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Messages - zanzindorf

Oooo neat. COMCTL32.OCX and MSVBVM60.DLL are part of the Visual Basic 6 Runtime package. Windows 10 doesn't have that installed by default because it's old. If you can install a Visual Basic 6 Runtime package, WinLem works on Windows 10. It's possible the WinLem installer includes a VB6 runtime package, but I still haven't tried it yet.

I got my runtime from here:
I know it another random third-party installer on the internet, which we were trying to avoid, but I had downloaded and tried this for a different issue, so I was already comfortable using it. If you use it, you only need the first two options for WinLem to work (Highlighted yellow in the attached picture).

With the combination of the VB6 runtime and the zipped WinLem directory I posted earlier, WinLem seems to be working on my Win 10. I don't think the level select menu is working correctly, but everything else seems to. Maybe it needs a specific font installed?

Hmmm... For some reason I remember this too. I don't have my original files, but I installed the installer on a sacrificial machine, and it seems to be fine. I ran it through a few virus scans and it also seems fine. It's wise to be cautious. Though it installs fine, it will not run. This Italian site says it may only run on XP, and I don't have a system with XP. Attached is the installed directory though, if you want to try it on your own XP.
Quote from: IchoTolot on January 11, 2025, 06:14:23 PMHere are my solutions to the pack!

Yay! Glad you like them! That backroute on V1L4 is funny. I keep forgetting the fire collision box works like that lol. Thank you for playing!
That's really cool :)

I don't know how rare this is, but it definitely seems like few if any mentions of this specific version exist on the web, which I feel would boost it's price.

Maybe Justin Castle would know something about it? Justin wrote a book about the ports of Lemmings:

If info exists about this version, maybe it's in that book. I had a pdf of it. I think the author shared it on these forums at some point (link is now dead). Unfortunately, that hard drive with my pdf failed, so I can't check for you.

I replayed Jolly Roger with the new terrain piece. I feel like I'm getting closer to the intended solution, but it's still definitely a back route. I have three variations of essentially the same path, just using different skills.
Quote from: geoo on December 10, 2023, 03:39:05 AM
Both solutions are intended, though you made your life much harder on the second one

Hmmm... I'm kinda the same as kaywhyn on Origami Master. I figured I was just lacking information on some Lix mechanic, because I haven't played a lot of Lix. But I really struggled to find the specific placement. Either my Lixs are too spaced apart and get sucked up or too bunched together and walk right past the springs before the exit. I even watched kaywhyn's replay, and I still can't solve it lol. Maybe a prebuilt bridge would help, but I even tried jumping ahead like you suggested to build ahead of the crowd, and it didn't seem to help too much. Would an extra spring at the bottom near the exit break the puzzle? Maybe an extra spring would help it be less unforgiving?

I replayed some more revisions. Brick or Treat and Where No Lem Has Gone Before are solved as indented, I think. Both very nice levels 8-)


Jolly Roger V4: It takes more skills to turn around on that pillar that's been lowered, but it's still possible.

Teleporation Race V3: My back route is still possible, but requires another platformer and some extra fiddling with the blockers.

I replayed kaywhyn's revisions. I'm still stuck on R1, but here's R2 and R3.


R2 V2: I'm not sure if this has been found yet, because I'm purposely avoiding spoilers, but, I think I broke the level again. I got tunnel vision thinking I could only dig the barrier in front of the exit, when I can just bomb it.

R3 V3: I still have many skills left over, so I don't think I've found the real solution yet.

Quote from: IchoTolot on December 05, 2023, 07:46:23 PM
Intended solution to my R2!

Yay! Good good.

I played through the rule 3 levels. I'm still stuck on level 3, but the others are complete.


Color Coded: Very fun level! Probably the best and hardest blockers only level I've ever played.

Bee Here For You!: My solution isn't very tidy. Since I had the resources to brute force, that's what I did lol. Fairly easy level, but fun.

Fun Teleportation Race in Space: I probably found a back route since I have a few skills left over. I feel like I get the core idea of the level though. Nice aesthetics, cool level design, nice work :thumbsup:

I'll come back to confusion cross. Aptly named lol
@kaywhyn, @Armani

Ooo, interesting changes. I will give these levels another try soon.

Attached are my replays for the rule 2 submissions:


Got a New Toy: Loved this one, my solution feels pretty intended. I was stumped for a long time, and was even thinking about it at work today. Glad I finally beat it :)

Where No Lem Has Gone Before: I solved without lasers and gliders, so I'm guessing my solution is unintended. Otherwise, the theming is great. The text being backwards on the teleporters is kinda neat. I think that's hinting which ones lead to the mirrored side and which one lead within the same side? If so, that's a very nice touch.

Lagacy Of The Waffentraeger: I'm about 50/50 on if this is intended or not, but if it is a legit route, this is a very fun level. It looks impossible, which forces you to explore. I like that :) If it is intended, I struggled a bit to get the lemming spacing just right to pull off the stoner/shimmy boost. Though, I could be lasering in the wrong spot or something. Love the tanks. Gives me Super Mario 3 vibes.

Lemmings vs the Jolly Roger Pirates: I'm guessing my solution is a back route, so I'll wait for a revision before saying too much, but regardless, love the pirate ship. The design gives me a Banjo Kazooie vibe, and I like it :thumbsup:
I played through the Rule 1 submissions. Attached is a replay for Tensegrity, Brick or Treat, and A-MAZE-ing Brick House Evacuation. (I'll come back to level 3)


Tensegrity: I love the visuals a lot. I always appreciate levels that do interesting things with non-custom styles. Big plus for visual appeal that also servers a function, and nice little details that are just for fun, like the slime pipe, the face, and the little moon hanging from the chain. The solution was fun to find. If I had any constructive feedback, I'd say the overhang the lemmings have to reach when they shimmy is only in reach if they grab the ridges to the end caps. That could feel a little too pixel-perfect to some people I'd imagine, but it's a very minor thing. Very good level overall, definitely my favorite submission visually.

Brick or Treat: I loved this solution. I don't play with zombies often, so me figuring out their mechanics was a nice bonus challenge. They also add to the theming :)

A-MAZE-ING Brick House Evacuation: I like this one visually as well. It's probably my favorite puzzle out of the three I completed. I've always liked this quirky basher trick, but this level is probably the tidiest set up for that trick I've seen. Nice work :) Figuring out where to save skills and which path to take was a lot of fun. The swimmers were either a very good red herring, or the solution I found was a back route. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make use of my swimmers lol.

The Amazing Lemming Tightrope Act: I'll need to come back to it :/    Good visually, but I spent all my puzzle solving juice for the day lol.
Interesting. I found a forum post on that references The Home Computer Club, which I think is a UK based, PC game subscription magazine. A forum member said they got their copy of lemmings from this company, and their disc had "book club" just like yours. However, this is for Atari ST, not IBM/Tandy. Everything I find related to The Home Computer Club is specifically NOT IBM/Tandy.

Video from The Laird's Lair describing this club: discussion: (See attached png for exact comment)

Is there any way you can play the discs to find out if they have the specific changes Namida mentioned? If they do, it could make this copy pretty special. If it doesn't, I'm guessing this company just redistributed a normal copy of Lemmings with their own label.
Neat! Here's a little more info here on this post from 10 years ago:

Some of the links here are dead, but the neatest thing about this version seems to be it has a couple of exclusive levels. I have played these levels, but I didn't realize they were from this version, so that's kinda cool.

In terms of price, I'm really not sure. It is a limited time version of Lemmings, but I'm not sure how much that boosts the price. Someone is selling a lone floppy of the Atari ST Book Club version on Ebay for $90 USD, but that seems kinda insane to me without the box or manual or anything. A standard boxed copy of IBM lemmings is in the ballpark of $35 I think. So maybe, a complete boxed copy of Book Club IBM Lemmings is something like $50-65? That would be my guess.
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Title Font
November 19, 2023, 02:59:41 AM
I looked into that too when helping out with the NeoLemmix menu redesign. I made the title graphic in NeoLemmix using a font called Cooper. It may also go by Cooper Black, Cooper STD. The actual font used for the original box art is likely hand drawn original font art and not like a digital font one could just download and use. Most Psygnosis games have beautiful box arts with equally beautiful font art. While it's probably pretty easy to find the artist for Lemmings' box art, I'm not sure if that same person did the title font. Not sure.

Cooper gets kinda close. You may search for cooper-like fonts to find one closer, ones with thick rounded serifs. You could probably warp and stretch Cooper to get it pretty darn perfect. I think Cooper is an adobe font. I have an old copy of photoshop, so it probably came with that. However, I'm sure there's other ways to get it.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, it's my scaling, but I can't really set it at 100% because text is unreadably small on that setting. I could change my resolution to 1920x1080 w/ 100% scaling, but that's a pain to do every time I load NeoLemmix.

I poked around for a bit and found a fix for me:

Right click the NeoLemmix exe
Click "Properties"
Click the "Compatibility" Tab
Click "Change high DPI settings"
Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior"
Select "System or System (Enhanced)" from the dropdown right under the above option.
Click Ok, then Apply, Launch the exe

This makes the text less crisp because I assume it disables the High DPI font in game, but I think I prefer that over changing my res.

Thanks for linking that post! I figured this was probably a Windows issue rather than a NeoLemmix issue. This isn't the first time an app has given me issues because my 4K screen. Windows handles that stuff very poorly IMO :P I basically can't use my old version of photoshop on my laptop (on high rez) because of stuff like this lol. Thanks Microsoft.