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Topics - Simon

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Lix Main / WillLem plays Lovely 6-10
« on: May 19, 2020, 07:46:34 AM »
(Split from NeoLemmix 2-player mode suggestion topic by namida)

Split further into:
Spawn Interval fixed per level, 2020
Progress to next level without getting back to menu

WillLem: What sucks in Lix?

Please be frank, I enjoy rants. I don't mind trashing existing work in light of long-term better solutions. Giga's Lix editor rant was among the most helpful posts in the last 3 years.

-- Simon

Log into forum.
(Don't have Simon's custom CSS enabled that cuts off the top-right box.)
Ensure that there are no new replies by anyone to your posts.
Be on the forum's front page.
Click "Show new replies to your posts" in top-right corner.

Observed: We go to a new page that prints an SQL query error.

Expected: Something cleaner.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Undo in the editor
« on: May 04, 2020, 11:55:43 AM »
Undo in the Lix editor will happen.

This is long overdue. It's hard to implement on top of an editor that doesn't already support it, but it doesn't matter, it must happen. It's fine if it takes several weeks, as long as I focus on it whenever I develop.

Reason: Yesterday, I trashed 20 minutes of unsaved work and raged.

There are more severe usability issues in the editor. Giga's rant is still 80 % accurate after two years, mainly about how disorienting the editor is, and how bad/long the feedback loops are.

It's glaring when one hasn't build levels with the Lix editor for a year, and then comes back to it.

-- Simon

NeoLemmix Main / Hidden objects in NL, part 2
« on: April 03, 2020, 02:51:20 PM »
Split off from 3 things I don't like about neolemmix.
Related: Hidden Objects in Backroutes: OK?

Original statemet by WillLem: I'd say the biggest irony of the NeoLemmix philosophy is that, via its player-assist tools, it makes things like precise skill placement and hidden objects a complete non-issue, and yet it still vehemently rejects these things as being an occasionally valid part of the game.

I (Simon) happened to reply first:

precise skill placement [...] a complete non-issue, and yet it still vehemently rejects these things as being an occasionally valid part of the game.

When a design absolutely requires precision, well, let the solution be precise.

When a design doesn't need precision, why force the player to be overly precise?

and hidden objects

The puzzle will never gain anything from hiding, thus don't hide.

-- Simon

Lix Levels / Lix Proof Collection (solutions for all levels)
« on: August 18, 2019, 07:35:41 AM »

...offers at least one solving replay ("proof") for every singleplayer level in the main Lix download.

  • Follow above link -> Click the green button "Code" -> Download as Zip
  • In your Lix main directory, create the directory replays if it doesn't exist yet.
  • Extract the downloaded archive into replays.
Usage: You can choose:
  • Run Lix, open the Replay browser, and watch individual replays.
  • Or, to check solvability without spoiling:
    In the Replay browser, navigate to the extracted directory (or to a pack or rank inside), then click "Verify Dir".
  • Or, to check solvability from the command line:
    lix --coverage replays/<theExtractedDirectory>
A solving replay is called a proof of solvability for its level. A level with at least one proof is called covered. Ideally, the proof shows the intended solution. When somebody else than the level author covers the level, it's usually close to the intended solution, but it might be a backroute.

If you're a singleplayer level designer, it's good style to cover your levels. If you would like your levels included in the main Lix download, please send me both the levels and their proofs, so I can include your proofs in the proof collection.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Observers should start level zoomed out
« on: July 15, 2019, 02:04:16 PM »
Split off from: Multiplayer Quality of Life, renamed to New observers should watch game in progress

Quote from: Forestidia86
Observers should have the level maximum zoomed out by default to have a good overview what is going on. Else the observers have to zoom manually, which can wear one out especially with short matches.

Good idea, observers need good experience without any input.

Easy change to choose the initial zoom based on whether we're observing or playing. I'll look into this.

-- Simon

Split off from Simon should report these 3 NL bugs properly:

How to repro:

1. Assign something, B, for physics update ("phyu") n, to lemming L.
2. Framestep back to between physics updates n-1 and n.
3. Assign something, A, for phyu n to lemming L.

What happens: B is replayed and your new assignment A is eaten without effect. B's effect is visible on the screen.

Expected instead: B is erased from the replay and A becomes part of the replay, and A's effect is visible on the screen.

1. If you framestep back to between physics updates ("phyus") n-1 and n, and then assign A for phyu n to lemming L, but the replay already contains an assignment B at phyu n (forgot whether it has to be to L or not), then B is replayed and your assignment A is eaten. Expected instead: B is erased from the replay and A gets through.

namida wrote: This has been a known issue for so long - since Lemmix even, I think - that it doesn't even register to me anymore - it's just "I have to step back two frames to cancel that assignment". But you're right, this absolutely should be fixed.

-- Simon

(Moved: Bug #1: On assignment for frame n, first erase old assignment for n)

Bug #2. Zoom such that the right-most column of terrain pixels is only partially visible in your NL game window. Toggle pause several times. The right-most column of pixels sometimes is black, sometimes it shows the terrain properly. Expected instead: Always shows the terrain properly. Speculation: You have code duplication in the camera.

Bug #3. Have a gigantic screen, and zoom out to 1x. Have a large grey dead area at top/bottom of map. The mouse is trapped in the playable area, mouse cannot go to the dead area. Open the load-replay dialog. Your mouse cursor is still trapped within the map, the mouse cursor cannot move everywhere in the dialog, I can't click some files in the dialog. Expected instead: Trap mouse only if the game isn't the focused window.

-- Simon

NeoLemmix Main / How to play .nxp files
« on: January 27, 2019, 08:33:45 PM »
If you have a .nxp level pack file, how to play it with NeoLemmix? This was asked in #neolemmix twice within few weeks.

Answer: Get version 10.13.18 from the NeoLemmix download archives. This version is outdated, the NL authors don't support it anymore, and level authors should not make packs for it. But many authors still have packs only for this version.

Somebody more knowledgeable than me should explain in detail how to run these outdated versions. namida explains in the next post how to play the .nxp pack with that version.

Should this thread be pinned? Should this be moved to the board with outdated packs? This question appears often enough that the NL authors should think about a solution. Maybe even let NL v12 detect .nxp files and tell the user what to do?

-- Simon

Site Discussion / Summary of 2018
« on: January 11, 2019, 05:34:56 AM »
I (Simon) have been the head admin. I haven't done as much as I could have: At least, I've deleted spambot accounts and their posts within a few hours. 1-2 spambots per month successfully bypass registration.

namida has done the most on the technical side: He has moved the site from NearlyFreeSpeech to a VPS (virtual private server) with full shell access, we can install anything we want. After some trouble with IPv6 routing, everything was on track soon, and the site has run extremely well on his VPS ever since. namida still funds the site himself, plus any donations that go 100 % into hosting costs site costs, excluding transaction fees.

The code of Lemmings Forums (Simple Machines Forums and some custom changes) is on Nessy's github repository as a backup.

Gigalem requested very sensible changes, e.g., change the ICQ personal field to a Discord account field in forum user profiles. But we haven't implemented any of these changes, sadly. I think we haven't changed the code in 2017 or 2018 at all. We merely put the change requests on the github issues page and let them sit.

The database (accounts, topics, posts, private messages, attachments) has no automation: We still have to back it up manually. We aren't diligent with this, occasionally I push Nessy to back it up, maybe once every 3 months. This is not smart; if the server dies, we lose around 3 months of culture. Bad. We have to look into automation.

Around November 2018, we had a massive traffic spike: For about an hour per day, we had 600 currently active guests, nearly everything from a few IP addresses in China. This didn't look like an attack, and it's well over now.

Our level designers still create and test each other's levels, the culture continues. That's what counts the most.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Autosave replays: Run to end?
« on: January 09, 2019, 10:50:12 PM »
Split off Level solving contest #2:

I thought the F3 button was a "save replay" button. That icon that looks like a save button has deceived me. :-[

I apologize for the lousy UI and how it caused you to lose the solution. :lix-trouble:

Harvester runs replay to end: There's a nasty related question: What is a solution? In our culture on the forum, it's a replay that will save enough lixes. Autosave promises to save all solutions, but it will only save those solutions that have run to a solved state during gameplay. It's possible to beef up the "replay harvester" (the internal part of the game that sits between the exited attempt and the level browser, and decides whether the replay is autosaved or offered for manual saving) to always run the replay to completion, to never miss solutions even when they haven't been run to completion during play. It's expensive and feels weird, maybe it's worth it, I don't know.

-- Simon

NL 12.04

This seems hard to reproduce, and I speculate that it's a race condition in NL's keyboard/mouse input polling.
  • Have a machine that endures a framerate drop during continuously held framestep-back. I repro this on my laptop (can't test on desktop today): 2018 laptop, Intel integrated graphics chip, Arch Linux, NL runs in Wine 4.0-rc3.
  • Map hold-to-scroll to RMB (right mouse button) and framestep-back-by-1-frame to 2 (the number 2 = the key above W).
  • Play a large level, e.g., Minim level-solving contest 1.
  • Zoom into the level far enough such that the game allows you to scroll around the map, i.e., do not have all of the map visible at the same time.
  • Fast-forward to maybe 5 minutes in the level. No need to assign anything.
  • Press and hold 2 (the number key) to framestep-back continuously. Never let go of the key until you're done reproducing this bug.
  • Press RMB (right mose button) and hold it for about a second, move the mosue frantically while holding as if you were scrolling with hold-to-scroll. Repeat this step several times.
Expected: Every press-and-hold of RMB in the last step allowed you to scroll via the hold-to-scroll function.

Observed instead: Only some of the press-and-holds allowed you to scroll.

-- Simon

NL 12.04

On first start, player offers two key mappings, functional and traditional. In functional, RMB (right mouse button) selects walker.

RMB should be hold-to-scroll instead.

Ideally, RMB is also select-walker, but that is far less interesting. With the questionable design where function-to-key bindings must be injective, anything else can be select-walker, I don't care much, I've bound Left Control for select walker but never use it.

-- Simon

Challenges / DOS L1 thread
« on: December 19, 2018, 02:54:13 PM »
TASVideos is a community for tool-assisted speedrunning. They have a thread about DOS Lemmings 1 with some action from 2014, but it slept for 4 years.

Now, in December 2018, there is new action:

Nobody has concrete plans to TAS L1, but a few prolific TASers are discussing first ideas. I'll happily share information there about the L1 physics. I'm not the most knowledgeable of all Lemmings Forumers, but I hope it's still worth it.

-- Simon

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Zendo: Realizations
« on: December 16, 2018, 07:01:37 PM »
Realizations about Zendo

I will write several posts about the tabletop game Zendo. Background knowledge:
Rules of Zendo, a game of inductive logic.

Part 1: Different piece sets (this post)
Part 2: Downsides of letter strings
Part 3: Geometrical games feel nicer than sequence games
Part 4: Link dump
Part 5: Bongard problems
Part 6: Zendo 1.0 or Zendo 2.0

Part 1: Different piece sets

In Zendo, you build structures of pieces. Any source of pieces is eligible, but ideally you have many copies of each piece and can compose pieces in many different ways. The structures should be easy to grasp by looking.

Example piece sets

The 2017 Zendo release ("Zendo 2.0") has 3 shapes in 3 colors each. Everything is the same size, there are no pips on any piece.

Icehouse pieces. Everything is a pyramid. The 2001 Zendo boxed set has 4 colors of pyramids in 3 sizes each. Large pyramids had 3 pips, medium pyramids had 2 pips, small pyramids had 1 pip.

Digits, and structures are then natural numbers.

Letters from the alphabet. We played Zendo on Lemmings Forums where structures were finite-length strings over A-Z.

Good piece sets

Above, I've already sorted the piece sets according to how good the resulting game feels. The Zendo 2.0 pieces are probably the best -- objectively. I have a deep soft spot for the Icehouse pieces, and prefer them slightly over the 2.0 pieces. But what's much more important: Either of these are geometric shapes, and either makes for a great sets. Geometric shapes and colors fit the game much better than letters or numbers. Visual pattern recognition is a deep part of Zendo.

Reason of my soft spot for the Icehouse pieces over the 2.0 pieces: The Icehouse pyramids come in green, the table looks more colorful with red/yellow/green/blue pieces, and still the number of colors is small enough. Icehouse pyramids have a single clearly-defined tip, this can be used for rules.

I've always thought our Lemmings Forums A-Z game produced insidious problems with harder rules. That will warrant an extra post these days. Until then!

-- Simon

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