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Topics - WillLem

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It's in the title; resizing levels vertically downwards doesn't make any sense, because if you've spent time building a level and then you need a few pixels extra height, you have to move the entire level downwards.

The reverse is also true: if a level is too tall and you want to shrink it vertically, you have to move the entire level upwards and then resize.

Closed / [SUG][PLAYER] Fast-Backwards!
« on: July 23, 2020, 02:58:11 PM »
A button for fast-backwards, to quickly rewind to a particular point...?

It's already kind of possible to do this by customising a Hotkey to -4 frames and then holding it down, but a dedicated button might be good as well.

It's come up a few times that "waiting around" for Lemmings once a level is complete is sometimes an issue, even with smaller lem counts. Also, there are times when you want to move ahead quickly, but the Frameskip buttons can sometimes be unpredictable (that's not a complaint - I love my custom Frameskip buttons and use them all the time).

However, not everyone uses custom Frameskipping and may enjoy the use of a TURBO button!

The download manager works great most of the time, but this evening I got the following error message when I was trying to download a piece from namida_special (specifically, the object water_red):

EZipException: Stream read error

I re-downloaded LPVI to get the pieces so that's all good, but just thought I'd give a heads up that this one didn't seem to want to play ball for some reason.

Site Discussion / [SUG][FORUM] Native dark mode
« on: June 28, 2020, 11:34:57 PM »
I've tried a fair few Chrome extensions, some of which offer multiple CSS options to tweak a website to various "dark" themes...

However, very few of these extensions produce decent results on this website.

How possible would it be to implement a dark mode that's specifically written for, and therefore takes into account all of its various quirks?

NeoLemmix Main / Giving feedback on custom packs
« on: June 19, 2020, 04:29:39 AM »
I think there needs to be a protocol regarding giving feedback on custom packs.

Whilst feedback is useful, welcome, and encouraged, when unchecked it can also be quite harsh and put people off wanting to create custom content. I'm sure that there are many people who have thought about making a pack, but have seen the nature of some of the feedback that gets posted and have been put off.

Similarly, I am very sure that there are people who have removed content due to particularly negative feedback following an intense period of working on that content, leaving them feeling like their hard work and time was all for nothing.

As a basic suggestion, let's say you play a pack and there are several things you don't like about it. Before taking to the keyboard to type your frustrations straight away, take a moment to see if there's anything you do like about it, and then be sure to include that in the comments.

Ideally, each bit of negative feedback given should be balanced out with a piece of positive feedback. Praise is important: it keeps people motivated to try harder and put the extra effort in to improve their content. Simply listing a pack's drawbacks is only going to make the creator feel like a failure. Giving feedback is a powerful thing, and with great power comes great responsibility: use it wisely.

Suggestions to creators

ALWAYS get your pack playtested by at least 2 people, and be prepared to take a bit of harsh criticism initially - this will help you to shape your pack into its final product.

Then, when you release your finished pack, add a poll at the top. Something simple like:

What did you think of my pack?

1 It's excellent!
2 It's good, but some things could be improved
3 It's not really my cup of tea
4 I haven't played it yet

(Or even just a star-rating system from 1-5).

That way, you can get a good idea of what people who've downloaded your pack think, and it could help to balance out any negative feedback you get initially (unless of course everyone votes 3, in which case it's definitely worth having another look at it anyway!)

A poll would also encourage those who aren't predisposed to typing paragraph after paragraph of detailed feedback to leave something for you, for better or worse. That way, if a lot of people vote 1 or 2, but someone leaves a blazingly heated comment about how awful your pack is, at least you can see not everyone feels that way, and it'll be that much easier to take the criticism on board constructively, even if it wasn't necessarily presented to you that way.

My new laptop's recommended display config is 1920 x 1080 scaled to 125%. I've tried scaling it to 100% and it's OK but everything is tiny. 125% makes enough of a difference to make it worthwhile keeping it on this setting.

The text in the editor is blurred when using Windows scaling:

So, I've set both Player and Editor to specify their own DPI scaling (by going to Properties>Compatibility>Change high DPI settings and choosing "Application"). This makes everything look as it should resolution-wise in both programs, but the layout of the Editor is slightly offset:

Please note that imgur adds its own filtering to images, so I've also attached these images to the post for reference.

Welcome to the topic for my all-new LP Series!

WillLem Plays Through Just The First Rank Of A Bunch Of Custom Packs in NeoLemmix!

Episode #1 Lemmings Redux by The Lemmings Forums Community
Episode #2 SubLems by Colorful Arty
Episode #3 Rodents by Ron Stard
Episode #4 TMChallenge by Proxima
Episode #5 NepsterLems by Nepster
Episode #6 Lemmings Plus VI by namida
Episode #7 Sammings 2 by Mantha16
Episode #8 Ski Sloping Lemmings by grams88
Episode #9 Lemmings Migration by Nessy
Episode #10 NeoLemmix Introduction Pack by IchoTolot

Here are the packs I'll be doing, not necessarily in this order (at this point I've arranged the list alphabetically by author):

The Lemmings Have Grown by Davidz
Godlems by Duuddu
Festival Millas 2020 by GigaLem
MobiLems 3: The Lemmings Strike Again! by mobius
Casualemmings 2.0 by nin10doadict
Lemmings World Tour by Strato Incendus
Lemmingzones by LemFan

Hi all,

I'm having some issues with a new laptop I bought recently. I've already decided I'm returning it, but before I go ahead and shop for another, I just need to see now NL looks in everyone's display.

Please can you screenshot your F2 Level Select menu and post it here, along with your laptop make and model.

Thank you!

For reference, here's how it looks on my old laptop (an Acer Aspire from 2010 with a 15" 1366 x 768 display) Nice, clear, friendly MS Sans Serif:

And here's how it looks on the new laptop (an Acer Swift 3 from 2019 with a 14" 1920 x 1080 display). Yucky Bilinear scaling with mucky orange anti-aliasing:

(I've also attached these images because embedding from imgur adds its own layer of filtering!)

Lix Main / Spawn interval fixed per level, 2020
« on: May 21, 2020, 03:55:46 PM »
Split off from thread: WillLem's thoughts about Lix

Sparked by video: Youtube: WillLem plays lemforum/Lovely 6-10

SI = Spawn Interval = Number of physics updates between two spawning lixes from the hatches. Measured as release rate in Lemmings. Release rate and spawn interval measure the same thing using different numbers.

VSI = Variable Spawn Interval, the ability of the player to change the spawn interval during play. Lix doesn't have it. Lemmings had it.

-- Simon

To be fair, even the Amiga version didn't offer release rate changes or a timer in 2-Player mode... perhaps this is why it doesn't feature in Lix's single-player mode either, if it was never originally intended to be a single-player game.

That said, I always thought that RR should have been available in the 2P mode as with practice you can use it tactically as well as functionally, even in realtime.

Still, the Phyus counter happily makes up for lack of a timer and I guess I can try out something new and see how the game is different without the RR...

Closed / [POLL][NeoLemmix Player] 2-Player Mode?
« on: May 17, 2020, 12:54:07 AM »
2-Player mode, as I imagine it:

Local and Networking possible, so you can play with friends, family and forum buddies at home or online.

You'd be able to choose a 2-colour scheme for your team from pre-existing options. This would basically involve different colour hair and clothes which swap when the lemmings are made into athletes. Each colour scheme would be very distinct from the others. For example:

Green & Blue team (i.e. like the default lems)
Red & White team
Pink & Purple team
Yellow & Orange team
Grey & Brown team

Zombies and Neutrals would not work in 2-Player levels, to prevent further confusion with colouring schemes.

Interested? :lemcat:

Whenever I re-open NeoLemmix player, it will remember the last window resize - which is great. :thumbsup:

However, it doesn't seem to remember the screen position, so I constantly have to move it up so that the skill panel isn't obscured by the Windows taskbar.

Closed / [BUG][EDITOR] All skills reset after undo
« on: May 17, 2020, 12:21:32 AM »
I've noticed this one a few times. If I change the skillset, and then move a terrain piece or object, and then press Ctrl + Z to undo the move, the skillset resets to what it was before.

I'll keep an eye on this one because to be honest I can't seem to make it happen, it just happens every now and then.

It's in the title, really. Can the menu and level preview screens have different backgrounds?

If this could also extend to the F4 talisman info screen as well, that would also be great...

Closed / [SUG][PLAYER] Ability to turn skill shadows on and off
« on: May 05, 2020, 10:30:09 PM »
EDIT: To make it very clear - my suggestion is that the skill shadows be controlled via a Hotkey, rather than necessarily in the F3 menu. So, the options would be:

Permanently enabled (default)
Permanently disabled by toggling them off with {Hotkey1} in-game (pressing the same Hotkey again would toggle them back on)
Permanently disabled, but temporarily enabled by holding down {Hotkey2}, like you can with CPM

  • Since it's a very obvious visual feature, it impacts gameplay directly and should therefore be optional
  • It may encourage newcomers to get used to NeoLemmix more quickly by making it less exclusive, giving them the option to make the gameplay more familiar, and get used to skill shadows at their own pace
  • It would give players the option to experience custom content in a similar way to classic content, should they wish to try it out this way
  • Ultimately, it gives the player full control over their gameplay and experience

  • If introduced as an option, level creators may need to consider this, and this may affect level design (but not necessarily)
  • Keeping it non-optional preserves, maintains and promotes the NeoLemmix philosophy of pure-puzzle gameplay by forcing players to get used to the feature, or go elsewhere if they don't like it
  • Keeping it non-optional makes the NeoLemmix experience more universally standardised; i.e. all players know that all other players always use skill shadows

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