Next stream will be tomorrow, Sunday, Feburary 9th, starting 18:00 UTC.
I'm back in Lix development, and I'll have a few singleplayer features to playtest during this stream:
I'll play NepsterLix, and I'll start at its very beginning.
Over the years, I have looked sporadically at best at NepsterLix, ClamLix, and Rubix's pack. I'll have to try them properly. Last year, I've played geoo's pack on stream, and I can still warmly recommend that.
-- Simon
I'm back in Lix development, and I'll have a few singleplayer features to playtest during this stream:
- Scissors mouse cursor when you can click air to cancel the replay. Will it be annoying?
- Small scissors next to the cursor, or a small "+" sign in assignment mode, when the cursor opens over a lix during the replay.
- Explain the gadget in the infobar whenever the mouse hovers over a gadget. E.g.: "Goal. Save 10/20 to win." Or: "Catapult. Flings +4, ↑16 in 8 ticks." These texts appear where "Lix #7 is bashing" would also appear.
I'll play NepsterLix, and I'll start at its very beginning.
Over the years, I have looked sporadically at best at NepsterLix, ClamLix, and Rubix's pack. I'll have to try them properly. Last year, I've played geoo's pack on stream, and I can still warmly recommend that.
-- Simon