[NL 12.7.0+] Lemmings Destination [Difficulty: Medium-Very Hard]

Started by Nessy, December 25, 2019, 04:17:58 AM

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First off... Merry Christmas!

And with that I proudly announce the official release of my new pack.

Lemmings Destination

A new pack of Lemmings levels from the mind of a lunatic that promises a unique and mind-boggling pack of adventure, romance, and salvation.

Can you guide your favorite rodents through 100 new levels filled with dangerous traps and locations from the literal burning pits of hell to morally questionable factories... all under a kick-butt soundtrack.

Music Installation

This pack contains optional custom music. Extract directly into your main NeoLemmix folder.


The creator of this pack is not responsible for the following:

- Loss of hair
- Loss of sleep
- Loss of sanity
- Elevator music
- Corrupted data (???)


Almost 200 years after "The Great Lemming Migration" and its story is now a mere legend that only a handful of elders can remember inaccurately. Regardless, our cute little rodents have accomplished grand things in the meantime. They have build a new metropolis from the ground up that serves as a sanctuary to all Lemmings from around the world. A sanctuary to all lemmings who wish to escape the mysterious "cataclysm" and to escape the on-going need to solve puzzles in dangerous landscapes just to migrate to warmer climates. It's time to go beyond survival and reach one destination that will end all destinations.


This pack is divided into seven ranks:

1. Helium (Easy levels)

Rock Is Mine

These levels are nice and light, and you may simply float through them. Don't get too comfortable though, as these levels aren't complete pushovers. X-of-everything levels are rare as your first simple puzzles with limited skills will be presented right away!

2. Neon (Tricky levels)

You Belong With Me

Now the neon glow of menacing difficulty will begin. These levels are some more simple puzzles with limited skills, but solutions require a little bit more thinking now.

3. Argon (Challenging levels)

Restricted Area
Things start getting heavier now. The levels start becoming a bit more complex and solutions will challenge your ideals and beliefs... well no just your solving skills really.

4. Xenon (Very challenging levels)

Life With Mystery
Here we are at the odd child of the five ranks. They take pride in their penultimate position and will gladly start presenting you with some tough levels that are almost borderline insanity.

5. Radon (Just-ripe-your-hair-out levels)

Cannibal Festival

Levels are now just radioactive, and a huge health risk to anyone unprepared. You've come too far now, can you really turn back? Levels are even more complex and require max creative thinking on how you use all your skills and how you approach even the simplest of strategies. Just remember to never give up!

6. Synthetic (Bonus Levels)

A Quiet Place

Because a bonus rank is always the best rank right? Made in a lab and unable to occur in nature, these levels are mostly contest levels gathered together into one rank.

Special Thanks To The Following

- DMA for creating Lemmings
- namida for creating NeoLemmix
- Nepster for all the work he has done in maintaining NeoLemmix. We miss you :(
- Everyone who converted and/or creating all the tilesets used in this pack
- Everyone who allowed me to use some music tracks from their own respective packs
- Flopsy, Wafflem, and Akseli for pre-releasing testing
- And the Lemmings Forum community for just being awesome in general. This pack would be nothing if it weren't for all their inspiration and support!

November 13, 2017 - December 25, 2019


Music Credits

Dirt: Earth 3 (Lemmings PSP) - Bumpsy Hills (Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)
Fire: Busy Flare (Ristar) - Trash Man (Mega Man Super Fighting Robot)
Pillar: Tostarena Ruins (Super Mario Odyssey) - Gritzy Desert (Mario and Luigi: Partners In Time)
Crystal: Thwomp Ruins (Mario Kart 8) - Moon Song Remix (Cave Story)
Marble: Slash Man (Mega Man 7) - Teehee Vallery (Mario and Luigi: Superstar Sega)

Rock: Field Of Hope (Deltarune)
Brick: Passion For Exploring (VVVVVV) - Push Onwards (VVVVVV)
Bubble: Occupied Wily Fortress 2 (Mega Man Unlimited) - Soak Man (Mega Man Super Fighting Robot)
Snow: Ice Cap Zone Act 1 (Sonic 3&K) - Rainbow Road (Mario Kart 7)

Honeycomb: PimoLems 1 (From PimoLems) - Hornet Man Remix (From Lemmings Plus V)
Abstract: Shade Man (Mega Man 7) - Crystal Symphony (Found on Mod Archive) - Acorn 12 (Acorn Lemmings)

Factory: Beep Block Skyway (Super Mario 3D World) - Switcheroo (Donkey Country Returns) - The CORE (Undertale)

Cyber: Sheep Man (Mega Man 10) - Power Man (Mega Man Rock Force)

Egypt: Dry Bones Desert (Mario Kart 8) - Conkdor Canyon (Super Mario 3D World)
Shadow: Ghost House (Super Mario 3D World)
? ? ?: E-102 Gamma's Theme (Sonic Adventure)

Circus: Circus 1 (Lemmings 3D) - Ballon World (Sonic 3&K)

Fun Facts


1. Adventure Is Out There! - The title of this level is a reference to the fact that this is the first level in the pack and an entire adventure is waiting. It's a little corny but I don't like taking myself too seriously anyway.

2. Attic Storage Available - A play on the Genesis-only level "Private Room Available" and also a reference to how the idea for this level idea suddenly came to me shortly after working in my parent's attic in real life. Random... but true.

3. Looking Down From The Edge - The original solution to this level was actually much more difficult, but it was a bit precise and annoying to execute so in the end I decided to scrap it and make it an open-ended level for the very beginning of Helium. It worked out in the end because I felt like having three of these 2-of-everything levels for the beginning of the pack was less awkward than just having two of them which was the case in the early stages of the pack.

6. Coffee Break In The Ballroom - Another play on a Genesis-only level called "Tea Time In The Ballroom".

8. Don't Steal Our Honey! - Just a funny title and level that gave me an excuse to use the letters on the right :D

9. Rock Is Mine - A level loosely inspired by the layout of "It's A Trade Off" from Oh No! More Lemmings!

10. Tiny House Living - I honestly don't know if the left exit is truly impossible to reach... but it felt aesthetically pleasing for me to have it there.

11. Ride The Nessy! - You ride it this time... not hunt it :3

17. Saving Tide - A level named and modeled almost exactly like a level made by me on a notebook as a child. Another notebook level in this pack is "The Hanger" which comes later on and other popular notebook levels are "A Bridge Over The Chasm" and "In Your Wildest Dreams!" from Lemmings Migration.

18. Schism In The Ancient Society - Similar to "Looking Down From The Edge" this level was originally much more difficult but I wasn't able to enforce the intended solution cleanly so I massively changed the layout of the level and made it much more simple. This confused some testers because I forgot to mention it to them :P

20. We Love Wafflems! - This is a tribute level for Wafflem.


3. Maximum Of Power - Yet another level originally made to be a crazy hard 1-of-everything level with a crazy trick involved until it was made easier due to inconsistent results with getting the trick to work, but that crazy trick may still be present somewhere Synthetic though...

9. Rodent Enclosure - After going through many, many revisions I ended up accepting multiple solutions for this level. I think the level is much better for it.

11. Anything You Can Do... - This level was originally a Crystal level but since the pack was lacking Cyber levels I gave this one a reskin. The Crystal version of this level wasn't that pretty anyway and I think the Cyber tileset ended up working a lot better visually.

14. Three Steps To Heaven x 2 - This level has an identical layout to Special 19 from Lemmings PSP, but I decided to reflect the layout horizontally and make a more interesting solution. I'm not usually a fan of doing this unless I can do something really different and unique enough to justify it being a level on its own.

15. Kindly Deeds Done For Free - There's a "The Simpsons" episode where Ned mentioned an AC/DC cover band called AD/BC with a song called "Kindly Deeds Done For Free". I don't know why I thought it would be funny to name a level after that but here we are :P

20. Room Service, Please - The layout of this level was also changed dramatically due to strange backroutes that would arise in the original layout, and no real way to enforce the intended solution without pick-up skills that gave away the solution too much. In the end I think it was for the best since this new layout is much better and cleaner.


1. Little Lemming Hideout - The name for this level was actually the exact name of an unpublished easy repeat of "The Abandoned Sanctuary" from Lemmings Migration. It was basically the same layout but 20-of-everything minus bombers, so nothing interesting and no real big loss.

2. Restricted Area - Not the most creative name of idea ever but I thought that it would be fun to have a honeycomb level where all the bees were the zombie bee sprites even if there were no zombie lemmings.

3. Harbor No Hard Feelings - 100% true story... I finished the level layout and solution but it still didn't have a name and I was ready to have the first draft of the pack sent out to be tested, so I just made a quick pun.

8. Honeypot Storage Room - The cute decorations of the bees on both sides of the level was originally going to be in "Don't Steal Our Honey!", but I decided it fit better in this level especially with its title.

11. The CORE - A very early level made for this pack and one of the early screenshots shown publicly. Its reference to Undertale is a bit on the nose but in the end I love the two intended solutions this level was able to have with its small size and skillset.

14. Emotional High At Fatal Height - I never played Lemmings PS3 but I watched Flopsy's LP of it and I remember seeing a level that used a trick that is present in this level. It was quite an interesting and simple trick and I decided to take it one step further in this level.

17. Periphery Influence - Another level that was originally much more difficult in an earlier draft until I toned it down a bit... but don't worry the original solution is now the talisman ;)

20. Gemini - This level was made in one of my videos on YouTube, but due to backroutes the level's solution had to change so the original solution or any hint of it in the original video is now invalid :(


3 Security Weak Spot - This is the only level in the pack to have a harder repeat later on which is "Pit and Wit". This is because I found two really interesting solutions to the same layout. The harder repeat did come first, and its solution is actually inspired by one of my failed attempts at the final level in Deceit Lemmings.

4. Transcendence - A spiritual successor to "The Last Day Of Our Lives" from Lemmings Migration. Both levels are in the Pillar tileset and have no constructive skills.

8. Life With Mystery - Meanwhile, this level was inspired by a failed attempt at "Wacky Way" from Lemmings Plus VI.

14. Tether Circus Level - Named almost exactly like a Lemmings 3D level which was also a circus level, except it was "Tuther Circus Level".

16. I Am The Doorway - Named and modeled after a Stephen King short story.

17. The Capital of Science - A reference to Knight Man's stage from Mega Man 6 which is also called "The Capital of Science".

18. Night Surf - Another level named after a short story by Stephen King.

19. It Bee Like That Sometimes - I just thought it would be funny to continue the bee puns used in the Lemmings Plus series :P

20. Blue Wedding - A play on "White Wedding" but it's blue because it's the Crystal tileset :P Also the skillset is 2-of-everything which is also a reference to the "Wedding" in "Blue Wedding".


2. Magic To Make A Sane Lem Go Mad - This level was originally much, much harder and it earned its name from one of the tricks involved in the original solution, but in the end much like other levels in this pack I decided to dial it down a bit and that insane trick no longer exists... for now.

3. The Hanger - Another notebook level like "Saving Tide" and the title is a reference to a level in Lemmings 3D named the same.

6. A Mind Of My Own - This level was originally titled "Cliffhanger", but that title felt a bit too obvious and bland so I changed the title to reference the solution to the level, but now it's a bit more obscure about it.

7. Sanctum - This was the very first level created for Lemmings Destination.

9. What's It Like Up There? - This level was originally titled "Lemming Penthouse", but it was later changed to "What's It Like Up There?" because this level was originally the first level of the final rank, and the title was meant to ask what it's like to be up there on that highest difficulty. Even though it is no longer in that level position the name of the level remained unchanged.

13. Cannibal Festival - Believe it or not the title of this level isn't a reference to anything... it's literally a case of me coming up with a random title and deciding to keep it.

14. Breaking The Fourth Wall - A reference to the solution of the level, and is intentionally made to model "Down and Out Lemmings" from Oh No! More Lemmings!

15. In Case Of Emergency... - It's a spiritual successor to "Six Days Without An Accident" from Lemmings Migration where both levels involved climbers heading for danger and needing some type of containment or control.

17. Dove In An Elevator - On the surface the level seems to just be a silly play on the song "Love In An Elevator", but the fact that I choose "Dove" is meant to be a reference to DoveLems and only the intended solution to this level will reveal why ;)

19. Eulogy Of Surrealism - This one's a tribute level to one of my favorite art styles and artist of that art style, and it's also a reference to the surreal and unorthodox solution of the level. It was originally the final level of the entire pack and was originally made in the Crystal tileset until I changed it to Abstract because it seemed to fit the theme of the level better.

20. Final Destination - GigaLem suggested the name for this one, and I think it fits nicely. It's not meant to be the hardest level in the pack but mostly just to be an epic finish that also made sense to the "story" of the pack.


1. Excavation Site - This level will always have a special place in my heart because it was the first level I ever made for a Lemmings Design Contest. I wasn't even trying to win and the thought never crossed my mind (it didn't even have custom music), but it was the level that really made me want to push myself even more in the future.

7. Butterfly Cult - Originally playing around with the red letters in the Fire tileset only to accidentally make a butterfly, and the entire idea and theme of this level came soon after.

8. A Quiet Place - Named exactly like a movie of the same name, but I felt like it was very appropriate given the creepy vibe of the tileset used.

Hints For Selected Levels (will be updated accordingly)

Eulogy of Surrealism

Minor Hint
Two of the three exits are used in the intended solution.
Major Hint
You need five different skill types to complete this level.


My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft


Sorry for being a little overdue but I just wanted to say that it was very good fun testing this pack and congratulations on finally releasing it, I hope my pack can shortly follow this :)

As a benchmark, when I was testing this pack. I was able to solve pretty much all of the first 3 ranks, about half of Rank 4 and virtually none of Rank 5. Rank 5 is definitely no push over, it's on a par with some of the hardest levels in the Lemmings community.

Sadly I cannot LP this pack myself due to being a tester, I wish I could LP this pack though because it is a very high quality one!


As this pack is still LOTY 2019 relevant, I need to catch up on this first before solving Festival Millas 2019 and the rest of Lemmings World Tour. :)

So, I started today and solved the first rank. I must say these were pretty great pack entry levels :thumbsup:  I also got a few Pieuw vibes here and there. ;)

Although I would change the topic to "Medium-Very Hard" as I still would think beginners would definitly struggle a lot here.

Great levels again. :thumbsup:

This definitly earns a "Da kann man nicht meckern" from me!

I attached my replays. :)

Strato Incendus

Thanks for reminding me of this pack, IchoTolot! :thumbsup: I had completely forgotten about it! But the levels look amazing, and Lemmings Migration was already great*. So I should really give this one a try as well!

*(My judgment may be also be influenced by the fact that it's also one of the few "puzzly" packs that I've managed to solve in its entirety so far. :D So for me, it was the ideal combination of "challenging and complex, but still fun", rather than "so admirably challenging that it becomes annoying".)

I do expect this pack to be more difficult than Lemmings Migration, though, so let's see how far I'll make it...! ;)
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


2nd rank fnished. :)

I had 1 or 2 levels where I might found a slight backroute.

I attached all my solutions


As these seem a higher priority to me, I sarted Radon today.

It went pretty well and the first 15 out of the 20 levels are solved, although I know some of these are backroutes. :devil: 

I attached my solutions. :)


And here is the rest of Radon. :)

That leaves rank 3, 4 and the Bonus one.



FINALLY found a 100% save solution for Helium 11 Ride The Nessy! :lemcat:

EDIT: And... now I've finished all the Helium levels! I have to admit, these tested my solving abilities a lot! Probably indicative of the general level of ability on the forum being very high.

Great pack so far, I'll come back and have a go at Neon soon. For now, I feel enough of a sense of achievement having got through just the first rank! :crylaugh: :lemcat:


2 more ranks finished and only Xenon remains to be solved. :)

I think found more backroutes as well (also in the synthetic rank).

Replay collection attached.


And completed the pack. 8-)

I think I found quite a few backroutes in the Xenon rank though! :devil:

Replay collection is attached,


First of all thank you so much everyone for your very kind comments and replays :thumbsup:

I deeply apologize for the lack of any type of feedback posted on here after checking your replays. My interest and motivation for Lemmings went rock bottom after completing the pack and I think it just sought of happened after completing a larger project that was a lot more ambitions on every level than my previous pack. I know it's not a good excuse but it is the truth. I do hope to slowly go over everything this week and at least give you guys something even if it's just feedback on the easier ranks. Thank you for your patience and I hope to slowly regain my interest and motivation again :)


Hello again and thank you for your patience. I am now and finally in the process of looking over replays carefully and fixing levels. Once I update all levels that have been backrouted I'll post a detailed log of what was changed/fixed along with the updated version of the pack in the original post.

In the meantime I have updated the second post of this thread with some music credits and some fun facts about selected levels from the pack :) It'll also be updated regularly with hints on selected levels as more feedback comes in.