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Messages - namida

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NeoLemmix Main / Re: Editor V1.29n-A Features
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:24:26 AM »
I don't know too much about the L2 styles, but from my understanding, they're tile-based rather than piece-based. This could make them quite fiddly to use.

Unless you're meaning "take the Lemmini conversions of these styles, and make them into NeoLemmix-compatible styles", in which case that shouldn't be too hard at all. :)

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #2 (Voting)
« on: February 27, 2015, 04:45:33 PM »
Less than 24 hours remaining. I won't say what the current votes are (they're not visible to people who haven't voted yet), but it's very close, so extra votes could impact which level wins...

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Editor V1.29n-A Features
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:32:52 PM »
I'm currently working on making it MUCH more convenient to add new styles to the editor. It'll only be of limited help with traditional Lemmix levels, but it should make things virtually drag-n-drop for Lemmini, NeoLemmix and SuperLemmini. :)

Basically, the new setup will be that there's a "styles" folder, and the NeoLemmixStyles.ini file will be in there. But it doesn't have to have information about each graphic set; just about each collection of graphic sets (ie: you'd need the "NeoLemmix" entry, the "SuperLemmini" entry, etc; but you wouldn't need an entry for the Dirt style, an entry for the Fire style, etc). Each collection of sets is in its own subfolder in here. Within these can (but doesn't have to) be an INI file with further info.

For Lemmini styles and SuperLemmini styles, as well as NeoLemmix styles using the new "g_[name]"/"v_[name]"/"x_[name]" naming scheme, you can simply copy the styles into the respective folder and NeoLemmix Editor will automatically detect it next time you start up the editor. You can also do this for traditional Lemmix styles (and NeoLemmix styles using the older "ground#o"/"vgagr#"/"vgaspec#" naming scheme), but of course it can't magically pull a name out of thin air, so in-editor they'll simply be referred to as, eg, "VGAGR0" or "VGASPEC0". That's where the optional INI comes in - you can define names for these styles there.

The INI can also be used for (Super)Lemmini styles, or NeoLemmix styles with the newer scheme. This could be useful if, for example, you want to also assign a graphic set number to a (Super)Lemmini style, which of course could matter if you're saving the style directly to a Lemmix format. Or, if you want a tidier or different name than the style's internal name (for example, you might rather have "Dirt" than "dirt", or you might prefer "Christmas" to "xmas" or "Sunsoft Special" to "hebereke").

As far as actually implementing it (rather than just planning it) goes, I've so far only implemented it for (Neo)Lemmix styles, and haven't implemented support for the optional INI yet. It'll be implemented in full before the release, though. That aside, the only thing left to implement is support for the variable-sized one way areas that are used in Cheapo level conversions.

Site Discussion / Re: Smileys for the 2015 forum
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:15:07 AM »
No, nothing's changed (at least not that I'm aware of; one of the other admins may have changed something). It's possible to turn smileys off on a per-post basis, or even make smileys (and formatting tags) be ignored for part of a post by surrounding that part with [nobbc][/nobbc] tags.

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Hamsters for DOS (1994) - Lemmings clone
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:13:46 AM »
I remember playing the demo of this back in the day and finding it quite interesting; dont' think I ever played the full version. I'll have to try it again at some point.

Closed / Re: Player Bugs / Suggestions
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:12:05 AM »
That is something I could consider once it reaches an absolute-final state, which probably isn't too far away. :) Until then, one problem is that sometimes formats or other things change between players - most significantly between V1.14n->V1.15n and V1.28n->V1.29n, in both cases of which earlier version MAIN.DAT files wouldn't be compatible with newer ones. Of course, I'd have to think of (but this shouldn't be too hard) how to handle some stuff that's hardcoded for specific players - for example, one of the secret level's codes in Lemmings Plus III bonus pack has a hard-coded code, unlike all other codes that are algorithmically generated.

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Player V1.29n Released
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:31:47 AM »
I've discovered that there's a bug which makes the setting test mode type from the editor not work properly. This will be fixed in the next update, which might come before there's an editor update to support that feature anyway.

NeoLemmix Main / Editor V1.29n-A Features
« on: February 26, 2015, 08:58:23 AM »
Okay, so here's a list of features for the V1.29n Editor, being added to the list as they're added to the editor. Obviously, some things that it goes without saying will be in there (such as compatibilty with V1.29n features), but haven't been added to this list yet because I haven't implemented them yet.

If there's anything you'd particularly like to see implemented ASAP, feel free to bring it up in this topic. That's not to say I guarantee it'll make it in, but I will make a note of it - and if it's fairly simple, it most likely will get into the release.

> The "Compile Styles" is a thing of the past; graphic sets will be used directly.
> Graphic set organisation has been made much tidier, and simpler to add to
> The NeoLemmixStyles.INI has been tidied up a little bit; some completely unused entries have been removed (such as Oddtable and MAIN.DAT references)
> Supports graphic sets with purely a name and no number
> Regular / Alternate paste mode options (the latter of which was added a few versions ago) can be configured from the in-editor Settings menu
> The test mode style (whether to display preview/postview screens) can be configured in the editor; this option only works with NeoCustLemmix and requires V1.29n-B or higher*
> The various types of steel areas in V1.29n are now all editable

* V1.29n-B hasn't been released yet. V1.29n was meant to support it, but it doesn't work due to an oversight in the coding.

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Possible feature: Acheivements
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:22:13 AM »
^ Heh, I actually somewhat like that idea. xD

In Development / Re: GigaLems - A project I plan on making
« on: February 26, 2015, 12:11:26 AM »
You can put in custom music if you can get it in either IT or OGG format. Looping OGGs are supported. Similar formats to IT (such as MOD, XM, etc) are also supported; just rename them to have a .IT extension.

If you can get it in VGM format, there's a tool out there called "BRSTM Convertor" that can convert VGMs to looping OGGs; it saves these with a LOGG extension but just rename it to OGG and it'll work.

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Possible feature: Acheivements
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:44:39 PM »
100% on Taxing 18 without builders isn't possible in either Lemmix or NeoLemmix. In fact, completing it without builders full stop isn't possible in either version. Under regular Lemmix it can be beaten with only 1 builder (but you need more for 100%), in NeoLemmix you need far more than this due to the absence of steel glitches.

I do like the idea of one for beating the 4 special levels.

Qualifying levels are:

Crazy 06 "The Stack"
Wicked 02 "Inroducing SUPERLEMMING"
Havoc 16 "Scaling the Heights"

Next set is up.

Closed / Re: Player Bugs / Suggestions
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:53:15 PM »
Nope, I'll add that to the list. Thanks for finding all these. :)

Levels for v10 or older / Re: NeoLemmix version of "Copycat Lemmings"
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:31:56 PM »
Cheapo includes the ONML tilesets, but unlike the Orig ones, they're not remade, they're just copied straight from ONML. They do contain some pieces ONML doesn't though, such as 90-degree rotated versions of the straight bars in the snow tileset, and steel in the bubble tileset (well, NeoLemmix / newer versions of Lemmix include steel in the Bubble set nowadays, but vanilla ONML sure didn't).

New tilesets at the moment seem to be fairly rare... there's the odd one showing up now and then for Lix, and there's a decent chance that whenever I announce a new project, it also means a new NeoLemmix tileset or two. Traditional Lemmix, Lemmini and SuperLemmini aren't getting much at all. That being said, expect to see a LOT of the old Cheapo tilesets (and there were a LOT of these) showing up on NeoLemmix too in the near future. :D

Lemmini / Re: I'm modifying Lemmini - any suggestions?
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:19:58 PM »
Why gray? IIRC, the builder bags in Holiday Lemmings are blue.

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