Lemmings & Lix Fangame List

Started by Wafflem, July 10, 2014, 02:48:36 PM

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edit January 21, 2025 - There is now a newer list by Armani that will be maintained: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=7011.0. As such, this topic will be locked, but Wafflem's list will still be available

This is a list of all known Fangames, Expansion and Modification Packs for Lemmings and Lix games, as well as individual levels that cannot be uploaded into Mindless's Level Database.

If you know a fangame/expansion/modification pack/individual level (or have any general suggestions), or notice any broken links feel free to post it here or PM me, and I will change the list accordingly.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Yellow[/glow] - work-in-progress
[glow=red,2,300]Red[/glow] - abandoned until further notice
"<project codename>" - the project doesn't have a confirmed name yet.

Amiga Lemmings 1
Gaston Splatt
New Year's Lemmings 1991/1992
A modification of the Xmas Lemmings on Amiga which consists of five levels.
Download website

Holiday Lemmings 1994 Demo
A modification of the Demo version of Holiday Lemmings 1994 to include secret levels in each rank.
Download website

DOS Lemmings 1
Martin Zurlinden

A pack of 30 levels which are placed in the Taxing difficulty (though some of the levels are not seen as Taxing difficulty). These levels can also be found on the Lemmings Level Database (including two levels which were excluded).
DOS version

Individual packs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Extra


KillerMaster's Lemmings ver. 1: A pack of 96 levels on the Oh No More Lemmings DOS player.
KillerMaster's Lemmings ver. 2: A pack of 33 levels on the Oh No More Lemmings DOS player.
[glow=yellow,2,300]sam1221's Lemmings[/glow]: An in-progress pack of 100 levels based off the Oh No More Lemmings DOS player, some levels of which must rely on glitches. Currently at 81 levels.

YouTube channel

DoveLems: A pack of 125 levels.
FranLems: A pack of 40 levels.
Cachapack and Dodopack: Two packs of 10 levels each.
Download of all packs

YouTube channel

Lemmings Reunion
A pack of 150 levels, many of which use Lemmini custom graphics and custom musics.

Mikau Schekzen
YouTube channel

Mikau's Pack 1
A pack of 46 levels.

ONML Simple
80 easier versions of the Crazy-Havoc ranks.

A pack of 120 levels. Uses customized tiles in traditional styles (including steel in the Bubble style and traps in the Xmas style).

Prince Jamie
YouTube channel

Lemmings 2: The Tribes Classic Levels
The Classic levels converted by Prince Jamie for Lemmini.

ONML Extra Rank
An add-on to Oh No More Lemmings consisting of 10 levels, all based on the Classic Tribe levels of Lemmings 2: The Tribes.

A pack of 143 levels, with some levels focusing solely on miner tricks and others focusing on only having one minute.

The Lemmings Community
Revenge of the Lemmings! (2013 version)
A compilation pack of 210 levels from past and present level designers, handpicked by Lemmings players. Coordinated and compiled by möbius and Akseli.

Fox Lemmings
A pack of some of Tim's handpicked best levels from Van Clan Lemmings.

Lemmix (vanilla)
Individual Levels
"A Level Lix can Never Have"
A level that uses traditional Lemmings glitches.

"Pink Elephants"
A VGASPEC based on the Pink Elephants sequence in the movie Dumbo. A level has yet to be released.

The Lemmings Community
"Life on the Lemming Lane"
An incomplete collaboration by möbius, Proxima, Clam, Pieuw, LJLPM and namida

Deceit's Lemmings
A pack of 59 levels. Requires the Orig Lemmings Lemmix Player.


cLemmings series
These fangames can be downloaded from either the cLemmings topic or exit's website.
Topic on all cLemmings games

A pack of 113 levels that runs on the Original Lemmings Lemmix player.

Oh No More cLemmings
A pack of 100 levels that runs on a customized version of the Oh No More Lemmings Lemmix player by namida.

Holiday cLemmings
A pack of 64 levels that runs on the H94 Lemmings player.

cLemmings Ultimate Edition
A pack on the traditional Lemmix engine which comprises of 32 levels on two difficulty ranks. Unlike other cLemmings packs, the pack doesn't start easy.

[glow=red,2,300]Lemmings Platinum[/glow]
A cancelled pack of 150 levels on the Lemmix engine.
Lemmings Platinum Topic
Individual Packs: Fragile Part 1, Fragile Part 2, Careful Part 1, Careful Part 2, Dangerous Part 1, Dangerous Part 2

Martin Zurlinden
A pack of 30 levels and the two extra levels on the Lemmix traditional player, compiled by namida.

Individual packs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Extra

Holiday Lemmings 1995
32 new levels for the Holiday Lemmings series.
Download topic

Reverse level packs
All Orig, ONML and H93 levels with the trapdoor and exit switching places.
Download topic

The brick set level pack
A pack of 55 brick levels designed to replace the non-brick levels in Oh No More Lemmings.
Download topic

Minim and namida
Fall Distance Challenge
Challenging versions of Lemmings and Oh No More Lemmings with the fall distance set at 47 pixels. Includes instant and non-instant bomber versions.

[glow=yellow,2,300]ssam1221's Lemmings[/glow]
An in-progress pack of 100 levels based off the Oh No More Lemmings DOS player, some levels of which must rely on glitches. Currently at 81 levels. The player has been compiled by namida; however, it contains only 80 levels.

The Lemmings Community
[glow=red,2,300]Epic Lemmings Fangame[/glow]
A collaboration by different authors, coordinated by Dullstar. Currently discontinued.
Development topic
Levels submitted:
Dullstar: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
GigaLem: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fernito: Pack

Revenge of the Lemmings! (2013 Lemmix version, beta phase)
A compilation pack of 210 levels from past and present level designers, handpicked by Lemmings players. Coordinated and compiled by möbius, player compiled by namida.

Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Chris Hodges
Chris Hodges's Lemmings 2 Pack
A pack of 120 levels serving as a sequel to Lemmings 2: The Tribes.

Kieran Miller
[glow=yellow,2,300]Quest From Kieran 2[/glow]
An in-development pack that serves as a sequel to Lemmings 2: The Tribes.


Individual Levels
L2+L3 Tilesets Test Levels
A small pack of test levels using the tilesets from Lemmings 2: The Tribes and the Classic (renamed Biolab) tilesets from Lemmings 3: All New World of Lemmings.

The Lemmings Community
"Button Mashing For Experts"
A collaboration by möbius, Wafflem, Nepster, namida and IchoTolot.

Lemmix-to-NeoLemmix Levels
These levels are conversions of traditional Lemmix and Lemmini levels by Nepster and Wafflem and bundled into NXPs. However, not all the levels can be converted due to the difference in mechanics from Lemmix to NeoLemmix; as such, they have been removed. The following authors' levels have been converted:

Adders (a.k.a. Adam)
Anthony Thompson
Ben Conway
Caleb Thiessen
Cristóbal Márquez and Alfonso Celis
exit (cLemmings only)
Eymerich (a.k.a. Ellischant)
Insane Steve
Janne Vieri
Jeffrey Lancaster
Joe Sentinel
Juanjo El Lemming
Lars Rudinger
Mariachi Skeletron Prime
minimac94 (a.k.a. Minim)
Paris Karagounis
Proxima and möbius's Challenge Pack
QBeez (a.k.a. karmew32)
Team Hell Spawn
Tumble Weed
Unknown Author (created beta.dat)
wihu61 (a.k.a. Bart and Hubbart)

Main Topic
Development Topic
Level pack downloads

Be Smart! by Alberto Fernandes
A pack of 33 levels.

AlbirdVampprince's Pack by AlbirdVampprince
A pack of 130 levels.

AlbirdVampprince's Bonus Levels by AlbirdVampprince
An add-on pack containing 30 extra levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Aqualems[/glow] by Apjjm
An upcoming pack of 80 levels.

bsmith's first level pack by bsmith
A pack of 18 levels that are remakes of the Orig/Oh No Levels but with different solutions, most of which use the new skills. Upgraded to NXP format by namda.

Classic Tribe by bsmith and Proxima
A pack of 10 remakes of the Classic Tribe levels. The first three were made by Proxima, the other seven by bsmith.

Lemmings Stampede by bulletride
A pack of 50 levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]GrentLems[/glow] by Calamity
An upcoming pack of 80 levels.

Reverse Lemmings by Colorful Arty
A pack of 120 levels with the entrance and exit reversed (with some minor modifications for levels), converted from SuperLemmini.

SubLems by Colorful Arty
A pack of 130 levels, converted from SuperLemmini.

[glow=yellow,2,300]ArtLems[/glow] by Colorful Arty
An upcoming pack that uses custom tilesets along with the Orig/Oh No tilesets that relates to the differing times of art history.

Clammings by Clam
A pack 75 levels originally by Clam, but collected and maintained by mobius and Wafflem.

Deceit's Lemmings by Deceit
A pack of 55 levels originally for Lemmix, converted to NeoLemmix by Nepster.

DoveLems by Dodochacalo
A pack of 125 originally for Lemmini, converted to NeoLemmix by IchoTolot

A Master Degree in Lemmings by Duuddu
A pack of 39 levels.

An Unnamed Level Pack by Duuddu
A pack of 20 levels.

Copycat Lemmings by Essman
A pack of 120 levels by Essman converted to NeoLemmix directly from Copycat Lemmings by namida, but still uses Cheapo mechanics such as the fall distance.

SEB Lems by Flopsy
Flopsy's first official pack, has 175 levels divided 9 ranks and will contain all the levels from MegSEBytes.

Lemmings: Gotta Go Fast! by Flopsy
A pack of 100 levels with a Sonic theme to it.

MegSEBytes by Flopsy and Wafflem
A small pack of 30 levels in which the way the levels are designed are inspired by the Lemmings Forums Contest #3 - one person designs the terrain for the level, the other adds objects, stats and skillset.
NOTE: These levels are now included in SEBLems.

GeoffLems by Geoffster
A pack of 120 levels. Formerly ran on the traditional Lemmix engine. Upgraded to NXP format by namida.

GigaLems by GigaLem
A pack of 150 levels on the NeoLemmix engine. Some of his levels come from the now-cancelled Lemmings Platinum.
NOTE: As this ran on an older version of the NeoLemmix player and it has been upgraded to NXP by namida, some of mechanics changes since then may affect the levels now and render them unsolvable.

Holiday GigaLems 2015 by GigaLem
A pack of 62 Christmas-based levels. Some of the graphics sets are modified versions of the Oh No styles to have a Christmas theme. Updated to NXP format by namida.

Holiday GigaLems 2016 by GigaLem
A pack of 60 Christmas-based levels using a wide variety of graphic sets (including GigaLem's new Tundra tilset).

[glow=yellow,2,300]Millas - Freedom Planet X Lemmings[/glow] by GigaLem
A pack of 132 levels focusing on the Freedom Planet tilesets

Resident GigaLems 0 by GigaLem
A pack of 49 levels focusing on the Ghosts and Zombies gimmicks, as well as other rejected levels from GigaLem's other packs. Will not work in versions after V1.43n.

Resident GigaLems by GigaLem
A pack of 110 levels focusing on the Zombie gimmick.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Lemmings Evolution[/glow] by Gronkling
An upcoming level pack of 100 levels using Gronkling's custom tilesets and the L2 Circus tileset.

Unified Orig Levels
A lemmings challenge started by Minim in which a "unified" graphic set is used to determine whether all Orig-Lemmings levels are solvable. The terrain pieces are changed accordingly to adapt with Orig Lemmings. This uses Gronkling's version of the Unified Orig set.

Lemmings Reunion by IchoTolot
A pack of 150 levels converted from Lemmini, many of which use Lemmini custom graphic sets as well as optimized versions of the levels and new custom musics.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Lemmings United[/glow] by IchoTolot
An upcoming pack of 200 levels which will use the L2+L3 styles along with the Circuit style, a new style based on the Dune games, old styles and many NeoLemmix features.

JWPack by JW
A pack of 5 levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Quest From Kieran[/glow] by Kieran Miller
A currently in-development pack.

Quest From Kieran 2: NeoClassic Tribe by Kieran Miller
10 levels from the Classic tribe, converted from Quest For Kieran 2.

MazuLems by Martin Zurlinden
A pack of 32 levels converted from DOS to NeoLemmix by möbius and namida. Two levels omitted in an earlier version of MazuLems appear in an extra rank.

Minim's PS3 Lemmings level pack by Minim
A remake of the levels from Lemmings PS3 using NeoLemmix objects. Converted to NeoLemmix V12 by Nessy.

Unified Orig Levels
A lemmings challenge in which a "unified" graphic set is used to determine whether all Orig-Lemmings levels are solvable. The terrain pieces are changed accordingly to adapt with Orig Lemmings.

MobiLems by möbius
A pack of 80 levels, converted and modified from the original Lemmini version.

MobiLems II by möbius
A pack of 149 levels, some of which use NeoLemmix features while others re-use levels from the first MobiLems. Some of the first MobiLems levels themselves also have NeoLemmix features added to them like pickup skills and zombies.

Lemmings Plus Series by namida (Website)

Lemmings Plus I (formerly known as Lemmings Plus DOS Project) by namida (Website)
A pack of 150 levels with a mix of past levels from namida's past fangames (the Cheapo packs and Ji Hoon's Lemmings Remake) and new levels. A new mechanic that is introduced is instant, non-timed bombers.

Lemmings Plus II by namida (Website)
A pack of 100 levels that uses 5 custom styles. New objects introduced to the game are one-way fields.

Lemmings Plus III by namida (Website)
A new pack containing 65 levels with 4 new custom styles and many new objects.

Lemmings Plus IV by namida (Website)
A pack of 80 levels in four new graphic sets.

Lemmings Plus V by namida (Website)
A pack of 75 levels in four new graphic sets.

Lemmings Plus Omega by namida (Website)
A pack of 120 levels that focuses on the new NeoLemmix skills and many more additional NeoLemmix features; it uses the Lemmings Plus II and Lemmings Plus III graphic sets.

Lemmings Plus Omega II by namida (Website)
A pack of 70 levels that uses a mix of the LPIV and LPV graphic sets.

Holiday Lemmings Plus by namida (Website)
A small pack of 12 levels in the extended version of the Xmas style. Runs on the NeoLemmix engine.

Lemmings Plus Flashbacks by namida (Website)
A small pack that consists of the best levels from LPDOS, LPII and LPIII, based on feedback from other people and the LP voteoff results.

Lemmings Plus Flashbacks II by namida (Website)
A small pack that consists of the best levels from HLP, LPO and LPIV, based on feedback from other people.

Doomsday Lemmings by namida (Website)
A pack of 21 levels focusing on the Zombie gimmick.

NeoLemmix Introduction Pack
An upcoming pack that serve as a general introduction to NeoLemmix with tutorials for the new changes in mechanics from the traditional DOS games, skills, objects and gimmicks.

namida's Recycle Bin
A pack of 140 levels from the Lemmings Plus series, Doomsday Lemmings II and the NeoLemmix Introduction Pack that have been removed in newer versions of NeoLemmix.

NepsterLems by Nepster
A pack of 111 levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Return of the Tribes[/glow] by Nepster
A work-in-progress pack of 120 levels which serves as a sequel to Lemmings 2: The Tribes.

Lemmings Migration by Nessy
A pack of 40 levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Lemmings Destination[/glow] by Nessy
An upcoming pack.

Lemmings Squared by nin10doadict
A pack of 100 levels.

Casualemmings by nin10doadict
A pack of 90 levels.

PimoLems by Pieuw
A NeoLemmix version of PimoLems from Lemmini, converted by IchoTolot.

Raylems by Raymanni
A pack of 30 levels in Raymanni's tilesets.

Lemmings Halloween 2017 by Raymanni
A pack of 20 levels with a Halloween theme.

Snack Pack by SQron188
A pack of 20 levels.

Paralems by Strato Incendus
A pack of 150 levels.

Pitlems by Strato Incendus
A pack of 100 levels.

Lemmicks by Strato Incendus
A pack of 170 levels, with each rank focusing on a specific set of gimmicks.

Lemmings World Tour by Strato Incendus
A pack of 320 levels about a musical band of lemmings touring the world.

Lemmingbytes by Wafflem
A pack of 128 levels.

Yung's First Level Pack by Yung Gotenks
A pack of 15 levels.

[glow=yellow,2,300]The Hell Pack[/glow] by Yung Gotenks
A pack which consists only of Fire/Hell tileset levels.

Zemmings Vol 1 by zanzindorf
A small pack of eight levels using the Glacier tileset.

Zemmings Vol 2 by zanzindorf
A small pack of nine levels using the Kiwi Knight tileset.

Holiday Lemmings '16
A collab Christmas pack of various level authors, facilitated by Crane.

Lemmings Redux
A version of Lemmings with almost all Lemmings official levels combined into one pack. The goal of this pack is to create a re-purposed version of Lemmings that conforms to modern level design standards, and remove levels that are deemed unnecessary. Facilitated by namida, bsmith and Proxima.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Lemmings Mania[/glow]
An upcoming pack that consists of the community's own solutions to official Lemmings levels. Facilitated by Proxima.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Lemmings In Arms![/glow]
A pack of 68 levels focusing on turning the 2P levels into 1P levels; two versions must exist for each level - one that uses the classic version, another that uses NeoLemmix skills in addition to the classic ones. Facilitated by GigaLem.
NOTE: This pack is now part of Lemmings Mania.

[glow=yellow,2,300]"NeoLemmix Community Pack"[/glow]
An upcoming pack with levels by various authors that makes use of the NeoLemmix features. Many of these levels come from the Offical Forums Level Design Contests. Coordinated by namida.

Revenge of the Lemmings 2.0
An upgrade of Revenge of the Lemmings from Lemmini consisting of 229 levels; as such, levels that only work under Lemmini mechanics and other levels that are have been removed and replaced with new levels from different authors and easier repeats of existing levels. Coordinated and compiled by möbius.

[glow=yellow,2,300]Revenge of the Lemmings 3000[/glow]
An upgrade from Revenge of the Lemmings 2.0, in which the game is to be future-proofed for future updates to NeoLemmix by moving all secret levels to their regular ranks.


Colorful Arty
Reverse Lemmings
The Lemmings levels with the exit's and entrance's positions switched, with differing skillsets.

A large pack of about 130 levels. 10 levels are tutorial levels, 100 levels are regular levels, and 20 levels are those from Lemmings and Oh No More Lemmings with different skillsets.

Exit's SuperLemmini Packs
Two small packs of five levels each.

Prince Jamie
Prince Jamie's Super Challenge Pack Set 1 + 2
Two packs of 15 levels each.

Prince Jamie's Super Challenge Pack Set 3
An upcoming pack of 15 levels.
Development Topic

Zanzindorf's Special Pack 1
A small pack of special levels using Gronkling's Beast II and Menace tilesets as well as Jill of the Jungle.

Zemmings Vol 1
A small pack of eight levels using the Glacier Tileset.


Ji Hoon's Lemmings Remake
A pack of 80 levels. Some of the levels were eventually used in Lemmings Plus I.

Pieuw's 2007 Lemmings
A pack of 80 levels. Many of the levels were eventually used in PimoLems.

Other engines

Lemmins by Geoff
A clone of Lemmings using graphics from WinLemm/Lemmini with custom levels by Geoff and other Lemmings Forumers. Written in Blitzbasic+.

Lemmings HD Remake by oskar12345
A Lemmings remake with PSP graphics. Includes a remake of a Lemmings 2 Beach Tribe level and 3 bonus levels. Written in C#.

Droidlings by Johannes
For Android phones. Lemmings-like game with androids in the place of lemmings. Uses custom graphic sets in addition to L1 and ONML graphics.

For Android phones. Lemmings-like game that can load NeoLemmix .lvl and .dat files.

Android Lemmings by LJLPM
For Android phones. Elaborate Lemmings variant with editor and custom tilesets.

Thanks to Akseli, exit, Flopsy, IchoTolot, Minim, möbius, namida and Simon for suggestions and tips for the list. Thanks to Gronkling for finding Deceit's Lemmings and GigaLem for finding AlbertVamprince's pack and its bonus levels.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Nice list!

I guess this is going to be the Lemmings Fangame Index like Prob Lem has the Lemmings Merchandise Index.
I just updated the demo, so the new demo is demo 3. Also, (the code on the webpage was written wrongly, and since you probably inspected the element it gave you the code, and, therefore, the wrong filename) the actual filename for demos 2 and 3 is DemoOhNox.zip, and not OhNoDemo.zip, but that's my fault.

But still, nice list.


Marvellous job, DynaLem! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/thumbsup.gif" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" /> I have to admit that this kind of topic has been in my mind since I joined here, but I was always too lazy to create it. Really nice that you did it now! Also the same thing with "Scattered Levelpacks" topic. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

Few notes:
- Some of Giga's Lemmings Platinum level packs can be found on http://lemmings-db.camanis.net/levelpack/list" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Lemmings Level Database, for everyone to know.
- The download for MikauSchekzen's level pack doesn't work. I have made a review of that pack with a download http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=698.msg15517#msg15517" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here.
- A bit more subjective issue, but in my opinion Dodochacalo's levels and mobius' levels aren't that different difficulty-wise, you wrote that the formers are geared towards expert players and the latters for new players, this sounds too exaggerated in my opinion. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> Both designers' packs have few easy ratings and few above Mayhem ratings.
- I've always considered legendary MazuLems aka. Martin Zurlinden's Lemmings to be an expansion pack for Lemmings, that's why I was a bit surprised it wasn't included here. The official website for this pack: http://www.abc64.de/lemmings/" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.abc64.de/lemmings/


Thanks, Akseli! I've updated the database with your suggestions. Yeah, for DoveLems, FranLems and MobiLems, I really wasn't sure how to describe them, and this is only the best thing I can come up with. For now, I took out the "expert players/non-expert players" part of the description.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


I think we can all agree that DOS is a bit inconvenient these days; while there is the option of using the Lemmix Editor and its playtest mode, let's have a way of playing MazuLems that's a bit closer to how it originally was...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/cczoycwzrgyn5cf/LemmixPlayerMazu.exe" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/cczoycwzrgyn5cf/LemmixPlayerMazu.exe

Enjoy. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

I've been playing through this again myself - MazuLems was pretty much the first custom pack I ever played, but I didn't solve most of the levels back then, and most of those I did solve, I don't remember how. While they're not as hard as some of the levels we see these days, they're definitely really fun! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Thanks for making the Lemmix version of MazuLems.

I also tided up the list by creating hyperlinks instead of outright spelling out the URLs, and trying to make it more organized.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Wow, games based on DOS are only Martin Zurlinden and me?

ssam1221's Lemmings An in-progress pack of 100 levels based off the Oh No More Lemmings Lemmix player, some levels of which must rely on glitches. Currently at 80 levels.

Ye,s my lemmings is in progress, but after I got a job,  I don't have time to create my lemmings level, also I need some good idea for creating my level.

A pack of 30 levels which are placed in the Taxing difficulty (though some of the levels are not seen as Taxing difficulty). These levels can also be found on the Lemmings Level Database (including two levels which were excluded).

Because DOS lemmings level files which include taxing levels rating are only contain these rating levels in sequence.
For example, LEVEL005.dat to LEVEL008.dat contain taxing level 1, 2, 3, ...(It is not correct file name, just example). But other rating (Fun, Tricky, Mayhme) level files include these rating level in random position. Also these ratings level must modify ODDTABLE.dat - this file contain some level infomation that same level terrain such as 'Just Dig!' and 'We are fall down'.


Since this is a topic you're likely to edit, and because it had become corrupted already, I copied/pasted the BBCode for the first post from the old board. You'll need to redo any recent modifications, but it looks a lot neater (and will be easier to update) now.

Two things to point out:
- That link for GeoffLems is broken. Someone'll need to reupload it if they have it handy.
- Lemmings Plus Omega probably shouldn't be described as "upcoming" anymore. :P (Same for cLemmings Ultimate Edition, though a proper player hasn't been built yet; but exit has contacted me for assistance in doing so.)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Thanks for fixing this! I've also fixed the download link for exit's pack. I won't be able to fix the other links until I have access to my computer, though.

I have a copy of the recent version of GeoffLems, which is also in my computer.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!

Prob Lem

I just wanted to say that this is a great list. Major kudos for including New Year Lemmings 1992 - to the best of my knowledge, those were the first custom levels ever made for any Lemmings game. :thumbsup:

Amusingly, according to one of the other members of the same group, which was called Fairlight, "It was done by Gaston/Fairlight for a laugh".



I've updated the list and fixed all the links so they link to the topics in this forum and not the old forum. I've also put up a new link for GeoffLems.

If there are any mistakes, let me know.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


All the "topic" links for my packs should be pointed to the general Lemmings Plus topic, as the individual topics have all been closed and are no longer being updated. (Except for the Doomsday Lemmings topic, of course.)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Alright, fixed the Lemmings Plus links to reflect that.  :)
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Wow...there have been so many fangames released this year. As such, I've heavily updated the list and gave it a lot of tidying-up by putting a drop-down menu for each game, and also adding indications on which games are recently released, are a work-in-progress, or cancelled. Let me know if the new design works.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Nice, I like it!

Though I wonder if you can do a spoiler tag within a spoiler tag, it might be tidier for cases where there are series of related games (such as Lemmings Plus).

Let's test that...

A spoiler...
...within a spoiler...

EDIT: Yes, seems it works, at least to three levels (and probably much further). This could be used to first collapse by engine, then by author, and then finally grouping related series in the case where a single author has more than one series (rather than just many inidividual packs).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Put caption right into tag
[spoiler=Put caption right into tag][/spoiler]

Makes me wonder whether "Spoiler: " should still be inserted by the software in front of the caption, because it's a repurposed feature by now. >_>

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on July 05, 2015, 12:13:09 PM
Makes me wonder whether "Spoiler: " should still be inserted by the software in front of the caption, because it's a repurposed feature by now. >_>

It probably should not. And that's why it no longer does. :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Alright, I went ahead and used the spoiler tags. For now, they'll be used for related series (such as the Lemmings Plus series, cLemmings and GigaLems).

However, I can't seem to make the spoiler header font bigger (e.g. when I try to do
Game Engine[/size]] )
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


The spoiler tag feature isn't meant to support that. It probably can be modified to support it; I'll look into it at some point. For now, you could always do something like this:

Game Title
List of games
blah blah blah

In regards to the current layout of the list, one modification I'd suggest is underlining and/or slightly increasing the size of author names. Perhaps also add a few blank lines between authors. Currently, it doesn't immediately stand out where one begins and one ends.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I went ahead and added your suggestions. I didn't slightly increase the size of the author names, but I did the underlining and the few blank lines between authors.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


This list has been updated to the latest version to account for the new NXPs. I've also added links for music packs for some of the games that use them.

For packs that do not have NXPs yet, I've highlighted them in blue. All NeoLemmix packs are now in NXP format.
YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


found this in my recommendations to Flopsy's videos
albird's pack includes (10 Boot camp levels, 30 fun, 30 tricky, and 30 mayhem levels)
a new user to Neolemmix has risen
and the DL link as provided


YouTube: www.tinyurl.com/YTWafflem
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Wafflem467

Have level designer's block right now? Have some of my incomplete levels for LOTS of ideas!


Nice find GigaLem! Nice to know my videos are spawning some nice recommendations

Enjoying those videos, watched the entire fun rank already.


Something that occured my mind when browsing the list is that Lix packs are completely absent. I think it would make sense to have Lix level packs in their own category, here are links:

ClamLix (currently a work-in-progress)
TameLix (ONML Tame levels in Lix with new puzzles, easy and hard puzzles for each level)

DoveLix (DoveLems, originally a pack for Lemmini, facilitated by Proxima. This pack also needs separate Lemmings tilesets, that don't come with the Lix game.)

mobius' lix level sets (levels converted from Lemmix, some of them are in the Lix community pack)


Prob Lem
Prob Lem's Lix Levels


Epic Adventure
Lost (15 levels from Epic Adventure with different skillsets)
Reloaded (original Lemmings levels in Lix with new puzzles)
Time trials

The Lemmings Community
Project Capybara (I guess discontinued (?), facilitated by möbius)
The Collab Lix puzzle

And then there's that not yet completed Lix community level set that has so many "in development" topics.. :P

By the way, Lemmings Migration is under Nepster at the moment, "Nessy" is missing from between.


Project Capybara has largely been merged into the Lix community pack; the levels "Theresa falls up the stairs" and "One-Lix Showdown" are included in 0.7 and 0.8 downloads. When I have time, I'm going to start a new "grab bag" with the remaining levels, plus levels rejected from the community pack and other uncollected levels.


You don't have to have a link to Raylevels, it uses legacy graphics and I don't think the download link works anymore. :lix-sad:
I only made a couple of Lix levels to showcase my tilesets and even they are out of date in many ways.


On the list, which of the NeoLemmix level packs are recommended?


joshescue18, to be honest all these level packs (at least the ones I have played so far) are really good as everybody brings their own personality and style to the table in their levels. I suggest just going through the list, looking at each pack's official or development topics, reading through the thread, and see if the pack catches your eye. I know for me the first ones I played were Lemmings Plus I and GeoffLems, as both start off easy but get hard at the end. Some packs try to stay simple for beginners or players that don't want to be overly challenged, and some packs prefer to challenge the player right out of the gate. Hope this helped :)


Quote from: namida on July 05, 2015, 12:46:55 PM
The spoiler tag feature isn't meant to support that. It probably can be modified to support it; I'll look into it at some point. For now, you could always do something like this:

Game Title
List of games
blah blah blah

In regards to the current layout of the list, one modification I'd suggest is underlining and/or slightly increasing the size of author names. Perhaps also add a few blank lines between authors. Currently, it doesn't immediately stand out where one begins and one ends.
For a more sophisticated version of that, check out www.uhs-hints.com


The list for Lix doesn't seem up to date:

- Nessy made a small pack: here
- mobius made a new small Lix level pack: here
- It doesn't seems that the new thread for Rubix Lix levels is there: It can be found here
- It's maybe unfortunately a bit too optimistic to say that ClamLix is work in progress. There will be maybe minor adjustments and backroute fixes but I don't believe in new content updates.


Quote from: Forestidia86 on January 03, 2018, 12:22:30 AM
The list for Lix doesn't seem up to date:

- Nessy made a small pack: here
- mobius made a new small Lix level pack: here
- It doesn't seems that the new thread for Rubix Lix levels is there: It can be found here
- It's maybe unfortunately a bit too optimistic to say that ClamLix is work in progress. There will be maybe minor adjustments and backroute fixes but I don't believe in new content updates.

I've made those changes to the best of my ability. Let me know if the modifications I've made are incorrect.
Thanks for pointing this out :)


Thanks for dealing with it that fast.
I only don't want especially the new packs to be lost under all the Lix topics.

Only minor things:
- You could write additionally to Rubix V4 Topic that it was for the C++-Lix version and for the V5 Topic that it is for the D-Lix version.
- You could take out the words "A work-in-progress pack" for ClamLix.

But of course that is at your discretion.

Thanks again for taking the time.



Because we split the level pack board per-engine, we have split off this thread's Lix section into its own thread on Lix Levels. Thanks to Wafflem for maintaining the list and to Forestidia for pushing this split!

-- Simon


Can you mark the recommended NeoLemmix level packs?


Recommending packs is hard, because there is no objective creiteria for that. For example I am fairly certain that I would recommend other packs than Strato Incendus for example - not because one of us is wrong in any way, but just because we have different playstyles and preferences.
If you are looking for new levels to play, I would recommend creating a new thread (either in NeoLemmix Main or Lemmings Main, depending on whether you want to play NeoLemmix only). List there the packs you already played through and we can recommend similar packs.

However regarding the list in the first post: I think it might be helpful to add a tag to the NeoLemmix packs regarding which of them is available for the new-formats and which are not (yet).


At this point I know of several NeoLemmix packs that aren't on here; also, the "Lemmings Redux" (and maybe a few other packs) link takes me to the old format instead of the new one.


Quote from: chrisleec728 on January 17, 2020, 03:02:04 PM
At this point I know of several NeoLemmix packs that aren't on here; also, the "Lemmings Redux" (and maybe a few other packs) link takes me to the old format instead of the new one.

WaffLem is no longer active and I don't think anyone else has taken over maintaining this topic. However, the new-formats NL packs are on a seperate board from the old-formats ones, so this should let you quickly find packs that work on new-formats NL.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Ok I found a bunch of discussion topics regarding packs; I just haven't found a list similar to the one in the first post on this topic if that's what you mean.


I think it's very easy for these lists to become outdated, especially since Wafflem has made such an indepth list incorporating Lemmix, NeoLemmix and Lix into one list.
I think this thread is better to be not used in future, it may be a useful resource for Lix packs available still but it is largely becoming unreliable for NeoLemmix

Quote from: namida on January 17, 2020, 05:44:51 PM
WaffLem is no longer active and I don't think anyone else has taken over maintaining this topic. However, the new-formats NL packs are on a seperate board from the old-formats ones, so this should let you quickly find packs that work on new-formats NL.

I think Wafflem hasn't been in charge of this topic for a good while, I think myself, Simon, Forestidia, mobius and Nessy were responsible for overhauling it about a year or two back.
Whether Wafflem will be back on the forums or not however remains to be debated though unless you know something we don't know namida.


QuoteWhether Wafflem will be back on the forums or not however remains to be debated though unless you know something we don't know namida.

I wouldn't have a clue what his future plans are; all I know is that he currently isn't active, and hasn't been in quite some time.

If anyone else would like to take over maintaining this topic, feel free. If you're not a mod / admin, start a new topic for it, and I'll close this one (with a link to your new one).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Is it worth creating a separate topic that lists all new-format level packs, as some of the ones listed here are no longer compatible...?


Yes, we should absolutely make a new list of packs, and retire this one as soon as that's done. I was going to post a topic about it, but other things came up and it slipped my mind :P

It would be a bit of work, but I think what would be most beneficial to the community would be a list of NL packs, split into new-formats, v10 and v1.43, and each pack should have the following information:
* Link to forum topic
* Author, date, number of levels/ranks
* Pack status (is it complete? Is it being actively maintained?)
* Whether (and how much) the pack uses the new skills and objects -- not from an elitist point of view, but because the history of NL and other engines has left us with a fairly sharp split between packs that use the new stuff and packs that don't, so it is an interesting point to make note of. For older packs, we should note whether they make use of now-deprecated stuff like radiation/slowfreeze and gimmicks.

This would not only help players find new-formats content to play, it would help enterprising forum members find packs that just need a little bit of love to get them converted to new-formats.


Yes, autogenerating forum markup is a good choice. Like this, neither the forum nor the public listing has to depend on Excel. But you can still use Excel behind the scenes as a database and as tooling. Thanks for your work!

Would you like to become moderator for this board (NeoLemmix Levels) so you can update the first post?

Or do you want to create your own post? I'll then un-pin Wafflem's post, pin yours, and link to yours from Wafflem's? (You can still become board moderator.)

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on January 21, 2025, 10:48:31 AMWould you like to become moderator for this board (NeoLemmix Levels) so you can update the first post?

Or do you want to create your own post? I'll then un-pin Wafflem's post, pin yours, and link to yours from Wafflem's? (You can still become board moderator.)

-- Simon

Alternatively, there's namida's proposal which is also a great idea IMO:

Quote from: namida on January 18, 2020, 08:08:34 PMIf anyone else would like to take over maintaining this topic, feel free. If you're not a mod / admin, start a new topic for it, and I'll close this one (with a link to your new one).

That way, either Armani or a staff member can edit the post.

Edit: Done. I'll go ahead and lock this topic as per namida's post and provide the link to Armani's list:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0