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Re: Dreams
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2020, 02:05:50 PM »
Geez Louise, Dream Arty scares me a lot. :lem-shocked:

The mere concept of torturing another human seems unthinkable to me, so I wonder what life events if any I would have to undergo in order to turn into a being capable of such malevolence.

Indeed. :P I love that it seemed to start with a discussion on Lemmings Forums (possibly inspired by this Dreams thread) about pain... I wonder what that would be like. :P
Was dream Arty an actual human, or were you being tortured by my 2D ink blot avatar? If the former, what did I look like?
The former, but I can't remember what you looked like. I didn't really recognise you anyway, I think the only reason that I could say it was you was that I apparently remembered agreeing to join in on the 'experiment' in reply to a Lemmings Forums post by you.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2020, 01:26:44 AM »
I had this dream a few days ago and forgot to write it down here so some details have become even more fuzzy but here we go :8():

I don't remember why but I went with someone to the store but I don't remember who I went with or what store we went to. The weather was getting ugly with dark clouds overhead ready to start sending rain down. In the area that I live this is pretty much a common occurrence during the summer-ish time so I didn't think much of it at the time. We finished shopping and went back to the car (which was a pickup truck) and the rain and wind started to pick up. Once we got into the car suddenly a HUGE gust of wind passed through. Even though I had no conclusive evidence, in my dream in my mind at that moment I knew that the gust that passed by was almost equivalent to a gust of wind in a category 5 hurricane! During that gust the back side of the pickup truck moved so that the car was now 45 degree to the parking space, and as easy as the gust passed it was gone and the weather continued with normal rain and wind conditions. Me and whoever I was with got out of the car to go around inspecting the damage caused by what I nicknamed at the time "The Gust" (not creative at all, I know). The only damage I remember seeing was an empty wheelchair made of glass (for some reason) that shattered up against a wall and other people were already inspecting it. Afterwards me and the person I was with decided to take shelter in someone else's home... which was filled with other people trying to take shelter as well just in case another "Gust" passed by.

Later on in the dream I found myself in the very back row of a stage theater about to watch... something. I don't know and I don't think the dream ever specified what it was. The person I was with was gone and instead I found my old boss there sitting close to me. I asked him what he did during "The Gust" and he sat up, looked at me, and was ready to tell me an entire story about what happened to him. Unfortunately that's when the dream ended.

Even if no one reads them I find it quite enjoyable to write down these dreams :)

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2020, 06:02:53 AM »
OK, my turn now, and my first contribution to the Dreams thread. Wow, what a dream this was.

So I put my pizza in the oven and wrote down the time. I had to write the time down using the sensor of my computer mouse, as there were no pens in the kitchen.

I sat down on the kitchen table and decided to watch a film. It was apparently titled "Secret Sounds of the 1970s" but had people that weren't born in the 70s. This film started off weird, it had somebody trying to interview Felipe Massa while he was skydiving into open water. They couldn't manage it. They were calling "Felipe! Felipe!" but never got a response from him. After hitting the water, he soon found the shore and cried for help. Every stranger eventually gathered round him.

A few minutes later the sky outside turned grey and rain started falling so I checked the weather bulletin. Darren Bent was our weather reporter (At first I thought "That's not Darren Bett!" until I noticed the "n" before the "t".) He was very animated and crazy, and he mentioned about Leicester receiving 52mm of rain in a day. (And yes, I thought "My goodness, what a miserable life for a city currently under lockdown.") He was seen wearing my rain mac (with reflectors) during presentation of Scotland and Northern Ireland's weather (rain) and then half naked for England and Wales' weather (Sunny and hot).

As soon as that finished I also decided to try out a quiz which was about paralympians, including Ellie Simmonds, but unlike a typical BBC quiz, this was a half quiz, half platformer; and some of the correct answer boxes were in areas I couldn't reach. I didn't mind touching a wrong answer box so I thought why not explore the rest of the quiz, rather than feel robbed that you've got a question wrong?

After that was done, I looked at the time in comparison to my hand: My pizza had been 22 minutes over cooking time! I panicked and got my pizza out of the oven. Luckily it wasn't burnt. It was a bit wet though, so I drained the juices off into a bowl (Which had a strange black colour after somebody drained all the other vegetables in it) before eating it.

Right, that's all I could remember. Maybe I'll remember this dream more after I've had some breakfast.
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Offline LanaAndCo

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2020, 02:22:38 PM »
I guess that I'm going to participate to this thread too. It feels strange tho, I rarely, if ever, write my dreams down, since they almost always stay with me (the idea of keeping a dream journal still is an interesting idea for me and games like LSD Dream Emulator and Yume Nikki, where you can walk around dream inspired landscapes, are really fantastic).

I rarely have dreams like this anymore, most of them take place in the same world with the same characters now, which means that I dream more or less the same thing each time. But this morning, it was kind of different :

So my mother, who is a huge archaeology enthusiast, wanted to visit a castle that was restored into a small theme park, with people dressed in medieval costumes guiding you through the castle and the park. There were also some sort of nuns walking around as if they runned the place and would have a tamper tantrum if you ever said something that could be badly interpreted (I remember seeing one going mental on a little girl because she sang a song that was "against the good God"). Anyway, my mother and I would look around and, I must admit, it was quite beautiful for a place that only existed in my head and the costumes were also really pretty. It took me a while to discover that my dad wasn't with us however and we ended up searching for him everywhere. I finally got upstairs in a narrow tower that leaded me into a dark bar, completely clashing with what I saw before, with purple neons glowing on almost everything. There were only men here, all looking at me and laughing, saying that I got lost, that this wasn't a place for a little girl like me and that I was way too young for them. My father was there, in a corner with some drunk guys, he seemed normal (my dad never gets very intoxicated when he drinks alcohol) but the old one who was sitting at his right was completely wasted and the look he was giving me still makes me feel uncomfortable as I'm writing this. The place was giving me the creeps too and I urged my dad to hurry up so I could get out of there. But he was just giggling and kept saying "One more little glass!". I started to get angry and I ended up exploding a glass against the wall behind them, telling him "LET'S. GO. HOME.". This had the effect of making everyone silent for a moment. Then, he finally got up from his chair with an annoyed and shameful expression on his face as I grabbed his hand. While we were heading to the exit, the others started to get highly mad at me and were yelling that I was an ungrateful brat and that I deserved a good beating. It degenerated into continuous screaming and stuff was flying everywhere. It was at this moment, my father and I trying to run towards the exit that was seemingly getting further and further, that I woke up.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 02:23:27 PM by LanaAndCo »

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #64 on: August 17, 2020, 09:15:00 AM »
OK, my turn now, and my first contribution to the Dreams thread. Wow, what a dream this was.

So I put my pizza in the oven and wrote down the time. I had to write the time down using the sensor of my computer mouse, as there were no pens in the kitchen.

I sat down on the kitchen table and decided to watch a film. It was apparently titled "Secret Sounds of the 1970s" but had people that weren't born in the 70s. This film started off weird, it had somebody trying to interview Felipe Massa while he was skydiving into open water. They couldn't manage it. They were calling "Felipe! Felipe!" but never got a response from him. After hitting the water, he soon found the shore and cried for help. Every stranger eventually gathered round him.

A few minutes later the sky outside turned grey and rain started falling so I checked the weather bulletin. Darren Bent was our weather reporter (At first I thought "That's not Darren Bett!" until I noticed the "n" before the "t".) He was very animated and crazy, and he mentioned about Leicester receiving 52mm of rain in a day. (And yes, I thought "My goodness, what a miserable life for a city currently under lockdown.") He was seen wearing my rain mac (with reflectors) during presentation of Scotland and Northern Ireland's weather (rain) and then half naked for England and Wales' weather (Sunny and hot).

As soon as that finished I also decided to try out a quiz which was about paralympians, including Ellie Simmonds, but unlike a typical BBC quiz, this was a half quiz, half platformer; and some of the correct answer boxes were in areas I couldn't reach. I didn't mind touching a wrong answer box so I thought why not explore the rest of the quiz, rather than feel robbed that you've got a question wrong?

After that was done, I looked at the time in comparison to my hand: My pizza had been 22 minutes over cooking time! I panicked and got my pizza out of the oven. Luckily it wasn't burnt. It was a bit wet though, so I drained the juices off into a bowl (Which had a strange black colour after somebody drained all the other vegetables in it) before eating it.

Right, that's all I could remember. Maybe I'll remember this dream more after I've had some breakfast.
Huh, that's quite fun! I am rather surprised that you recognised so many persons you don't know personally, especially the Darren Bett versus Daren Bent thing. :P I'm also quite surprised that the dream was tied up at the end by referring back to the pizza thing. Usually it seems like previous storylines are entirely abandoned as the dream goes on.

I rarely have dreams like this anymore, most of them take place in the same world with the same characters now, which means that I dream more or less the same thing each time.
That actually sounds really interesting. Care to elaborate?

Offline LanaAndCo

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #65 on: August 23, 2020, 05:23:15 PM »
I rarely have dreams like this anymore, most of them take place in the same world with the same characters now, which means that I dream more or less the same thing each time.
That actually sounds really interesting. Care to elaborate?
Almost all of my dreams happens in recurring places with recurring people. It's often in my house in its old layout, or in strange reconstruction of my neighbourhood, like, it's very similar to the real one but some locations seems strange while feeling I always knew they were like that. I don't know if I can explain it very well... As for the "I dream more or less the same thing each time" part, I think I just exaggerated a bit. Sometime I dream completely different things than me walking in my H.I. generated dream city, it's just that it doesn't happen as often than it used to be.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 02:29:52 PM by LanaAndCo »

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #66 on: August 23, 2020, 11:07:27 PM »
Recurring dreams are more common than people might think. Or, what is perhaps more common is not necessarily recurring dreams but similar dreams; or dreams of a different plot but in a same place or visa versa. Since most people don't remember most of the their dreams; they're not aware of this.
Since I've been remembering them better myself I realize now I have such an experience maybe every other dream.
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Offline Shmoley

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #67 on: September 30, 2020, 03:17:27 PM »
I had another dream last night. I can really remember it just that me and a couple friends were forced to survive in the woods for some reason. From what I remember we went exploring a bit but the part I remember most was that my friends except for one had fallen asleep at camp (not sure why because it was day time) and me and the other who was awake went exploring a bit. We turned around to head back to camp and there was a bear cub in front of it. My friend: A bear cub? Me: If there’s a bear cub then the mother has to be somewhere close by! And I was right... the mother came out of nowhere but didn’t notice us right away. (My friend was mentioning something about digging a hole to keep the mother away but I don’t know what that would’ve done.. silly dream) then the mother starts to think we were a threat and comes after us to which we sprint away we go by these abandoned buildings and I try to hide behind some but the bear mother keeps finding me. So I sprint some more until I find a chain link fence with I gate so I go through that which my friend follows and we quickly shut the gate. The dream ended after that but poor dudes that were left asleep at camp..

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2021, 02:33:07 AM »
Had a memorable one last night.

I was in my house, I was planning on going somewhere but it was cloudy outside, possibly raining, but then I looked and saw patches of blue sky so decided I may be able to go where ever it was I was going. Then I went outside and suddenly the sky was incredibly dark again, like stormy and I started get frightened. I'm not sure what transpired next but eventually the sun did come out through patches of clouds and I saw it and then suddenly it started getting dark again and then so dark I could see stars. It was scary again then I realized an eclipse was happening! Next I was planning on watching the solar eclipse with a welding mask for some reason.* I think I was trying to tell the other people in the house about it but they didn't seem to hear or care. I can't remember exactly but throughout the whole dream the sky kept getting light then dark then light again many times. At some point after the eclipse was over (which may have happened multiple times) when the sun was out again something elliptical shaped passed in front of it blocking it out; then I realized the moon was not causing the eclipse but something like alien ships or something. Then at some later point when the sky was totally dark again, some kind of carnival looking thing appeared in the sky. A light show that looked like a carnival. I was convinced it was aliens causing it at that point.

*There was a solar eclipse visible in the US around 2016 or 2017. A welding mask *may* provide proper protection against looking at the sun but I don't know that for sure.
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"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
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Offline 607

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #69 on: May 31, 2021, 10:52:53 AM »
I was convinced it was aliens causing it at that point.

And then you woke up?

Offline LanaAndCo

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #70 on: July 10, 2022, 12:10:21 AM »
This morning was the first time in quite a long period that I had a dream/nightmare strong enough in content and in scary imagery that it made me violently wake up. I know it might sound strange, but I'm really happy about that. For a while, my dreams were so dull that I couldn't even remember them, I though I was losing creativity or something. Not only that, but I vividly remember a good portion of this dream and that part was about Yume 2kki, the fan sequel to Yume Nikki, which is basically a dream journal in video game form (for those who don't know). I used to play Yume 2kki really often, nowadays I still play it from time to time, but way less than before. I find it funny how I dreamt of playing a game about a girl who dreams, a dreamception if you will. :laugh:  I even tried to remake what I saw with the game's assets, and no, the room and event that I describe below don't exist in the real game. There is a world that looks like it tho, and the last image does remind me of the Zalgo event, but it is quite different.

So I was in a rather dark room in some sort of school (at least it felt like a school) and me and other people were sitting at small desks in front of a huge TV screen, answering some video game related questions. I guess we were in the middle of the game as there was what looked like a score flashing on the screen from time to time. The only question I actually remember from this dream was the last one: "What Donkey Kong was supposed to be?" and, somehow, I exactly knew what was the answer of that vague question, which was Popeye. Yes, Popeye, don't ask me why. So I quickly raised my hand so the woman who was interrogating us would let me answer, but instead, she chose the girl who was to my left and to my disappointment, she correctly answered, and various NES-styled sprites of Popeye laughing started to appear everywhere on the screen. I don't exactly know if anyone won but after that, we got dismissed. The next part is a bit blurry but, I got out of the "classroom" quite bummed out and went to walk around the "school". The "school" from the outside looked more like a strange Japanese garden, with some small trimmed trees ornating the paths and walls and the floor was covered with grey and white pebbles. The "school" was also in the middle of nowhere, I recall only seeing green hills with a tall tower being built on the top of one and maybe some towns in the far distance. Then I think the woman from before and an old man, supposedly the director, were looking for me and for some reasons, I felt it wasn't for the better good, so I ran and hid myself under the pebbles. Immediately after covering myself with said pebbles, I felt my body sinking into the ground and suddenly found myself in front of a computer in a really small and dark room that made me feel like it was mine's. The computer was displaying Yume 2kki. This is the part I remember the most, almost clear as day. I was normally playing until I ended up in a room, that I replicated below.
Mock-up n#1 (click to show/hide)
I tried to interact with the cabinets but as I was walking to the last one, Urotsuki (the character you play as) seemed to have tripped and a really loud alarm sound burst from the speakers. The screen flashed red and revealed that a realistic large vein/artery with a beating heart attached to it grew from Urotsuki's now headless body. Some nonsense text was being typed on the top of the screen and everything faded to red.
Mock-up n#2 (click to show/hide)
Then a bunch of sprites of Urotsuki from the game and some other unreadable pieces of text were fading in and out as the alarm sound was getting even louder. The last thing that I saw before waking up with a start, was what I tried to replicate with the image below, a horrifying silhouette getting closer to the screen.
Mock-up n#3 (click to show/hide)

The strange thing was, after I woke up, I noticed that my bedside lamp was on, while I'm fairly sure it was off when I went to sleep. It's not the first time this has happened, I would often turn on the light in my sleep, but it hasn't happened for years. Also, I don't know if it's the adrenaline after my nightmare or what, but I felt really good and energised when I got out of bed. :-\

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #71 on: July 10, 2022, 02:53:12 AM »
The only question I actually remember from this dream was the last one: "What Donkey Kong was supposed to be?" and, somehow, I exactly knew what was the answer of that vague question, which was Popeye. Yes, Popeye, don't ask me why.

Sounds like you had the information buried away in your subconscious somehow, because that is the correct answer.