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Messages - Braden12 [Deleted]

Pages: [1] 2
Lemmings Main / Re: PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite
« on: November 18, 2023, 04:01:16 PM »
L2 does accept decompressed files too? I did not know that!

As for PCL2STAT, I was just checking. Thanks

Edit --- Supposedly PCL2STAT never had built-in support for de-compression either just like your old release, and I never remembered that about the first time I ran the program over the last 10 years or so, so you in fact are right.

Lemmings Main / Re: PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite
« on: November 18, 2023, 03:05:57 AM »
Lem2zip either way can re-compress the levels too, so as I said earlier I was merely curious for archiving, and it didn't matter.

***Also, is there another updated/current version of PCL2STAT that was hosted there on your site also by ccexplore? That had the Level boundary size change button feature fixed/implemented? Or was there only one update/release that he ever did? Like, as was said here:

Please attach it if you or anyone else have this current copy of PCL2STAT, if it was ever in existence, like as was just recently hosted on your website before it was shut down. I haven't used or fiddled with PCL2STAT for awhile, so I can't remember if there even was any more updates/fixed features that he made publicity.

EDIT: I know for a fact that your website at DID have the latest version of PCL2STAT anyway, because I remember still being able to download it from your site back in 2020~2022 or whenever it was last up. I think it was maybe a separate zip archive instead of bundled like the old "_full" one?

Lemmings Main / Re: PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite
« on: November 17, 2023, 05:51:01 PM »
I've now also attached the pre-compiled versions of Lem2zip/lemmings tools for windows by mindless for the average computer user who is interested. Those links are also down from the Lemmings Archive, or point to source code on github (requires cygwin to build the binaries)

Lemmings Main / Re: PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite
« on: November 17, 2023, 05:34:46 PM »
Nope, sorry! My main request is the latest pcl2ed/pcl2stat that were on you're webpage, the copy you sent me was not, and so I hoping someone else had the current ones with support for compression built-in. I don't really care for l2suite or it's dll's, only one dll was missing that I already could find elsewhere anyway.

Does anyone else have backup copies of geoo's most recent files off of Both windows and linux binaries would be appreciated.

(If no-one else has a backup that's fine, and I'll just stick with your old copy above from the PM, as I was luckily able to find mindless's copy of Lem2zip.)

EDIT: All the files I'm talking about were here:

Lemmings Main / PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite
« on: November 16, 2023, 08:00:16 PM »
Hi everybody, does anyone have an updated (most recent and current) copy of geoo's/ccexplore's PCL2ED + PCL2STAT / L2Suite? The ones that have all qt dll's and do not require de-compression with Lem2zip?  The files are now gone at

Thanks to anyone in advance!

Lemmings Main / Re: A BeastIII of a level: Designs and concepts
« on: August 26, 2023, 01:13:44 AM »
I'm back, for the moment!

I decided to share with all interested my special levels Redux versions of this thread.


1.  Barbarian replaced entirely with Ork Level 1
2.  Added upper claw in Blood Money
3.  Fixed scaling and coloring in Beast III
4.  Added missing excitement for Agony!!!

Attached source images and zip file with VGASPEC .dats

Lemmings Main / Re: A BeastIII of a level: Designs and concepts
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:41:40 PM »
@wafflem I can't open either of your two neolemmix files with the latest neolemmix player. Both say "cannot open graphic set barbarian.dat" (or beastiii.dat) Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong, or how to set it up?

EDIT: I meant to say I can open it, but I can't start playing the level; I noticed in the setting.ini file for the player it says "LastVersion=10010010000" at the very top, so am I not using the right version (010.010.010)?

I've also set all of the online options in this file to true (1) to see if updating the styles will work, but it didn't. Is there a setting I need to add? (I am running the lemmix player inside a folder named "Neo" on the desktop. I'm running windows 8.1 with admin rights.)

Lemmings Main / Re: A BeastIII of a level: Designs and concepts
« on: October 11, 2016, 09:46:15 PM »
Thanks..... The sack on the upper left was actually one of the enemy creature-things that the Owl-protagonist has to destroy. I must have mistakenly left it there by accident because I forgot to destroy it first to create the graphics behind it! :-[ Thanks for pointing it out, I've now replaced VGAPSEC.ZIP with a new one that contains the fix for #3.

Also, thanks for offering to translate my VGASPEC's to NXP for NeoLemmix for others to see! I agree that would be nice since NeoLemmix is definitely the standard among us Lemmings Gamers.

Lemmings Main / Special Levels based form Psygnosis Games
« on: October 11, 2016, 05:54:06 AM »
I've now finally finished making three other Psygnosis levels to compliment this "BEAST III" level (reason for renaming the topic for this post). In the attached zip are:

#0  Barbarian
#1  Blood Money
#2  BeastIII (exact one shown in spoiler)
#3  Agony

@wafflem: Thanks for pointing my topic to the right board! ;) Congrats on becoming a global moderator!

EDIT: #3 Agony is now fixed (doesn't have the weird sack anymore)

Lemmings Main / Re: A BeastIII of a level: Designs and concepts
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:10:23 PM »
thx! I've just made a .lvl file, along with a Vgaspec. (attached) Haven't had time to do much work on the .lvl recently, but it's still a little trickier than the original BeastII level. Maybe sometime I'll make it more difficult. Just be careful as you start to go up after crossing the bridge! ;P

As for the other one, I hope you can understand as after having done this one it definitely isn't my best, and my own lack of interest; But I might do one for Pink Elephants sometime if I get enough interest.

Lemmings Main / A BeastIII of a level: Designs and concepts
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:32:26 PM »
I've heard others have (can't remember where) also made a shadow of the beast III special level, so I decided to take a go myself:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's based off of the Caves part of the game, but very beginning. I've tried re-googling around to find out where/who I originally heard of doing this same level title, but all I've found were Insane Steve's levels (which if I recall correctly are just .lvl modifications using same beast I & beast II terrains, but higher difficulty and renamed beast III and beast IV). I believe I was on some text page mentioning a level called "VERY MENACING" with new terrain as well.

Has anyone else here seen more remakes of the beast levels, or menacing too?

Help & Guides / GuyPerfect's lgl2
« on: March 06, 2016, 09:04:00 PM »
Recently I've been wanting to try some more things with lgl2 by GuyPerfect, but unfortunately I've lost my particular back-up that used to have it and fileden no longer exists. IIRC the file was ''. But if anyone still has it (I don't believe GuyPerfect is active anymore) just let me know in a PM since I know it was released in private. Thanks in advance!

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution NOCD?
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:29:45 AM »
It's just strange for a year 2000 game to read files from its CD, while not having a DRM per se.

That's true, I totally agree! But there are some versions/releases of LR that do have a DRM, safedisc -- But that is only from what other people have said else where on the internet that I've read. I personally have owned several copies of Lemmings Rev and never once came across one that was really protected by safedisc. :-\

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Plans for V1.37n
« on: January 14, 2016, 07:23:52 AM »
Great work namida!

Also, cool example with using "Variety Day" - I remember beating that level just to see if I could do it, but this was at least five years ago! :D (I remember playing the entire PSYCHO 1 level pack, or most of it anyway) But it was only for DOS CustLemm of course though. :-\

Levels for v10 or older / Re: Holiday GigaLems 2015 - First Complete Beta
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:41:19 PM »
What will you deal with you may ask? well....
First rank - Very Merry

"Going pass donation goals"
This is to ease you in to the pack with the near abundance of skills (Range Original Scale:Fun-Tricky, X scale: :) :) :) :) )
Second rank - Ba Hambug

"You need to have a good strato-gy"
You'll need to learn a few things from this rank because it will trip you up (Range Original Scale:Tricky-Taxing, X scale: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) )
Third rank - Naughty

"Snowdin Town"
Allow the last rank to teach a few skills to use in this rank  (Range Original Scale:Taxing-Mayhem, X scale: :evil: :evil: :evil: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) )
Fourth rank - Sub Zero

"Three wise lemmings"
Take what you learned so far and put it in full force, it aint getting easier from here (Range Original Scale:Mayhem+ , X scale: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :devil: :) :) :) :) :) )
Last rank - Hypothermic

"Ghost of Christmas Future"
Bring everything to keep you warm because this is the hardest rank of the pack (Range Original Scale:HAVOC , X scale: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :) :) :) )

Those. Levels. Look. HOT! :evil::evil::scared:

Gosh, I must say though my favorite one is "Snowdin Town"... I've always had a knack for onml's rock tile set with the mossy green stuff +tree branch things -- But mixed with the colorful Holidlem tile-set just makes it look awesome beyond belief! :3

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