Everything By WillLem

Started by WillLem, February 03, 2021, 10:39:31 PM

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I've decided to index all of my content in a single topic for convenient access, and because there is now quite a lot of it! :lemcat:


:lemming: Music by WillLem


:lemming: SuperLemmix - a fork of NeoLemmix with new skills (including Timebombers, Grenaders and Freezers), a Classic Mode option, and a whole bunch of other tweaks and enhancements. Also includes an upgraded Level Editor.

:lemming: Lemminas Origins - 120 Levels featuring some remixed DMA levels and some originals. These levels feature the Lemminas sprites, in the classic green hair & blue tunics colourway.

:lemming: SuperLemmix Forum Topic Board - the place to keep updated with the latest developments, release and download level packs, suggest features, report bugs, and get involved with general discussion of SuperLemmix.


:lemming: NeoLemmix Level Packs
:lemming: NeoLemmix Custom Graphics
:lemming: NeoLemmix Wish List


:lemming: RetroLemmini - The latest version of the Lemmini platform, updated in 2025 and currently-maintained.
:lemming: RetroLemmini Level Packs
:lemming: RetroLemmini Mods


:lemming: YouTube Channel - Feel free to subscribe :lemcat:

Featured Playlists:

:lemming: (Amiga) Any% RTA Speedrun (Current World Record)
:lemming: (Amiga) Pause-free Playthroughs
:lemming: (NeoLemmix) WillLem Plays Through Just The First Rank of A Bunch Of Custom Packs in NeoLemmix
:lemming: (SuperLemmini) Lemmings, But With Lemminas!
:lemming: (SuperLemmini) WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS

Favourite Challenges

:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Maximum Saved Records
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Fastest Time Records
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Skills You Can't Live Without
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Which Levels Can Be Beaten With The New Skills?
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Which Levels Are Possible in Under 1 Minute, With Skillset Editing
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Which Levels Can Be Solved Without Using Any Player-Assist Tools?
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Builders & Bashers ONLY! With Skillset Editing
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Save-Em-Up Contest
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] How Far Can You Get 100 Lemmings?
:lemming: [NeoLemmix] Karoshi Challenge
:lemming: [Various Platforms]L1 Speedrunning

Other Active Topics

[NeoLemmix] Independent tiles in hi-res mode for official styles
[DISC] NeoLemmix Sounds
[INDEX] Official Lemmings resources

See also

:lemming: Lemmings Forums Site Suggestions
:lemming: WillLem's Blog
:lemming: Level Packs I Have Completed/Am Currently Playing
:lemming: [SHARING TOPIC] Custom Graphics
:lemming: [NeoLemmix][TUTORIAL] Creating Custom Low & High Resolution Graphics
:lemming: [TUTORIAL] How To Create And Format A Forum Post

Lemillionism - 1,000,000 Lemmings saved!


Main level packs:

:lemming: Lemminas (64 levels | Medium)
Meet the Lemminas :lemcat: these are female lemmings with swish blue ponytails! A pack of 64 levels featuring brand new music and modified versions of the familiar styles from the original game (check out this review of the pack by Proxima)

:lemming: Lemminas II (50 levels | Medium)
The Lemminas return for an adventure through 5 different worlds :lemcat: A pack of 50 levels featuring brand new music and modified versions of the familiar styles from the original game

:lemming: FestiveLems (25 levels | Medium)
A Christmas-themed advent calendar pack of 25 levels - one for each day of December leading up to Christmas :lemcat:

:lemming: God Save The Queen (8 levels | Medium)
A Lemminas tribute pack to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

Remix packs:

:lemming: DéjàLems (32 Levels | Medium) - Lemmings with that Déjà Vu feeling... ;P (featuring pre-solved levels which the lemmings have to re-tread and solve all over again!)

:lemming: Inverse Lemmings (40 Levels | Medium-Hard) - Lemmings flipped upside down!

:lemming: Lemmings, But With Lemminas! (64 Levels | Medium)
Meet the Lemminas :lemcat: these are female lemmings with pink tunics and ready-for-action blue ponytails! A pack of 64 remixed levels from Lemmings featuring brand new music, customised panel graphics, and of course the Lemminas themselves!

:lemming: Lemmings DD (32 levels | Medium) - Featuring custom exits which make use of the updraft object to simulate Direct Drop; I'm sure you'll fall for this pack, so drop in and give it a try ;)

:lemming: MiniLems (64 levels | Easy) - Lemmings in miniature :cute:

:lemming: Lemmings Recurring (36 levels | Hard) - An exercise in chaos management; all levels have 99 lemmings with 99 to be saved, an RR of 99, and only 9 of each available skill :lem-mindblown:

:lemming: Tame Gone Wild! (20 levels | Medium) - The Tame levels, but with additional traps and obstacles in an attempt to make them a bit more interesting to play!

:lemming: The Complete Reverse Lemmings - The original Lemmings and Oh No! levels, but with the entrances and exits swapped!


Here are some custom graphics which you are free to use in your own copy of NeoLemmix, if you wish.

:lemming: Traps for orig and ohno styles with improved/removed secondary animations
Here's what's changed

:lemming: ohno_brick - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).
:lemming: ohno_bubble - The zapper trap now has a glowing animation rather than the 'zig-zagging barrel' one.
:lemming: ohno_rock - The lizard trap has more than twice the number of frames; its eyes now dart about randomly as well as occasionally blinking, similar to a real-life chameleon.
:lemming: ohno_rock - The weed trap is now non-animated (unless triggered) and is now identical to the original.
:lemming: ohno_snow - The icicle trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).

:lemming: orig_crystal - The large electric trap now glows whilst electrocuting, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white.
:lemming: orig_crystal - The small disc-shaped electric trap now has a scrolling shimmer, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white.
:lemming: orig_dirt - The rock trap is now non-animated (unless triggered); I have also included a version of the rock trap which drips less frequently, for those who prefer the blood drip animation.
:lemming: orig_marble - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).
:lemming: orig_pillar - The rope trap's light is a brighter shade of green.
:lemming: orig_pillar - All spike traps (large and small) are now non-animated (unless triggered).
Add these to orig_(style)/objects and ohno_(style)/objects to replace the existing graphics.

:lemming: Floater with red & white umbrella (high-res only)
Add this sprite to styles/default/lemmings-hr to give your Floaters a cute red & white striped umbrella!

:lemming: Shimmier sketch
This is a handy sketch graphic for the Shimmier which shows the height of the "Reacher" state, so you can see whether or not a lem will be able to grab the terrain above them. Add this to NeoLemmix/sketches to install.

:lemming: Legacy menu card graphics
Add these to gfx/menu to restore the "classic menu" look in your copy of NeoLemmix. There are 2 versions, with and without shading. The "with shading" version makes a nice alternative to the "new look" NeoLemmix menu.

:lemming: Custom panel graphics (various choices)
To give your panel a new look, add these to gfx/panel (gfx/panel-hr for high res). As of the 12.11 update, these graphics now include a semitransparent overlay for "selected", to simulate a button press.


Main level packs:

:lemming: WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS (10 Levels | Hard)
Featuring the SUPERLEMMING gimmick from Oh No! More Lemmings, these lemmings move super fast - be sure to play it without pressing pause! 8-)

:lemming: WillLem's XMAS SUPERLEMMINGS (10 Levels | Hard)
As above, but with the Xmas mod enabled and featuring 8 brand new Christmas-themed Lemmings tunes :lemcat:

:lemming: WillLem's SUPERLEMMINAS (10 Levels | Very Hard)
Some more SuperLemming levels, this time featuring the Lemminas mod, plus brand new style and music. Give it a go, and remember not to press pause! 8-)

Remix packs:

:lemming: The Complete Reverse Lemmings (220 Levels | Medium)
The original Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings, but with the entrances and exits swapped! ;P

DMA Remasters:

A full remaster of DMA Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings, enhanced and optimised for RetroLemmini


The Lemminas mod for any version of Lemmini, featuring:

:lemming: Lemminas sprites - recoloured lemmings with pink instead of blue tunics, and their hair in a swish blue ponytail
:lemming: Customised panel, cursor, menu and UI graphics

To install, extract the attached zip file to the "resources/mods" folder in your RetroLemmini directory.


Some brand new tunes, arranged and produced by me, custom-made for Lemmings levels! Feel free to use these in your packs, but please credit me if you do so.

Thank you :lemcat:

:lemming: Lemminas music
:lemming: Xmas music


Just thought I'd compile here some of the ideas I've suggested for NeoLemmix. This is purely so I can keep track of what I've suggested so far, what has been accepted/rejected, and as an index for the suggestion topics themselves.

Suggestions That Have Already Been Approved:

[PLAYER] Hi-res mode - Topic 1 - Topic 2
[PLAYER] New menu design
[PLAYER] Allow different background for menu/preview screens
[PLAYER] Swimmer exit transition from ceiling water
[PLAYER] Display XX/YY for Max Saved records
[PLAYER] Toggle skill shadows on/off
[PLAYER] Show player records in F2 menu
[PLAYER] An extra rosette for "General Records" as well as "My Records"
[PLAYER] Toggle panel view to show how many skills you've used so far

[EDITOR] "Open With"/File association between .nxlv and Editor
[EDITOR] Paste-in-Place

Suggestions That Have Already Been Rejected/Otherwise Resolved:

[PLAYER] 2-Player mode
[PLAYER] Fast-backwards - SuperLemmix has this feature (i.e. Rewind)
[PLAYER] Customisable FF speeds - SuperLemmix has FF and Turbo FF
[PLAYER] Notify user if a pack recommends playing in hi-res
[PLAYER] "Use every skill" Talisman
[PLAYER] Talisman ideas - SuperLemmix has Talismans for "Classic Mode" and "No Pause", which between them account for most of the ideas listed in the topic
[PLAYER] Fully self-contained level packs
[PLAYER] Object Suggestion: Vortex
[PLAYER] Level Pack Downloader
[PLAYER] Nudge minimap left & right using hotkeys
[PLAYER] Allow theme.nxmi to specify custom sounds
[PLAYER] Assign hotkeys to panel buttons (in addition to skills) - SuperLemmix has this feature
[PLAYER] Allow file association between .nxrp and NeoLemmix Player - SuperLemmix has this feature
[PLAYER] Sound for Release Rate increase/decrease - SuperLemmix has this feature
[PLAYER] Indicate pre-assigned skills in F2 menu and preview screen
[PLAYER] Continual automatic replay playback
[PLAYER] Apply recolouring scheme to trap animations
[PLAYER] Allow next/previous skill command to rotate infinitely - SuperLemmix has this feature (and, so does NeoLemmix, actually!)

[EDITOR] Customisable Hotkeys
[EDITOR] Allow scrolling via touchpad gestures and/or mouse wheel - SuperLemmix Editor has this feature (Ctrl + Wheel to scroll horizontally, Alt + Wheel to scroll vertically)
[EDITOR] Wider dropdown/better UI for style selection - SuperLemmix Editor has this feature
[EDITOR] Resize levels upwards rather than downwards when changing height
[EDITOR] Adjust background image brightness



Broken links?

Please PM me if any of the downloads aren't working for any reason. I check my messages regularly and I'll do my best to help.

Thanks :lemcat: