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Messages - Simon

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Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings on Windows 7
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:23:07 AM »
Typo? :-)

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:44:00 PM »
Dullstar: I don't know. I've never used Macs, I merely know that Mac OSes are Unix variants. Maybe the 32-bit x86 Linux version from my website works, maybe not, try and see. If it doesn't work, compile the game yourself. The necessary libraries are available for your system. It'd also be a nice thing to know in general if L++ compiles with no problems on a Mac.

Clam Spammer: The multiplayer management is still in a basic stage. The ideal thing would be all of the following - multiple games next to each other on the same server, the possibility to select observer mode instead of a participating color, and the ability to observe a game when you enter it late.

I hope to get some bugfixing done over the holidays, but I can't tell if I'll work on one of the things above right then. They're on the wishlist.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:14:52 PM »
All of them are free software. Use a VM if you don't want to compile yourself, and if the Linux version won't run natively.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:07:24 PM »
I don't have access to a mac, but you should be able to compile from source. You need the L++ source archive, Allegro, and Enet. Install both libraries as described on their homepages. Then run the makefile in the L++ src/ folder.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: December 13, 2009, 07:00:58 PM »
I'm sorry I let this drift for some time now. I hope to have time available after christmas to fix bugs and make a new version. At this time, I'm compiling a list of bugs.

Thanks for the recently posted levels everyone - the game has become better quite a bit with all the user input. :-)

-- Simon

Level Design / Re: How to define Lemmix styles
« on: December 13, 2009, 06:24:56 PM »
I like it when a program's content can be extended easily.

What do you think of a fundamentally different approach that doesn't use a central file at all? Each style could have its own main file that contains name, path info etc. Each style class is then just a list of the styles' filenames. The program itself performs a search for style classes and standalone styles in one of its subdirectories. This might be done whenever it is run; searching a single directory of such size is fast.

This would eliminate the wuss of maintaining a central file (I took a long time getting it to work). The cost is that styles need an extra file each, or at least each style class needs a file if you modify the idea a bit. But according to Dullstar, it is current practice already to ship a LemmixStyles.ini with one's styles.

Your idea appears to be a compromise between extendability on the one hand and simpleness of the data on the other hand. I'd like to wait for other people who worked more with Lemmix to comment on that. I've set up Lemmix only once, and only with the Genesis L1 styles.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 16, 2009, 04:01:28 PM »
Giga, did you try what I suggested earlier about this problem?

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 08, 2009, 01:39:35 PM »
18:00 UTC today (Sunday) sounds nice. Will drop by for some games!

I fixed some bugs of the -11-01 version today, and the newest version is -11-08 (L++ download link as usual).

The new version is still compatible with the former version, so people using any will be able to play on the server toether. Mindless does not have to upgrade his server, as no changes have been made to the server application.

- [Space] key doesn't toggle "ready" while typing,
- a new button that always connects to Mindless' server (,
- the editor always saves levels as .TXT files.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:28:59 AM »
Yeah, both points hamper the usability. The ways to save a level are very unclear about the file extension and file content that you receive. This is a relict from when L++ could only open its own format. At this time, use Save As, yep.

The buttons that don't allow smaller adjustments than 10 are a case of "program wants to be smarter than the user" again, which is bad. :-D Will fix.

And I want to go through the whole topic sometime again. I know of at least one post by Clam Spammer that I didn't answer properly to...

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 04, 2009, 11:23:51 PM »
I was at university before I joined over an hour late <_<; But I got to play some great games as well. Mindless' server does a very fine job. :-)

I've altered builder/platformer logic slightly because I didn't want them to build through some very thin walls. Assigning a skill safely after building/platforming to a wall is more important, however; I will certainly look into this.

Other current bugs are: Space toggles the ready button even when the chat textbox is active, and the server doesn't send the active map to a newly connected client.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 01, 2009, 10:54:49 PM »

version 2009-11-01 is up:
Download page

Mindless has set up an L++ server. To connect, enter in the IP/hostname box and hit "connect to". We should try out this server in our next session. If it works nicely, I will add a button that always connects to there. :-D

Maybe Wednesday, November 4th at 20:00 UTC is an okay time for the next playtest?

(Note that at this time, the server has just the same functionality as a regular hosting L++ player. There is always a single game open to join, and everyone who's connected must hit "ready" to begin. Things like opening separate rooms sound like very nice additions, but require further restructuring of the netcode.)

Yeah, I'm not sure which new skill would tackle the current problems best. Stacker, bomber and roper are all highly situational. The best thing might be to implement several and let the level designer choose, I'll see what I have time for.

About L2 styles in L++... this might be something for the next semester break if there is good documentation available, heh.

We could try a skype conference during a networking session if everybody has it available. You said you do, I also do; we could ask around who else does. The best part will be hearing other people rant and shout. :-D

Thanks for the great review. Especially that you find the editor usable is awesome to hear. Follow the topic and just drop in when we agree upon a date/time for the next netgame. :-)

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 31, 2009, 07:06:21 PM »

I will upload a new testing version tomorrow evening.

Read the changelist

Most important things from that list: Dedicated server application, revamped digger physics, entrance hatch direction selection, and something nice for any singleplayer connoisseur - VGASPEC support thanks to Mindless!

The Stacker and the Bombers are both very nice ideas. Making a skill from scratch takes some time, though. I was planning to implement the Roper some time ago, and I'm done drawing it, however, its physics will be not as simple.

We can already agree upon a time to test the new version if you like. :-) This time should be within the upcoming week.

-- Simon

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: October 25, 2009, 08:22:17 AM »
Yep, I can host at 20:00 UTC today, Sunday, October 25th. My IP address today is (edit: expired), and everyone's invited.

However, I probably won't be up longer than 21:30, as I have university on the morning after. If someone else wishes to host instead, he's welcome. :-) (Host should have an open port 22934 for UDP.)

A problem with the current version is that the L++ host must attain all the games and cannot leave early. I have begun writing a dedicated server today, i.e. a server program that runs separately from L++, and the players will connect to that program. The goal is that this can be run around the clock on a computer that is always connected to the net, unlike mine. I will not have it done until tonight, though, as it requires some restructuring of the game as well.

-- Simon

PS. I will certainly consider altering the L++ physics if you all see fit. Stopping a digger by digging yourself sounds really good, and it even makes sense because you steal the other digger's earth. There are a lot of similar things in this thread that I still want to comment on.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings 2 & 3 Copy protection?
« on: October 23, 2009, 03:53:11 AM »
The retail versions I have of them (PC, Europe) aren't dongleware, no manual or extras needed. I assume it's the same for any PC version.

They are both on CD, and I believe you can even copy these CDs without restrictions. They came out at a time when CD burners weren't widespread.

L2 performs a complete install onto the hard disk and doesn't require an inserted CD to play. L3 writes only the save files onto the hard drive, wants the CD inserted and plays music tracks from it. You can manually copy the whole CD to a folder on the hard disk and install from there if you don't want to have the CD inserted.

-- Simon

Level Design / Re: Here I Go Again!
« on: October 22, 2009, 01:37:26 PM »
Ah, to clarify the Stallman post: I don't mean GuyPerfect gets profit this way. But a lot of the rest applies. Software should be given away to "your neighbor who needs it", i.e. Dullstar or anyone who is going to design levels in the future. (This wasn't said explicitly in the linked article although I thought it was; it's only in the definition of free software.) It'll also drastically reduce the time to find/fix bugs/usability issues. (This was in there.)

I will continue to read about the development here as I've done all the time. So back to the topic, yup.

-- Simon

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