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Messages - namida

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Tech & Research / Re: Lemmings Engine/Fangame System Standard
« on: July 26, 2024, 01:34:31 AM »
I can't even figure out what you're trying to say here. What does PNG have to do with anything else here? What do you mean by "a standard"?

Ah, I was mostly thinking about the same lemming. Yeah, needing to overwrite specifically on the same frame for a different lemming is a rare enough case.

"If in replay insert mode, and a skill assignment is attempted that would result in overwriting an assignment to a different lemming, prevent that assignment. Retain existing behavior in the case of assignments to the same lemming, as well as when not in insert mode."

Does this sound good? Should a single physics update still be performed when the assignment is prevented for this reason (as would happen if it were successful)? (I should probably double check what happens with an attempt to make an invalid assignment (eg. assigning a builder to a blocker), and keep consistency with that.)

On a side note - if anyone has added objects of the new types to their styles, let me know so I can point those styles out in the first post for people looking for them. So far, aside from the placeholder-graphics ones in namida_systemtest, the only one I'm aware of is a portal I added to namida_lab.

It pretty much comes down to either "keep as is" or "preserve the original assignment instead", possibly with some added visual and/or audio feedback when the collision occurs.

This was the last thing I said on the matter. Would people prefer the "preserve the original assignment" behavior? Does the advantage of this outweigh the added hassle of overwriting such assignments (ie: you must either remove them with the replay editor, or cut the replay off at an earlier point than the assignment - the latter in particular likely undesirable if Replay Insert Mode is being used in the first place).

SuperLemmix / Re: SuperLemmix Source Code
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:54:59 PM »
^ You probably saw on Discord, but it's now confirmed that the fullscreen bug was related to Delphi 11 (commit 6ee3171 fixes it - there's another commit a couple later that says it fixes it, but that was actually junk files that I didn't need to commit; 6ee3171 is the actual fix) while the bug with the game refusing to load (the one Armani was having in particular) was GR32v3; updating your copy of GR32 to commit dbd2777 or later (this is a commit in GR32's repo, not in NL's one) will fix that.


1) Ensure that bass.dll is present in {source code directory}\bin\ (you can find this in any NL/SLX installation folder)
MakeSymLinks should take care of that too.

However, I did notice when setting up the NL repo on my new PC - if the "bin" folder does not yet exist the first time you run MakeSymLinks, you need to run it twice. Alternatively, make the "bin" folder manually (doesn't need anything put in it, it just needs to exist) and then run it. Didn't look into why, probably just poor writing of the BAT file. Unless you've fixed this yourself (or removed the reliance on it), it'll likely be the same for SLX.

Here's RC3. The only change is that it uses a newer version of Graphics32, which should fix the issue some users of non-English systems were having with RC1 and RC2. If RC2 was working fine for you, there's no real need to upgrade to RC3.

As a reminder - there aren't proper objects (ie: with nice graphics) of the new types, but there are functional ones you can use to test out ideas / evalute how they work in the namida_systemtest style. Additionally, I did add a portal to namida_lab (download via the style manager or the all-styles zip, it's included).

SuperLemmix / Re: [FEAT] Rewind button / hotkey
« on: July 21, 2024, 11:10:03 AM »
Yeah, NL could be making save states far more often. I was worried about the performance impact of doing them regularly when I implemented them. I never specifically tested the "is making more of them alright" angle; only the "does it give good enough results for backstepping".

Compression would make them less performant, which is a concern if they're being taken regularly. On the flipside though, regular save states - unless they're getting overwritten / discarded very frequently too (which may not be a bad idea) - will take up more memory. How well they'll compress is a concern too - it's likely only the physics maps and the visual terrain map that are actually worth compressing. The physics maps at least should compress very well. I don't know how necessary compression really is in NL's (or forks thereof) case, but if you did want to go down that road, it may also be worth looking into whether compression can be handled in a seperate thread.

The other thing I'd raise is that a very good idea is for the game's active state to also be a "saved state". NeoLemmix doesn't use such an approach because rewinding (and in turn, save states) were a later addition there; but in the case of Loap, which was built with this facility in mind from day one, the game's current state that gets updated by the engine each iteration, etc, is also an instance of the SavedState class (or whatever I named it). This helps to ensure that everything that needs to be part of the state, is part of it.

Level Design / Re: Most inspirational / revolutionary levels
« on: July 21, 2024, 10:48:53 AM »
MazuLems Level 9 "Holy Cow!" -- the originator (as far as I know) of the now-standard trick of placing bridges between two obstacles so a single basher or miner can keep going and cut through both of them. The trick is also pretty well hidden on this level, so it's not immediately obvious that this is the trick used even if you have seen it before!

This is a really good example tbh. That particular trick is very commonplace nowdays, but it was absolutely amazing at the time.

Other Projects / Re: Lemmings for Scratch 2
« on: July 21, 2024, 12:30:50 AM »
i agree, i recently closed down production on the game because i had no way of getting the ground and skills to work properly, along with my remake of love a lemming, and chronicles+ is now gone due to noone jumping into it.

It can be difficult to get support for a project on these Forums, but if you’re into it and believe in it then don’t give up. People might get more into it if it’s further along in its development.

Good luck!

This too. NeoLemmix didn't get much attention (outside of Lemmings Plus III, which was shipped as a standalone EXE containing the NeoLemmix engine and the pack's data, so the attention there was more on the pack itself than NL) for a very long time after it was first released.

Level Design / Re: What are some tips for making difficult levels?
« on: July 19, 2024, 09:33:03 PM »
geoo's favorite:

    Play lots of levels by others.
    Submit your replays to the author.
    The author will judge some of your solutions backroutes. Sometimes, he'll also fix his levels to prevent your backroutes.
    Which backroute did you like the most? Were you surprised that he judged a particularly cool solution a backroute?
    Build a new level that has your cool backroute as the intended solution.
    I recommend to make the new level look sufficiently different from the original level. After all, the idea is now different, and it's nice to give different ideas different looks.
I've gotten some good levels out of this approach too. The counterpoint to it though is: if the level was backroute prone before, it's often still backroute-prone in your version too. Some of the worst problem levels for backroutes in my packs are ones made with this method.

Another one, though it's not specific to extreme levels... sacrifices that aren't blockers, bombers or stoners (assuming it's not a huge number that is meant to offer a lot of leeway).  I find that throws a lot of players.
Yeah, I've definitely noticed people overlook this easily too.

Tech & Research / Re: The Direct Drop Topic
« on: July 19, 2024, 11:05:12 AM »
Yeah, I should be very clear that I have zero intention of forbidding such discussions, regardless of how I personally feel about either the subject itself or the repeated discussions on it. If no one wants to engage, they're always free to not respond or even read it, after all.

Finally got around to sorting out RC2.

This should fix the issues people were reporting, except for Armani's issue. However I've added some code that should at least help us narrow down which file the issue is happening on, and maybe even figure out the exact cause. (It's also possible the GR32 updates in the meantime will have fixed it, I can't say. If they haven't, this build should at least help narrow it down.)

Changelog from RC1
> Added some extra logging for when PNG files fail to load.
> Added some recent contributors to the credits in the scrolling text.
> Fixed bug: Laserer laser remains visible (but non-functional) if a laserer is killed by a trap / etc or begins teleporting while lasering.
> Fixed bug: The move/copy options in the mass replay checker may overwrite files if multiple inputs end up with the same output filename. (A number will now be appended to the subsequent ones' filenames.)
> Fixed bug: When in fullscreen mode, the start bar doesn't hide and NL doesn't quite cover the entire screen, if OS scaling is set to any value other than 100%. (This bug is exclusive to 12.13.0-RC1 and does not occur in 12.12.X.)
> Updated the version of GR32v3, which may fix some issues (in particular the issue with saving level images).

The main reason for including Lemmings Redux rather than the (mostly) unmodified official packs is that a lot of the official levels were either bad levels in the first place (builderfests like Hunt The Nessy), or just don't work as well under NeoLemmix (for example, any level that revolves around bomber timing or other execution difficulty factors, don't hold up so well when bombers are instant and gameplay can be framestepped / rewinded). It's also an opportunity to showcase some of the less-known official levels that are really good, such as many from the Genesis version of the game. Add in the other minor improvements like fixes to particularly bad backroutes and the greatly improved ordering of levels, as well as that Redux applies many of the modern fanmade content standards (like no unnecessary time limits), and yeah, just didn't make sense to go with the direct conversions instead of Redux.

Fixed in commit 996b2e1.

NL will now only overwrite the replay file if the file name generated for the output is exactly the same as the input filename (as in this case, it can be presumed the user is intentionally overwriting their existing ones). Otherwise, if the file already exists, a number will be appended to the name (before the extension). It starts with adding -0001, -0002 etc. In the extremely unlikely case 9999 is reached, it just adds on an extra digit (ie: the next one will have -10000 appended to the name).

Side effects may include an infinite hang if you have roughly 4 billion files with the same output name. I consider this a very unlikely scenario in practice.

Challenges / Re: its not about the played, its the player
« on: July 18, 2024, 09:48:22 PM »
...I don't think many people are going to have the time to train a pet to play Lemmings, nor a pet that would actually be capable.

I think the most likely candidates for pet species that might have a shot at this - but even then, you'd be looking at years if not decades of training them - would be African Grey or Eclectus parrots, or rats (though rats' lifespans might be a bit too short to train them; African Greys and Eclectuses can make it well beyond 30 years so lifespan isn't such an obstacle there).

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