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Messages - Simon

Pages: 1 ... 275 276 [277] 278 279 ... 281
Level Design / Re: Here I Go Again!
« on: October 22, 2009, 08:52:03 AM »
I would like that when the project enters beta testing, you guys won't have any bugs to report.

RMS is not amused.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 22, 2009, 08:04:46 AM »
Quote from: Clam Spammer
How do you make a trapdoor drop lemmings to the left?

Lemmings will walk to the left iff all of these apply:
- The level is played in multiplayer,
- there is no horizontal wraparound and
- the trapdoor's lemming entry point is on the right half of the level.

I haven't made a custom directory selector for the hatches, as I've thought that the current system would work. It's not documented yet, however.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
Sometimes it asks me to save the level before exiting, even though I've just saved it. Then when I hit "no" and go back to the menu, the level is blank. I think this happened when I saved it in a lvl file (copied over from Lemmix) instead of a new txt file.

The things are probably still written in the .LVL file, but in L++ format. If you rename the file to .TXT, it will be openend properly again, as the program uses the extension to determine the data format.

I should do something about this, as it is very irritating. Either implement saving LVLs natively, but this will be a problem in case they're played in Lemmix, as I neither read, use nor save steel areas. Or always make sure that trying to overwrite a LVL file always generates a new TXT file. Not relying on the extension is also good, but managing the file folders might become more uncertain for the user who uses Lemmix with the same files.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
Sometimes the terrain pieces seem to "group" together - when I click on a particular one, it selects a whole lot of others as well.

If you're not using the frame-dragging button or its hotkey Shift, then it's a bug, although I haven't seen it before.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
Selection boxes mess up when I drag over a large area on a level with wrapping. They flip over when you get halfway around the level, and cover the other half instead.

I still wonder what the best method is for determining what way the user wants to select things. Do they also wrap around when they fit on a single screen? In that case, it should always go with the rectangle that doesn't go offscreen.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
For consistency with Lemmix, I think it would be better for map sizes and terrain grids to be multiples of 8 (or 16 since everything is doubled here) instead of 10.

Very good thing, I will swap the 5 for the 16. I need the 10 in some cases for my self-drawn objects.


Thanks, I will add those levels into the next version, so everybody can select them from their folder.

Not copying the physics from L1/ONML/... exactly was actually my biggest fear when I thought about presenting my game on these forums in the past. If they're playable and fun, and even feel nice for regulars here - then that's really good. :-)

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 21, 2009, 09:24:47 PM »
Clam Spammer:
Thanks for the detailed review, I will probably come back to that soon!

Try to run the game with the -w command line switch. This starts the game in windowed mode. (How to set a switch: Make a link to lpp.exe, right-click the link, select properties, and append " -w" (without quotes) after the target. Then use the link to run L++.)

If that works, go to the options and enter your desired fullscreen resolution in the corresponding two fields. Then run the game without the -w switch again. If fullscreen doesn't work at all, there's also an option to run the game always in windowed mode, even when not using -w.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 21, 2009, 01:14:33 AM »
Four chaotic hours of fun with geoo, Clam Spammer, minimac, Peter and Insane Steve. :-)

Video, first part

Video, second part

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 20, 2009, 05:29:40 PM »
I will host today on 20:00 UTC, i.e. in just under 3,5 hours, and everybody's invited. My IP is currently (Edit: not longer the same). I will edit the post if it changes (unlikely). Around that time, open L++, click Network Game, and enter said IP address next to "Connect to".

The toroidal wraparound feature is fun, it integrates so nicely with the game flow and allows very balanced multiplayer maps. I just had to implement this, I study mathematics and specialize in Topology. ;-)

Team play is something I've also thought about, as it makes a lot of sense for this game. I will look into a new feature like this when I have a day of free time, and when I'm done fixing some very small things in the current version.

A possible cause is to not unpack the files with their directory sructure. Everything but one-two files should be in the subdirectories bitmap/, data/, levels/ and replay/.

I'm thinking about recording the session tonight with Livestream. Edit: I have done that. See my next post for the links to the videos.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 20, 2009, 02:29:07 AM »
Heh, 7 a.m. isn't the best option either. I'll drop you a PM so we can find out a nice time.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 20, 2009, 12:44:06 AM »
Insane Steve:
Thanks for the accolade. :-D If you use Lemmix, you just have to make sure that the entrance hatch order in the LVL file is the same as the order of the corresponding exits.

Yep, 20:00 UTC should work. If I've got time then, I'll post the IP.

Clam Spammer:
If you use either Jabber or ICQ, just write me anytime and we'll set up a game.

Otherwise, we could agree upon a time via forum posts here or PM. Tomorrow (October 20th) at 20:00 UTC is a time that would fit minimac as well, would that work?

L++ networking mode goes like this: One player is the server (or host), he clicks on "start server" in the L++ networking menu and then waits for other players. Everybody else is a client who is going to connect to the server, these players enter the server's IP address in the networking menu and hit "connect to".

Most computers are behind a NAT router when they access the internet, so they cannot be a server unless the router is configured to forward L++'s traffic to them. I have done this on my router, so I can be the server in a game between us. If you're a client, you do not have to change anything on your router.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 19, 2009, 08:53:30 PM »
Try again looking for me now.

I live in Germany and the university semester has started, so I'd propose something that is in the later evening for me. That should fit for Americans as well. 22:00 UTC maybe, this is 00:00 local time and 23:00 local time after daylight savings are over.

I can host a game then, so there aren't any problems with closed ports. My IP address usually changes once a day. Try to connect with L++ to at exactly 22:00 UTC today, i.e. in under half an hour. :-)

If nobody comes, I will open again at 22:30 and 23:00 UTC. After that I will probably go to bed and we'll try tomorrow.

-- Simon

Lix Main / L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 19, 2009, 03:25:18 AM »
Hi folks,

L++ Lix is a game similar to Lemmings that features networked multiplayer games. I've deleoped it during the past years in my free time, and did a lot of bugfixing for it in the past weeks. It is free software and cross-platform.

Download for Windows
Source on github (should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, others)

I'm eager to play it with you here. :-D I believe it's most fun with four players at once.

To play a multiplayer game, try to connect to the central game server via the top button in the multiplayer menu.

Contact/IRC: #lix, chat in your browser. Or post on this board. Or send email to eiderdaus at the

-- Simon

Site Discussion / Re: Postal news
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:32:50 PM »
Yep, your idea seems more profound than mine to me now. Go for it. :-)

-- Simon

Help & Guides / Re: I can't pass Taxing 5 D:
« on: October 16, 2009, 08:32:07 AM »

it can be solved. I found a solution on youtube where it is done.

Quote from: Info text from the video
This level can be little difficult. Pixel perfect builder after floater lemming are extremely precise and random, but if you can managed it there is no any other problems.

-- Simon

Site Discussion / Re: Postal news
« on: October 16, 2009, 04:33:18 AM »
I was thinking about that, too. This is a very good idea.

One can think about if it's better to put anything relating to the original games' levels into the new forum, I don't know if that yields more structure. This doesn't dry down Lemmings Discussion, it will still have lots of level-independent talk.

-- Simon

Lemmings Main / Re: WTF levels
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:43:38 PM »
While it looks neat, almost like cake or ice cream, it does not provide new value in the form of playable levels inside L1/ONML ;-) I came up with this thinking of a contrast to Clam Spammer's single-piece levels. I liked their abstractness, and that they are playable and still not trivial.

-- Simon

Lemmings Main / Re: WTF levels
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:22:54 AM »
For each terrain piece, take its usual terrain ID, but roll randomly among all graphics sets. Note that such a freakshow is not possible in Lemmings/Lemmix, I played around with my own level-drawing code.

See attachments for the results of "Just Dig" and "This should be a doddle". The latter one is still solvable. :-)

-- Simon

Lemmings Main / Re: Two-player Lemmings
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:20:15 AM »
I have done this with Lemmings 1 in the past using a networking version of ZSNES. It works nice until you miss mouse control, yep. :-)

I used ZSNES mainly to play Tetris Attack over the net. It had a habit of desynchronizing sometimes in that game, though.

-- Simon

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