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Messages - IchoTolot

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Interesting use case for the delayed RR-change.

My gut feeling is that your case will occur far less often than this: We want to spawn exactly n lems very quickly, then make it slow immediately. This is the typical situation where I produce 1 lem too much with the NL method. But I am not well-versed in level design to judge how often these would occur.

If the NL regulars prefer the delayed RR change, I don't care too strongly to push the idea further. It's also easier for namida not to write any code to convert replays.

-- Simon
Yes this case, requires the thinking...turn it down 1 Lem before your goal.   
But in this case both methodes require (the same) precision (right after Lem X/Y turn it down), it's just the thinking that is diffrenent (and this can be adopted by the player): The next spawn will be slow / it's right now slow again.

(lil chat out of IRC here :P)
<IchoTolot> I see the advantages of both, your method prob a bit easier to understand for beginners    the other one offers a benefit in handling tight timings for advanced players
<IchoTolot>but as this is not a very complicated mechanic (and prob obvious how it works after a few uses) I must give the point to the better handling

Any way to ease the precision in some points is valuable! And the more common scenario just requires adapting a thought with no precision disadvantages.

I can see logic behing both methods:

- ASAP change is logical in the sense that RR change is imminent, but.....

- Change with the next spawning Lemming is also logical: The RR count counts not for the current spawning Lemming, but for the next spawning Lemming ----> changing it will change the rate with the the next spawning Lemming.

Also the handling of Lemming bunches is a lot better to handle this way....
Say that you want an exactly 1RR gap and then change immidiatly to 99RR for compression....with the change with the next spawning Lemming there is zero problem to do this exactly.
With immidiate change little unpricise stituations can accour more must wait until the second Lemming spawns or you won't have an exact 1RR size gap...then turning it to 99RR will likely have a little gap (a few frames) between Lem 2 and 3, because you change it after Lem 2 and not in advance.
Also to do this as good as it gets, there is the precise moment for turning it up RIGHT AFTER the 2nd Lem, where the Change with the next spawning Lemming method leaves the whole 1RR gap to react.
-----> less precision for levels with sharp RR change timings and this is always good :)

So as I went from Lemmini to NL together with the change of the imminent RR change to the Change with the next spawning Lemming method, I was also a bit sceptical at first, but now as I have played lots of NL now... I see the advantage of the NL RR change!

Also: Now all replays have been made with this method and maybe this change would affect them (I have no motivation of checking+redoing quite a lot of replays ;)). Furthermore every player have gotten used to it by now :8():

To end my statement: I prefer the current implementation of the RR, because of the lesser precision needed + getting more precision out of it. :8():

This sounds very great :thumbsup::thumbsup:     Will try it out over the days

One step further of getting rid of a tool ;)     Maybe putting the option to choose the kind of skillbar / png's of the other signs and christmas lem stuff also into the toolkit rather than LemMain?

Levels for v10 or older / Re: MobiLems II --- released!
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:05:19 PM »
Completed the pack (V2) and I must say it's one of my favorites :thumbsup::thumbsup:

A lot of levels of the last 2 ranks really had my brain smoking really hard ;)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: NeoLemmix release of Lemmings Reunion
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:07:48 PM »
Here as well:

Added a link in the description (2.) Installation) to Nepsters manual :)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: NeoLemmix release of PimoLems
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:06:38 PM »
Added a link in the description (2.) Installation) to Nepsters manual :)

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Manual for NeoLemmix
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:03:01 PM »
This is far more superior than every readme/tutorial levels made so far :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Covers the basics as well as every little tweaks the game has to offer (like the trees in the shodow tileset)

This should be at least looked at by every new player and maybe even linked in custom packs!

I've implemented some changes to this; probably not to the full extent that could be done, but it will have to do for now (as the priority detection code needs major overhauling at some stage anyway, so I don't want to do too much quick-fixing in it).

Basically - I've made it so that if a lemming is in a state from which it cannot perform a skill, it will be de-prioritized (but not entirely unselectable) if that skill is selected. For example, if you have the Glider skill selected, Floaters and Gliders will be deprioritized; if you have the Builder skill selected, builders, blockers, ohnoers, etc will be deprioritized.

This also extends to a few cases that aren't strictly speaking a matter of can't be assigned, but not very logical to do so - for example, you technically can assign the Swimmer or Disarmer skill to a ghost, but there's not much use in doing so, so they'll be deprioritized.

One side effect is that this priority change based on selected skill applies even to things where the selected skill is irrelevant, such as highlighting a lemming. For now, I'm not worried about this; if people report that it's problematic, I'll do something about it.

I've uploaded a new experimental version that contains this modified prioritization behaviour.

I'll leave this topic open for further discussion on this matter.

This sounds excellent! :thumbsup:    Catching lemming bunches with floaters will finally be easy :)

Closed / Re: [BUG] [PLAYER] Game crashes when exiting pack loading menu
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:24:33 PM »
The program is supposed to just close; some of the pre-V1.37n test versions might have crashed instead.

IchoTolot - you use German language settings too, right? Whereas you don't, mobius? I would think it's weird that this makes a difference, but it's the one thing I notice in common between the PCs this does happen on.

Yes, I use the German language setting. This would be very weird if that's the cause here ;P

hmm...  to take into acc here, is that it needs to turn back, if pickups are included in the level. In a lot of level with pickup skills you can have 0 skills at all and after some time pick up new skills.

In Development / Re: MobiLems II
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:47:22 PM »
Great! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

New stuff to play, yay :)  Will prob look into it the next days.

Closed / Re: [BUG] [PLAYER] Can't tab back into game, Windows 7
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:44:18 PM »
Also got Win 7 and nope. Everything fine here either.

Closed / Re: [BUG] [PLAYER] Game crashes when exiting pack loading menu
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:42:59 PM »
Start NeoLemmix.exe and instead of loading a level or a level pack, use the Cancel button (or the litle cross in the top right corner). Then I get an error message (loosely translated from German to English):
  "NeoLemmix. exe does not work any more. Due to a problem, the program cannot work properly. Please close the program."
And one gets this error message twice!

Tested it and it's the same here. Not really game breaking stuff, but a little annoying nevertheless.

Editor V1.38n-B added. Most significant change is it (finally) confirms when exiting if you want to save the level, if it isn't already saved. (This also applies to closing the level, opening a different level, or creating a new level, of course.)

As usual, links are in the first post.

Update causes a bug:
Can't open levels that are not in the same folder as the editor, because the editor searches for the tilesets at the position of the level and not the editor.

So it looks for the tilesets at:      Place of the level\styles\NeoLemmix\tileset.dat
If it isn't located there ---> error

Closed / Re: [PLAYER] Fallers in Updrafts: To die or not to die?
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:14:26 PM »
But wouldn't the very same inconsistency occur if level designers always add another overlapping updraft from now on?

As I have seen them (updrafts) so far:

Most updrafts are used for glider (rarely floater) interaction, a few of them are quite precise (like Mental 12 from Lemmings Plus Omega  [my stuff hasn't critical updraft interaction yet]). A trigger area change would be fatal. Maybe the animation can be altered to just the trigger area, but all tilesets would have to be edited aswell (and my motivation to do this to all my tilests just for this little thing is very limited ;))
If an updraft is used for the faller interaction, most of the time a single vertical updraft line is placed (or even just a single updraft). So the overlapp problem doesn't apply.

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