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Messages - Flopsy

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General Discussion / Re: geoo visits Simon, May 2024
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:36:49 PM »
Nice that you two got to meetup again even if it was brief this time.

This neutral Lix feature looks well implemented so far, is there an option to have coloured Lixes score in addition to neutral Lixes as well?
I'm guessing overtime is set to zero in the above gifs but is there an option to not have the level end when a neutral exits also?

I am looking forward to seeing this feature in a Lix release build because there could be a groundbreaker for more level creation possibilities :lix-grin:

Just a reminder that we are still playing this Sunday :lix-cool:

Gave Lix sessions a miss during March because people were busy

I've asked around and arranged one for Sunday 14th April at 5pm UTC (the clocks have gone forward in the UK now so this is still 6pm UK time).

Everyone is welcome as always, be nice to see you there!
Anyone new will need to download Mumble, PM Simon for the Lix Mumble server info :lix-cool:

Be good to see you again in Lix mobius :lix-wink:

Just a reminder we're playing this Saturday evening at 6pm UTC on Mumble

Ok since no one else has chimed in, I'll cater to geoo's request.

We'll play on Saturday 17th :lix-tongue:

To answer your question Silken, it wasn't possible for me to schedule 2 sessions on separate weekends like last time. My work schedule doesn't allow for that.

I will probably arrange the next session on a Sunday though about 2 weeks after this one.

Flopsy vs the World is a level from Lemmings Gotta Go Fast also.

I'm sure being from the UK, you might recognise the sunflower symbol for the hidden disabilities symbol. It's difficult being neurodiverse and people assuming I'm neurotypical when I actually have a hidden disabilty hence the "Flopsy vs the World"

We had some great sessions in January, thanks to those who came to them.

I suggest we play again on the weekend of 17/18th Feb, question is: which is better Saturday or Sunday?
Opted for Sat 17th February

I've run these dates past Simon and IchoTolot and there is not objection so far.
So help me decide which day is better :lix-dead:

Just a reminder, that we're playing again tomorrow evening at 6pm UTC :lix-smile:

Just a reminder we're playing 6pm UTC tomorrow :lix-winktongue:

Ok I think I've given it long enough for people to reply.

I think we could play on both days, I'm up for playing on Sunday 21st and Saturday 27th. More people seem to prefer the Saturday time marginally but there seems to be interest in both days.

I'll be there on both days for sure at 6pm UTC raring to play :lix-cool:

Ok so we haven't had a Lix multiplayer session since September.

A lot has happened with Lix since then, Simon is working on a stable Lix build which could help actively test multiplayer maps offline before we play them on the multiplayer server.

I'm still working on a Lix multiplayer guide which has been in progress for nearly a year now at the time of writing. It is getting to the finishing stages now, just need to write strategy on the top played multiplayer maps.

After consulting with certain people, we are unable to settle on Lix session date. We have narrowed it down to 2 dates and need more feedback from other interested players on which date would be better to play.

So we can either play on Sun 21st January or Sat 27th January (at 6pm UTC on both days).
We could even play on both days if there is a lot of interest in either days.

I'm not going to make new maps for the session, based on what I read in the feedback topic I posted last month. There is a preference for playing more established maps, playing them more before moving on and making use of the handicap which has been neglected in recent sessions (due to me introducing a lot of new maps).

So who's interested?

Lix Multiplayer Dates / Re: Multiplayer Lix players, we need to talk!
« on: January 02, 2024, 09:45:42 PM »
Thanks for all your feedback Lix people!

I haven't joined in a quite a while because I basically lost interest in the game. I was never real fond of the more complicated maps to begin with and preferred the simpler ones but now I realize its more just I'm not motivated to spend the time needed to get good at the game to really have fun. I hope those who want to keep playing can find a way to make it work!

I'm sorry you're not as into the game anymore.
I am in the process of writing an in depth Lix multiplayer guide, it's taking a while because I am trying very hard to write it properly and make it easy to read. I'm even going very in depth and talking about map strategy in detail on the most played multiplayer maps at least, there should be some simple ones in that list at the very least.

I usually can make sunday, but it depends a bit on my "exhaustion level" that weekend. Let's say being totally tired is not a fun way to play Lix.

I would say saturday is even a bit more conveniant for me but otherwise the timeslot is totally fine for me.

I think the weekend has always been the way to go, it's our best chance to get more players together.

It's been a while since the Black Lixes have been plaguing me, we miss you Icho :lix-winktongue:

Quote from: Silken Healer
As for feedback for the sessions, I notice sometimes we play a map a few times, I slowly but surely get familiar with it and then we just switch to a new map after only a couple of games where I am familiar. I would prefer it if we played maps for a few more times before switching. I don't really know what maps count as "classic" or not. I'm speaking more about specific to the session, than between sessions. I suppose I would prefer playing the same maps between sessions too, though. Does "classic" mean simple? If so, I suppose more simple maps would be better too. However, I don't really mind what maps we play, I would just prefer to play them more times in a row per session. I do like the map where you have to send your Lix down, build a bridge back up and then free them. Just throwing my feedback out there though, nothing has to be changed.

Also iirc have we even been using the handicap feature, I think we only used it the first session after it was released?

I'm all for playing maps more before moving on, I'm working on a multiplayer guide as mentioned above and playing maps more repetitively would be of benefit to me. It would also give me a chance to test my formulated strategies from watching replays from previous sessions and the Lix multiplayer videos.

With regards to what is classed as a "classic map". I could say any map which is in the top 60 on this list which I released to the forums recently since they have amassed collectively 9 or more plays since 2018.

The term classic could also apply to any map which has been in the multiplayer for a significant amount of time but not necessarily been played a lot, I'd rather that be referred to as "retro" or "legacy". That could be a whole different discussion anyway.

Yes we do have handicap and we have been neglecting it as of late because I have been on a map designing spree again. Next session we will be making use of the handicap again.
It will go hand in hand with us playing maps more times before moving onto the next one. I'd probably revisit some of the newer maps I made as well for the benefit of players who didn't get a chance to play them.

When playing newly created maps we tend to leave handicap alone since we are still establishing how the map plays, handicap tends to come later when the map play meta is established.

Quote from: Dullstar
With regard to maps, I think maybe one possibility might be give weaker players a chance to feel out the maps, particularly the overall routes to the exit, before sending saboteurs to collect or destroy the honey pot, so to speak; keep the sabotaging mostly contained to stuff that's directly in the way or just between strong players when playing a new map.

I do tend to leave the less experienced players alone for the most part. I find it more challenging and beneficial to grapple with the stronger players anyway because it helps me improve.
I feel like picking on weaker players does not help the community improve because it has lead to some players permanently leaving the Lix multiplayer community. Also I've been there and it is very soul destroying when you get picked on over and over in Lix multiplayer, I did wish at those times that I could be left in peace to just make a route to the exit and it is a nice feeling to complete the route to the exit and then move onto having a go at sabotaging.
I feel that once you get sabotaged by someone who you have been leaving alone to let them improve and flourish, I feel like then it is ok to retaliate and sabotage them because they are extending the challenge to you when they sabotage you.

So the point I'm making here is, if someone is new to the game, make them feel welcome and leave them alone until they are ready to enter the sabotage game by sabotaging you. Take it from someone who has played the game only since 2018 and has improved to what is considered an experienced player.

Quote from: Simon
Yep, this is a topic of its own. Free-for-all games with 5+ players are popular with newer players, but new players are more prone to leaving their crowd clustered. Stealing a weak player's honeypot is a strong strategy. It's much better than stealing stronger players' lix because strong players retaliate, they're even happy to have some stray lix near your exit.

On 6-player or 8-player maps, it's hard to directly attack the player in the lead. If you can't hurt him, you're forced to find another way to score, and that's typically stealing lix from nearby players. In the extreme case, if you take the honeypot, you're mean; if you don't, you aren't playing to win, which isn't always so easy to hide.

Yes it can be tempting to punish a new player for bunkering, but again it is going to make them not want to play Lix anymore. It would be nice just once to let them get their bunch to their exit.
If you are a strong player and you have to pick on a weaker player then you need to work on your game and be able to grapple with stronger players, I feel you can learn way more from grappling with someone on your own skill level.

Sometimes it's best to not play to win but to have fun, I enjoy gaming sessions in general (be it Lix, Golf With Friends, Ultimate Chicken Horse etc.) when everyone comes away from it having really enjoyed it because then I know that there will be more fun ahead when we get together to play again.
Sadly the last gaming session (not Lix) I attended did not have that vibe and people ended up being very badly upset, the complete opposite, it didn't sit well and needless to say no-one has mentioned playing that game since.

Sometimes we as the stronger Lix players have to look out for the newer players and make sure they are having a good time. You can usually tell when they are not having a good time because they become quieter or get noticeably irritated.

Lix Main / Lix - Most Played Lix Levels from multiplayer sessions 2018-2023
« on: December 24, 2023, 03:54:29 PM »
While working on the Lix multiplayer guide, I thought it was helpful to look at what the most played levels were since the guide will talk about individual level strategy. The levels in the top 50 of most played would take priority in the upcoming guide.

This takes into account all of Icho's videos and any sessions I was present at which were not recorded.

I thought the spreadsheet was a nice interesting read and thought I'd share the Google Sheets link so everyone can have a look.

Obviously this isn't 100% accurate but I think I have been in about 95%+ of all the Lix games played since 2018 so it's a pretty reliable resource. Also I wasn't able to obtain all author data for all levels listed, some may be incorrect, if that is the case my apologies :lix-trouble:

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone :lix-wink:

Thanks Simon, you delivered on your promise. This will be very helpful to me :thumbsup:

Lix Multiplayer Dates / Multiplayer Lix players, we need to talk!
« on: November 20, 2023, 07:41:45 PM »
Lix people, we need to talk.

I want to address the fact that we haven't had very well attended Lix multiplayer sessions since pretty much just after the Handicap update was implemented, about a year ago now (20th Nov 2022). That was the last time we played an eight player multiplayer map.
Since then, we've been lucky to get 5 people each session.

We typically play on Sunday evenings when we do arrange a session but I have been doing all the arranging and Sunday is my most available night of the week. But I feel like we have fallen into the trap of arranging on a Sunday because it is the most convenient thing to do now with it being the "safe" day.

Is it the time of day which is preventing you from playing? We typically play at about 5pm UTC in the summertime or at 6pm UTC in the wintertime to account for the clocks changing periodically but that is pretty much the same time. It is usually 6pm UK time.

The handicap feature has been implemented to help the new players play on a level playing field when compared to myself, IchoTolot, geoo and Simon who are more experienced at the game. This should theoretically make it easier for new players to have fun.

If the fact that I have been making a lot of experimental new maps every session has been a problem with helping people who are new to the game, I can stop making new maps for the time being.

I want to hear from the people who are wanting to come and play Lix with us more often or even new players who haven't played and would like to:
- is playing on Sundays the barrier which is preventing you from playing? What would be a better day to play?
- is playing at 6pm UK time (5pm-6pm UTC) preventing you from playing? What would be a better time to play?
- is the intense learning curve of the multiplayer game preventing you from playing?
- is the large amount of new maps been a problem in introducing you to the game properly, would playing more classic maps help?

Maybe this post is not necessary but I just want to know if there is any problems with the current system we seem to have in place.

Sorry for the delay in arranging a new session since June but due to how quiet it was on the forums over the summer, we thought it would be better to wait until the launch of the new Jackbox party pack on October 19th and Jackbox games decided to wait until now to tell us the exact release date.

So we're planning on having a session the usual way on the discord server on Sunday 22nd October at 5pm UTC (6pm UK time). - Yes it's 3 days after the pack releases but it's a good day for most people to play and usually the Jackbox servers will be hit hardest on release day so best to avoid that, it's about as close to launch day which we can reasonably have a session.

We'll play through all the new games in Party Pack 10, revisit the popular ones later on if they were huge hits.
Then we can revisit some games from Party Packs 2-9, by picking someone to choose a game of their choice.

Kingshadow and myself will host the session again as always.

Just show up to the LF discord voice tribes at the time of the session (you don't need to own the game to play), watch the stream, play and have a good time with the Lemmings community and mix some Lemmings forums humour into the Jackbox forumla!

So who's interested?

If you want to read more about the new pack 10 games then read on, otherwise don't read beyond here if you'd rather not know and keep it all under wraps.

The Games

The sequel game first of all.....

Players: 3-8 ~ Drawing ~ 20 min

The fan-favorite fashion throw down returns! Create the ultimate garment out of your own weird drawings and slogans, then send it into battle. But with new drawing tools, new clothing options like hoodies and tank tops, and a new button-pounding final round… who will emerge as the next champion of Tee Shirt Island?

Players: 3-8 ~ Writing ~ 15 min

Ever wished someone would answer your texts for you? Imagined the masterful comebacks you and your friends would create if you mashed all your brains together? You’re in luck! This game lets you play out that fantasy with all of the chaos, and none of the backlash!

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Players: 1-9 ~ Musical ~ 5 min

Hello gorgeous nature. Welcome to an uncharted jungle, inhabited by musical birds who play songs for a carnivorous plant that MIGHT eat them, if they don’t play their notes accurately. Are they dodos? No. Did they evolve from dodos? Maybe…don’t overthink it. We didn’t.

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Players: 1-8 ~ Trivia ~ 15 min

What would you do if you had a time machine? Would you go back and try to fix some mistakes? Would you travel into the future to see who you’ve become? No, of course not! You’d use it to play an immersive trivia game!

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Players: 4-8 ~ Deception ~ 20 min

HYPNOSIS, TEAMWORK AND HIDDEN IDENTITIES!!! In Hypnotorious, players are attending a hypnotist’s show, where, as you might expect, they get hypnotized. Each player will take on a new, unique identity such as Frankenstein, a snowman or a carrot. They will then be asked to answer questions as their character would.

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