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Offline mobius

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« on: July 10, 2017, 12:59:30 am »
Had a crazy/funny/scary dream? Post about it!

I like to discuss dreams. Most people don’t remember their dreams or remember them too well. It helps you to remember them if you talk about them or write them down, especially immediately or soon after the night you have one.  I like to get inspired by them.

There are old ones I might post in here later. For now here’s the most recent one I recall:

In the first part, I’m in a house I own or live with someone else but not my current real one. A black haired girl comes inside asking for Rachel but I say she’s not here. So she asks to come in anyway and I say yes.  She starts talking and rambles on and on but I can’t understand everything she’s saying. Then she keeps saying she’s very stressed, over and over. So I walk over and message her neck.
[there was more to this part but it's a bit hazy and I'll leave it out because it's not family friendly ;) ]
Next I’m in a very large space. It’s like some kind of underground building. The walls are dark brown and orange and they’re soft and rounded. The floor is also uneven. There are lots of people walking about, in a hurry. Some people are dressed in military uniforms. Someone is talking to me and pointing to a hut like building on a small hill. I go over there. There’s a door to the small building but its pitch black inside. I go inside and I can’t remember what happens inside, but I eventually come back out and realize I’m in the wrong place and I need to get to another place, very fast. People start running around and shouting. Everything starts shaking.
Next I’m in another part of this place, the walls are the same color but it’s a huge, very tall cylindrical room. At the bottom is lava and red light glowing up and lighting the walls. I see poles that go below and people are with me. I know I need to got down but I’m afraid.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 12:38:05 am by mobius »
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Offline Ramon

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2017, 02:22:12 pm »
Ohh yeah. Dreams can be real movie material sometimes. Oftentimes they make no sense at all, but that is another part what makes them so great, because it is a welcome change to real life logic.

I do actually maintain a dream diary, it currently has 340 entries, plus there's a pretty big gap of about 3 or 4 years (I definitely had dreams during that time) because I refused to maintain something that felt incomplete (I couldn't remember all my dreams detailedly enough, or get around to writing them down in time), but luckily I managed to pick it up again last year and just add to it even if I only remember tiny little things.

Offline grams88

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2017, 07:50:22 pm »
Oh yes Mobius is right as soon as you wake up I think that might be the best time where you remember your dreams before it fades away so to say.

I might as well throw this idea out there as it was something I did try in the past. My idea was that I would publish a book about dreams well my dreams. I did it as a sort of experiment where I would record my dreams each day.  Some might think that sounds like a boring idea, it might be then again you never know.

To make the book interesting I think that the public need to know about you. We need to know a bit about the person having the dreams so that you get a better understanding of the dreams themselves.

Offline GigaLem

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2017, 12:04:09 am »
I think I remember one dream where I saw a pilot for an ARMS animated series

Another where I stumbled across the girl I met in high school and wanted to see again

but saddest of all was about when I was in a house I previously lived in, I was on my computer, I see my little sister fooling around and then, I see my deceased brother come out of his room, and he was in a chipper mood, he even decided to show my little sister about Amiibos in Smash 4, I had a Samus amiibo in that dream to, I was thinking "No this isn't real" I felt like crying, next thing I knew, he was huging me tight, comforting me.

That dream felt like a gut punch during that morning, I didn't even want to tell my mom about because it hurts me to see her cry

Wow, talk about an emotional 900th post

Offline Colorful Arty

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2017, 12:25:37 am »
(internet hug for GigaLem) :'(
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Offline Ryemanni

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2017, 08:29:01 am »
Ohh yeah. Dreams can be real movie material sometimes.
I'd say that dreams can also make great video games!

My dreams usually involve a lot of memes for some reasons I couldn't possibly understand, but sometimes my dreams make a bit more sense.
Just this other night I saw a dream where I was send back to my elementary school and I would have to go through it all again... :-\ I consider that a nightmare because I woke up gasping.

Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2017, 02:58:39 pm »
I see my deceased brother come out of his room, and he was in a chipper mood, he even decided to show my little sister about Amiibos in Smash 4, I had a Samus amiibo in that dream to, I was thinking "No this isn't real" I felt like crying, next thing I knew, he was huging me tight, comforting me.

I know how you feel. I remember when my grandfather died I was little and I would start to see him in my dreams. The one that really got me was one where he hugged me and I told him I was glad to see him again.

Just this other night I saw a dream where I was send back to my elementary school and I would have to go through it all again...

I always have those dreams where I'm back at high school and I am late to class but I can't run or find my way around the school. Funny how your brain thinks it's real even though it should know that I'm not back there!

And yes, I think that dreams can be really good sources of inspiration for things. In fact, I believe that a lot of inspiration the author for The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde had came from a dream when he was trying to find ideas for it.

I also think that dreams can sometime reveal things that we never knew we had. Not in a Sigmund Freud way, but I remember having a lot of strange dreams that were chaotic (even for dreamscape standards) during a difficulty part of my life. It was as if my brain was reflected the stress I was feeling even though I didn't physically feel it.

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2017, 01:53:57 am »
several nights ago had a real nightmare; but I was happy because it inspired me to start writing again!

This dream morphed in from a separate one which I can barely recall but I think I was in a house of a woman I used to know and the house is really filthy with junk everywhere. Somehow I wound up in the house of a man I work with. Now fyi; there was nothing nasty in this dream, so don't get worried. But (in real life) another co-worker showed me recently that this man is in fact on the sex-crime neighborhood watch. I don't know what he did; and he seems like a decent guy but apparently this subconsciously gave rise to this dream.

This house was actually a mansion with dark wood walls in some kind of mountain landscape. This co-worker (an older man) was showing me around and showing me all these weird statues and knights of armor and swords and stuff like that. It almost resembled a museum. We go through all these different rooms and eventually come to a room with a hole in the floor, with a chute that leads into some other room below. I can see faint light and hear some commotion in the distance. The co-worker invites me to join him at something (can't remember what he says, and he speaks in a Spanish accent so sometimes it's difficult to understand him (in real life too)).

Then a young Chinese woman in a weird red dress runs by and jumps down the chute and disappears. For some reason I realize that there is something going on down here, something terrible. And suddenly I remember what I learned at work in real life and get afraid. I realize this is a trap and I need to escape. I hesitate then he says 'okay, we'll be over here when you want to join us' or something like this then he goes away.

I look around and see a huge window looking into some other room. There's someone else there looking away from me. I try to see who it is, then realize it's myself; I'm looking at the back of my own head. For some reason I realize that this is another trap; if I go through there I'll wind up right back where I was. So I look to the left and see another window. This one I think shows the same image but turned 90 degrees. For some reason I think this is the way to escape so I crawl through.

I slide down a mirror and now I'm in another wooden room; there's at least one window looking out onto a wooed landscape. Then a voice speaks; like a narrator; (I can't remember exactly what was said)
"...chose... path ....escaped the mirror... and the mirror responded negatively."
Now I get more terrified then ever. The gravity in the room changes and I realize I'm being sucked back into the place I just was. The mirror is actually a chalkboard. But I'm floating around and being sucked in; I try to grab something to hold on to but there's nothing.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 12:35:45 am by mobius »
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Offline nin10doadict

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2017, 03:04:00 am »
Dreams are kinda strange with me. I don't really have them often at all. Maybe I do have them and just don't remember them, or perhaps I've just gotten into the habit of immediately dismissing them because I feel they aren't worth sharing. My mom is the dreamer in the family; she usually has something to share about the funky business that went down in her subconscious.

Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2017, 03:20:14 am »
I had this phase where the only thing I would dream about was losing my teeth, and I would have to wake up and remind myself that it was just a dream and that I still have my teeth. Later on someone told me that if you dream about losing teeth it's because you were really stressed. I realized then that I had these dreams during a very stressful time in my life so it made perfect sense, and afterwards I stopped having those dreams. It seems like it was my body's way of manifesting those feelings.

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2017, 01:21:34 am »
here's one of my best remembered dreams from quite a few years ago:

First I was at my old job in a retail store, with some of my old friends. I wasn't working; I think it was the end of the day and everybody was talking. I don't remember what about.
Then me and a small group of people including a friend got into a helicopter and flew away. We flew across the ocean and we were talking about how in Brazil they 'breed' and train illegal immigrants to work for little money.

Then we got to Brazil and it was an image I remember distinctly. A desolate wasteland with dark clouds and ominous feeling that stretched on forever. Huge tall and colorful walls made of either Leggos or K'Nex that made up large cubicals where people were forced to lived. The sky was very dark but the ground was bright.

Then we were riding in some kind of gravity-levitating ship and we went into some kind of gigantic factory. It was like being inside a computer there were wires and giant circuit boards. And I felt like I was trespassing or spying. For some reason we kept running into things and cutting wires. When we cut a wire an alarm went off and I said; if you cut a wire, pull it out all the way then the alarm will go off and we won't be noticed. I don't know how or why I knew that but I did.

We navigating through this strange place in this levitating ship then crashed and I thought we were going to be caught, but police officer-like people walked right by us like it didn't matter or they didn't notice. But then an extremely tall man (like 20 feet tall) in a blue suit with white hair (he reminded me a lot of actor Chevy Chase) came up to us and I knew he was a bad guy. He picked me and my friend up by our hands and lifted us both over his head and said something to me.
I can't remember what it was exactly but it was something mocking/chastising. I remember feeling his gigantic hands, His thumb was as big as my whole hand. He also said something like 'just try to escape' or something. His voice was high pitched and squeaky and very quiet. Then I did something and broke free, my hands did anyway but then I remember just staying in that position up in the air.... then I woke up.
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Offline Holtzen

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2018, 11:01:58 am »
I had this phase where the only thing I would dream about was losing my teeth, and I would have to wake up and remind myself that it was just a dream and that I still have my teeth. Later on someone told me that if you dream about losing teeth it's because you were really stressed. I realized then that I had these dreams during a very stressful time in my life so it made perfect sense, and afterwards I stopped having those dreams. It seems like it was my body's way of manifesting those feelings.

I never knew dreaming about losing teeth is caused by stress. I dream about that too on occasion.

Offline grams88

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2018, 12:59:47 am »
Welcome to the forum Holtzen.

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2018, 12:23:56 am »
I had this phase where the only thing I would dream about was losing my teeth, and I would have to wake up and remind myself that it was just a dream and that I still have my teeth. Later on someone told me that if you dream about losing teeth it's because you were really stressed. I realized then that I had these dreams during a very stressful time in my life so it made perfect sense, and afterwards I stopped having those dreams. It seems like it was my body's way of manifesting those feelings.

it's funny I heard that as well, and I've certainty have had stressful times in my life but never dreamed of loosing my teeth. I have however; dreamed several times about being trapped somewhere without any clothes. And I'd be embarrassed and running around naked while trying not to be seen. Maybe it's a similar

I had a biblical dream several nights ago (maybe Arty can help me interpret this one?):

I was on some kind of important mission from God, and in this dream; god was a cat, my cat actually, Idk how but somehow I knew that this cat was God. And the cat/god was leading me. I was with another large person but I can't remember who they were or what they were like other than being big and strong.
We found this enormous stick which turned into a snake, then into a stick then a snake again. I had to cut the head off with a knife; but it kept growing back. Then it finally turned into a stick and vanished.
I aksed the cat/god what I was supposed to do but it didn't respond and walked away.
Then I was overwhelmed with a strong, powerful uneasy feeling; like everything about the world and life itself was not as I thought it was like I had been deceived or living some kind of delusion, and was suddenly forever changed.


I kept forgetting to mention this one but I had a dream about forum members!

I went on a vacation to England and visited Flopsy; we were eating at this restaurant and another person (a girl I think) was there but I can't remember who) He was showing me some kind of exotic food. I was eating it and it tasted terrible but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I was pretending to like it but then I felt like I had to throw up. I can'r remember the rest of it.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline Colorful Arty

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2018, 02:10:56 am »
Well, I'm no Daniel, but I'll try to interpret your biblical dream. Hope it ain't too preachy. ;P

You say God was a cat? I'm not surprised he would take on a different form than his true one as his true form would cause you to instantly die due to God being unable to be in human presence due to their sinful nature. Maybe he became your cat so you'd feel safe and comfortable around him?

I am at a loss as to who this other large person you were with was. Maybe this represents the human race, as we try to seem big and powerful on our own.

Very interesting that you had a vision of a stick becoming a snake and vice versa, because that is exactly what happened to Moses' staff in the Old Testament. He and Aaron threw down the staff at the feet of Pharaoh, and it became a snake to show Pharaoh that he was in the presence of God. I think that vision was there to help you realize the cat was God, and not just your cat.

The interesting part is where God the cat walked away and you were filled with a terrible feeling of uneasiness. At this point, you were alone, only with the fellow man to keep you company. Maybe this was to show you how terrible it is when God seems to abandon us. I know there are times I've felt like God cannot hear me or has left me when I need Him. It's not fun, but thankfully He never truly leaves us; sometimes Him not answering us is the answer we are looking for.

I wish there were training I could do for this kind of thing. I wonder where the Prophets learned prophetic dream interpretation...
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