Lemmings Plus II

Started by namida, November 30, 2013, 09:21:45 AM

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Lemmings Plus Games Index
Lemmings Plus DOS Project
A Lemmix-based pack of 150 levels using the official graphic sets. Lemmings Plus DOS Project mostly stays true to the original mechanics, even including glitches, but did introduce the staple Lemmings Plus feature of having non-timed bombers.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpdos.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download)

Lemmings Plus II
A Lemmix-based pack of 100 levels + 5 secret levels using five new graphic sets. Introduces the concepts of Frenzy and Gimmick levels, as well as secret levels; though the engine is a modified version of traditional Lemmix, not NeoLemmix.
Has a bonus pack of 30 levels + 2 secret levels focusing on repeats and gimmick/frenzy levels.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpii.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpiibonus.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download Bonus Pack)

Lemmings Plus III
A NeoLemmix-based pack of 60 levels + 9 secret levels using four new graphic sets. Lemmings Plus III is the first pack in the series to use the NeoLemmix engine.
Has a bonus pack of 35 levels + 7 secret levels focusing on repeats and gimmick levels.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpiii.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpiiibonus.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download Bonus Pack)

Holiday Lemmings Plus
A small NeoLemmix-based pack of 12 levels exclusively using the Christmas graphic set. Holiday Lemmings Plus is the first pack in the series to use the new NeoLemmix skills and vertical scrolling.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lph.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download)

Lemmings Plus Flashbacks
An NeoLemmix-based collection pack featuring 32 of the best levels selected from Lemmings Plus DOS Project, Lemmings Plus II and Lemmings Plus III.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpf.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download)

Lemmings Plus Omega
An NeoLemmix-based pack of 135 levels using the Lemmings Plus II and Lemmings Plus III graphic sets. It is the last entry in the Lemmings Plus series.
(Topic) | http://www.neolemmix.com/old/lpo.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">(Download)

Well, here we go! Here's the sequel to the Lemmings Plus DOS Project, Lemmings Plus II!
Note that Lemmings Plus II (LPII) is a completely different and seperate pack from the Cheapo pack "Lemmings Plus 2" (LP2).

Lemmings Plus II is a pack of 105 levels (21 levels per rank over 5 difficulty ranks), using the original Lemmings mechanics with custom graphic sets. Like the later revisions of LPDOS, the only official release format is a pre-built Lemmix player.

As well as custom graphics, Lemmings Plus II contains more custom functionality than LPDOS did. Most mechanics tweaks are specific to a certain level - these so-called "gimmick levels" deviate from the normal mechanics slightly, to present a unique challenge. These occur twice per rank - one gimmick level in each rank is a Floater Frenzy, which is simply a matter of dishing out floaters as quick as you can but with pausing disabled, while the other one is a unique gimmick that's different for each gimmick level, these include a level where you have to kill lemmings instead of save them, a level where there's no gravity, and three more unique twists for you to discover when you reach the respective levels! It should also be noted that LPII retains the LPDOS-style bombers rather than the traditional Lemmings style... because let's face it, did ANYONE actually like bomber timing?

One level in each rank is also a secret level. These are accessed in a similar fashion to secret levels in, for example, Crash Bandicoot 2 or Ducks. You simply have to get a lemming to the correct place, and the secret level will instantly be triggered. There are hints as to their locations, but it's up to you to find those hints...

Released later is an addon pack of 32 extra levels using the LPII styles, primarily focused on gimmick levels, especially the Frenzy, Karoshi and No Gravity gimmicks.

Unlike LPDOS, LPII doesn't have repeat levels in the main game, though the bonus pack has repeat versions of a few levels from LPII as well as the gimmick levels. There are though three sets of levels (one of two, one of three, and one of five) that are close variations of each other, but for the most part, every level is completely unique.


I have moved all my Lemmings-related downloads to DropBox.

Lemmings Plus II downloads can be found https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z1h2vwtu90w8igs/AACZHdm9OSftP9aAuqoWl_Iia/LemmingsPlus/Lemmings Plus II" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here.
Lemmings Plus II Bonus Pack downloads can be found https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z1h2vwtu90w8igs/AACqDQ11RdkxXbDXp4J6YVYYa/LemmingsPlus/Lemmings Plus II Bonus Pack" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here.

If you are just wanting to play LPII - you only need the Lemmings Plus II Lemmix Player. The styles are for people who want to use the LPII graphic sets in making their own levels. You do NOT need them to play the game; they are included in the LPII player EXE.

Replays include how to access the secret levels, and the solutions to the secret levels themself.

There's a lot of people to be thanked for this, but I think the absolute biggest three mentions would have to go to (in no particular order, all three were very critical to this project) EricLang for the Lemmix engine, ccexplore for Lemmix modifications and documentation of the file formats, and VTM software for LemEdit. Full credits are displayed on the in-game scrolling text on the title screen.

Secret Levels
Quote from: Levels containing secrets

-- LPII --
Nice 16 "These Lasers Aren't So Fun..."
Cheeky 8 "The Haunted House"
Sneaky 13 "When Only A Lemming Will Do"
Cunning 9 "No Chance!"
Genius 6 "Treetop Trial"

-- Bonus Pack --
Challenge 1 "The Gulag"
Flight 6 "Symphony In G Miner"

Misc content:

Video of Cheeky 7 "Yours Treely" being played in CustLemm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ8U-6AgnKE" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ8U-6AgnKE - This video comes from before LPII was officially started (although the intention to start it was there), serving more as a proof-of-concept of custom graphic styles in the original format rather than a custom one
Video of Nice 11 "Fun With Lasers" being played in CustLemm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs1duiR9aU4" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs1duiR9aU4 - This video shows one-way fields in fact not strictly speaking being unique LPII features, but that the original games in fact have the capacity for it, there are just no objects in the official sets that use them

Making gimmick levels when using LookForLVLFiles
It is possible to create your own gimmick levels, then play them using LookForLVLFiles with either LPII or the LPII Bonus Pack. I would reccomend the bonus pack, as it automatically detects what music to play and supports a few extra gimmick combinations; plain LPII hardcodes which levels play different music, and does not support the No Gravity + Hardworkers combo or the Superlemming + Frenzy + Karoshi + Unalterable combo. The bonus pack also supports entrances that spawn left-facing lemmings, plain LPII does not.

Plain LPII only supports the LPII graphic sets, whereas the bonus pack supports the LPII sets, the Orig sets and the OhNo sets.

To use a gimmick, use a hex editor to replace the two bytes at 0x1E (or set the "Gimmick" field using the NeoLemmix Editor) with:
Code: [Select]
0x4200 - Null Gimmick *1
0x4202 - Frenzy
0x4203 - Reverse Skill Counters *2
0x4204 - Karoshi
0x4205 - Unalterable Terrain
0x4206 - Overflow Skill Counters
0x4207 - No Gravity
0x4208 - Hard Workers
0x420A - SuperLemming *3, *4
0xFFFF - SuperLemming *3
0x4201 - Combination: Frenzy + SuperLemming
0x4209 - Combination: Frenzy + SuperLemming + Karoshi + Unalterable Terrain *4
0x4210 - Combination: No Gravity + Hard Workers *4

*1 - Unused in official LPII levels. Has no effect, but will trigger gimmick level music.
*2 - Unused in official LPII levels. This causes skill counts to count up instead of down.
*3 - Unused in official LPII levels (except as part of multi-gimmick combinations). This gimmick is not unique to LPII.
*4 - Bonus pack only, does not work in standard LPII.

The graphic set numbers for LPII are as follows:
Code: [Select]
-- LPII Styles --
0x00 (00) - Tree
0x01 (01) - Purple
0x02 (02) - Psychedelic
0x03 (03) - Metal
0x04 (04) - Desert

-- Official Lemmings Styles -- (BONUS PACK ONLY - Plain LPII does NOT support these!)
0x10 (16) - Dirt
0x11 (17) - Fire
0x12 (18) - Marble
0x13 (19) - Pillar
0x14 (20) - Crystal
0x15 (21) - Brick
0x16 (22) - Rock
0x17 (23) - Snow
0x18 (24) - Bubble
0x19 (25) - Xmas

You may notice that the numbers for the official styles are just their normal number plus 16 (or plus 0x10 in hex). This is intentional, to make it simpler to do with a hex editor than having to calculate the correct value - just change the starting 0 to a 1.

To use a left-facing entrance, add 0x10 to the byte which stores no overwrite / draw-on-terrain. This has no effect on objects other than entrances. (It can also be set using older versions of the NeoLemmix Editor; newer ones won't let it be set on non-NeoLemmix levels.)

When not using a gimmick, LPII's mechanics are virtually identical to those of OhNo, apart from the instant bombers and the absence of three glitches: the pause for time glitch, the nuke glitch, and the one-way-right miner glitch.

Random trivia:
Development Related
  • During development, LPII was codenamed "Lemmings Plus 5 Project" (similar to LPDOS being codenamed (although this was never changed to a proper name) "Lemmings Plus DOS Project", and LPIII being "Lemmings Plus X Project" before being officially titled Lemmings Plus III; the LPII Bonus Pack never had any codename and was called "Lemmings Plus II Bonus Pack" from the start)
  • The first level in Nice to be made was Nice 2 "Acidic Lemming".
  • The last level in Nice to be made was Nice 17 "Lemmings Gettin' Down".
  • The first level in Cheeky to be made, also the first LPII level to be made of all, was Cheeky 7 "Yours Treely".
  • The last level in Cheeky to be made, also the last LPII level to be made of all, was Cheeky 4 "Island Hoppers".
  • The first level in Sneaky to be made was Sneaky 8 "Lemming Surge".
  • The last level in Sneaky to be made was Sneaky 17 "The Playground".
  • The first level in Cunning to be made was Cunning 6 "Cleverbash".
  • The last level in Cunning to be made was Cunning 17 "Cyclic Lemming".
  • The first level in Genius to be made was Genius 5 "Illusionary World".
  • The last level in Genius to be made was Genius 18 "A Little Breather".
Player Related
  • The LPII Lemmix player is based off the ONML Lemmix player, unlike the LPDOS player which was based off the Orig Lemmix player.
  • The player version numbers for the Bonus Pack do not correspond to the same numbers from standard LPII. Bonus Pack player V1 would actually be V5 of the LPII player overall. The style numbers similarly would've been restarted; however this is irrelevant as there never was a V2 of the styles, no issues with them ever arose.
  • In a sense, the LPII player could be considered a very VERY early version of NeoLemmix.
Skill Related
  • There are two skills which differ from standard DOS mechanics significantly in LPII. The 2nd and 3rd levels of Nice are designed to make the player notice these differences. These are the bomber, which explodes instantly without a countdown (but with an oh no), and the miner, which now handles one way right correctly.
  • The highest number of total skills in a level is 240, in both Nice 21 "To Lem, Or Not To Lem" and Cheeky 6 "Raindrop Lemmings".
  • The lowest number of total skills in a level is 4, in Cheeky 16 "Placement Testing" and Cunning 15 "Don't Panic".
  • The highest number of a single skill in a level is 80, in all four Floater Frenzy levels.
Style Related
  • The order the styles were made in is Tree, Psychedelic, Metal, Purple, Desert - almost the same as the order they're numbered in, except Purple.
  • Nice has exactly four levels in each style, if you don't include the secret level.
  • If you ignore the secret levels, LPII never has more than two levels in a row using the same style.
  • Even if you don't, there's only one set of three levels in a row with the same style, depending on whether you define a secret level as being at the end of a rank, or after the level that it's found in. The former gives Sneaky 19/20/21 (all Purple); the latter gives Cunning 8/9/21 (all Desert).
  • Level 9 is the only level number that uses a different style in each rank. Level 9 also uses a different style in each rank in LPIII, but in that case, it is not the only level number to do so.
  • The Desert trap contains a fire object that was never used in any LPII level (not even in the bonus pack). This object was meant to be a sort of burning hot sand or rock.
Level Related
  • In a voteoff between all 105 levels, Genius 8 "Panic Attack" was voted the best level of LPII. It was then put into a one-on-one round against the winner from LPDOS's voteoff (Medi 6 "Fallen"); in which Panic Attack was the winner. Later on after LPIII's release and voteoff, it was also played off against the winner from that voteoff; in which Panic Attack got every vote. This means it can most likely be considered my best level ever (although it hasn't been played off against the levels of the NeoLemmix Tutorial Pack, but the only level there that would be likely to even offer the slightest bit of competition would be Stone Hot Sacrifice).
  • Before I got the idea for Floater Frenzy, the once-per-rank level was going to be variants on Nice 6 "Capsule Run".
  • Nice 20 having such a high saved requirement was in fact accidental - it was meant to require 75% of 100 lemmings, not 93% of 80 lemmings. (Both work out to be 75 lemmings.)
  • Going strictly by the numerical level order (thus, considering secret levels to come after level 20), Genius is the only rank where the Floater Frenzy comes before the gimmick level.
  • There is one level which has had its time limit modified since its initial release. This is Sneaky 13 "When Only A Lemming Will Do", which was originally a 2 minute level. It should be noted that the original version of the level was impossible to complete in one minute.
  • Every exit placed in a LPII level is possible to get at least one lemming to (though not nessecerially while passing the level at the same time).
  • LPII does not have any levels with three trapdoors, and only seven levels with four trapdoors - Cheeky 6 "Raindrop Lemming", Cunning 12 "Jailbreak", and the five Floater Frenzies.
  • There are two invisible exits in LPII. Both are in the same level, which also has a third, visible exit.
  • The only level to be given a name, then renamed significantly after the level was completed, was Nice 9 "Something's Not Right Here...". It was originally titled "Stress Relief".
  • Cunning 20 has quite a large degree of superficial resemblance to Taxing 30 / Mayhem 29 from the Master System version.
  • LPII has a whopping 20 levels which revolve solely or mainly around finding creative ways to survive a fatal fall - only one level short of being able to make an entire rank of them! This is even lampshaded in one level title, Genius 7 "Another Fall Survival Puzzle" (which ironically, is actually solved by bypassing the fall rather than surviving it).
  • There are a total of 28 levels with "Lemming", or some derivative thereof (lemmings, lem, lemmy, etc) in the title. 9 in Nice (including the secret level), 5 in Cheeky, 4 in Sneaky, 5 in Cunning and 5 in Genius. Nice 21 actually has it twice - the title is "To Lem, Or Not To Lem".
  • The first three levels of Cheeky and Sneaky follow similar patterns. First is a fairly generic X-of-everything level, second is a small level with a somewhat-but-not-overly restrictive skillset, and third is a 5-of-everything-100%-required level.
Gimmick Related
  • The player supports one extra gimmick that isn't used in any level. This gimmick causes your skill count to count upwards rather than downwards (if you exceed 99, it will permanently display zero), and give you infinite uses of each one. It was superceeded in the release with the wrap-around gimmick, but wasn't removed from the coding and can still be used in custom levels with LookForLVLFiles.
  • On that note, the level that originally had this gimmick (in the count-up form rather than the wrap-around) was in Cunning, and was not even remotely similar to Sneaky 4 of the final release - it was actually a Tree-style level. What actually happened to that level? It wasn't thrown away, but rather, extra decorative terrain was added, the exit was moved slightly, the level was reverted to a standard (non-gimmick) level, and the level ended up in the final release as Cheeky 1.
  • One gimmick that was considered but not used (or even coded) would have made bombers change back to walkers after exploding, instead of disappearing. This gimmick was eventually added to NeoLemmix, and ended up being used in LPIII.
  • The Desert style is not used in any gimmick level in LPII, though there is a Desert-style Floater Frenzy (albeit as a very hard-to-access secret level). The LPII Bonus Pack does feature one gimmick level and another frenzy using it, though.
LPDOS Similarities
  • Many LPII levels are inspired in some way by LPDOS levels that were popular or that I liked. Some of the more obvious examples are Genius 10 "Still No Time To Die" and Genius 17 "No Construction Zone". A less obvious example is Sneaky 3 "Tall Tales" (compare to Medi 23 "This Is...").
  • While LPDOS had a proliferation of levels with 1 minute time limits, in LPII they're actually quite rare - there are only five levels in LPII with a one minute time limit (two in Sneaky, two in Cunning and one in Genius). However, 2 minute time limits are far more common than they were in LPDOS.
  • Sneaky 9 "Rolling Rampage" was originally going to be added to LPDOS in V7, but for some reason I forgot to add it. It was intended to replace Danger 2 "Metal Lands", and an easier version of it would also have replaced Medi 3 "The Box". Because it was a really good level, I decided to remake it for LPII rather than leave it as simply a (unintentionally) rejected LPDOS level. This original design of Rolling Rampage was made in the pillar style, and the solution was almost identical to that of Sneaky 9.

Bonus Pack Trivia
  • In the best level voteoff for the bonus pack, the result was a tie between Reverse 6 "The Takeover" and Rush 6 "Bomber Frenzy".
  • The only repeated level from LPII which has the same music as it did in LPII is Rush 3 "Floater Frenzy: Perfect Edition". However, if gimmick levels did not have special music, Trial 3 would also have the same music in both (Rush 3 would still also have the same in both).
  • Trial and Challenge both start with repeats of levels 5 and 7 of their respective ranks from LPII.
  • Flight is the only rank in the bonus pack that has all three types of levels out of "those where 100% is impossible", "those where 100% is required" and "those where 100% is possible but not required".
  • Rush is the first rank in the series which does not have any level where 100% is impossible, at least theoretically.
  • Prior to DynaLem acheiving 100% on Trial 6, Trial was thought to be the first rank in the series which does not have any level where 100% is possible.
  • Flight is the only rank which contains at least one level in each style.
  • From a technical point of view, the bonus pack actually contains 35 levels. Due to the way secret levels are coded in LPII (and thus by extension, the bonus pack), the ranks that don't actually have secret levels still have placeholder levels in the secret level position. It is impossible to access these (except by using custom LVL files or knowing the password; since none of the official levels in those ranks contain a secret level trigger spot) and they're very dull levels (basically just a small platform with a start and exit on it, with a 0% save requirement), and all three are identical to each other.
  • Compared to standard LPII, which is quite well-balanced, the bonus pack has a disproportionately high number of Psychedelic levels. This is especially noticable in Rush, where 4 of the 6 levels are Psychedelic.
  • Rush 1 is a homage to We All Fall Down from the original Lemmings game, while Rush 2 is a homage to Danger 18 "The Buildo Station" from LPDOS. Rush 4's title makes reference to Wicked 2 "Introducing SUPERLEMMING!" from Oh No More Lemmings, but apart from the high-speed and 1 lemming, the levels have little in common.
  • The highest number of total skills in a level is 160 in Rush 5 "Athlete Frenzy". The lowest is 4, in both Trial 1 "Can't Stop The Lemmings..." and Trial 5 "Triangular Lemming" (of these, Trial 1 spreads it over a smaller variety of skills).
  • The highest number of a single skill in a level is 99 Bombers in Rush 6 "Bomber Frenzy". This is also the highest number of a single skill of any Lemmings Plus level so far.

Level name references
Nice 1 "Holding Out For A Hero" - An obvious reference to the song, but also a hint at the solution.
Nice 5 "Get Your Lemmings' Worth" - A play on "Get your money's worth"
Nice 7 "Together We Sand" - A play on "Together we stand"
Nice 9 "Something's Not Right Here..." - A reference to having to kill lemmings instead of save them
Nice 13 "Watch Your Lemmings..." - A good piece of advice for this level.
Nice 16 "These Lasers Aren't So Fun..." - A reference to Nice 11 "Fun With Lasers"
Nice 19 "Live And Let Lem" - A play on "Live and let live"
Nice 21 "To Lem, Or Not To Lem" - A play on "To be, or not to be"

Cheeky 1 "What Does The Lemming Say?" - A play on "What does the fox say"
Cheeky 3 "An Arm And A Lem" - A play on "An arm and a leg"
Cheeky 7 "Yours Treely" - A play on "Yours truly"
Cheeky 11 "One-Lem Wonder" - A play on "One-hit wonder"
Cheeky 17 "Heads Up!" - A reference to yelling "Heads up!" to warn of an incoming flying object (ball, etc)

Sneaky 1 "Good Luck!" - A reference to 7 being everywhere on the stats. Inverting this, 13 of each skill is given.
Sneaky 2 "Ascenario" - It's just a combination of "ascend" and "scenario"
Sneaky 4 "Overflow Zone" - A hint at the gimmick
Sneaky 18 "A Two-Pronged Approach" - A hint at the solution involving two slightly different routes
Sneaky 19 "Turnabout Lemming" - A reference to Ace Attorney

Cunning 2 "Treecell" - An obvious play on "Freecell"
Cunning 4 "Droppin' Bombs" - A hint at the solution
Cunning 6 "Cleverbash" - A hint at that one of the bashers is used in a not immediately obvious way
Cunning 8 "404: Exit Not Found" - A reference to browser 404 errors
Cunning 11 "Dam You!" - An obvious play on "Damn you"
Cunning 15 "Don't Panic" - A reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Cunning 20 "Secrets of the Lemmings" - Refers to the level containing hints as to the secret levels

Genius 1 "Emergency Rescue Proceedure" - Refers to sacrificing one lemming to save many others
Genius 3 "If You're Lemmy And You Know It" - A play on "If you're happy and you know it"
Genius 4 "Diet Control" - A hint at the solution
Genius 7 "Another Fall Survival Puzzle" - Lampshading the large number of LPII levels revolving around surviving a fall*
Genius 10 "Still No Time To Die" - A reference to LPDOS PSYCHO 20 "No Time To Die", which this level somewhat resembles
Genius 12 "King of the Sandcastle" - A reference to Taxing 23 "King of the Castle"
Genius 13 "Only A Lemming Away" - Refers to how often an attempt will fall one lemming short of the requirement
Genius 16 "Not Your Garden-Variety Lemming" - A hint at the gimmick
Genius 17 "No Construction Zone" - Refers to the lack of builders in the level
Genius 18 "A Little Breather" - Refers to the level being fairly easy while between hard levels
Genius 19 "Wrong Way, Mister Lemming" - Refers to the one-way arrows and fields being against the direction you need to go

* Ironically, this level itself involves going around it rather than surviving it

Bonus Pack Level Name References
Trial 3 "Now Let's Try The Normal Way" - Refers to this being a non-gimmick repeat of a gimmick level
Trial 4 "Fun Without Lasers" - A play on the original version's name, "Fun With Lasers"

Challenge 1 "The Gulag" - Somewhat of a reference to the original version's name, "A Violation Of Lemming Rights"
Challenge 3 "Another Way Down" - Refers to this being a non-frenzy repeat of a frenzy level with a very different solution
Challenge 4 "The Comeback" - Somewhat of a reference to the original version's name, "One-Lem Wonder" (which was a play on "One-Hit Wonder")
Challenge 5 "The Olempic Games" - An obvious play on "the olympic games"
Challenge 6 "Where's Your Magic Now...?" - A reference to the gimmick used in the original version of this level

Reverse 2 "If Only They Could Die..." - A play on Fun 28 from Orig, "If Only They Could Fly..."
Reverse 5 "Suicide Method 1" - A play on Taxing 6 from Orig, "Compression Method 1"
Reverse 6 "The Takeover" - A very subtle hint at the solution

Flight 2 "The Ups And Downs" - Refers to having to go up and then back down to solve the level
Flight 3 "Have A Nice Gray!" - A play on "Have a nice day" (which was also the name of an Orig level; Mayhem 25)
Flight 5 "Easy When You Know Me" - Both a play on Fun 17 from Orig, "Easy When You Know How", and a hint that the trick to solving this level is something I've used several times before in levels
Flight 6 "Symphony In G Miner" - A play on "symphony in G minor", there's no real significance to using "G" rather than any other key
Flight 7 "When You Wish Upon A Lemming" - A play on "when you wish upon a star"

Rush 1 "Flashback Frenzy" - A reference to the level resembling We All Fall Down but in Frenzy form
Rush 2 "Buildo Frenzy" - A reference to the level this is more or less based off, Danger 18 from LPDOS "The Buildo Station"
Rush 3 "Floater Frenzy: Perfect Edition" - Refers to it being a 100%-required repeat of a Floater Frenzy level
Rush 4 "SUPERLEMMING II: Desert Quest" - A reference to Wicked 2 from OhNo, "Introducing SUPERLEMMING!"
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


100% List
In levels where 100% is not possible, I've listed the highest % that's been acheived. If there is no name listed next to a score, then the score was acheived by me (or is identical to the requirement for the level). Also - I will only list the first person to acheive each score, you have to *beat* the high score to get your name on here, not just match it. =P

NICE - 2 required, 1 impossible, 17 optional
Nice 01: 100%able
Nice 02: 100%able
Nice 03: Record is 96%
Nice 04: 100%able
Nice 05: 100%able
Nice 06: 100% required
Nice 07: 100%able
Nice 08: 100%able
Nice 09: 100%able
Nice 10: 100%able
Nice 11: 100%able
Nice 12: 100%able
Nice 13: 100%able
Nice 14: 100%able
Nice 15: 100%able
Nice 16: 100%able
Nice 17: 100%able
Nice 18: 100% required
Nice 19: 100%able
Nice 20: 100%able

CHEEKY - 6 required, 7 impossible, 7 optional
Cheeky 01: 100%able
Cheeky 02: Record is 95%
Cheeky 03: 100% required
Cheeky 04: 100% required
Cheeky 05: 100%able
Cheeky 06: Record is 66% (Proxima)
Cheeky 07: 100%able
Cheeky 08: 100%able
Cheeky 09: Record is 82% (Akseli)
Cheeky 10: 100%able
Cheeky 11: 100% required
Cheeky 12: 100%able
Cheeky 13: Record is 88% (Akseli)
Cheeky 14: 100% required
Cheeky 15: Record is 96%
Cheeky 16: Record is 84%
Cheeky 17: 100% required
Cheeky 18: 100% required
Cheeky 19: 100%able
Cheeky 20: Record is 98%

SNEAKY - 4 required, 10 impossible, 6 optional
Sneaky 01: 100%able
Sneaky 02: 100% required
Sneaky 03: 100% required
Sneaky 04: 100%able
Sneaky 05: 100%able (Akseli)
Sneaky 06: Record is 75% (Nepster)
Sneaky 07: Record is 98%
Sneaky 08: Record is 98%
Sneaky 09: Record is 97% (Nepster)
Sneaky 10: Record is 80% (Akseli)
Sneaky 11: Record is 88%
Sneaky 12: Record is 88% (Akseli)
Sneaky 13: 100% required
Sneaky 14: 100%able
Sneaky 15: Record is 98%
Sneaky 16: Record is 51% (Akseli)
Sneaky 17: 100%able
Sneaky 18: Record is 96% (Akseli)
Sneaky 19: 100% required
Sneaky 20: 100%able

CUNNING - 4 required, 12 impossible, 4 optional
Cunning 01: Record is 95%
Cunning 02: Record is 98% (Akseli)
Cunning 03: 100%able
Cunning 04: Record is 89%
Cunning 05: Record is 95% (geoo)
Cunning 06: Record is 80%
Cunning 07: Record is 95%
Cunning 08: 100% required
Cunning 09: 100%able (Akseli)
Cunning 10: 100% required
Cunning 11: 100% required
Cunning 12: 100% required
Cunning 13: Record is 75%
Cunning 14: 100%able
Cunning 15: Record is 95% (Akseli)
Cunning 16: Record is 92%
Cunning 17: Record is 98%
Cunning 18: Record is 86% (Akseli)
Cunning 19: 100%able
Cunning 20: Record is 98% (Akseli)

GENIUS - 3 required, 15 impossible, 2 optional
Genius 01: Record is 96%
Genius 02: 100%able
Genius 03: Record is 96% (Nepster)
Genius 04: Record is 80% (Nepster)
Genius 05: Record is 95% (Akseli)
Genius 06: Record is 90% (Akseli)
Genius 07: Record is 97% (Akseli)
Genius 08: Record is 96%
Genius 09: 100%able theoretically
Genius 10: 100% required
Genius 11: Record is 64% (Akseli)
Genius 12: Record is 98% (Akseli)
Genius 13: Record is 79% (Akseli)
Genius 14: Record is 81% (Nepster)
Genius 15: 100% required
Genius 16: Record is 94% (Akseli)
Genius 17: 100% required
Genius 18: Record is 98%
Genius 19: Record is 96% (Nepster)
Genius 20: Record is 93% (Nepster)

SECRET LEVELS - 2 impossible, 3 optional
Nice 21: 100%able
Cheeky 21: 100%able
Sneaky 21: Record is 96% (Akseli)
Cunning 21: 100%able
Genius 21: Record is 96%

TOTAL for LPII: 19 required, 47 impossible, 39 optional

All results are based on Levels V4.

Bonus Pack

TRIAL - 5 impossible, 1 optional
Trial 1: Record is 49% (Nepster)
Trial 2: Record is 93%
Trial 3: Record is 99%
Trial 4: Record is 98%
Trial 5: Record is 94% (Nepster)
Trial 6: 100%able (DynaLem)

CHALLENGE - 2 required, 4 impossible
Challenge 1: Record is 62% (Nepster)
Challenge 2: 100% required
Challenge 3: Record is 96% (Akseli)
Challenge 4: 100% is required
Challenge 5: Record is 94%
Challenge 6: Record is 85% (Nepster)

REVERSE - 3 required, 3 optional
Reverse 1: 100%able
Reverse 2: 100%able (Akseli)
Reverse 3: 100% is required
Reverse 4: 100% is required
Reverse 5: 100%able
Reverse 6: 100% is required

FLIGHT - 2 required, 3 impossible, 1 optional
Flight 1: 100% is required
Flight 2: 100%able (DynaLem)
Flight 3: 100% is required
Flight 4: Record is 80%
Flight 5: Record is 80%
Flight 6: Record is 60%

RUSH - 4 required, 2 optional
Rush 1: 100% is required
Rush 2: 100% is required
Rush 3: 100% is required
Rush 4: 100% is required
Rush 5: 100%able
Rush 6: 100%able (theoretically)

SECRET LEVELS - 1 required, 1 impossible
Challenge 7: Record is 96%
Flight 7: 100% is required

TOTAL for LPII Bonus: 12 required, 13 impossible, 7 optional

All results are based on Levels V2 and Player V2. (This is important as the player V2 update fixes a glitch with one of the gimmick combinations.)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I just noticed. o_O LPDOS took over 4 months to complete, doesn't use custom graphic sets, doesn't have special mechanics (like the gimmick levels), and although it does more levels than LPII, repeat levels are used and the quality standard was set somewhat lower. And some of the levels were remakes (or even re-uses) of existing ones. o_O LP1 and LP2 were truly far too long ago to remember, but IIRC LP3 took a few months too...

By comparison, LPII was only a day over 3 weeks from announcement to completion. (And work prior to the announcement had only been going on for less than a week, too.)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Congrats for the release! I'll check it out!  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/thumbsup.gif" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />


Aaaah already now! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/XD.gif" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" /> Time to postpone my schoolwork. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" /> Maybe I'll play this through really quickly like you got this pack completed! Anyway, it's snow storming here at the moment, it's a good day to play Lemmings yeaaaaaah! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

So yeah, I was most astounded about the speed of the progression of the pack, you made a 100-level pack in three weeks (!?). So, now we'll see how that affects to the quality of the levels, you said that you've made many of them in under 15 minutes or so. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

This year has been really fruitful in the Lemmings level designing scene. Most remarkable releases have been packs like PimoLems and the community level pack, and now Lemmings Plus II. Then we've had two different Lemmings level contests, jLevelBuilder, comeback of a huge amount of old Lemmings fellows, some Let's Play series, and a lot more! In my personal side I'm happy that I managed to create my first level pack. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />
Gotta love this all.

Now, it's time for LPII.

EDIT 1: Played Nice and Cheeky levels through, this is super fun! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/thumbsup.gif" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" /> Like in Lemmings games generally, can't stop that easily, continuing now... Man, new custom levels !!!!!! WooOooOoooooooooo00

.. solutions and comments coming some time. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

EDIT 2: Sneaky levels solved!!!!! Can't resist playing more... but I'll save Genius levels later! I hope.
Now entering the Cunning rating :-)))))))))))

EDIT 3: That took long... the first roadblock in this pack for me is Cunning 2 ! I'll fiddle around with it later again http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />


Just played through Nice. That was fun -- it's great to have that classic feel of Lemmings/ONML with the original music, and the special music in the "gimmick" levels is also very good and blends in stylistically very well. (Where is it from?)

Something seems a bit weird -- when I have a digger and several walkers under the cursor, I'm finding it very hard to select the digger for another skill.

The levels are pretty good so far, though I question the need for three hidden-trap levels in a rating calling itself Nice. In particular, Level 19, which would be quite hard enough without the hidden trap(s).

Level 17 is ridiculously easy, considering that some much trickier levels came before it.

The one-way fields are an interesting addition to the game; there have been some cool levels with those so far.


Three? Unless you're including Level 9 (which I don't think you should count for obvious reasons), Level 19 is the only one with a hidden trap... Level 10 might surprise you, but once the trap gets you once, if you look carefully, you should easily be able to spot the active tentacles in the purple style from then on (and that's part of why the level requires 95%, not 100% or 90% - the idea is that you'll catch on from the first one and avoid the second one in that level entirely). 9, 10, 19 and 20 seem to be (at a quick glance) the only level with traps at all - unless you're counting the fire beams on level 16 too? Of these, only 9 and 19 have a hidden trap, and 9 being the Karoshi level, the trap isn't exactly a problem. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" /> (EDIT: AH, forgot about the trap in Nice 13... but the level name does hint at that you should be keeping a close eye on them...)

The digger shouldn't be *ANY* different from any other Lemmix-based games. If you could give me an exact example of where this happens, or a replay leading to such a situation, I might be able to look into it? I never noticed any problems while testing, though.

Nice 17 is a tad on the easy side, but do consider that it won't nessecerially be that way to newer players - especially with the variety of potential solutions. Also, it is my usual habit to throw in easier and harder - though I actually thought Nice 18 was the easy one, not so much 17. Some levels (for example, Genius 18) even lampshade this in their name. =P

The one-way fields aren't used that often (I didn't want to overdo them) but there are a few pretty clever levels ahead using them, especially in Genius. Genius 3 (I don't *think* it was in any of the demos) has the most significant use of them, IIRC.

Gimmick level music is level 2 from Kirby's Blockball (on Gameboy). Floater Frenzy music, I don't know the ultimate origin, but I found it in an RPG Maker 2000 game titled "Phylomortis II". It plays during a minigame.

Quote from: Akseli
EDIT 3: That took long... the first roadblock in this pack for me is Cunning 2 ! I'll fiddle around with it later again http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

Much impress. Very success. So far. Cunning 2 wasn't one I actually found to be that difficult - Cunning 5 and 6 have both been fixed up a bit since the demos so they might give you some trouble, though you already know the basic concepts...
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


In case I don't have time to play this pack next few days or week, here's at least my solutions for all the levels in the first 3 ratings and the first level of Cunning. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> So maybe you have some fun with these to start with, and replay solutions always tell a lot. I want to comment levels verbally also later, that takes some time.

I tried to find different solutions to the demo levels than earlier (didn't succeed it at least in 'Misfortune of the Masses' yet). Again, I aimed to solve these levels as naturally as I could, possible challenge solutions will come much later. Feel free to use my solutions in your 100% ability solutions or other challenges. I of course would be pleased to hear comments of my solutions, if there's anything interesting. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

Some really quick comments:
Nice 3: Is that steel desctructible on purpose?
Nice 19: Is that pixel trap at the right top corner there by accident? :--D Also agreed with Proxima, this is clearly the hardest level of Nice rating.
Cheeky 1: Some levels had odd water trigger areas, in this level lemmings seemed to drown above the surface of the water.
Cheeky 8: Some weird behaviour here at the beginning, see the replay. Still I find this a hard level. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />
Sneaky 18:
You're probably aware of this, the direct drop is possible. (Not shown in my solution.)


Nice 3 - It's intentional that the top pixel can be, the area's misplaced to allow you to bomb through the vertical bar. Tbh, there's no real reason why the block even *has* to be steel, if your'e meaning the one under the vertical bar... I think it was just because the style was new at the time and I wanted to place steel blocks to show them off. xD

Nice 19 - I assume you're meaning on the right of the exit? If so, he's been put there completely intentionally, though most solutions won't encounter him anyway. Why? Just for a bit of extra variety in the level.

Cheeky 1 - I just tested it and it seems fine to me. A little bit weird, but no more so than usual for Lemmings.

Cheeky 8 - Didn't check your replay yet, but I'm guessing you're referring to bashers getting stuck when they're almost out of a wall? Technically, that's them following their normal behaviour but without destroying the wall - they detect nothing in front, so they don't keep bashing. However, they're not quite out of the wall themself. By the way - you might want to look closely at this level and see if you can notice any differences from the demo. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Nice 19: Well, a trap size of one pixel, where I mined out with my lemming, see the replay. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />
Cheeky 8: Yes correct. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> Also normal Lemmings behaviour, though somewhat glitchy, is starting to build standing on air when turning from a wall (similar like shrugger builds standing on nothing but air).

'Misfortune of the Masses' was a level where liquid triggered really low, for example. But yeap nothing too bizarre here.


It comes across as glitchy, but it's pretty much just Lemmings doing what they normally would do, except without modifying the level. You could get the same result in a non-gimmick level by having a builder hit something and turn around, and a destructive skill remove what he's standing on at the exact same time. I had considered fixing some of these things, but ultimately decided it made more sense *not* to make further deviations from the normal mechanics. Ultimately, the builder thing is an advantage to the player, while the basher thing can easily be solved by using a miner to get them out, and it's only one level. =P

I didn't notice you'd actually posted replays to everything. I'll check them out a bit later. =)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Watching them now. I won't comment on all of them, but here's comments for some that stood out to me:

Nice 5 - ANOTHER very creative solution to this level. =D

Nice 11 - Interesting idea to trap them near the top - I always did so between the lasers underneath the exit if I'm going for 100% (and I just make the *last* lemming build over and become the worker).

Nice 16 - I already knew of this solution, but it's nice to see someone else spotted it. =P

Nice 17 - Out of all the possible solutions to this level (and it has a LOT of them), you chose the exact same one I did. xD

Nice 18 - Again, your solution's the same as mine, though in this case, I guess it really is objectively the best way to solve the level. What did you think of this level in terms of the artistic value, by the way? (Since it's clearly more focused on that than difficulty. =P)

Nice 19 - I see what you mean now. Nope, I'd never noticed that as I'd never tried a solution coming from that side. xD I'll fix that up at some point (there's another potential - but less likely to be troublesome - spot I noticed, just a bit above it).

Nice 20 - Well done. At least one person I've known has tried to go down then up again instead of building over and bashing through to the exit - doing it this way will almost inevitably result in running out of builders (though you can bash under the exit and come up on the right fairly safely, that's how I originally solved the level before I thought of the way you've done it).

Cheeky 2 - Nice. That wasn't my original solution but it is known to me, I had thought about removing it but I thought that for a level this early, it's not too much of a big deal.

Cheeky 5 - That's quite an interesting way of approaching it. I just sent workers ahead, mined down from the exit platform to near the start, and built up to where I mined.

Cheeky 9 - Slightly different at the end to how I did it, but you ended up saving exactly the same %. o_O

Cheeky 10 - Congrats on the score! Only 5 lemmings missed, that's pretty impressive. (By the way - even with the higher requirement and stuff, I'm starting to find this one a bit easier than Nice 15, would you agree?)

Cheeky 20 - You did this the same as me (I don't think there *is* any other way, though it is possible to save one more lemming by avoiding using the blocker - it requires RR fiddling and a couple of pixel-precise placements though) but just wondering what you thought of this level? It's one of my favorites from LPII.

Sneaky 1 - That was creative. =)

Sneaky 5 - Nicely done. Though there is another, completely different way to do this, too. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

Sneaky 7 - You know you don't *have* to block the builder while he's building, right? http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

Sneaky 10 - Those were some EXTREMELY creative methods of crowd control, especially at the start. You hugely improved on my maximum percentage, too.

Sneaky 13 - Okay, that's a backroute... though I'm not quite sure how I'll fix that without affecting the intended one...

Sneaky 16 - Nice, improved on my max % a bit. Just wondering... did you try to solve it the same(ish) as Cascade the first time? =P

Sneaky 18 - I need to make that gap smaller... (and fix the direct drop backroute xD)

Sneaky 19 - Backroute. T.T

Cunning 1 - Nicely done, though it's possible to save a LOT more lemmings than that. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

I updated the 100% list with your records (except Sneaky 18, because of it being a backroute and that % very clearly not being attainable via any solution I can think of that'll remain once the backroute is fixed).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Is there a way to go back to previous levels, or do I have to write down all the access codes as with original Lemmings? After beating Cheeky 6 I wanted to go back and try to improve my score....


For the first release, I've disabled the Lemmix cheat codes and LookForLVLFiles. I WILL re-enable them (or at least the cheat codes) in a later release. I've PM'ed you the code for that level.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Thanks. I haven't saved replays for every level -- most of my solutions so far are nothing special -- but I did solve Cheeky 5 in a different way from Akseli's solution.

EDIT: And here's Cheeky 6.