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Topics - finlay

Lemmings Main / I (finally!) played Lemmings Revolution
September 17, 2020, 07:06:19 PM
Just the first few levels so far. (it was a task in itself to get this working on Wine, lemme tell ya!) But man these controls are positively archaic. Even compared to previous Lemmings games there's something so... quaint about tapping the control button to zoom in, for example, or using the right mouse button to increase and left mouse button to decrease the release rate.
NeoLemmix Main / I played Lemmings Redux
September 11, 2020, 12:08:27 AM
So overall it's a good job, thanks for the several hours of nostalgic fun over the last couple of days. Turns out the program works well in Wine. It took some getting used to instant bombers, of course, and to the reduced number of lemmings in most levels. And it's really nice to be able to see where your skills are going to end up, with those projection thingies. And rewind of course - there's a lot of levels like Save Me where I wouldn't have the patience to restart the level if I messed up the pixel-perfect timing. I'm getting too old for that shiz.

I can't quite get used to the builder physics, though. I expect a builder not to turn around when they hit their 'chest' - only if they hit their head or their feet. I'd noticed it before that, but this really screwed me up on Lemmings' Ark, where I was trying to build up into a miner tunnel from a basher tunnel. I watched a couple of videos from the Genesis version which showed that you could definitely do this. I had to watch another video that actually used NeoLemmix to realize that you can make the basher stop if you get the height of the tunnel exactly right. Builders also caused me trouble on "Out away from the tune" (the SING SING SING level)

Anyway, I have three talismans that i haven't completed yet, any help would be appreciated~ They are Lemtris - I think you have to mine down a bridge but I haven't constructed a solution; Come On Over to my Place - I can't work out how to get a builder going left and turn it around again, but I'm suspecting that's not it nvm i just worked it out; and I am AT - which... i have absolutely no idea.

The other is The Great Lemming Caper - I already have the solution memorized long ago, so this felt very out of place in the final category, and the talisman is "don't use blockers". But what is the solution WITH blockers? I think I found a possibility but I don't know what was intended.

I also found the last category a little strange in general because there are a lot of Genesis levels which have very little actual terrain - a lot are like little mazes made out of strings and poles. Partly because I'm not as familiar with them, it had a bit of a different vibe. The sega level also stands out as too easy. I think a couple more builder-focused levels might be OK, too, if only to train newbies at how many bridges you'll need - I know ppl here don't like them though. But generally you've got a better progression than the originals.

I also kind of like how you've taken out some of the backroutes, but I would note that I don't think "If at first you don't succeed" had water in it - like I'm fairly sure you should be able to get across the gap there with three bridges, but with the water it takes four. The final level "Fall and no life part two" has one too few miners compared to the original, assuming that's the same deal?

BTW i replaced the onml music with the ones from the mac version, because for some reason although the amiga lemmings music is the same as the mac, the onml music is remixed and i like the mac versions much better. Can upload a zip if anyone wants them.
Lemmings Main / All levels in a Google doc spreadsheet
September 05, 2020, 06:04:56 PM
while my attention is pointed at Lemmings, I'd like to just upload this spreadsheet that I made with data about all the levels

I uploaded this when I was last active on the forum in 2011 or something, as an xls file on Dropbox, so I guess google doc wasn't active at the time? Anyway, please let me know if there are any glaring mistakes or other port/games/information you'd like to add. (I don't really know well how google doc works - maybe you can suggest an edit or comment on the file directly?)

hope you find it useful! :)
Lemmings Main / I've been out of the loop
September 04, 2020, 02:47:15 AM
I think I'm just passing by this time I'm afraid, but I wanted to stop by and say hi. I was browsing and thought I could do better than the posted run of Fun. Turns out I'm out of practice and botched a few levels quite badly, coming in with a time of 47 min. My usual Mac strategy of scumming the shift key to speed up the end of the level doesn't work on Dos unfortunately. Also I had a lot if trouble working out how to record the video and add a timestamp to it. Anyone who knows what they're doing, I'd appreciate the help. Tbh I'm probably not going to try so much more, I'd rather go back to playing Starcraft at the moment.

But while I'm here, well... are there any particularly cool levels that I just HAVE to check out?

I also did a quick search on the app store and found out that someone released a Lemmings game on iOS back in 2018. What do you guys think of that? I'm sure this isn't the first that you've discussed it but i don't really want to go searching through the forum right now. Honestly it just seems to be a hellish mess of microtransactions but I'm tempted to give it a download and see.

Anyway i hope everyone is ok during the pandemic. I myself quit my shitty job and came back to the uk from japan.

Oh yeah and the last time i posted on here i was wanting to transcribe the lemmings game book. I never got around to finishing it. But i could give it a shot if there's enough interest and i have the time.
General Discussion / Lemmings Gamebooks
July 05, 2014, 06:11:02 PM
So I'm gonna get my mum to post me the old Lemmings gamebooks I have in my bedroom back in the UK. I have a vague plan that I'd like to transcribe them into some kind of digital format (eg pdf, or simple html), since as far as I know, they don't exist in a digital format yet (at least, a google search and a search of the forums turned up nothing, so let me know if I'm incorrect!). Would you be interested in seeing them if I did that?" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />
General Discussion / Saying hi
June 22, 2014, 05:28:31 PM
I got distracted doing something and ended up here. It's probably been a couple of years since I was last on here. How's everything going? I don't know if I can really stick around – my free time is taken up with other stuff at the moment and I've forgotten how to run Lemmings on my computer (or in fact, I don't think I've ever run it on this machine).

Any news?" alt="8)" title="Cool" class="smiley" />
Lemmings Main / More screenshots.
November 28, 2011, 09:39:12 PM
Some of you may remember that Japanese Lemmings site I found, which had all the screenshots of the levels of the snes version put together in one file.

Well, I've just redone it for the DOS version, since that's more familiar to us. (It can now be fairly easily converted to the Amiga version by adding water and the 2-player levels)

Here you go (warning, the file is several megabytes!):" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
and compare with the "original" snes one, which I'm mirroring here:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
and the Genesis version, which I did a few months ago:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">

here is the Amiga version!" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
(note that it is made from screenshots taken in Lemmix from the Amiga's LVL files, and not from within the game itself.)
Help & Guides / Running Lemmix
October 18, 2011, 02:05:24 AM
I'm getting bored of not being able to view replays, especially since they're all that's been posted recently. Anyone have any bright ideas for how to get me able to run it on a mac? It's just that simon suggested Wine but while that's runnable on mac, it's really for linux geeks, by which I mean to install it you have to understand a lot of command line jargon that I simply don't understand and you also must have several spare hours in which to perform the installation, or something.

And the "parallels" emulator program won't load properly – it gets to the login screen and then when I try to click anything it doesn't recognise it or something." alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" /> I realise i should probably ask my dad about this or something, since he's the one who actually tried to install the damn thing (also, it's taking up >10 GB of my 100 GB hard drive, which is quite a large proportion for something that doesn't work).

Lemmings Main / Mac version screenshots
June 01, 2011, 05:36:07 PM
So that I'm not clogging up the music thread any longer... I've taken some screenshots of the training levels in Fun, which should give you a rough idea of how the graphics were updated for the Mac version.

I do have screenshots of the rest of the levels in Fun but I will have to stitch them together, which is what takes up all the time, essentially.
Lemmings Main / Lemmings achievements
May 26, 2011, 08:37:13 PM
Just finished Genesis Lemmings in full for the first time." alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />

And discovered what I think is a backroute for Present 30 (which you probably know already" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />) and a spelling mistake in the screen that comes after Mayhem 30. both attached.

How about you? Completed any Lemmings games recently? Challenges?
Help & Guides / So... Lemmix...
May 14, 2011, 11:45:34 PM
Is there a way to load your own level packs into the Lemmix player? I mean the one that you're actually meant to play the levels on, rather than the editor playtest mode, which doesn't have sound. Or is there a way to add the sound to the playtest mode?

I'm just on my dad's computer, which can run windows, you see... but chances are by the time I get an answer to the question I'll be back at home and unable to run lemmix anymore anyway. Well, never mind. ;p
Lemmings Main / Lemmings 2 with standard skills
April 30, 2011, 01:38:34 PM
Anyone ever thought about modding Lemmings 2 to use the original set of 8 skills (besides the classic levels that already do, of course)? Of course, it might not be possible for all of the levels... but maybe we could consider it as a theoretical challenge?
Lemmings Main / All the levels in spreadsheet format
March 14, 2011, 09:07:07 PM
EDIT: here's the link, which is different from what it used to be because I changed the folder structure of my dropbox: Levels.xls" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">


I have no idea if this has been done already, but I've been compiling all the levels into a spreadsheet for perusal. Source for Lemmings 2 and Holiday Lemmings was ; source for Genesis lemmings was half playing it through myself and half harvested from Planet Lemmings (or whichever one they get the screenshots from in the review thread).

The others are either harvested straight from the data files that come with the Mac version (which are essentially the same as the DOS version except for Tricky 21 and Taxing 22, where the goal is 100%) or come about as a result of me actually playing through the game. Lemmings Paintball is still a work in progress, however; I couldn't find a source on the internet with a list, so I decided to start playing through the game myself. I'm only up to Tricky 20-something (and the game's at my dad's because he has a windows pc, so I can't keep playing it).

It doesn't include Lemmings 3 because that game has no level titles, or indeed skills in the same sense. It doesn't include Revolution because I don't have access to it. I do have the PS2 version of Lemmings, so I should probably remember to play through the unique levels of that and add them. I don't have the PS3 version, however.

Anyway, I've highlighted quite a few of the cells, often automatically, basically where I think it's noteworthy or unusual. So, for instance, with number of Lemmings, 80 and 50 lemming levels are left with no highlighting but anything inbetween is given a colour, as they're unusual. Yellow cells in the skills columns are 0 - they're highlighted because I used to have each cell filled in with the numeral 0 and needed a way of visually distinguishing them easily, but for various reasons, mostly involving the calculated "Count" field which shows at a glance how many different skills are provided in each level, or how many levels each skill is provided in. For the Genesis version, I've highlighted new levels in blue, and changed levels in red.

I've added comments for the original/ONML levels, as well.

As for Lemmings 2, it's quite big, and only just fits on my rather large screen, but I've set the header and level info to be fixed, so that if you scroll, only the skills move. This should hopefully make it easier to read.

Also, if you try to sort it, be careful, because there are a few lines at the bottom calculating the average and so on, and these could be messed up if you moved them around, so select all the data before you do a sort on them.

Anyway, have a look through it; if you see any glaring errors, let me know!" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> Hope you enjoy. (If you can't view Excel files, let me know and i'll upload an exported version or something) Levels.xls" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
Lemmings Main / genesis lemmings chronology
March 12, 2011, 03:22:41 PM
Did the genesis version of lemmings come before or after ONML? I'm just wondering when the levels that are common to both were first invented.

Also wondering about the "Official Companion" demo that has been mentioned on here – it has a level called "Dolly Dimple?", which is a simpler version of that level in the golden pipe/bubble tileset; was this before or after the official ONML release?
General Discussion / Name the levels
February 27, 2011, 10:15:53 PM
You may have seen the website Sporcle before – basically you have a list of items that you have to guess. Lemmings, naturally, fits this mould quite well, but the only existing game about Lemmings was the SNES version, which has extra levels, so I made one based on the original Amiga/DOS version.

Try it!" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
Level Design / ideas
February 22, 2011, 04:10:53 PM
How does one come up with level ideas? I'm really no good at it! Any thoughts?
Help & Guides / Can't run Custlemm in Dosbox
February 13, 2011, 03:59:10 PM
I've attached a screenshot of the problem. VGALEMMI.EXE, ie normal DOS lemmings, runs fine. What am I missing?

cheers. Good to know this place is still alive, incidentally." alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />
Lemmings Main / Comparing ports of Lemmings
March 31, 2008, 08:27:53 PM
Hi everyone! Nice to see this forum's still going. I was just wondering if people could provide me with a comparison-thing of different ports of Lemmings? There's one on Wikipedia, but it's not the one I remember, which included other things like maximum number of lemmings per level and the like. If anyone has access to the second one I'd appreciate it. cheers. :-)
Site Discussion / i'm getting spam...
November 13, 2006, 10:58:08 PM
Our newest user is sending me pictures of penises by PM; can you please delete him?
General Discussion / Cool Screenshots
September 25, 2006, 12:57:58 PM
Anyone have any? I'll start off! (This is now my desktop when I use Windows computers on campus)

PS I promise that I didn't photoshop it!