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Messages - namida

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Site Discussion / Re: SLX child board requests
« on: March 09, 2024, 03:38:54 AM »
I've created the Bugs & Suggestions board for you.

Site Discussion / Re: Anyone interested in a global moderator role?
« on: March 09, 2024, 12:41:14 AM »
After further thought / input, I have decided to also give a mod role to kaywhyn, and that will be enough for now.

This does not mean the other people who applied (or wanted to apply but didn't get around to it) can't put their names forward again next time.

Site Discussion / Re: SLX child board requests
« on: March 09, 2024, 12:37:21 AM »
Using a proper bug tracker would be ideal in a perfect world, but we must consider the actual situation: People don't want to sign up for and use a seperate bugtracker. They want to report the issues here on the forum that they're already registered for and already familiar with. A seperate sub-board is not a huge hurdle; an entirely seperate website with its own accounts and UI is, especially for people who are not experienced with such sites (most of our users are not developers, so they would not be familiar with GitHub or BitBucket's issue trackers).

Then, as a developer, at least personally I found - it was much more hassle trying to duplicate the reports and all important info over to the bugtracker, and seperately keep tabs on both sides. Having just one place to do this is far more convenient, even if that one place is the less convenient of the two possibilites for me personally. Thus why I eventually went with the board here as the sole place for this. A further benefit is that it does not require the user to know whether any given issue is an engine or editor or stock content problem, in the cases where the line is blurry.

Site Discussion / Re: Anyone interested in a global moderator role?
« on: March 08, 2024, 09:58:28 PM »
I'm going to give such a role to IchoTolot right now. Given his especially high level of involvement in the community, and in particular the fact that he's the admin of the Discord, it was pretty much always going to be the case that he would get it if he asked anyway.

This does not mean the other people who have applied are not going to get it (nor does it mean that no one else can apply anymore), I'm just giving a bit further thought to who / how many first (this is being discussed between me and Simon; not purely my own input alone).

Site Discussion / Re: SLX child board requests
« on: March 08, 2024, 09:56:28 PM »
Not sure about the need for a seperate releases & update board. Even NL and Lix don't do this; we just use sticky (+closed, in NL's case) topics on the main board.

If you're getting to the point where bug reports are cluttering up the main board, then certianly, a dedicated Bugs & Suggestions board is a good idea. Likewise for Level Packs. If you feel one or both of these are getting to the point where topics relating to them are cluttering the main board too much, let's go ahead and create one/both (as applicable) of those subboards; whereas if it's just for the sake of having them, let's not for now.

Site Discussion / Anyone interested in a global moderator role?
« on: March 07, 2024, 03:48:28 AM »
Hi everyone,

So, a couple of our staff members have not been active on the site in quite some time now (ccexplore, Nessy, Akseli, as well as a few board-specific moderators). Purely to avoid any potential security risks relating to inactive accounts having mod / admin access, they have been removed as staff. (As this is the sole reason for it, I will be more than happy to give them back these positions if they return in the future.)

As such, I would like to look at making one or maybe two established members of the community moderator positions. Moderators are not expected (or able) to get involved in technical aspects of running the site; if your technical ability is good enough to register and post on the site, it's enough to carry out the moderator role. The main things you'd be doing are removing spam posts (or theoretically, other unsuitable posts, but that's a very rare occurence here) and organisational matters like moving posts in the wrong board to the correct one.

No hard and fast rule about how long anyone needs to have been here. If you're well known in the community and don't have a bad reputation, I'll consider you if you're interested. I'm only after one or two people, so if you don't get picked it doesn't necesserially mean you're "not well known" or have a bad reputation, and you can ask again next time we're looking.

You can also use the same process on 12.9, or a similar one (the only change is that Cleanse Levels is now a button in the level select menu, rather than a "secret" hotkey on the title screen) on more recent versions, to update existing NXLV files to the latest version of the format. NL itself doesn't mind older versions of the NXLV format, but the editor is not so tolerant of them so this can be useful for that.

It's also possible to use a similar process on 12.9 (this will NOT work on newer versions) to mass-convert (Super)Lemmini or Lemmins levels; the only difference is that you need to create a levels.nxmi file in your temporary pack as NL doesn't automatically look for INI or LEV files; it only automatically looks for NXLV or (prior to 12.10) LVL files.

I've attached a graphic I just made of exactly what formats can be loaded by which NL versions. I forgot to note versions between 1.47 and 10.10, but those have the same compatibility as 10.10 ~ 10.13. "DOS compatible" refers to of course DOS itself, but also Amiga, Genesis, WinLemm... basically, if a version reproduces DOS/Amiga pretty accurately in terms of graphics and level layouts (at least on the levels that it has in common with them), it probably falls under "DOS compatible" (once decompressed if necessary).

In Development / Re: Lemmings Heritage WIP
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:37:25 AM »
There are a whole lot of styles that I'd like to be gone - plus over 33,000 files along with them. I'd like to have only L1, L2, L3, and SMS Sega styles only. What happens when I delete the others? Well, I get an error message and cannot play the levels. :-[

Make sure you're not deleting the "default", "xmas" or "special" styles. In particular, NeoLemmix will not take kindly to the absence of "default" (the other two won't cause problems until you try to play a level that actually uses them), as it contains several objects shared between multiple styles (eg. the common hatch and water shared by Dirt and Pillar; the generic recolorable one-way-arrows) and the placeholder pieces used as fallbacks in preview images if pieces are missing, not to mention the actual lemming sprites. Xmas contains the lemming sprites and objects from the Xmas/Holiday Lemmings games (the terrain pieces are mostly identical to ohno_snow, and the few that aren't have been merged into ohno_snow in NL), while Special is for the special graphics levels (like A Beast Of A Level).

(It is technically possible to create a level that doesn't need the default style, but it's easier to just assume that every level requires it.)

At any rate, if you're distributing your content you only need to distribute the levels, music, and any custom styles you make for it (if you don't get these added to the Style Manager / all styles ZIP). People looking to play your packs should already have (or easily be able to obtain) everything else. You certianly don't need to include every style that exists.

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Future of NeoLemmix development
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:32:52 AM »
As I explained in another topic - the end-of-gameplay change is a one-off special case and I won't otherwise be making exceptions to the plan to wrap things up. However, if a fork were to retain the existing physics / data formats exactly and purely add cosmetic or QoL improvements, while being equally (or more) stable, I can't see why it wouldn't become popular; but that's ultimately up to (potential) users to decide.

Regarding naming, I would prefer that forks use a name that clearly differentiates them from NL. While I can't force you not to use the name, I would suggest that any forks' names should either not contain "Neo", or not contain "Lemmix", or have another word inbetween them. I have seen many cases where confusion has arisen from simply adding a prefix or suffix (as one well-known example, AdBlock vs AdBlock Plus).

I will also note that if we're still on 12.12 when this feature is ready, I'm quite happy to release it as a minor update if it merges (or cherry picks) fairly cleanly. If not it will need to wait for 12.13.

Let's assume at this point that the end of level behavior is a one off special case and aside from that, "no new suggestions" remains the case for NL. This doesn't mean the discussion can't be had for the benefit of other engines / forks, of course.

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Scoring System
« on: February 25, 2024, 08:33:34 PM »
Really? What was the system?

Based on a skim of the code in an old commit that still had it (77ae002 is the one that removed it), you'd begin the level with 50,000 points, and your score would decrease based on certain things happening (but could never drop lower than 100 no matter what). Where one of the penalties implies another (eg. "level failed" also implies "didn't save 100%"), the lesser penalty still gets applied as well.
Level outcome
- Failure to meet the save requirement: -10000
- Failure to save every lemming (including Cloners): -1500, and a futher -100 per lemming not saved

Time penalties
- Prior to the first lemming being saved: -2 per frame
- On or after the frame where the first lemming gets counted as saved: -1 per frame

Skill usage - Each time a skill is used, the corresponding deduction is made.
- Walker: -10
- Climber: -25
- Swimmer: -35
- Floater: -20
- Glider: -55
- Mechanic: -40 (now known as "Disarmer")
- Bomber: -20 (plus the penalty for losing the lemming)
- Stoner: -15 (plus the penalty for losing the lemming)
- Blocker: -25
- Platformer: -90
- Builder: -120
- Stacker: -45
- Basher: -50
- Miner: -50
- Digger: -50
- Cloner: -200
- (The Fencer, let alone the Shimmier, Jumper, Slider and Laserer, didn't exist yet at the time scoring was removed)

- Triggering a trap: -150 each time
- Increasing the release rate: -100 the first time, no penalty after that
- Decreasing the release rate: -200 the first time, no penalty after that

The score was displayed on the postview screen, and high scores were saved. No one ever really paid much attention to it, so it got culled (technically as part of the major cull / tidyup between 1.43 and 1.47, although it got merged into stable versions a tad earlier, with the score first removed in 1.43-C).

You could achieve what Simon is talking about by simply having LemGame refuse to run the update routine if all of these conditions are met:
1. No non-removed lemmings (except zombies)
2. No traps currently animating (optional, but looks nicer if the animation can finish first; exiting currently takes this into account)
3. No lemmings (except zombies) still waiting to spawn

When I say "refuse to run", I don't mean as in gives an error; just as in calling LemGame.UpdateLemmings in this situation should do nothing. It's okay if GameWindow still attempts to re-render the new frame; this would just result in it redrawing the last one again, which is unnecessary but otherwise not a problem at all.

Specific places I would look for bugs with this implementation:
1. If the user does a large frameskip past the frame where the last lemming is lost, does the correct behavior result? Check this for conditional skips (like "skip to next shrugger") as well as for time-based ones.
2. Can the user still skip backwards and resume play properly afterwards?
3. Does mass replay check behave properly on replays where this occurs?

Even more important than what WillLem mentioned as focuses, is looking for any bugs. In particular - does it pause when it shouldn't, or does it ever not pause when it should, does it interact properly with skips past the frame on which the last lemming is removed (in both directions), etc.

Neutrals should not be treated the same way as zombies. Although no skills can be assigned to them, they could still be saved if they have a path to the exit, or possibly via RR manipulation or nuking.

One possibility would be to have a variable in LemGame that is set to true once the message is sent to GameWindow, and prevents it being sent again. It should be either included in save states, or specifically set back to false if the player rewinds, or some other mechanism to ensure it will trigger again if the player rewinds then again runs out of lemmings.

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