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Messages - namida

NeoLemmix Main / NeoLemmix V12.14.0 Released
December 24, 2024, 08:54:52 PM
Unlike the three years between 12.12.0 and 12.13.0, this update follows just a few months behind 12.13.0 - and is almost certianly the last major update, and likely the last update full stop, that NeoLemmix will ever officially receive.

There are no major new features here; this update simply fixes a couple of physics bugs relating to the Fencer and the Shimmier. As such there is also no corresponding editor update; the existing version will still work.

Changelog, V12.13.0 -> V12.14.0
> Fixed bug: Sliders can be assigned Shimmiers right at the bottom of the level, and shimmy under the level.
> Fixed bug: Fencers sometimes stop at steel without turning around when they should turn.

Download: (permalink to V12.14.0)
Styles: (link will always point to the latest styles download)
Editor: (permalink to V1.42)
Alternatively - the SuperLemmix editor is based off the NeoLemmix editor and retains NeoLemmix support, but is actively being developed and has some useful new features.

You do not need to download the styles here - you can download them as needed in-game instead. This link is provided for the convenience of users who wish to download all styles in one go and/or do not wish to enable online features in NeoLemmix. Additionally, the L1 and ONML styles are included in the main download.

Game source code (Delphi):
Editor source code (C#):

If you are upgrading from V12.12.X or earlier, please set up in a new folder (you can copy over your Levels and Settings folders). If you are upgrading from V12.13.0 or from V12.14.0-RC builds, you can just extract over the top of it but in this case do not extract the "settings" folder (otherwise you will lose your last-updated timestamps for the style manager). NeoLemmix will show a warning message if upgrading from V12.13.0 this way, but it is safe to ignore it.

What do I need to do with my existing content?
As is always the case with a major version update, you should run a mass replay check on your levels to verify that your solutions still work, and fix any replays (or levels, if necessary) that have broken. Breakage is only likely to occur in levels that use the Fencer (there is also a Shimmier fix but it is extremely unlikely that any real-world replays, especially intended solution ones, have made use of the relevant bug).

Custom styles should not need any special attention for this update.
Quote from: The Lemmings Encyclopedia on December 24, 2024, 01:40:37 PMHi DoubleU , yes, it's gone . I stopped my hosting and thus had to stop with TLE. Good news though, I've just transferred to a fan. Hopefully this means it will come back in the future.

Given the significance of your site, I'm quite happy to look at hosting it on the Lemmings Forums servers if you need a place to host it - the only thing I'd expect you to pay for is a domain name if you want one (otherwise I'm quite happy to at no cost put it as something like ""). I would just need to figure out the best way to make sure you're able to access it and make updates (I recall Simon had some difficulty trying to achieve this for the forums themself).
Tech & Research / Re: Glitches in Lemmings
December 10, 2024, 12:48:31 AM
I don't know if you can ever see it in game, but codes exist for Fun 1 / Tame 1 / etc on the DOS versions too. Ages ago someone reverse engineered the algorithm that generates the codes and made these ones.
Lemmings Main / Re: Rank the Lemmings games
December 08, 2024, 06:45:11 AM
Out of those I've played to at least a decent extent, and not counting ports of the same game (or really minor "demos" like Covox, Prima, Winterland), best to least good:

Oh No! More Lemmings!
Lemmings 3D
PS3 Lemmings
Lemmings Revolution
Holiday Lemmings '94
Lemmings 2
Lemmings Touch
Lemmings Paintball
Lemmings 3

The differences between games with similar mechanics (ONML, L1, H94) is down to how good I feel the levels are. Lemmings 3D is also held back a bit by the quality of the official levels - they're not bad for the most part, but the mechanics allow for so much more than the official levels ever really do.
Quote from: Brundle on December 08, 2024, 12:52:10 AM
Quote from: namida on December 07, 2024, 07:43:30 PMI'll also point out that PS3 Lemmings and Lemmings Touch might be a bit more in line with what OP is after. Possibly even Lemmings Revolution?

Thank you! Can PS3 Lemmings and Lemmings Touch be played on PC?

PS3 Lemmings, maybe? PS3 emulation has come quite a long way, so it's probably doable with a good PC. (Edit: RPCS3 compatibility list says it's "playable", which means that performance is acceptable and there are no game-breaking glitches.)

I don't think Touch can be played on anything other than an actual Vita at the moment. (It's also, as the name suggests, quite touchscreen-focused so might not be the best experience on PC either.) (Edit: There is a Vita emulator nowdays, Vita3K. However, Lemmings Touch is listed as "Intro", meaning the game starts up but doesn't get as far as even the main menu, let alone in-game.)
I'll also point out that PS3 Lemmings and Lemmings Touch might be a bit more in line with what OP is after. Possibly even Lemmings Revolution?
It's probably a good idea to allow forcing SLX mode too.
NeoLemmix Main / Re: Content Warnings Matter
December 05, 2024, 11:04:54 PM
I have added this to the rules for the NL level packs board. Please let staff know if any packs are missing warnings when they should have them.

(Note that our response will likely just be to add a content warning and give the user in question a friendly reminder about the rules, unless someone repeatedly offends or goes out of their way to remove warnings that have been added by staff.)
NeoLemmix Main / Re: Content Warnings Matter
December 05, 2024, 08:44:14 AM
Keep in mind; I don't know what level / pack you're talking about here, so I don't know exactly what the situation is and thus can only speak generally (and certianly can't add such a warning to the relevant topic and/or give the creator a heads-up).

I think this is a fair request as long as it's not taken too far. Expecting a content warning for realistic depictions of genitals or gore is absolutely reasonable. Expecting a content warning for terrain layouts that clearly intentionally resemble those things, yeah, that's probably fair to have a warning too. Content warnings for terrain layouts that vaguely resemble genitals, or for cartoonish gore like some of the traps in the official styles... I think that's the point at which I'm going to say the request is a bit excessive.
NeoLemmix Styles / Re: Style updates topic
December 03, 2024, 09:12:18 PM
Updated to here.
Tech & Research / Re: Glitches in Lemmings
December 03, 2024, 09:01:14 PM
Quote from: AsahiNyan on December 03, 2024, 05:58:22 PMa Q is the bundle of frames that make up a physics update, comming from "quad frame" term originated by japanese TASers such as ま横 (mayoko), and mochi. "Quad frame" stemming from the amount of frames it takes for one physics update on the NTSC snes versins (4f).
I will note, you used this term in reference to NL, but NL doesn't do a "quad frame" type thing. It just directly has frames, with one physics update per frame, 17 frames per second.

Welcome to the forum, by the way!
Lemmings Main / Re: Over 100 lemmings
December 03, 2024, 08:58:06 PM
Quote from: AsahiNyan on December 03, 2024, 06:49:54 PMwithout cheats
It's likely the cap even with cheats; as that's the highest value that can be stored in a signed 32-bit integer. Adding a further lemming would roll over the value to -2147483648, which would likely cause SL to crash (or at least behave very weirdly).

I also doubt, in practice, that SL would be anwyhere close to playable with that many lemmings active.
Quote from: WillLem on December 02, 2024, 09:35:31 AM
Quote from: namida on December 02, 2024, 08:01:25 AMit would become possible to slightly move downwards this way. This could especially be of concern in the case of ceilings that are *just* too low to platform under, or falls that are *just* fatal.

Are you thinking in terms of possible backroutes, or annoyingly fiddly levels? Or both?

I was thinking more about backroutes (and making it trickier to prevent them), but annoying fiddly levels could be a concern too. Currently, no vertical movement is possible with platformers, but your change would enable that. That's not to say it's an inherent no-go; just that this needs to be considered.
Keep in mind that in levels that provide a significant number of platformers + downwards destructive skills, it would become possible to slightly move downwards this way. This could especially be of concern in the case of ceilings that are *just* too low to platform under, or falls that are *just* fatal.
Forgot to mention here, but I've released a couple of updates to this. The latest version is V1.0.3.0. Several fixes (and difficulty tweaks, especially on Easy mode) since the first version, it also now is open-sourced, has a Help file, and has support for custom content (although unlike NL, this isn't particularly likely to get such content - but the support is there). Save files from earlier versions will work with the new version.