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Messages - kaywhyn

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All rightie, I have followed suit and solved all of the contest levels. My replays are attached. These replays were done in v0.10.24 of Lix and v12.12.5 NL, though I think these would all still work in v0.10.25 of Lix and the NL 12.13-3 RC build, respectively.

I seem to have found some backroutes here :P In particular, I'm guessing geoo's R2, most definitely Armani's R2 and R3, and possibly Crane's R3, though that one might be an acceptable alternative despite the saved skill. Armani's R3 took me the longest, only for me to ultimately find a backroute :P

Lix Entries Feedback

geoo's Cycle Decomposition R2V1 (click to show/hide)

geoo's Misaligned R3V1 (click to show/hide)

NL Contest Entries Feedback


Armani's Guts Over Fear R1V1 (click to show/hide)

Crane's High Striker R1V3 (click to show/hide)

eric's Mosaic Lemmings R1V2 (click to show/hide)



Crane's Tomb Raiders R3V5 (click to show/hide)

This is not a solve, but a solution that barely fails!  Probably can't be solved this way, but who knows!

Shouldn't be possible to, as I also failed when I tried to test that route in your replay.

I would agree with Icho here in there being no bug. It's similar to the case of a Lemming descending a slope of 1, 2, or 3 pixels in the trigger area of a splat pad. In this case, the Lemming never transitions into a faller and so therefore survives the splat pad. It's only if he descends 4 pixels or more, where he does transition into a faller. Then he will splat inside the splat pad's trigger area. The exception to this is if the Lemming is a floater or a glider. Then he's always immune to the splat pad, even if you don't ever see him pull out his brolly or gliding device before landing inside the splat pad's trigger area.

I've also observed this happening. In Armani's case, I'm going to assume that he first observed it happening in stable 12.12.5, just like me, as I believe he said that he noticed it happening on his level Natural Born from a few LDCs ago. However, in my case, I got completely taken by surprise with this while I was solving 400 metres 3 - The infernal moat (now at 400 metres 13 due to me giving David feedback that the level's way too hard for the third position of the rank) of DavidLems off-camera a few weeks ago. The level has the water pit at the bottom, just like Armani's post.

I can go a bit further than this. I have confirmed that it happens anytime the wall or the water pit is 4 pixels or less in height and that the water pit doesn't necessarily have to be at the bottom of the level. See attached level, where there is also a water pit at the top. Assign the swimmer skill to a Lemming at the top. He will just fall through that water pit instead of touching the water and swimming. However, he will correctly hit the water pit at the bottom and start swimming. If you don't assign the swimmer skill to a Lemming at the top, he will touch the water at the top and drown just like in Armani's case with the water pit at the bottom.

You can do the same with assigning the swimmer skill to Lemmings at the bottom, but same observations: A non-swimmer will touch the water and drown, while a Lemming who has the swimmer skill doesn't touch the water and falls through the water pit.

Here, my guess is this bug has something to do with the changed swimmer physics of 4 pixels being the cutoff point that determines whether a swimmer will dive underneath or climb if he's a climber:

In any case, a fix is definitely needed, as this is quite odd and inconsistent.

New backroute for you kaywhyn!  Enjoy!

Possible Fix (click to show/hide)

Alternative (click to show/hide)

Nice find for my R3! For V11, added steel. I appreciate your help in suggesting some fixes, but I think I will open them up after I get word that only the intended route is the only way :P It's not me being stubborn to accept help, but rather I'm one who generally prefers to do things solo, especially if it's a contest level. If it wasn't, then sure, fire away! :P That being said, I'm not opposed to future collabs on levels if, say, a tag team contest or some collab contest happens again! ;)

R1 remains V5!

Changelog History of R1:

V2 - Added OWAs to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V3 - Changed right OWAs to down OWAs and left OWAs to up OWAs to fix a backroute thanks to JRT.

V4 - Modified the terrain on the left side of the exit and added more steamblower traps as a result, reverted the OWAs back to V2's, and increased the Lemming count to 50 (save requirement is therefore now 48) to fix a very minor backroute thanks to Crane and Armani

V5 - Lemming count increased to 60 to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

R2 remains V8!

Changelog History of R2:

V2 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Crane. edit: Reattached, as fencers are now pickups too, as a fix for a backroute Armani showed me on Discord.

V3 - Removed some steel, took out the fencer pickups, and there are now just 3 lasers again to fix backroutes thanks to Crane and Armani.

V4 - Terrain adjustments, added some terrain, and made 4 of the fencers pickups to fix backroutes thanks to Armani

V5 - All fencers are now pickups, 4 bashers have been made pickups, +1 laser, and added some fire traps to fix backroutes thanks to Armani.

edit: Reattached as I've moved the basher pickups to a different location, as I believe the old location can still cause the level to be cheesed :forehead:

V6 - Reverted the lattice area back to V3's and restored the basher pickups to the original location I had before I modified V5 for that. These aren't backroute fixes but let's say some tiding up I decided to do.

V7 - Moved the basher pickups back to where I had them in V5 before I moved them again before Armani's resolve to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V8 - Shifted the steel near the exit, removed the steel from the top right, and -2 fencer pickups so now there's only 3 to fix backroutes thanks to Crane.

V11 of R3 uploaded!

Changelog History of R3:

V2 - Extended the walkway on the bottom right area to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V3 - Modified the terrain and added a flamethrower trap to fix a backroute thanks to Crane

V4 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Armani

V5 - Added a wooden staircase not to fix a backroute but just to introduce an element that I originally wanted to add an additional challenge/obstacle for players. If the level can be cheesed with this, then I'll just upload an update to revert the change back to V4's.

V6 - Added a flamethrower to fix a backroute thanks to JRT. Added another flamethrower as decoration and also for a bit of symmetry to the level :laugh:

V7 - Added a wooden plank to fix a backroute thanks to Icho. Also added some more terrain in the bottom right to fix another cheesy variant of a backroute near the exit area.

V8 - Created a gap to fix another cheesy backroute thanks to Icho

V9 - Shifted the entrance over to the left to fix another backroute thanks to Icho

V10 - Made a hole to fix a backroute thanks to Icho

V11 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Crane

Still seems to be a backroute.

R3 - Correct. Ugh, another good use of that digger elsewhere :laugh: For V10, created another hole. Somehow I still have a feeling you'll find another way around the intended route, but well, let's see! ;)


R3 - Nah, not that much closer :P For V9, I simply shifted the entrance over.


R2 - Ah, not sure why I thought I broke your replay there from fixing Crane's backroutes. Somehow I thought having less skills caused that. I just checked it again and indeed your replay still works. As mentioned before, your solution is intended. Me and my fuzzy memory :XD:

R3 - Ah, not sure how I missed that! :forehead: For V8, created a gap

Finally got around to fixing backroutes to my R2 thanks to Crane, as well as a backroute to my R3 thanks to Icho. Thanks everyone for your patience. Admittedly, I haven't been in much of a fixing mood since around the time of my short vacation with my parents last month.

I have updated the contest collection pack to include V8 of my R2 and V7 of my R3! :)


R2 - Finally uploaded V8 of my R2 to fix your backroutes. The first few were a really great find, making very good use of one end of the laser tunnel in order to make it possible to cheese the starting area with it. Luckily, it was simply an easy fix of shifting the steel near the exit. I've tried every possible configuration at the start and I don't think it's possible to cheese the starting area the way you did with the laser anymore, but feel free to prove me wrong if you like! :P In addition, I've also removed the steel from the top right and reduced the number of fencer pickups to 3. This will hopefully force the use of the skill in certain spots now, but let's see!


R1 - Intended! :thumbsup: One of the tricks was inspired a bit by Armani's Color Coded from the previous LDC, as well as a late Psycho level from namida's LPI. Also the release was inspired by one of your United levels! ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

R2 - Intended! :thumbsup: However, Crane has backrouted the level several times, which I hope has been fixed with V8. So, sorry to break your solution, as well as Armani's, but you both just need a replay tweak in a few spots to get a working replay again :)

R3 - Nice find! :-[ Another one that's easily fixed, but for V7 I decided to go with adding another wooden plank instead of Crane's idea of adding more steel. Trust me, you'll love the intended solution when you find it and therefore I think you'll like my level for your ruleset! ;)

Also added some more terrain in the bottom right to fix another cheesy backroute variant near the exit area.

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 17, 2024, 10:08:29 PM »
My latest Lemmings and ONML bundle CD has arrived! :thumbsup:

Great news! I was finally able to get the music working for the CD version of Lemmings on Dosbox :thumbsup: It turns out that you need a little more than just -t cdrom 0. You actually need to type -t cdrom -usecd 0. So, the full Dosbox command is

mount f f:/ -t cdrom -usecd 0

where f is the letter drive of my external CD drive. Simply replace f with the letter of yours :)

Then, you do f: => lemmings => pc speaker and pc compatible, where f is once again the letter drive of the CD drive, so just replace that with yours.

If instead you want the Dos sound effect of the entrance opening, then after f: you do "cd lemmings" (without the quotes) => vgalemmi => 1 for VGA. Then you'll get the Dos sound effect of the entrance opening but you'll still get the Canadian PC soundtracks playing :thumbsup:

I've also emailed you the instructions for Dosbox. When you get the chance, please try this out with your CD of Lemmings and let me know if it worked for you :thumbsup:

It's tough, because I can definitely see the majority of players being stuck for days in the 400 metres rank with plenty of the levels. In this case, that would be "extreme" difficulty. At the same time, I could see your classification of Medium - Very Hard working, but personally it's like really close on the very high end, like essentially borderline of Very Hard/Extreme for the 400 metres rank. I can still see a few problem levels in the previous two ranks too, but save for a few that are currently very misplaced way too early in them, most of the very difficult levels come at the end of the rank and hence it does make think that fairly decent players will be fine for the most part for the 100 and 200 metres ranks. Then I can see your classification working here. However, very advanced understanding of the NL mechanics will be needed in order to get through the 400 metres rank, as I don't see much chance for those players who even have the least decent bit of understanding of them of beating the rank. Then the "very hard" difficulty label on the high end of the difficulty would be very misleading for this pack.

Needless to say, I say Medium - Extreme is fine here despite most of the levels of the pack across the 3 main ranks being "hard" and with some levels near the end of the first two ranks being "very hard" ;)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Dodochacalo's levelpacks
« on: July 17, 2024, 12:33:13 AM »
Hi @Dodochacalo,

Attached the rest of my Lemmini replays for your Cachapack, Dodopack, and FranLems packs.

Cachapack Video Solutions:

Dodopack Video Solutions:

FranLems Video Solutions:

I uploaded all of these solutions from earlier this year, but I uploaded new solutions to the updated Sadique 4 just now. Sadly, my backroute solution still works, I just needed to tweak my solution to the level from earlier this year a bit. At the same time, I either only have one or two spare skills left in the end, so maybe still acceptable solutions even though it misses an area in your intended solution? However, I think it might just be a simple matter of making the pole near the exit a little thicker ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I've solved the 400 metres One minute ranks and therefore have solved the rest of the pack :thumbsup: My entire replay collection is attached and of course more feedback :)

400 metres Rank Feedback

Although there is one more rank of 10 levels afterwards, this is pretty much the third and final main rank of the pack. Thus, the hardest levels of the pack are pretty much here. Indeed, I would consider many of these levels to rival the difficulty of the Genocide rank from United and the Aquarius rank from Uncharted. Meaning, I agree with Crane's assessment that the 400 metres rank quite possibly even goes all the way to "extreme" difficulty! In addition, I'm inclined to also agree with Crane that there's really only a few levels in the Chaos rank from his Cranium pack that go up to "extreme" difficulty, so we both seem to agree that the 400 metres rank of DavidLems is much harder than the Chaos rank of Cranium. It's not to say that Lemmings Cranium isn't a really hard pack, because it most definitely is, but rather the 400 metres rank of DavidLems is way more likely to have a vast majority of players stumped for a really long time. Indeed, a quick glance back at my DavidLems videos, a lot of levels have me doing an attempt one on camera and then I spend a really long time/a few days off-camera before I finally get the level solved. Not so with Lemmings Cranium, as I often was able to get the Chaos levels solved within a somewhat reasonable amount of time within the same day or so.

I essentially describe DavidLems as "NepsterLems but far harder and one which uses all 21 NL skills rather than just sticking to the classic 8 skills." It very much reminds me of NepsterLems because of how the levels are generally small/medium in size (except for one really wide level in the 100 metres rank but in general DavidLems all tends to much smaller level sizes, in contrast to the many very big and wide levels in The Lemmings Have Grown pack) with very minimal skillsets and there being so many possibilities (very high entropy, as Icho would say) that look like they could work but ultimately don't, therefore resulting in very deceptively difficult levels, all of which are very typical of Nepster's levels/pack. Needless to say, to a very large extent I think David has managed to succeed in creating a NepsterLems-like pack with DavidLems! :thumbsup:

Despite the 400 metres rank being extremely hard, there are still a lot of true gems here that I consider LOTY2024 nomination worthy! :thumbsup:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

One minute Rank Feedback

As the player might guess, the levels here are all ones with a time limit of 1 minute. Also if you have played it, the rank seems to have been heavily inspired by the One rank of PimoLems, which I know David has played through back around the time he released his first level pack The Lemmings Have Grown. While most of the levels here aren't anything too special compared to the One rank of Pieuw's pack and that if you great levels of this style that I recommend looking at PimoLems for that, I still applaud David for trying to imitate this style of levels from the latter's! ;) The One minute rank is pretty much in a class of its own in terms of difficulty, where these aren't anywhere near as hard as the levels in the previous 3 ranks. The hardest levels of the rank IMO are both the final two, with One minute 5 being a close third to them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Once again, @David a job well-done with this pack! :thumbsup: One of the hardest I've played in a long time but is absolutely one of my favorite packs of all time :) Maybe a few backroutes here, but maybe they're all intended/acceptable. Looking forward to your feedback and am happy to hear you're enjoying my LP videos of your pack! :thumbsup: 

Next round is up! :)


I checked my replay for 200 metres 4 on both 12.12.5 (the version I'm playing your pack on), as well as 12.13 RC and it works on both. There's no bug or issue with the Lemming surviving :P However, what is the issue is why my replay doesn't work for you. ???

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyway, happy to hear from you and that you're enjoying my LP of your pack! :thumbsup:

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