Author Topic: Millas - (Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings) - 221 Levels So Far, Help Wanted!  (Read 60643 times)

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Offline GigaLem

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Decided to post these ten or so levels that I need some help with touching up visually, I'm stumped in making them look pretty, if im luck some ideas will come to me, but as it currently stands, I'm not happy with how these look, to play/edit them again grab this set update

Heck just giving a design idea can go a long way like, making a pretty design with the terrain could help immensely. it's helped before with select FM Series packs.

PM me you do

Offline IchoTolot

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No promises, but when I find some time at some point I could try and make a level / try to visually spice something up from the zip - just be sure to mark if a level from the zip has already been improved.

Offline IchoTolot

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Decided to post these ten or so levels that I need some help with touching up visually, I'm stumped in making them look pretty, if im luck some ideas will come to me, but as it currently stands, I'm not happy with how these look, to play/edit them again grab this set update

Heck just giving a design idea can go a long way like, making a pretty design with the terrain could help immensely. it's helped before with select FM Series packs.

PM me you do

I had a look at the levels and I must say I don't think these need an extra visual touch up! They look quite complete to me.

"Training Regimen" maybe can use minimal adjustments, but I think this whole situation here comes down to the nature of the Freedom Planet tilesets.
The tiles and backgrounds are quite detailed aleardy, so that too much additional decoration clutter can easily overload the level. So even with mostly just the functional tiles structure the level already looks complete.

I also encountered this while making levels with them. The only places I added extra decoration were "dead" spaces where nothing was really happening. Here we also have a few "dead" spaces, but for example the start part in "Escape Mission!": The rain and background together with the submarine already feel enough. I would no desecrate the clean pieces of the submarine too much with clutter as itself with the few additional metal bars already feel complete.
"Bonus Shellducks" looks perfect as it is! No empty "dead" spaces most plain tiles already look detailed enough and decorational crystals are already placed in good spots.

So to be honest I would not change them. :)

Offline GigaLem

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Re: Millas - (Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings) - short update
« Reply #123 on: October 05, 2022, 12:07:30 AM »
Sorry for the lack of things on my end it's just im juggling some video projects and getting back in groove of things so here's what going on.

I'll be taking a moment to look at levels that were sent to me to figure out the final touches, titles, music, etc. I thank those who've applied so far, gave their input and such. Your names have already been added to the level design section of the credits.

FM22 sets are being worked on and the first set is almost complete, if in case you wanted to submit a level to that project let me know and I'll allow you to use the new sets early when ready. Any sets used in FM18-21 are allowed, GigaLem Special and Plom510 Special are also allowed

I've been editing video project for october, so im hoping to have those out of the way ASAP or have freetime if any.

To ease the workload, I'll be scaling back the number of levels I might have to focus on the final set of redesigns, and take any levels I wanted to keep around towards a "1.5" of levels, A pack like that wont take priority until I know Millas is ready for testing. If im lucky, I won't have to do much since it'll be a smaller pack.

Man I wish I could manage my time better, with that said, gotta get through the chaos and get my brain a tinkering again. I know I have a lot to do but im hopefuly managing better than was years ago. the 2 week break did help air out some steam.

Offline Simon

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Yeah, finishing large projects is tough.

Work on it for 20 minutes every day. If you're in the flow after 20 minutes and have no other duties, perfect, continue hacking on the project for as long as it's fun. But if it's annoying on that day, that's fine, too; you've invested 15-20 minutes and brought the project forward.

If I lived closer, I'd offer to have a hacking session where we work next to each other on our own projects. Even with completely unrelated projects, one can still share progress in the breaks or at end of day.

-- Simon

Offline GigaLem

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Re: Millas - (Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings) - Holiday type update
« Reply #125 on: November 07, 2022, 09:37:47 AM »
Festival Millas 2022 should hopefully be picking up speed soon, Second Graphic set will be under way as most if not all of the concepts for the new sets should be ready for the spriting process.

I already have one tester for the graphic sets down and they're free to send any levels they've made to the project if they want to have it in the project.

but I am also interested in having those try out the new sets ahead of time. 2 or 3 more at most will be fine since this is a smaller project.

Hopefully January 2023 can be where I can pick up steam and start resuming Millas as project once again and get it done because I'm still taking any level donations specifically for the easier ranks and they'll be gladly accepted until the point of testing is near. again this also includes the levels that I offered to be touched up.

October was a very hectic month for me and im just trying to get the chaos done. I'll likely have an update for the end of the year in december on my channel.

Thank you for your time, and for your support it means a lot.