Author Topic: MASTER-88 NEW Custom +3 Pack 150 levels (Difficulty Easy-Extreme) UP 11.8.23.  (Read 13702 times)

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Offline MASTER-88

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Current Best Version 1:04 B & C. B versions is identical like C version, but its not contains any backgrounds pictures.  C version contains 150 backgrounds pictures. Also new Music Zip is added. 4 New Themes.. 4 Unique levels. Some levels are fixed and some removed.

MINOR UPDATE 11.8 (2023) 1:04 B version is released. Its Identical sames as C version, but not contains any backgrounds, so its will be best RAW version if you like play very normal style lemmings and dislike backgrounds
-Also Update Level list/fix list in mainpage. 
-Also STYLE list link is added mainp age. You will need a lot Styles if you play my current 1:04 C version. You will need several backgrounds
-Removed my oldest version ZIP in mainpage.

HUGE UPDATE 9.8 (2023) 1:04C My best version. Few levels are removed. 4 unique levels added. Many level are listed again (see level fix/order list under spoiler TAG)

HUGE UPDATE 6.8. 2023 (1:04 My newest version. Fixed only Step 5 levels less backroute frees. I´ll list those later.

HUGE UPDATE 3.8.2023 (1:03 my Newest version is public)  See fix list below.

HUGE UPDATE 25.7.2023 (Full 150 Levels are done) Version 1:02 will be Done. All graphic are improvement and huge amount level list fixed and much new added See under.

HUGE UPDATE 31.5.2023 10 Extra Levels. its mean Step 5 mode. Called Millenium Mayhem Special.  NEW ZIP link is added. This contains Step 5 Millenium Mayhem Special 10 levels.
EDIT: Added Music Zip files because here is two special music. If you play whole pack here 3 special music. Other levels use lemmings themes. Its look all lemmings themes automatically zip correctly. Not sure about special themes. if you cannot zip music and you want use my personal music. You can load this zip. Then you at least can.

ORGINAL POST 18.6.2022*******************************************************
Lets enjoy. Thats probably my best lemmings pack ever IMO. I wante make levels also noob players. But When you enter step 3 Chaos core or Step 4 Millenium Mayhem, you have to be master to beat those levels.

New Pack contains 120 levels (30 per each Steps) Added Step 5 later update 1:02 version, which currently containsa 30 SUPER HARD extra levels.
1: Training Zone (Simple, but when its goes later its surprisely hard (equal Fun-to taxing normal lemmings levels) This is training mode. But its learn you use all neolemmings skills.
2: Rocky Road (This equal Mayhem or Havoc mode in normal lemmings. Its really tough mode +Advance Traings levels. You will need those skills later.
3: Chaos Core (This mode is hard like hell) Much lemmings exp will help out here also some special advance trainings.
4: Millenium Mayhem (Pure intense, you need your all neolemmix skills and tricks, you will be really lemmings master if you can beat this.
5: Millenium Mayhem SPECIAL (30 Extra super difficult Neolemmix levels i used all my 135 IQ and this is limit what i did can make hard levels. I cannot make any harder myself.) (ADDED 25.7.2023):thumbsup: Modfy 6.8. Even more harder levels in 1:04 version

All levels are Normal or Ohnomore lemmings type levels expect final level.

EDIT STYLES**************************************
All Styles could be load here, its mostly if you want play my best 1:04 C version, you will need load several backgrounds:

EDIT: EVOLUTION MY PACK***********************************
V:1:00 Orginal Release (120 levels)
V:1:01 Orginal release but added 10 Special levels prototype (130 Levels) (I´ll keep this Zip in mainpage. If you need some replays help 1:02 might break many your replays
V:1:02 Grpahic Improvement, New unique levels. See fix list under. Also contains full (150 Levels)
V:1:03. Much backroute closed. Big thanks by Armani. He make so great job and help me make my pack harder. Few more music and few graphic things. Contains Two unique level. Step 1 level 30 & Step 3 Level 4.
V:1:04 A Armani help me a lot check out my levels PM. I think those finally match mostly my intention and i was overall very happy.
V: 1:04 B & C Current Best versions (both are identical same) Expect B not contains any backgrounds) C contais all 150 backgrounds. So Keep mind you have to load all Style list if you want play my C version.

LEVEL FIX LIST 1:01 VS 1:02***********************
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You will need only two Special Tilesets***********************************************
Agony & Cloud by Zansindorf (both is need last level only)

How ever here will be a lot special music. Im not goes post those in mainpage, because its break Size in lemmings forum and i cannot compress all in limited one. I´ll add those my post later. You will find several music zip in this topic.

I used my own style list levels. Someone dislike this, but i´ll personally like. How ever its different than many other. Im not handled that regular system list levels. If someone want list my levels better. you are welcomed make it yourself. I´ll add zip in mainpage.

I´ll rarery used talisman (expect my amiga pack) My pack contains two remake level rules. So there will be harder level come later game. So we don´t really need talismans a lot. There is still few expect. All my greates amiga levels contains 2-3 talismans. All is way different. Also few other levels contains talisman. One example Step 5 level 27 Red Sun Rise, contains gold talisman. This level is really huge and im not want, make it too tight, so you will got gold talisman here if you make it better.

EDIT MUSIC***********************************************************
There total 6 Music Zips below in this topic. Cannot post those zips in mainpage, because size limit. Keep mind you load all my music zips if you want play my music you will need load those. Its might be some borring hear some Orig 1 lemmings themes in 25 minutes level. Or levels which will take your hours to solved. So i´ll add some best music what i´ll knew. M_stage 10 is also familar with Crane Pack. My pack contains more freedom planet music. Megaman, Castlevania, Freedomplanet, Raiden & Others.

I also used normal lemmings themes Orig / Oh no. Its my intention. If you will hear great music in easy leves you will be bored. So my intention was let special music later game. Step 5 levels everysingle containssa Special themes. Those levels are freaking HARD!

LEVEL FIX LIST 1:02-1:03 VERSION UPDATE 3.8.23.***********************************

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

LEVEL FIX LIST 1:03 VS 1:04 VERSION UPDATE 6.8.2023****************************************************
Step 5 Millenium Mayhem Special only.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

LEVEL FIX/LISTED LIST 1:04 B & C VERSION UPDATE 11.8.23*******************************************************
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT ABOUT TRIOLOGY************************************:
Triology This is final part which ended my Custom + Triology Total 394 Levels.
Custom +1 (120 levels) (only orginal lemmings skills)
Custom +2 (124 levels) (all other skills, but no jumpers, lasers, sliders) Also contains 4 Special level
Custom +3 (150 levels) All Neolemmix skills is here.
Amiga Classic (special pack) used Amiga boards, some are modify and some are similar (30 Levels) My 1 & 3 pack pack contains some my greatest Amiga levels.

Thanks: jkapp76 maded all my logos. :thumbsup:
Thanks: Crane. His awesome pack learn me play this game better and also motivated make my harder levels. Crane really test about my lemmings skills his Chaos mode.
Thanks: Armani (he are help me improve 1:03 future version better.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 06:17:24 AM by MASTER-88 »
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Online jkapp76

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I hate to admit this, but I'm stuck at training level 7.
...Jeremy Kapp

Offline messedupface

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I hate to admit this, but I'm stuck at training level 7.

So am I lol

Offline Turrican

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Now that Kaywhyn , has started a LP of your first pacK , I decided , and found some time to try your third pack.

So , here are the first nine levels of the Millenium Mayhem rank. Very nice levels again! My favourites of tgese , are 6 and 8.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline MASTER-88

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Thanks a alot i fianlly got comment my pack. No problem Jkapp76, this pack started quite much higher difficulty than my two older. My brother which is also pretty good lemmings player got stuck first time trainig zone lv 29. No way out. After 4-5 hours he got beat 1st difficulty. This pack starting is more brutal than my two previous. Its not come much harder at end. But its very hard one.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Online jkapp76

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Can I get a hint for the level?
...Jeremy Kapp

Offline MASTER-88

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Now that Kaywhyn , has started a LP of your first pacK , I decided , and found some time to try your third pack.

So , here are the first nine levels of the Millenium Mayhem rank. Very nice levels again! My favourites of tgese , are 6 and 8.

WOW.:lem-shocked: Thats was great. You beat my every solutions way different than my orginal plan.:thumbsup: That was so awesome job. That tyrick level 09. was new to me. Yeah that was so great job cannot wait your other 10 ones.:thumbsup:

Can I get a hint for the level?

Iguess if you read some lemmings forum faqs with news skill its will work. Its all work. Im not are personally plan that. I guess you have trouble jump cheilings using shimmiers. New skills faq you can find it. Wait for minute i´ll put link
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:52:41 PM by MASTER-88 »
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline kaywhyn

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Uh, I think you linked to the wrong topic for Jeremy to look at for some help on the level he's stuck on ??? The topic is about the new "paint" object :P


I point you to the NL Introduction pack maintained by Icho and suggest you play the new slider levels. Only a guess of mine, but I think the reason for you being stuck on training level 7 is there's an interaction of the slider skill you're not aware of. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline MASTER-88

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Sorry my answer take so much time. This my pack current make 12.12.4 version of the game. Im not are visited here for while if you have some old version, you cannot beat it.(that older not even includes sliders, jumpers or laser)

Older version lemmings glider situatution & few things was different. Its all fixed long time ago. Not sure is there even new version, its might be impossible then.

12:12.4 version this pack 100% completion possible. I have every single completion videos my levels. I post alle my harder in youtube, but you can ask me some "impossible" videos. For sure every replay was "green" marked completion. So its not have any impossible levels.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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BIG UPDATE 31.5.23................................

Okay finally make those 10 Extra Levels. Difficulty Step 5 Millenium Mayhem Special. Contain new 10 super hard special levels. I orginally plan make it sooner, but its look this take me nearly one year.

New Upated Pack which contains Step 5 mode could be uploaded here. Might put link in first page too.
Step 5 is Special mode. Those levels are really hard ones. Only 10 Levels, but for sure its will take some time to completed those ones.

New Levels Step 5 are
Level 01: 50 Seconds! (Very new board) Already make my super lemmings progress pack
Level 02: Tightrope Road Remastered (board my 1st pack, but totally different solution and new skills)
Level 03: Terracotta Lemmings (Very new board) Orginal level my super lemmings progress pack
Level 04: Time your step perfectly (Very new board already make my super lemmings progress pack
Level 05: Cavern of Fires (Very new board)
Level 06: Twenty Button Labyrint (Very new board and very unique level) Probably my hardest or at least most frustrating level
Level 07: Mirrors ( Very unique level. This level is modified version my superlemmings progress pack) Super lemmings pack is never are publish
Level 08: Neo Star City (very unique level
Level 09: Lemmings Revolution Remastered (My final level my 1st pack, but new button smash will block backroutes. Also fixed graphic, etc...... And bit harder timelimit (Music is Musicfactory like my 1st pack) hope its zip this correctly.
Level 10: Final Sacrifice NEO (Very new board. Also make first solutions super lemmings, which use greandes. Neolemmix not contains greandes, so making this level possible here is jumpers instead. (Music is Sacrifice part three Seiken Densetsu 3 last boss theme) Hope this zip it correctly

Expect levels 9 & 10 contains regular lemmings themes.

Added Music Zip. Im not are sure will my few special music moved correctly. So i´ll add music zip files. If this doesn,t. IIRC i have some troubles my brother computer about special musics. Otherwise neolemmix choose random lemmings music. However im not very usually used special themes. Just very special levels only. All 130 levels only 3 contains special theme. Millenium mayhem 30 (kayleig) Millenium Mayhem Special level 09: Musicfactory & Level 10 (Sacrifice 3 seikendensetsu theme.

If you want ask me replays or others. IIRC i zip all my completion replays. Usually my replays are all really messy order. Also i think you want complete levels yourself, not watch my replays. I check out all my levels. Those all are completed succsefully (greenmark) So there is not impossible levels. You can always ask me completion replay solution just PM or ask it here. I´ll also post my levels completion solutions in youtube somedays. I think i´ll wait at least 1-2 months. Im not wanna go peoples spoiled that yet.

Every player are allowed recorded and post my solutions completions in youtube.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 02:34:44 PM by MASTER-88 »
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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V1:02 150 Levels and & total 394 levels End my Triology. Its finally done. There will be a lot special music, so i´ll post several music zips later. I cannot update those in mainpage, because its break size limit.

This is perfect Fix list all things. Yes i´ll warning its huge. 150 levels. Im not add even music things yet. But i´ll list those next.
About Tile sets. You will only need two. Agony & Clould by (Zanzindorf) There is no much special type levels. All is orginal or oh no lemmings style levels expect final level. There is also special trap Level Red Sun Rise. So this level will crash if you not have Agony tileset.

List Fixed things 1:02 version (Its huge)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Okay I´ll add my levels zip. This pack is absolutely awesome and super massive. I´ll also update all in mainpage. I´ll post several music zips next. I think you want hear some cooler music at least harder leves.

3 Years and my Triology is finally pefectly done. :thumbsup: I´ll really Hope Step 5 will give even lemmings masters really much trouble to beat. Thats my absolutely skill limit and my IQ 135 limit.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 08:43:21 PM by MASTER-88 »
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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Music UPDATE. Only 4 Files.  Those Megaman themes take very little to space.

Music 1 Megaman
« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 09:26:59 PM by MASTER-88 »
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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Music 2 Freedom Planet
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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Music 3 Castlevanias
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project

Offline MASTER-88

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Final Music file

Other ones
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project