place, and No new place to settle down and make levels again. I'd scream for help with my life problems but I don't know where to scream. And to make matters worse, Ogden weather has been awful. Strong winds, Strong rain, Trees to close to power lines and make me feel worried about my hard drive (I've backed up my files a couple of months ago but still) and another powerline needs to get fixed because its a fire hazard. I just want to achieve peace of mind again! I don't want to die before that!

I'm basically trapped and scared, and I don't know what else to do.


A month and a half of the worst summer later, I have a temporary set up until I have my permanent place...boy I'll need to write a big script of situation for video later.

Fortunately, I'm still as alive as ever, and I got a lot of things to thank for that, I'll be going into detail when that time comes.

So what's on my agenda?

For starters, with the "Double 12" update I'll refer to it as, the skills added for the Millas was extremely quick, Puppies now have to right to bear arms and slide like ninjas

Second, Festival Millas 2019 update, there's a chance I may have to put it on "when it's done" category because I'm trying to get my drive back, my limitation with the 2018/2019 overhaul is "no skills from after said year" hense why it took a bit to release the 2018 overhaul, meaning no jumpers for FM2019's overhaul, and no Shimmiers nor jumpers for FM2018's overhaul. (same with no tilesets from years after) hopefully I can brainstorm a little bit will im in the place, I may make levels at my own pace

Third,  it seems every time I want to get back to work on Millas in the way I wish, making levels when im able to and such, like hits in the back and puts a lock in those plans until something else is taken care off, I've practically lost the summer due to my move, and the worst part was, I REALLY wanted to record Crash 2 during the summer, I honestly did, but finding a place to stay plus hopping from hotel to hotel was just....horrid. especially with short tempered adults. Thank you Miitopia for getting me by. If I work on something, I'll try to make an effort to show it when I can. Life and my previous land lord because gave my family the middle finger, and it was not how I wanted to start my summer, believe me. (also missed the steam sale too, phooey

Fourth, I've taken the precaution to aim for the 2022 release window due losing a month and I half, I really want to look through all my levels and see what I can improve and such, plus I really want to make the first two ranks "newborn" and "puppy" interesting while being easy, and I do want to have the idea of introducing neat tricks used in expert levels through "puppy" and "hound" because I think slowly introducing those new tricks would prove useful for later on, rather than processing it back to back.

Last, if I can help it, while i'm already deciding on plans for FM2021, I've already decided on the year's first set, and currently deciding on the second (at most 3 new sets like last year) I'll juggle both but put more emphasis on the holiday project when necessary. what I think of depends on the level being made. Another reason for it possibly starting earlier, is because of one of my level designers and developers of the graphic sets "Plom510" will be taking a trip to Guatemala for at least 2 weeks.

Hopefully, the next time I move, its when im able to move out and live with my long time friend, because, of all the processes of me moving from home to home....this was easily to mose miserable i've been with it.

Honestly thank you your patience and for the support on the Gofundme, My family appreciated it.


Hi Gigalem,

You and I already discussed this before, but I just wanted to say how very honored I am to be in the credits list in the OP. In addition, I appreciate the shoutout in a post after it. I honestly had no idea how very instrumental I was in getting your level creation drive back. That's why I occasionally beat myself for having not done more to help you out in the last few months when things were quite rough and stressful for you. Again, I apologize for having gotten back at you quite late with the list of suggestions for level remakes, but I did at some point suffer a BSOD myself, when I stupidly got stumped on a level in LemRunner which completely killed any motivation I had to do anything Lemmings related for several weeks. Then again, I had played nothing but Lemmings for the past several months, so to have gotten away from the game for the first time in forever really helped clear my mind. Of course, I eventually returned to the Lemmings scene and picked up where I last left off in the LP, but in the time I avoided the game I was still a regular dropping by the Forums daily, so I haven't gone anywhere. Just needed the very extensive break from the game which helped tremendously. This hugely explains why I got back at you so late with the list.

Truthfully, I feel like I failed as the older brother figure who should be looking out for you youngins here on the Forums (yes, I'm old, a man roaming around in my 30s, though I've been around for 4 different decades :laugh:). However, since there wasn't really anything any of us could do to prevent the difficult IRL situation you were in, I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself here, especially since you told me not to worry too much about being late with the list of level remakes. In any case, I like to help out level authors whenever/wherever I can, if I'm needed and have been called upon to. Most of the time I'm just a DM/message away, so just ask and I'll gladly answer the call for help to any members of this community.

I'm very happy to hear that you're doing a lot better now that the dust has settled for the most part. I definitely worried for you and your family in the last few months, and I felt awful for your predicament. Please continue to take good care of yourself, but I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to and need some advice/solace.

I look forward to continuing to helping you out with your Lemmings projects whenever you need it, as well as the final products' release! :) Keep up the great work with the remakes, they're all looking great! :thumbsup: - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


The last two months have been my most productive on Millas, I'll be sorting levels sometime after this post. Let's Start off with basics

First September 2021's Set update
This applies to the FP1 sets and any fanmade sets made for Millas. Check out This Post! for the update, I'll be sending the update to the staff in a bit

Second Festival Millas 2021
I'll likely will do some preliminary work before opening collaboration submissions for that, It won't be as big as Festival Millas 2020 due what I've been through during the summer. here's the plan.
The Project will have 5 ranks and at minimum 30 levels (6 per rank) and at best 40 levels (8 per rank). The sets from 2020 and prior will be receiving some updates (resizable terrain, proper transparent water, piece touchups maybe a new BG or two if any ideas surface. I can't guarantee everything here will be applied but I know some stuff will be added) and on top of that, One set is finished and I'll likely be testing it out soon, another set is in need of work but it will be worked on. one collaboration submissions open, those who are willing to join will get early access to the new sets. These new sets and set updates will remain private until the mini project is done

Third remaining remake suggestions from Kaywhyn
I'll likely slow down on remakes for a bit as it might have helped complete a good portion of the pack, so I might hand pick stuff to put into Millas from any of my old or deprecated projects. I might decide on what to save for later, what remake for the NL Community project, and what to remake for the Festival Millas packs (my remaining remakes might go into the FM2019 overhaul)
But aside from, this evolution of my level development skills has made me want to refine my older works, it'll be another part of my reevaluation.

Lastly New Demo?
I'll make a new demo only if I have a complete newborn rank, I'm bad with tutorial levels and I need help on that front, I also want to make some advanced tutorials that I can spread through the Puppy, Hound, and Adulthood ranks. Tricks that can ease players in to the more cooler stuff that you can do.

Anyways until next update I shall bid you adeau, here's hoping for 2022 because FP2 finally has a release window yay!


Boy 2022 is looking daunting for me and personally projects, I have two video projects to try to make during January and after that I'm trying to get my Millas project on the road again.
I need to stop procrastinating, My mental disability sometimes makes me slow in a few areas, and after making my last few videos based on 2021 projects, I'm looking to try to do way more on the Millas side of things. So where to start

Millas Progress?

I've been a bit exausted with the Holidays and my videos, as well as getting FM21 released on time, the good news being I managed to do it. Aiming for a low number of levels I think helped, I knew I wasn't gonna aim high, I don't know exactly when I can get to fixing the back routes for FM2018, and I need to inspect the FM2020 replays by Armani, that's long overdue. I already have a few Ideas for levels for FM2019 and levels for FM2022, but I need to kick my motivations into high gear big time. I have big definitive list of levels to remake for all my projects Festival or not, so here it is. NeoLemmix Level remakes list levels hand picked from Me and Kaywhyn, however im thinking on slowing down on remakes so whatever I don't Make for Millas may go towards a Sequel Pack. FM2022 is in early planning and on top of that, I should let folks know that the Festival Millas packs will likely receive its final pack in 2024, early planning is decided for the next three FM packs and as of right now, it'll not be of Priority just yet. I'm gonna try to do work on Millas and if I feel the itch to work on Festival Millas 2019's overhaul again, I will. Speaking of a Sequel Pack

Will I make a Millas 2?

Given I've made two sets from Freedom Planet 2, It's definitely gonna happen, but, it'll not be formally announced until good number of levels are made, nor will it be developed until I have Millas under my belt, I want to get to finishing Millas and the Sequel pack will have to wait until I know im ready to go for full development. I'll say this in short, I'm not announcing it here properly, right now its too early for it to have further development it'll happen when it happens.

Will I update the Freedom Planet Sets again?

Yes I will! I have a list of new objects planned for the sets, its a few, but It can work. Will I put the new objects into existing Millas sets? It'll depend on the release window, it's likely that they may come out when it's really late into level development.

2022 just started, Freedom Planet 2 is finally on the horizon and here I am needing to get back into the swing of things, I hope enjoyed this update folks


I've been taking care of developmental business in terms of the level pack by finally sorting my new levels and moving levels around and such so, yeah, but while I am adept at making levels when I put my mind to it, no joke I've been needing to make a post on this for a while. I need some help.

I've been needing some help with the tutorial rank since it's hard to make good, fun, and good looking easy levels lately, my friend has been out of ideas for a bit, and I haven't had luck reaching out to Nessy and that's been worrying me. I really want to get this to testing, im like very close if you looked at this post and such.

This project has always been open to level submissions, and honestly I need some help with this, the finish line has always been on the horizon but ideas escape me. The Tutorial I want to finish finally and get not only a 2022 Demo out, but also get this finished. Could this result in a 2023 release? Possibly, half the year is over at this point. spending 6 years on this has driven me nuts that I haven't released this by now. Mental health might have been a factor of that.

Also im working on the last set of level remakes from the project itself, in which there are 24 That I'll remake, if not all of them make the cut, possibly remakes for a sequel or holiday pack.
Check the Document link in the post above to see what im thinking of tackling in terms of final levels to revise. One of which is a rank finisher.

Here are what tutorial levels that we've been able to make

Down the Drain
Pipe Bombing
China Shop
The Garden Wall
Be a Good Buoy and Go Fetch
Cease and Disarm
Thrown Stones
Sacrifices Are Necessary
Tower of Life and Death
Smelder Skelter
Fear Itself and Bees
You Gotta Get Down Somehow
The Magical Ruins of Warping Doors
Drillmount Derby
Taking the Waterfall
Swift as a Ninja
Copy Vision
Corkscrew Climber
Check out my Crash Pad
Monkey Bars
Let's Walk Home for some rest.
Let's Take these pups for a swim
Hypothermic Proof Millas

and here's what we're missing

-One Way Fields

We're also Accepting any possible tutorial levels you think would be necessary, regardless if they're going in the Newborn rank, or up to the hound rank for something more advanced.

Also there are some levels I don't think look nearly as good as I want them to look
Escape Mission
Waiting during a rainy day
Slow Cruise at Midnight
Ride through the Creak
Tes of the Before Time
Play Station
Training Regimen

I want them to look better but im not sure how they can look better, im will to send those that accept this offer first dibs on the set update. (please keep the set update private until I say it's publicly ready)

Tell me what you want to help with and I'll send what you'll need.
when you make the levels/touch ups, send me the end result + replay.

If you want to Help with Tutorial Levels/Level Touch ups or Reimagining/Any other levels that can fill the remaining spots in Puppy or Super Dog. If you think you're up to the task, send me a Private Message on the Forum!

Be Aware that they must only use what's being primarily used in the pack itself.
The following spoiler is what can be used for submissions
Shang Mu Academy
Horizon Starport
Aqua Tunnel
Dragon Valley
Relic Maze
Fortune Night
Sky Battalion
Jade Creek
Thermal Base
Trap Hideout
Battle Glacier
Final Dreadnought

Basset Temple
Brevon's Lair
Stone Core

GigaLem Special
Plom510 Special

I hope you can help, please feel free to ask questions and I'll get back to them as soon as I can


I'm gonna rant about my issues lately and what's preventing me from getting this level pack into testing before 2023, I apologize if I sound snappy but this is me being frustrated about another roadblock in the progress, one that's be prevalent since 2018. I'll be away for the rest of august to early September starting the 27th, while im hoping my cali trip goes well. one thing that's prevented me from making levels lately besides my 11th lp was this!

Decided to unceremoniously drop this due to lack of time, current lack of help, lack of motivation with levels. I've for while have a had a lack motivation because it feels like I could never get this last piece of the pie secured and I Really wanted to make a new demo with a complete tutorial rank I wanted to do a video playing through new tutorial rank. But there were many things that was working against me latetly.

One, lack of help, I've stressed that level submission and help positions are open, they still are, and always will be until the remaining ranks are complete im struggling with non-braindead easy levels, most of the time I try to make an easy level that isn't braindead it ends up too hard for the rank, the Puppy Rank is stuck at 25 levels, and I can give a final number count for the Newborn rank because im not sure what'll it be for once all bases are covered. on top of that another level developer for the project Nessy I've been trying to contact for months, on this forum, on discord, on steam, whenever they were online recently. No Response I've wanted to keep in touch and now I feel like I did something wrong to get no response and I've been dealing with the feeling since march. And that feeling has given me panic attacks, and it sucks it really does

Two, no response to my call for help. Speaking of no response, while I was glad to hear people talk about the topic in the forum discord, and I'm glad to receive a suggestion from ichotolot for a level and I'll still make it once I think of something, no joke it felt like my topic post got ghosted. I wasn't expecting too many PMs asking about joining the project to get to last spots filled. Having the offer be completely ignored on the forum itself upsets me. Because I've been asking for help on the last push, I thought I was gonna get it done this year, but it's looking like im doing my repeat of never getting it done again! I'm gonna stress this right now I want to release this level pack! I really want to finish Millas because im tired of with holding it from the public. I have what will be soon 7 years of work that I don't want to release in an unfinished state because im struggling on two crucial areas. I NEED HELP WITH EASY LEVELS IF THAT WASN'T OBVIOUS ENOUGH, IT'S THE ONE THING LEAVING THIS INCOMPLETE! I've had the final level made months ago. That's how bad I need this done If it sound like im frustrated about this, I AM! I shouldn't have to ask more than once to get some extra minds and pointers because I can literally taste a full level set. But I can't because I can't think of something easy, easy levels are hard to make and I can't stress this enough. Now I get it, I won't be able to do progress until I return september, but good god. So if me saying it nicely wasn't enough, I'll say it directly, If you want to see this pack released at all, I honest to god NEED YOUR HELP! Level ideas, sketches, incomplete level files, anything that can finally fill that hole in the puppy and newborn ranks, anything to pretty up these levels I want to keep. Anything! I NEED A FINAL PUSH. I never wanted to get like this, but the tumbleweeds response was not what I needed at the time I've posted.

Three, to go with two, yes this help can extend to Festival Millas wether it be overhaul or new pack, I can send playable versions of new sets or festival set updates. If you're wanting to pitch in I'll happily give you what you need if you have some ideas and such. Share any progress you've made with me when you're able, full levels, partially complete levels, replays with those levels, im willing to look at anything related to Millas or Festival Millas if you want to aid the project. If you do want to apply I'll happily get things going starting from when I return home on September 13th

Four, I'm thinking for if I have the "too many good levels to keep" issue again, im thinking of putting them in a smaller bonus pack titled "Millas 1.5" while I can fit levels in to that, I will not prioritize unless I have the extra time. This is the ease the workload so I don't have to worry about a bonus rank after the fact.

If you want the set update go to this post

Im honestly sorry for my frustration, but I needed to get this off my chest, I hate roadblocks and this roadblock came at a terrible time. I'll see you with any further updates if any should exist (I hope)


Decided to post these ten or so levels that I need some help with touching up visually, I'm stumped in making them look pretty, if im luck some ideas will come to me, but as it currently stands, I'm not happy with how these look, to play/edit them again grab this set update

Heck just giving a design idea can go a long way like, making a pretty design with the terrain could help immensely. it's helped before with select FM Series packs.

PM me you do


No promises, but when I find some time at some point I could try and make a level / try to visually spice something up from the zip - just be sure to mark if a level from the zip has already been improved.


Quote from: GigaLem on August 22, 2022, 10:29:36 PM
Decided to post these ten or so levels that I need some help with touching up visually, I'm stumped in making them look pretty, if im luck some ideas will come to me, but as it currently stands, I'm not happy with how these look, to play/edit them again grab this set update

Heck just giving a design idea can go a long way like, making a pretty design with the terrain could help immensely. it's helped before with select FM Series packs.

PM me you do

I had a look at the levels and I must say I don't think these need an extra visual touch up! They look quite complete to me.

"Training Regimen" maybe can use minimal adjustments, but I think this whole situation here comes down to the nature of the Freedom Planet tilesets.
The tiles and backgrounds are quite detailed aleardy, so that too much additional decoration clutter can easily overload the level. So even with mostly just the functional tiles structure the level already looks complete.

I also encountered this while making levels with them. The only places I added extra decoration were "dead" spaces where nothing was really happening. Here we also have a few "dead" spaces, but for example the start part in "Escape Mission!": The rain and background together with the submarine already feel enough. I would no desecrate the clean pieces of the submarine too much with clutter as itself with the few additional metal bars already feel complete.
"Bonus Shellducks" looks perfect as it is! No empty "dead" spaces most plain tiles already look detailed enough and decorational crystals are already placed in good spots.

So to be honest I would not change them. :)


Sorry for the lack of things on my end it's just im juggling some video projects and getting back in groove of things so here's what going on.

I'll be taking a moment to look at levels that were sent to me to figure out the final touches, titles, music, etc. I thank those who've applied so far, gave their input and such. Your names have already been added to the level design section of the credits.

FM22 sets are being worked on and the first set is almost complete, if in case you wanted to submit a level to that project let me know and I'll allow you to use the new sets early when ready. Any sets used in FM18-21 are allowed, GigaLem Special and Plom510 Special are also allowed

I've been editing video project for october, so im hoping to have those out of the way ASAP or have freetime if any.

To ease the workload, I'll be scaling back the number of levels I might have to focus on the final set of redesigns, and take any levels I wanted to keep around towards a "1.5" of levels, A pack like that wont take priority until I know Millas is ready for testing. If im lucky, I won't have to do much since it'll be a smaller pack.

Man I wish I could manage my time better, with that said, gotta get through the chaos and get my brain a tinkering again. I know I have a lot to do but im hopefuly managing better than was years ago. the 2 week break did help air out some steam.


Yeah, finishing large projects is tough.

Work on it for 20 minutes every day. If you're in the flow after 20 minutes and have no other duties, perfect, continue hacking on the project for as long as it's fun. But if it's annoying on that day, that's fine, too; you've invested 15-20 minutes and brought the project forward.

If I lived closer, I'd offer to have a hacking session where we work next to each other on our own projects. Even with completely unrelated projects, one can still share progress in the breaks or at end of day.

-- Simon


Festival Millas 2022 should hopefully be picking up speed soon, Second Graphic set will be under way as most if not all of the concepts for the new sets should be ready for the spriting process.

I already have one tester for the graphic sets down and they're free to send any levels they've made to the project if they want to have it in the project.

but I am also interested in having those try out the new sets ahead of time. 2 or 3 more at most will be fine since this is a smaller project.

Hopefully January 2023 can be where I can pick up steam and start resuming Millas as project once again and get it done because I'm still taking any level donations specifically for the easier ranks and they'll be gladly accepted until the point of testing is near. again this also includes the levels that I offered to be touched up.

October was a very hectic month for me and im just trying to get the chaos done. I'll likely have an update for the end of the year in december on my channel.

Thank you for your time, and for your support it means a lot.