[NeoLemmix] Lemmings Cranium (150 levels) [Difficulty: Medium-Extreme]

Started by Crane, May 28, 2023, 02:13:11 AM

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It is finally here, the one everyone has been waiting for!  Lemmings Cranium, 150 levels from Crane!  Some old, some new, some with a twist.

I tend to be a traditionalist with level design, so most of these levels use only the original 8 skills and game mechanics.  However, that's not to say I don't branch out into new ideas, and you will find plenty of levels using the new skills.  Enjoy the ride!

A nice, gentle start to the journey, but don't get complacent.

Some advanced tricks start to be introduced in this rank.  Make sure you think ahead.

Now it starts to get difficult.  How good are your lateral thinking skills?

Take a step back for a moment and revisit some original levels with a twist... less time, higher save requirements or fewer tools provide a new challenge.

Playtime's over.  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.  Think you're good enough?

Note: The music ZIP is quite a hefty 50 MB download and can be found here on Dropbox.

Changelog (possible spoilers):


- Initial release.


- Added kaywhyn to the menu credits for converting my old CUSTLEMM levels.


- Spelling mistake in Armani's name fixed.
- Music track "prophecy1" added (you'll have to redownload the music ZIP if you don't have this track).
- Background music for Curious 21, Challenge 26 and Chaos 27 changed to "prophecy1".
- Cute: The positions of "Element", "Lemming Popsicle", "Fluid Mechanics", "Dream Eater" and "The needs of the few" have changed.
- Cunning: The positions of "Ball Bearing", "Around the Block" and "Faithful Friends" have changed.
- Chaos 10: "Wrong-side Failure" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 17: "Divisive Action" - backroutes fixed and talisman removed.
- Chaos 24: "Halls of Reflection" - Backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 28: "Denial" - backroutes fixed.


- Paiy and kaywhyn added to tester credits.
- Cute 8: "Lemming Popsicle" - backroute fixes from Chaos 2.
- Cute 11: "Element" - new gold talisman.
- Cute 12: "Fluid Mechanics" - backroute fixes from Chaos 9.
- Cute 13: "Dream Eater" - new silver talisman.
- Cute 17: "Battery Lemmings" - fixed trapdoor overwrite flag.
- Cute 20: "Tia Na Nog" - backroute fixes from Chaos 22.
- Cute 22: "A Bridge Too Far" - backroute fixes from Curious 29.
- Cute 27: "Not as simple as it looks" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 2: "We need a blow torch NOW!" - increased height of one-way arrows and fixed terrain anomaly.
- Curious 13: "Overhang" - backroutes fixed and extra decoration.
- Curious 26: "Virtue?" - talisman renamed and requirements made stricter.
- Curious 27: "Sharing a Climber?" - fixed trapdoor overwrite flag.
- Curious 29: "Blockout" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 18: "Crunch Time" - design and solution changed slightly; bronze talisman upgraded to silver talisman and requirement tightened.
- Cunning 22: "Pipe Burst" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 1: "SUNSOFT Swindle" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 2: "Polar Pass" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 4: "Containment" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 6: "Mind the gap!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 9: "Overflow" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 11: "Stonecrest Bay" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 14: "There's One Small Problem..." - backroutes fixed and minor graphical update.
- Chaos 18: "Splashdown" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 22: "Hallowed Ground" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 24: "Halls of Reflection" - graphical artefact fixed.
- Chaos 27: "Dodge This!" - now has a time limit of 4 minutes.


- Cute: The positions of Cute 9: "The needs of the few" and Cute 13: "Dream Eater" have been swapped.
- Cute 24: "Printing Press" - some graphical updates.
- Curious: The positions of Curious 18: "Stop, Look and Listen" and Curious 23: "Glide Slope" have been swapped.
- Curious 7: "The Long Way 'Round" - time limit increased from 2 minutes to 3 minutes; new bronze talisman added for completing in under 2 minutes.
- Curious 9: "Reverse Engineer" - new gold talisman.
- Curious 17: "Island Hopping" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 21: "Going Down . . . . ." - bronze talisman upgraded to silver talisman and requirement tightened from 5 bashers to 4.
- Cunning 13: "Compression Method 2" - some graphical updates; new gold talisman.
- Chaos 12: "Chilly Disposition" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 19: "JAILBBEAK!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 20: "Hell's Challenger" - talismans removed; new toolset.
- Chaos 23: "Thanatos Gambit" - map error fixed (compressor trap was too low).
- Chaos 24: "Halls of Reflection" - minor terrain change to reduce the precision required.
- Chaos 25: "Immortal" - backroutes fixed; builders increased from 3 to 5.


- Added missing music tracks "passage" and "Prophecy1" (you'll have to redownload the music ZIP if you don't have this track).
- MASTER-88 added to tester credits.
- Cute 9: "Dream Eater" - backroute fixes from Cunning 17 ported over.  Talisman promoted from silver to gold.
- Cute 12: "Fluid Mechanics" - backroute fixes from Chaos 9 ported over.
- Cute 17: "Battery Lemmings" - release rate locked to match Curious 27.
- Cute 20: "Tia Na Nog" - backroute fixes from Chaos 22 ported over.
- Curious 16: "Nelson's Column" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 18: "Glide Slope" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 20: "Precarious Construction" - backroute fixes from Cunning 5 ported over.
- Curious 27: "Sharing a Climber?" - release rate locked to prevent backroute (this was the only way it could be done).
- Curious 28: "Cold Burn" - toolset changed to fix backroute.
- Cunning 3: "Lemming Cathodes" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 5: "Precarious Construction (Part 2)" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 13: "Compression Method 2" - gold talisman requirements changed.  New bronze talisman.
- Cunning 15: "S.C.R.O.O.G.E." - moved to Chaos 5 slot.
- Cunning 17: "Nemesis" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 18: "Crunch Time" - backroute fixes from Chaos 1 ported over.
- Cunning 19: "Shim-Shimminy Shim-Shimminy" - backroutes fixed.  Now has a time limit of 2 minutes.
- Cunning 20: "The Ziggurat" - backroutes fixed - moved to Cunning 25 slot.
- Cunning 21: "That's it????!!!!" - metal placed under the water container.
- Cunning 22: "Pipe Burst" - backroutes fixed.  Renamed to "Water Hammer".
- Cunning 23: "Oil Refinery" - solution and layout changed slightly.
- Cunning 25: "Cloning Vats" - backroutes fixed.  Background changed.  Moved to Cunning 15 slot.
- Cunning 26: "Prize Catch" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 27: "Die Doppelgaenger" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 28: "The Wishing Well" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 30: "Run!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 1: "SUNSOFT Swindle" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 2: "Polar Pass" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 4: "Containment" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 5: "Perilous Parkour" - moved to Cunning 20 slot.
- Chaos 6: "Mind the gap!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 7: "Don't Bother!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 9: "Overflow" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 10: "Wrong-side Failure" - backroutes fixed.  Now has a time limit of 1:30.  Talisman requirements tightened from 0:50 to 0:45 and promoted from bronze to gold.
- Chaos 11: "Stonecrest Bay" - backroutes fixed.  Time reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes.
- Chaos 12: "Chilly Disposition" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 14: "There's One Small Problem" - new toolset.  One-way wall is now wholly right-pointing.
- Chaos 15: "Dropship 12" - backroutes fixed.  Now has a time limit of 5 minutes.
- Chaos 17: "Divisive Action" - time limit decreased from 3 minutes to 2.  Backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 18: "Splashdown" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 20: "Hell's Challenger" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 22: "Hallowed Ground" - backroutes fixed.  Background changed.
- Chaos 25: "Immortal" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 27: "Dodge This!" - backroutes fixed.  New bronze talisman.
- Chaos 30: "Last Lemming Standing" - fixed typos in the postview text.  Gold talisman time requirement reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.


- Cute 6: "Ice Station II" - backroute fixes from Curious 28 ported over.
- Cute 8: "Lemming Popsicle" - fixed issue where the interactive objects didn't exactly match the level's repeat, Chaos 2: "Polar Pass".
- Cute 9: "Dream Eater" - backroute fixes from Cunning 17 ported over.
- Cute 12: "Fluid Mechanics" - backroute fixes from Chaos 9 ported over.
- Cute 18: "Keystone" - changes from Cunning 1 ported over.
- Cute 22: "A Bridge Too Far" - backroute fixes from Curious 29 ported over.
- Cute 26: "Castles in the Sky" - upper platform lowered slightly to reduce precision required.
- Curious: The positions of Curious 15: "Deep Freeze" and Chaos 20: "Precarious Construction" have been swapped.
- Curious: The positions of Curious 18: "Triad" and Chaos 22: "Release The Hounds!" have been swapped.
- Curious 2: "We need a blow torch NOW!" - extra terrain added so the solution is more obvious.
- Curious 9: "Reverse Engineer" - time limit increased from 3 minutes to 4 minutes.
- Curious 10: "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back" - renamed to just "One Step Back". Talisman renamed from "Efficiency Drive" to "Two Steps Forward".
- Curious 12: "Arch-Nemesis" - level replaced with a brand new level: "Just Try It!"
- Curious 13: "Overhang" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 15: "Precarious Construction" - backroute fixes from Cunning 5 ported over.
- Curious 17: "Island Hopping" - backroutes fixed.  Time reduced from 8 minutes to 7 minutes.  Paiy listed in credits for aiding in backroute fixes.
- Curious 18: "Glide Slope" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 19: "Release The Hounds!" - changes from Cunning 11 ported over.
- Curious 26: "Virtue?" - silver talisman upgraded to gold talisman.
- Curious 28: "Cold Burn" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 29: "Blockout" - backroutes fixed.  Level compressed slightly to alleviate time crunch.
- Cunning 1: "Build it up with iron and steel" - pillars moved further away so time-saving strategies are required.
- Cunning 5: "Precarious Construction (Part 2)" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 7: "Two's company..." - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 11: "Steeplechase" - changed shape of wooden obstructions so they can't contain the crowd in order to prevent unfairly precise alternative solution.
- Cunning 12: "Around the Block" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 15: "Cloning Vats" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 17: "Nemesis" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 25: "The Ziggurat" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 27: "Die Doppelgaenger" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 28: "The Wishing Well" - backroutes fixed.
- Challenge 21: "The Expanse" - music changed.
- Chaos: The positions of Chaos 3: "Incompressible" and Chaos 8: "Tier Drops" have been swapped.
- Chaos 6: "Mind the gap!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 9: "Overflow" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 10: "Wrong-side Failure" - backroutes fixed.  Talisman time required loosened from 0:45 to 0:50 and demoted from gold to silver.
- Chaos 11: "Chilly Disposition" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 12: "Stonecrest Bay" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 14: "There's One Small Problem..." - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 18: "Splashdown" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 19: "JAILBREAK!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 20: "Hell's Challenger" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 22: "Hallowed Ground" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 25: "Immortal" - backroutes fixed.  Number of builders reduced from 5 to 4.
- Chaos 27: "Dodge This!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 30: "Last Lemming Standing" - fixed typos and formatting in the postview text.

- Curious: The positions of Curious 13: "Overhang" and Curious 17: "Island Hopping" have been swapped.
- Curious 2: "We need a blow torch NOW!" - terrain adjusted to remove newly-introduced backroute while hopefully keeping intended solution more obvious.
- Curious 13: "Island Hopping" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 17: "Overhang" - backroutes fixed and more greenery added.
- Curious 18: "Glide Slope" - incorrect version of level supplied in v1.06 fixed.
- Cunning 17: "Nemesis" - incorrect version of level supplied in v1.06 fixed.
- Cunning 21: "That's it????!!!!" - backroutes fixed.
- Cunning 28: "The Wishing Well" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 11: "Stonecrest Bay" - backroutes fixed.


Minor update to the menu credits.  Can't forget kaywhyn and his help in converting my old CUSTLEMM levels to NeoLemmix.


I should encourage you chaps a little bit.  There's something for everyone in this pack.

Cute: Fun/Tricky, touching on Taxing a bit at the end.
Curious: Taxing/Mayhem
Cunning: Havoc, touching on Very Hard a bit at the end.
Challenge: Taxing to Very Hard
Chaos: Very Hard to Extreme


Very awesome looking pack, but got little tech troubles. I start play it, but game stopped cute 9. Some pieces used level are missing, you will not be able allow play this level.

This weird i load zips. IIRC i am got some same type troubles other special type levels too.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


...Jeremy Kapp


QuoteCute 9 seems to work fine for me. saved 20 lemmings.

Yeah this look its not allow me play levels which have those special type background like Cute 9, 12 & Curious 5. Then my neolemmix give me text: Some pieces used level are missing, you will not be able allow play this level. 

Other type levels work very well. Luckily most levels work. All normal type lemminsg levels and also Xmas level work well.

I think i´ll need manually set some pieces (like this background). This somereason not zip that correctly. I am just skip those 3 levels and keep playing otherones.  This seems very great pack. Also surprisely tough one. Cute 29 take me while to solved even it is step 1 mode level.

Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Cute 9 requires you to have the ray_spooky style installed. If you have online features enabled, you can do this from within NL. Otherwise, this link goes to the all styles download: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?program=52


Ah yes, a number of levels have custom backgrounds, mostly for the aesthetics.


My general theming is that the last handful of levels of a rank give you a taste of things to come, so like the last levels of Cute are quite a bit tougher.


Some useful information - the following backgrounds are used:

- flopsy_deathegg:deathegg_act2
- flopsy_starlight:starlight
- gigalem_desertmd:night
- gigalem_skymd:cloudtops_night
- l3_shadow:mines_sky
- namida_bridge:night_small
- namida_clockwork:cogs
- namida_mineshaft:rocky
- orig_marble:marble_level
- orig_dirt_md:genesis_blue
- orig_fire:fire_level
- ray_snow:back_repeat_snow
- ray_spooky:spooky_inside
- ray_spooky:spooky_night
- special:amiga_blue
- zanzindorf_agony:agony_night

The MegaDrive blue I can probably replace with the Amiga blue in a future release so things are a bit more harmonious.


Quote from: Proxima on June 03, 2023, 08:51:05 PM
Cute 9 requires you to have the ray_spooky style installed. If you have online features enabled, you can do this from within NL. Otherwise, this link goes to the all styles download: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?program=52

Thanks. Its work well rightnow.

Just test final level. My completion replay Chaos 30 Last Lemming Standing. Very interesting last level. Saved all 41. I take little shortcut attempt to last level. My actual game is goes middle of curious.

Final Level Gold talisman. Beat sub 5 minutes. 4 minutes 17 seconds. I think i could even sub 4 minutes. I think need little bit better starting i think.

Final Level speedrun 3:32. Let se did i can make sub 3 minutes. Damn this is fun level.:)
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Sub 3 minutes Final Level speedrun. 2:58:76. Okay Gold Talisman required under 5 minutes. Okay very happy with this.:thumbsup: This could be still done faster, i am pretty pleased it rightnow. I think i set good PACE. I think its time to go sleep or something. This pack are keeping me play whole night.

Somereason i loved that last level and stuck to play this. 

Added Chaos 30 Final level silver talisman less than 40 skills. That was actually much harder than gold talisman IMO. Have to look bronze talisman yet. I think i´ll need few beers.:crylaugh:

That main reason i finally notice my lemmings can Swim, this also might make speedrun time faster in future

Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 04, 2023, 04:15:29 AM
Sub 3 minutes Final Level speedrun. 2:58:76. Okay Gold Talisman required under 5 minutes. Okay very happy with this.:thumbsup: This could be still done faster, i am pretty pleased it rightnow. I think i set good PACE. I think its time to go sleep or something. This pack are keeping me play whole night.

Somereason i loved that last level and stuck to play this. 

Added Chaos 30 Final level silver talisman less than 40 skills. That was actually much harder than gold talisman IMO.

That main reason i finally notice my lemmings can Swim, this also might make speedrun time faster in future

I'm glad you liked the final level!  I did design it to be a grand finale rather than the hardest level, and it sounds like it worked beautifully!


Yeah thats really great pack. Just make level to level i am somewhere Curious level 17 level rightknow. Many even those curious mode levels are very tough one and give good challenge. Did you Crane can tell me which is hardest level in your opinion?

Last level is finally busted with all talismans. Bronze solution.
This take whole 12 minutes no walkers/jumpers and all saved. That was really tough IMO, just hardest all talisman in final levels IMO, its take me nearly 2 hours attempts, i think there might be some more simple looking ways, let see.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Hardest levels, hmmm... I don't want to spoil too much, but either Chaos 24, 27 or 28.


QuoteHardest levels, hmmm... I don't want to spoil too much, but either Chaos 24, 27 or 28.

Let see

I got first trouble spot Cute 29. Not that bad troubles, its take me some 40 minutes to solved, also Curious 16 was pretty complicated, but not too bad, that was not cakewalk. Im not are trying other modes exect last level, i think i´ll might be interest try some super masocist levels next, when i have full focus
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Best of luck!

You might find Curious 29 a small roadblock too - we'll see!  Level 29 of each rank tends to be the hardest, more often than not.


3 Hours attempts Chaos 28. Okay this Level is MAD. I´ll need little bit break and little bit more beers and keep attempts.. I´ll post my best attempt so far. This level is torture masochist,m but its just fun, because i loved torture myself.:evil: I enjoy brutal levels.:crylaugh: You definitely right. This one is harder than last level.

Its close, but i´ll need extra builder. Or i overlook some simple things, my brain burst flames:devil: Never give up.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


At least the backroutes have been fixed!  Enjoy the masochism!

Chaos 26... not hard per se, but you might like it!  Chaos 21 through 28 are all tough levels.


Okay i think my 24h Crane lemmings marathon is over.

Too many failed attempts Chaos 28 & 26 (over 6 hours total). This Chaos 28 is just so weird, even i check out this borad my lemmingsplayer, using practice lemmings, i cannot find way beat this yet. Chaos 26 Another very intenese, even very few skills, but no way find those fucking pixels, probably too tired :sleep:. Just played Crane lemmings over 24h in row, at least beat Chaos 17 end of the this days, pretty happy, even that was quite easy level. I think its aneought attempts a today..

I continued my casual pack playing soon. But Will goes back in Chaos when i want torture myself again next 24h. I always think my own lemmings packs is hard to beat. Its really nothing compared this pack. This pack is just EXTREME and INTENSE, but its very great pack. Probablly greates i ever played. :thumbsup:

Let eat and sleep. :sleep:

BTW Awesome Musics. Just froget load this zip when i start. This really help me in final level. Its way too tirsesome hear casual lemmings themes. Even i like lemmings themes.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Chaos 17 easy?  I'm interested in your replay for that... or you managed to work out the trick!  I guess it might be easy...

If you play the levels in order, you are occasionally introduced to some advanced tricks... or rather the level guides you to use them... and then you're expected to remember them without prompt later on!

So is that level and Chaos 30 the only ones you've completed in that rank so far?


JES JES JES. Chaos 28 Completed. Whole 12 hours attempts a today. :evil: Finally managed beat it. This level was so fucking pain. But this level completion really make me super happy :thumbsup: its nearly explose my brains out. :lem-mindblown:

I´ll post replay, this let me blocker remain.

Yest that was my 3rd level to completed in Chaos. 17, 28 & 30 completed rightnow. (30 caught all talismans) I´ll post level 17 replay as you ask me.

This replay actually not contains talisman, that was quite easy level IMO.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Both solutions are backroutes.  I'll make a note to fix those in v1.02.  I'm glad I made you work hard for the solution to Chaos 28 though!


Quote from: Crane on June 06, 2023, 12:18:19 AM
Both solutions are backroutes.  I'll make a note to fix those in v1.02.  I'm glad I made you work hard for the solution to Chaos 28 though!

LOL Backroutes. ;P My ideas really are goes totally burn out any other completion routes Chaos 28.  :lem-shocked:  There is another Chaos 17 solution. Im not know which was this backroute last time?

How ever im not still are reach that 1:30 minutes talisman limit. Just have to look better

Added Talisman Solution Chaos 17
Time 1 min 21. 3 different solutions in this level, i think this talisman solutioin was same as game creator intended

Chaos 5 Perilous Parkous Completion solution
Its take me little bit time understand this idea, but that was quite simple when i pick up it, how ever i not have any idea how make this level nearly 20 seconds faster. Fastest Zombie is your keywork pass this trap IMO, have to look this better

EDIT: 3 Chaos 5 Perilous Parkour Silver solution
Very close 1:09:65. Sub 1:10 This way different than my orginal solution, but its actually even easier. This time limit got talisman was quite tough one, let try bronze solution later.

EDIT: 4: Chaos 5 Perilous Parkour Bronze solution
That was cakewalk 16 skill limit. This level is busted rightnow. Its actually identical like silver route, but that skill limit was easier than time limit

BTW. Okay I´ll try few more attempt to beat Chaos 26 (before bed time). This level look way too simple, but i somereason can´t figured out that. I might overlook some badly.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Chaos 26 is very deceptive - it's called
"Are you kidding me?!"
for a reason! You have to really think outside the box.


Quote from: Crane on June 06, 2023, 09:24:48 AM
Chaos 26 is very deceptive - it's called
"Are you kidding me?!"
for a reason! You have to really think outside the box.

Oh yes
This level really like "kiding me"  No hope beat this level yet. I cannot simply understand that logic here, so i´ll look other levels and back it later

Last solution a today. Just another 20 hours lemmings marathon in row, so i´ll need another 12 hours sleeps next. Final solution a today.

Chaos 10 Wrong-Side Failure
This was great looking level and short one, i also got talisman. Beat it in 47 seconds (50 seconds limit). That was surprisely complicated board, its take some 40 minutes to solved, but that was fun level to play and very great desing
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Crumbs, you're doing well in finding the backroutes - well done! (I generally only have one solution for Chaos levels, with an exception for 30)

Perhaps you can solve my personal favourite level:
Chaos 6 - Mind the gap!


Quote from: Crane on June 06, 2023, 12:17:02 PM
Crumbs, you're doing well in finding the backroutes - well done! (I generally only have one solution for Chaos levels, with an exception for 30)

Perhaps you can solve my personal favourite level:
Chaos 6 - Mind the gap!

Thanks. Im not never are even imagine those all what i got found was back routes. Thats surprise me as well too. Thats my usual style to play, is look leveles visually. I am not very good mathematic things etc..., but i am very great all visual looking things. Usually levels which requires those tons frame steps and very few skills caused me most headache. Even my IQ is above avarage 135, im not very good mathematic. Just some asberger talent all visual things. Abou Thats your favorite level.

Chaos 6. I am actually attempted that few times, but, not really put serious focus with this, like i did Chaos 28. Chaos 6 is one of type levels, im not personally are very good.

BTW This classic mode "Challenge" was very great idea in this pack.  First i think this mode will be very easy for me. I am mastered those SNES lemmings levels very well. I just come across one hardest levels i ever played. Not completed. Just Spend one hour and  just banging one's head against a brick walls without succesfully

This level which look Fun 2 "Named how low you can go" i attempted find those correct pixels one whole hour. I´ll know when you build you will slow your other lemmings when those fall. This stragey are used some Minmum skills/max-% challenges on SNES. Im not really got work any those well enought, i just banging one's head against a brick wall without succesfully. I think i´ll need some deep research with this .

Be right back. :thumbsup:
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Challenge 28 (which is based on Tricky 18 rather than Fun 2) is deceptively difficult!  Challenge 29 (based on Havoc 4) is the hardest of that rank.

I'm on the spectrum too and am more mathematically-inclined, but I try to balance science and art.  Keep up with the level playing!  How far along are you with doing the levels in order?


QuoteI'm on the spectrum too and am more mathematically-inclined, but I try to balance science and art.  Keep up with the level playing!  How far along are you with doing the levels in order?

Im not are played order to order. Expect Cute mode. Spend most time played Chaos & Challenge solutions.

Few more completions todays and few levels, which i really gived up because i got really pissed off :devil:, even i did know main idea, but cannot figured out those fucking pixels, but i´ll put some replays my progress a today. Chaos 8 & 24 was completions. Chaos 3 & 21 just potential attempts. Just trying too much figured out, but even with hundreds attempts, im not got perfect succesfull

Chaos 8: Tier Drops
That was quite fun level IMO, i pretty quickly solved this

Chaos 24: Hall Of Reflections
This was one easiest Chaos level IMO, i think i could save even extra lemmings, but this time limit was only hard thing here, how ever i make some time errors and game let still 5 seconds time remain, so i think its very possible save this extra lemmings, but there is no talisman or anything about it

I also completed few Challenge levels. I´ll put replays later, just forget those level names.

Here is also Few Chaos Level i am very close call, but did something little things wrong. How ever i´ll still put replays my best attempts.

Chaos 3 Incompressable (i got 94% twice with different strategy. i think i know this idea got 95%, but its requires some inhuman luck or mathematic skills. I just cannot see those lemming group Chaos 3 is maybe easier to understand than chaos 21, but just extremely hard to solved. I have very similar trouble Chaos 21 Level think fast. its seems only way save all is just luck, did those turn right or left at end, if anylemmings turn wrong direction you will die if you use safe way, time will run out (example idea 1 chaos 21. Its way too complicated understand how those lemmings turn around at end, too much lemmings in one group and cannot see anything, way too messy group, spend few hours attempts both, but im not got perfect succesfull. Those levels are good examples "Rage" levels. :devil:

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I still have some "broken levels" I think i set all those backgrounds right. Next levels will requires some missing pieces. I´ll give list all:

Curious level 20
Cunning levels 5, 10, 20 & 25
Chaos Levels 15 & 25

I´ll need some special pieces with those levels.
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All of the levels you listed use special tilesets that have to be downloaded.

  • Curious 20, Cunning 5 = Tree (namida)
  • Cunning 10 = Biolab (Raymanni)
  • Cunning 20 = Thorn (bulletride)
  • Cunning 25 = L3 Biolab
  • Chaos 15 = L2 Space
  • Chaos 25 = Machine (namida)

Tier Drops was intended, well done.  Chaos 24 needs patching, bah!  Such a simple backroute too.

None of my levels require luck with crowd control, but some use some pretty advanced or obscure tricks.  Chaos 3 has a slight clue in its name.

As I'm sure you've gathered, in Chaos 3, even if the 2nd Digger goes left, they'll still get crushed because they're quite a distance behind the crowd.

Chaos 21 is not easy, trust me, but no luck involved.

I'll release a v1.02 on Monday or the weekend, pending any other problems that are found.


Thanks those tile list.:)

Crowd controlls is luck for me, that because i personally suck those things most, yeah you are right, its all logic in lemmings, and nothing "real luck" required, but i usually called it luck when you have hundreds choices controlls crow or ETC...

BTW. I got very inspirated make my own Amiga level pack (will contains 30 retro levels boards with new skills and limit). Your challenge mode insipirated me make my own challenge mode. I´ll post more about this my own topic later.

BTW. What is that your Chaos level 30 Theme? Its quickly sounds that Megaman 10 Solar Man theme, but hell much better remix. I also have to ask did you allow me use that Theme my own pack in future? Or is this just your very personal?
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I believe the music track comes from Freedom Planet.

I'm glad I inspired you to make a Challenge rank!  Hopefully I can fix the backroutes that have appeared and present a nice, polished pack.

So which Chaos levels have you completed now? (Note that some levels in earlier ranks introduce you to some advanced tricks that are necessary to solve some of the Chaos levels).


Oh i see Freedemon planet contains a lot awesome themes. Just listen something. I never are heard that game before.

I am completed only very few Chaos levels. Even spending hours.
-5, 8, 10,17,24, 28 & 30 are completed. Just attempts a lot levels 3, 21 & 26 without succesful. I am beat all cute levels, half curious levels and few challenge levels. Also one completion in cunnings.

I have a lot levels remain yet.

I am still trying find that another Chaos 28 route, but im not really have any idea. That my backroute was pretty cool though ;P
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Version 1.02 released, which fixes a number of backroutes and rearranges some earlier ranks to make the difficulty curve smoother.


Damn you are pretty "Naughty man"  All times which i spend solved Chaos 28 is now destroyhded, so have to back this level again. I´ll scream and cry: lem-mindblown:How ever this level always interested me. :thumbsup:
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Okay, if I'm a naughty man I'm destroying the pack.  I can't live with that reputation.


I actually understand your logic. I also hate "broken levels my packs" I didi several my 1st pack and also a lot 2nd paqck, but 3rd pack give me more experience about neolemmings system.
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Thanks. You return your pack again. This is way too awesome pack to miss in cyberspace.

I am sorry i set some "black humor" & sarcasm. That was not my intention offense your lifework. I am just a social idiot sometimes. :forehead:

Crane you are my friend. Im not want make your bad feelings.:):thumbsup:

Those you back route not are even too bad. I spend 12 hours solved Chaos 28 using that backroute. Its take me forewer
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Chaos 6 Mind The Gap completed

Also pick talisman. This level take me few hours to plan, that was very complicated IMO. Very happy got finally solved it
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Not sure how I feel about that one, since none of the intended gimmicks were used at all.  Might need patching, although hard to find a way that doesn't ruin the aesthetics a bit.  Well done though.


QuoteNot sure how I feel about that one, since none of the intended gimmicks were used at all.  Might need patching, although hard to find a way that doesn't ruin the aesthetics a bit.  Well done though.

Yeah its nearly impossible make large lemmings pack without alternate strategies. Even you are blocked really many potential ways very well.

How ever that was still very hard level to solved so that definitely not too bad backroute IMO. Yeah i am find up a surprisely lot backroutes Chaos only and i´ll might find even more "no intention" routes, that because i´ll look levels with my own style
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So I've patched Chaos 6 and released it on the Discord group. I'll mark it for inclusion in v1.03, but just waiting to see if any new problems are uncovered.


Chaos 4 Containment  completion solution

This might be backroute too. But that was route i quickly got find that let me quite much time and few skills remain.

Chaos 2 Polar Pass

Another pretty quick level to solved
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Now I understand why BulletRide put one-way arrows up there in their version.  Both are backroutes - hmph!


Chaos 11 Stone Crestbay

3 Builders remain. I think this is backroute too, i think Cranium intetion was make one lemming per each goal. How ever i skip one goal and pass two in same goal. I think this could be easily fixed in neolemmings using rule which allow one lemming per each goal

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That is the intention of the level.  Stonecrest Bay is meant to be a traditional level though.  I think I have a way to fix it though.


Curiously, did you manage to get the levels with the special tilesets to work?


QuoteCuriously, did you manage to get the levels with the special tilesets to work?

I think i could make those work. I just crash my previous neolemmix player few days ago, and i have to load neolemming player and all things over again, includes backgrounds, packs, replays and etc.... stuffs. So im not are set all things back yet.

BTW: Last chaos replay tonight. Chaos level 9 Overflow

Pretty simple solution, might be backroute too. Pretty happy. 4 more Chaos levels completed a today. Have to go sleep next, that was nice 7 hours session, though i spend 4 hours attempts chaos 12 Chilly disposition, this level really caused me trouble and im not solved it yet, though i might know this idea how its have to go, its look this level is one crowd controll levels like Chaos 3 & 21 and those type levles always caused me a most troubles, im so bad things like this
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Indeed, a backroute - should be fixable though.  Good work!


Cannot sleep. One more level.

Chaos 22 Hallowed ground

Did this are backroute again? That was quite easy level though.
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A backroute if only because the one-way arrows don't reach low enough!

EDIT: Actually it's badly broken.  Have to think hard.


Chaos 18 Splashdown

Don´t be mad Crane, but another "backroute" again i think? This one let Swimmer remain i think that was not your intention.

Chaos 9 Overflow (alternate route)
Crane just fix this level, that was still not intented, pretty happy with this rightnow. Take me while to beat this

Crane like really test my lemmings skills.:thumbsup:
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Chaos 23 Thanatos Gambit (2 little bit different solutions 2nd one is little bit faster) How ever im not pick up talisman

I really need this single bomber. I think i have to look some better. I´ll want this talsiman. Around half orginal Chaos Levels completed now. (mean 1:01 version)

I´ll put some more effort try find talisman solution yet. Let see did i can figured out it. I´ll goes travels in friday morning, so then i´ll keep some over one week to break.
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QuoteCuriously, did you manage to get the levels with the special tilesets to work?

Have to back this question again. I got find some tilesets like Chaos 15, this level working now. How ever here is some tilesets missing.

Where i can find tile sets Chaos 25 = Machine (namida)?

This is only tile set which are missing in Chaos mode. I am just focus play most chaos mode. So here might be some other missing too. I´ll might back this later again. I am got find a most myself.

I have most (namida) tile sets, but this Machine tile sets is somewhere in cyberspace.
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Machine is one of the Lemmings Plus tilesets, and shouldn't be any harder to get hold of than any of the others. Either use the in-game styles manager, or this link:


or the full download of all styles: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?program=52


Hey Thanks Proxima. Yeah i got this level play well now.:thumbsup:

Chaos 1: SUNSOFT Swindle (completion solution) (backroute?)

This might be "backroute" over again. I nearly know its backroute. Crane intention routes is usually cleaner and my style completed levels are just more cheeky & transgressive

Let see. How ever. I completed it with that way used. If i counted right that was 16th orginal version Chaos level completed rightnow. How ever Crane will fixed those routes later. ;P

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My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Yep, it's a backroute, and difficult to fix too.


v1.03 has been released.  A lot of backroute fixes in this one.  Get the latest version from the first post of this topic.


Chaos 20 Hell Challenger

No sure is that backroute, but its not are talisman solution, so i think its not matter very much back route or not. How ever 1 miner remain. Not sure is this Crane intention or not, but how ever i need all 5 minutes and all jumpers, might look talisman solutions later. This is quite fun level to play so i´ll keep progress look it more later ;)

I still play 1:01 version because i have several levels remain. I´ll always target find backroutes. How ever its strated be "impossible" soon.  At this point Crane levels start be really hard.

I am still stuck Chaos 26. That was one first chaos level i played and im not are completed it yet. I am spend at least good 10 hours with this level and im not even figured out any serious idea completed it. I think i am miss some neolemmings trick or somethings. :P This level really "kidding me":D

Chaos 20 Hell Challenger (silver talisman) sub 4 minutes (3:53)

Its actually very similar as my completion solution, but i timed all much better

Chaos 20 Hell Challenger (bronze talisman) jumper remain
Pretty similar. Will requires extra miner and little bit different lock system. That was pretty time precise one, even more than silver IMO
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Chaos 19 JAILBREAK! (gold talisman solution) :thumbsup:

Not sure Crane intention route in this level. How ever that was one coolest level entire pack IMO and REALLY COMPLICATED one. I still let some skills remain Never need floater and also extra builder remain This might be non intention route, but this level is huge and yeah it was tough/complicated one. This time limit caused me some serious troubles, luckily that was barely enought, its definitely not hardest level, but probably one most laborious level. Its not noobfriendly level, but i personally liked this type levels, i am pretty good with this type levels myself.
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The solutions aren't intended, but a lot of the required elements are there, so it should be easily patched and easy enough for you to re-solve - good work!


Quote from: Crane on July 06, 2023, 12:46:32 PM
The solutions aren't intended, but a lot of the required elements are there, so it should be easily patched and easy enough for you to re-solve - good work!

Okay. That nice to know. And thanks.:)

Chaos 12 Chilly disposition

LOL i just totally overlook that level all time when i attempt it before and i never completed. Okay that was extremely easy strategy when i finally figured it out. Its take me embarrassed long to solved. Not sure is this backroute or not, im not really need climber here. I used blocker cancel digger, but it was more time saver, probably not need it, there is quite much enought time IMO

Most 1:01 version Chaos levels are completed. Few hardest and probably some easier levels are remain yet. Have to count later. :P
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Bit of a backroute unfortunately - a digger there is not supposed to be successful, but good job nonetheless.


I am sorry Crane. I think you have to make 1:04 version yet.;P

I totally broke this level :evil:
Chaos 25 Immortal

Thats definitely backroute, not need worry about zombie guys
Video games player.
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My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Don't worry - version 1.04 is planned!  A couple of earlier levels got fixes and adjustments too.


v1.04 has been released!  Find the updated link here on the first post.


- Cute: The positions of Cute 9: "The needs of the few" and Cute 13: "Dream Eater" have been swapped.
- Cute 24: "Printing Press" - some graphical updates.
- Curious: The positions of Cute 18: "Stop, Look and Listen" and Cute 23: "Glide Slope" have been swapped.
- Curious 7: "The Long Way 'Round" - time limit increased from 2 minutes to 3; new bronze talisman added for completing in under 2 minutes.
- Curious 9: "Reverse Engineer" - new gold talisman.
- Curious 17: "Island Hopping" - backroutes fixed.
- Curious 21: "Going Down . . . . ." - bronze talisman upgraded to silver talisman and requirement tightened from 5 bashers to 4.
- Cunning 13: "Compression Method 2" - some graphical updates; new gold talisman.
- Chaos 12: "Chilly Disposition" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 19: "JAILBBEAK!" - backroutes fixed.
- Chaos 20: "Hell's Challenger" - talismans removed; new toolset.
- Chaos 23: "Thanatos Gambit" - map error fixed (compressor trap was too low).
- Chaos 24: "Halls of Reflection" - minor terrain change to reduce the precision required.
- Chaos 25: "Immortal" - backroutes fixed; builders increased from 3 to 5.


Finally load 1:04 version. Let see how many my old replays (1:01) will work here?

I attempts first time Cunning mode levels a today (spend most of time/hours on Chaos mode). (im not are perfect focus mode, so my attempts was pretty lazy) But i quickly notice thos levels are nearly as hard as some Chaos mode levels IMO. Challenge mode is not that hard for me, because i am mastered those old boards quite well when i work SNES, Oh no more lemmings & Genesis solutions, most those old boards are quite familiar for me because spend time 20-30 years with those boards.

How ever Crane pack is one best pack i ever played. I liked those retro style and very high challenge. Yeah compelted this pack will take easily years. So i think this will be my end time job.

I am extremely intereste Chaos 28  Denial. I spend with this level 12 hours+ with 1:01 version and when i finally completed it, that was backroute. This board is simply genius IMO. 1:04 are blocked my backroute i see. So its time to try find new one or intention one.

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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Heh, some of the later Cunning levels are hard, while Challenge is a break from things and is its own mini-game.  Good luck on Chaos 28!


Some 1:04 Chaos solutions. I think those strated goes pretty much inention route rightnow. I also completed several Cunning levels. Might post replays later.

Level 17 Diviside Action

Much harder with this time. I think its might intention one


New route was frustrating like hell IMO. Okay im not pick up talisman here, i have some ideas how this talisman solution could work. I lost Athlete lemmings at end. I think this idea pick up talisman is let Athlete lemming climping up at end, but its will requires a lot correct timings elsewehere Its till let only around 20 seconds waste time, its will be really hard timed that much better. How ever pretty glad to completed this level. Yes its take me 2 hours.

Level 24 Hall of Reflections

IIRC i saw this climber trick before so this new version level not really give me a lot those troubles

Cunning Mode levels 1-8 recorded on youtube.

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Divisive Action
Backroute unfortunately, but good find.  I'm going to have to think a little bit with that one, but I think it's as simple as reducing the timer to 2 minutes.

Acceptable.  My intended solution was proving impossible to enforce, but some trickery allowed you to save an extra lemming with it, so it became the gold talisman.

Halls of Reflection
Intended.  Cunning 4 introduces you to the trick, and here you have to remember it in a more complex setting.

I dare say... don't knock the Challenge levels!  25-30 are quite tough!


Might be backroute. Cunning 13 Compression Method 2

Im not use any climber.s Also pick up gold talisman which was sub 40 skills, i did it under 30 skills That was tough one. Im not even figured out where you will need use climbers here?

How ever that was hardest cunning level at this point game. I am played those cunning levels mostly order to order. I´ll post more cunning videos youtube later.  Let see did i figured other backroutes.

Just figured out simple thing.
Compression mehtod 2 have 4 entrance and 80 lemmings. You can save one entrance used climbers. How ever this might be pretty unique find  completed this level without any climbers. That take a lot time to make, IIRC over 2 hours
Video games player.
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That is a backroute, but I can't really stop it.  Best I can do is change the talisman to "no more than 11 builders" and have the solution open-ended


Okay. My nearly 20h progress a todays. Its sadly ended level 14. I got totally Stuck next levels 15+. So i´ll make next videos random order.

Cunning level 9-12

Cunnings level 13 & 14

I spend 5 hours level 15, but not make any serious completion. How ever i save 9/10 with my best attempt, its not completed level. I finally tired with this. Level 16 was even more crazier, there have to be some hidden trick, i might never are see before. I still got find one quite awesome cloner/miner/bomber combination trick, but its not help me enought here. Im not got any potential attempt with this level its seems just insane 1 cloner, 1,climber, 2 miner and 1 bomber and only two builders and those need have to be over the water gap. I got same feeling when i work Chaos 28, its pretty hopless

This point cunning mode start goes really crazy. Might make level completions one by one and random order because im not really care stuck each level 5-10 hours.

That was nice 20 hours Cranium marathon a today. Have to keep rest next. Be back later. Hope i got some frehs ideas.

Its fact lemmings has hundreds tricks. I learn many new which very rarery need any gameplay when i work my own pack and look Armani replays. I´ll sure i still missed some important tricks.
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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


I'm curious of your Cloner/Miner/Bomber trick that you've found.  It might be that I rearrange some levels between Cunning and Chaos come 1.05 on top of the fixes.


Here is trick. You are allowed miner to little bit in midair when you correct timing cloner and then bomber, this was only way which allow me turn this climber to back, not help me later levels look you can see I´ll post this replay

BTW. You ask me youtube did you forget post music zip Cunning 13. This look im not are load this theme. Even i am load buch of your music when i load your large zip. How ever at least 2 themes is missing. I checkout my old folders too, but yeah at least those two themes are missing.
-Prophecy 1 (this theme is used at least challenge level Angels fear.

If you can just PM me or load music zip. I could load those missing themes.

Here is this trick you ask me show. That was at least news to me (accident find), when i just foucs turn that climber to back. How ever im not really think you will need it often or its ruin your chaos levels. Its might give 1-2 pixels extra heights and help turn climber when you very rarery need it. Like you will see in replay its not help me very much later level.

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Dang - sorry about that.  Here are the missing tracks.


I think this is best possible what i can do Cunning 16

Save 29/30 another 4-5 hours attempts a today, i cannot make it any better and save 2nd bomber. I think its time to go forward and skip this level at this point. I attempt total 8 hours total several variations and theorys, but cannot figured out that any better

Okay i´ll post my best attempt zip and go for move next level. There is 2 theory: I overlook some simple things very badly or there is trick what i didn´t know. ???

How ever i was glad i got find that nice trick yesterday, even its was pointless here. :laugh:
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At least finally beat Cunning 15 S.C.R.O.O.G.E. This level also take me embarrassed long to beat. I look 4 hours few days ago and with this morning i decide i´ll beat it, what ever its will requires. Only 4 and half hours attempts. Total 8 hours+. Its longer than most levels i completed. Avaraga hard level take me some 2-3 hours around. Example Chaos 19 JAILBREAK. Casual leveles take usually 40-90 minutes to solved.  But here is level i am spend 12 hours+ and never find intention solution. Example Chaos 28. And my very hard backroute not work anymore 1:04 version.

15/30 Cunning Levels completed. 1:04 version.

ASK little question abotu cunning 16 under spoiler tag.

BTW is this intention you are add 2 bombers cunning 16, even you are allowed lost 1, this level are drained a lot my energy what ever way i look i´ll need 2 bombers reaching heights.

Here is completion solution Cunning 15. One harder level at this point game. Im not reach talisman, but i think i have to time things little bit better and will be reach it later when i focus more. Damn this level was complicated.

Cunning 28 Wishing Well (okay this is surely backroute) But its quite nice.

I bugged some metals so well, how ever its still take me all tools

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Cunning 28 is a backroute, but looks like it can be fixed if I'm more careful with the steel there.  Well done in completing Cunning.  I look forward to seeing all of the videos on YouTube soon!

It was intended to give 2 Bombers on Cunning 16, both to look symmetric in the tools you are given and also to see if you, the player, are paying attention!  An earlier level in Curious has 20 Bombers, but you have to save 100%... a classic Mayhem trick!


Hey thanks explains Cunning 16.

Thats look i have to look this level better. I´ll make it later. At this point my all ideas beat this level are totally drained empty.

Few more cunnings completions
Level 18 Crunsh Time (okay im not trying talisman solutions) Both might be very different than my completion solution
Level 19 Shim-Shimminy Shim Shimminy
Thats was one my favorite level, not sure is my solution intented, but yeah thats way work well too

Level 26 Prize Catch (completion only) I see here is talisman too. Have to look those talisman solutions later, its quickly look quite difficult one.

Migth requires some group controlls manipulations

Level 17 Nemesis (Completion solutions)

This is last level i´ll play with today. Very tired rightnow.

Luckily that was easy board, i solved it very quickly compred other boards, its might not intention route, but i think this board easily give several completion ways IMO

Also posted videos youtube expect level 26. I´ll post it later. I think i´ll need sleep little bit. Level 15 & 16 really drain my brain powers.

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Two "simple" levels completion todays

Cunning 21 Thats it!?? & 22 Pipe Burst

Im not work level 20 yet, tried it in yesterdays and this level seems hard and will requires more research, so i´ll be back it later. Also Cunning 16 is still forver progrerss, this level really not give me any ideas. Other levels are played order to order

Here is also youtube version both levels

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17, 19, 21, 22 and 26 are all backroutes.  Granted, Cunning 21 is a little more open-ended than the other levels, but I will make some minor fixes.


I´ll see i am figured a lot backroutes. I think level 27 is also non intention route.

27 was quite fun level and quite complicated, take me 90 minutes to solved. How ever i think your intention beat this level is way different than my way.

Here is youtube video 26 & 27 both

And level 27 zip

I just figured out i am beat most cunning 1:04 version levels. Some are remains yet. I think this 16 might my forever progress though. ;P
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Cunning levels 24 & 25
24 Heaven and Earth
25 Cloning Vats

Completion solution in youtube

Level 24 Heaven and Earth
Very fun and simple level, i think this route is also intention, i´ll wonder if this is backroute. I use all tools, all time and all spaces, this level was fun and simple

Level 25 Cloning Vats
One my personal favorite level. Its not too hard, not too easy, just take some plannings. Not sure is this intention route, i think its at least are close intention one. How ever i never need use Fencer.

I´ll post replay zips too if crane have to fix his pack. I am pretty surprise i am got find that much backroutes over again. I did same type finds when i play Chaos mode 1:01 version.

No much cunning levels remains 20, 23 & 30


Level 20 (Spend 45 minutes attempts yesterday. This level seems very hard. I´ll need deeper reserach with this board. maybe even lemming editor training.
Level 23 (Few attempts yesterday) Not perfectly figured this starting. Very weird toolbox skills, will requires deeper research
Level 30 (Few attempts, this level seems brutal)

And here is zips. Be right back. Great pack Crane. :thumbsup:

Cunning 29 Short Changed completion solution

I loved this level, there is a lot my favorite tricks which i also used my own packs, im not aimed talisman with this time, but i´ll definitely give shot with later.
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Oh my God. I am completely idiot. :XD: Okay Cunning 16 solved.

That was so damn easy, i over look all time and spend 9 hours waste time. Okay i´ll going back and look again. I take few beers and yeah its look this really help me and its take me only 15 minutes. I am extrmely ashamed rightnow. Yes i am sometimes idiot. This was hilarious. Spending 9 hours level 15 not was that embarassed, this level was really hard, i think this level 16 might one easier level to executed, but i think too hard ways, i just forget most simple way and i think its might help when you read level name correct. :forehead:

Youtube solution

I think i have check out Chaos 28 next. I think i am overlooked this level as well so much.

Cunning 15 was indeed very hard level, its not bad i spend 8-9 hours with this, because this level was complicated like hell. But Cunning 16 was one easier

How ever 3 Levels remains Cunnings yet. 20, 23 & 30.
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Heh, I'm glad you managed to solve Cunning 16 at last!  Levels are being patched nicely for 1.05 too!  You planning to go through the Challenge rank or Cute and Curious for sake of completion?  Some of the talismans are a little tough!


Quote from: Crane on August 23, 2023, 08:12:32 PM
Heh, I'm glad you managed to solve Cunning 16 at last!  Levels are being patched nicely for 1.05 too!  You planning to go through the Challenge rank or Cute and Curious for sake of completion?  Some of the talismans are a little tough!

Many levels are remain yet. I am beat all levels your Cute mode. I am completed 16 levels in row curious mode. (will be back this later, its just intention i let some remains, because when i want solved easier levels sometimes when i am tired) I am currently completed 27/30 levels your cunning mode. And some half levels are completed challenge mode (how ever there is very hard talisman challenges remains, im not are catch notihing those ones) I am beat most your levels Chaos mode (1:01 version) but nearly all was backroute. So techincally im not are beat many your levels 1:04 version. Only few replays match here comparred 1:01.

I start focus my all effort cunning mode. I`ll also will hope my replays help you make pack harder & better. I´ll knew how frustrating it is make some extreme levels. I was personally very frustrated when i work my own pack Custom +3 Step 5 myself  Armani was my test player here. So i think i finally got at least accetable Step 5. But like Armani say. Its impossible avoid backroutes. Some pack have to be fixed even 100 times.

Be right back.:) This your pack is definitely one my personal favorite. :)

No worry i have a lot job with your pack yet. And its seems 1:05 version will be even much harder Cunning mode in future.

I´ll se you not use sliders your pack. Is this your intention? Its one most genius skill IMO. There is tons different slider tricks, and most was news to me. Armani show me a lot.
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Most of my levels are relatively old and I started assembling the pack before the Slider and Laserer were introduced.  The Jumper and Shimmier are the latest skills used in the pack.  If I had to list the skills used:

* Climber
* Floater
* Bomber
* Blocker
* Builder
* Basher
* Miner
* Digger
* Walker
* Jumper
* Glider
* Swimmer
* Disarmer
* Stoner
* Platformer
* Stacker
* Fencer
* Cloner

Remember to give Challenge a try too!  Some of those levels are not easy!

I also realised that Cunning has the largest concentration of 1 minute levels!

Remind me... which levels of Chaos haven't you completed yet in any form?


Okay thanks answer.

About Cunning mode. There is only 2 level remain anymore. Just two levesl 20 & 30 are remain cunning 1:04. Completed level 23 today.

Level 23 Oil Refinitery completion solution, not sure is it intented, but i think its might are pretty much
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhLa_mcvaSU&t=1s&ab_channel=metroidmaster88, its no was too easy, take some 90 minutes to solved

Here is also Cunning 23 completion zip.

QuoteRemind me... which levels of Chaos haven't you completed yet in any form?

Hmm have to think.
Orginal Chaos mode levels.

My 1:01 playlist contains 23 videos.
But next levels are remain your oginal pack


Level 3 incombressible. My PB is 94/95 lemmings to saved, but this level brutal hard IMO
Level 7 Don´t bother (serisouly im not are attempt that board very much. Only tested it. Have took its better later
Level 13 Cliffsihde Hostel (Some reason im not figured out anythings about this level. Even attempted it quite bit) I think i`ll need some special trainings
Level 14 Problem (I am attempt this but not are solved it.) I´ll also see you are blocked some backroute 1:04 versions
Level 15 Dropship (I am attempt this level only few times) So that pretty unique level for me. So Have took it later
Level 16 Highrise Hijinks (spend 1-2 hours working, but not solved. How ever im not are test all my ideas yet. So definitely back with this level later.
Level 21 Think Fast (a lot attempt this level like a lot level 3 too. My PB is 99% Cannot save last one.
Level 26 Are you kidding me. Im not are completed it myself. I bored it when i attempt it 1-2 month without any ideas. I later look Ichotolot replay and i´ll know this idea right now. Yes im not was figured out that very soon myself. :D
Level 27 Dodge this (making only some random attempts around 45 minutes. But not are work that seriously.
Level 29 Christmas Spirit (never are making any serious attempt here. So its pretty fresh level remain

How ever i  think only few my Chaos levels solution match your 1:04 version anymore.

Have to count some challanged levels later. I have several remain, but also several completions, but all completions in random orders. Yes i´ll agrees some your challenge levels are really hard. At least

Hells Kitchen. I am attempt it but not completed it
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For Cunning 23:
What you did at the start was a bit unintended, but I'll accept it, especially as everything else after that was the intended solution.  The intention at the start was that the first lemming starts building a few steps ahead of the trapdoor, the second lemming goes past, the third lemming becomes a "pass-through" blocker right below the trapdoor, and then the builder becomes a blocker before the fourth lemming passes.  You then release the first blocker with a miner in the crowd, and the pass-through blocker is released by the climber mining underneath, who can then escape that small alvove by climbing out.  I may still patch it, but it's such a minor thing and you would easily be able to re-solve it even if i didn't tell you the solution.

Indeed, Challenge 27 is quite hard but also unique because it forces this level to be solved differently to normal.  Challenge 27, 28 and 29 have a reputation of being very hard levels!


Here we go again. Cunning 30 Run!

Might be little bit backroute, because im not need all pick ups? just let one climber away. How ever this was really fun level, but very complicated one. Its take nearly 2 hours and several practice replays timings all lemmings "flood" correct

BTW I spend another 45-60 minutes level 20, but this level really like freeze me over again. Just cannot figured any working idea right now. I have to look it later again or moved challenge mode next. 20 is only cunning mode level remain yet. I think i´ll want all green marks UP.

Cunnings Mode 1:04 is completed succesfully.
Level 20 Ziggurat

Even extra lemmings saved. nearly 2 extra saved, but my time ended few frames before goal, i think 1 lost solution might be barely possible with better releaserate manipulation, this time limit is extreme about it. That was one harder level entire cunning mode. Very hard blocker stair trick was keyword in my solution, not sure is this intention, but spending few hours total, that was only one i figured out.

Very happy all 30 cunning levels are done.

Here is full playlist. All levels added order

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My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Challenge levels 1-10
Challenge level 11-14
Challenge levels 15-20

1-20 levels to play oder to order. :thumbsup:

5 Challenge levels is remain yet. Levels 21, 23, 25, 27 & 29 (im not even attempt all thoses yet.

At this point level 11 Hex was really tough level to perform, even i knew that trick, but it was extremely hard perfrom here, i ts really take a lot time beat this level and its not even very complicated

What heck is time limit in level 15. :laugh: I barely can save 1 lemmings in 1 min 59 seconds. :D All other 9 no hope. ITs seems impossile group controlls here, very limited skills.. This level is really weird, just lookin out other routes, but no figured out it and not have even potential ideas rightnow, so i moved forward and lets look this later. BTW. COmpleted it few hours later. That idea was much easier than i thinking, just need some test orginal level Sunsoft 17 Cave Quest. That was easy figured out then.

Level 15 completed
That was very easy, i just overlook it, but making some test orginal level Sunsoft 17 Cave Quest i figured out it very quickly

5 Levels remain yet.:)

EDIT 2*************
1-20 levels recorded in youtube.
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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


3 Challenge levels are remain yet. 23, 27 & 29

What to heck im not figured out level 23 10 bombers and 10 lost allowed. I attempt lemmings editor with 20 bombers and 11 bombs and 3 blockers is my abosolutely theory max so 14 lost :P

BTW Here is completion solutions other levels. Expect no 30, because only 6 zip is allowed post in one post.

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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Level 27 Challenge Hells Kitchen completed (its take quite long 3 hours around) Even with this board is very familiar for me.

That levels was really damn hard. I have to make perfect plan and then i have to perform it. That was also very frustrating, because my time ended always right before goal line and always have to start enitre level over again, that was some masterpiece when i finally got beat it in 1:58. For sure one harder level at this point, even harder than JAILBREAK, not sure though, both are very hardcore levels and both are frustratings, because when you timed some wrong you have to start all over again

Very close to beat challenge mode. 23 & 29 are remains anymore. Okay i think i have to test orginal oh no more version level 29 first, before i start work Crane solution. IIRC this was quite hard level Oh No More Lemmings too. One harder in game.

Level 23 Stuck me so much and not have even  theory ideas completed this rightnow, maybe i figured it later. maybe not. So i cannot post perfect youtube playlist yet.

How ever there is 27 & 30 Replays.

Totally burnouted Challenge 23.
My current best with lemmings editor 11 bombers and 1 blocker its give 78% (used 20 bombers) I simply cannot figured any better, spending several hours so i skip this level and try again if i figured some tricks. I test that level a lot, using 2 entrance and several test lemmings. This final Web take mandatory 3 bombers, so i have to make first web 6 bomber or 1 blocker 5 bombers or 2 blocker or 7 bombers without blockers, I somereason find this totally impossible. I´ll might overlook over again somethings really simple or there is some hidden weird tricks.

Some awesome finds. Chaos 21 Think Fast (Finally complted)

Okay this trick was pretty simple. I used pretty similar my own pack, so i wanted test it here. Its seems work. This level take me overal long, but after burnouted Challenge 23 i wanted test some shorth Chaos levels again and yes happy with this, i quite quickly figured out this thing at this time

Here is Challenge youtube solutions (not contains 23)
Levels 21 & 22
Levels 24-26
Levels 27 & 28

Hell Yeah Chaos 21 Think Fast

HMMM: Its might time to test Chaos 28 again. :laugh: I have some more experience than few month ago. But yeah i want to beat Challenge mode first. Only 2 levels remain 23 & 29. How ever im not are test level 29 yet, but i am hear its tough level.
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Chaos 28 Denial. 1:04 version. Backroutes are closed. Only way is intention

This all take me total over 30 play hours, but without knew that advance trick i never was completed that level, so i have to back to play easier levels and learn to tricks, when i knew that trick i work on this level 6 hours+.

Here is Denial youtube solution. You might want solved it yourself. So don´t watch if you don´t are played that level yourself. I´ll say all this work was worth it.

Here is also full list Step 2 Curious 1-30 Levels in youtube.

Let post Denial Zip file too

I still have a lot 1:04 version Chaos levels remains. I am completed othermodes. How ever 1 level are remain Challange mode yet.

Thats Chaos 28 Denial was still little bit backroute. At least i am keep working on that level. 1:01 version solution take 12 hours and 1:04 version solution much longer. Let see did Crane fix this 1:05 version, but i think iam personally done with this level.

Spending total 30 game hours and several months 3 minutes level is so massive amount time. :thumbsup:
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For now I'll keep your solution to Denial as an acceptable alternative because of the timing required.  As you said yourself, it's more complicated than my intended solution.  Well done on finally completing it and it being such a milestone for you!  I guess it really stands up as being the hardest level in Lemmings Cranium!

As mentioned elsewhere, some of the earlier levels are designed to introduce new tricks that you must then apply later on with little prompt.


So much thanks Crane. I´ll very thankfully. This solution was my masterwork ever. Its take me tons time, tests and its still was so hard. I have to make everythings perfect.

Total 32 hours Denial, but when i knew this trick its still take 6-7 hours, i just spend entire night work that thing:  How i save this climber alive, that was so hard, i think Hells Kitchen and JAILBREAk both was easy levels compared Denial, still those ones was also extremely hard levels too, i later check out Kaywhyn solution Hells Kitschen, that was way different than my own. JAILBREAK is also genius level i solved it 1:04, but not pick up talisman, i have still idea how pick up it, have to work harder.

Denial is my best Neolemmings works ever. I never are played harder level myself. This level was technically all my human limit. Its take so much frustratings, brainstorms. I´ll still loved this level. Its just Test your skill did you are Master. :thumbsup:
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*nudge-nudge* Nominate "Denial" for "Level of the Year" when the time comes?!


Quote*nudge-nudge* Nominate "Denial" for "Level of the Year" when the time comes?!

I´ll vote Denial level of the years. Its one most balances levesl which seperate expert players to master players. Its requires as well math and visual inteligence and perfect lemmings experience. I´ll personally call that "Mensa" level. Also awesome music choice make this level pleasant to play. How ever i personally little bit got bored that music when i listen it hours in row. :D that still one your best music choices levels like Denial.

I personally cannot called myself lemmings master players category until i beat this level. So i want make all my powers to focus all my energy with this level and solved it.

Crane pack is also my one personal favorite. Its test nearly everythings. How ever its not very noob friendly pack IMO. Even Cute mode could be quite brutal at end.

BTW I´ll also vote this "Pack of the years" :thumbsup:
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Once you finish all of the Chaos levels (am I right in thinking that Curious and Cunning are now complete?), I'll release 1.05.


Yes Cute, Curious, Cunnings all complted 1:04 version. 1 Single level remain in Challenge (that is level 29) I just watch it little bit but, because it seems its will some long work level. So I´ll back it when i am more focus mode myself.

Let start look some Chaos level again. (1:01 beat many, but many new are patched) Have to check out which 1:01 replays will play 1:04 versions too.

Here will be 2 new levels. This level 7 i never are played before. Level 4 is new route. You patched my old one.

Chaos 7 Don´t bother (this is my first completion solution) im not played that 1:01 version already
Might be backroute or not, some skill remain, but its might be intention here 2 bombers too and all saved required

Chaos 4 Containment
I did new solution, my 1:01 version solution was patched, so i did another one, not sure its intention with this time

I already show replays 1:04 version Chaos levels: 17, 19, 21, 24 & though 28.

Chaos 11 Stone Crestbay (backroute again)

New backroute founded. All in one goal, that was just much easier than aim each per different goal, this level might some very hard fix without one lemming goal rules
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BTW i think i figured out your Chaos 4 Containment intention route. Is it this?

Its bit slower than my 1:04 version backroute, its seems this way is possible in 1:05 version right?, this also used all skills and most times

BTW All my 3 previous Chaos levels solution 1:04 was more or less backroutes. Okay i think figured out intention Chaos 4.

Chaos 20 Hell´S Challenger (1:04 version)

New toolboxes (way different than 1:01 version)


Honeslty your Chaos mode levels being started truly hard at this point. Take me whole night make at least one more completion solution.

I also look few hours Chaos 3, 13, 14, 15 & 16 Also those solutions are remain 1:01 version too, just no idea at this point completed those freaking hard levels

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Yes, that's the intended solution of Containment - well done.
You can put the Stacker closer to the trapdoor since the Shimmier that floats down is also a Climber.


Huh we are working Crane 1:05 version a lot a today.

I think i never are figured out that much backroutes any level like Chaos 17 Divesive action. I totally busted this level 1:04 versions and Crane are give me at least 6-7 new prototype levels

How ever one my Longest progress finally done

Chaos 3. Incompressible. I was just going to sleep when my brain runs overdrive. I just simply figured out it when i trying to rest.

Only 3 skills, but this level really take me a lot time to solved. Its one my longest project 1:01 version several months ago, how ever that was completely very simple idea, so i´ll feel myself little bit retared when its take that forever to solved.

Chaos 3 solution. I think its intented. Its have to be.
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My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


That is intended for Chaos 3 - well done, you finally got it!


We got yesterday done Crane Level Chaos 17 Divisive action. Its only take me 6 modify 1:05  prototype boards when we patch all backroutes and let only intention remain. Its will be pretty backroute free in 1:05 version. 8-)

Here we go again. Totally new level for me (never played before)
Chaos 29 Christmas Spirit (completion solution only) not contains talisman.

This level not was that horrible hard, but its quite complicated and its take nearly 2 hours figured out that my completion solution, that also my first touch with this level, that was quite unique level for me. Let see will Crane accept or denied this solution.
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Chaos 27 Dodge This completion solution

I am pretty sure its backroute, im not really need use that swimmer anytime here also some other skills remain. That not was very hard level, only take 60 minutes to solved, this is also my 1st completion


Yeah that Chaos 27 was backroute. I´ll wait see your fixed solution. You can just send me fixed solution with PM. I´ll try solved it.

Chaos 15 Dropship 12

I think its quite bit intented one. This solution was easy, but its requires some test with lemming editor, because this board is completely weird looking. Its fun short level and also my first completion


EDIT 2******************
Chaos 16 High Rise Hijinks

This was tough level and i think its have to be intented route too, i spend too many hours total to solved it, yeah this completion solution was genius

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As I mentioned elsewhere, Chaos 27 is a backroute and completely unexpected, but has hopefully been fixed now.  Chaos 15 was also a backroute which is easy enough to patch.

Chaos 16 was intended though - well done!


Chaos 27 Dodge This! solution B (Played 1.05 prototype version) Replay workded 1:04 version too. 1:05 prototype version are patch this "updraf bug" So we cannot use it anymore.

This is backroute for sure too. I still spend 5 hours with this. I just tried figured Crane intention route, but my best got 48 saved, and i really did my best. I think its might some close intention idea more than my completion solution.

Just bye bye swimmer and suck my nuke bomb, you drain my energys few 5 hours ;P :devil:

Okay Crane I´ll wait your new patch solution. Just PM me and answer my question about 48 saved solution. I´ll want find your intention way. But i think i first break your level. :D
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My Huge Lemmings Projects

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My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Most of the levels seem to be patched now, or at least you haven't broken them any further!  You've definitely been busy, that's for sure!


QuoteMost of the levels seem to be patched now, or at least you haven't broken them any further!  You've definitely been busy, that's for sure!

No problem. I´ll want work that your pack perfect as i can. This your pack is like my own child. I loved it but i´ll chastise it. This is quite fun too. I got personally few laughs when we prgresss Divisive Action and you have to patch this level over 6 times and i have to solved it too. Total hours we spend was 8 hours. Divisive Action are always my one favorite level your pack. I am glad we finally got perfect level 1.05 version.

Your 1.05 version will be brutal. I´ll load it myself when you are done. I have to some test your level yet. We are pretty done about rough backroutes. That work what we do Divisive action was fun and requirs some sarcasm.. Its definitely backroute free right now. IIRC We spend this levle 8 hours+
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Is that finally your intention solution Chaos 27 Dodge this!. Okay i work that 6 more hours today.

I´ll also look all possibles advance stacker tricks what i could imagine

At this point that my perfect. Or is this 3rd alternate backroute solution? This might be hilarious if i figured out 3rd backroutes in this level. ;P

Some new stacker trick are learn a today. How ever Chaos 27 not contains real new things for me, that was otherwise just that hell fucking complicated. I´ll see cliffshide Hostel contains some unique tricks. Just watch some youtube Advance training videos and figured out here is some new tricks with Stoner/stackers and stackers builders, i personally never see before.

Okay only 2 levels remain orginal Chaos version
Just Chaos 13 & 14.

Though a lot your fixed levels are remain.

Okay i think i could imagine beat cliffside hostel next, because i´ll see some unique stacker/stoner tricks.

Other 2 prototype level 1:05 Proto
Chaos 12 Chilly dispostion 1:05 proto v3 completion
I did its much easier than last time.

Chaos 15 Dropship 12 1:05 Proto version

Little bit different than 1:04 version, but main idea come quite bit same as last time

EDIT 2*************************
Chaos 10 Wrong Side Failure (1.04 completion route) Not contain talisman, so i think its not intented. I´ll attempt that talisman bit later.

EDIT: 3*********************************
Chaos 10 Wrong Side Failure (talisman completed)
Youtube video contains both way differents solutions. 2nd one contains talisman.

I think this talisman route might be intention too. It was very hard to figured out. I spend 3 hours with this. Completion time under 41 seconds.

EDIT: 4***********************
Chaos 18 Splashdown

Bit different level than 1.01 version, but main idea is basically same, how ever you need this swimmer with this time. This solution is quite surely intented one too.

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Hopefully Chaos 15 and 18 are fixed now.  I recall that small wall I removed being necessary for a backroute patching in the past, but I can't remember what it was for - hopefully nothing major. We're so close to 1.05 being ready.


I think Chaos 15 is totally fixed i cannot solved it anymore. That previous proto version was tough ones, this newest is burn out. :devil:

Okay we are figured out a lot backroutes Chaos 18 Splashdown. Have to fix it a lot.

One backroute allow me save all lemmings

Chaos 12 Chilly disposition is ready. Okay this level also take some several times patch alls. My completion solution was little bit different than Crane, but accetable.  Chaos 27 Dodge It was intention last time. That was very frustrating level for me. Take me total 12 hours and got find two backroutes. Both will patched 1.05 version

Chaos 10 Wrong Side-Failure

This level will be intersted in next time, i got figured new talisman here

BTW here is my new completion. I think its intention. There is not really other choices
Chaos 2 Polar Pass.

Chaos 9 Overflow (1.04 version completion solution) Two my backroute was fixed already 1.01 version. Not sure is this ideal? But that way i got pass it with this time.

Only few 1.04 version Chaos levels are remains yet I count 5 levels.

Chaos 1, 6, 13, 14 & 25 We still make hard progress 1.05 version. Its will be some very brutal compared 1.04 version. :devil:

EDIT 2***************************************
Chaos 1 SUNSOFT Swindle (1.04 version completion solution)

This solution was HARD. Its take me around 3 hours different testings and this was helluva lot harder than 1.01 version solution, which allow 2 lost, no trap terran and contain bombs. This alos have to be intention. How ever Crane told me Polar Pass was backroute, even i think its have to be intented, because those limited skills.


Total 4 Level remain in Chaos & 1 level remain challenge mode. 145/150 levels are completed 1.04 version.
Challenge 29 (yes im not are put effort wiht this level) I just are helping improve Crane pack and mostly Chaos levels.
Chaos 6, 13, 14 & 25

I am nearly testing everythings and yeah this all are taking so much time, but luckily i have good amount waste time.:) I´ll glad to help improve Crane pack. I think we both are pretty tired and frustratings at this point. Backroutes here and there. :P Have to make better and plan better.

I´ll hope i am good test player. I´ll do my best. :thumbsup:
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We finally got perfect Chaos 18 Splashdown done. Thats tired we both. Crane fix and solved. IIRC that 7-8 prototype version which forced me use intention route. We also make it little bit harder/sharper. I think i´ll make some youtube video collections all denied routes later when 1.05 are released. Many denied routes was also genius and learn a lot with lemmings. Its like Chaos 17 Divisive Action. Its also take a lot work patch all.

BTW my Chaos 1 SUNSOFT Swindle and Polar Pass both was backroutes. With this time i not have even any good clues about intentions those solutions How ever:

Crane will pointed my genius solution SUNSOFT Swindle and there might be some news remake levels in Cunning modes

Also Chaos 9 Oveflow was backroute. (that not my personal favorite level, i´ll look it later though. At this time we hardly work Chaos 22 Hallowed Ground. This like new Splashdown and Divisive Action. So many alternate ways and very hard find intented.

Thats my real full time job are Crane test player. I am learn a lot with lemmings travel with this.  8-)

Chaos 6 Mind the Gap (1.04 version completion solution (not contains talisman) and its might backroute. Im not know Crane intention idea here. My 1.01 version route was closed, so i goes little bit different with this time, but quite similar main idea used.. 1.01 starting replay working well here. But end part goes different


EDIT 2***********************
Chaos 14 There is one small problem

Okay this level was easy when i was focus mode (only 10-15 minutes attempts a tonight), some reason i overlook that over and over, i think this keyword is use clear physic tool here, this help all precise timings. I´ll currently play all hard levels using that tool, this reveal me all secerets and also open find backroutes. So im not really care much graphic you use. Yes its bit borring use that tool all time, but its help play EXTREME levels. This level allow even 1-2 pixel error marginal about bomb/builder, its not even horrible frame perfect

Only 2 Level are remain Chaos mode 1.04 version (3 levels remain total 1.04 version) 147/150 levels completed)
13 Cliffside Hostel (only level i never are beat even 1.01 version). This level is heck nightmare. Only good thing its quite shorth.
Luckily i´ll learn some advance trainings levels which use stackers/stoners/fencer tricks, so i think i can at least theory completed this next, because i´ll knew all those tricks. Thanks Ichotolot advance training pack
25 Immortal (new board is completely different. Im not are give any shot new version level yet, might go for it soon.

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There isn't room for your genius trick on SUNSOFT Swindle in the pack unfortunately, unless another level gets completely broken and has to be replaced.  But I am saving the idea for something in the future maybe.

Still patching other levels though.


JES JES Finally my another masterwork are done. Chaos 13 Cliffside Hostel (Please Crane if this not your intention, please don´t patch it) This is way too genius. I think i´ll list this your pack TOP 3 hardest level at this point.

THIS LEVEL WAS HARD LIKE HELL plan at also executed.At this point i´ll count it TOP 3 hardest level list i every played. Two other are Chaos 26 & 28. 27 is trick is extremely hard figured out, but its not otherwise too hard executed. Its nothing compared Cliffside Hostel or Denial.

This level timings aim are very Close Denial solution. They are so freaking precise. No errors marginal allowed.

How long this take me (I count 6 & half hours attempts with tonight) I was so scared at end, because i have to motofine everythings perfect and scare i miss some. Thanks god i got all work finally.

This solution was super genius. Im not is that intention, but please Crane keep this and don´t patch this., i practice those tricks a lot that first tricks i used are never show even advance lemmings training pack. Its was my accident find week ago. Yeah always knew its will work miner and basher, but yeah its work fencer too.

BTW Look my fucking timings. This solution was so freaking mad. I am so happy. As happy as when i got beat Denial.

Here is video and zip
Chaos 13 Cliffside Hostel completion solution. I´ll hope its intented or its wil l stay alternate solution.


Im not want touch that level anymore. But this completion make me super happy. I was close to freaking out when i complted it.  :lem-shocked:

My Cliffside Hostel solution will stay 1.05 version. I just see Crane intention solution, its completely very different, but technically very genius one too. Hard to say which are harder one, but both are way different solutions. Though both used all tools and a lot tricks.
Video games player.
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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Sadge we cannot fix Chaos 22 hallowed grounds., Yeah its techincally impossible, because there is no theory way make it and block backroutes. Let see which is Crane plan/visions here??

He might keep current solution alive or he might replace it with new level, this level is impossible to fix

Divisive Action & Splashdown will be some really brutal next time. Also Dropship 12. I´ll give up Crane latest proto Dropship 12. That was simply too hard for me.. But yeah that take also some several protos to fix correct.

We are worked Crane levels to hard. And luckily most are fixable, even its sometimes took a lot work and frustratings.

I loved that job are Crane testplayer. Crane pack is always are my personal favorite.

Be right back. Crane will give more informations later. We are quite close 1:05. ;)
Video games player.
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My Huge Lemmings Projects

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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Damn sorry Crane. I forget some spoiler tags. My bad.  :-[ But how ever im not revela those new levels.

I´ll use spoiler tags when i think i need those. I think that was my fault too. Luckily its could be fixed. But im not revela too much. Yes i´ll fix my post. Sorry Crane.

What you ask me hiiden there under spoiler tags? Just i think im not revela too much. At least 1.05 version will be secret.

Video games player.
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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Dman i am fucking drunk right now. I think i have to erased some?

Did this Ok im post your completion solutions in yotube. (I´ll also make its less spoil as i can) Used minimal reveal picture.

This look i am used spoiler tags, What heck i am forget under spoiler tags?
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


BTW Crane. This is yout topic you can erased all my unwanted post here. Its not matter much. Im not even know what i did wrong? but its might culture difference. I am sorry about this. Np other words. As far as i thin youtube videos is also okay? Righht? What to heck i do wrong? Tell me?

Im not want make your angry or sad. I´ll be glad we are making through those all progress.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


No problem.

Here is final 1.04 version Chaos level completed.
Level 25 Immortal

Might be backroute, but not cheap like 1.01 version. How ever that was still easy level, only 15 minutes to solved

1.04 version is now completed succesfully. All 30 Chaos levels. Okay Challenge 29 is remain yet. And im not are run through all cute mode replays 1.04 version. Though play all those through 1.01 version.

I´ll might look some Crane 1.05 proto levels yet, if we could fix those routes before 1.05 version will be released.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


So a couple of Chaos levels are currently broken and I'm trying to think how to patch or redesign them.  It's a little frustrating, but that's the nature of things sometimes.


QuoteSo a couple of Chaos levels are currently broken and I'm trying to think how to patch or redesign them.  It's a little frustrating, but that's the nature of things sometimes.

Is there several levels broken?

I just know only Hallowed Ground, that seems impossible patch my backroute without breaking your intention. We test that Small problem last time with new toolsets? Is that still broken? did i can see your 1.04 version intention solution Small problem? Curious to see what is that your point here? i counted that your last proto with old tool sets was pixel perfect and 1.04 version solution give me 1-2 pixel error marginal.

We fixed Immortal twice. My 1.04 version backroute was quite cheap, but two last was better and i´ll guess that latest version was close your intented, how ever 1 builder remain

Good luck. Yes i´ll imganine that some frustratings.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

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Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


We hardly work Crane pack. Good news one broken level is now perfectly fixed, even its take a tons time and have to test different tool sets. Finally got done perfect level which make Crane happy.

Thats fact i am extremely good test player and we are "sadge" got find so many other backroutes nearly everywhere. I am very good with my job and extremely efficient test player, my system with test player are also look levels cheaper routes, most test players forget test those ones and focus more other routes.

When 1.05 is ready. Its will be extremely good/strong version. Even its take that what its take. Just a lot frustrations and time. I´ll hope im not make Crane too mad. Its my testplayer job. Im not are good guy. I am ruthless asshole who break levels all times.

My intention is still good. If im not figured out those backroutes, someone else will be figured out then later. I´ll make sure, 1.05 version will be really strong and very hardly improve.

Current backroutes/possible backroutes we have to solved:


Chaos 1 SUNSOFT Swindle (One backroute is fixed. Im not are got respond about my newest
Chaos 7 Don´t Bother (Im not are got respond yet
Chaos 9 Overflow very cheap way again, lucikly its easy to fix i think.
Chaos 11 Stoncrest bay (two different way make all saved in one goal and both was different goal. This techinically could be easily fixed used one goal rules, but Crane currently don´t want use that
Chaos 22 Hallowed Ground (Currently broken level) Crane have to make desing again. My backroute is simply way too strong even used pick ups.
Chaos 25 Immortal (im not are got respond yet) I think my newest route have to be close intention.

I´ll Wish good luck. ;)
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Good Job Crane. We finally Patched your pack perfectly. Its still little risk some backroutes will still stay. At least in Chaos mode, this risk is very minimal anymore. At least we fix all major backroutes. So i´ll glad with this.

We wait 1.05 version and this update will be huge. I am glad im help Crane make his own pack most extreme. We spend over 60 hours to Chaos mode patch some levels.

I´ll more focus my own pack, thanks god im not have those themes like Crane, so i´ll usually allow more backroutes myself. Backroutes always piss me off too. I´ll only can imagine Crane feeling when i broke his level like mad. :devil:

I´ll hope this was worth it. Crane pack is one most awesome entire site. I´ll also like Crane Style. Most levels are old school style and i´ll personally liked this style. I´ll usually use Clear Physic mode play levels, so im not enjoy special grapich or ETC.... Expect replays. Its only way solved Extrme levels.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Thank you so much for the help MASTER-88, and I'm glad I inspired you!  Version 1.05 has been released!  Find the updated links and downloads on the first post (the music ZIP has had some missing files added - let me know if I forgot any).


Quote from: Crane on September 30, 2023, 05:28:21 AM
Thank you so much for the help MASTER-88, and I'm glad I inspired you!  Version 1.05 has been released!  Find the updated links and downloads on the first post (the music ZIP has had some missing files added - let me know if I forgot any).

Nice job. I loaded your new version. That progress we did was insane. I´ll happy we did it, even its tired and frustrated we both.

I think i did use my all own lemmings skills your pack. How ever backroute risk is still possible. At least i not have ideas anymore about Chaos modes. I´ll glad you got your pack just that awesome. Good work.


I see you did little typo your fix list

Chaos 12: "Chilly Disposition" - backroutes fixed.  Time reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes. I think you set time limit Stonecrest Bay 5 to 4 minutes. Chilly Dispostion is still 1 min 30 right
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

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Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


Oh whoops, yes that time limit reduction applies to Stonecrest Bay.


Hi Crane,

I've solved all of the pack. Replays attached and of course feedback :) Crane already knows, but I did an LP of the pack.

LP Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJsO6bPXihuqAXaQgDr-FtW9. Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Lemmings Cranium is a level pack by Crane. It consisted mostly of his contest levels and really old levels from the Dos/Lemmix days which I helped convert to up-to-date NL, with some that are completely new and made exclusively for the pack. Although Crane has been a long-time member of the Lemmings Forums and has been in the level making scene for a really long time, until this pack's release, he has never released a full level pack of his own. Now that Lemmings Cranium is out, he finally has, when it was released sometime last year (2023). Before that, he released Lemmings Cranium Preview, which is a teaser of sorts of his upcoming Lemmings Cranium pack which is only one full rank of 30 levels, the Challenge rank, which is the 4th of 5 ranks in the eventual release of the actual pack. I'm very happy that I could be of service to help bring his really old levels up-to-date to modern NL, as well as hunt down old levels of his that he doesn't have anymore and same thing with certain music tracks that you can hear in this pack. I also had the honor of pre-testing some select levels of Crane's before the pack's release. Thus, I congratulate Crane on finally releasing a full level pack of his own many years after releasing several mini Dos level packs which you can find on the Lemmings Level Database. Note that not all of them eventually made it in this pack, but a lot of them are in here!

Lemmings Level Database link to Crane's Dos packs: http://lemmings-db.camanis.net/levelpack/list?sort=name&filter=garjen

Cute Rank Feedback

The first rank of the pack, it consists mostly of X-of-everythings and a few easy puzzles. The end of the rank does get challenging, but they're still quite tame compared to levels in the later ranks. Much like what L1 does, several of the levels in the rank are easier versions whose repeats will be seen in the later ranks. I guess due to lack of levels Crane made the personal decision to take several of his hard levels and make easier versions of them by providing an X-of-everything skillset, very similar to what RotL does.

Feedback on a Few Levels

Cute 10 - Hedge Maze - Definitely better in NL than on Dos, as the traps are hidden, but then again the retractable boulder trap can also be mistaken for terrain, since both are present in the tileset. Luckily the save requirement is quite lenient here and therefore isn't meant to be a really hard level, given that it's still in the first third of the pack/rank.

Cute 26 - Castles in the Sky Very nice 1-of-everything level! I really like how the solution can be figured out with some logic. The bomber is a bit precise, though. Of course, it's not a problem in NL due to framestepping and untimed bombers, but I think the precision can be reduced a bit ;)

Cute 27 - Not as simple as it looks Aptly titled. I fell for the trap thinking one can backroute it from the top, as well as dismissing going through the bottom of the level, but turns out that's the actual solution. Very nice one!

Cute 28 - Death Trap Nice builderless level with probably a few possible ways to go about the level.

Cute 29 - A lonely walk Looks very intimidating due to the wide level size and very limited skillset, particularly the destructive digging skills. Though there seems to be a lot of builders, they run out quite fast. Nice level which I'm surprised I nearly got on my first try.

Cute 30 - The Final Countdown Another aptly named level due to the skillset counting down from 8 and decreasing by 1 each time from left to right, as well as how it's the final level of the rank. I think my solution is only slightly different from the RotL version but most of the same solution elements are still there. Luckily no very annoying wonky steel areas to worry about like on Lemmini.

Curious Rank Feedback

Being the second rank of the pack, the levels here are a tad bit harder than the ones in the previous rank. The levels here are mostly limited skillset ones with one solution, though there are still some with multiple solutions and X-of-everythings, just not as much as there were in the previous rank. Like the Cute rank, the end of Curious does get hard.


Curious 1 - Little House on the Prairie Nice level to start off the rank, though the builders run out faster than expected.

Curious 2 - We need a blow torch NOW! Probably a bit easier than the previous level, just the hardest part being to get over the top in order to reach the exit.

Curious 3 - Breakout! Decent puzzle which is harder than it looks, but way too many climbers! Also the time limit is pretty tight.

Curious 4 - The Fjord Somewhat easy that isn't anything special other than you need to be quick to save the splat hatch before you lose too many. Luckily it's not too tight on the requirement.

Curious 5 - The gate trap lemmings (part two) Nice take and twist on a level that I believe is found in the Genesis/Mega Drive port, the exclusive levels which I don't have all memorized, not like the Dos version which was the port I grew up with. It can be somewhat challenging but it's quite a decent puzzle!

Curious 6 - Chernobyl Somewhat challenging level despite having only bashers and builders. I use the builder wall to maintain the crowd, though I'm sure there are still multiple ways to do the level.

Curious 7 - The Long Way 'Round One of my favorites of the rank. Very nice solution with only builders and miners! :thumbsup:

Curious 8 - Crazy Paving The only level with 1 Lemming in the entire pack, it's not very stressful as a result but it's not a complete pushover. It still manages to be challenging despite being another level with only builders/bashers. Like Curious 6, there are probably a few ways to do the level as well.

Curious 9 - Reverse Engineer Can be harder than it looks, though I did fall for the common trap of not noticing there are enough climbers for every Lemming from one entrance. The time limit is quite tight here, and I believe Crane mentioned that he added some more so that it's not too frustrating. That's a pretty good change that I approve! :thumbsup:

Curious 10 - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back A level that I spent far longer on than expected and where I incorrectly thought it's a really evil level where you just needed to find the right timing before assigning the builders so no one slips by. Turns out that where you place the builder is super crucial. The level makes you think you need to place the builders at the very edge of each platform, but if you do that then one Lemming will slip by each time. The answer is to build a few pixels away from the edge so that by the time the Lemming behind the builder reaches the edge he will use the builder step to get over the gap. Now that I think about it, it might had been this level where I discovered this importance of the builder placement or if it wasn't this one, I definitely remember playing a level like this one on Dos. Great level once I did discover the solution and one in which I totally forgot about this builder mechanic with a maxed out RR.

Curious 13 - Overhang Deceptively difficult and one which I unfortunately backrouted :P

Curious 14 - Three-way Call Another great favorite here, where I especially like that turnaround with the miner trick to get the glider in place to build over each gap and over the exit before releasing each side with a miner.

Curious 15 - Deep Freeze Already played this before from the single levels Forums topic, but just want to mention that even though it doesn't look like it IMO the level's too difficult for its position and can move further down the rank.

Curious 16 - Nelson's Column Decent level which isn't anything special other than just knowing how to manage the crowds while also preparing the area where the column is.

Curious 17 - Island Hopping Looks very intimidating but it really isn't that bad. Just like in the other levels with plenty of builders, they run out faster than expected.

Curious 18 - Glide Slope Easy one, especially if you're aware of how to extend a basher.

Curious 19 - Triad Repeat of Cute 7 bu far harder due to a much limited skillset and a super tight time limit. The latter especially I can imagine being very frustrating for other players! In a way I do like the sense of urgency of keeping the crowd moving from time to time, but yea, I don't understand why it has to be this tight. Especially as this can really mess up the timings of other skill assignments, therefore resulting in more frustration than needed. I would definitely give more time or even cull the timer altogether!

Curious 20 - Precarious Construction Nice challenging 1-of-everything level in one of my favorite Lemmings Plus tilesets, particularly since green is my favorite color :laugh: I don't remember if Crane said my solution is intended.

Curious 22 - Release the Hounds Nice easier version of Steeplechase which is found in the next rank. I especially like the containing the crowd in the pit while one worker bashes at the bottom of the structure to prepare the route.

Curious 23 - Stop, Look, and Listen Already played this from RotL which was a minor backroute, so the only thing I'll mention is that it took far longer than expected here as it now seems I can't do the same solution as before, until I ultimately came up with mining to get under the icicle trap and building over to the island.

Curious 24 - Mincemeat Pre-tested this one for Crane back at a time when this was a contest level and one in which I really like the concept here.

Curious 25 - Iron Curtain Decent somewhat challenging level, especially given the very limited amount of builders. Again, too many climbers here!

Curious 26 - Virtue? Hard but really good one. The player will likely wonder how in the world do you get up there with only 3 builders. I especially love building to climb from the left side to free the blocker who helped the rest of them get to the exit.

Curious 28 - Cold Burn Repeat of Cute 6 that's harder but still isn't too hard. Can't go out the right side like you can in the Cute version.

Curious 29 - Blockout Another level I pre-tested for Crane which is supposed to be an introduction level to teaching the blocker turns a digger trick. Sadly I raged on this one in my LP and ultimately found another backroute. I will try again to see if I can piece together the rest of the intended solution which I'm really close on.

Cunning Rank Feedback

Now the levels really start getting very hard in this rank. It was definitely slower going in my LP with this and the Chaos rank. Still a lot of great levels here and the point where I really started enjoying the pack!


Cunning 1 - Build it up with iron and steel Already played this level many times, but I just want to say that this level might be too difficult for its position to start the Cunning rank, given that it's necessary to make sure the climber turns around since there's not enough time for him to make a trip back to the starting area to climb and then make the trip to the exit. Also, it's way more frustrating on Lemmini since it's harder to stretch bridges on that engine.

Cunning 2 - The Incinerator Very nice builderless level and one in which you only have the classic digging destructive skills! :thumbsup: I really enjoyed this one.

Cunning 4 - Supersaturation Nice introduction to teach a player that a climber can hoist himself in a basher tunnel without turning around. Remember this, don't dismiss it as nothing special like I did, because it will come in handy for a level in the Chaos rank!

Cunning 5 - Precarious Construction (part 2) Another level that I pre-tested before the pack's release which I found a backroute too, and also backrouted here again. Definitely a lot harder than the original!

Cunning 6 - BEWARE! The Ninja! Crane said that he included this level just for me, after I detailed my frustrating experiences with the level on Dos all those years ago. On that, the traps near the exit are hidden and also the time is very tight. I definitely remember dreading doing the level all over again before I finally succeeded after so many restarts. It's definitely a much better level in modern NL since you can see the dangers ahead of time but it's still a really challenging level. Possibly a bit hard for its position. I do like the eyes in the level which add an ominous touch, like a Big Brother is watching you thing.

Cunning 7 - Two's Company I feel as if I've already played this level from RotL. Backroute here, particularly as I ignored one Lemming completely. The time limit is quite tight here, and I had a working solution that sadly runs out of time a few frames early until I found this one that does work.

Cunning 10 - T.E.E.T.H Contest level of Crane's that I've never played before. Somewhat challenging despite the minimal skillset but a really good one. I especially like that cloning a faller so that you can get a glider and floater each. My only nitpick here is that the level can be done on a much smaller map ;)

Cunning 11 - Steeplechase Another one I sadly raged on but that's because I ultimately found a backroute that resulted in more frustration than needed. I also played and solved this from the LDC it came from, but it was one of the last R1's I solved because I kept running out of time. I checked Icho's solution after solving this level and turns out the time limit isn't a problem as long as you realize that it's set in such a way that the last Lemming exits with 1 or 2 seconds remaining.

Cunning 12 - Around the Block Somewhat challenging but decent level. Minor backroute according to Crane.

Cunning 13 - Compression Method 2 Another repeat and IMO way too difficult for its position. The hardest part seems to be managing the upper crowds as you cannot lose anyone, and with a very limited skillset it's not easy to do at all. It's likely I missed an easy way to do so, but this level is definitely too hard for its position.

Cunning 15 - Cloning Vats I think I pre-tested this one before the pack's release too. If I did, I think it was a backroute. Definitely more challenging here and yet another backroute here :P Still took me a while to find!

Cunning 16 - Just a Little Closer... Very nice level featuring the trick of bashing to interrupt a builder so that when you reassign the builder he'll do it so that he covers the rest of the gap and doesn't turn around. I've already seen it a few times and therefore it was easy for me to spot and the level in general was easy for me. It does make me wonder if Crane got some inspiration from a few custom levels that uses it.

Cunning 17 - Nemesis Already played this from RotL but it was a backroute. This one might be too but I'm not sure. Nice decent challenging level!

Cunning 18 - Crunch Time It really feels as if I've played this level before, like a case of deja vu. I might have, I might not have. Anyway, no challenge here, especially as you have the help of a climber bomber to get higher for the right entrance.

Cunning 19 - Shim-Shimminy, Shim-Shimminy Ah, Mary Poppins fan, I presume. Great level here with figuring out how to keep the preassigned swimmer/climber going when he shimmies! The basher is pretty precise, especially as it comes very close to splat height, though if you place it correctly so that the shimmier doesn't stop it won't ever be a problem. Even then, I would probably make it clearer that it isn't splat height ;)

Cunning 21 - That's it????!!!! Don't think I've ever played this level of Crane's before on Dos. Decent level and much easier than I thought.

Cunning 22 - Water Hammer Nice level. Seems like there's multiple ways to do the compression

Cunning 23 - Oil Refinery Already played this from RotL and I think that was a backroute. This one seems more solid, though it's probably an acceptable solution rather than intended.

Cunning 24 - Heaven and Earth One of my favorites and one which I played at a time when Crane had trouble getting the level converted to modern NL. I assisted and was able to and hence preserve a level of Crane's :) Took me a while to come up with the solution here since it's been a while, but I eventually figured it out again.

Cunning 25 - The Ziggurat Hard one. It's not easy to figure out how to get up to the exit along with losing at most 3. The stackers gave me the most trouble here, though I always have problems with the skill whenever they're provided to solve levels with.

Cunning 26 - Prize Catch Already played from RotL but was a backroute. Here it seems solid now. I'm not sure what the change was, but I think it was an increase in the RR.

Cunning 27 - Die Doppelgaenger Another really hard contest level of Crane's which I've never played before. My entire solution is very pixel perfect and timing heavy. Crane later supplied me his intended solution and as I suspected I really overcomplicated it. Definitely belongs near the end of the rank.

Cunning 28 - The Wishing Well Another bad backroute, though I think I can see what's intended here.

Cunning 29 - Short-changed Harder repeat of Cute 1 with a much more limited skillset. I really love the challenge here.

Cunning 30 - Run! Another zombie level, the type of which I tend to be really bad at. Turns out that it's very important you make the third Lemming a floater so that everything else can work out. Not intended but acceptable solution, Crane told me ;)   

I've already played the Challenge rank when I did my LP of Lemmings Cranium Preview from almost 2 years ago, so if you want to read my feedback for that, you can do so here:


Chaos Rank Feedback

The final rank of the pack, these are pretty much the hardest levels of the pack, with a few breathers here and there. It especially gets quite hard at the end! This culminates into Chaos 28, which seems to be the agreed upon hardest of the pack.


Chaos 1 - SUNSOFT Swindle Hard level to start off the rank. The lynchpin here is that you need to build outside with the right entrance to get them up the level. In addition, you need the raised pixel in order to get to the OWW. That might be a bit evil, though. Before I realized going through the outside, I kept trying to go up the narrow shaft, which almost works but you run out of builders/skills. Even when I did succeed, the last problem I had was the climber would get himself into danger when going over to the left side. Turns out the climber is a complete red herring. Nice decent challenging level!

Chaos 3 - Incompressible Way too difficult for its position despite only 3 skills total. Several things: You need to use the steel to dig so that the shaft isn't as wide and hence allows you to lose just one to the stomper trap. Also, you need to dig at a point on the far right so that everyone falls out facing to the left. Another solution would had worked except I would lose 6 instead of 5, while all others would run out of time.

Chaos 4 - Containment Excellent level! :thumbsup: I especially like how you need to figure out how to get the disarmer to the top to disarm the traps and then later get him down safely to disarm the traps at the bottom. I wasn't sure if the shimmier jump as a delay is intended, but Crane tells me it is, so I did get the intended solution.

Chaos 5 - S.C.R.O.O.G.E Another contest level of Crane's I've never played before and another zombie level. Hard one, though it probably would had been solved earlier had I actually tried it out rather than assume the timing wouldn't work out. Quite a nice touch in that you need to release the blocker after all but two neutrals turn around on it.

Chaos 6 - Mind the gap! Already played this before, and it's quite a decent hard level. I'm told my solution is a backroute, which kind of surprises me. I think I can see what the intended route is, though.

Chaos 7 - Don't Bother! Nothing special here other than the main challenge of getting everyone down safely. Looks intimidating but it wasn't too bad.

Chaos 8 - Tier Drops Already played from RotL but that was a backroute. Almost looks like it can still be backrouted in the same way but it apparently isn't. So, everything seems good here now! :)

Chaos 9 - Overflow Same as Chaos 8, though still a backroute here.

Chaos 10 - Wrong-side Failure Somewhat challenging but ultimately another backroute here. Somehow I think the intention is for every exit to be used, but here I ignore the bottom left one completely.

Chaos 11 - Stonecrest Bay Much harder than it appears though same thing as some of the few previous levels in that it's another backroute :P

Chaos 12 - Chilly Disposition Not very hard but still challenging. Nearly had the intended solution at one point but I found an alternative which is much fiddlier and harder to pull off. I made the incorrect assumption of needing to mine through the OWW and then platform, when in fact fencing is correct and I completely forgot about thin enough ceilings to step up through. Nice level.

Chaos 13 - Cliffside Hostel Challenging level but another decent one. Not sure if my solution is intended, especially with the stacker at the end to turn around. I think there's only one spot to do so.

Chaos 14 - There's One Small Problem... Medium-ish level for which I found another backroute.

Chaos 15 - Dropship 12 Another one that's harder than it appears. The timing is a bit tricky. I would either reduce the Lemming count or even the RR, though I can understand that it needs to be a certain way as the climber still needs to bounce off the blocker before being released with the last Lemming from the entrance. He can't be too far behind the climber, or he'll fall into the pit at the bottom and can't escape since you only have a climber remaining for the freed blocker. Nice level and congrats on reaching second place with this in LOTY!

Chaos 17 - Divisive Action Hard one but a pretty good one. The hardest part is at the start so that no one slips by the miner. Also, there are plenty of good red herrings here. In particular, I kept thinking the jumper is for near the exit, but it's actually for getting over the miner tunnel at the start. It really does look like there's a few ways to do the level but they all fail and it seems only the intended way works here now.

Chaos 18 - Splashdown Really bad backroute here :P

Chaos 19 - JAILBREAK! Already played from RotL but it was a backroute. My solution is also a backroute here, thanks to the added chain in the middle area :P Playing and solving the level on camera for the first time was fine, but honestly in subsequent playthroughs it's one best to work out off-camera given that it's quite a hard level in itself and takes a while to come up with any solution.

Chaos 21 - Think Fast! Easy one, but only because I've already seen the trick of saving an ohnoer plenty of times. It otherwise does warrant its position here, because it can be challenging otherwise.

Chaos 22 - Hallowed Ground Harder repeat of the level found in the Cute rank. It almost looks like this can be backrouted in a few ones, but I ultimately found only one that works. I'm guessing the intended route does collect the builder pickup on the far right.

Chaos 23 - Thanatos Gambit Pre-tested this one before the pack's release, though I don't remember whether Crane said my solution was a backroute at the time. Once I solved the level, I recorded Crane's intended solution on CustLemmix and confirmed it originally relied on a mechanic in that engine.

Chaos 24 - Halls of Reflection Hard level which would be impossible if you didn't remember Cunning 4. Indeed, I made the solution harder than it needed to be. It really looks like the level can be done in other ways, but they all seem to be impossible now. Decent level, though honestly I would reduce the precision even more, as this subtle climber mechanic can look quite unfair to other players. I'm aware of it but it's definitely something for which I wouldn't make solutions rely on it.

Chaos 26 - Are you kidding me?! It's a really hard level if you're not aware that it's a nuke one. Indeed, it's cleverly disguised as one given the very high save requirement. It kind of helps that I solved a Doomsday Lemmings level that has a similar design near the exit on the side even though it's not required nor intended. At the same time, I accidentally spoiled myself in this being a nuke solution when I was going through the nuke bypass Forums topic. My thought at the time was that I had played all nuke levels in existence in the custom Lemmings scene so I thought it was safe to open the spoiler tag in Icho's post. Nope, didn't occur to me there is one by Crane. Though I suppose every top level designer makes at least one of these levels. I've yet to make one, but I do have a WIP one I haven't gotten back to in months now. I should really finish it up! In any case, other than that it's a nuke solution, I wasn't spoiled with anything else about the level beyond that, and so I still figured out the solution for myself. Even if I wasn't spoiled that the nuke is needed, I think I would had figured out it was eventually anyway. I've gotten a bit better at spotting them over the years, though namida's level from LP3D which I've played very recently kind of says otherwise :laugh: Anyway, nice job with your LDC win here!

Chaos 27 - Dodge This! The only hard part is at the very start with making sure that you don't lose more than you're allowed. The rest is easy after that once you're successful. There really are no other very nasty tricks here, and the solution is as you might expect with the swimmer fencing through the columns. Nice NL skills only level that is still challenging, so definitely surprises that some hard levels can still result with just NL skills. Then again, some really hard level packs exist that are classic skills only, eg, Lemmings Reunion, Lemmings Stampede, and NepsterLems.

Chaos 28 - Denial Already backrouted this a few times in the past but wasn't able to solve the most recent version before the pack's release. To my surprise, I ended up solving supposedly the hardest level of the pack in a very reasonable amount of time on-camera. Quite the ironic twist here, given that I needed a second video show the solution to some earlier levels close to this one which supposedly aren't anywhere as hard but still challenging. Great solution and all, especially with figuring out how to keep the climber who mines the crowd free safe. Probably too much precision which can definitely make for an unfair level, though as I later found out after watching Armani's solution I made it more precise and complicated than it needs to be. Can't quite use the same solution as Armani's due to the steel, but it should still work.

Chaos 30 - Last Lemming Standing Already played this before the pack's release. Very nice level to finish off the pack on where you have the freedom to carve out any solution you like thanks to having an infinite amount of every skill. Certainly nowhere near the hardest but a very nice epic level to finish the pack with.

Regarding what to swap Chaos 3 with, so far I can only think of Chaos 14, though that might be too far down the rank. Maybe Chaos 8 is another suitable swap candidate, as it might be somewhat easy as well. Chaos 3 definitely needs to move, though. You don't want players rage quitting that early in the rank, though the pack is certainly not for beginners!

With this, thank you so much for your pack Crane! :thumbsup: Aside from the few levels I raged on in which I blame my sleep deprivation on, I really did enjoy this pack, especially once I got into the Cunning and Chaos ranks. Some were a bit more frustrating than they needed to be when I couldn't figure them out during off-camera time, but most of it was self-inflicted precision and timing heavy solutions I brought onto myself. Though I've already learned most of these tricks I saw in the pack in other packs, I still nevertheless enjoyed seeing them applied in some of your levels.

Hope the feedback is helpful and don't hesitate to ask me for assistance should you require any. I'm here to help if it's needed! :)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Thank you for your feedback kaywhyn.  Your playthrough has been incredibly insightful and I'm glad you enjoyed playing it.  I made some changes and rearrangements and now version 1.06 has been released (see first post for the download link).


Okay, version 1.06 contained a critical bug in that Cunning 17 was impossible to complete (at least intentionally) because I was experimenting with something that somehow did not get reverted.  So 1.07 has now been released (see first post), a bit earlier than I had hoped, but it also allowed me to insert the correct version of Curious 17 as well (it was meant to have a backroute patched in 1.06, but had uploaded the unpatched version).

EVERYONE I recommend you download 1.07 as soon as possible because of the glitched Cunning 17 in 1.06


Nice job Crane. I have still only your 1.05 version. But WTF?

Is here still backroutes Stone Crest Bay? I really make my best when i patched all

I just keep myself nearly 6 months break about lemmings. Thats your 1.05 version testing really drain my power. I also build my new own pack (which will also contains 150 levels)  That are taking me one year. I am quite done soon 8 levels remain yet.
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Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
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Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

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