Author Topic: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]  (Read 22468 times)

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Offline WillLem

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[NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« on: February 22, 2022, 10:22:04 PM »

Check out the Records Table

The Lemminas are back for their second adventure! And this time, they have 5 different worlds to navigate!

Help them escape the gelato-splodged landscape of Purple Kingdom and enter the lush new lands that await them...

This pack includes several new styles as well as 5 brand new musical tracks created by yours truly :lemcat: As always, there are a mix of original tunes and some themes borrowed from classical music and nursery rhymes, in keeping with the Lemmings tradition.

Feast your eyes on these screenshots to whet your appetite:

Screenshots (click to show/hide)

It's taken more than a year to fully develop this pack. From its inception as an intended expansion pack for the first Lemminas, it has now grown into completely its own project. The likelihood is that this pack itself will get some bonus levels in the future, so watch this space! 8-) ;)

Acknowledgements (click to show/hide)

Music Credits (click to show/hide)

Setting up Lemminas II:

I've put everything into one zip folder called Lemminas II which can be extracted directly to the root folder of your copy of NeoLemmix (the extractor will place everything where it should be). However, if you prefer to do these things manually, ensure that you do the following:

Place the contents of the "levels" folder into NeoLemmix>levels
Place the contents of the "music" folder into NeoLemmix>music
Place the contents of the "Replay" folder into NeoLemmix>Replay
Place the contents of the "sound" folder into NeoLemmix>sound
Place the contents of the "styles" folder into NeoLemmix>styles (all styles will soon be available via the NeoLemmix Manager, but here they are just in case!)

Recommended settings: NeoLemmix 12.12+ / High Resolution / No Smooth Resampling / Normal Quality Minimap

Please feel free to use any of the content (i.e. music, sounds, styles) for your own packs; just remember to credit me if you do.

Enjoy Lemminas II!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 06:38:23 AM by WillLem »

Offline WillLem

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 11:08:30 PM »
For those confused by the initially empty OP, I wanted to make sure I got the topic in at 22:22 on 22/02/2022 ;P

The pack is now ready for download! :lemcat:

Offline Silken Healer

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2022, 11:23:09 PM »
Ohhh that's why there was an empty thing. Also I'm really excited for this I'll probably play it after I've finished eating :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2022, 12:53:44 AM »
Congratulations on the release of Lemminas 2 WillLem! :thumbsup: On "Twosday" as well :D I will definitely give this a look sometime, although I still have both your Deja Vu and Xmas packs to go through as well. So many level packs I need to play, so little time :( In any case, I just wanted to drop off my congratulations on your Lemminas sequel pack's release :) Glad to hear you're doing well, buddy. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Swerdis

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2022, 03:09:33 PM »
I solved the first two ranks. The pack clearly lives from its visuals so far, I really like the differently-themed ranks. I also dig the music, even though there are only 5 tunes. My favourite is tune 4. I hope the difficulty-curve will gather a little pace soon :-) My solutions can be found here:

Offline WillLem

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2022, 07:58:35 PM »
I'm really excited for this I'll probably play it after I've finished eating :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Glad to hear it! Enjoy!!! :lemcat:

Congratulations on the release of Lemminas 2 WillLem! :thumbsup: On "Twosday" as well

Thanks kaywhyn! I was working on it right up until the deadline. I'm glad you've added it to your to-play list! I'd probably suggest to prioritise it above DejaLems and the Xmas pack, but of course it's up to you ;P

The pack clearly lives from its visuals so far, I really like the differently-themed ranks ... I hope the difficulty-curve will gather a little pace soon

I do make aesthetics a priority, so thanks for your comment on this.

I'd say that this time around the focus has been on making the levels as accessible as possible to a range of ability levels, hence the abundance of talismans; in a lot of cases, the base level is usually medium difficulty at most, offering a range of possible solutions. If you want an extra challenge on those earlier levels, go for the talismans ;P

I also dig the music, even though there are only 5 tunes. My favourite is tune 4

Thanks, the music has been an absolute joy to put together (and a lot of hard work as well!). I figured that since there are 10 levels in each rank, 5 tunes is sufficient to have each one appear twice per rank. If I end up releasing an expansion pack for this, I might do an extra couple of tunes as well.

Offline Silken Healer

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2022, 05:13:47 PM »
already finding level 1 difficult :XD: lol

Offline WillLem

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2022, 10:57:56 PM »
already finding level 1 difficult :XD: lol


Keep going, it's easier than it looks :lemcat:

Offline WillLem

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2022, 11:41:14 PM »
My solutions can be found here:

I like your solution to CPU Test #8! (NOTE: Link leads to video with solution) I might make it a "use 8 skills max" talisman in a future update :)

Offline Swerdis

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2022, 01:17:10 PM »
Thanks! Yeah, Level 1 in the first rank is not the typical cakewalk-start. But here's some good news: It won't get much harder in the first rank :-) Being in the third rank right now, I feel some real progress in terms of difficulty, even without talismans.

Offline WillLem

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2022, 01:08:11 AM »
Being in the third rank right now, I feel some real progress in terms of difficulty, even without talismans.

I'm glad about that. I'm enjoying watching your LP and you seem to be enjoying it and making it your own, which is great to see :lemcat:

Are you happy to share your replays? I'll be doing a records table soon and it's much easier to collate them with the Mass Replay Check feature.

Offline Swerdis

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2022, 07:13:30 AM »
Yeah, definitely. No problem with that at all.

Offline WillLem

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Version 1.01 Update


:lemming: Level 1-8 CPU Test #8 Gold talisman updated (credit to Swerdis for solution!) - updated level and replay are both included
:lemming: antisplat_glow and splat_glow in willlem_special have been updated, affecting 2 levels in World 4 - updated levels and style are both included
:lemming: info.nxmi updated with version number 1.01

Please head to the OP to get the latest version. Thanks!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2022, 11:45:25 PM by WillLem »

Offline Swerdis

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Hello WillLem,

I solved the last six levels of the final rank today which means I completed Lemminas II. It was a much quicker solve than your first Lemminas pack as far as I remember. So either this pack is easier or I am a better Lemmings player nowadays. Maybe it's because the difficulty comes from the talismans here - and I don't go for them intentionally. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this pack very much. As I already mentioned, I like the theming of the individual ranks and I like the tunes. I don't wanna hide the information that I got one copyright infringement complaint when I uploaded Level 3 of the final rank.

Teal: I'd say the first level here sets the standard of difficulty in this rank. It's a challenging one for a first level, but it doesn't get much harder later. The trickiest level for me here was probably Teal 5 because I ran out of builders/platformers several times. Teal 7 was also no cakewalk, but that's mainly since I miscalculated the distances due to the special circumstances in this level. Teal 10 was a bit annoying (lots of buttons to press), but not really difficult. Favourite one: Probably Teal 8.

Honey: This was my favourite rank. I like honey, I like yellow which is my favourite colour. But the levels have been pretty good, too though I think I backrouted some. My hardest one was Honey 6, but only because I wanted to solve it over the left side only. And it wasn't easy to climb up these honeycombs. The last one here is the one I like least since I think it plays a bit by itself, like if "on rails". It's always immediately clear what to do next.

Slush: That's probably the rank I had the most problems with. Slush 5 was a hard level and a real time-cruncher. The following one was difficult too, especially since there were no downward terrain-removing skills. This made it hard to reach some of the buttons. Slush 8 was another demanding one. 

Crystal: A surprisingly easy rank. There was no level here I really struggled with. If any, Crystal 8, is a candidate for it's not easy to trap the crowd here. And it introduced a new concept for me. I never played a level like this before. 

Classic: Though a familiar environment, this was my least favourite rank. There were hardly any puzzles here, the difficulty came from the execution in most cases. The hardest level was Classic 5, it was a real challenge to solve it within the time-limit. The by far easiest one was Classic 7. Maybe because I saw this concept elsewhere, but I think it's a bit like Honey 10. It plays almost automatically, there are no real decisions which must be made. My favourite level in the final rank and probably in the entire pack was Classic 4. A very good puzzle which uses up all the available skills (at least in my solution).

All in all, a very good and quite relaxing experience. Thank you for this pack and I am waiting for new material :-)

Offline WillLem

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Congratulations on completing the pack @Swerdis! Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback. Some replies to your comments:

Quote from: Swerdis
It was a much quicker solve than your first Lemminas pack as far as I remember. So either this pack is easier or I am a better Lemmings player nowadays. Maybe it's because the difficulty comes from the talismans here - and I don't go for them intentionally

The pack is shorter than Lemminas by 14 levels (although I do intend to release an expansion pack at some point!). It's also intentionally easier at base level - the talismans are indeed the bulk of the challenge in this pack. Players have the choice to ignore them, or go for collecting them all (there are 88, just like in the first pack)! Given your solving skill and the fact that you prefer more of a puzzle than an open-ended level though, I'd say you're missing out by choosing not to go for the talismans. They are basically like repeat levels, after all. But, of course, it's up to you how you enjoy the pack, and I'm ultimately glad that you enjoyed it.

Quote from: Swerdis
Teal: I'd say the first level here sets the standard of difficulty in this rank. It's a challenging one for a first level, but it doesn't get much harder later.

You're not the only person to say this! I'm surprised that this level seems difficult, since it offers so many skills and is very open-ended. Maybe the map is a bit too complex for an opening level, perhaps; it had to be a somewhat decorative and extensive level since it's a "fond farewell" to the previous installment of Lemminas.

Quote from: Swerdis
The trickiest level for me here was probably Teal 5 because I ran out of builders/platformers several times.

The level is possible to solve without either! ;P (although not in the same solution!)

Quote from: Swerdis
Favourite one: Probably Teal 8.

Your solution provided the current Gold Talisman! I wondered whether it could be solved with 8 skills, but I couldn't find a way to do it myself, so thank you! :lemcat:

Quote from: Swerdis
Crystal 8 ... introduced a new concept for me. I never played a level like this before.

This is my kinda compliment! I'm really grateful for this :lemcat:

Quote from: Swerdis
I don't wanna hide the information that I got one copyright infringement complaint when I uploaded Level 3 of the final rank.

Hmm. I wonder why only this level caused a copyright infringement. Each tune appears twice in each rank, after all. Maybe it's not to do with the music; the level is heavily inspired by Nepster's The Game Of 1000 Balls (MOON 1 from NepsterLems) - but, I wouldn't have thought that this constitutes outright plagiarism, and I'd be amazed if YouTube were able to pick up on that anyway!

Quote from: Swerdis
Classic: Though a familiar environment, this was my least favourite rank. There were hardly any puzzles here, the difficulty came from the execution in most cases.

The idea with the final rank was for it to seem easy and open-ended at first, but for the maps themselves to create the difficulty. It was far worse in its original draft, I ended up replacing 3 of the levels from this rank which I felt went too overboard with map complexity - 2 of the replacement levels happen to be the more puzzle-based levels in this rank!

Quote from: Swerdis
The by far easiest one was Classic 7. Maybe because I saw this concept elsewhere ... It plays almost automatically, there are no real decisions which must be made.

It's a re-creation of a very similar level from FestiveLems, but with a few more elements added. I agree though, it is an almost automatic level - again, more of an exploration of a concept than a puzzle. Guilty, I guess! :lemcat:

Quote from: Swerdis
My favourite level in the final rank and probably in the entire pack was Classic 4. A very good puzzle which uses up all the available skills (at least in my solution).

I love your solution!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Swerdis
All in all, a very good and quite relaxing experience. Thank you for this pack and I am waiting for new material :-)

So glad you enjoyed it. As for new material, I do intend to release an expansion pack for Lemminas II at some point. At the moment, I imagine that such an expansion will bring each rank up to 15 levels. But, I wonder whether it would be better to simply add another rank, maybe a 6th world (although that would mean creating a new style, which I'm less inclined to do at this point). Not sure at this point, and I'd like the pack to get a few more plays before anything like this happens.

If you'd be happy to share your replays btw, this would be great! If you have set any records, I'll be sure to include them when I get around to building the records table for this pack.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 09:50:46 PM by WillLem »

Offline ericderkovits

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Hello WillLem,

I have also played and finished the pack.

I went for all the Talisman Solutions.

A few of the time limit ones gave me the most problem such as the last level. Squeezed the solution in by like 3 seconds.

Note: In the rank Crystal Planet, the level Stephanie's Problem (level 8) it says there are a silver and gold Talisman but both Medalians are Gold.

Anyways my replays for the Talismans are attached.

Offline WillLem

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Big thanks to Eric and Swerdis for the recent replays and for LPing the pack in its entirety! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Next step is to review all of the replays provided so far, make a couple of fixes for version 1.02 and add a records table to this postl I'll hopefully get some time to do this at the weekend :lemcat:

Offline WillLem

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Lemminas II Records

* = indicates that this record is held by more than one player.

These records are correct as of the release of Lemminas II V1.02. If you wish to submit a record, please make sure you have this version - you can download it here.

Rank#LevelFastest Time (Player)Most Saved (Player)Fewest Total Skills (Player)
Teal Kingdom1Escape From Purple Kingdom2:29.94 (Proxima)16/16 (*)20 (Proxima)
Teal Kingdom2Thunder-Lemminas Are Go!0:35.53 (Proxima)65/50 (*)10 (Proxima)
Teal Kingdom3tHe PoPpiNg BaThS0:56.06 (WillLem)7/10 (*)26 (*)
Teal Kingdom4Day Of The Droppers1:24.18 (WillLem)50/50 (*)15 (*)
Teal Kingdom5Oh No! It's The 5TH DIMENSION!!!0:38.47 (Proxima)5/5 (*)18 (Proxima)
Teal Kingdom6Halfway Up The Stairs0:36.00 (WillLem)16/16 (*)9 (WillLem)
Teal Kingdom7Honey, I Shrunk The Lemminas3:29.06 (WillLem)60/60 (*)29 (Swerdis)
Teal Kingdom8CPU Test #80:25.29 (WillLem)8/8 (*)8 (*)
Teal Kingdom9LeMmina ToMato KetchUp fAcilitY0:36.94 (WillLem)30/30 (*)6 (Mantha16)
Teal Kingdom10No Problemmina!1:50.59 (Armani)30/30 (*)121 (ericderkovits)

Rank#LevelFastest Time (Player)Most Saved (Player)Fewest Total Skills (Player)
Honey Land1Honey And Lemminas1:23.47 (Swerdis)50/50 (*)13 (Swerdis)
Honey Land2Beemusing!1:02.06 (ericderkovits)60/50 (*)4 (Mantha16)
Honey Land3The Pollination Station2:22.18 (Apjjm)20/20 (*)18 (*)
Honey Land4LeMmiNa PoPCoRn fAcToRy1:44.71 (Mantha16)33/50 (Apjjm)32 (Mantha16)
Honey Land5Hive Alive0:29.29 (WillLem)6/6 (*)3 (WillLem)
Honey Land6Just Beecause You Can...1:56.59 (WillLem)36/40 (*)21 (*)
Honey Land7Button Basher3:04.65 (WillLem)16/16 (*)32 (Swerdis)
Honey Land8Perplexagons1:16.12 (Swerdis)50/50 (*)7 (Swerdis)
Honey Land9Direct Drip1:14.41 (WillLem)10/10 (*)18 (Swerdis)
Honey Land10Flight Of The Bumblemmina1:25.65 (*)1/1 (*)9 (*)

Rank#LevelFastest Time (Player)Most Saved (Player)Fewest Total Skills (Player)
Slush World1Skill Shadows Are For Wimps1:10.88 (Swerdis)36/40 (*)12 (*)
Slush World2Dangerzone II1:01.35 (WillLem)18/20 (*)25 (ericderkovits)
Slush World3Flow Control 30000:40.41 (WillLem)44/50 (WillLem)4 (*)
Slush World4BRIDE OF CHUCKY1:44.24 (WillLem)29/30 (*)19 (Swerdis)
Slush World5PoPPaLiciOuS!1:42.00 (WillLem)9/16 (*)16 (*)
Slush World6Lemminas im Kraftwerk2:17.47 (Apjjm)8/8 (*)69 (WillLem)
Slush World7Get Down From There!0:21.06 (*)2/2 (*)4 (*)
Slush World8The Shaft1:19.76 (Apjjm)92/100 (*)13 (*)
Slush World9What Are You Waiting For?0:58.53 (Apjjm)4/4 (*)32 (ericderkovits)
Slush World10Teenage Mutant Ninja Lemminas0:58.71 (WillLem)4/4 (*)19 (WillLem)

Rank#LevelFastest Time (Player)Most Saved (Player)Fewest Total Skills (Player)
Crystal Planet1Lemminas: The Platform Game3:57.53 (WillLem)1/1 (*)30 (ericderkovits)
Crystal Planet2Copycats0:45.82 (WillLem)7/1 (*)11 (WillLem)
Crystal Planet3E = Lem C Squared0:26.71 (*)1/2 (*)6 (*)
Crystal Planet4The Builderfest1:06.82 (ericderkovits)20/20 (*)6 (*)
Crystal Planet5Lemmina Colada1:25.35 (ericderkovits)3/3 (*)20 (*)
Crystal Planet6DiReCt PoP!!!1:27.06 (WillLem)15/15 (*)6 (*)
Crystal Planet7The Needle0:29.12 (*)15/14 (*)5 (*)
Crystal Planet8Stephanie's Problem3:36.24 (WillLem)30/30 (*)34 (WillLem)
Crystal Planet9THE UNEXPECTED SPIDER!!!!!1:24.29 (WillLem)30/30 (*)12 (*)
Crystal Planet10The Midnight Swimmers1:03.47 (WillLem)40/40 (*)10 (ericderkovits)

Rank#LevelFastest Time (Player)Most Saved (Player)Fewest Total Skills (Player)
Classic Dimension1The Great Escape1:42.06 (Apjjm)10/10 (*)7 (ericderkovits)
Classic Dimension2The Unnecessarily Short Pillar2:41.47 (WillLem)101/100 (*)37 (Swerdis)
Classic Dimension3Amazeballs5:17.47 (*)100/100 (*)37 (WillLem)
Classic Dimension4Deja Lemminas2:13.18 (WillLem)101/100 (*)10 (*)
Classic Dimension5THE GIANT MARBLE EXIT!!!1:54.71 (ericderkovits)88/88 (*)43 (Swerdis)
Classic Dimension6Oops...1:22.24 (WillLem)36/40 (*)14 (WillLem)
Classic Dimension7aLL fOr OnE!0:54.24 (ericderkovits)1/8 (*)Fewest Total Skills (*)
Classic Dimension8Tubular Lemminas3:34.18 (WillLem)80/80 (*)99 (WillLem)
Classic Dimension9Where Lemminas Dare!1:28.71 (Apjjm)6/5 (*)28 (ericderkovits)
Classic Dimension10Lemminadelica5:35.35 (WillLem)80/80 (*)103 (Swerdis)

Other records/challenges for Lemminas II:

Skills You Can't Live Without - to be added
Builders & Bashers Only - to be added
« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 12:26:06 PM by WillLem »

Offline WillLem

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Records for Teal Kingdom are up!

I reckon I'll try to reclaim some of those time records ;P Meanwhile, the skills are likely to be further reduce-able in some of these as well...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 01:07:49 AM by WillLem »

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Teal Kingdom 4 Day Of The Droppers in 1:30.76 :lemcat:

I've already thought of a way to optimise it further, but I'm tired. Sleep now, I'll do this tomorrow :sleep:

Offline Proxima

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Beat a few records.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 04:26:22 AM by Proxima »

Offline WillLem

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Thanks, Proxima. I've added these to the table :thumbsup:

Not without reclaiming my time record for level 4 first, though :lemcat: Plus, new time records for levels 3, 6 and 9 8-)

I've also now added records for the rest of the pack, so the table is complete! Predictably, there are some backroutes in there which will need to be fixed, but only a small handful. I'll get an update out for these soon.

See the full records table here.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 03:57:23 PM by WillLem »

Offline WillLem

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Crystal: A surprisingly easy rank. There was no level here I really struggled with.

On closer inspection of your LP and replays, I can see that you've actually backrouted no less than 3 of these levels! No wonder you found them so easy :crylaugh:

I've now updated the pack with levels 4, 5 and 9 replaced. If you fancy having another go at solving them, it would be great to see your solutions! Slush 10 has also been replaced; this level was far too difficult to backroute-proof, so I've changed it up quite a bit.

Offline WillLem

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Version 1.02 Update


:lemming: Level 3-10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Lemminas has been significantly changed and is now a totally new level - updated level and replay are both included
:lemming: Levels 4-4 The Builderfest, 4-5 Lemmina Colada and 4-9 THE UNEXPECTED SPIDER!!!!! have all had backroute fixes, and 4-4 has a new talisman - updated levels and replays are all included
:lemming: Level 4-8 Stephanie's Problem has had an error fixed - the Silver talisman was previously set to Gold instead; this has now been corrected
:lemming: willlem_lemminas_slushworld now has a new inverted water object
:lemming: info.nxmi updated with version number 1.02

Please download Lemminas II V1.02 to ensure you have the latest version of the pack. Thanks!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 12:38:37 AM by WillLem »

Offline Swerdis

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Yeah, I will check these new versions out. Don't know if I'm gonna upload them, but I will send you my solutions.

Offline ericderkovits

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Here are my Talisman Solutions for the 4 Levels that changed (V1.02)

Definiely harder and much better levels now.

Also really like the new colored Lemminas. My favorite ones are the burgundy shirted ones.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 04:43:12 PM by ericderkovits »

Offline jkapp76

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I just wanted to chime in and say I'm loving this pack! Great job!
...Jeremy Kapp

Offline WillLem

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Yeah, I will check these new versions out. Don't know if I'm gonna upload them, but I will send you my solutions.

Brillo, thanks :thumbsup:

If you do get a chance to upload though, that would be awesome :lemcat:

Here are my Talisman Solutions for the 4 Levels that changed (V1.02)

Definiely harder and much better levels now.

Also really like the new colored Lemminas. My favorite ones are the burgundy shirted ones.

Thanks Eric! I'm glad you enjoyed the pack. I also really like the Slush World lemminas; I was determined to get this colour scheme into the pack somehow, red and blue is my favourite colour juxtaposition and it's kind of a nod to Sonic and Mario.

Well done on solving the new versions of the levels. I like your method for turning the lems at the beginning of Lemmina Colada, very inventive ;) Some of your replays have also set new records - I've added these to the records table :lemcat:

I just wanted to chime in and say I'm loving this pack! Great job!

Thanks Jeremy, glad to know you're enjoying it :lemcat:

Offline WillLem

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An absolutely brilliant 1:50.59 on Teal Kingdom 10 No Problemmina! by Armani :lemcat:

This solution is great fun to watch, and I might - might - have a go at improving it at some point ;)

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2023, 06:39:33 AM »
Hi WillLem,

I have completed the first 3 ranks of the pack. Replays attached and some feedback ;) Also, link to my LP: Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Lemminas II is the sequel to WillLem's flagship pack Lemminas. It contains 50 levels across 5 ranks of 10 levels each, as well as some tilesets that haven't been seen previously. He intentionally aimed for an easier difficulty with this pack than Lemminas, although from what I understand it is more of a challenge if going for the talisman challenge solutions. Just me personally, but having at least one for every level is overkill, but of course since this is his pack he simply does as he sees fits while taking onboard the constructive feedback he receives in order to improve it and ensure that it's an enjoyable pack for anyone who decides to play the pack. So far, I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing, but I've especially started enjoying the pack since I got into the third rank of Slush World. Sure, I'm one of those players who prefers hard levels with specific intended solutions, but I nevertheless enjoy easy, open-ended levels too. There's pretty much something for everyone with this pack, even if the difficulty is nowhere near the very high end of some of the other level packs known notoriously for their difficulty.

A lot of very good artsy looking levels with the new tilesets which is certainly a plus! :thumbsup:

Teal Kingdom Feedback

The first rank of the pack, these supposedly contain the easiest levels. However, don't take this for granted, as some of these will still provide enough of a challenge to work your way through. In particular, some users before me have stated that the first level of the pack already starts off with a higher than usual difficulty. I agree with this to an extent, and I'm guessing it's mostly due to the middle area, though at the same time it is a bit of an overstatement IMO. Other than the first level, the rest of the rank wasn't too much of a challenge. The only level I found a bit irritating is Teal Kingdom 7 due to the special gimmick of how it's quite easy to misjudge the splat distances due to the sprite sizes being modified and smaller than usual. At the same time, I like how it's a combination of "Lemmings in a Situation" and "Mutiny on the Bounty" into one level.

Teal 10 was a bit annoying (lots of buttons to press)

100% agree with you there, Swerdis. Teal Kingdom 10 is a bit too long for my liking, though Armani has an amazing solution that gets this done in a little under 2 mins. I haven't seen it yet, but wow, nice job Armani! :thumbsup:

@WillLem I'm wondering, did you get inspiration of this level from Mobilems? In mobius' level, it too pretty much uses all of the decoration of the ONML level, just without the buttons, like your level.
Favourite one: Probably Teal 8.

Same. I like how it's a 1-of-everything level and that it still has a surprising amount of different solutions. Nice job on saving two skills! :thumbsup:

Honey Land Feedback

The second rank of the pack, these levels are just a tad bit harder than the ones in the previous rank, but not a whole lot harder. A lot of these levels were nicely made. If just concerned about meeting the save requirement, then these levels aren't too bad. However, if you're like me where you try to go for a save all or go for a max save whenever possible, then some of these are significantly tougher. Some examples are Honey Land 3, Honey Land 7, and Honey Land 8. Again, they're easy if you're just concerned with meeting the absolute minimum target, but they're significantly harder if you go beyond that and go for a save all or maximum amount possible. Indeed, because I did the latter on these 3, they were the hardest levels of the rank for me.

Honey: This was my favourite rank. I like honey, I like yellow which is my favourite colour. But the levels have been pretty good, too though I think I backrouted some. My hardest one was Honey 6, but only because I wanted to solve it over the left side only. And it wasn't easy to climb up these honeycombs. The last one here is the one I like least since I think it plays a bit by itself, like if "on rails". It's always immediately clear what to do next.

Once again, I'm in agreement with you about Honey World 6, though where we differ is with the rank finisher. I still like Honey World 10, even if it's quite easy for one. I really like the concept of it being a 1 lemming level and how it's not as simple as really cheesing the level and that you still have to take the long way around to solve it.


I mention this in my LP, but there is something you need to know for future reference regarding eligibility of entering levels in a contest.

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Slush World Feedback

The third rank of the pack, even harder levels here, and pretty much where the rank starts getting challenging for me. Sure, there were still plenty of very fast solves, but solving times did slow down here in general. My favorites here were Slush World 2, Slush World 5 (hardest level of the rank IMO), and Slush World 10

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Slush: That's probably the rank I had the most problems with. Slush 5 was a hard level and a real time-cruncher. The following one was difficult too, especially since there were no downward terrain-removing skills. This made it hard to reach some of the buttons. Slush 8 was another demanding one.

Agree about Slush World 5 being hard. For Slush World 6, you should see the original level (LDC #22 R2). There were no lasers at the time since it wasn't yet added to stable NL (along with the slider), and as a result it was far longer to play and complete. Feel fortunate that you didn't have to play that one instead of this one that's in the pack :P

Looking forward to the remaining two ranks! :thumbsup: - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemminas II (50 Levels) [Difficulty: Medium]
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2023, 05:43:55 AM »
Solved the remaining two ranks and hence finished the pack. Replays attached and of course more feedback ;)

Crystal Planet Feedback

The fourth and penultimate rank of the pack, I felt the pack went back to easy with this rank, after the hard previous rank. Even then, these levels were still enjoyable! ;)

Favorites of the rank: Crystal Planet 4 - 6 and Crystal Planet 8. Crystal Planet 10 was kind of a favorite too.

Hardest level of the rank for me: Crystal Planet 9. In general I tend to have a hard time solving zombie levels :laugh: Granted, I've seen some excellent zombie levels myself, but in general I tend to not be a fan of such levels. Just me personally ;)

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Crystal: A surprisingly easy rank. There was no level here I really struggled with. If any, Crystal 8, is a candidate for it's not easy to trap the crowd here. And it introduced a new concept for me. I never played a level like this before.

Once again in agreement here. With the Crystal Planet rank, I felt the pack went back to easy after the previous hard Slush World rank. So, if anything, I agree with you that the third rank is the hardest of the pack.

I can also agree with Crystal Planet 8 being a hard level, though I actually found Crystal Planet 9 the hardest of the rank :laugh:

Classic Dimension Feedback

The final rank of the pack, as usual the difficulty resets with the start of each rank and therefore the levels here aren't necessarily the most difficult of the pack. In fact, except for Classic Dimension 4 which I struggled longer than I thought I would, I found these easy. There were some levels that are a bit too long for my liking, such as Classic Dimension 3 (unnecessarily long and wide level for its own good) and Classic Dimension 8 (too much buttons and the time limit is unnecessarily very tight, though I do like how it uses the unused parts on the sides of Havoc 1), and especially Classic Dimension 10 (all the tilesets that had made an appearance in the previous 9 levels all come together for a "final level" feel to the pack which I felt certainly achieved that, but yea, it's very long and once again the time limit is unnecessarily very tight here). Classic Dimension 5 also has an unnecessary tight time limit, though I brought this onto myself of not multi-tasking efficiently :XD:

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Classic: Though a familiar environment, this was my least favourite rank. There were hardly any puzzles here, the difficulty came from the execution in most cases. The hardest level was Classic 5, it was a real challenge to solve it within the time-limit. The by far easiest one was Classic 7. Maybe because I saw this concept elsewhere, but I think it's a bit like Honey 10. It plays almost automatically, there are no real decisions which must be made. My favourite level in the final rank and probably in the entire pack was Classic 4. A very good puzzle which uses up all the available skills (at least in my solution).

I think this rank was fine considering the specialty of the levels here (spoiler tagged above just in case since in the OP WillLem said it's a secret ;)), though yea I can agree somewhat with the final rank being a disappointment. Even then, in general I find the remakes of the L1/ONML levels some of WillLem's best and hardest ones, even if I prefer to play new levels rather than just remakes from the official games. There were still a lot of unique levels anyway, so it's fine.

Overall, I enjoyed this pack very much, even if it's on the easy side! :thumbsup: Thanks again for Lemminas II WillLem, and I look forward to your comments on my solutions. I will get to some of your remix packs later down the line, though I can't exactly say when. Hopefully not too long from the time I last played a pack by you to this one ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: