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Messages - Simon

SuperLemmix / Re: [EDITOR] Updates to the Editor
December 22, 2024, 06:21:04 AM
You have a dedicated search button. Therefore I assume the search will start only after we click that. (Opposed to, e.g.: It re-searches after we type a new letter for the tile name.)

In this light:

Consider to make the tile name (= the box after "-or- Search:") yet another filter in the list of filters. It's a filter for the tile name.

The benefit is that you can remove/reword the "Search all Pieces" checkbox. This box looks misleading anyway when we later filter for current style; we haven't searched all pieces then, after all. Its semantic is { not { filter for tiles whose name contains the following text }}, and it disables the name filter. This is odd; if you need such a box, invert this logic, call it "Filter by name:", and let it enable the name filter box.

I'd get rid of "Search All Pieces" entirely, and let an empty name filter behave like a disabled name filter (everything passes). This is natural.

Consider to start the search when we hit Enter after typing something into the name filter. This will be in addition to starting the search by clicking the Search button.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Does the server store levels?
December 22, 2024, 01:13:42 AM
Here is what we played on 2024-12-17.

  • The times at the very left are all in CET (= UTC+1), and tell when my machine saved the replay. This is after the match finishes.
  • The name of the level inside that replay follows.
  • Finally, $BUILT of the level inside that replay follows. This tells the most recent time an editor has saved the level. This is the local time of the editor's user. In the case of 22:21:23, this is my local time (CET) because I fixed the symmetry of the wrapping "Bunker Buster".

22:06:56 CET  Your Latest Trick 2P  $BUILT 2022-01-28 01:40:47
22:10:57 CET  Your Latest Trick 2P  $BUILT 2022-01-28 01:40:47
22:14:48 CET  Your Latest Trick 2P  $BUILT 2022-01-28 01:40:47
22:19:51 CET  Your Latest Trick 2P  $BUILT 2022-01-28 01:40:47
22:20:55 CET  Bunker Buster  $BUILT 2022-04-04 11:42:08
22:24:54 CET  Bunker Buster  $BUILT 2024-12-17 22:21:23
22:27:36 CET  Bunker Buster  $BUILT 2024-12-17 22:21:23
22:30:08 CET  Bunker Buster  $BUILT 2024-12-17 22:21:23
22:31:57 CET  Rescue Rangers Double Team (3p)  $BUILT 2021-05-17 10:55:46
22:35:27 CET  Rescue Rangers Double Team (3p)  $BUILT 2021-05-17 10:55:46
22:40:06 CET  [~GHM] Anyway You Want  $BUILT 2024-12-17 20:55:37
22:43:10 CET  Bunker Buster (No Wrap)  $BUILT 2022-06-19 22:29:34
22:45:32 CET  Bunker Buster (No Wrap)  $BUILT 2022-06-19 22:29:34
22:47:34 CET  Rescue Rangers Double Team (3p)  $BUILT 2021-05-17 10:55:46
22:52:03 CET  Rescue Rangers Double Team (3p)  $BUILT 2021-05-17 10:55:46

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Does the server store levels?
December 21, 2024, 01:28:33 PM
The level designer should keep as many versions as he wants, for playtesting and for reverting from failed design experiements.

In this concrete case: I think that, for two players, the non-wrapping Bunker Buster is better. Keeps the action focused. The wrap will be necessary for balance with 3 players.

No time today to get into an argument about repeats. You disagree, and that's fine.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Does the server store levels?
December 21, 2024, 12:52:44 PM
geoo publishes two different two-player maps: "Bunker Buster (No Wrap)" and "Bunker Buster".

I fixed the wrapping "Bunker Buster". This fixed version contains: $BUILT 2024-12-17 22:21:23

Later, you reselected "Bunker Buster (No Wrap)" and we played that, too.

This publishing of several similar maps with similar names annoys me to no end. It's a source of confusion. The level author has the task of making the level as good as it can be. He should publish only the best version and ditch the others. If the other versions are good, he should remake them into different-looking levels with different names.

The L1 repeats were a cheap way to bump the level count and make Wurschtellevels for new players. We can do better.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Re: Lix 0.10.28 released
December 21, 2024, 08:58:37 AM
Quote from: Silken Healer on December 20, 2024, 12:13:12 PMautomatically update them in the server? When you left and fixed it the other day, did you just update the local copy?

I assume you mean the server for playing networked Lix games, not the webserver or Github.

The Lix server stores no levels. When somebody picks a level, he sends the level to the server, and the server relays the level immediately to all players.

In addition, the server keeps the level until the room closes, and relays the level to every late-joiner. But the server has no longer-lasting level database than that. All it ever knows is each room's current level, and this level is always player-picked.

When I update levels, it always means that I'll update them in the main download, so everybody can select the up-to-date version of the level.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: MIDI file support
December 21, 2024, 02:43:20 AM
Allegro 5 homepage, read the first section.
Allegro 5 Github repo

When A5 supports a format, the existing infrastructure in Lix can play it without extra hassle.

When A5 doesn't support a format, I'll have to find decoders for the format and then find a way to get the decoded PCM into Allgero 5, or even to write platform-dependent audio playback code.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: MIDI file support
December 20, 2024, 01:41:16 PM
In 2021, MP3 has become patent-free. Allegro 5 has some support for it, I don't know for what platforms or with which dependencies. I don't know if MP3 support is compiled into the Windows DLLs that I ship. Yes, since 2023, MP3 support is compiled into the Allegro 5 DLLs that I ship with my Windows releases of Lix.

I haven't looked recently what audio file formats Allegro 5 supports these years. I don't think it offers Midi support.

-- Simon
SuperLemmix / Re: Can't Extract to Desktop Folder
December 20, 2024, 01:34:32 PM
I'll move it in 3 days, to first give The Dragon time to see these answers in Help.

Edit 4 days later: Moved to SuperLemmix Main.

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Lix 0.10.28 released
December 20, 2024, 06:49:15 AM
Thanks, and you're welcome!

-- Simon
Forum Games / Re: Zendo, play by forum
December 20, 2024, 06:13:00 AM

-- Simon
Lix Main / Re: Lix 0.10.28 released
December 20, 2024, 05:59:57 AM
Lix 0.10.28 released.

:lix-cool: Download for Windows 64-bit -- recommended
:lix: Download for Windows 32-bit -- fallback for ancient machines
:lix: Download for Linux 64-bit
:lix-evil: Source code
:8(): Changelog
:8:()[: Issue tracker

How to update
Quick and dirty: Extract over your old installation. Level moves will then result in duplicate levels that remain in your level tree.

Clean method: Extract to new directory, then copy these directories from old Lix into new Lix:
...and any levels that you've built yourself or added manually.

  • Allow binding of more than 3 mouse buttons. On Windows, the Win32 API exposes a maximum of 5 buttons only. If you want more mouse buttons on Windows, map them to keyboard keys with external software and bind those keys in Lix.
  • Show proper names for the keyboard keys F13 through F24. These keys are popular targets for mouse-to-keyboard remapping software. Binding F13 through F24 has always been possible in Lix. Previously, the options menu showed nondescriptive integers, e.g., 145 for F13. Now, it shows F13.
  • When Lix cannot find important resource files and cannot even start, present an error box on Windows. We still log the problem to logfile. Previously, early errors presented no box; only later errors did.
  • Skip taking an automatic savestate when the VRAM allocation for that savestate fails. This avoids crashes on Windows when the monitor turns off.
  • The 2-bar splat ruler obeys the snap distance option. Set the option to 0 to disable snap. Set the option to the default of 126 to get the previously unchangable snap distance of 10 from either end of the ruler. If the option is between 0 and 126, the splat ruler divides the value by 12. If the option is over 126, the splat ruler adds difference to 126 to the old snap distance of 10.
  • Fix the player count in Pro Boxing.
  • Fix the symmetry in two-player Bunker Buster.

-- Simon
Forum Games / Re: Zendo, play by forum
December 20, 2024, 05:53:36 AM

-- Simon
Forum Games / Re: Zendo, play by forum
December 20, 2024, 04:14:05 AM

-- Simon
Blitz, thanks for the logs and the screenshot! I know exactly what's going on now. Forestidia, thanks for the straightforward reproduction.

Lix recolors the spritesheets only on demand (lazy loading). And it looks like Lix crashes consistently when the monitor is off while Lix wants an image file from disk for the first time. Both a savestate and a loaded image allocate a new VRAM bitmap.

The obvious situation for new VRAM bitmaps during play was the automatic savestate. The expiremental version skips this savestating when the VRAM allocation fails, and this looks good, and I'll release this in 0.10.28.

I can also look into changing the times when Lix loads new files from disk. E.g., I can anticipate what will be needed (spritesheets mostly), and move this loading to the start of the level, or even earlier. But I'll release 0.10.28 today without this.

-- Simon
Sorry, I have no idea what you're saying.

Please terminate your sentences with a period.

Too many things are "it". Please replace the many "it"/"IT" with "Lix", or with the name of your other program.

Did you run the experimental version of Lix (that I attached in reply #14), or did you run the stable version of Lix?

What exactly changes refresh rates ("Hz")? Monitors? Lix? Other applications?

-- Simon