Author Topic: Festival Millas 2021 - Release Thread  (Read 7166 times)

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Offline GigaLem

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Festival Millas 2021 - Release Thread
« on: December 17, 2021, 12:45:45 AM »
Again before Christmas, we have the yearly level pack, and im lucky to have this one be made at all

Featuring 2 new graphic sets, A number of Set updates for the sets from 2020 and before, 30* levels (2021 was not gonna be a big year for the FM levels so I aimed for something feasible), and the first use of the FP2 Millas in the Festival Millas set of Packs. Only thing it doesn't have are levels from Nessy, Nessy couldn't make it this year due to scheduling conflicts so I do wish him the best.
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First a Preview of what You'll be going through this time

This year's Rank theming is the Chinese Zodiac, Easiest being the Rat Rank, where the more tamer levels are placed, each rank has an end of rank talisman

Second the Dog rank, where learn about bigger responsibilities

Third the Tiger rank, the middle of the road but where path forward won't be easy. The difficulty becomes more ferocious

Fourth the Ox rank, the rank of my Birthyear, Big strength and knowledge is needed for the adventure ahead

Last the Dragon rank, where legends are forged, the most Difficult Tasks are within this rank, you're not gonna beat this rank easily

Level Pack
The Sets needed to play it, basically set's I've used in tandem with the new set's available
Music Pack
Download (I apologize again for the size)

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Music Credits
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Offline IchoTolot

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Re: Festival Millas 2021 - Release Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2022, 05:08:57 PM »
Another pack checked in my quest to catch up with my to-play list! ;)

I was very impressed with this one and my biggest critic would be the occasionly background being hard to distinguish.

My favorites would be Ox 06 and Dragon 01.

I can 100% recommend this pack! :thumbsup:

My solutions are attached! :)

Offline Apjjm

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Re: Festival Millas 2021 - Release Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2022, 12:08:34 AM »
Very entertaining pack with some stand out levels (In particular: Tiger 3, Ox 6, Dragon 1 & 4 were my favorites of the pack).  Visually the levels all look brilliant with a great selection of music tracks included too. This level pack makes really good use of the newer skills (in particular the laserer & slider are used quite a bit) and has a good variety between more navigational puzzles using movement skills and terrain altering puzzles.

In terms of difficulty, some of the harder levels in this pack certainly offer a challenge, and for the most part diffculty increases as you go through each rank culminating in a bit of a 'boss' level at the end of each rank.

Level-by level thoughts:
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My Level Packs: Quartet

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Festival Millas 2021 - Release Thread
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2023, 09:12:53 PM »
Hello Gigalem/Plom510

I have solved all of the pack. My entire replay collection is attached. Also, here is the link to my LP of the pack: Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Festival Millas 2021 is another Christmas holiday pack in the series, starting with FM2018 and continuing up to the present and most recent pack, FM2023, which was released at the beginning of this year back in January. Like FM2018 and FM2019, FM2021 is on the smaller side in terms of number of levels. In fact, it's shorter than either of the former packs by 1 level (2 if you don't count Dragon 7). In addition, this pack was made by both Gigalem and Plom510 and has no levels by Nessy here. This pack has levels mostly by Gigalem, as there aren't as many by Plom510 in this pack.

I would have to agree with both Icho and Apjjm that this was an enjoyable pack, even if it's not much on the difficult side of things as some of the previous packs of the series. In particular, I'm in complete agreement with both that Dragon 1 is quite good! Same thing with Apjjm's assessment that Ox 6 and Dragon 4 are great too, as well as his detailed feedback on plenty of the levels. They were both nominated for LOTY 2021 and was where I first played those levels before doing them again from scratch for my LP of FM2021.

Also agree with Icho's criticism of things looking solid when they're in fact background on plenty of the levels in this pack. It's definitely not my old and bad eyes at all! Can definitely do better with making the foreground more distinguishable from the background or vice versa ;)

Another criticism I can add is some levels having very pixel precise skill assignments. This seems to have been a habit that Gigalem is constantly guilty of, as it was also present in some of his earlier packs, and I think Nepster was right to criticize that aspect in one his very Old Formats/Old Formats holiday packs. Now, I know that players can easily bring this on themselves when playing and solving, but in a lot of the cases for this pack they seemed to have been intentional by design. The precision didn't really add anything to the levels and can most certainly be reduced or eased and it wouldn't harm them in any way. At least if they come up in testing my own content, I generally like to discourage pixel precision and hence I will go out of my way to make sure that skills can be placed in multiple positions so that it doesn't lead to player frustration. Needless to say, I don't like players failing my levels because of pixels! ;)   

Having now solved all of FM2021, I have completed all the FM packs up to this one and would have to say FM2020 is certainly the hardest of them all. I still need to eventually go through FM2022 and it might change with that, but that'll have to wait until I do so ;) However, perhaps by the time I do so another pack of the series will have been released. Until then, I'm pretty much all caught up in the series :thumbsup:

Rat Rank Feedback

Being the first rank, these are the easiest levels the pack has to offer. Even then, I wouldn't say these are complete pushovers in any way. They still require plenty of thought in order to get solved. Still, there are some great gems here!

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Dog Rank Feedback

The second rank with levels that are a bit harder than those in the previous rank but still not overly challenging. Once again, some great gems here too!

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Tiger Rank Feedback

Things start to get difficult and dicey here, though certainly not to the extent of the final two ranks to follow after this one.

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Ox Rank Feedback

Now things get quite difficult with this rank and from here on out with the rest of the pack.

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Dragon Rank Feedback

Being the final rank, this supposedly contains the hardest levels of the pack. Truth be told, save for Dragon 5, I didn't find these too bad at all. Dragon 6 is pretty close, but once again another looks intimidating more than hard.

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Thank you again Gigalem and Plom510 for this pack. I enjoyed it very much despite it being on the smaller and easier side. Will eventually get to FM2022! :thumbsup: - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: