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Topics - kaywhyn

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Lix Main / Explain Traps/Flingers on Mouseover
« on: May 28, 2024, 11:14:53 AM »
@Simon and @geoo

I've already posted it in the LOTY2023 Playing Phase topic, but I'll link my video where I show my solutions to your guys' nominated levels here as well ;)

In particular, I show off this particular feature that was just implemented in version 0.10.22 of Lix, starting at around the 8 minute mark:

  • Fix #427: Reveal trigger areas during play: When you activate the splat ruler, you also see trigger areas of gadgets (goals, traps, flingers, water, ...) as cyan hollow rectangles.

This is the first time I've seen the cyan rectangles and I must say it looks great! Consequently, I am wondering if it would be possible for names of the objects/traps to appear when you mouse over them while the splat ruler is activated, similar to how it is when you mouse over objects and traps in NL while CPM is activated.

Same thing with the rewind to previous skill assignment feature, though admittedly I was negligent on the feedback on testing it before it was in stable Lix. In all honesty, I do miss the way NL implemented it, though interestingly enough namida's implementation of it for Loap is the exact same as Lix's current implementation of the feature. So, I guess I could live with this, but I'm definitely used to NL's manner of the feature's implementation, only because in this way I don't have to press the hotkey to step back a frame too.

Also something I didn't bring up in the video, but I have noticed that only 1 frame back/forward and 10 second time skips are available. Unless it's already implemented and I haven't seen it in the game options, I'm wondering if there can be an option for players to customize the lengths of time skips, such as how NL also has hotkeys for 5 seconds back/forwards. I will say that the 5 second NL time skips I do find useful and do make frequent use of them.

Finally, please excuse my really bad German pronunciation! :-[ I learned "danke" in the Daffy Duck Commando cartoon from a while back :laugh: 

Loap / [SUG] Option to Pause When Backwards Skipping
« on: December 08, 2023, 09:44:38 PM »
I'm very used to NL pausing the game whenever backwards skipping because I have the option enabled. When I tried out Loap just a few hours ago, I'm not used to the game not on pause when I rewinded. So, perhaps there can be a similar option for Loap to pause the game whenever the player time skips backwards :thumbsup:

Engine Bugs / Suggestions / [Bug?][Player] Slider Oddity when Bashing
« on: December 08, 2023, 12:12:55 PM »
See attached level. Tested in NL 12.12.5. I discovered this while resolving a level in the current LDC #29. When bashing through a wall, when the Lemming reaches the end, he will transition to a walker. Not so with a slider. When a slider reaches the end of the wall, he stays in the bashing animation and takes another stroke even though he should had stopped because there's no more terrain in front of him, no matter the distance when you assign the basher. Ok, not too bad I guess, but still odd IMO.

Even weirder is when you assign the basher to a slider near the end of a downward slope. Because there's no terrain in front of him to trigger off the checks on whether to continue bashing, he shouldn't be bashing down the slope and instead should had stopped after taking one stroke just like when you assign a basher to any walker when there's no terrain in front of him. This only happens if you assign the basher skill to the slider near the bottom of the slope. If you assign it high enough on the slope, the slider will just take a stroke and stop as expected.

edit: Confirmed that this works on an even, flat surface as well, if you assign the slider to bash near the edge of the platform. It seems to only happen when the basher is assigned at a spot so that he does 1 or 2 full basher strokes before reaching the edge and sliding. Any further than that resulting in more than 1-2 full basher strokes and he'll stop after one stroke as expected due to no terrain in front of him. So, this means if the end of the wall is far enough from the edge of the platform he'll stop after reaching the end as expected instead of continuing to bash nothing in front of him. 

Lix Main / Implement Rewind to Last Assignment Like NL?
« on: August 27, 2023, 06:13:34 AM »
See this topic from the Bugs and Suggestions Board for NL. Not sure how difficult it would be for Lix, though.

Quite honestly, while playing Lix in the last few weeks, this is one of the features from NL I miss very much. I use it extensively in my LP's of NL content and I find it super helpful. Currently, I find it very annoying to hold down the rewind key to go back 1 second repeatedly. Of course, I know there's the replay tweaker in Lix, but as mentioned in the "tooltip cancelling replay topic," I don't ever use it, whether in Lix or NL, so that's on me :laugh:

Lix Main / Tooltip to Cancel Replay
« on: August 26, 2023, 11:42:49 PM »
Having played Lix recently, a suggestion for the wording when replaying actions after rewinding or restarting. Currently, it says "Replaying. To play, click into air." However, I think what you really meant was "cancel" instead. Moreover, I wonder if we can do better and say "left-click." I guess "click" kind of implies left-click instead of right-click, but it's a bit risky to make this assumption. I just checked and yea, right-click does not work to cancel the replay, in which case specifying "left-click" in the wording is most helpful ;)

Closed / [Bug][Player] Ohnoing Stoners Can Enter Midair Exit
« on: April 18, 2023, 11:40:29 PM »
Copy/Paste from Discord, credit goes to Armani for discovering this! Title says it all.

A falling ohnoer from being assigned a bomber skill won't enter a midair exit as usual, but if you assign a stoner skill instead, the falling ohnoer can enter a midair exit. See attached level. The latter shouldn't happen since it was an intentional change to not allow anyone to enter a midair exit other than floaters/gliders, so an ohnoing stoner shouldn't be a special case where they can.

Armani — 04/08/2023 8:36 PM
oh-noer is not supposed to enter the mid-air exit right?

Armani — 04/08/2023 8:38 PM
I think I just found a bug: bomber ohnoer can't enter midair exit while stoner ohnoer can.
[8:38 PM]
Probably the stoner case is a bug

Lemmini / Infinite skill deducts to 2^31 − 2 during replay
« on: December 13, 2022, 07:31:22 AM »
Edit Simon: Split from Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix

Doesn't exactly belong here, nor in the bugs topic of Lemmings behavior for Superlemmini, but I'll just post it here anyway, just because it kind of fits here even though the best place for this post would be my conversion of Deceit's Lemmings to Superlemmini and it's more of a UI thing rather than anything concerning physics differences between the engines.


Something I only observed very recently from watching my replay of Mayhem 22 of Deceit's Lemmings. Easily reproducible, and that is play any level that has an infinite amount of skill(s) or edit the .ini file of a level to have an infinite amount of a skill. If you play the level and assign the skill(s) for which you have an infinite amount, it works as usual by not counting down and hence the skill still shows the infinity symbol. However, if you enter replay mode by, say, restarting the level or nuking and then clicking on restart on the post-results screen, once you use the skill(s) for which you have an infinite amount of, it will show that you have 2,147,483,646 (two billion one hundred forty seven million four hundred eighty three thousand six hundred forty six) of that skill left, meaning you essentially start with 2,147,483,647 of that skill which technically is an infinite amount as far as Lemmings levels are concerned as it's very unlikely you'll run out of it. Now, 2,147,483,646 = 2^31 - 2 according to Wolfram Alpha, and so you start with 2^31 - 1 of the infinite skill. Why this amount? I'm guessing it's just due to the amount of memory that can be stored as a 32-bit integer, but I'm not sure.

Video of Mayhem 22 replay of Deceit's Lemmings for Superlemmini: Also happens in SuperLemminiToo, as I expect it to.


No problem here, the skill still shows the infinity symbol regardless of whether you're in replay mode or not.

See attached video. Something I discovered while investigating some ceiling shenanigans: If a lemming is one pixel below the deadly ceiling, you cannot assign the builder skill. All other skills can be assigned. This makes me wonder if the builder was made a special case for this situation, but this seems completely unintentional/a bug and very odd if all other skills can be assigned except for the builder when near the ceiling.

This came about, as I was investigating a jumper behavior with the ceiling that I found odd. I also show this near the end of the video. At the time I assign a jumper, there is a brief moment where the lemming is outside the playing field completely for a single frame but he still survives. I do find this odd, but I think as was explained to me by Icho, he hasn't completely left the level, as I think what determines that he survives is some of him is still inside the grey border. At the same time, the jumper skill shadow is completely at or below the grey border, meaning it doesn't lie about whether the lemming survives or not due to the deadly ceiling. I think if I zoom in so the border isn't there then it should be very clear that he's still inside the level.

edit: Ah, no he still disappears completely for a single frame even if the grey border isn't showing.

Just like the title says, perhaps the character limit for talisman names can be increased. Not a major problem or anything, but in Armani's Lemmings Uncharted pack, he wanted to name a talisman "Don't try this at home if you are not kaywhyn." Armani said that he used the default Windows text program for this which allowed him to put this name for the talisman. However, in the NL player, when clicking on the talisman icon it simply says "Don't try this at home if you are not" and hence it leaves my username out. I checked this out in the NL editor, and turns out it's due to hitting the current character limit for talisman names. Indeed, that's what the name of the talisman shows as in the text box in the editor and therefore the same thing is displayed in the NL player. When you type the talisman name, it doesn't allow you to type my username due to hitting the character limit at the word "not." So, for the time being, I suggested to Armani to simply name it "Don't try this if you are not kaywhyn," and all of it does fit and displays correctly in the NL player. However, I'm in agreement that what Armani originally wanted for the talisman name is better than my suggested one.

If this does get approved, what should the new character limit be?

Lemmini / LPing SuperLemmini Packs
« on: September 24, 2021, 11:24:19 AM »
Ok SuperLemmini people/fans,

Although I seem to be well-known for LPing Neolemmix packs, I was, at one point, a long-time and heavy player of SuperLemmini, and still occasionally am, for several years before I made the switch to NL near the end of 2019. This is simply due to how I'm generally a traditionalist when it comes to Lemmings. Therefore, despite how I've grown quite fond of the convenience tools of NL, I think it's safe to say that I will also definitely be LPing packs for the SuperLemmini engine as well. In regards to LPs, I'm not stopping anytime soon, so you all can rest easy on that. What keeps me still doing them is the very positive reception my LP videos have been getting from this community, as well as how I still enjoy myself doing them a lot :) So really, it's all thanks to this awesome community that I'm still LPIng level packs to this day, so thank you very much for this! :thumbsup:

So, a question for you SuperLemmini people is what a good first pack to LP on the engine would be. Obviously there's way more packs for the engine than the ones I listed, but there is an "other" option for that. If you vote for that, tell me in a post and I might consider the pack(s). As the member base is smaller here, I don't expect to be much responses here, but even with just a few it still helps.

This will likely not be for some time, but I sure would love to LP packs for SuperLemmini as well.   

General Discussion / Something Positive That Happened In the Week For You
« on: September 07, 2021, 10:01:55 AM »
Since the last year and a half has been quite rough for pretty much everyone due to the ongoing pandemic, I thought I break the mold and try this to see if we can all lift each other up, as I think we can all use some kind of support/encouragement: Post something positive that has happened to you during the week. Of course, you're more than welcome to post more, not just one, if there's been multiple positives throughout the week.

I got inspiration for this from an education course I took for my teaching credential at the college/university I did my post-baccalaureate back in 2017, where my professor did exactly this at the start of every class session. I thought it's a pretty good idea, and likely something I would like to do with my students in my future classroom. I kind of also got inspiration for this from mobius' 2020 Positives thread, so thank you for that ;)

I'll start. Last week, my cousin got me in touch with a friend of hers who is a teacher and hooked me up with getting a teaching job, which I will likely start either later this week or the following week. So, I have much to thank my cousin for later on if all goes well. I was sent all the hiring paperwork to fill out, and I believe I have finished all of it, so now I just need to schedule a meeting with the person to go through it and process it, and then I should be set. This will be the very first time I'll be working a job in about 1.5 years since I've been shut out of one due to the pandemic, so I'm definitely looking forward to working again.

I was thinking of maybe also making this a thread where we can post at least one good thing about any forum member here, but perhaps that's best for a separate topic instead. So yea, let's hear some positives and get to know one another even more! ;)

Something that I've been thinking about a lot lately as a result of a discussion I've had with a forum member on Discord, and that is some level designers have been kind enough to tell me that I've helped inspired some future levels of theirs due to a solution I found to a level. Off the top of my head, Armani and Flopsy are two such members who each have told me that I've inspired a level for their future level packs. The former was due to a trick I used in my solution to one of Nessy's past contest levels, and he has already released his pack, so I look forward to playing it and seeing if I can identify the level I gave Armani inspiration for. For the latter, it was due to a solution I found to a SEB Lems Migration level.

Truthfully, I feel very honored whenever a level designer approaches me and says that I've been inspirational with future levels for the author, because it means that I've been helping out the person with level ideas based on my solutions I've found to some levels. So really, I honestly had no idea I've been very instrumental in helping level designers with future level ideas of their own because of my solutions that I've found to either one of his or her own levels or due to watching my solution to a level that isn't his or hers.

As further examples, I've recently been going through and uploading my video solutions to some packs for really old versions of NL. I will use Gigalem's packs as the example here. While going through and seeing the levels again after so long to his zombie pack, I've noticed that plenty of the levels resemble some of Icho's Lemmings Reunion ones. A few borrowed the structure(s) in a few parts of the level, others were complete remakes so that if you already played the level in Reunion you will likely recognize it in Gigalem's pack and hence where he got the inspiration from.

Also, I completely recognized a level from the zombie pack where Gigalem took 4 levels from namida's Doomsday pack and made it a complete disjoint union level, very similar to Synchronised Lemming in that it was 4 mini-levels in one. I recognized it only due to how I had played Doomsday Lemmings shortly before I played Gigalem's zombie pack.

As another example, this time involving one of my own, I got inspiration for one of my levels from a part of the intended solution to one of Icho's Lemmings Reunion levels, and the level happens to be one of my absolute favorites of the pack! This is why when I need level ideas, I been rewatching my level solving commentary video series and/or level solutions. However, I've only made a total of 6 levels so far, but I'm certain that I will no doubt have more levels inspired from solutions that I see too!

If I didn't mention you, feel free to post to let me know if I've been inspirational to you for a future level of yours due to a solution I've found to one of your levels or just from seeing my solution to someone else's level you happened upon by chance! This should be a fun one ;)

Contests / LPing All Past Contest Levels
« on: August 26, 2021, 10:17:28 AM »
Something that I've been thinking of a lot lately, and something that a couple of members of this community suggested I do, as I seem to be one of the big guys when it comes to level solving around here and the main, established LPer of Lemmings level packs (at least in modern times, as I'm not aware of anyone else who is currently solving packs LP style like I am), and that is, me LPing all contest levels, starting with #1 and working all the way up to the present LDC. I've already done both LDC #22 and LDC #23, so really it'll be up to LDC #21. By LP, I think I'm just simply going to be showing off my solutions and just orally explain them out loud, rather than do a blind playthrough, as honestly that will likely take forever.

Regarding the Lix entries, I'm not sure if I'll be doing those as well, but I might. At least if it's not too much of a hassle to get them up and running, although I'm wondering if any will have solvability problems in the most recent version. If not, then I'll likely just stick with the Neolemmix/Lemmini/Superlemmini entries.

So, what does the community think of this? Think it's a good idea? I put up a poll on this.

The Lemmings Stampede conversion to New Formats NL is finally here! Lemmings Stampede is a level pack by bulletride which originally started off as an Old Formats pack for NL. I figured the best way for me to make the foray into level pack making is to start with taking an Old Formats NL level pack and converting it to New Formats NL. So, I took the liberty of trying my hand at converting Lemmings Stampede to New Formats NL, as I saw around the Forums that this can easily be done without any major reworking being required.

So why my interest in converting the level pack to New Formats NL? It pretty much came about because in the past month or so, I recently remembered and played through some old packs on Lemmini/Superlemmini, most notably RotL and ssam1221 Dos/Lemmix packs. Lemmings Stampede also happens to be a pack that I remembered being really good. Even though I got stuck hard quite often with Lemmings Stampede and it's not an easy pack at all, it's still one of my favorite level packs of all time. Bulletride really has a knack for making very deceivingly tough levels, which are definitely my type of levels I love playing and solving. There are a lot of favorite levels of mine in this pack!

Another is that I came long after bulletride is no longer active here on the Forums. Since I really like this pack a lot, his pack, work, and legacy definitely deserves to be preserved. I think there was talk of converting the pack to New Formats, but surprisingly it hasn't been done yet, until now. Also, going through RotL, I apparently have played some other levels of bulletride's outside of Lemmings Stampede. I definitely remember how difficult but really good his levels are. His levels kind of remind me of both Clam Spammer's and Nepster's level styles in a way of being difficult ones.

The conversion went completely well without a hitch! It was a simple process of using namida's nxp extractor and using an older version of a v12 NL player to cleanse the .lvl files so that they are in up-to-date nxlv file format. Originally, I tried using Nepster's conversion tool for level packs, but it always kept throwing an error at Tame 9 due to not finding the OWAs for the marble tileset. After some sleuthing around, I found a post where namida talks about putting the .lvl files into a subfolder in the levels folder of a v12 NL player and simply cleansing the levels, so I did that and it worked without any problems.

The only thing that didn't carry over were the backgrounds, so I had to open each level in the editor and put in the backgrounds wherever one was present in the Old Formats version. Also, I matched the music track to each level that plays on the Old Formats version as well.

As for compiling the level pack itself, I simply imitated the file structure of a level pack. Once I saw that everything loaded correctly in the NL player, I realized how very easy it is to put together a level pack for New Formats NL! It's not that hard at all, and definitely far easier than putting one together for Old Formats NL ;)

The level pack can be downloaded in the attachments. Extract to your NL directory. Everything should fall into place.

Music pack download: Extract to your NL directory. Everything should fall into place.

The pack only uses the OL and ONML tilesets, as well as the Christmas tilesets, hence why the conversion was quite easy. Any styles that are missing, you can either download them from the NL website or use the in-game style manager, but I think all the levels should load fine for anyone.

Lemmings Stampede was a level pack that I played through whenever I got stuck hard on Lemmings United (I generally played through other level packs in the meantime whenever that happened), and I got to say this is one of my favorite level packs of all time. It starts off easy but then gets very difficult really fast. I would even say that Lemmings Stampede is pretty much on par with Nepsterlem's difficulty! The Moon and Comet ranks of the latter are pretty much of similar difficulty to the Tame and Crazy ranks of Stampede, while the Wild rank of the former is pretty much Planet/Sun difficulty of the latter, etc.

The Tame and Crazy ranks weren't too much of a problem, but once you get to the Wild rating then the difficulty picks up considerably. Immediately right out of the gate Wild 1 stumped me very hard. From that point on, it was very slow going through the remaining 30 levels of the pack. Eventually, I hit another major roadblock with Wicked 5 and didn't come back to the pack for about a month or so, when I got stuck hard on United. I still struggled with the level, but eventually I was able to solve it. The solution I came up with is extremely messy and almost fails had skill assignment at the bottom not worked out. The rest of the Wicked rank wasn't too bad, but they were still very challenging! Finally, the entire Havoc rank was just a very long struggle to the end, as I pretty much struggled with every level in that rank, save for Havoc 4, which I felt was easier than Part 1, which is the Wild rank finisher. Needless to say, I eventually solved the entire pack after much struggling and without any help and was very satisfied having gotten through it all.

As for my Old Formats replays, when I ran the mass replay check, I had it refresh the replays, and out of the 50 replays, I only needed to fix 3 of my replays: Tame 7, Crazy 4, and Wild 4. All my Old Formats replays for these 3 levels broke because I used the ceiling in my solution, whereas it's deadly in New Formats. Also, the only level that was impossible in New Formats NL is Wild 4 due to the solution requiring interacting with the deadly ceiling, and so I added a small piece of terrain in the places where that occurs to prevent dying to the ceiling so that the level becomes possible.

Have fun with this mind-boggling pack!

Thanks to

-  bulletride for the level pack
-  namida/Nepster for the nxp extractor and for NL
-  Lemmings Forums community for all their support and for just being very awesome people   

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