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Messages - Mindless

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Lemmings Main / Re: Oh no! Where's the Lemmings achive
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:21:13 AM »
Until I get it finished, you can use

Lemmings Main / Re: Oh no! Where's the Lemmings achive
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:09:11 PM »
I am without hosting right now, so I'm working on putting the level pack database on Google App Engine.  Don't worry; they're not gone forever -- but it will take me a bit to get everything working.

Lix Multiplayer Dates / Re: The L++ Game room
« on: January 08, 2011, 08:31:54 AM »
Unfortunately, until further notice, I can't host the L++ server or much of anything.  Sorry. :(

Level Design / Re: Lemmings projects
« on: December 28, 2010, 06:22:19 PM »
I heard there was a patched version that fixed that, but died and I can't find it anywhere else...

Sorry about that.  The PSU in the machine that hosts the site died, and it took a while to dig up a replacement.

Lemmings Main / Re: iPhone/Pre Lemmings coded in 36h, gets legal drubbing
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:09:02 AM »
Won't bother me
Do you think it would be OK to put a link to or would this be a problem for "The Lemmings File Portal"?

Won't bother me.  If Sony actually cares about lost profits from old Lemmings games, they should still be selling them.

You reverse-engineered the music format, didn't you, ccexplore?  Why not document it or hack together an adplug player for the format?

Lemmings Main / Re: Sprite request! Lemmings 3
« on: April 11, 2010, 04:56:11 AM »
The URL links to a blank page.  I guess you could say there're indeed lots of missing features :P (j/k).
Edited the link; hopefully this one's not blank.  Actually the lem3edit code in the repository is missing a few essential level-editing features that a previous version had since I reworked a bunch of the code.  You can drag and drop pieces around the level, but that's about all there is.

Any chance you can document some of your knowledge of image formats?  I actually remember the fact that there's lem3edit, but never having used it (I haven't even played the official levels yet), hearing that it has lots of missing features, and not finding any documentation on image formats, I didn't know for sure whether it can even display the level, so I didn't mention it.
I know it's lame, but I'm going to have to claim the code as my documentation. <_<  It's been so long since I've worked on it, I remember next to nothing about the formats.  It should be pretty clear where the code to load the different formats is if you happen to want to take a stab at it.

It probably also won't help if Jason's looking for things like animation frames, especially for things like the actual lemmings themselves.  But at least it'll be easier to get the graphics for all terrain pieces (say) with just a few screenshots and a single specially edited level.
The lemming animation frames should be among the formats I reverse-engineered. (Recall the ninja lemming seppuku avatar I had a while back.)

Perhaps I can hack together a dumper quick.  We'll see.
Edit:  Here's some of the Lemmings 3 tribe graphics.

Lemmings Main / Re: Sprite request! Lemmings 3
« on: April 10, 2010, 05:31:12 AM »
I decoded more than enough of the image formats to make a simple level editor (lots of missing features, so only one person ever made anything with it).  You might be able to get someone to put together a sprite dumper based on what's there.

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings 2 extracted graphics data
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:32:37 AM »
@Mindless: if you consider them of enough significance, you can put them on the File Archive if you want.
Up they go. :)

Lemmings Main / LemmingsSDL
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:47:45 PM »

Happened upon this on another board that I lurk on; it looks to be partially based on LemmingsDS, and it has multiplayer.

edit: replaced inaccurate description

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: December 24, 2009, 02:10:25 AM »
Server has gone missing again... always while I'm away from it ._.
Hopefully it'll be back in a couple of days. *crosses fingers*

Edit: fixed a couple days ago; sorry about the downtime.

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 26, 2009, 07:35:31 AM »
It seems to have revived itself.  I guess its internet connection just took a short vacation?

Odd.  How long was that on, anyway?

Current uptime is 13 days, 46 min.

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 25, 2009, 06:14:12 PM » is down for a few days; the server was running smoothly for weeks, and then it died 12 hours after I left for Thanksgiving break. :(

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 18, 2009, 01:40:38 AM »
Losing by 70 about 10 times in a row (no exaggeration) on your own map is just not fun

Hmm.  I also don't enjoy losing as often as I tend to.  There ought to be some way to balance gameplay based on the differences in player skill a bit more -- perhaps a handicap of some sort.  I can't think of a good system off the top of my head though.  Ideas anybody?
(This would be low on the TODO list, which I really shouldn't add to without offering to help. :P)

Lix Main / Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:40:24 AM »
And another random thought: how about hotkeys to move the view to your entrance or exit?

I second that suggestion.  I find myself losing my entrance and exit often. :(  I couldn't think of a good solution, but I think that would solve it. :D

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