Author Topic: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]  (Read 21298 times)

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Offline Apjjm

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2022, 09:12:58 PM »
Finished the bonus rank and the pack :thumbsup:

Comments on the rest of the bonus levels:
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Overall an incredible pack and absolutely would recommend others to play this (even if it isn't christmas)! There are some really stand-out puzzles with a great variety in how they are solved.
I think the easy-hard rating is a fair description of the dificulty for the first two ranks which have a fairly balanced difficulty curve too. I found avant-garde to be a bit harder than retro overall, but I am better at solving classic skills levels so that might just be me. The Bonus rank marks a step up in difficulty over the first two ranks and is fair to call very hard - I found Bonus 1 & 6 to the hardest of the rank, so the difficulty here I guess really depends what you get stuck on.

Finally, great job again on the menu graphics and a nice selection of music too. This really was a very fun pack to play!
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Offline Armani

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2022, 10:31:49 AM »
Congraulations! and thanks for playing :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

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  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]

Offline Armani

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2022, 10:34:15 AM »
V1.2 is out! ;)

Level fix:
-3 03 Hold My Beer... - added some steels(at the third room)
-3 04 Prerequisite: Advanced Fluid Mechanics - added an ice blower
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2022, 07:31:23 AM »
Hi Armani,

I have finally finished solving all of the pack, picking up where I left off from the pre-testing days, solving everything except for Avant-garde 10 and all 6 Bonus levels. Here are my replays, and some feedback on the Retro level that wasn't included before release, as well as the rest of the feedback I didn't give. For the ones I already gave feedback, I'm just going to copy-paste :P

Retro Rank Feedback

Nice rank where the levels use only the classic 8 skills. A lot of nice puzzles here.

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Avant-garde Rank Feedback

Now we add the NL skills as well. Once again, I was able to solve everything except for Avant Garde 10 edit: I was able to solve it, I went about the level completely wrong. If only I had another walker :laugh:

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Bonus Rank Feedback

The 6 levels here, as Armani described in the OP, are simply the 3 hardest levels from both the Retro and Avant-garde ranks. Indeed, these are all quite difficult, although I thought both Bonus 4 and Bonus 5 were the easiest of the rank :P

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All rightie, thank goodness I finally got through the pack, even if it took me 3 months after release to solve the remaining 8 levels (7 that were part of the second patch, one new level (Retro 8) that was released to the public and not during pre-testing. The pack's definitely nowhere near as hard as Uncharted, but there's still a lot of very hard nuts here! Thus, you somewhat achieved your goal of a lower difficulty with this pack, but I would warn others that it's not a whole lot lower :P Looks like you got carried away with the hard puzzles :laugh: Even then, this is still a great pack that I, as one of the pre-testers, can recommend others to play, with the understanding that it won't be a very quick solve, as a lot of levels still have a lot of bite to them here. Then again, a lot of my sour tone with the pack came about due to how I was under a lot of self-inflicted stress and pressure from finishing my LWT LP before the end of 2021, so there's that too :XD:

Thanks again for this Christmas pack, Armani, and I'm hoping to record a level solving commentary video series for this soon :)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 09:19:46 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Armani

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2022, 05:55:52 AM »
Everything intended or acceptable :thumbsup:

I think I already responded to most of your solutions so I will only respond to the new replays ;)
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Thanks again for playing :thumbsup: and I added your solutions to bonus2 and 3 to the replay pack! So there're now 4 alternative solutions from you in the replay pack ;)
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]

Offline IchoTolot

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2023, 05:32:39 PM »
I finally played through the pack. :)

I don't think I hit any major backroutes, but let's see.

Replays are attached!

Offline Armani

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2023, 04:31:54 AM »
Thanks for playing :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Bonus1 is a backroute.
Your solution to Retro8, Bonus2 and Bonus3 are acceptable variance. You were slightly more effcient on them :thumbsup:
All others are exactly intended :thumbsup:

I attached the fixed version of Bonus1 below! I will update the main topic once the level is confirmed solid ;)

update on Bonus1 Lemming Entanglement
 - swapped the positions of the pick-ups(climber->builder, blocker->climber, builder->blocker)
 -1blocker, +1climber
(The intended solution remains unchanged and none of the submitted replays will be broken)
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]

Offline IchoTolot

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2023, 01:46:14 PM »
Here is my resolve. :)

Still seems a bit suspicious.

Offline Armani

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Re: [NeoLemmix] Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Difficulty: Easy-Very Hard]
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2023, 07:22:26 PM »
That's intended :thumbsup:
I updated the main topic as well!

V1.3 is out! ;)

Level fixes:
-3 01 Lemming Entanglement -  swapped the positions of the pick-ups, -1blocker, +1climber
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]