Lemmings Mania

Started by Proxima, November 19, 2017, 06:20:15 AM

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This topic is for old-formats Mania. I am open to the idea of rebooting the project in new formats, but if we do, it should be in a new topic.

We've talked about it. Let's get started building it.

Lemmings Mania is a follow-up to Lemmings Redux, and similarly to Redux, every level must be based on a level from one of the original games. However, this time we're not keeping the original solutions but making our own repeats.

Just so we're on the same page, I should clarify that unlike Redux, this is not a group-led project where every single decision is made by establishing consensus and taking a poll if necessary. I'm happy for everyone to give input on how the project should be run and the direction it should take, but I'm going to be acting as team leader and making decisions.

Everyone is welcome to take part! If you want to contribute, then:

* Decide on a level from any of the original games (Lemmings, ONML, Genesis and other ports, Holiday, L2, L3, L3D, Paintball, Revolution, any others I may have forgotten). If it already exists in NeoLemmix, then produce your repeat by editing the original level. Remakes of levels that don't have a NeoLemmix version are welcome.

* Vary the skillset and level statistics to produce a new solution concept. We'll have some any-way-you-want levels to start off the difficulty curve, and some levels will simply enforce challenges on the old levels; but most levels for this project should do something new by using skills that weren't present on the original level, or using them in a way that wasn't possible before.

* If necessary either for your basic solution concept or to prevent backroutes, you can add or move objects or terrain to create slight differences from the original level, like the differences in the "Just a Minute" and "Fall and no life" repeat pairs. This includes "reverse" levels where the entrance and exit are swapped.

* All NeoLemmix skills can be used. Teleporters/receivers, pickup skills and zombies can be used, since these exist in some of the original games, but not the other NeoLemmix objects.

* All levels should have a distinct title from the original. If you can't think of a title, you can leave it and I'll try to come up with one.

* Don't include music. I'm going to have a music rotation for the pack using music from the original games beyond the Lemmings/ONML music used for Redux.

* You can also nominate existing levels from other packs, whether they are by you or another author, so long as they meet the condition of being a repeat of an original level.

Let's see what we can come up with between us, and above all, have fun! :thumbsup:

Levels nominated so far:
Up and In Lemmings (ONML - Down and Out Lemmings - bsmith)
The Date / The Dance (2P - The Duel - GigaLem)
Everything to stride for / Everything to cry for (2P - Still everything to play for - GigaLem)
Two for the price of One (2P - One On One - GigaLem)
Lemmings on Vacation (L2 - Quad Quirks on the Quay! - Yung Gotenks)
Boiler Workers (L1 PSP - Lemming toast - Nessy)
Containment (L1 - No added colours or lemmings - Nessy)
Subterranean Safe House (L1 - Last one out is a rotten egg - Nessy)
Symmetry Mansion (2P - May the craftiest player win - Nessy)
(A number of L3D levels by Flopsy, see post below)
Upwardly Ascending Lemmings (ONML - Downwardly Mobile Lemmings - Yung Gotenks)
The Green Zone (L3 - Classic Level 1 - Yung Gotenks)
No Rests Allowed (Genesis - Take a little rest - Yung Gotenks)
The Metal Mines (NES - A Spot of Bother - Yung Gotenks)

Talisman ideas
Up and In Lemmings - 3 of each skill
Upwardly Ascending Lemmings - 8 builders
No Rests Allowed - Save 100%
The Metal Mines - 7 builders
The thing can be done! - 2 diggers


Yay, the new project begins!

I have one level idea right now, attached.  I will almost certainly come up with more ideas.


Might as well submit mine
These are remakes of 2 player levels, 3 so far, with repeats using NL skills

Though this is called Lemmings Mania, I was thinking that Someone should pull a "Sonic Mania" and make at most four and at least two Brand new graphic sets to go with the Original graphic sets.
Like new ones from scratch.

I'd say suggest some new ones here, but also pull some candidates from the Tileset Ideas Thread and find something that works well.

plus if any spriters around here would want to test thier metal in making the sets I was thinking this should be thier window

Yung Gotenks

Here's mine. it's a Lemmings 2 level.
Not gonna spoil which tribe and level it's from, but from the title i'm pretty sure you can guess.
EDIT: updated. added more skills so a alternate route is possible

My Packs:
Yung's First Level Pack: A pack with 15 levels. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix skills is required.
The Hell Pack: Every level is hell themed. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix Skills is required.


Here is my first wave of contributes:

Lemming Toast: Boiler Workers
No Added Colours Or Lemmings: Containment
Down And Out Lemmings: Roadblocks
Last One Out Is A Rotten Egg!: Subterranean Safe House
May The Craftiest Player Win: Symmetry Mansion

Please let me know which levels have too much changes.


Containment: Lowered Lemming count to 30
Boiler Workers: Fixed backroute (couldn't turn it into a talisman :()
Subterranean Safe House: Added floater

Yung Gotenks

I also made a Lemmings 2 Players remake for Lemmings in Arms, but since i don't see it in gigalem's post, i'll post it here.

i still plan to contribute more.

Original Level: Just for the fun or to the death?

My Packs:
Yung's First Level Pack: A pack with 15 levels. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix skills is required.
The Hell Pack: Every level is hell themed. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix Skills is required.


Thanks everyone. I'm really happy to see this taking off so quickly 8-)

The first post now includes a zip of all the levels so far, and I'll keep this updated as more come in.

For now, everything is included, as I'm not making any definite decisions about inclusion; but I probably won't use the following levels:

Two On One: Contains zombies.
Roadblocks: Too many differences from the original terrain.
Just for fun or to the death: Remake of a level that already exists in NL; too different from original layout.

QuoteThough this is called Lemmings Mania, I was thinking that Someone should pull a "Sonic Mania" and make at most four and at least two Brand new graphic sets to go with the Original graphic sets.
Like new ones from scratch.

Having one special graphics level per rank isn't a bad idea, but the problem is, what would we do for layouts, given the theme of using only original layouts? I'm going to leave this question open for now and see how we get on. One possibility is to include repeats of the existing special graphics levels, although I do have another idea that could work. But I certainly don't think making brand-new tilesets is the way to go.


Fair point. They're not identical, but I can see that you might want zombies to represent the weasels in a Revolution level, or the second player in a 2P level. So I've added zombies to the list of features it's okay to use.


Here's a tweak of "Flow Control."


Here are my SEB Lems levels which are inspired from L3D levels. I'll let you lot in the topic decide whether in this form, these levels are acceptable for the project or whether someone needs to make a remake of these levels.

From first glance: Lemmtris 3D, HMS Hamish Macbeth, It's the Name of the Game, Sweet Memories, The Big Bang and This is NOT a drill are probably the same as their original levels only transformed into 2D.

Paradise 10 - Lemmtris 3D (remake of Lemmtris - a complete 2D level)
Paradise 11 - Party in my Head (inspired by Let the Race Begin - a complete 2D level)
Paradise 16 - It's the Name of the Game (same name in L3D - a completely 2D level pretty much)
Bittersweet 3 - Sweet Memories (remake of Jelly Belly Birthday Cake - 3D level reimagined in 2D)
Bittersweet 5 - HMS Hamish Macbeth (Remake of This is the Army - another practically 2D level)
Bittersweet 8 - The Acrobrats (Remake of That's Right - 2D level but another trapdoor added in SEB Lems version)
Revolution 13 - The Big Bang (Remake of Picky Platform - Another mostly 2D level)
Stormy 5 - This is NOT a drill (Remake of Team Work - 3D level reimagined in 2D)
Stormy 12 - SNAKE! (Remake of SNAKE! - 3D level reimagined in 2D)
Murder 1 - The Five Arches (Remake of The Five Arches - Another mostly 2D level)
Deep Cuts 1 - Industrial Climber Zone (Inspired by Jelly Climber)
Deep Cuts 4 - Pseudologia Fantastica (Remake of Play Time - 3D level reimagined in 2D)

Could I have 2nd opinions on these levels from anyone who has played 3D Lemmings on whether these are considered suitable repeats or whether they are exactly the same as their original levels.

I also have my own remake of I am A.T - I am A.Typical
Hopefully this is an acceptable remake :)

EDIT: attached marble_md.dat which is required for I am A.Typical

Yung Gotenks

Here's another contribution.
It's Called "Upwardly Ascending Lemmings"
It's a repeat of "Downwardly Mobile Lemmings"

My Packs:
Yung's First Level Pack: A pack with 15 levels. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix skills is required.
The Hell Pack: Every level is hell themed. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix Skills is required.


Here is another contribution. It's my version of "Snuggle Up To A Lemming" called "Western Outpost". My goal was to make this a "Tricky" kind of level that has enough flexibility to allow multiple solutions. There might be a tailsman for this level but I don't have an idea for that yet.


I might make some recreations sometime again but I do want to make suggestions for Ranks


I may think of more if we go for five ranks


Continuing the discussion on the L3D levels I submitted, I've broken down the levels into what I think is already a remake of the 3D level for what it is in 2D and what is actually considered a "repeat".

These are of course my opinions as the level creator, if you disagree with this then speak up.

Remakes - requires someone to make a new solution out of to be eligible.

Lemmtris 3D - skillset, RR, save requirement and level name are exactly the same.
It's The Name of the Game - 3 of every skill but level name, RR and save requirement the same.
Sweet Memories - Remake of "Jelly Belly Birthday Cake". Skillset and save requirement the same.
HMS Hamish Macbeth - Remake of "This is the Army". Similar level layout and solution.
The Big Bang - *debatable* Remake of Picky Platform. Original solution is impossible in NeoLemmix but tried to stick to the original solution as much as possible. Debatable whether this is classed as a remake or repeat. Trapdoors and exit are in the same place.
This is NOT a drill - Remake of "Team Work". Based on the original solution with a skillset to enforce it.
The Five Arches - same level name. Skillset to enforce the original solution.
Pseudologia Fantastica - Remake of "Play Time". Same level idea, tweaked to enforce the original solution.

Repeats - different enough to be classed as a repeat and suitable for the level pack as it is.

Party in my Head - differences: significant level layout difference, 1 trapdoor is moved significantly, 1 exit instead of 4, skillset changed.
The Acrobrats - differences: 2 trapdoors instead of 1, significant skillset change
SNAKE! - Imagine this one from a birdseye view and the level will match the 3D Lemmings version. It was the only way to get this to work in 2D. I'd consider this a repeat because the end of the level is different. However this level needs a new name because it is the exact same as the 3D Lemmings level.
Industrial Climber Zone - multiple exits, all but one of which is impossible to get to.

Any agreement or disagreement with what I say above?