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Messages - GigaLem

Fan Corner / Lost Custom Lemmings Clone Potentially
January 16, 2025, 01:41:06 PM
Playlist of Levels made on this
I used to make levels on this before getting into Lemmix, I can't seem to find this clone anywhere on the internet, its known as "WinLemm" and personally I wished I seeked this out and archived it before it seemingly disappeared

its very different in a way from W95 Lemmings, it doesn't even have the Oh No Sets. And uses the midi based tracks from the 95 compositions 
I like how these look, given when now have a glider path, we need a glider collision mask to know what would send the glider downwards by terrain or turn the glider around
The color should be high contrast, like a bright gray or a invert of the back ground.
NeoLemmix Main / Re: If there was a NeoLemmix Wiki...
January 15, 2025, 12:03:38 AM
I'd hate to double post but should there be another board for discussing things to do with the Wiki? Like there would be Threads on searching for older NeoLemmix Builds, Old Players, Obsolete Tools and how to use them should one get curious. As well as discussions on parts of the wiki and how to go about documenting it.
NeoLemmix Main / Re: If there was a NeoLemmix Wiki...
January 14, 2025, 11:48:25 PM
Quote from: namida on January 14, 2025, 08:46:42 PMAlright, I've set up a wiki at:

Registration is required to edit pages, but not to simply view them.

It needs a logo - feel free to send me any suggestions. Otherwise - for all technical issues (including if there are additional addons / etc that people think should be installed, or if we get spam problems), let me know. For content, it's up to you guys.
My idea is pretty simple, the Basic "NL" from the Neolemmix title graphic, and the word Wiki underneath the big letters
In Development / Re: kaywhyn's Level Pack WIP
January 14, 2025, 12:47:03 PM
My Suggestion would've been "Retrograde Lemmings"
While I may not use SLX, and plan to use the QoL features for NLX, my proposal for timebombers is a frame length ruler as a means to see how long it takes to tick down one number. you'd need different ones for walking, floating and such.
Quote from: WillLem on January 12, 2025, 03:58:18 AMThis has already been implemented as far back as the NL Editor. Select "Sketches" from the piece browser:


Or, maybe you mean something else?

missing sketches, stuff that suggested that haven't been added. sure we have the miner sketch but not its tunnel, tunnels for destructives, paths of gliders
this looks good, like real good, a level window you can move anywhere and resize how you want. I do wish to see more demonstrations with this.
General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
January 11, 2025, 11:56:01 PM
Quote from: Mobiethian on January 11, 2025, 01:35:19 PMI'll be taking a personal break from the forums for a while. I've already began taking a break from Discord. Some may have already noticed this. (sorry GigaLem)

Pretty much, I haven't felt well with my mind, major depression. An inpatient/hospital stay may happen very soon.. again. I feel like a lot of people don't want to listen to me and may not be interested in the work that I have done so far, unfortunately. :( And I've been doing my best to be nice and fair to everyone. Feelings are hurt, I am a very sensitive person, I'll let everyone know this now.

So I shall return sometime later. Take care always, folks! :lemming:
I wish I read this sooner, sorry in case I wasn't helping in that aspect earlier. I was getting a bit worried about it since had been a few days. If it was something I said private please understand I worded it in a way like a teacher or a dean would and wanted to help in the best way that I could. I didn't have any intent of hurting you emotionally. I know what its like to be very sensitive and possibly emotionally fragile. I'm still going through it.

I hope all is well, because I feel bad seeing you like this. And I feel worse if I contributed to it. Please Take care.
I wanted to post this suggestion in this topic but I wasn't sure if it fit.

Since im going off the mentality of "The editor feeling both like an art program and dev tool" Having a Zoom in slider to tell folks that yes you can zoom in. I know it should be obvious for those on a computer and such but more so if someone needs an indicator of what's pixel perfect and such

Other things I could suggest are "View gridlines" for if you're not using clear physics mode in editor, toggle 1x1 grid or 2x2, 4x4, etc.

Screenshot level, like how NL and SL have a level image hotkey, have the ability to do it from the editor.

Pre/post text editor visual assist. I have a hard time judging how much text can fit on one line before it gets cut off, what would help is a reference of "How many characters can fit on one line" or something to tell me "hey this line would get cut of, hit enter to put the rest on a new line"
To my Knowledge I haven't really seen any reports of how many characters can fit on a 864x486 text screen.

Last is more sketches, Miner pathways, basher pathway and indicators of what they'll bash through, glider rulers and pathways, fencer pathways and masks.
Admittedly I wanted to bring up the topic about this because I would've suggested the idea of Programs are compatible with their choice of OS, but the file loading process is the same across all OSes as to have cross OS compatibility. Sure what I could be saying is a no brainer and is assumed to have been part of a potential NL for Mac or Linux type of deal. But such a thing has crossed my mind from time to time. I am for such a thing being made if possible.
NeoLemmix Main / If there was a NeoLemmix Wiki...
January 10, 2025, 04:55:02 AM
EDIT by namida: A wiki has been created at

Given the history NeoLemmix had on this website I had this thought about if there was a way of compiling this info into a wikipedia page of our own.

Here's is what I'd propose for such a thing

Avoid making it on Fandom
Fandom is the worst place to host it on, Ads are everywhere, the website is a ram hog, it tries to force personalization on select pages. And it isn't safe from scummy corporate practices and edits. If we're looking for alternatives suggest any, because so far Miraheze comes to mind

Archive every format and build
Oldest Format and its lemmix players, Obsolete NL tools, older historically important level packs built on it, Old Format and New Format Revisions. Tutorials for each version. Document levels, scrapped mechanics, tools, and then some. If we need to make topics searching for lost builds then so be it.

Document its history
This Involves talking about events with the community, Talking about the contests, feature votes, feature culls, developer's commentaries.

Document forks and clones
Superlemmix, Lix, Lemmini, SuperLemmini, and even the original Lemmix. As well as older clones, document and archive their history as its part of the website's history.

No Generative AI
I know this is point of contention but we shouldn't use this as a shortcut to make such a thing, Don't data scrape for assets, and don't rely on something that could potentially give misinformation. NeoLemmix wasn't built by machines and nor was this website. We do a lot of writing anyway, level designers and programmers are artists in a way, if the tools made to put together a level pack or put together sets and the like are made with human hands, The wiki should also be coded and crafted by human hands too. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but as an artist myself, I stand against generative AI replacing the work and jobs given to people wanting to survive in this world.
Quote from: WillLem on February 16, 2024, 10:10:08 PM:lemming: Pop out Stage viewer

Not sure what you mean by this one ???

Pop out the stage canvas from the editor for larger displays and customizability with the editor so you have the two parts separated and the ability to move them around however you want. Like you could have the level tabs on one screen, the stage canvas of piece selector on the other
SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Visual SFX
January 04, 2025, 11:36:20 PM
Maybe rename the ticking sound of the builders to "CLINK" as while I do respect the original sound effect or onomatopoeia for legacy as I know there's no ill intent with it, however the word is a bit poorly aged as the word "Chink" unfortunately is also an offensive slur, so much a restaurant had to be renamed from it.

I don't like bringing up the subject and such because I feel it might come off as unnecessary, but I tend to be cautious about things.