Perky 1 -
Lem in da hood Nice easy level to start off the rank. Looks like there are the carryover former "radiation" objects from Old Formats here which were all converted to fire traps when transitioning over to New Formats. Ah, I really like a lot of the radiation/slowfreeze puzzles of Old Formats.
Perky 2 -
Hero's trial Nice 1-of-everything in 5 skill types. I really like the mining through the wall at the top and fencing at the bottom and them connecting somewhere to release the top entrance.
Perky 3 -
Hope that's soft water... Another nice easy level.
Perky 4 -
Level fit for a BG Nice level with isolating a worker to get both pickups at the bottom. How awesome with Spongehead making a cameo in a Lemmings level!
I grew up with a lot of the Humongous Entertainment games, including Freddi fish, where he comes from
If you haven't, there's always the Balloon-o-Rama LP that I recently did you can watch, although I know you've seen Colorful Arty's LP of the game.
Perky 5 -
Fetch the supplies! As you already mentioned, my solution is another backroute, though in my case I thought it was due to how I didn't use the blocker pickup. Even then, this is a great level.
Perky 6 -
Hero's merit Near repeat of Calm 16, although there are some layout changes, such as OWAs and a steel block added. This level still worked out as another nice 1-of-everything level, though with more skill types available.
Perky 7 -
Gone for a dip Nice level with getting a swimmer to platform the gap from the other side and another lemming to platform from the other side and then a blocker to hold everyone else back while being able to free him later.
Perky 8 -
Thy request be granted Nice level
Though as mentioned this level can still work without the preplaced lemming
Perky 9 -
To those who wait Yes, that is quite sneaky with the last lemming being the specialist who can disarm the traps. I didn't even notice the shadow of the athletic permanent skills. I also didn't notice that no one else was a climber besides the last lemming and hence didn't question why there was one. Of course, it's very possible to solve the level without him making all the traps harmless, although it is somewhat challenging due to the traps covering a wide vertical area, similar to the flamethrower traps in other tilesets.
Perky 10 -
Be not idle, my Lemmings Think you said that my solution isn't intended here, although it's certainly challenging due to the time limit.
Perky 11 -
Don't get greedy Nice somewhat challenging level where it's not really possible to get higher due to only platformers being given.
Perky 12 -
Labyrnthine Kitten Gauntlet Great any-way-you-want level, though it seems the intention is to compress the lemmings to get through the cat traps with minimal losses due to the save requirement
Even then, it's easy to save everyone.
Perky 13 -
Hero's excavation Another favorite here!
At first, I thought the blocker was irrelevant, but nope, it's necessary to rescue him, as the solution does require bombing to get to the exit and if you don't rescue the blocker you will be 1 short of the requirement. I especially love the fencing with the preplaced lemming on the left and then bashing to release both the crowd and blocker.
Perky 14 -
A touch too much Nice level demonstrating using a stacker as a splatform and also to block the exit trigger which is bashed away later after the crowd drops down safely. I love the method of isolating a worker lemming by using the last one in the crowd to float down and make the splatform with the stacker.
Perky 15 -
Six pixel principle Another level demonstrating how to get past a 7-pixel wall which also seems to be a once-per-rank level. This level is really to teach the player the stoner/stacker combo as it's nothing but that. It's one of the more obscure tricks of NL and can probably still be difficult for a player to discover. I don't think I ever found it myself before playing the tutorial level on it in the Introduction pack. Then again, United was the very first NL pack I played before I played the other level packs, particularly those where there are levels teaching this combo in a much easier way. United does have a level where it's required, but it's not obvious it's needed.
Perky 16 -
Small As already mentioned, I made the solution harder than it needs to be as I bashed while the platformer is in progress because of how he would turn around otherwise due to how I placed the digger.
Perky 17 -
Half the fun Somewhat challenging, but it's really about making the correct choice of how to get past the obstacles to get to the far right to get the pickup skill. The second obstacle is harder to get by, and I did make the incorrect choice of using a miner to, as there is a hole he leaves in the floor by the checkerboard mechanic. Instead, you need to build to get higher and then you can mine through the wall. Can also be hard to get a lemming far enough ahead to patch up the gap where the water is, but luckily a single builder brick is all that's needed.
Perky 18 -
Another death march Difficult level, especially as achieving the compression is difficult to figure out. I really like it though, bombing and then bashing inside it and cloning the basher to make a wall on either side and then cancelling. Then another basher to the right and cancelling midstroke to release everyone once all Lemmings all in the pit.
Perky 19 -
Flooded forest Nice design and level!
Perky 20 -
If only they had stairs Just the stacker staircase multiple times, which isn't exactly something that's fun to do in NL. Nevertheless, I do like how a save all isn't all that hard to achieve here, just need to be careful about trapping lemmings on the other side of a stacker.
Perky 21 -
Caves in the deep Great level!
At first I made the mistake of using a glider to get past in the starting area, but that turns out to be a mistake, as you won't be able to get the glider to where he needs to be later on. Instead, the answer is to need to over the gap. I absolutely loved seeing the glider go around to get the pickups, although admittedly him going all the way down when coming back to the left took me by surprise. I thought he was going to be stuck on the bottom far right, but that's only the way it appeared.
Perky 22 -
Look at them shimmy! Ah, I remember this one tripping me up on Old Formats, as it has with some of the others. However, this is an excellent level and an absolute favorite of mine
I really love the solution here. You also succeeded with the red herrings which make it look it's still possible to solve the level but aren't.
Perky 23 -
Yum yums Yum yum indeed, Raymanni's Food tileset is awesome to look at, especially with the different foods might make one think about food
Nice any-way-you-want level here!
Perky 24 -
Who's on detour duty? The only hard part here is to rescue the lemming who goes to push the button. Nice solution, though it seems I overcomplicated it a bit, especially with how it wasn't possible for me to build over the trap without fencing into the terrain first.
Perky 25 -
Tricky triangles I think I remember this one from Old Formats. Nice almost constructive skills only level, where there's a basher, though it's very possible to solve the level without it, if I had platformed up the gap on the far right instead, for example.
Perky 26 -
Sailing the skies Great level
I was momentarily confused about gliders being able to bounce off the stoner, but that's because I failed to realize that the gap is sealed off completely with how precisely the stoner needs to be placed. Then that makes it possible, meaning if there's even a tiny gap then they'll just glide into the fire trap. I really love how two take the teleporter while the others go over the top and take a long detour for the workers to prepare the route ahead. It was fun seeing the updrafts push the gliders upwards as usual.
Perky 27 -
Lemming mash Now this one probably would had worked out better as a compression tutorial as a replacement for the kitty trap tutorial level in the previous rank, except maybe I get rid of the right entrance to make it nothing but achieving the compression. The traps take a while, so even if some drop out to the left it's still possible for a trap to kill one each, though you still need to place the digger carefully.
Perky 28 -
Service with a smile Awesome level
I especially like how everyone needs to do something at the start in order to prevent dropping into the pit where they can't escape and will die to the trap, and they all take different paths through the level before meeting together again at the bottom.
Perky 29 -
Celestial drawbridge Nice level, although the hardest part is keeping everyone safe and isolating a worker to carve the path, but once successful with both, the rest is easy, and the skillset isn't too tight at all.
Perky 30 -
Sucker for punishment Nice level, though I realized I could had made things easier by bombing someone else walking inside the second digger pit instead of just bombing shortly after the vertical trap kills the digger
Then there would be no need for the super tight timing.
Perky 31 -
High speed gap closing I think I remember this one from Old Formats too. I really like the multitasking that's needed to platform each gap with a different worker in order to ensure finishing on time.
Perky 32 -
As the Lem flies Another nice level, though for some reason I kept thinking there was only 1 miner when in fact you have way more than enough with 10
Perky 33 -
If only they could dig I instantly realized it's a nuke level because of the very unusually low save requirement, so no fooling me there
At the same time, all levels I've seen that require the nuke have time limits. Here, if you really want to enforce nuking down the middle where the red arrow points, putting in a time limit is the way to go, as it takes much longer to reach the exit from the sides due to all the building needed.
Perky 34 -
Down and dirty Another favorite of mine
You really have to think about how to make the most of the skills given due to the 1-of-everything skillset in 7 skill types. I especially love my solution of fencing the blocker free, though that's not necessary because of the save requirement.
Perky 35 -
One shall pass! I also remember this from Old Formats. Great level. I love how one lemming hits the splitter to platform up the gap, bashes to free the others, and finally dig through the platformer bridge to get to the exit. The only hard part is achieving how to turn everyone except 1 back to the left, but once done the rest is easy.
Perky 36 -
Live and lava Great level which looks intimidating and hard but it's not too hard. I really like the going over the top to get to the right side solution here. I think maybe something can be done with the background, as I mistook what looks to be a wall to be "solid" at the very start even though this isn't the first time a level in this tileset appears. I think it can definitely be made clearer it's background.
Perky 37 -
Severe flood warning I remember this rank finisher from Old Formats. I really like how a glider goes over the top to collect the pickup, as well as meeting up with the worker on the far right to block to prevent anyone from going into the fire trap, as well as how the worker at the bottom mines out the others who are trapped in a narrow water pit after digging. The only other hard part is figuring out how to get a worker far enough ahead to build to the midair exit, as no one is allowed to slip by or they will get killed by the alligator trap at the far bottom left.