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Messages - namida

Pages: 1 ... 637 638 [639] 640 641 ... 857
Site Discussion / Moderators / Administrators
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:10:22 AM »
Obviously we need a couple of extras here beside just myself, so anyone interested?

Main criteria is:
- Online often. Doesn't have to be 24/7 of course, but more than once a year. :p
- Existing, established members of the forums.

For admins, I'll also give access to the site's database, FTP, etc, if the person in question feels comfortable with this. I absolutely want to have at least one other person with this access.

Of course I'll need to verify applying users are who they say, either by a PM on the old forum or talk to me on the Lix IRC channel.

Note that the requirements will be more stringent for admins than moderators.

Note that current staff members who are reasonably active will have priority. In other words, the following people have first priority:
- Akseli
- Clam
- geoo
- Proxima

Site Discussion / Welcome to the new Lemmings Forums... yet again.
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:48:18 AM »
Well, between the lack of administrator existance and the recent Russian spam, it seemed like time to move again, so... here's the new forum! You may have to re-register, sorry; first, try logging in with your old username, and the password you had around January 2014 (not your new one if you changed it since then). If you see you do have an account here (eg. by checking the member list) but can't recall your password from that time, feel free to contact an admin (myself, geoo or ccexplore) for help recovering it; alternatively you can create a new account if you prefer.

At the moment this doesn't have a very lemming-y look, but I'll be fixing that over the next few days. :)

Geoo and Clam have retained their roles as staff members here (with geoo moving up to administrator), with me obviously also as an admin. Aside from that, we have ccexplore as a new administrator, and Akseli as a new moderator. Proxima also retains position as board-specific moderator for the Challenges board, while Simon and Tsyu have moderator access on the Lix and SuperLemmini boards respectively (due to being the creators of those projects).

Prob Lem was temporarily a moderator to help with one issue, but he has stated he doesn't want a full-time moderator position. Nonetheless, a huge thanks to him in helping dig out the last few missing attachments (as well as for the very nice Lemmings-related creations he always makes and posts, of course)!

Lemmings Main / Re: Original Lemmings Level Voteoff (Round 3, Section 4)
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:30:14 AM »
Qualifying levels from this round are:

Taxing 13 "Upsidedown World"
Mayhem 20 "No added colours or Lemmings"

Next round is up.

In Development / Re: Lemmings Plus Omega (100% complete, now in testing)
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:24:42 AM »
Well, I was right about that Playtime level. That aside, fewer and fewer backroutes are coming up now - someone we all know to be VERY good at finding them played through all of Perplexing and found only 3 unintended solutions, one of which I saw no point in fixing as it was far more obscure than the intended one. Mental had 6 as of the latest update (two of which were in the same level and could both be fixed with the same alteration) which is also a major improvement.

Site Discussion / Re: NOTE: Spam from 50+ New Forum Members.
« on: December 15, 2014, 12:59:55 AM »
I already PM'd all the mods and admins about this. :)

Other Projects / Re: CustLemmix and FlexiLemmix (Latest version: V26)
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:21:31 AM »
 Style count doesnt include copies of 0000.lvl, and is a somewhat buggy feature in general. It assumes that the first style is numbered 0 for example.

GoRc is used to build the RES file. You dont need to do anything with it; LemResourceBuilder will automatically run it when needed.

As for the errors, do you have all your DAT files in a "data" subfolder and all your music files in a "music" subfolder? Also, the folder isn't read-only, right?

Lemmings Main / Re: Original Lemmings Level Voteoff (Round 3, Section 3)
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:06:54 PM »
Qualifying from this set are:

* Mayhem 07 "Poles Apart"
* Mayhem 13 "The Great Lemming Caper"

(Did anyone not see that coming? :p )

Next round is up.

In Development / Re: Lemmings Plus Omega (100% complete, now in testing)
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:00:53 PM »
Just to keep everyone updated, so far there have been fixes to 22 levels (4 of which are currently known to need further fixing), and not including those 4, there are 9 more levels that I have listed as needing fixes. Not all of these fixes were to remove backroutes; for example, one was an easy level where the release rate was thought to be too high. This is also not including cases where a level's alteration is simply consequential due to fixes in its repeat, but does include when both have been modified for seperate reasons.

I haven't done any reordering yet, but I have 11 levels listed for potentially being moved, with about a 2 to 1 ratio of too easy to too hard.

Most interestingly, not a single fix (or potential reordering) has come up yet for Playtime, though there is one level where I'm expecting that something will probably come up after further testing (just because it's quite complex).

In Development / Re: Lemmings Plus Omega (100% complete, now in testing)
« on: December 07, 2014, 12:56:51 AM »
Development is now complete and the pack is ready to send to testers. :)

Lemmings Main / Re: Original Lemmings Level Voteoff (Round 3, Section 2)
« on: December 06, 2014, 10:33:16 PM »
Wow. All four qualify dueto the tie for 2nd. Hopefully this doesnt happen too often...

Next round is up.

In Development / Re: Lemmings Plus Omega (91.9% complete)
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:34:36 AM »
Perplexing and Playtime are both now complete. :D

EDIT: And Breezy too now. Only Puzzling left to go.

I've now made the final new gimmick. I think this one will be very interesting indeed...

Mental is now finished! :D

Still got to do 3 each for Perplexing and Playtime, and a handful for the first two ranks. I also probably need to revise the level order somewhat in all ranks.

Lemmings Main / Re: Original Lemmings Level Voteoff (Round 3, Section 1)
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:46:56 AM »
Qualifying from this set are:

* Taxing 06 "Compression Method 1"
* Taxing 22 "Come on over to my place"

Next round is up.

As a point of interest, here's the remaining empty level slots at the moment:

Breezy: 17, 20, 24, 25, 27
Puzzling: 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24
Perplexing: 12, 18, 24
Mental: 20, 22
Playtime: 2, 12, 13, 15

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