[Neolemmix] Mini Project - Lemmings in Arms! [now merged with Redux Follow Up]

Started by GigaLem, August 21, 2017, 04:43:22 AM

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This is a thread for this project, the Idea is to remake and redesign 2 Player levels from the Original, Genesis, & Oh no more lemmings into single player levels

Anyone here is free to help with the project here is your submission guide

Quote from:  GigaLem date=1503268380
-It must be a level remade from the List seen below
-You must make 2 versions of the stage (one with Neolemmix skills and one without)
-PM me your remake(s) or DM them to me on discord "GigaLem#1297" along with the Replays
If you've followed these steps correctly, your remakes will be placed in the following ranks depending on difficulty
The link below will show you the levels you'll be refrencing
2P levels
Strike through = already covered
The list of levels

There can be only one
We`re in this one together
Still everything to play for
May the craftiest player win
and the winner is.....
In the thick of the fray
Just for fun or to the death?
Game on! Choose your tactics.
The Passing Place
Take what you can, when you can
Any chance of a truce?
Good game! Good game!
The Hammock...
The Pipe Room...
The Rubbish Dump
The Crystal Cavern Mark II
The Rope Bridge
Islands in the Sky
Cross-over Point
Battle at Midway
The Duel
Match Of The Day
The Only Way Out
Test Of Skill
Give And Take
One On One
I Want It All
Now use miners and climbers
A task for blockers and bomber A
A task for blockers and bomber B

Levels remade 3/34
Total 6/68

Yung Gotenks

My Packs:
Yung's First Level Pack: A pack with 15 levels. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix skills is required.
The Hell Pack: Every level is hell themed. Basic knowledge of the new NeoLemmix Skills is required.

Strato Incendus

Ah, perfect, I was considering opening such a thread to make this open for the community! ;) It'll be interesting to see how people deal with the "pure battlefield" levels - by that I mean all those levels that solve themselves by default and were just there to provide space for the two players to steal each other's lemmings.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Hello GigaLem.

I like this idea and would like to contribute to the project as well if that's okay, but I just wanted to ask some questions so I can do this correctly:

1) Do the levels have to be recreated from scratch, or can they be imported into the editor? I'm still new at that so I'm not sure if that's possible.
2) Does the creator of the level choose which entrance and exit to keep or is there a rule against that? Can both entrances and/or exits be kept if it is part of the solution?
3) Do we name the levels differently (one for the NeoLemmix skills level and the one without)?



1.I perfer it if you made them from scratch or gave the look of the level a facelift
2.To prevent unnecessary disjoint unions, its safe that you try redesigning the level in such a way that you turn one man's arena into a another man's brilliant puzzle but, If you can redesign it in such a way, you can turn two hatches into teamwork
3.Yes you do! here are the names I gave to my recreations

Still everything to play for... is now
Everything to stride for & Everything to cry for
One on One is now
Two on one and Two for the price of one
The Duel! is now
The Date! and The Dance!


Got it, thanks. I already have some ideas for "May the craftiest player win" and "The Passing Place" if they are not taken already, the first one being a potential third rank level at minimum. 8-)