[RELEASE] SuperLemmix 2.8.5 | Editor 2.8.5 | Styles 2.8.5

Started by WillLem, March 02, 2023, 01:38:33 AM

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A fork of NeoLemmix featuring new skills, a Classic Mode option and an updated level Editor

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SuperLemmix gameplay, physics and interface are greatly influenced by the Amiga and Windows 95 versions of Lemmings, but with all the QOL features we've come to appreciate from NeoLemmix still at our fingertips. Here's a list of everything that has been implemented for SuperLemmix so far:

New & Modified Skills
:lemming: The Timebomber (Bomber with 5 second countdown) has made a comeback as a separate, independent skill from the untimed Bomber (which is also still part of SuperLemmix)

:lemming: Introducing the Ladderer, a brand new SuperLemmix-exclusive skill! The lemming unfolds a diagonally-downwards bridge allowing for quick construction. Check it out in action here!

:lemming: A warm SuperLemmix welcome to the L2 Ballooner! The lemming produces a large helium balloon and floats upwards with a slight diagonal drift in the direction they're facing. The Ballooner is a non-permanent movement skill which interacts with a number of other skill actions, including being cancellable and assignable to pre-placed lems. Check it out in action here!

:lemming: Projectile skills Grenader and Spearer fully re-integrated (from their brief inclusion in a NeoLemmix experimental), along with new Looker state! Grenade graphics are also customisable per-style (these can be found in styles\default\grenades). Projectiles can also pop balloons and kill zombies!

:lemming: Introducing the new Freezer skill; a Lemming that generates an instant ice cube terrain block. This was originally to replace the now-culled Stoner, but has since grown to be very much its own thing - as of 2.1.1 Freezers can now be rescued! Simply destroy the ice cube and the Frozen lem will quickly thaw out and then continue on their merry way. They can be assigned in mid-air, and can be assigned to Timebombers to help with more accurate placement. They're also zombie-proof

:lemming: The Laserer's range is now (effectively) infinite. Laserers can also now pop balloons and kill zombies!

:lemming: Sliders now transition to a new Dangler state when they reach the bottom of a slide, to allow for easier Slider > Shimmier transition

:lemming: Shimmiers can now be assigned to Climbers at any time, to allow for easier Climber > Shimmier transition (if they can't reach Shimmyable terrain, they turn and fall)

:lemming: Shimmiers now have an extra pixel's grace for overhead terrain checks - they now fall at 3px instead of 2px

:lemming: A new "Sleeper" state is entered when time runs out and the lemming reaches the exit. This is mostly aesthetic, but also simulates exit behaviour as these lemmings cannot be assigned to

:lemming: Blockers, Shimmiers and Jumpers can now be assigned to Swimmers

Classic Mode
:lemming: A new "Classic Mode" is featured, accessed via its own dedicated button or the Config menu, which Globally modifies the following features for a more "old school" Lemmings experience!:

- Deactivates Skill Shadows
- Deactivates Helper Overlay Graphics (including Fall Distance Ruler)
- Deactivates Skill Queueing

The above features are also individually toggleable via their own checkbox. The following features are exclusive to Classic Mode, when activated:

- Deactivates Clear Physics Mode
- Deactivates Direction Select, Walker Select and Highlight Lemming
- Deactivates Frameskipping (including Special Skips and Slow-Motion)
- Deactivates jumping to Max/Min Release Rate
- Deactivates Save/Load State
- Deactivates Save/Load Replay (in-game only; replays can still be loaded and saved from pre/postview screens)
- Deactivates Replay Editing and Replay Insert Mode
- Deactivates Assign-Whilst-Paused
- Deactivates Sprite-recolouring for 'Selected' Lemmings (as well as keeping it old-school, this feature is also handy as an instant visual signal that you're in Classic Mode)

The Welcome screen for SuperLemmix also now includes a choice between 'Classic Mode' and 'Modern Mode'

Updated Level Select Screen
:lemming: The Level Select screen can now be browsed using arrow keys to load each level preview, and pressing [Enter] loads the selected level into the player

:lemming: The Level Select screen now has a "Reset Talismans" button, so players can reset their talisman progress on a per-level basis. Very handy for level testing, and when replaying an already-completed pack!

:lemming: Level Info icons can now be customised per-style (the level's theme chooses which style is used for these), as well as per-levelpack. Theme is preferred, and defaults will be used if no customised versions are present

:lemming: Added button to Show/Hide Options in Level Select menu

:lemming: Increased width of, and text size in, Level Select treeview

Updated Config Menu
As well as incorporating Classic Mode, the following tweaks have been made to the Config menu:

:lemming: Added more auto-naming options for Replay files and widened the dropdowns for easier reading

:lemming: 'Don't Replay After Backwards Frameskips' has been changed to 'Replay After Backwards Frameskips' and is unchecked by default

:lemming: Graphics Options now have their own tab

:lemming: Added option to Replay after Restart, or not

:lemming: The Hotkeys Config now has Reset, Cancel and Save & Close buttons. It also no longer displays a popup when finding a key, and instead the button label changes to let users know that it's listening for a keypress. Options for 'Classic Hotkeys' (similar to previous 'minimal'), 'Advanced Hotkeys' (where most available functions are pre-mapped), 'Alternative Hotkeys' (identical to NeoLemmix default) and 'Clear All Keys' have also been added, and the form factor has been widened for easier reading/havigation

:lemming: Added option to load Next Unsolved Level, or Last Active Level (current behaviour) - see this topic for a deeper explanation of how it works

New Objects
:lemming: Collectibles - fully customisable per-style and per-levelpack, and with full level select, menu and preview screen support; the default is a blue diamond. The purpose of these is to collect as many as possible per-level; if all are collected, level designers have the option to activate Invincibility mode for the lem who collects the final diamond!

:lemming: Radiation and Slowfreeze have made a comeback - these are objects which start a 10-second Bomber/Freezer countdown when a lem comes into contact with it. As of 2.5, the countdown timers are variable, and can be set by the level designer in the Editor. As of 2.6.1, each countdown has its own colour - red for Radiation, blue for Slowfreeze

:lemming: Orig Fire water is now re-purposed as a new water type called Lava and is renamed to "lava"

:lemming: Orig Marble water is now a new water type called Poison and is renamed to "poison" - this object turns lemmings into Zombies on contact!

:lemming: OhNo Bubble water is now a new object type called Blasticine which causes lems to explode on contact. Surrounding terrain is not destroyed, the effect is just for fun!

:lemming: OhNo Rock water is now Vinewater, a special type of water which triggers the vinetrap animation rather than the drowner animation. And, again, it's fatal to all lems including Swimmers

Modified Default & Orig/OhNo! Styles, Sprites and other GFX
:lemming: Floater now has a red & white umbrella in default, and a green "Christmas tree" umbrella in xmas

:lemming: Athletes are recoloured to dark blue tunic with green hair

:lemming: Low-res Builders, Platformers and Stackers have different-coloured backpacks

:lemming: Sprites/Masks added for Spearer & Grenader (includes Thrower sprite)

:lemming: All Original style background colours are changed to the dark blue Amiga colour

Revisions to Orig/OhNo! Secondary Trap Animations
:lemming: ohno_brick - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered)
:lemming: ohno_bubble - The zapper trap now has a glowing animation rather than the 'zig-zagging barrel' one
:lemming: ohno_rock - The lizard trap has more than twice the number of frames; its eyes now dart about randomly as well as occasionally blinking, similar to a real-life chameleon
:lemming: ohno_rock - The weed trap is now non-animated (unless triggered) and is now identical to the original
:lemming: ohno_snow - The icicle trap is now non-animated (unless triggered)

:lemming: orig_crystal - The large electric trap now glows whilst electrocuting, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white
:lemming: orig_crystal - The small disc-shaped electric trap now has a scrolling shimmer, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white
:lemming: orig_dirt - The rock trap is now non-animated (unless triggered)
:lemming: orig_marble - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered)
:lemming: orig_pillar - The rope trap's light is a brighter shade of green
:lemming: orig_pillar - All spike traps (large and small) are now non-animated (unless triggered)

Zombie Updates
:lemming: Zombie Walkers now have their own dedicated sprite, which also applies when the Zombie is falling

:lemming: Zombies now walk at half the speed of regular lemmings

:lemming: Zombies can now Exit - but, they count as -1 towards the total lems saved!

:lemming: Zombies can now interact with buttons, since they can now also exit

:lemming: Zombies now collect pickups, but the skills are not added to the panel and are instead eaten!

:lemming: Non-Swimmer lems that encounter Poison now become Zombie-Drifters - these float across the Poison at half the speed of Swimmers, keeping the newly-created Zombie active in the level (currently, they immediately drown, which seems a bit redundant - hence the update). Note that this behaviour is for Poison only - Water remains fatal to all non-Swimmer lems

:lemming: The Skill Panel string now shows a "Z-" prefix for all activities being performed by a Zombie

:lemming: New Zombie sounds added for infection/level intro, exiting, splatting, falling offscreen and ohnoing

:lemming: Airborne projectiles that hit Zombies now cause the Zombie to explode (without leaving a destruction crater - this is purely to compliment the Kill All Zombies talisman and provide another way to remove Zombies from a level). Also, grenades detonate on contact with the Zombie

Updated Game Mechanics
:lemming: Superlemming mode re-inroduced! Gameplay speed is increased x3, FF and Rewind are deactivated, and skills can't be assigned whilst the game is paused

:lemming: Invincibility mode can now be activated for the lem who obtains the final collectible in a single level.  Invincible lems can survive any fall, are immune to traps and fire, can swim in all water object types, don't get zombified, are de-neutralised if originally neutral, can leave freezer cubes and bomber craters without being killed during the fireworks, and can use as many skills as they like!

:lemming: Fallers and Splatters can now exit if they make contact with the Exit's trigger before they hit the ground (aka Direct Drop)

:lemming: OhNo-ers and pre-Ice-Cube Freezers can now exit in midair if they're made to arrive at the exit's trigger before they explode

:lemming: Jumpers and the "Reacher" state of a Shimmier can also now exit once again (this was previously culled as a bug)

:lemming: Jumpers now "bounce" when they hit terrain - they turn, and complete the trajectory of their arc facing in the opposite direction. Turns out this is how Jumpers behave in L2; I genuinely didn't realise this until after making the decision to implement this behaviour!

:lemming: If a lemming has begun to exit before time runs out, they now count as saved!

:lemming: Sides are now one-way forcefields rather than deadly voids, and the top is now open - Jumpers and Projectiles continue their arc of trajectory back into the level rather than disappearing out the top

:lemming: Shimmier-Climbers now transition to Climber if they no longer have shimmyable terrain, but they do have climbable terrain (at least 2px thereof) immediately above them - this mimics L2 behaviour

:lemming: End-of-Gameplay Behaviour is now much more comprehensive - in most cases, play will no longer exit to postview unless the save requirement has been met. Overtime will be applied whenever (time is up and there are still lems to be saved), (only zombies remain and there is a Kill All Zombies talisman), and the game will freeze if (all lemmings are removed and the save requirement hasn't been met). This may later be changed and refined, and options may be added, but for now it's the overall best possible behaviour for all possible states

Updated Game Controls
:lemming: Playback Mode - auto-play an entire folder of replays for a selected levelpack, with various playback options!

:lemming: Replay Manager - this includes additional replay renaming options (including the ability to append the pass/fail result of each replay) when performing a Mass Replay Check

:lemming: Infinite Skills Hotkey - this sets all skill counts on the current panel to infinity, allowing the player to experiment with different solutions, get a better feel for the various skill actions, or just have fun with the level without having to worry about the skill count! It's also a particularly useful level-creation tool. Once Infinite Skills mode is active, pressing the key again resets the game to the point at which the mode was first activated, so that the level can be played normally (all skill actions are preserved in the replay, but only those for which there are enough skills will play out from this point on)

:lemming: It's now possible to assign hotkeys to individual panel buttons, regardless of which skill happens to be on that button for the current level - for example, if "Numpad 5" is assigned the 5th button, the 5th button will be selected when pressing that key, no matter which skill is currently assigned to that button

:lemming: The Replay "R" icon is now animated - it can also be clicked to cancel the replay, even in Replay Insert mode

:lemming: The Fall Distance Ruler has been updated to only show the actual fall distance, nothing else. It also now has the same colour cycle effect as objects in Clear Physics Mode; this has been done so that it's easier to distinguish between the ruler and any surrounding terrain/objects, although this can be toggled off in the Options menu if users prefer the solid colour ruler

:lemming: Previous assignments are no longer overwritten when playing in Replay Insert mode - the Assign Fail sound plays, and the most-recent assignment is not recorded, preserving the original assignment at that frame

:lemming: LMB performs a +1 Frameskip as usual, but now the RMB performs a -1 skip by default (the button is still hotkey-configurable). Also, both now perform repeated skips when the button is held

:lemming: .nxrp replay files can now be File-Associated with the SuperLemmix Player in Windows. When associated, clicking a replay file will open SuperLemmix and load the level & replay, ready to be played back immediately!

New Talismans
:lemming: Play in Classic Mode - the player must complete the level whilst playing in Classic Mode

:lemming: Play Without Pressing Pause - rather than re-implement the "Frenzy" gimmick, an optional talisman seems like a better way to encourage real-time-only play

:lemming: The Kill All Zombies Talisman has been re-implemented - code for it already existed in NL but was removed

Updated panel
:lemming: Panel is now hi-res only (regardless of game setting)

:lemming: Widened panel now allows 14 skill types per level

:lemming: Rewind button added

:lemming: Turbo Fast-forward functionality added

:lemming: Updated save count display: the exit icon gains a green check mark when the SR is met, and the SR is now displayed when mousing-over the exit icon and/or save count digits

:lemming: The save count is no longer displayed as a negative number in the panel - to compliment this, the panel now displays the save count in yellow if it hasn't yet been met

:lemming: Added optional mouseover hints to all skill panel buttons

:lemming: Colourful squiggle added (click it to see what it does!) :lemcat:

:lemming: Lemming counts are capped at '999' ('-99' for negative numbers) across the panel

:lemming: Half-buttons removed

:lemming: Option to show/hide minimap added (panel & window resize accordingly)

Updated sounds
:lemming: An "Assign Fail" sound now plays whenever a skill assignment is attempted, and fails. This also works for highlit lemmings

:lemming: Spearers, Grenaders, Jumpers and Laserers now have their own dedicated sounds

:lemming: New menu sounds added - L2's "OK" when choosing something, and an original sound "Bye" when exiting

:lemming: RR/SI -/+ buttons now have pitched sound, modelled on Amiga/Lemmini

:lemming: Skill buttons now have pitched sound

:lemming: Option to choose between "Yippee!" and "Boing" as the Exit sound added

Other Tweaks, Updates, Spit & Polish
:lemming: Mouseover tooltip hints added to many of the dialog-based features (Level Select, Config, Replay Manager, Playback Mode) to assist players with navigating these menus

:lemming: The SuperLemmix window caption now displays level title and save requirement info. It also displays "Mass Replay Check" when in MRC mode

:lemming: Menu screens now Fade In as well as Fade Out, to make between-screen transitions smoother and more Amiga-esque

:lemming: All menus/dialogs are now fully keyboard-compatible and respond to [Esc] by closing

:lemming: Lemming names are now customisable - if you have a style with custom sprites, you can name them whatever you like and this will appear in the preview and postview screens in place of the word "Lemmings". Singular and plural forms are both supported

:lemming: Lemmings now shrug and the "OK" sound is played when a level is cheated. This is just for fun!

:lemming: The option to recolour Swimmer sprites separately from other athletes has been added. This must be done by manually editing the scheme.nxmi file - instructions can be found here - Swimmers are otherwise recoloured as normal athletes by default

:lemming: Brand new Menu graphics & layout

:lemming: Scroller graphics embiggened, and made more cromulent

:lemming: Preview and Postview screen text is recoloured per-line (modelled on Amiga). The RR value is now displayed on Preview, and a new "Fewest Total Skills" line has been added to postview. The text can also be custom recoloured per-line by adding textcolours.nxmi to the data folder (applies game-wide) or the level pack's root folder (applies to the current level pack)

:lemming: New Amiga-style menu cursors

:lemming: An "Amiga Theme" which re-skins various aspects of the program (including menus, skill panel, etc) with Amiga-style gfx

:lemming: In-game level border is recoloured to dark purple

:lemming: New welcome screen with pictures, logo font, and SuperLemmix-specific options

:lemming: Pressing Up/Down on the Group sign in the Main Menu stops at the highest and lowest rank respectively, rather than cycling infinitely. This makes it easier to know which order the ranks are in when the names are ambiguous

:lemming: Pickup skill numbers are no longer displayed once the pickup has been collected

DMA Compliation Packs
:lemming: SuperLemmix ships with all of the original DMA Design levels, including:

- Lemmings
- Oh No! More Lemmings
- 2 Player Levels
- Xmas/Holiday Lemmings
- SNES, Genesis, SMS, PS3, PSP and ZX Spectrum-exclusive Levels
- Prima Publishing and COVOX Levels
- and more...

:lemming: All levels are fully restored and recompiled by WillLem, Minim, Ron Stard, Proxima and ericdekovits

:lemming: All levels feature the Timebomber in place of the untimed Bomber so that they can be played as originally intended

:lemming: All levels now feature the Play in Classic Mode talisman

:lemming: New logos for each pack have been designed and included

Editor Updates
There have also been some considerable tweaks to the Editor interface as well, in part to incorporate the new skills, but also to distinguish it from the NeoLemmix Editor to avoid confusion:

:lemming: Skill helpers are now drawn to Hatches, Pre-placed Lems and Exits

:lemming: Maximum lemmings is now 999 | Maximum level width is now 3200 | Maximum level height is now 1600

:lemming: Auto-start checkbox is no longer checked by default, but its state is remembered when closing and re-loading the Editor

:lemming: Alt + Arrow keys now move selected pieces by a custom amount (specified in the F10 settings menu - the default is 64px)

:lemming: Pressing Ctrl + Alt before moving selected pieces with the mouse activates Horizontal-only movement, allowing the selected pieces to be moved only along the X-axis (Ctrl + RMB also works for this)

:lemming: Similarly, Ctrl + Shift before moving selected pieces with the mouse activates Vertical-only movement, allowing the selected pieces to be moved only along the Y-axis (Shift/Alt + RMB also works for this)

:lemming: Ctrl + Wheel now scrolls the level horizontally, whilst Shift/Alt + Wheel scrolls the level vertically (when zoomed in)

:lemming: Support for Rival Lemmings added

:lemming: Superlemming Mode support added

:lemming: Spearer, Grenader and Timebomber support added

:lemming: Support for Play in Classic Mode, Play Without Pressing Pause, and Kill All Zombies talismans added

:lemming: Support for Poison, Radiation, Slowfreeze, Blasticine and Vinewater added

:lemming: Theme/style dropdowns widened for easier reading

:lemming: Larger scrollbars for easier access when fine-editing a level

:lemming: Updated all menu dropdrowns to display the hotkey to the right

:lemming: Condensed "Tools" and "Options" to a single menu

:lemming: Moved "Play Level" and "Validate Level (which now has a Ctrl+F12 hotkey)" to the File menu

:lemming: Significant improvements to Hotkey dialog - text is easier to read and interpret, and the dialog is displayed centre-screen

:lemming: "Display Tabs" is no longer an option - tab display is the default and only option. This is necessary due to the other various UI updates

:lemming: All dialogs (Hotkeys, Options, About, Validate Level, etc) now appear centre-screen

:lemming: "Clear Backgrounds" button moved to above the piece scroller for better access

:lemming: Some buttons and fields re-named for clarity

:lemming: New icon and title

Revised & Culled Features
Whilst much has been added in SuperLemmix, some features haven't quite made the cut. Note that these features have, at present, only been 'commented out' in the code, and can (relatively) easily be added back in if there is enough demand to do so:

:lemming: Online Features (including Style Manager) are no longer supported, due in part to the updates to the Default & Original styles, but also because I don't have anywhere to host this feature at present. If SuperLemmix gains any traction, I may consider re-implementing this is the future; for now, Styles will be periodically updated on a manual basis and made available from this post/board at all times

:lemming: Hotkey presets have been removed and instead there is a single "Classic Layout" which is recommended for use with Classic Mode. It's also similar to the previous "Minimal Layout", and so forms a good basis for building your own hotkey Config. You can, of course, simply copy over your existing hotkeys.ini file from NeoLemmix if you wish to continue to use your familiar hotkeys with SuperLemmix

:lemming: The Stoner skill has been removed and replaced with the more-versatile Freezer

:lemming: Removed option to hide Advanced Options in Level Select screen. This seemed superfluous and was taking up space in the Config menu, so it's gone

:lemming: Removed option to force default Lemming sprites. This one is gone for good; if a designer has spend time and effort making sprites for their levels, they ought to be showcased as intended. As the creator of the Lemminas, I'm hardly going to support a feature that will override them! ;P

:lemming: Removed option for Compact Skill Panel (the new panel basically is a compact panel with 14 available skills)

:lemming: Replays now cancel upon re-loading a level (previously, the current replay would be pre-loaded when starting a level via either "Retry Level" or "Level Select" from Postview and would have to be cancelled manually). This was originally intended to be a Classic Mode feature, but I've decided to push it forward it as a Global standard

Upcoming features / wish list.


Download SuperLemmix Styles 2.8.5

This is the latest copy of the styles folder for SuperLemmix. It will be updated periodically, and the version number will appear in the included README file so you can easily keep track of your styles set.

To install, simply unzip the folder and copy/paste the resulting "styles" folder to your SuperLemmix directory.

Any questions, please ask.



My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft


SuperLemmix 1.0.1 Update

An update already (albeit a minor one)!

Due to the updates made here, I would strongly recommend that you delete your "settings.ini" file from SuperLemmix/settings and start over.

Here's what's changed for 1.0.1:

- Updated the Welcome screen to include a choice between 'Classic Mode' and 'Modern Mode'.

- Updated the Hotkeys Config with options for 'Advanced Hotkeys' and 'Clear All Keys', also widened the form factor for easier reading/havigation.

- Fixed a bug where the "-" RR skill panel button was cropped offscreen at the smallest possible window size in windowed mode.

- Increased the default "Resize Window" size to 1776 x 800 (the current width of the panel at maximum zoom x the height of the panel + the height of a standard level); the window can of course be dynamically resized if this is too wide for you, but note that the panel will jump down to minimum zoom when in hi-res mode. I'm currently looking at creating a new panel to correct this.

- Stretched the minimap out to the right a touch; there was available space on that side that wasn't being used, figure I might as well give it to the minimap for now.

- Updated one level file and one music file, plus added Thrower and Freezer to the Lemminas sprites

Quote from: NieSch on March 02, 2023, 08:59:12 AM
Congratulations on the release!

Thanks, NieSch! :lemcat:


The first proper release of SuperLemmix is ready!

It's strongly recommended that you get this version even if you downloaded the RC; delete the RC if you have it and use this version instead. There have been a number of tweaks, improvements and bugfixes throughout the program and the included files, including some that are essential for the program to run.

Version 1.1.1 has added the following to what's listed in the OP:

:lemming: The Timebomber is here! Bombers with the 5 second timer are back as a separate, independent skill

:lemming: Updated DMA levels to feature the Timebomber so that they can be played as originally intended

:lemming: Added Thrower sprite to Xmas style

:lemming: Windowed mode now opens with the panel stretched to the full width of the window

:lemming: Slightly improved panel font (this can and will be improved further in a future release)

:lemming: Fixed a few bugs & issues related to graphics & music in the RC release

Enjoy! Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Please note that from now on the SuperLemmix master downloads will only include styles, music and other files that are necessary for the program to run.


Bugfixes & Features Update

Download SuperLemmix 1.1.2

It's worth downloading the full thing again; apologies to those few people who've been loyally grabbing each version - I have done my best to keep the download as small as possible (it's currently only 44.17MB).

Here's what new for 1.1.2:

:lemming: Kill All Zombies talisman added (with Editor support) - this works, but will need testing for bugs/wierd behaviour

:lemming: All known Timebomber bugs fixed; the skill now works as expected, although further testing is necessary to fully guarantee its stability

:lemming: Added Timebomber graphics to various subfolders and styles (these are required for SLX to run properly)

:lemming: Fixed bug which re-draws the semitransparent skill_selected graphic over the Pause button when backwards framestepping

:lemming: Added Thrower, Freezer and Timebomber sprites to lemminas_honeycomb, so all Lemminas styles are now available

:lemming: Added jKapp's hi-res logos to DMA level packs

:lemming: Some minor fixes to the DMA level files

Thankyou for continuing to support the SuperLemmix project :lemcat:


I thought I'd compile a handy list of the main differences between NeoLemmix and SuperLemmix for easy reference. It may come in handy if you're considering porting your NeoLemmix levels over: there are a few things to bear in mind, and you may wish to edit your levels to make them more platform-specific.

:lemming: Note that this table only lists things which are different; any features not listed here are the same for both platforms.

:lemming: For the purposes of this list, "optional" and "non-optional" specifically refers to whether these features can be toggled on/off via the Configurations menu.

:lemming: I have only listed features here which are most likely to directly affect gameplay and custom content creation. Superficial tweaks to the Config menu, GUI, etc, are not listed.

:lemming: *Skill Projections are not to be confused with Skill Shadows. Skill Projections are a more advanced version of Skill Shadows, which project the course of a lemming's activity over an extended range. The more immediate, shorter-term Skill Shadows are available and optional in both SuperLemmix and NeoLemmix.

:lemming: *Any levels using the Orig_Fire, Orig_Marble, OhNo_Bubble or OhNo_Rock water objects will need to be updated to include "(orig_fire) lava", "(orig_marble) poison", "(ohno_bubble) blasticine" and/or "(ohno_rock) vinewater" respectively if you want these levels to appear the same. Swimmers can no longer traverse these objects in SuperLemmix, as they have been repurposed and are no longer "water" objects. See below for details.

:lemming: *Direct Drop means 'fallers' & 'splatters' can exit upon contact with the exit's trigger area. *Jump-to-Exit means that Jumpers and the 'reacher' state of the Shimmier skill can exit in midair upon contact with the exit's trigger area.

Helper Tools: Clear Physics ModeAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: GFX OverlaysAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: Direction SelectAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: Walker SelectAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: FramesteppingAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: Skill QueueingAvailable, optionalAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: Skill Projections*UnavailableAvailable, non-optional
Helper Tools: RR Jump-to-min/maxAvailable, optional (via Classic Mode)Available, non-optional
Helper Tools: Assign-whilst-pausedAvailable, optional (via Classic Mode)Available, non-optional
Helper Tools: Replay EditingAvailable, optional (via Classic Mode)Available, non-optional
Helper Tools: Replay Insert ModeAvailable, optional (via Classic Mode)Available, non-optional
Helper Tools: 'Selected' Lemming RecolouringAvailable, optional (via Classic Mode)Available, non-optional
Online Tools: UpdatesUnavailableNotification prompts
Online Tools: Style ManagerUnavailableAvailable
Skills: TimebomberAvailableUnavailable
Skills: GrenaderAvailableUnavailable
Skills: SpearerAvailableUnavailable
Skills: LasererAvailable, 3200px rangeAvailable, 112px range
Skills: FreezerAvailableUnavailable
Skills: LaddererAvailableUnavailable
Skills: BalloonerAvailableUnavailable
Skills: StonerUnavailableAvailable
Default Sprites: FloaterRed & White UmbrellaYellow Umbrella
Default Sprites: 'Athlete' RecolouringTunic to dark blueHair and tunic swap colours
Xmas Sprites: FloaterGreen Umbrella with lightsYellow Umbrella
Xmas Sprites: 'Athlete' RecolouringTunic to dark redTunic to green
Default Styles: Fire Water object*Available as 'lava' (fire object)Available as 'water' (water object)
Default Styles: Marble Water object*Available as 'poison' (new object)Available as 'water' (water object)
Default Styles: Bubble Water object*Available as 'blasticiine' (new object)Available as 'water' (water object)
Default Styles: Rock Water object*Available as 'vinewater' (new object)Available as 'water' (water object)
Objects: RadiationAvailableUnavailable
Objects: SlowfreezeAvailableUnavailable
Default Styles: Secondary Trap AnimationsAvailable with revisions (see below)Available
Panel: Turbo Fast-forwardAvailableUnavailable
Panel: Rewind buttonAvailableUnavailable
Panel: CPM buttonUnavailableAvailable
Panel: Load Replay buttonUnavailableAvailable
Panel: Framestepping buttonUnavailableAvailable
Panel: Direction select buttonUnavailableAvailable
Panel: Compact ModeUnavailableAvailable
Panel: Show Minimap optionAvailableUnavailable
Mouse Controls: LMB+1 Frameskip (hold to repeat)+1 Frameskip
Mouse Controls: RMB-1 Frameskip (hold to repeat), ConfigurableConfigurable
Game Mechanics: Direct Drop*AvailableUnavailable
Game Mechanics: Jump to Exit*AvailableUnavailable
Game Mechanics: Superlemming ModeAvailableUnavailable
Game Mechanics: Climber > ShimmierAlways (reach is extended)Only when directly in reach of terrain
Game Mechanics: Slider > DanglerAvailableUnavailable
Game Mechanics: Level SidesOne-way ForcefieldDeadly
Game Mechanics: Level TopOpenDeadly
Talismans: Kill All ZombiesAvailableUnavailable
Talismans: Play in Classic ModeAvailableUnavailable
Talismans: Play Without Pressing PauseAvailableUnavailable
Sound: Optional Exit soundAvailableUnavailable
Sound: RR soundAvailable, pitchedUnavailable
Sound: Skill button soundAvailable, pitchedAvailable, unpitched
Sound: Menu soundsAvailableUnavailable
Sound: Assign Fail soundAvailableUnavailable

Revisions to Secondary Trap Animations

:lemming: ohno_brick - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).
:lemming: ohno_bubble - The zapper trap now has a glowing animation rather than the 'zig-zagging barrel' one.
:lemming: ohno_rock - The lizard trap has more than twice the number of frames; its eyes now dart about randomly as well as occasionally blinking, similar to a real-life chameleon.
:lemming: ohno_rock - The weed trap is now non-animated (unless triggered) and is now identical to the original.
:lemming: ohno_snow - The icicle trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).

:lemming: orig_crystal - The large electric trap now glows whilst electrocuting, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white.
:lemming: orig_crystal - The small disc-shaped electric trap now has a scrolling shimmer, the electricity lines are a more "electric" colour, and the lemming glows white.
:lemming: orig_dirt - The rock trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).
:lemming: orig_marble - The stomper trap is now non-animated (unless triggered).
:lemming: orig_pillar - The rope trap's light is a brighter shade of green.
:lemming: orig_pillar - All spike traps (large and small) are now non-animated (unless triggered).

If I've forgotten anything, I'll add it to this lest when I remember/am reminded :lemcat:


Update to xmas style: added necessary sprites and updated scheme.nxmi

This copy of the xmas style is required to play the holiday levels.

I've also added this update to the main styles download as well, but if you already have that then just download the attached zip and copy it into your existing styles folder.

If you haven't already done so, you can now get all SuperLemmix-ready styles here


Quite a lot has happened since the last update. A number of bugs have been fixed, and some minor but important features have been added, particularly in the config menu and the UI. I'll give a full overview of the changes on the next release, which will be 2.0.

Any feedback on SuperLemmix so far? I've noticed a number of problems whilst I've been tinkering about with it, and most of them are fixed now, but I can always use a fresh perspective. Comments welcome.



Major Update - SuperLemmix Version 2.0 is here!

This is a major update, and so it's strongly recommended that you install this version clean, fresh, and in its own directory. - Get SuperLemmix 2.0 here
Styles have also been updated. - Get Styles 2.0 here

Many features have been added, removed or changed for this version, so stability cannot be guaranteed if you overwrite your old copy. If you have any levels, mods, etc that you want to keep from the previous version, please copy them into the new directory and then delete the old one. I know it's a chore, but I won't be doing a major update for a while now, so it's worth doing :lemcat:

Here's what's changed for 2.0. Exciting stuff:

:lemming: Rewind button added

I've always wanted this. It works a treat, but there are still one or two barely noticeable kinks that I'll need to iron out for the next hotfix update. Here's how it looks:

It's also hotkey configurable as well, of course!


:lemming: Pitched sounds for Release Rate and Skill Panel Buttons

The RR/SI buttons and the skill panel buttons now have pitched sound (modelled from Amiga/Lemmini versions). So, the higher the value, the higher the pitch of the sound (and vice versa!).

The RR/SI sound currently doesn't cue whilst the game is paused. This will be fixed in the next hotfix update unless people think it should remain silent whilst paused - feedback welcome!


:lemming: New Lemming states & behaviours

Meet the Dangler! This state occurs when a Slider reaches the bottom of a block of terrain. This is to make the transition between Slider and Shimmier easier when playing in Classic Mode, or in real-time without skill queueing*. Note that the skill shadow is now also displayed:

Meet the Looker! This state replaces the Shrugger state after a Spearer or Grenader has thrown their projectile. Note that the Looker state is 6 frames longer than the Shrugger, so please check whether your levels featuring projectile skills are still playable, if you have any:

Meanwhile, Shimmiers can now be assigned to Climbers at any time, and the transition skill shadow is now displayed. This is so that the transition between Climber and Shimmier is easier when playing in Classic Mode or in real-time without skill queueing*. It also means that Shimmiers can now be used to cancel a Climber. The lemming turns away from the wall and performs the "Reacher" state of the Shimmier skill. If they are within reach of Shimmyable terrain, they'll transition to Shimmier, otherwise they'll fall facing away from the wall (note the skill shadows shown here):


*Previously, there was only a single frame where these transitions were possible (i.e. with Skill Queueing deactivated, that is).


:lemming: New menu cursor

I've added the Amiga menu cursor to the menus! (The in-game cursor is the same as it was previously). Here's how it looks:


:lemming:DMA Compilation Pack updated

Updates to DMA Compilation Pack

- Pack renamed to DMA Compilation Pack
- 2 new packs added: Playstation 3 and ZX Spectrum
- 2-Player and Bonus levels moved to their relevant packs
- Some sub-packs have been re-named
- Logos have been updated so that the lemmings' hair is the same colour as those holding the menu cards (to make the menu screen more cohesive)
- All levels are now numbered
- All levels have author info added
- Some screen start positions have been updated/improved
- Fake exits have been added to Check Yout Hints! from the Holiday pack
- Holiday & Xmas packs have improved menu graphics


:lemming: Style & sprite Updates

All OG & Lemminas styles containing sprites have now been updated to include the new Dangler, Freezer, Looker, Thrower and Timebomber sprites (some were missing from the previous version). The Xmas Floater has also been given a nice festive makeover, and the Xmas style background is now Amiga blue:

Other styles containing sprites (such as Mantha's various TV themes, Flopsy's Soniclems, GigaLem's Millas) will need to be updated in order to be included in SuperLemmix. I'm not sure when I'll get time to do it myself, so I'd urge either the authors or someone who's good with graphics editing to get on this so that we can include those styles.

Meanwhile, Minim's styles required to run the Playstation 3 level pack have been added to the default styles.


:lemming: Brand new Welcome Screen

The welcome screen now contains images and the text has been corrected so it fits the dialog. It also has updated SuperLemmix-specific options. Here it is:


:lemming: Show Minimap option

Due to the ongoing debate regarding window size, I've decided that the easiest way to keep the majority of people happy for now is to have an option to Show or Hide the minimap. Doing so adjusts the width of the panel & window accordingly, so if you prefer a smaller window then you may wish to have the minimap hidden.

Hiding the minimap also grants a minimal performance boost, since it is no longer rendered in high-quality when hidden:


:lemming: Exit sound option

It's now possible to choose between "Yippee!" and "Boing!" as your preferred exit sound! This is part of an ongoing experiment to see what's possible with the sound options:


:lemming: Added option to Replay after Restart

Previously, levels always entered Replay mode when gameplay is Restarted either in-game, or when re-playing from the menu screens.

This behaviour is now optional, and set to not enter Replay mode by default:


:lemming: Spawn Interval option added back to the config menu

After much discussion and deliberation, it was decided that there's no good reason not to provide this option:

Note that this always displays as RR when in Classic Mode, since the purpose thereof is to present the game as close to its original Amiga counterpart as possible. I think we can all agree that this is a fair compromise.


:lemming: Menu/preview font recolourings

The scroller text is now hue-shifted from green to blue (and the graphic is slightly bigger to make reading easier - note that the text position is slightly lower to account for this change, so any custom scroller graphics you might have will need to be updated):

And, each line of text on the level preview now has its own colour! This has been modelled on the Amiga version:


:lemming: New "Quit" sign graphic

The Group and Quit signs have been swapped, and the Quit sign graphic has been updated so that each card-holding lemming is unique:


:lemming: Bugfixes

Bugfixes list

- 'Selected' button graphic no longer displays repeatedly over the pause button during backwards framesteps
- The state of the Classic Mode checkboxes is now remembered when re-entering the config menu
- Fixed bug which displayed talisman skills in the wrong order, or sometimes not at all
- Version number and icon now display correctly


:lemming: Other tweaks

Some of these may or may not affect your own personal usage of SuperLemmix, so it's worth checking these over:

Tweaks list

- "Alternative Layout" option added to Hotkey Config; this is identical to NeoLemmix's default hotkey layout
- The RR can no longer be changed whilst paused in Classic Mode
- Skill panel button .png has been renamed to "button", and is now a single button rather than a strip of 8
- Skill panel icons have been updated
- Skill panel font has been updated
- Missing pieces no longer prompt online features
- Level select screen optimised to display 14 skills
- Internal screen width now changes depending on Window size & Minimap settings (background images will tile to fit)
- Added default background images for preview and postview
- Preview screen now displays Release Rate value
- Default music rotation now only plays L1 tunes

:lemming: Editor 2.0 is also included

Editor 2.0 Updates

- Fixed bug affecting the position of the screen area in relation to the scrollbars when zoomed in (note: this was caused by increasing the size of the scrollbars and isn't present in the NL Editor)
- Further tweaks and improvements to UI layout
- Version number and icon now display correctly
- "About" info updated


2.0.1 Bugfix Update

- Fixed bug which affected saving replays manually. Previously, using the Save Replay hotkey or Postview button would generate a file called "empty_slot.png" (which was actually the saved replay file in disguise!) This has now been fixed, and the replay saving features now fully behave as expected.

I have of course updated the full download in the OP, but if you already downloaded 2.0 you can simply paste the following attachment into your existing copy.


EDIT: Attachment removed


Styles have been updated to 2.0.1 - Click here to download the latest copy.

Changes made to willlem_lemminas, willlem_lemminas_honeycomb and willlem_lemminas_laracroft.

To prevent having to download the full folder every time there's an update, I'll aim to get the online manager back up and running as soon as I can.


2.0.2 Bugfix Update.

Another bugfix. The "Replay After Restart" option wasn't triggering the "Apply" button, and was still tethered to "Replay After Backwards Skips" (i.e. didn't actually work without the latter also being checked)

It's now fully functional, and works independently of "Replay After Backwards Skips" and/or "Activate Classic Mode."

Main download has been updated to 2.0.2.

If you already have 2.0 or 2.0.1 and don't want to download everything again, just paste the attached .exe over your existing copy.

EDIT: Attachment removed


To keep the release topic tidy, please observe the following:

For general comments, please post here.
For bug reports, please post a new topic on the SuperLemmix board with the prefix [BUG] in the topic title.
For suggestions, please post a new topic on the SuperLemmix board with the prefix [SUG] in the topic title.