GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.

Started by GigaLem, January 14, 2018, 11:19:43 PM

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I've decided to do something new with myself for this year on the forums and that's a "Blog and Review" thread.
where I do the following....
-Talk about life
-Talk about experiences
-Review games
-Review movies
-Point out my problems using programs

Now I might write most of these in google docs or text files but yeah it should be something worth a read.

The first thing I'll need to put together is
"Why I Don't Like Lix's Level editor"
and I'm gonna need a lot of time for that one because I wanna get all my points across.

but yeah enjoy


Really looking forward to this. The editor's UI design is 11 years old and hasn't changed much. It's bound to suck in a couple places.

Make several smaller rants if the entire thing is too daunting to write.

-- Simon


Now that Neolemmix new format is Finally Stable, I devised a checklist of things to do before migrating

-Release Post-Holiday GigaLems 2017
-Redesign Purple and Desert for Lemmings Discovery (which I'll move to the new format for developement on Vol.1)
-Make the Labyrinth Tileset using the stuff flopsy gave me
-Finish Launch base conversion
-Finish Wafflem's unfinished freedom planet levels and send them to Nessy for porting to the new format

Anything finished will be marked with Green
Anything Cancelled in marked with Red

as for other things, I know once finished with "Post-Holiday GigaLems 2017" (which I didn't) I'll begin work on my little (or not) Rant on lix so aside from that, Cheers!


Nice GigaLem, you've always been a good ranter.

This reminds me of "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears" from Family Guy :P

Looking forward to seeing the Labyrinth Zone Tileset as well :)


Well I am now 21, Progress may be slow because I'll be away. but I'll get to enjoy myself :thumbsup:


A friend of mine commissioned a talented artist Who loves the new sonic IDW character right now
for a character I RP as, Feels nice having a new profile picture
have a anthropomorphic puppy (big image BTW)


I think It'd better to talk about the editor in another thread if im honest.

Also I think I know what my next rant should be "Splatoon 2's Single Player"


Since I have OBS, and that I can record with it Test footage right here
I'm gonna be recording some playthroughs for the commentary group "Melting Pot Comms"
My priority is Megaman 1-6 but I do want to cover Shovel Knight as well. I have no access to editing software at the moment so I'll have someone be editing the stuff for me.
I'm gonna try recording Megaman within the next week or two.


Quote from: GigaLem on April 19, 2018, 07:34:44 AM
I have no access to editing software at the moment so I'll have someone be editing the stuff for me.

As was discussed in another topic, you can get Vegas Edit Pro 14 very cheap ($20 USD, and you get a whole bunch of other programs too) via Humble Bundle at the moment. I've bought it but haven't tried it out yet; it's still available for a few more days.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


If I go from semi-absent to Mostly Absent for a bit. that's because a friend of mine has received some grim news.
His mother is going to pass away due to her cancer. If you have any condolences to sent I'll pass them on to him. This came as a shock to me because I've been there before.


GigaLem please tell him I am so sorry for what is happening and send him my condolences :( :(


Quote from: GigaLem on May 14, 2018, 09:43:10 PM
If I go from semi-absent to Mostly Absent for a bit. that's because a friend of mine has received some grim news.
His mother is going to pass away due to her cancer. If you have any condolences to sent I'll pass them on to him. This came as a shock to me because I've been there before.
It seems your having a very bad year. Very sorry to hear these things; death is not an easy thing to deal with. Just remember: it's perfectly okay to feel bad and to cry. Sometimes, we even tend to think or do things that seem very bizarre or rude or bad when grieving. We understand. It will pass, as long we face it and don't try to suppress these things.
We can best honor the memory our loved ones by doing the things they would be proud of, and never forgetting them or the impact they had.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain