Author Topic: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour [Difficulty: Medium]  (Read 46919 times)

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Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2020, 10:21:05 PM »
Rockstar rank completed and thus 200/320 levels in the pack solved! :) Replays up through Rockstar 40 are attached, and more feedback. As usual, I really loved a lot of these levels and puzzles! Definitely feeling the difficulty rising faster than I thought it would and hence my progress through the pack slowing down but in a good way, since the levels are still quite manageable and doable, and the pack continues to be quite enjoyable and not too frustrating ;)

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Onto the Legend rank! Once I finish the rank, I will stop until an update for the Encore and Groupie ranks is released. So, this means two more posts of replays and feedback before none for a time. This will give me the opportunity to play catch up on resolving United, as well as the contest levels and playtesting your LOA pack.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 10:37:58 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2020, 08:50:31 AM »
20 more levels completed, and thus the Legend rank is half solved. Replays up through Legend 20 attached, and of course my feedback. Starting to get very difficult here, but still a bunch of great levels in this batch! ;)

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yes kaywhyn: I can translate Amateur 32 Ich und mein Holz = means Me and my Wood. In germany expecially at christmas time they make alot of wooden things like NussKnackers(Nut crackers). and other wooden things. Also this is another reason I want to go to germany in the future at Christmas time to see alot of the christmas markets. Also maybe like 6 months ago I bought a german kuckucksuhr(cookoo clock) which is made
mostly of of wood too. The clock also actually got sent from germany too. It plays 12 different german tunes. very nice. Also Strato(I think), Icho and Simon all live in germany. This is why I'm really fond of Icho. Also I like when Icho puts german titles for some of his levels(reunion and even United). Also even for my Angry lemmings I have a couple of german .ogg tunes. Like Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann(very well known german folk song)
means My father was a wanderering Man.

Thank you for a detailed explanation of the level title, even though you're late to the party here, as it's already been long after I have solved the level and Strato had already explained to me that the translation was in the pre-text. And yes, Strato, Icho, Nepster, and Simon are all from Germany. Still, this isn't the only one in German, there are several others in the pack.

All rightie, one more post of replays and feedback when I finish up the second half of the Legend rank, and then temporary break from the level pack until an update for the final two ranks is released. Still loving this pack a lot! ;)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 08:55:58 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #47 on: October 09, 2020, 05:06:19 AM »
All rightie, 20 more levels solved and thus the entire Legend rank is completed. My replays up through Legend 40 are attached, and as usual my feedback.

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@eric ok, push has come to shove here, and with your most recent post you've pushed my buttons. Please stop spamming the level pack topics with "I've watched the replays." No one cares. You watch them at your own leisure, because there's absolutely no need to inform Strato or anyone who's actually playing the pack of anything that might had broken. Of course the replays work, I solved the levels myself and therefore can easily verify they haven't broke. You have your own replay topics, you can say it there instead. We already had this conversation, so it's starting to annoy me for repeating myself. In case you're not aware, you've gotten most of the community annoyed with your spam. I've been trying so hard to be patient with you, but it has reached its end. Enough is enough. If you were actually playing the pack and trying, it wouldn't be as bad.   

With 6 ranks completed, you now have confirmation from me that none of the 240 levels I have solved broke and that they're all still solvable. Also, it's time for me take a temporary break from the pack until an update for the Encore and Groupie ranks is released. No rush, take your time. I'll be busy taking care of other things Lemmings-related in the meantime. Happy viewing/fixing :P
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 05:47:21 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #48 on: October 09, 2020, 08:37:53 AM »
Thanks a lot for playing, kaywhyn! :thumbsup: Especially in Old Formats! Once I've fixed Encore and Groupie and when you return to play those final two ranks, you are probably going to be the first person to have beaten the pack in Old Formats, i.e. including the radiation- and slowfreeze levels. ;)

@eric ok, push has come to shove here, and with your most recent post you've pushed my buttons. Please stop spamming the level pack topics with "I've watched the replays." No one cares.

In general, I couldn't agree more, but I didn't see eric mention that in his last post in here, in particular? ??? He just talked about the level "Ich und mein Holz", plus a bunch of other stuff. :D
Did some moderator delete another comment of his that escaped me?

I will inform you when I have watched the replays, though :P , because that goes along with telling you which of your solutions were intended and which weren't.

I'm definitely already curious about your solution for "Breaking the law"! :thumbsup: Sounds like an alternative solution, but as long as it gave you enough of a challenge, I'm probably going to be fine with it...
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #49 on: October 09, 2020, 08:50:56 AM »
In general, I couldn't agree more, but I didn't see eric mention that in his last post in here, in particular? ???
Did some moderator delete another comment of his that escaped me?

He posted in this topic a couple of hours ago mentioning watching the first 3 ranks and which talismans were missing, but he apparently posted it while I was still typing up my feedback. That's when I went back and edited my post to let him know that stuff like that is very annoying, so I'm certain he removed it before you got the chance to see it. I'm sure other pack authors would be annoyed with similar posts of "having watched replays" in their own level pack topics as well. Like yea, there's no need to confirm that everything still works, because again I solved the levels myself, so obviously I can confirm my own replays work. Don't need to point stuff out like that for the pack author and whoever happens to be playing the pack, especially if you're not going to take the time and effort to actively try and solve the levels.


I will inform you when I have watched the replays, though :P , because that goes along with telling you which of your solutions were intended and which weren't.

Sounds good! ;)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 08:57:24 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2020, 03:43:56 AM »
I know I said a few weeks ago that I was going to wait until you released an update for the Encore and Groupie ranks, but going by what you mentioned in the New Formats topic for LWT of there being no backrotues except the level Twilems, which you might possibly change, I went ahead and completed the Encore rank. My replays up through Encore 40 are attached.

Yup, they were all too easy, considering they're just levels taken from Lemmicks, Paralems, and Pit Lems, all of which I have played, the latter two I completed very recently, while Lemmicks was several months ago. Even with 40 levels in the rank, it took me about an hour and a half to solve the entire rank. Also, I solved all of them from scratch again, rather than waste my time and hunt down a working replay for the level, since my replays are saved in the format of rank and level number, not by level title. The Lemmicks levels were obvious, while others I couldn't remember if the level came from Paralems or Pit Lems. Some of them I knew which pack it came from, but not all. Seems like for those levels that have repeats, that only the originals were picked for the rank, not the harder repeat. I guess it's coincidence that the original happened to be a song title while the repeat version isn't. For the Lemmicks levels, despite the solutions being new due to the gimmick they originally relied on absent, they were still very easy, possibly way easier now than in said pack they originated from.

Regarding any potential fixes for the Encore rank, I haven't seen Icho's replay for Twilems, so I don't know if you might change the level based on my replay for it as well. The only other concerning level in the rank, at least from what it looks like to me, would be Encore 17 - Lem to the slaughter. I'm quite certain that is a severe backroute, and I don't think I solved it this way when I first played the level in the pack it comes from, which I believe is Lemmicks? I'm sure it involves getting the swimmer hatch to rescue the other hatch rather than the way I severely shortcutted and cheesed the level here.

With the Encore rank completed, that just leaves the final Groupie rank to do, but for this one this is where I'll await an update before taking it on and finishing up the pack. Again, take your time, as I'm not in any kind of rush to solve the entire pack. I kind of gave you a lot of work with how I just finished LOA. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline Strato Incendus

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #51 on: November 22, 2020, 03:56:52 PM »
And the update is here at last, the Groupie rank is fixed! :D The link in the starting post is still the same.

Some of IchoTolot's alternative solutions that used all or almost all skills are still possible, and sometimes deliberately so, because I found them awesome! :thumbsup: But everything that's obviously a glaring backroute has been dealt with now.

Except for Groupie 39, "Not the incended solution". Here the level-preview text even announces that backroutes will be possible. :D
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #52 on: November 22, 2020, 06:43:23 PM »
How do I update the pack if the DL link in the OP is the same? Or am I supposed to use the OP to update it? Also, a changelog of what levels in the Groupie rank has changed would had been nice so that I know for sure that I have the latest version. I haven't played any of the rank before your update.

edit: Never mind, I figured it out. It didn't take very long. Groupie 5 was the first level I noticed where the old version didn't match the New Formats version. In New Formats, there are pickup skills, but in the old version of Old Formats, there were no pickups. I just tried the DL in the OP, and now I see pickup skills. So, I misunderstood what you meant by "download in the OP is the same."
« Last Edit: November 22, 2020, 07:12:12 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #53 on: November 22, 2020, 11:03:21 PM »
Ah yeah, sorry, I forgot that in Old Formats, it isn't so easy to tell which levels changed ;) . In New Formats, the ticks next to the level names turn orange, obviously.

Updated levels are Groupie 01, 05, 06, 13, 18, 27, 29, and 36. The change about Groupie 10 was merely cosmetic (repositioning of one-way arrows).

I also swapped out the exit on Diva 23, because the exit on the Sandopolis tileset in New Formats apparently had been changed by the person maintaining the tileset (Flopsy was the creator, afaik). Therefore, both versions feature a classic Pillar exit now.

And yeah, the Dropbox link always remains the same when I simply replace the original file in the Dropbox folder with the new one.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #54 on: November 24, 2020, 12:26:44 AM »
Halfway through the Groupie rank, so you know what that means: More replays and feedback! Here are all my replays up through Groupie 20. Also, 300 levels officially solved. Wow! :lem-mindblown:

In contrast to the Encore rank, which I breezed through in just 1.5 hours, it has been much slower going in the Groupie rank. The difficulty's definitely picked up again. Not necessarily a bad thing with me. Still a lot of good levels I have played so far in this batch. I'm looking forward to the levels in the second half and seeing how many more designs of others I can recognize.

To be honest, I got way more of other authors' level designs than I thought I would, and so I'm actually having a lot of fun guessing whose level it's designed after. I seriously thought I wouldn't get many right, especially since it's been a long time since I played many of the packs by authors other than Icho and namida and, of course, you. Then again, it's only been about a year since I played those packs by other authors, so I guess it make sense that I'm able to recognize some of the designs despite having not seen any or remember any of their levels by design for quite a long time. By my count, I got about 11/12 of them out of the 20 I have played. That's not too bad, actually! :P

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20 levels left in this gargantuan pack! Almost at the finish line :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #55 on: November 24, 2020, 10:54:24 AM »
And, the Groupie rank is done and I thus have solved all of the LWT pack for Old Formats! :thumbsup: Icho may be the first to finish the New Formats version of LWT, but I'm officially the first to have all of LWT Old Formats solved. So, here is my entire replay collection for LWT Old Formats, all 320 replays. IMO, the second half of Groupie wasn't that much harder, but the final level of the pack was definitely the hardest, although certainly not the hardest level I have ever played. Not by a longshot. I also was far less successful with guessing the designer styles for the second half of Groupie.

edit: Reattached my entire replay collection due to going back and actually legitimately playing and solving Amateur 31 the right way, and unlocked the gold talisman along the way, and so I added my new Amateur 31 replay and got rid of the old Amateur 31 replay, which technically isn't really a replay of the level at all.

All rightie, onto the feedback for Groupie 21-40.

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Overall, an excellent pack that I would definitely recommend despite the very large size of the pack. Even better if you're musically inclined, since you'll likely be able to understand the level title references to the songs. Though, it seems that not many people are fans of radiation/slowfreeze, and if that's the case, I say they shouldn't bother with the Old Formats version and just play the New Formats version instead. As you know, I don't mind the culled radiation/slowfreeze, so I was willing to play through the Old Formats version. I wasn't playing it just to be the first person to complete the Old Formats version. Even then, there aren't that many of these levels in the pack itself, so there's still a lot of just standard puzzle levels that players can enjoy if they don't want to bother playing the radiation/slowfreeze levels. And who knows. When I do the New Formats version, I'll probably end up LPing it. It'll take an extremely long time, though, and from what I remember it's definitely very slow going at first with the first two ranks, especially since the levels in them are not your tutorials at all, and some are difficult. Of course, I'll let you know when I have started it and provide you the link ;)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 08:07:58 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #56 on: November 24, 2020, 11:28:54 AM »
Damn, you're faster than I can reply to these! :thumbsup: In a weird anachronism, I've watched your first half of Groupie before the rest of your replays (and also before IchoTolot's re-solutions for New Formats... he already announced he "re-backrouted" the levels, so I assume he found some of the same backroutes you found :D ).

I'll reply to your second batch of Groupie levels later, but two things from your second post of course I have to comment on: ;)

Overall, an excellent pack that I would definitely recommend despite the very large size of the pack.

Thank you very much for recommending this pack to others! :thumbsup:

When I do the New Formats version, I'll probably end up LPing it. It'll take an extremely long time, though, and from what I remember it's definitely very slow going at first with the first two ranks, especially since the levels in them are not your tutorials at all, and some are difficult. Of course, I'll let you know when I have started it and provide you the link

I'd be honoured to see that, of course! :thumbsup: It would be interesting to watch in comparison, not only because you would be the first person LPing the New-Formats version - Flopsy has uttered interest in doing it, but no certain plans yet, as far as I could tell; and also, he would probably use his own music playlist again - but also because it would be the first non-blind LP.

Well, except for the couple of levels that had radiation and/or slowfreeze replaced on them, because they have slightly different solutions in New Formats. Albeit those solutions are rarely "better", just "different"... and sometimes just outright inferior versions, a mere attempt at replicating the original design.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #57 on: November 24, 2020, 08:05:25 PM »
I totally forgot that I wanted go back and solve Amateur 31 - The Great Level of Indifference the legitimate way by actually playing it instead of simply let myself pass by not playing it, so here's a 100% solution to the level and hence the gold talisman. I have also reattached my replay collection in my previous reply above, so if you want to you could redownload that or download it if you haven't done so yet. Plus the New Formats version actually has a save requirement, and so I will have to play it anyway.

Damn, you're faster than I can reply to these! :thumbsup: In a weird anachronism, I've watched your first half of Groupie before the rest of your replays (and also before IchoTolot's re-solutions for New Formats... he already announced he "re-backrouted" the levels, so I assume he found some of the same backroutes you found :D ).

Well, I'm honored. :P Haha I definitely had the momentum going as I was going through the Groupie rank, so I thought why stop when I'm on a roll? Yes, there was slow going at times on some levels due to me being a dummy, but for the most part the Groupie levels don't come near the brutal difficulty of some of the levels in the main ranks, especially the Legend rank, the final main rank of the pack.

Overall, an excellent pack that I would definitely recommend despite the very large size of the pack.

Thank you very much for recommending this pack to others! :thumbsup:

This is your flagship pack. I happen to be musically inclined from a really young age, and other than the extremely boring first two ranks which I think you correctly attributed to the fact that I played your Paralems and Pit Lems in quick succession, this pack gets an extremely positive reception from me due to the so many excellent puzzles, both the extremely artistic levels and the ones that aren't as much :) So really, the very artistic side of the levels is an extra plus if the puzzle/solution happens to be great in the first place, which I thought most of them were. This pack never got too overwhelming at all, except possibly the final level of the pack (just due to what you need to do in the first few minutes of the level), though there were some extremely tough nuts in the main ranks, but I felt they challenged me appropriately and in a really good way ;)

I'd be honoured to see that, of course! :thumbsup: It would be interesting to watch in comparison, not only because you would be the first person LPing the New-Formats version - Flopsy has uttered interest in doing it, but no certain plans yet, as far as I could tell; and also, he would probably use his own music playlist again - but also because it would be the first non-blind LP.

When I do do this, should I do it post-commentary like I'm doing with United? Or should I just LP it as if from complete scratch? Even though it's not really, since it will be a non-blind LP like you said since I've already seen all of the levels. Come to think of it, I notice how very quickly I tend to forget my own solutions to other people's levels, and so I might just do the former. Then again, maybe doing the latter is better and makes for a much more enjoyable experience for both me and the viewers, especially a pack author such as yourself ;) IIRC the longest I have ever struggled on a level in this pack was probably for a good 45 minutes or so, although I think the final level was close to an hour.

edit: After running my replays through the Replay refresher tool, I ran a mass replay check on them for the New Formats version. As I expected, several replays don't work, although I'm surprised that not as many failed as I thought there would be. 11 failed, some due to the glider issue, others for various reasons, most notably due to the ceiling being deadly in New Formats, while another 14 is undetermined (see my attached mass replay check text file for v12.10.0). Curiously, for v12.9.4, there are more problematic replays (mass replay check text file for v12.9.4 also attached). In both cases, it reports as Diva 24 not being found, although I ran my replay and it does work, so no problem there. However, it reports an error with Groupie 39 due to the generalstratomd style missing. So, it looks like I would have to go back and fix a lot of replays anyway, so perhaps this would point to doing the actual LP being the better option? Also, if I do this, I will definitely take your advice of devoting just a video to the final level, since it generally cannot be solved alongside other levels in the same session.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 08:25:29 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #58 on: November 24, 2020, 08:47:58 PM »
Ah yeah, thanks for adding Amateur 31; I had indeed already downloaded all your replays, so I just added this single one.

Plus the New Formats version actually has a save requirement, and so I will have to play it anyway.

Well, that's namida's fault, not mine; at some point, for some reason, he decided to make the minimum save requirement in New Formats 1. :P And I've already complained to him how he partially ruined this otherwise completely indifferent level with that! ;)

brutal difficulty of some of the levels in the main ranks, especially the Legend rank, the final main rank of the pack.

Really? ^^ "Brutal" is a word I maybe would have expected for some levels from Lemmings Open Air, not from this pack. Maybe that's because IchoTolot seems to have breezed through this pack quickly and easily, so that I had already given up hope that any of those levels would pose an actual challenge to adept solvers such as you and IchoTolot.

I don't quite remember which of the Legend levels you considered the hardest, but maybe I'd have to check those specific levels again to see where you're coming from. ;)

As for the final level of the pack: Yeah, that took IchoTolot one hour as well. It's not necessarily for difficulty per se; it's just because there's so much stuff to cover.
In the end, I'm probably happy that the New Formats editor has a pixel limit, so that I can't even be tempted to ever create such a monster again. :evil:

"The Grand Puzzle" was my first attempt at creating a Final-Frustration-like experience; in Lemmings Open Air, "Hammer-Smashed Face" is my second one.
Interestingly enough, Lemmings: Hall of Fame actually does not end with such a huge open-ended level.
But Lemmings, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll might... and hopefully, that one will be much better at a much smaller landscape size. ;)

When I do do this, should I do it post-commentary like I'm doing with United? Or should I just LP it as if from complete scratch? Even though it's not really, since it will be a non-blind LP like you said since I've already seen all of the levels. Come to think of it, I notice how very quickly I tend to forget my own solutions to other people's levels, and so I might just do the former. Then again, maybe doing the latter is better and makes for a much more enjoyable experience for both me and the viewers, especially a pack author such as yourself ;) IIRC the longest I have ever struggled on a level in this pack was probably for a good 45 minutes or so, although I think the final level was close to an hour.

Well, if you really actually do forget your own solutions again quickly, then this might be the best chance you have to do a semi-blind LP. ;) In other words, just running the replays over the levels with post-commentary might be a wasted opportunity. At least as long as you're not really getting stuck - which I think both of us would have good reasons to doubt, now that you've already solved the entire pack in Old Formats.

I might still do a creator's commentary later, where I can run the replays with commentary... or IchoTolot might upload his solutions for New Formats to YouTube eventually. (Which would then be the same format in which you're planning to LP the pack, so if you're both just running the replays over the levels, it would be a very similar experience for the viewer, therefore most likely redundant.)

11 failed, some due to the glider issue, others for various reasons, most notably due to the ceiling being deadly in New Formats, while another 14 is undetermined (see my attached mass replay check text file for v12.10.0). Curiously, for v12.9.4, there are more problematic replays (mass replay check text file for v12.9.4 also attached). In both cases, it reports as Diva 24 not being found, although I ran my replay and it does work, so no problem there. However, it reports an error with Groupie 39 due to the generalstratomd style missing.

- The Glider physics change was indeed only implemented in New Formats, so yes, all those replays will fail and did so for me as well. Sometimes I had to adjust the position of an updraft in a New-Formats level but had to deliberately not do so in Old-Formats.

- Diva 24 is a rerun of Noisemaker 15, so maybe there was an issue with the level IDs in the replay files? I remember I didn't quite know about the issue with identical level IDs back in Old-Formats, so whenever I created a rerun out of an existing level but then later on manually gave it a different level ID, replay files I had created before that would end up getting confused.

- Groupie 39 isn't the only level to require the strato_generalmd style; it's also needed for e.g. the level "Weiße Rosen aus Athen", for my custom white flower traps, and for the level "It must have been Lems", with my custom Builder staircases pre-placed inside the level.
So if you don't have that tileset installed (even though you should, since it ships with the New-Formats download), those other levels should have produced error messages as well.
Maybe you downloaded the styles together with the pack, but they didn't get unpacked into the right folder? ;)
If you unpack the ZIP into your main NeoLemmix 12.10 folder, the levels folder should automatically get integrated into your levels folder and the styles folder into your styles folder. If however you unpack them directly into levels, then the styles will end up in the wrong place.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings World Tour
« Reply #59 on: November 24, 2020, 09:27:39 PM »
brutal difficulty of some of the levels in the main ranks, especially the Legend rank, the final main rank of the pack.

Really? ^^ "Brutal" is a word I maybe would have expected for some levels from Lemmings Open Air, not from this pack. Maybe that's because IchoTolot seems to have breezed through this pack quickly and easily, so that I had already given up hope that any of those levels would pose an actual challenge to adept solvers such as you and IchoTolot.

I don't quite remember which of the Legend levels you considered the hardest, but maybe I'd have to check those specific levels again to see where you're coming from. ;)

Yea, "brutal" is definitely an overstatement, since I only considered a few levels in each rank to be much harder than the rest in the same rank, and even then the hardest levels of each rank aren't very hard to the extreme. Here, I was simply making the comparison that the difficulty of the Groupie rank, while definitely harder than the Encore rank, which I easily breezed through due to having already played your Lemmicks, Paralems, and Pit Lems all in their entirety, as a whole, doesn't come anywhere near the difficulty of the main ranks, most notably the Legend rank, which I thought was definitely the most difficult out of all the 6 main ranks. The Legend rank had a lot of difficult levels from what I remember, and I considered those brutal compared to the other hard ones in the other main ranks. But yes, I am in agreement that "brutal" is a much better descriptive word for LOA's difficulty rather than LWT. LWT is most definitely intermediate in difficulty compared to your other 3 packs. In order from easiest to hardest, Paralems => LWT => Lemmicks => Pit Lems. Though, due to the changing gimmicks in Lemmicks, its difficulty is hard to place.

As for the final level of the pack: Yeah, that took IchoTolot one hour as well. It's not necessarily for difficulty per se; it's just because there's so much stuff to cover.
In the end, I'm probably happy that the New Formats editor has a pixel limit, so that I can't even be tempted to ever create such a monster again. :evil:

"The Grand Puzzle" was my first attempt at creating a Final-Frustration-like experience; in Lemmings Open Air, "Hammer-Smashed Face" is my second one.

Truthfully, the final level of LOA was nowhere near as stressful as The Grand Puzzle. Slightly easier as well, and I definitely prefer LOA's final level to LWT's final level. If you read my feedback on The Grand Puzzle, I'm not a huge fan of the level, mainly due to how I got quickly annoyed at how much scrolling needs to be done and just not being able to watch all crowds at once.

Well, if you really actually do forget your own solutions again quickly, then this might be the best chance you have to do a semi-blind LP. ;) In other words, just running the replays over the levels with post-commentary might be a wasted opportunity. At least as long as you're not really getting stuck - which I think both of us would have good reasons to doubt, now that you've already solved the entire pack in Old Formats.

I might still do a creator's commentary later, where I can run the replays with commentary... or IchoTolot might upload his solutions for New Formats to YouTube eventually. (Which would then be the same format in which you're planning to LP the pack, so if you're both just running the replays over the levels, it would be a very similar experience for the viewer, therefore most likely redundant.)

Well, at least many of the details of my solutions I tend to forget. My United level solving commentary video series is pretty much a complement to Icho's Creator's commentary, the difference being is that I not only explain my solutions but also I give input and thoughts on the levels themselves too from a player's perspective instead of from a level designer point of view. This means that if you ever end up doing a creator's commentary for your LWT pack, I might end up doing the same thing and complement your video series with mine. Or if it doesn't happen, I might just end up actually doing the non-blind LP, and possibly just switch to post-commentary if I get really stuck, though I highly doubt that will happen at all, considering the longest I've been stuck on a level in this pack was for about a good 45 minutes or so.

11 failed, some due to the glider issue, others for various reasons, most notably due to the ceiling being deadly in New Formats, while another 14 is undetermined (see my attached mass replay check text file for v12.10.0). Curiously, for v12.9.4, there are more problematic replays (mass replay check text file for v12.9.4 also attached). In both cases, it reports as Diva 24 not being found, although I ran my replay and it does work, so no problem there. However, it reports an error with Groupie 39 due to the generalstratomd style missing.

- Groupie 39 isn't the only level to require the strato_generalmd style; it's also needed for e.g. the level "Weiße Rosen aus Athen", for my custom white flower traps, and for the level "It must have been Lems", with my custom Builder staircases pre-placed inside the level.
So if you don't have that tileset installed (even though you should, since it ships with the New-Formats download), those other levels should have produced error messages as well.
Maybe you downloaded the styles together with the pack, but they didn't get unpacked into the right folder? ;)
If you unpack the ZIP into your main NeoLemmix 12.10 folder, the levels folder should automatically get integrated into your levels folder and the styles folder into your styles folder. If however you unpack them directly into levels, then the styles will end up in the wrong place.

I checked my styles folder for New Formats and it appears that I didn't extract all of your styles folders to my NL directory. Though, it's possible that I might had just simply used the styles manager download, but I didn't see the strato folders in the styles folder of NL, and so maybe not ??? I redownloaded the pack for New Formats and now it fixes the error with Groupie 39 in the mass replay text file. The same problematic replays are still reported, but again that's expected going from Old Formats to New Formats. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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