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Topics - IchoTolot

Contests / Level of the Year 2024: Nominations List
February 16, 2025, 07:00:05 PM
Please see the main LOTY2024 topic for more details on LOTY2024. This topic is merely a list of nominations.

Colorful Arty

- "Snarled pipeline" (Contest #31 Winner, NeoLemmix)


- "Cheddar-Crusted Hash Browns" (Contest #30 Winner, NeoLemmix)
- "Guts Over Fear" (Contest #30 2nd place, NeoLemmix)
- "Caffeine Addiction" (Contest #31 3rd place, NeoLemmix)
- "Where Angels Dwell" (Holiday Lemmings 2024 - Daytime 24, NeoLemmix)


- "Rooftop Run" (Fiat Lem! - Scando 07, NeoLemmix)
- "Save Our Souls" (Fiat Lem! - Scando 09, NeoLemmix)
- "Hanging Gardens" (Fiat Lem! - Scando 18, NeoLemmix)
- "The Lemmings Survey Corps" (Fiat Lem! - Impero 10, NeoLemmix)


- "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!" (Contest #31 2nd place, NeoLemmix)

Eric Derkovits

- "Mosaic Lemmings" (Contest #30 3rd place, NeoLemmix)


- "Steel" (DavidLems - 100 metres 05, NeoLemmix)
- "Angkor temple" (DavidLems - 400 metres 19, NeoLemmix)


- "Chaos of the Holiday" (Festival Millas 2023 - Economy 04, NeoLemmix)
- "Lotus Road" (Festival Millas 2023 - Business 04, NeoLemmix)


- "House of Fun" (Lemmings Faithful - Simple 03, NeoLemmix)


- "The Lem Is Lost In The City" (Holiday Lemmings 2024 - Daytime 21, NeoLemmix)


- "Space Program 10,000 B.C." (Levels by Turrican, NeoLemmix)


- "Just Mine" (single/geoo -  wrappy 06, Lix)
- "Roots of Life" (single/geoo - flowy 22, Lix)


- "Shelf-Control" (Fiat Lem! - Impero 04, NeoLemmix)
- "Forbidden Friendship" (Fiat Lem! - Impero 08, NeoLemmix)
- "Razing the Foundations" (Fiat Lem! - Scando 17, NeoLemmix)
- "Hypostyle Freestyle" (Fiat Lem! - Impero 06, NeoLemmix)

Strato Incendus

- "The Lem-catcher's song" (Lemmings: Hall of Fame - Bronze 18, NeoLemmix)


- "Comm-Link Online!" (Contest #30 Entry, NeoLemmix)
Contests / Level of the Year: 2024!
February 16, 2025, 06:59:34 PM
For a list of nominated levels so far, please see the nominated levels topic.

And it's this time of the year again!

This is a bit different from the usual contests. You don't create a new level for this one; instead, levels released during 2024 get nominated and a winner picked from them. To be precise, the eligible dates are from 1st Janurary 2024 to 31th December 2024.

The following conditions must be met in order for a level to be eligible:
1. The level must have either been part of a large pack released during the eligible timeframe (1st Jan 2024 to 31th Dec 2024), or in some other way had its first public release during the timeframe. Private releases (such as sending to prerelease testers) do not affect eligibility either way. *
2. The level must be available for an engine that is usually eligible for the contests. Or in other words: NeoLemmix (new format version), or single-player Lix.
3. The level must be designed by a single author; collaboration levels are not eligible.
4. The creator of the level must not have specifically requested it be excluded.
5. The level must not have been nominated for LOTY2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023.

* To clarify here: If it was released publicly prior to 1st Janurary 2024 as part of a demo or preview, but the full pack was released during the eligible period, the level is fine (as long as it wasn't nominated for LOTY2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023).

Being a derivative of an ineligible level (as long as it's from the same author, the new author has a permission from the original one, or an official level) does not disqualify a level; as long as the level in question is clearly intended to stand as a seperate-but-related level rather than a newer version of the same level. Basically just don't send in carbon copies of ineligible levels.

To nominate a level, please PM me with your list of nominations. If you wish to modify your nominations at a later date, please resend the whole list of levels you wish to nominate, not just the changes.

Each user may nominate up to six levels from authors other than themself, up to a maximum of three levels per author. Anyone who nominates at least four levels by other authors may also nominate one of their own levels. (These self-nominations do not count towards the six nomination limit.)

So the maximum nomination value is: 6 levels from other users and 1 level of your own.

Note that levels that won a level design contest during the eligible timeframe get an automatic nomination, unless their author requests otherwise.

Nominations will be open until the end of April 18th 2025 (UTC). No additions / changes to nominations will be permitted after this date, with one exception: If a level someone has nominated is found to be ineligible for any reason and this is not discovered until after the deadline, they will be offered a chance to nominate a different level in its place.

Similar to last year, the voteoff will occur in stages:

Stage 1
The levels will be put into random brackets, and the top ~50% from each bracket will qualify for Stage 2.

Stage 2-3
This will also be done in regular voteoff style. The aim here will be to get down to around a couple of remaining levels, so exact details will depend on how many levels are entered.

Final Stage
This will be done in an elimination format to first determine the top 3 and then to determine a winner.

The prize on offer will be US $10.00 for first place.

Also note that, in the interest of being reasonable, the "don't discuss levels involved in contests anywhere on the site during the voting period" rule does not fully apply to this contest; instead, it will be "do not discuss them at all within the LOTY2024 topics during voting, and don't discuss them in relation to the contest anywhere on the site".

So, that's about it! Any questions, ask here; and feel free to start nominating levels!
Contests / Lemmings Forums Level Contest #31 - Results
February 16, 2025, 06:34:37 PM
Ladies and gentleman, we've got our final results! :)

The winning level is:

Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline"

The 2nd place goes to:

kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!"

3rd place goes to:

Armani's "Caffeine Addiction"

Congratulations to Colorful Arty for winning the contest! :thumbsup:

I will contact all authors of the top 3 levels regarding the determination of the next contest's ruleset. :)
In each voting round, you're allowed to vote for up to a certain number of levels. Vote for the levels that you want to stay in the contest, not for levels you want eliminated. You may vote for fewer levels than the permitted maximum. You may vote for your own levels.

It's not allowed to discuss the levels publicly on the forums during the voting phase, even if the level is not in the current round, or even between rounds.

You may discuss any level in private messages. You may discuss publicly off-site, e.g., you may post Youtube videos of your playthroughs, or discuss in IRC/discord chat. Eliminated levels may be discussed anywhere, even publicly on the forums.

- Voting takes place for all 3 rules at the same time. Topic links:
  Rule 1 voting topic
  Rule 2 voting topic
  Rule 3 voting topic
- Only the level with the most votes in each rule moves on. Each person only gets 1 vote for each rule.
- Dertermining the top level in a rule might result in a tiebreaker. (Edge case: A tiebreaker between tied levels results in another tie where nobody is eliminated -> All move on.)
- The top 3 then consists of the top level of reach rule. The placement is then determined in a single voting round. Each person only gets 1 vote. A tie here simply results in a tied 1st or 2nd place.


- The "choosing the rules for the next contest" prize will be the only one you can get.
- The authors of the top three levels will each get to choose a rule. If an author got multiple levels in the top three they get to choose multiple rules accordingly.
- If people choose (near) identical rules we will sort things out through pm communication so that the rules are different.

So... let the voting begin! Each round will be open for voting for 3 days, except the final which will be 4 days.

All levels are still avialable in the discussion topic:
This topic is purely for voting on the current level design contest.

For further information please look into the contest's main voting topic.
This topic is purely for voting on the current level design contest.

For further information please look into the contest's main voting topic.
This topic is purely for voting on the current level design contest.

For further information please look into the contest's main voting topic.

QuoteIt's more of a newbie-onboarding feature that anything else


For a new NL Profile ask the user about their desired behaviors in the options.
Give them a quick tour of the most important options and we could avoid many pitfalls.
Community Edition / [DISC] Replay options
January 22, 2025, 08:22:45 PM
Fun story - just now because of the "Replay after Restart" option I just found out that we have a Restart button even though I use it all the time (for me it's R)!  :lem-mindblown:

For me it always was "Replay" as in "please reset the level and run the replay".

So yeah I won't need the option as I want to always keep my replay, but if some people have interest in it the option is now there.

Even though I think it's more of a accidental replay loss source.

Note: This topic is ONLY for posting updates to your levels, or making late submissions. All other posts will be deleted. If you want to discuss the levels, post replays, etc, please do so in the Discussion Topic.

Please follow these rules for updates:
1. When posting a new updated version of a level, remove any old updated versions of that level --> Have all your recent updates stored in 1 post! I will delete such old posts eventually if the author doesn't; so don't store any important information in them.
2. Make a new post for a new update; do not edit your most recent post. You may, however, post updates to multiple entries (if you have more than one) in the same post.
3. Use the same filename as found in the ZIP of the entered levels, with "V2" "V3" etc added at the end. No matter how minor an update is, give it a new number.
4. Do not post in this topic, unless it's to post an update to your levels. Use the discussion topic instead for anything else.

Please use the same naming format as in the zip file:  User1_Levelname_R3V5.lvl ---> Level "Levelname" by User1  for Rule 3  Version 5 of the level 

For late submissions also, please use the same kind of filename as is used in the main levels download - ie: your username, and "R1" "R2" or "R3" to mark which rule the level is for. Please be sure to check the original contest announcement topic for the rules; as the notes in the discussion topic are simply meant as reminders, not full explanations of the rules.

Please use the right naming format when posting updates! That would lead to less confusions and less work for everyone.

Link to discussion topic
All zips only need to be unzipped inside the main folder of your NeoLemmix Player!

NeoLemmix Level Pack:

Music (NeoLemmix):

Rule 1 Levels

Armani's "Turn off the Light Before Bed" (V1)
Eric Derkovits's "Which Way?" (V2)
Gronkling's "Lemming Fountain" (V1)
IchoTolot's "Automaton Maintenance" (V2)
kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!" (V3)

Rule 2 Levels

Armani's "Caffeine Addiction" (V1)
Eric Derkovits's "Right Left Right" (V4)
Gronkling's "Build Up to Get Down" (V1)
IchoTolot's "Copper 9 Cabin Fever Labs" (V2)
kaywhyn's "It's a Wet World!" (V1)

Rule 3 Levels

Armani's "Ley Lines" (V2)
Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline" (V2)
Crane's "Paradox" (V3)
Eric Derkovits's "Come Home Lemmings Part 2" (V3)
Gronkling's "Decayed Grid" (V3)
IchoTolot's "Orbita Solis" (V3)
kaywhyn's "To The CPU Terminal!" (V3)

You can check the rules details again here:

Playing Phase will be closed on 6th of Feburary!
Updates will close on 3rd of Feburary!

Note: This topic is for posting your comments, replays, etc for the levels. If you wish to post an update to your level, or enter a late submission, please do so in the Updates Topic instead.

Link to update topic
Contests / Level Design Contest #31
September 29, 2024, 01:53:12 PM
Welcome to another contest of the Lemmingsforums! This time the three rules have been picked by Armani, this time.

A few words to new participants and forum members: If you haven't entered before, I strongly encourage you to try - even if you don't win, it's fun to participate; and we have had cases where first-time entrants have won before! There are three choices of rules given, you may enter one level for EACH one of the rules.
You may either use new format NeoLemmix, or Lix.

edit by kaywhyn for clarity (October 29, 2024): It's likely not necessary since this is a very smart bunch/community, but just to make sure so that there's no confusion, for this:

QuoteYou may use either new format NeoLemmix...

Here, this refers to the latest stable NL version that was out at the time Icho made this topic. So, even though 12.14RC was released during the submission phase, this means v12.13.0 is the one to use if you decide to submit NL levels! RC/experimental NL builds aren't allowed, only the stable version of NL!

If you have more than one entry, they may (but do not have to) be for the same engine. Please make sure you tested your level for basic solvability before submitting and be sure to also submit any custom tileset you are using, so others have no problem playing your level. ;)

Pre contest testing: You can choose 1-2 persons who do a bit of pre-testing for you, so that the biggest backroutes and screw-ups of your levels can be detected before the playing phase. I cannot control this so it's only a guideline, but still I would prefer not everyone knows every level before the playing phase starts. ;)

Here are the rules on how the submission deadlines work:
- Initial submission phase deadline will extend such that it's 72 hours from the time of the last submission, up to the 5th submission (inclusive). After this it no longer changes no matter what.
- Update phase deadline will not extend over the initial dead line!
- Even if you missed the cutoff date for the initial submission phase, late entries are accepted until the update phase ends. There is no penalty for a late entry, beyond that people are less likely to spend as much time on the level before voting begins.

And here is the new ruleset:

Rule 1: Dr Lemminggood's Latest Inventions
(added by kaywhyn for clarity:) For NL, you must use NL v12.13.0 or you won't be able to make an R1!

Make a level that uses at least 2 types of newly introduced objects. The 5 new object types are:
- Portal
- Assigner
- Deassigner
- Neutralizer
- Deneutralizer

For Lix: Make a level that uses at least 2 types of lix-exclusive objects (flinger button and air stream for example).

Since these are very new features, there aren't many tilesets with new objects yet. Here's the full list of tilesets that have new objects in them:
tilesets with new objects
dex_autumn - Portal
dex_circuit - Portal
dex_mosaic - Portal
dex_rust - Portal
dex_palace - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
lt_space - Portal
willLem_special - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
eric_special - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer
namida_lab - Portal
namida_systemtest - Portal, Assigner, Deassigner, Neutralizer, Deneutralizer

Rule 2: Purity and Industry

Make a level under the following conditions:
- You can only use destructible terrain pieces on the left half of the level.
- You can only use steel pieces on the right half of the level.
    - Can also be top/bottom, doesn't have to be just left or right!
You don't have be perfect and split the level exactly 5:5.
As long as you stay within the spirit of the rule, different ratios like 4:6 or 6:4 are also acceptable.

Rule 3: Living in harmony

Make a level with either
1) only classic skills&objects + custom tilesets
2) only non-classic skills&objects + official tilesets

For Lix: Make a level with classic 8 skills without any lix-exclusive objects (as all tilesets are custom).

Further clarification:

If you are going to make a level with 1)only classic skills&objects + custom tilesets,
- You can only use the original 8 skills from Lemmings 1 and only original object types: Hatch, Exit, endless trap, fire, water, left/right OWWs.

If you are going to make a level with 2)only non-classic skills&objects + official tilesets,
- You must not use any of the 8 original skills or objects! This results on you having to rely on locked exits and pre-placed lemmings! (hatch/exit limiter is not enough here!) Also no water, fire, endless traps and left/right OWWs.
- Here, official tilesets refer to any tilesets from Lemmings franchise: L1, L2, PSP Lemmings, etc...

Submission phase ends November 29th 2024 at 00:00 UTC.

Ruleset in detail again:

Send me a personal message with your level/s and if needed tileset/s to participate. It would also be nice to also tell me the rule which each level satisfies.

Please use the following naming format:  User1_Levelname_R3V1.nxlv ---> Level "Levelname" by User1  for Rule 3  Version 1 of the level

Prize selection:

- Pick next contest's rules (the author of each level in the top 3 gets to select a rule)

Entries so far: 16

- ericderkovits (3)
- Armani (3)
- IchoTolot (3)
- Colorful Arty (1)
- Gronkling (3)
- kaywhyn (3)
- Crane (1)

Rule distribution:

Rule 1 - 5
Rule 2 - 5
Rule 3 - 7
The topic is for polls for adaptations to the level design contests.

For the discussions themselves please stick to the discussion topics.

So far we had the following two:


I won't change major things like the whole entry system before I know that at least a significant portion of people is behind certain ideas.

The first poll I want to make is about people feel if the basic entry structure should be changed.

Before touching the voting system let's first see how people fell about the rule/entry system, as it may effect the degree in which the voting should be updated.

1st poll: How many entries/rules should level design contests have?

- (As before) Multiple rules with possible multiple entries per author. (6 votes)
- Only one rule with only one entry per author. (2 votes)

Note: Only one rule with only one entry per author will not automatically lead to much more frequent contests as even then sufficient time to (mainly) design, play and (to a lesser extend) vote needs to be accounted for.

2nd poll: With muliple rules/entries: How shall the winner be determined?

- The best levels of each rule survive and we determine the winners in a mixed round. (as before) (1 vote)
- Only 1 level survives each rule and those 3 levels determine the top 3 in one final round. (Finding the top 1 for each rule may require 1 tiebreaker round) (7 votes)

3rd poll: Shall the "choose the next contest's rules" prize be split up between the top 3 levels?

- Yes (8 votes)
- No (0 votes)

If an author has multiple levels in the top 3 they then get to choose as many rules as they have levels in the final round.

4th poll: Which levels from a level design contest should automatically qualify for LOTY?

- Only the winner (3 votes)
- Winner and runner-up (1 vote)
- The top 3 (7 votes)
- No one (0 votes)

Result - new format of the contest:


- 3 different rules to design levels for.
- Each person can design 1 level for each of the 3 rules.
- We will list the current rule/bucket size in the contest topic during the submission phase.
- A level that statisfies multiple rules can only be submittet to one. The author can choose which one though.
- Levels for different rules need to be completely different levels and not just minor modifications of each other (if not the current ruleset strictly requires this).


- Voting takes place for all 3 rules at the same time.
- Only the level with the most votes in each rule moves on. Each person only gets 1 vote for each rule.
- Dertermining the top level in a rule might result in a tiebreaker. (Edge case: A tiebreaker between tied levels results in another tie where nobody is eliminated -> All move on.)
- The top 3 then consists of the top level of reach rule. The placement is then determined in a single voting round. Each person only gets 1 vote. A tie here simply results in a tied 1st or 2nd place.


- The "choosing the rules for the next contest" prize will be the only one you can get.
- The authors of the top three levels will each get to choose a rule. If an author got multiple levels in the top three they get to choose multiple rules accordingly.
- If people choose (near) identical rules we will sort things out through pm communication so that the rules are different.
- The top 3 of a contest automatically qualify for that years LOTY.
In each voting round, you're allowed to vote for up to a certain number of levels. Vote for the levels that you want to stay in the contest, not for levels you want eliminated. You may vote for fewer levels than the permitted maximum. You may vote for your own levels.

It's not allowed to discuss the levels publicly on the forums during the voting phase, even if the level is not in the current round, or even between rounds.

You may discuss any level in private messages. You may discuss publicly off-site, e.g., you may post Youtube videos of your playthroughs, or discuss in IRC chat. Eliminated levels may be discussed anywhere, even publicly on the forums.

There'll be voteoffs within each design rule, to get down to one/two/three remaining levels per design rule.

If after the rule voteoff the number of remaining levels is >9, I will create 2 mixed groups semi-randomly out of the remaining levels to bring down the number even further. For all of this no tiebreakers are planned. After this, all qualifying levels will go into a final mixed voteoff.

Generally, the number of levels that qualify for the next round will be the same as each user's permitted vote maximum. I've decided to keep the percentages of "surviving" levels of the rule-voteoffs somewhat similar to give every rule a fair chance. Example: A rule with a 66% survival-rate and one with a 33% survival-rate for the mixed rounds doesn't seem that fair to me.

There's only a prize for the 1st place winner - of course, getting close to that still means you made a great level.

So... let the voting begin! Each round will be open for voting for 3 days, except the final which will be 4 days.

All levels are still avialable in the discussion topic:
LOTY 2023 has finally ended and the winner is:

Simon's "Rhizome"

Congratulations to Simon! I will contact you soon regarding the price of 10 USD.


Second place goes to: IchoTolot's "Internecion Cube"


Third place goes to: Niesch's "Crazy Golf"

See you soon in LOTY 2024!
We've finally reached the final phase and got 7 levels as candidates for LOTY 2023!

We will vote them down from 7 to 3 to 2 to 1, ensured by tiebreakers if nessesary.

If you want to see the full list of nominated levels in non-randomized order, check the nominations list topic.
If you want to play these levels without having to dig up all the various level packs, check the playing phase topic which has a pack available for download that contains all the nominated levels.

Please remember that discussing the nominated levels is not allowed in the LOTY2023 topics now that voting has begun. This does not apply to levels that have already been eliminated at the time. Discussing them elsewhere in the site is okay, as long as it's not in the context of LOTY2023.
14 levels have made it to this third phase. Here we will try and reduce this number to 6 or slightly above that due to possible ties.

The levels have been divided into 3 groups of 5/4 levels semi-randomly.

Each group will be voted on one at a time, with the goal being that 2 levels from each group advancing to Phase 4 (probably the final phase). This number can increase in the case of ties. I plan no tiebreakers for this!

If you want to see the full list of nominated levels in non-randomized order, check the nominations list topic.
If you want to play these levels without having to dig up all the various level packs, check the playing phase topic which has a pack available for download that contains all the nominated levels.

Please remember that discussing the nominated levels is not allowed in the LOTY2023 topics now that voting has begun. This does not apply to levels that have already been eliminated at the time. Discussing them elsewhere in the site is okay, as long as it's not in the context of LOTY2023.
25 levels have made it to this second phase. Here we will try and reduce this number to 10 or slightly above that due to possible ties.

The levels have been divided into 5 groups of 5 levels semi-randomly.

Each group will be voted on one at a time, with the goal being that 2 levels from each group advancing to Phase 3. This number can increase in the case of ties. I plan no tiebreakers for this!

If you want to see the full list of nominated levels in non-randomized order, check the nominations list topic.
If you want to play these levels without having to dig up all the various level packs, check the playing phase topic which has a pack available for download that contains all the nominated levels.

Please remember that discussing the nominated levels is not allowed in the LOTY2023 topics now that voting has begun. This does not apply to levels that have already been eliminated at the time. Discussing them elsewhere in the site is okay, as long as it's not in the context of LOTY2023.
Note: This topic is ONLY for posting updates to your levels, or making late submissions. All other posts will be deleted. If you want to discuss the levels, post replays, etc, please do so in the Discussion Topic.

Please follow these rules for updates:
1. When posting a new updated version of a level, remove any old updated versions of that level --> Have all your recent updates stored in 1 post! I will delete such old posts eventually if the author doesn't; so don't store any important information in them.
2. Make a new post for a new update; do not edit your most recent post. You may, however, post updates to multiple entries (if you have more than one) in the same post.
3. Use the same filename as found in the ZIP of the entered levels, with "V2" "V3" etc added at the end. No matter how minor an update is, give it a new number.
4. Do not post in this topic, unless it's to post an update to your levels. Use the discussion topic instead for anything else.

Please use the same naming format as in the zip file:  User1_Levelname_R3V5.lvl ---> Level "Levelname" by User1   for Rule 3   Version 5 of the level 

For late submissions also, please use the same kind of filename as is used in the main levels download - ie: your username, and "R1" "R2" or "R3" to mark which rule the level is for. Please be sure to check the original contest announcement topic for the rules; as the notes in the discussion topic are simply meant as reminders, not full explanations of the rules.

Please use the right naming format when posting updates! That would lead to less confusions and less work for everyone.

Link to discussion topic
All zips only need to be unzipped inside the main folder of your NeoLemmix or Lix Player!

Lix Level Pack:

The Lix levels will then be in the single/Contests/Contest_30 folder!

NeoLemmix Level Pack:

There are currently some styles required that are not yet in the standard tileset collection and need to be added manually. This post should link to them:

edit by kaywhyn (6/18/2024) - namida has now updated the styles manager so that the tilesets Icho linked to above are now included in the standard library collection. If you want, you can still grab them via the link above, or you can download them through the styles manager in the NL player. Either way works.

Music (NeoLemmix):

Rule 1 Levels

Armani's "Guts Over Fear" (V1)
Crane's "High Striker" (V3)
Eric Derkovits's "Mosaic Lemmings" (V2)
IchoTolot's "Comm-Link Online!" (V2)
JRT's "One Thing At A Time II" (V1)
kaywhyn's "Snow Way!" (V5)

Rule 2 Levels

geoo's "Cycle Decomposition" (V1)
Armani's "Very Particular Set of Skills" (V2)
Eric Derkovits's "March of the Neutrals" (V5)
IchoTolot's "Set To Kill!" (V3)
JRT's "Don't Bash It Before You Dig It" (V4)
kaywhyn's "The Incredible Doom Machine" (V8)

Rule 3 Levels

geoo's "Misaligned" (V1)
Armani's "Cheddar-Crusted Hash Browns" (V4)
Crane's "Tomb Raiders" (V9)
Eric Derkovits's "Neither here nor there" (V3)
IchoTolot's "Mr Lemmy Does Not Live Here Anymore" (V3)
JRT's "The Epic of Gilgamesh" (V1)
kaywhyn's "Always Remember" (V13)

You can check the rules details again here:

Playing Phase will be closed on 8th of August!
Updates will close on 5th of August!

Note: This topic is for posting your comments, replays, etc for the levels. If you wish to post an update to your level, or enter a late submission, please do so in the Updates Topic instead.

Link to update topic