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Messages - geoo

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Reviews / Re: CustLemm Level List Game
« on: September 12, 2005, 07:25:24 PM »
Quote from: DragonsLover  link=1114567084/510#522 date=1126552142
Have you tried to change the graphic set? I'm curious to see if the level was made before in a different graphic set, then changed here and modified a little bit.

Because... changing the graphic set of a level by keeping the stats gives a new strange level to play and is more challenging! Have you tried sometimes? ;P
That's a funny idea.

And yes, indeed, you're right: It's Tricky 1 "This should be a doddle!"
Some slight terrain/object changes, and the skills changed.

Reviews / Re: CustLemm Level List Game
« on: September 12, 2005, 06:12:25 PM »

Isteve07 - Level 6: Surrealism

Number of Lemmings: 70
To be saved: 90%
RR: 70
Time: 4 minutes
Skills: 1 floater, 1 bomber, 1 blocker, 3 builders,3 bashers,3 miners, 3 diggers

Good: Title matches very well ;) ; A random looking level which isn't actually that random (at least I think it's not planned to be); gives some room for error
Bad: Not really hard (I went the way under the webs; if it is a backdoor, I call simply this fact as bad ;))

About level 4:
Good: Plenty of room for error. Nice use of bomber timing [...]
Bad: Time limit, I finished with well over two minutes left.
I wonder where you used bomber timing; I just used the climber bomb (and I wouldn't call it 'timing').
Did you use it to pass the 'vertical one-pixel gap' at the top? EDIT: I just noticed that it seems to be intended to use a second climber bomb. I passed the 'vertical' gap at the top using a complicated method with bashers, miners, diggers and blockers to get up there.
Also, using direct drop is possible, which saves a lot of time.

Reviews / Re: CustLemm Level List Game
« on: September 10, 2005, 06:23:50 PM »
Quote from: Insane Steve  link=1114567084/495#500 date=1126371347
Yep. I had a bit of a chuckle at how many of these levels were supposedly "easy" -- 8, 9, and 10 took me a while, all of them, and I can't say I remember the solution to any of them offhand.
Well, I have to say, I reviewed a level of those because I like the style of the levels, expecially the short ones.
Actually I wanted to review more than just one, but unfortunately I hadn't so much time to play them and the only one I solved quite quickly was Level 7. (I have to say, it's the only one I solved yet. But for a few of the others I think I know how to do it though.)

Reviews / Re: CustLemm Level List Game
« on: September 09, 2005, 07:36:30 PM »

Shveg01 - Level 7: Tempus Fugit

Time: 2 minutes
Lemmings: 80
To be saved: 100% (80)
RR: 70
10 climbers, 10 blockers, 10 bashers, 10 builders, 10 diggers

Good: Nice small scenery; Interesting level idea for the level.
Bad: Due to the plenty of skills it gets quite easy; title matches not so well because there's quite a lot of time left ;) (both, in general, and to build to the exit before the lemmings are down the 'loop').

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 04, 2005, 06:14:26 PM »
Yep, it's the intended route.

Well done and thanks for finding all the backdoors for this level. ;)

Lemmings Main / Re: Showing Extended graphics terrain in Lemedit
« on: September 04, 2005, 06:09:20 PM »
You should see it in the jLemmings topic now.

I sometimes use to write texts in the text editor and just copy them into the reply field (and this time it was the wrong one).

Lemmings Main / Re: jLemmings (disappointing)
« on: September 04, 2005, 05:53:30 PM »
 Well, for the exits, I don't like the ones for the Classic/Colums and the Crystal style. I really prefer the original for those.

I general, I hope the music gets ready as soon as possible since I want to use your styles; the only changed style of Cheapo that wasn't that bad was the Fire style (except the objects, which were really bad). The Classic/Colums style in cheapo have a totally different feeling, for the Crystal one I dislike the missing contrast, and the pink is really bad.
(I don't really care about the dirt one since I also don't like the original too much, but the cheapo one causes also a different feeling).

That's my opinion.
(About jLemmings I think I don't need to say anything.)

(Note: this should be right topic now ;))

Lemmings Main / Re: Showing Extended graphics terrain in Lemedit
« on: September 04, 2005, 05:52:07 PM »
Quote from: Shvegait  link=1125844755/0#2 date=1125846235
I have a feeling you post in the wrong topic, geoo ;)
Oops...let's try whether removing posts work ;)

EDIT: It does. ;)

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 04, 2005, 09:10:59 AM »
Let's continue this procedure...

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 03, 2005, 06:05:44 PM »
Umm...yes. Well, I'm used to this procedure from Supaplex.

Next version:

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 03, 2005, 02:51:43 PM »
I PMed you about this.

Also, the replacement for level 4 is ready:

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 02, 2005, 07:04:02 PM »
I haven't tried the update on Level 10 yet, but I did want to comment that your modifications to Level 5 haven't eliminated my backroute. But, I will tell you that it just barely works, and shifting up that bottom bar by one pixel (two to be safe) should be sufficient. As it is now, the lemming just barely hits his head, letting it turn around with 2 spare builders, which just barely go high (and far) enough that the lemmings can hit the left wall safely.

Yes, that's certainly easy to fix. I just didn't notice that you could get high enough with the 2 builders left, which is obviously possible. X_X Thanks.

That's interesting that the Level 10 solution wasn't want you intended, but it's a nice (although perhaps sloppy) trick, don't you think? Two levels for the price of one :P

Surely. ;) Although, I think, the intended way is even a bit more original.
But I want to say, I won't release the version eliminating my way for now since the changes would certainly give a further hint what to do.

I'm also confused about geoo89's comments about Shvegait's backroute.  The new level with the barrel added in fixes the backroute, correct?

Yes, it does (at least I'm quite sure). If not, Shvegait would use the same way for the changed level (but that should be impossible).

Hmm, good news actually.  It turns out that if you make the last step at least 8 pixels, that alone will actually eliminate more solutions than you expected.  It certainly, for example, eliminates all the solutions I presented you so far, timing or no-timing.

So if you are willing to leave the "infamous" solution in, you could also now choose to leave the no-timing solutions in, as long as you make the last step 8 or more pixels high, so that the easier no-timing solutions are eliminated.

Yes, I'm going to leave it in. With 'no-timing solutions' you mean solutions using elements of your infamous one?
So, making the last step 9 (or 8 ) px high would eliminate all backdoors easier than my way not using elements of your infamous solution?

Finally, because no-timing now seems to force the use of the other trick, you can eliminate pretty much everything but your own solution and a variation of my infamous solution if you make the second-to-last step wider (by 4 pixels or so, I need to test it out).  That prevents the other trick from working.  My infamous solution will not be affected by that change, but can be eliminated if you make the height of the last step at least 9 pixels rather than just 8.
Um, your thoughts?
Well, I don't know since making one step wider would break the style of the level. However it would be a solution.
Strangely, I feel anyhow I want to keep your infamous solution in. ;) Eliminating variations sounds good since I think your original 'infamous' solution is the most original/hardest to find.
What's your opinion?

At last I want to say, if you're hoing to present a level using your 'infamous solution' trick, you can use this level as base if you want.

And just a little question about the walker/climber problem: I wonder why you didn't try it out in front of the first 7-pixel step (after passing the 6 px one) :???: (Perhaps you just tried it once and concerned it as impossible immediately?)

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: September 01, 2005, 07:05:46 PM »
Ok, 9 is done; actually I also tried out the steel sprites of original lemmings to compare which looking better, but I accidentaly overwrote the level and so it's now as you said. I think I don't need to upload it for now.
Hopefully final version of level 8 is here:
Level 5:
Since Insane Steve mentioned another backroute for this level, I don't know whether it still works.

Level 2: I misunderstood you Shvegait. However, Although your (and ccexplore's) way are a little different to mine, the main idea is involved.

Interestingly, I now want to play the original LemEdit version of this level.  Beside the obvious safe-fall distance changes, there are one or two other places where the Cheapo setup doesn't (according to my knowledge of the game mechanics) quite work exactly in LemEdit, so I am curious to see how exactly the LemEdit version was laid out.  Or perhaps a few of the differences cancel each other out.
You can download the Lemedit set here:;action=display;num=1089136533;start=120
I don't know whether I checked the Level in WinLemm, CustLemm or Original Lemmings, but with a max-safe fall distance of 63px it must be possible, and with 60px probably too.
Also, the terrain was quite a bit different, so, there may be backdoors which don't exist in cheapo.
(If you play the other levels in the set, note that level 1 and 2 are only possible in WinLem. Also, I made two or three more CustLemm levels, one remade in Cheapo if I remember correctly, and one only WinLem compatible; if you wan't, I'll also upload them)

Now to level 10. The solution Shvegait found is, surprisingly, a backdoor. Although I pulled the solution off quite quickly following his way, I think I'll keep the level in that way since it took very long until the level had been solved in general; and make my solution impossible.
But, I'll release a level with a slight modification (in fact, I just put in a barrel) as a new level:
Please tell me what you think about that.

The other one is just to test something out, and well, let's just say it proves that the solution is not that obvious.
Oddly, I'm far from using all of the skills, which obviously makes me think that I'm probably not going about this in the correct way at all.  But the other skills haven't revealed their secrets/usefulness to me yet.  Ah well, I guess it'll be a matter of time.
My solution is not obvious too (but I think you should know that). About the skills: Most of the skills are used. Just a very few are left over.

Let me look at the level again later tonight.  The fact that you are talking about making some of the steps 8-pixel tall should help me figure out what you intended solution is, so that I can determine what level of details to discuss with you.  I just need to make sure what I'm thinking works with the modification.
To avoid another delay of one day, I send you my solution right now, in Wingdings, if you don't want to read it but have to look up your IM box.
(However, I'm quite certain that you'll find it out quickly by yourself.)
Also, I upload the .lev file to make it easier for you to edit the level for testing.
My only problem are the non-timing solution (except your 'infamous' way of course), the other solutions are not so problematic (although my solution might be a bit more difficult than other timing solutions).
About your suggested ways to fix it:
4) would be a possibility, although it would destroy the look of the level a bit.
Your other suggestions are (except #2) both exactly one pixel (for #3 maybe two, but because of the same problem you mentioned: "assuming the timing works out perfectly" not so different) to high which makes me suppose that there are some similarities between this and my solution.

I figure I should comment on geoo's pack, seeing how the design style is being compared to mine. (Yes, I do see the preference for straight terrain, and the level style built around incorporating one of two clever tricks into a level and designing the terrain to fit these tricks.)
Very nicely done levels so far. Being in college, I've not played them as thoroughly as I'd like, but I did enjoy what I played.
Overall, though, very well made. I'll comment more when I have the time to play them a bit more.
Thank you. I enjoy playing your levels too; perhaps they also inspired my a bit. E.g. the idea for level ten I got playing one of your levels (actually one of those I consider as hardest), which, in fact, I still haven't solved yet. Also my idea for the new level replacing #4 I got playing one of your levels (one of the "Difficult" set, which I later solved a different way since my old didn't work). I just need to build a level around this trick.

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:27:21 PM »
I still haven't managed Level 8, but I think I may have found the CustLemm solution. Does it have to do with blockers that continue blocking when they go into bomber animations? Actually, I'm not even sure if my solution would work then, but it might. I've managed to save 17/20 using a route that ignores the left side of the level, but I'm not sure if 18/20 is possible this way.
No, it isn't that.
Also, note that the modified version which I didn't release yet has a RR of 99 and a little other change.
Actually nothing has changed to my solution, but I want to check it again though.
So, I'll upload it tomorrow if you want.

Level 2:
Isu, yes, you're right.
I wonder What you did, Shvegait, since I see absolutely no way for needing all skills.
Could you, and Isu, PM me the main idea, please?
And your main idea for level 10?
I think it's correct, but I never know...

About 5, I'll see...

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: August 31, 2005, 04:01:55 PM »
Sorry for the late reply, but I had not enough time yesterday. :(

Let's start with level 5 (Shvegait).
The backdoor you found is not hard to close. Also, I edited a little to prevent the possibilities to do some other tasks which could be used for more backdoors.
However, I'm still not sure about alternative ways.
For the new level, see here @everyone:
I'd say, if without backdoors, it is harder, or since I maybe underestimate #2, about as difficult as #2.

Also, have you already made a decision for the steelblocks for level 9?


Now level 8 (ccexplore):
The way you told me per PM is, you're right, the intended one.
Also, the backroute you found is, as you said, easy to close; the one I found too.
If you didn't find it yet I can PM you if you are interested.
About the trick, see PM.

Level 7:
Also here you're right with the intended solution. I did it just a slightly different which caused that I only could save 22/25. Mine is a bit harder and I could avoid yours making the last step 8 pixels high, but maybe I accept it too.
Your 'infamous' first non-timing solution, whatever it is, will of course keep (if I don't make it impossible accidentaly).
Now, solution #4.
I think it would be possible to avoid this way increasing the height of the first or third 7-pixel step by one. And I'd prefer ... - 6 - 7 - 8 - 7, not ... - 6 - 8 - 7 - 7.
But I don't know whether #3 with the advantages would make the backroute possible still.

Nah.  It's probably just the "creator's blind eye".  ;) When you create a level with a particular solution in mind, you tend to overlook other ones, especially contorted ones that a struggling mind conjures from the depths of, um, something.  ;P Remember, I'm still stumped by your level 2 which you believe should be easy.
Well, yes, that might be another aspect.


For level 4, I actually had a level idea for replace, but it turned out that this wasn't possible. So I have to think of something different.

Thanks you two for your help.  :thumbsup:

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