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Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2017, 11:24:02 PM »
As last thing I looked through the Outtakes levels (v.0.9.2).
4 show missing terrain: 1-3 -"Abridged Inversion" and "Abridged Version" in two versions and 18 - "Korean Border Crossing" (all containing old oriental tileset).
I haven't solved the following 4 of the remaining: 8 - "Chaos Theory" and 17 - "Just drop in"; 12 - "Fill the Floor" (reply #93 indicates that it relies on variable SI), 16 - "Interval Training" (from the name it sounds as if it relies on manipulating the SI and cf. reply #93)
So I have attached 17 solutions out of 25 levels.

23 - "Time is Running Out" seems to have relied on time limit; is therefore pointless now.
Many of the levels are introductory or show off a certain mechanic. 22 - "The Turnaround Compendium" is a really nice introduction into most of the skills.

The problem with missing terrain have two Humane levels as well: 5 - "Bridge Burnout" (seems easily repairable by raising the entrance a bit), 22 - "About Face!" (contains old oriental tileset)

Some question about changed mechanics:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit 2: Attached the solution to the Insane level 11 - "Switchback Mountain" (felt really finicky). So remain 5 levels of Insane.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 02:26:55 PM by Forestidia86 »

Online Simon

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #106 on: October 24, 2017, 08:15:15 PM »
Yes, Fill the Floor and Interval Training rely on variable spawn interval. If ClamLix gets a D Lix release, Interval Training should be cut, and Fill the Floor should get adapted or cut.

Korean Border Crossing relied on the exact looks of Matt's bridge tile. There is no easy way to replicate that in Lix ≥ 0.7. But other missing levels are easier to replicate: I've attached an archive with screenshots of the Oriental levels in their original terrain. One of those screenshots is attached for example.

In June 2017, I autoconverted other levels from Matt's Oriental to my Oriental, I'll look into how I did that. The autoconversion preserved the rough shape, but not the exact terrain physics.

Levels with time limits can become trivial and need a deeper fix: Kill lixes that turn around, merge another group after delay into the first, ... If there is no fix, it's okay to ditch a level.

Forestidia, by now, you've become more knowledgeable than anyone about ClamLix. Would you like to become maintainer for this level set?

You would decide which levels to keep, change, or possibly cut altogether. I would include the pack in the main download once we have 100 % replay coverage and you're happy with the solutions. I won't know the solution to every level, I or others would occasionally ask you whether their solution is a backroute. Sometimes, ideally only once or twice per year, Lix physics change, requiring to re-cover some levels with proof replays.

It's your choice. It's okay to pass on the maintainership later, geoo started the lemforum pack in 2011 and passed maintainershop to Proxima early 2017. Clam merely left before we recognized the value of 100 % replay coverage and chosen maintainers.

-- Simon

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #107 on: October 24, 2017, 09:03:01 PM »
I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can take over this task. I really have to get in real life in the beginning of next year.

I have attached the solution I think is intended to "Shopping Cart Race" in Reply #103 (was an edit of the post). Maybe more buzzsaws would be a fix. My backroute works in 0.6.37 as well although it is bit tighter which fits your remarks. I still can't believe that this was overlooked.

Offline mobius

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #108 on: October 26, 2017, 01:04:11 AM »
replay for Lix Recycling Plant. (likely intended solution)
everything by me:

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Online Simon

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #109 on: October 26, 2017, 06:46:25 AM »
Forestidia: No hard feelings! You've already done a lot for ClamLix.

Then, let's collect replays and judgements here.

-- Simon

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #110 on: October 26, 2017, 11:55:27 AM »
Maybe a list of levels that are missing a replay:

Arcane: "Death Slide" (maybe unsolvable)

16 - "Fling Me"

8 - "Chaos Theory",
17 - "Just drop in" (I wonder if this relies on variable SI as well.) 

Furthermore are those missing that show missing terrain due to the old oriental set or rely on varible SI.
The trampoline levels have substitutes, though these seem a bit easy for Insane difficulty (maybe I have a backroute in "Wrap your head around this one!"). Could maybe be moved a difficulty down since these are still fun levels.

(The builder puzzles are the reason why I constantly ask about changed mechanics there by the way.)

Edit: Found a solution for "Hello, Goodbye" and Proxima has a better, less hackish solution for "Santa's Workshop".

Edit: Nepster's replays of reply #87 contain working solutions to "Builder's Cracks" and "Two Bridges, too far".

Edit: In geoo's attached replay collection is a working replay of "Another Pick in the Wall".

Edit: geoo's replays helped me to find a solution to "Square Squabble" (it's quite hacky at one point though) and I managed to reconstruct geoo's replay to "Nothing to Lose".

Edit: Managed to get a solution for "Pick me up" and "Set Fire to the Rain" with the help of geoo's replays.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 01:37:00 PM by Forestidia86 »

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #111 on: October 26, 2017, 04:50:49 PM »
One addition to the post before:

I tried to verify Proxima's Humane Replays with 0.9.2 and 3 (/4) show fail:
3. - "Mirror Mines"
12. - "Works on so many levels"
19. - "Underbelly"
(one of the replays for 14. - "MORE WEE CREATURES!" but there is a second one and that works)

Apart from that the two that are for the levels that show missing terrain don't work (obviously).

Offline Proxima

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #112 on: October 26, 2017, 05:35:25 PM »
Which replay to "MORE WEE CREATURES" is the failed one? There is one that saves 48/50 with a floater and two builders remaining; the other saves 42/50 with a floater and one builder remaining. If you let me know, I can have a go at redoing all those in 0.9; I don't see any reason why any of them should be impossible.

We can also fix and re-record "Bridge Burnout" by moving the hatch, as you suggsted.

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #113 on: October 26, 2017, 05:50:20 PM »
Simon seems to have re-covered the three levels. I should have looked in the proof collection first.
The "MORE WEE CREATURES" replay that fails is that :


I haven't looked into it yet since I haven't played the levels myself yet.

Offline Proxima

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #114 on: October 26, 2017, 05:56:40 PM »
Okay, I believe that's the 42/50 replay, which is less important as there's a lot of choice for how to solve the level; the 48/50 is a bit special as it shows the current record for maximum number saved.

(Feature request: in the replay browser, display the full replay filename under the level name on the right, so that it's easier to distinguish multiple replays in the common case when the default filename does not display in full in the list on the left.)

Edit Simon: This issue is now on github, #376 Replay browser, show full filename of selected replay.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 04:57:23 PM by Simon »

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #115 on: October 26, 2017, 06:14:13 PM »
Well, Simon seems to have repaired the two Humane levels that contained missing terrain already as well. (It's a bit embarrassing, should have checked more thoroughly.)

Offline Proxima

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #116 on: October 26, 2017, 06:50:39 PM »
Here's a solution to Santa's Workshop (recorded in 0.9) that should be acceptable. It doesn't use all the skills (in particular, the blocker) but that may have been a red herring. Of course, there's no guarantee this is Clam's intended solution unless he returns and informs us, but it relies on a clean linchpin rather than brute-force hacking.

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #117 on: October 26, 2017, 09:51:05 PM »
Got over my fear of big levels and solved "Hello, Goodbye". I saved the runners but think it's nevertheless in the spirit of the intended solution.

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #118 on: October 27, 2017, 03:03:38 AM »
Nepster had provided a couple of replays in reply #87.
I tried to verify them with with 0.9.2 and most of them fail but the following work:


Fortunately they include Insane 6: "Builder's Cracks" and Flingsane 13: "Two bridges, two far", so that they are covered as well.

The replay of Nepster of reply #90 seems to work as well (I think the level path has to be adjusted though):


Every other replay in the thread before reply #94 seems to be in an old format I can't make replay, fails or is done for a level with missing terrain. But I can't guarantee that I didn't overlook something.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 03:12:32 AM by Forestidia86 »

Offline geoo

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Re: ClamLix
« Reply #119 on: October 27, 2017, 08:40:27 PM »
Attached is an archive with replays that I found, and two older versions of lix (I have more lying around, if some content needs a different version). Try if that works, if not I can dig a bit deeper.
Copy the graphics assets (tilesets) from the newest version of lix, I think very little has changed to existing tilesets, though I can also send the old Oriental tileset if needed.