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Topics - WillLem

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Lemmini / [BUG][PLAYER] Vertical Scroll Error
« on: March 31, 2020, 11:08:25 PM »
This error occurs when clicking the minimap during a vertical scroll level, and causes SL to crash.

Following many, many discussions about the various differences between playing Lemmings on the Amiga and in NeoLemmix, I've decided to start a series of LPs in which I play through a selection of levels on both platforms side-by-side, to get an idea of the differences and see how the game has evolved.

This is not an attempt at seeing which is "better" than the other: both platforms are equally enjoyable for playing the game, but for very different reasons. Loosely speaking, I'd say the Amiga version is far more about the "action puzzle" execution difficulty that Lemmings was notorious for in its early days, whereas NeoLemmix is about making the game more versatile, more accessible and more focused on its puzzle elements.

I hope you enjoy these! Please do feel free to comment with any suggestions for levels you'd like me to look at, as a rough aim I intend to play about 30 or 40 levels altogether, maybe less, maybe more depending on what sort of response I get from the first few videos.

Here's the very first episode, starting with one of my favourite levels, Mary Poppins' Land!

Also includes a SuperLemming-speed solve of the level as a bonus!


Closed / [SUG] Splat & Anti-Splat "Fields"
« on: March 24, 2020, 12:13:58 PM »
I've made some versions of the Splat & Anti-Splat pads that effectively work like OOW "Fields"; For them to work, simply resize them to the terrain piece using the vertical and horizontal resize, set them to "Only On Terrain," and make sure that the top of the trigger area is 1 px above the terrain (it has been offset this way by default).

Here's a video demonstration so you can see them in action. I'll be including them in the next release of the willlem_lemminas style pack, but I've also attached them here if you want to have a play with them for now.

Closed / [SUG][PLAYER] Sound For Release Rate Increase/Decrease
« on: March 24, 2020, 09:39:58 AM »
Is there a way to get that gradually-increasing/decreasing-in-pitch sound for the Release Rate?

The Amiga version features it, not sure about DOS...

It's also featured in SuperLemmini, but oddly I can't find the sound file anywhere in SL's root.lzp directory.

EDIT The sound is in fact identical to the "skill assign" sound, and is simply pitched up/down for each RR increment.

Lemmings Main / A Tribute To The Forsaken SuperLemming (1991-1991)
« on: March 22, 2020, 10:33:55 PM »
A Tribute To The Forsaken SuperLemming (1991-1991)
by WillLem

First, there was Lemmings. A game released by DMA Design in 1991 as an "action puzzle", with ingenious levels that required both a good brain for puzzles and considerable manual dexterity to pull off the solutions.

A large part of the game in those days was just that: the ability to click the mouse at just the right time, not always knowing what the result was going to be. Building on this unique quirk, and whilst developing an expansion pack of levels for the original game titled Oh No! More Lemmings, the designers experimented with the idea of a lemming that moved at twice the speed of one of its regular counterparts: the SuperLemming!

I imagine that, at the time, the intention here was to infuse the game with even more of the intensity that Lemmings had become famous for, implementing it into a single level to begin with - probably as an experiment, but since the level in question was titled Introducing SUPERLEMMING (in capitals, no less), the door of possibility was at least created, even if never officially opened.

What's this? You may have been forgiven for thinking. Are we going to see more of these? Maybe even a whole gamepack of SuperLemming levels?

Alas, no such levels ever manifested, and the idea proved to be nothing more than an abandoned experiment.

Briefly resurrected some years later by the Lemmings community as an optional gimmick in Custlemm, then again later in Lemmix and NeoLemmix (up to and including V1.43), the SuperLemming enjoyed something of an unofficial return to glory, only to be further rejected, maligned and eventually removed from the game with no hope of ever returning.

And so, as one of its few fans, I would just like to pay tribute for a moment to the SuperLemming. I still think it's a fun idea, and I'm glad that DMA went ahead and gave it a try. Many ideas are "introduced" only to be quickly forgotten without so much as a second thought, so at the very least, the SuperLemming can proudly join the ranks of the rejected as an idea that had its moment.

Oh No! More Lemmings (1991) Wicked 2 - Introducing SUPERLEMMING - Look at him go...!

Here's a video of me playing the level, at its intended speed :lemcat:

And, here's another video of me performing the more difficult alternative solution (again, at SuperLemming speed) - thanks for the tip, Proxima! :thumbsup:

Closed / [QUERY][REPLAYS] A question about replay naming
« on: March 22, 2020, 09:30:03 AM »
I've noticed that, when playing a level via F12 from the Editor, it gives the replay the same name as the level. Whereas, when playing a level from the player, it gets named by its rank and number.

Is there a way to specify that the replay be given the name of the level instead, when played via the player?

Closed / [BUG][PLAYER] "An error occurred while trying to save data"
« on: March 22, 2020, 04:50:36 AM »
Not sure what I've done wrong, but I'm seeing this in between almost every level load, and at other random times as well.

Tech & Research / [QUERY][EDITOR] Level Size
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:53:46 PM »
Not sure whereabouts to ask this, but...

Does anyone know whereabouts in the Editor's code it specifies level size?

I know that it's possible to use a text editor to increase the size of a level, but when opening it in the editor it then snaps back to 2400...

I normally wouldn't be bothered about this, but I'm making an InfiniLems level that needs about an extra 5 or 600 px. If there's an easy way to customise the Editor I'll do that for now. If not, never mind: I'll try to make the level smaller.

In Development / [NeoLemmix] InfiniLems (collaborators wanted)
« on: March 20, 2020, 12:03:08 AM »
I'm creating a pack of 8 levels called InfiniLems with the following criteria:

Every level has 8 lemmings, of which 8 must be saved
Release rate is 88
All levels use original tilesets (one of each of the following: dirt, marble, pillar, fire, crystal, brick, bubble and snow)
Always infinite time
Always infinite skills (N.B. the skillset itself can be limited to just 1 skill, up to a maximum of 10)

By way of collaboration, what I'd like to do ideally is create an initial draft of each level and then have someone look at it, suggest changes, maybe even tweak the level themselves, and send it back and forth a couple of times until we're both happy with it.

I would also be interested if the collaborator wanted to make 8 first-draft levels of their own (in each of the above styles and with the same outlined criteria), send them to me to interpret/redesign, and then the pack could be 16 levels in total! If not, just the 8 as started be me would be fine.

The "8" is because it looks like the infinity sign. ;P

If you're interested in getting on board with this project, let me know!

Just thinking it might been good to have a way to increase & decrease the brightness of the level background to make fine adjustments, depending on what foreground style is being used.

Even if there were, say, 5 brightness levels to choose from, that would be good.

Closed / [SUG][PLAYER] Talisman Ideas
« on: March 16, 2020, 06:39:00 PM »
How about talismans for each of the following:

No Pause Button
No Directional Arrows
No Frameskip
RR = X


It's Lemmings - in miniature!

I've remixed 64 of the original levels as mini levels in this pack: that is, they're all 124 pixels high and no more than 800 pixels wide. Most of them now fit in single-screen!

For the most part, they're recognizable as the originals and many of the solutions are the same or similar to their original counterparts. However, there are a few extra challenges and slight variations on the theme dotted around here and there for you.

Enjoy the original game in a whole new cute way! :lemcat:

Also - as a fun easter egg (seeing as it is nearly Easter!), I've included the scroller text from the original 1991 Lemmings in the menu screen.

To install, simply unzip the file to your NeoLemmix directory.

Also check out Proxima's review of the pack!

Level Design / [DISC] Time-Limit Talismans for Solution Optimization
« on: March 13, 2020, 04:10:36 PM »
I've decided to re-start this discussion here to keep it more focused as an aspect of level design.

I agree that time limits themselves should be used sparingly, or at least creatively, to remain relevant to the puzzle's inherent solution or to prevent backroutes - I think everyone agrees on this.

However, if a level designer chooses to instead include a time-based talisman purely for the reason that it requires the player to optimize the intended solution (as opposed to find a different route), can we as an existing community reach an agreement that this is acceptable?

My main argument would be that solution optimization is a skill in itself, and whilst it may be more of an execution-based skill, it's still valid. Sure, Lemmings is a puzzle game at its core - but it's a motion-based, animated puzzle game which means that time is also a factor, and therefore applying skill to create a time record is a great way to enjoy the game.

Time-based talismans are a good way to keep this aspect of the game relevant without impacting the actual level itself (people can always ignore the talisman if they're not inclined to indulge in action/execution-based play).

Some other points in favour:

- It encourages more inclusion in the community for people that do enjoy and excel at execution-based play.
- It offers a valid alternative for level designers who wish to promote this aspect of gameplay.
- It encourages players who would normally eschew time-based play to exercise that muscle every now and then for the sake of expanding their own repertoire as a player (this is particularly relevant for completionists).

Level Design / Hidden/invisible objects: OK? Or not OK?
« on: March 11, 2020, 12:42:03 AM »
I have hidden a teleporter in a backroute, which takes the player to a slightly more difficult-to-navigate area of the level.

I did this in the spirit of finding fun, inventive ways to get around The Backroute Problem (rather than just blocking it off with steel or one-way-arrows, or limiting time and/or skills).

Further to this, the backroute is actually there intentionally: the level was designed with this in mind and is titled Backroute To the Future.

My question is: given this information, is the hidden teleporter justified in this scenario?

Please note that, if I get an overwhelming response of "No!", I will edit this level to no longer feature a hidden teleporter. However, I would like this case to be discussed first so I can truly understand people's reasons against the idea when it's clearly done in good, clean fun, and with no intention to annoy or troll the player.

If the response is neutral or "Yes!", then I'll leave the level as it is.


Check out the Records Table.

Read a review of the pack by Proxima.

See also Lemminas II - the sequel!

Allow me to introduce Lemminas. Lemminas are female Lemmings, who wear pink instead of blue and have blue hair, like Marge Simpson, that they keep in a ready-for-action swish pony tail.

The world they inhabit is rich with colour, magic, unicorns and gelato!

Help them navigate their way across the mysterious, magical lands of Purple Kingdom as they find their way back home...

Feast your eyes and ears on these beautiful worlds and enjoy the brand new music; some of it is my own, some of it I've borrowed from classical themes and popular nursery songs, in keeping with the Lemmings tradition (full credits below). I've tried to match it with the visual themes to create an immersive and hopefully memorable playing experience.

Anyway, enough waffle from me! Here are the screenshots:

Screenshots (click to show/hide)

This pack has been an absolute joy to create. There has been laughter, tears, late nights, eye candy overload, sugar highs, frantically-typed messages, painstaking attention to way too much detail, and all that other good stuff you lovely people have come to expect from a fully-formed pack of NeoLemmix levels.

A huge, huge thank-you to DireKrow for playtesting the entire pack in its first draft, and for going above and beyond to provide a full set of replays, extensively detailed feedback and invaluable advice (most of which has been followed, I assure you!) ;P

Another big thank-you to Proxima and IchoTolot for providing further testing, muchos helpful comments and suggestions, backroute-detection servicing, and pointing out that 300 Lemminas probably is too many...

And of course, a thank-you to Namida for maintaining the platform that supports all of our frantic doodling and puzzlesome wanderings. And for helping to make The Unnecessarily Tall Pillar a much better level. :thumbsup:

But most of all, big thanks to YOU for saving the Lemminas! (That is, after you've downloaded and completed the pack. ;P)

Without further ado, proceed to the downloads section below and enjoy this pack in all its glory! Along with the levels, there is a full set of replays for all Talismans (88 in total - at least 1 on every level!), and of course the music, sound and required styles.

Please feel free to use any of the content (i.e. music, sounds, styles) for your own packs; just remember to credit me if you do.

Enjoy Lemminas!

Recommended settings: NeoLemmix 12.8+ / High Resolution / No Smooth Resampling / Normal Quality Minimap

The pack has been playtested on a low-end laptop with the above settings; all levels performed well and there were no lag issues, even on large levels.

Music Credits:

All tracks arranged and produced by me using Logic Pro X, composer credits as follows:

Lemminas 1 - My own composition
Lemminas 2 - My own composition
Lemminas 3 - Based on Mozart's Sonata in C, Bach's Toccota and Fugue in Dm and Traditional Nursery Rhyme Five Little Speckled Frogs
Lemminas 4 - My own composition
Lemminas 5 - Based on Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C#m
Lemminas 6 - Based on Zoëë's Techno Wonderland, with an ending composed by me
Lemminas 7 - Based on Traditional Nursery Rhymes The Ants Go Marching In and Nellie The Elephant
Lemminas 8 - My own composition

Setting up Lemminas:

I've put everything into one zip folder called Lemminas V1.04 which can be extracted directly to the root folder of your copy of NeoLemmix (the extractor will place everything where it should be). However, if you prefer to do these things manually, ensure that you do the following:

Place the contents of the "levels" folder into NeoLemmix>levels
Place the contents of the "music" folder into NeoLemmix>music
Place the contents of the "Replay" folder into NeoLemmix>Replay
Place the contents of the "sound" folder into NeoLemmix>sound
Place the contents of the "styles" folder into NeoLemmix>styles (the style is available via the NeoLemmix Manager anyway, but here it is just in case!)

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