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Messages - geoo

I really liked this level when I finally solved it.
During my many trials, I also tried out some other and I think interesting ways which didn't work unfortunately.
I decided to remake this level using one of these ways.
A slightly terrain change and one less climber.
I checked out, it's in both WinLemm and Original Lemmings solvable, in orig lemmings it's a bit easier since the max. safe fall distance seems to be higher.
I don't know about your playing, therefore I cannot say whether this level will be easy or hard for you.
I hope you'll try it out (and that the link works ;)):
PS: It could have backroutes.
PPS: I recommend 'Rondo alla turca' as music for this level. ;) (If you can choose)
Lemmings Main / Re: Mike! I want to ask you...
June 09, 2005, 07:46:30 PM
Well, might be true. Is there a difference between original and ONML in that fact?
I haven't tried that out in ONML with dosbox 'cause I don't get it work.

However, I solved that level letting the bomber fall a tiny because I didn't see that I could turn the one around at the second time with building. :)

\edit: I looked up the solution of 'Five Alive' from the wanadoo solutions page and it seems that in that way the second lemming isn't turned around. :???:
Lemmings Main / Re: Mike! I want to ask you...
June 09, 2005, 06:54:09 PM
I have a question about the differences between WinLem and 'original' lemmings too:
In WinLem, an exploding lemming works like a blocker, i.e. he turns other lemmings around.
I found that out playing 'Five Alive' and thought it has to be in that way.
Now, playing original lemmings with dosbox, I see that an exploding lemming doesn't turn other lemmings around.
What is right, what was it supposed to be?
Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
June 08, 2005, 08:36:29 PM
Yes, I already read that and downloaded lemedit2, I'll probably take also dosbox soon or later.
Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
June 08, 2005, 06:20:57 PM
I'm going to make a pack. For the reason that I'm busy atm I have only made 2 levels yet.
I'll release the first version when I have 5 levels done.

Actually I wanted to make cheapo levels, but for the reason that several planned stuffs didn't work, I decided to make LemEdit levels (without mouse, therefore the design of the levels may be awful).
General Discussion / Re: 42 or 54?
May 31, 2005, 12:25:49 PM
Well, I don't know what the story says, but at least Google (calculator) says that the answer to life, the universe and everything = 42: :???:
General Discussion / Re: Movies
May 30, 2005, 07:16:11 PM
Quote from: Timballisto  link=1089583381/150#154 learned that the verb for running was "laufen" in German...perhaps my teacher is...wrong?  Interesting.[...]
Rather not; both is possible.
 "rennen" is...I would say...a bit faster than "laufen". ;)
But it's also a matter of interpretation. At least it means "to run" either.
Site Discussion / Re: Users Online Record
May 30, 2005, 03:44:42 PM
just looked up and saw this:
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Tech & Research / Re: Questions: Converting etc.
May 29, 2005, 07:22:23 AM
Ah, Thanks. I could not reproduce this bug because I clicked on replay immediately to get it away.
With this bug, level is easy. Without quite hard.

BTW: I've finished making my first non-test level. ;)
Tech & Research / Re: Questions: Converting etc.
May 28, 2005, 07:09:57 AM
One missing music? I read something about a forestP sound, ore is it one of those special level sounds?
Anyway, will you send me the conversion programme?
Would be really nice :)
And the ONML track 5, doggie and awesome level sound, could you do that too?

I tried out your levels now.
Very interesting! ;) I suppose I know a way for "requires no skill", but once I tried out and nuked but only the first lemming exploded :???: (Unfortunately at the wrong position)

About new levels, so many ones to try out now!
Similar when I came to new Supaplex community: over 1500 new levels to play!

BTW: I saw that in Cheapo an exploding lemming (bomber) doesn't turn lemmings around likwe a blocker, in WinLem it does.
Seems that I have to make my level using that with LemEdit. :(
Tech & Research / Re: Questions: Converting etc.
May 27, 2005, 06:38:44 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I already downloaded your levels, I'll try them out. :)

Uploading the conversion programme would be nice, but you can also send it to me per mail: geoo89[ad]gmail[dod]com
Can you also send me the ONML-5 soundtrack, downloading it from your page doesn't work anyway. :???:

About the Cheapo-LemEdit conversion, level would have to be recreated in LemEdit, with such slightly changes I suppose.

As for the music, I think the midis are ok, but anyway, in WinLem there seem to be some missing tracks, since anywhere it has been written:
QuoteIt's just too bad that ONML has only 6 musics, unlike the original Lemmings, which has 21.
WinLem contains only 15 tracks, so there are 6 missing.
For Beast I & II and Menacing I found a midi file, but there are still 3 missing.
Do you know those, anyone can send them to me?

PS: You'll probably see some levels of me, I've got some ideas now ;)
Are there any more special tricks except those I read on the lemmings crazy page (was anywhere written in the category competition)?
Tech & Research / Questions: Converting etc.
May 26, 2005, 05:29:41 PM
Hello to everyone here!

I'm taking a short journey from Supaplex to Lemmings remembering this game too. ;)
I don't know how long I'll stay here; maybe you'll see levels made by me, maybe not...
...but I'll probably look up here regularly.

Anyway, I have a couple of questions/problems:

Is there a way to convert *.dat levels to a series of *.lvl levels except using LemEdit (I seems to be possible without mouse, but it's tough work I suppose)?
I read in one thread about it, a guest called "rt" said he knew something about a programme doing this.
Do you know about such a programme now?

Is it possible to convert *.lvl files to *.lev (Cheapo lemmings) files and vice versa (of course only the original and ONML graphic sets)? Do the graphic (tile) properties allow that (same size)?
Same with *.dat to *.set?

Where can I get the original musics from (midi or mp3, doesn't matter)? I play with WinLem, but those sounds aren't original. I read anywhere here that there were 21 different musics for the original ones.
The ONML musics I may get from guestlevels as far as it will work anytime again.

And last question:
I like small tricky levels, requiring thinking, skill is not so important; something like "There is madness in the method" or "Lemming tomato ketchup facility" (ok, that's a not so hard one).
What levels do you recommend? Cheapo, WinLemm, and if not anyway else possible, *.dat too; no matter.

Hope for you answer, nice forum here.