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Offline grams88

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grams88 Blog
« on: April 08, 2019, 10:58:56 AM »
Hi everyone

I thought I would do a blog as I notice others are doing a similar thing.

Going back to when I done a bungee jump I remember thinking to myself what are you crazy. I remember around christmas time my brother got us a Guinness world records book which I found quite magical in a way. It was interesting all the different world records people had, I was thinking to myself that it would be cool having a record myself but anyway that's probably around the time that I started to think about doing a bungee jump.

It was a great day out, I remember looking forward to giving it a go. I prepared myself by looking at youtube videos of others doing a bungee jump and I was trying imagine in that same scenario. When you are about to jump they tell you that you should not look down and you should try not to think about it too much as that is when the worry starts to set in.

It was an achievement I'm quite proud of and the amount of confidence you get when you have achieved it. :thumbsup:

Funny thing that happened the months coming up to the bungee jump was a story came up in the news about a lady who done a bungee jump at the Victoria falls ended up getting injured when her cord snapped, she ended up in the water fighting for her life. This is certainly one thing you have to keep in mind is that there are risks associated with the extreme sport. Before I booked myself up for the bungee jump I sent the team an e-mail asking what there safety record was as I was worried if something was to go wrong. They sent an e-mail back to myself saying that they had an 100% safety record. Maybe when you think about it there are more chances that you could get killed driving to the bungee site rather than the bungee itself but anyway I have not looked too much into that aspect of it.


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 01:38:00 AM »
Nice! I've never tried bungee jumping. Righteous to try something new from time to time, something outside the comfort zone.

Bungee jumping is probably very safe.

We fall prey to availability bias: It's easy to picture bungee cords snapping or planes crashing, especially when plane crashes make the news. But the easy availability of such mental imagery doesn't make disasters more likely.

-- Simon

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 11:38:29 PM »
Thanks for the reply, I think you are right Simon that Bungee jumping is probably very safe. I felt a lot more comfortable when the e-mail came back saying that they have a 100% safety record, I hope I have not tempted fate by saying that but there we go. The feeling after doing the bungee jump is quite good, you feel that you have achieved something.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2019, 02:07:52 AM »
That's quite a story grams88! I also think it's important to try something new once in a while to step out of your comfort zone. I think it's too easy to think about everything that could go wrong when you try something out of your comfort zone and it stops the person from trying and sometimes they try it, have a bad experience, and it affects their ability to try something new again in the future. Despite that I think it's always good to prepare for the worst so you can focus on the best which you did by emailing the people about their safety record.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2019, 10:44:37 PM »
Thanks Nessy, that sure was right out my comfort zone. :thumbsup: Still can't believe I done it. :)

This might actually be related to the last topic I was talking about in relation to doing things you would love to do but you keep putting it off. The bungee jump one did seem to me like something out the blue. I think it is a really good thing to have goals even if those goals sound ridiculous.

The goals or things you want to do in life that you would really enjoy. Maybe myself I'm actually wanting to get back into basketball as that was something I done quite well at, might not be so good now at the age of 30 but you never know. I think getting involved in a sport can only benefit us. We kind of don't want to leave it too late but then again what is too late.

What goals can I put down, I would probably try and not make the list too big as I feel it would more of a doing just for the sake of doing it, not really enjoying it at all. Visiting the places or place where they created lemmings might actually be a goal for a lot of us here,  I had to get that one in there. :)

I would love to hear what goals you have in mind. Some examples might be learning to ride a bike or getting on a gameshow. Others might be thinking of something such as completing a video game that means a lot to you or programming a video game. Visiting places will probably be a popular one, I would love to visit my old college building, urban exploratioin can be quite fun if that is something you fancy. Writing a book tends to be a very popular one as well.


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2019, 10:36:40 PM »
awesome accomplishment gramps :thumbsup: That takes courage I don't have atm lol. Those kind of things are great for building your courage and self esteem too.

Travel is a big goal I have. I want to see a lot of different places in the world, like Europe, maybe some Castles, The pyramids in Egypt, maybe the great wall of China, Tibet, mount Everest, (just see it, not climb it :P ) Hawaii...

We fall prey to availability bias: It's easy to picture bungee cords snapping or planes crashing, especially when plane crashes make the news. But the easy availability of such mental imagery doesn't make disasters more likely.

This is a very good point that many people fail to realize. The opposite is unfortunately also true: A catastrophe (such as death) that is difficult or unpleasant to imagine doesn't it make it any less likely. People in my society tend to prioritize the least important things and neglect important ones, at the cost of their happiness. Sorry for getting on a soap box suddenly.
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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2019, 10:38:09 PM »
Thanks for you kind words Mobius, I noticed you changed your avatar picture, I like it.  :thumbsup: I still have the old Colour Clash avatar the atari st game (Colour Clash)

The pyramids of Egypt would be amazing to see, it's been there for so long and probably has stood the test of time. :)

My gran has a rat problem me thinks, she has noticed a small hole on the wall where there might be some rats living, I hope not. There's a device my dad was looking at on the internet, I think it plays this sound that rats, mice totally hate but it is okay around dogs, cats and other animals. I'm not too keen on the traps that kill the mouse or rat, I know there can be pests that we are probably best to kill, I'm thinking more like the wasps as they can hurt us big time.

Anyway I love this birthday paradox

Say we were to pick 23 people at random, there is more of a 50% chance that two of them will share the same birthday as you. It's a really interesting because they tend to say that it makes the brain hurt this paradox, I think it is the way it is worked out so to say.

It makes you think next time you are in a room with 23 people or around that number. Lets say you pick 80 people at random there is a (99.98%) chance of at least two of them having the same birthday.

I feel that it does hurt the brain the maths. :devil:


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2019, 11:02:48 PM »
Hi everyone

Sorry I should be getting back into the lemmings pack I created but at the moment I'm taking things a bit more easier due to my mental health. I have ocd and part of that that makes it ocd is that I can't handle the thoughts well that we humans all get. I've been doing not too bad compared to where I was a five or six years ago, I wasn't too well. No one should ever feel frightened about themselves.

Anyway lets focus on something else. I was looking into something about Joint enterprise crime and what this really is is that you can be charge by not doing the crime itself but more of a you knew or helped in someway that eventually led to the crime itself. Usually in court you can never really be charged with association itself but anything that you did that led to the crime could get you in trouble. There's a case going on in the news at the moment, I won't go into massive detail but one of the accused didn't commit the murder herself but did encourage the victim to go to this meeting which led to the murder of the victim. The withholding of information is always a big one, if you are keeping secrets about a really important aspect of a crime that could get you in trouble.

Dreams like forum member Mobius I have a big interest in dreams as well. I feel that dreams can tell us a lot about our character, I know a lot people might think that dreams are random, maybe so but I feel that you can get some answers so to say. The person that knows you the best is got to be yourself and when analysing dreams you might be able to discover things.

Right okay just right off the top of my head, I tend to get the dream where I'm playing basketball and each time I go to score a basket I can't throw the ball for some reason. Maybe this is telling me that It is me that is stopping me from playing basketball, I should just go and do it for real.


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2019, 01:38:19 PM »
pick 23 people at random, there is more of a 50% chance that two of them will share the same birthday as you

Is really: That two of them share their birthday, not necessarily with you. (= If we scatter 23 people uniformly at random across 365 days, the chance is higher than 50 % that at least one day gets hit by at least two people.)

For comparing only with our own birthday, I ran the numbers for fun. You need 613 people (other than you) to have at least 50 % chance that at least two of them share your birthday. With only 22 people (other than you), it's 5.8 % that at least one person shares your birthday, and 0.17 % that at least two people share your birthday.

-- Simon
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 01:49:37 PM by Simon »

Offline grams88

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2019, 11:46:13 PM »
Hi everyone

I did a little mistake in my last post, Simon got it spot on, not necessarily with you. :) Interesting information there as well, thanks Simon.  :thumbsup:

Todays topic video games.

I've been trying my list of games, most of the games on my list are quite old ones. One I have been playing lately is supaplex, a sort of boulder dash game where you have to collect certain objects before you can complete the level. Has anyone completed that game by any chance or got very close to completing it. I feel that would be some accomplishment. :thumbsup:

There was a game called marble skies available on steem, I managed to complete this one a couple of years ago but when I come to play this game again, the whole game looks different and the levels have been redesigned making it 100 times easier. I played this back when the levels were really hard but now it looks like different levels and there are save points making a lot of the levels easier. Maybe the people creating it thought it was a bit on the hard side. I have to admit the game does feel a bit better, maybe a bit easier.


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2019, 06:42:36 AM »
Hope all is well

I'm in a funny mood at the moment, I might as well talk about a lot random stuff. :):)

I might maybe talk about prank phone calls, I thought I would grow out of listening to the prank calls but it is the complete opposite I love them at the age of 30. The reason I love them is there are so many different ways of going about a prank call, i'e you have your sound boards of famous actors, (etc) where you play the soundboard down the phone. I like it when they have a conversation while at the same time the actual conversation itself is a prank so to say.

Separate topic, when it comes to a job interview, I tend to think of things differently, instead of it being a one way conversation, lets make it a two way conversation, you are asking questions during the process as well and you are trying to find out as much as you can about the job.  A job can be tricky to get in this day and age, I think it could even be harder because of robots and stuff in the future. :) Soon it will be robots that serve people at the checkouts, we are getting closer to that sort of thing I feel.

The apophis asteroid which was discovered in 2004 will probably make a close pass by the earth around 2029, don't worry there's a tiny tiny tiny chance that it will hit earth but that is so tiny that it is not even worth thinking of. After the asteroid passes in 2029 it is going to come back around in 2036. I don't know if this will be closer to the earth than the 2029 one. It would be interesting looking at it in the sky at night, that would be cool.

If it did hit the earth that would be bad but the chances are so low it's not even worth thinking about.

It's an interesting read.

Is it okay to post this. Don't worry they are talking about a new method of execution. 
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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2019, 10:38:40 PM »
How are we doing everyone?

I would like to inspire any of us who is wanting to write maybe write an e-book, well I've wrote a few small e-books and did get one e-book published from a mental health charity, not too sure if it is in paperback form as well but it's in e-book form at the moment. It was about my mental health condition which is ocd, harm ocd. It sounds horrible and it is horrible to have.

I think everyone has a story to tell, the e-book or kindle world is very popular and competitive, I notice people are always wanting to make loads of money from it. I would say this is the wrong way to think of it, only a small percent of people would probably make a living from writing. Try not to treat it as a competitive thing instead do it if it is something you would enjoy doing.

In the UK we have the BBC and there's a website called the writers room and they look for scripts from people, I guess you could write a script or come up with a TV show idea, I know that's probably a long shot but you never know if you don't try. The BBC itself is has it's TV channel and is one of the main ones in the UK. They tend to say that the BBC is left leaning in the way they go about the political issues, what do you guys think? Just like they say with fox news being a bit on the right wing side of politics.

What a game (Chuck's challenge) is an interesting puzzle game I recently completed and those last level puzzles can be a bit of a nightmare. Does anyone know if round the wheel has any more youtube videos of him playing chuck's challenge, he seemed to have stopped midway through the game and I couldn't really find any more videos about it from him.


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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2019, 10:54:20 PM »
Hi everyone

I forgot to mention this a long time ago, I found another lemmings related thing I've got to share. I got my dad the IT crowd show a British show Dvd boxset which is a show with a lot of funny moments in it. On the DVD it shows off a few different games , I think it shows mortel kombat and also lemmings. They were blowing up parts of the land to get to places.

It shows you that lemmings is still a big part of history

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2019, 11:22:34 PM »
How are we doing?

Goodness me we are all getting older, I find it an interesting concept in itself A lot of older people do have very interesting stories to tell even more so when it comes down to things such as fighting for your country. My gran used to help with making the weapons during World War 2, I think a lot of the ladies during the war had other jobs such as making the weapons or helping out with other things. My Gran the other day injured her leg so having to be careful with things, she did take a bad injury a couple of years ago with a pitch fork right into her foot which sounds really horrible. She has a wet room which is the whole bathroom is technically the shower room, it's a really good thing for older or people with disabilities to go for. She tends to say that a lot of people get surprised when she tells them her real age, 96 years young I always like to think of it as.

At the volunteering there are a lot over 70 year olds who are volunteering and helping out with the organisation, a lady who volunteers the same day as myself is 88 and she's a nice lady. I enjoy talking to her about different things, I tend to mention that Christmas is getting closing and as soon as I say that she tells me to shut up and don't mention Christmas, its kind of funny.

I enjoyed my birthday recently, I've got a mini USB fan which cools me down when I'm on the computer. By the way you might be surprised with who you share a birthday with, myself I share a birthday with Princess Anne who celebrated her birthday on the 15th as well as myself. She will be coming up for her 70th birthday next year, touch wood.

Talking to people in general is always a good thing, a lot of lonely people in the world and they might not talk to people too much and the loneliness sets in, it can be quite sad. I always think it is a good thing to maybe say hi to the person in the street or talk to people you meet at the till when you are doing your shopping. A little conversation can go a long way and can sometimes act as a boost to someone else who might not be feeling too good themselves. I know I'm not too well myself and I do have  to take life at a slower pace which is nothing to be ashamed of.

Thanks for reading

« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 11:29:01 PM by grams88 »

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2019, 01:04:21 AM »
Some really good thoughts there grams88.

Two of my grandparents lived into their 90s. And they didn't even get into too bad shape until their last few years. They outlived both of their parents.

I have to work on talking to others; it's very difficult for me.
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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2019, 10:12:26 AM »
Thanks Mobius, We have a few more kids going to be joining the family, my cousins wife is due around November time, my other cousin's wife had a baby just this month. If I have that right I think that would be my second cousin myself to the baby. 

I have two challenges but the bad thing is you can only do one at a time sort of. You'll remember this game which is (Peg Solitaire) a game where you have to remove marbles by jumping over them. Now my challenge is either (one or two), Challenge one is to basically try to solve it without cheating and by seeing if you can make it to leaving just one marble left over. Challenge two is you cheat and solve it but wait to see in a years time if you can remember how you solved it. Usually after a year or two you tend to forget the solution so this is testing to see if you can remember the solution after so many years, that can be an interesting challenge itself, this might be testing our memory rather than skill maybe. I like to apply this logic, its like you remember a solution to something when you were a kid but you forget now. (You could apply lemmings to this).

You could apply the same to the rubix cube, you might want to have a look at the solution but then you try to test yourself a year or two and see if you can still remember what the solution is. This can be an interesting challenge itself.  I've ordered a rubix cube and I'm planing on doing a challenge two on it. I want to see if I can remember the solution for life so I can impress people, I like doing that sometimes. It makes life interesting I feel. It will be a very hard challenge as you do tend to forget solutions after so much time has passed. If you do forget the solution you are allowed to look it up on the youtube or wherever you can find a solution.

Hope everyone is doing okay today.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 10:20:24 AM by grams88 »

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2019, 06:03:46 AM »
Challenge one is to basically try to solve it without cheating and by seeing if you can make it to leaving just one marble left over.

Peg solitaire is such a classic, I wouldn't search for a solution without sinking all teeth into it first. I've never attacked it seriously yet. Interesting idea.

After solving with one marble left, the harder task asks to finish with the lone marble in the center.

see in a years time if you can remember how you solved it. Usually after a year or two you tend to forget the solution so this is testing to see if you can remember the solution

We forget about solutions unless the puzzle is special:
  • Both puzzle and solution come from your childhood, and leave a strong memory. Probably the solution is more memorable, easier, and our brains were softer.
  • You routinely apply similar tricks to variants of the puzzle. This happens for contemporary Lemmings players, and for high school/early-university math students.
  • You've endlessly ground it. Rubik's Cube is too hard without looking up solutions. During late high school in 2003 to 2005, I speed cubed with averages around 30 to 40 seconds, and learned the full Fridrich route. I forgot nearly everything for the later stages and would nowadays solve with beginner tech that has stuck to mind, and which is the core part of Fridrich.
  • geoo will never forget the solution to Lemmings' Ark in Genesis Lemmings, and envies me because I either don't know it yet, or have forgotten it. (I don't even know which of these two.) I'd need a proper installation of vanilla Lemmix though to re-attempt. >_>
Anyway, the Cube is quality leisure time, and it's booming even more than 15 years ago when I learned it. Enjoy!

-- Simon
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 06:09:16 AM by Simon »

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2019, 11:55:05 PM »
You make a good point there Simon with sinking all teeth into the peg solitaire before checking up a solution, it's quite a tricky one to solve on itself and even harder probably to get the marble finishing on the centre. There were some other websites such as the cool math website which has some peg solitaire puzzles, it had your standard one as well as other ones, some are easier and some are harder than the standard one.

You do tend to notice that you remember things or puzzles from your childhood especially it was something you really enjoyed as a child. I've never heard of the fridrich route  before but look forward to checking that one out, I wonder if that is one of the main solving methods. Even looking a solution very quickly just to get the feel of whats to come with the rubix cube. My rubix cube moves quite smoothly as I remember the old one I had felt as if it got stuck while moving it.  I liked shuffling this cube around it feel really cool, was randomly shuffling around and trying to make it hard for myself, I was probably mainly focusing on how flexible the cube seems at first then I will probably start to attempt to solve it while looking it up on the internet. Welldone Simon for solving the cube back in your high school years, 30 seconds is actually really good time.   :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Recently I've just completed lemmings chronicles for the first time, a really good game and the puzzles are great I feel. I must say that you are committing a crime if you don't try lemmings chronicles. :devil: I might attempt lemmings revolution maybe next but I Do hear that it tends to be harder to install on a newer operating system. I might try to get round to lemmings 3d as well. I don't think I completed that one as a child. I might as well attempt to finish tomb raider anniversary, I'm on the second last level. I'm in a video game phase at the moment trying to complete games that I haven't done yet.

This is probably more a thought experiment but I was thinking that we could think about it a little bit, I might as well as I've been talking about video games above. An experiment now as I've been talking about video games, could you name most of the  video games you have completed through out your life time. I bet the list would never end, now I need to be strict for it to be mentioned like for example if you believe you completed the game that's evidence itself or if you have not quite 100% a game but you have completed it otherwise still counts. Thinking about that myself I know my list would be big me thinks. We could probably actually try this maybe one time and write all the games that come to mind that you have completed. We have to be strict with older games as a lot of them might rely on the one attempt or if the game has a password system.

I don't really anyone to attempt this for real unless you really want to.

For example think about all the lemmings games you have completed, that would get you off to a good start.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2019, 04:35:01 AM »
geoo will never forget the solution to Lemmings' Ark in Genesis Lemmings, and envies me because I either don't know it yet, or have forgotten it. (I don't even know which of these two.) I'd need a proper installation of vanilla Lemmix though to re-attempt. >_>

These are all just download-and-run (should work fine with WINE). Enter "CHEATCODES" as a password (or just change cheat mode to on in the INI file), then you can type eg. "GENESIS45" as a password (which I think is the actual position of Lemmings' Ark, though I could be wrong).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2020, 03:34:18 PM »
Hi everyone, hope we are all doing okay.

I noticed something kind of cool and it could come as a little helper in planning ahead for the event. I'm going back to birthdays, I like this topic as I'm usually not that bad at remembering peoples ages, mostly the older actors. I'm not too familiar with some of the younger actors that are coming through. Anyway back on topic, I noticed that you can share the same day as someones birthday, just to be clear any of the seven days of the week. I noticed my birthday will be on a Saturday because my mum's birthday is on Saturday, my mum's birthday is in March and mine's is in August, if I find out what day my mum's birthday is on my birthday will be on the same day and this is like this for the rest of our lives. I know automatically my birthday is going to be on a Saturday because my mum has a birthday on Saturday. Now be careful if you have a birthday before Fabruary 29th it will mess the days and won't be consistent because of the whole leap year thing.

Now this is me going right onto another topic completely, I like my prank calls so I decided to have a go at making up a soundboard, it was pre-made and I added a lot of voice recordings of my myself, it's nothing too perfect but I was hoping to maybe getting people who are interested using this as a prank soundboard. He's called the (Scottish Professor) who insults the ladies and is  very cheeky to lots of people. He mainly phones up shops as most of the recordings are to do with him asking for a product or saying something very strange. His name is Rod Morton, hope I have that spelling right. By the way if anyone is interested, have a shot of it yourself, by no means is this perfect as it still has some mistakes that I could probably get round to a bit later to fix them. Have a play around with it and see if you like the soundboard. It might inspire yourself to create a soundboard in the future. I thought I'll post here on the lemmings forum as I think a few of us are into our prank phone calls.

I might maybe make a seperate topic for the soundboard, just thought I'd post it here in the mean time.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2020, 11:55:44 AM »
Getting some bad news about my Great uncle, they might have to take him off the oxygen, a great uncle who we were quite close to. He got taken into hospital because he fractured his hip and caught the coronavirus while in the hospital. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him but it's not looking good.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2020, 11:40:32 PM »
How are we doing guys?

I might have to do a disclaimer before I talk about the medical conditions.

(I'm not a doctor by any means, it's just a hobby of mine and a subject I find fascinating) :evil:

It was around 100 years ago the Spanish flu ended around this time. I know we should never compare the the covid19 with the Spanish flu as they were different. The Spanish flu sounded really nasty from what I hear, people were coughing up blood, I think blood would come through the ears as well which sounds scary. I always found medical stuff interesting and checking different conditions was fascinating.

Each country is going to handle things differently to how other countries. The coronavirus is a very major event and might take time before we start to see improvements. A lot of us are having to obey lockdown measures, might have to work from home as well. Remember to keep your mind busy and if make sure you are doing your social distancing if your country or government wants you to do that, it's very important from what I hear.

The conditions I was looking into recently was (rabies) or the condition known as hydrophobia which sort of means frightened of water. When you have rabies and starting to show symptoms, your body refuses to take water even when people are trying to give you water. You are so thirsty but you can't take the water, the body rejects it.  Imagine just feeling so uncomfortable with all those horrible symptoms. I think as soon as you start showing those symptoms it becomes a lot harder to save your life. It 
doesn't look too nice and can be scary for others to watch as the person is suffering. You can get rabies from a lot of different animals, I think the ones I hear about are from, dogs, bats. I think I remember someone who came back to the UK had rabies and they were put in a special place in the hospital, I think they referred to it as the tropical disease and sadly the lady passed on from what I remember. I think it was in London hospital.

You think the condition shingles sounds not that bad, it technically is not the nicest thing to have and there's a lot more to this condition than meets the eye. Herpes Zoster the virus is known as as well. You first get the virus when you are young, it becomes the chicken pox which is very itchy all over the place. You usually get this when you are younger, not everyone gets chicken pox but might get it later in life or just probably never get it at all. Now hears the interesting part, once you get chicken pox the virus stays in your body and will remain in your body. Most often the virus will do nothing and just lay there in the body but some unlucky people this virus will reactivate and cause you to have the very painful condition which is shingles. From what I hear shingles can be very dangerous especially if it is around the face area. The rash is very painful to touch but usually you get a lot of painful symptoms even before the actual rash appears. Usually shingles happens when you are a lot older and if your immune system is run down. If you remember having chicken pox, that virus will stay in the body and most often won't reactivate into the painful shingles. If you have had chickenpox before 18 months of age you have a greater risk of getting shingles in the future.

Mental health conditions has been an interesting subject to me as well. I have harm related ocd which is a nightmare to live with but you have to get on with life as best as you can. I'm making it my mission in life to spread as much information about this condition that will be one of my goals in life. In a way this condition has opened many avenues in the sense of getting people interested in hearing my story. I was very close to getting featured on a horizon program talking about ocd. I remember talking to the lady on the phone and she sounded very interested, it was good talking to the research team. Horizon is a really interesting show which explores many things, looks into things deeper. A monster in mind, if I have the right name for the show. The ocd condition affects me everyday and probably will most of my life. Anyone else have ocd on this forum?

Hope you found it interesting, I'm still learning myself. :thumbsup:

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2020, 11:04:49 PM »
I might share some bad news with you all in this one.

This has been a very bad year for things happening. We just our great uncle who was a very nice man, he liked to make models of train in a mechanical sense. He was in to all of that, he died too young at the age of 85, he was in a fit and healthy state but the coronavirus made things a lot worse and he ended up on a ventilator and passed on. Our next door neighbours mum got the coronavirus as well, she passed on at the age of 97 which is some going. My Gran just turned 97 the other day, she is very worried about the coronavirus but we are trying to keep her calm and making sure she stays in the house. My great auntie has also broken or fractured her hip the same as my great uncle. She's in a rehabilitation house from what I hear, maybe that's her back home.

One of my friend from school got the worse news you could ever imagine, her sister was found dead in the flat, they believe that she may of been murdered which was shocking to find out. They were asking lots of people around Scotland to leave a light on during the thursday clap for the NHS workers. I couldn't believe it was someone from school I knew really well has lost her sister to possibly murder. Scary stuff. A man has appeared in court to say what his name is and maybe the charges were getting read out to him.

We lost someone from our prank call community, he was in the hospital for his kidneys and went into a coma after some complications, might of suffered multiple strokes, which sounds horrible and he passed on. Must be at least ten years older than myself. Can't believe a man has lost his life like that, he was a great guy in the prank call community, very funny with his prank ideas.

Do stay safe people.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2020, 10:52:10 PM »
Sorry for your loss. Your great uncle must have been very bright even at 85, I'm sure it was enriching every time you've met with him.

Carry forward their spirit. We too can enrich others in turn with our passionate hobbies.

-- Simon

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2020, 10:32:31 PM »
Thanks for your kind words Simon, he loved making things in the shed and was very close to my gran, they used to talk on the phone to each other most nights. I think he was always wanting to do something never one for sitting around, I heard that he fell off a ladder one time trying to complete a certain task.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2020, 11:10:58 PM »
Thanks for your kind words Simon, he loved making things in the shed and was very close to my gran

The shed. Surely the ultimate man cave! :thumbsup:

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2020, 01:46:31 PM »
Definitely the ultimate man cave. A place for men to escape. :thumbsup:

Crazy year this one.  I think they reckon it might of been murder in the case of my friend's sister who was found dead in the flat. Our local newspaper was mentioning about it and encouraging us to leave the light on during the night a while back. I knew my friend quite well from school and college, we used to get laughs. She's in a wheelchair and from what I  reading from the article was very close to her sister, her sister helped her with her disability. She's going to be very upset losing her sister in that way.

I wonder if I could get in contact with one of the big football teams in Scotland as I think they might of been big supporters, I can't be sure but I I'm thinking maybe her sister is a supporter of the team as well.

My dog is getting older, she is getting more deaf and can't really hear you when you mention her name unless you say it very loudly. She used to go nuts when someone came to the door but not now as she does not hear as well. Animals are very cute in their ways, I cut myself during the middle of the night, I still have no idea what happened as I was in a sleepy state. I cut my knee and it was bleeding so I put a plaster on it and my dog was licking the plaster. My mum was thinking it might be poisoned. I hope not but do dogs not notice things like that.  I had cuts all over my hand as well, on the knuckles part. I'm scared just in case it happens again as I don't know what happened. My mum was saying it was a loud bang during the middle of night.

In relation to criticism, I think constructive criticism is good as long as it has a few positive things. Otherwise it might lead to the person who put the work in deleting their content, there was a show we used to watch called (one foot in the grave) and the main character was writing up a screenplay and he showed his wife his screenplay. His wife was quite critical of it and it led to the main character throwing his work in the bin. He spent a while writing it up.

My grammar tends not to be the best, I've been criticised in a few of the reviews for my e-book I self published. Some of the reviews seem very harsh but that's that I suppose. My mental health e-book I got published might actually be doing okay. I think the money raised from it goes towards a charity or good causes. As a sufferer of ocd harm thoughts I thought I'd write about that and it got accepted for publication as the topic of it was probably quite an interesting.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:13:55 PM by grams88 »

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2021, 11:32:20 PM »
Hi everyone

The last couple of years have been a bit slow due to the pandemic. :devil:

I'm hoping to get my first paperback book published. This one is about the mental health condition I have which is harm OCD. In this book, there are four characters who all suffer from harm OCD and they talk about what day-to-day life is like. Some of the things they describe can be horrible but that's what this condition is like it can be a horrible one to live with. Each character will talk about their day-to-day life and mention how the condition affects them. I'm hoping to get this one published so I can show the world what this condition is like. I have been in contact with someone who would publish it but I won't name any companies or charities here. My main idea was to get it published so it might appear in the (Barnes and noble) shores and other stores as well. Usually, when people think of OCD they tend to think of people who are washing or cleaning their hands a lot, OCD is a lot more than just that as there is a lot of suffering internally for the person.

If all goes well I hope to get the condition noticed a lot more. That would be my main goal. I'm getting a little article published in one of the ocd magazines as well. I'm hoping I could become a regular contributor but see what happens with that. I always think it is good to share your opinion on things.

This next thing I'm going to talk about might not be the most populist thing in the world but it's a goal for myself anyway. I remember watching a few documentaries to do with prisons in America and the way the inmates get treated can be so appalling. I know they committed horrible crimes but I felt that the guards took things too far. If you get the chance check the (Stanford Experiment) it was an experiment where they got a big group of volunteers and put them into two groups, one of them are the prisoners while the other group was the guards. It ended up the guards were treating the prisons in a terrible way. One film I remember watching the actual guard was peeing all over the prisoner, showing him no respect at all. (Thought that was terrible). Now going back to what I was saying, my goal is in support of prisoners getting the vote in the UK. At the moment they don't have the right to vote. I'm thinking of doing a campaign where I mention most of the benefits to prisoners getting the vote, I was maybe thinking of doing a debate with an MP or MSP who is against prisoners getting the right to vote. I really do think that it would be of benefit to give prisoners the right to vote even though it won't be the most popular thing with most people. I've always felt like prisoners need to be treated like human beings, not the other way round.

It has always been something I want to change for which are prisoners getting the right to vote in the UK. In some countries, the prisoners are able to vote which I think is the way forward. I want to be able to live in a society where people get treated with respect.

I'm hoping to get back into volunteering, I've been off since March last year due to the pandemic. I can understand when you are volunteering in the hospital shop it can be a lot of cause for concern due to the pandemic. Let us hope things do get better in relation to the covid.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 11:38:03 PM by grams88 »

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2021, 03:44:39 AM »
I'm hoping to get my first paperback book published. This one is about the mental health condition I have which is harm OCD. In this book, there are four characters who all suffer from harm OCD and they talk about what day-to-day life is like. Some of the things they describe can be horrible but that's what this condition is like it can be a horrible one to live with. Each character will talk about their day-to-day life and mention how the condition affects them. I'm hoping to get this one published so I can show the world what this condition is like. I have been in contact with someone who would publish it but I won't name any companies or charities here. My main idea was to get it published so it might appear in the (Barnes and noble) shores and other stores as well. Usually, when people think of OCD they tend to think of people who are washing or cleaning their hands a lot, OCD is a lot more than just that as there is a lot of suffering internally for the person.

Hi grams88,

I like how you're quite open with your struggles with OCD. Indeed, I think OCD people often portrayed on shows washing their hands repeatedly is a huge misconception. This is just one of many things that people with OCD can do, although not all do this. I'm going to guess that you have seen the TV show Glee? The school counselor suffers from OCD and she is often seen washing and rinsing. Instead, when describing OCD, it simply refers to the unhealthy practice of thoughts over things (the obsessive part of OCD) that otherwise aren't normally a huge deal and being compelled to do the same thing over and over (the compulsive part of OCD).

I've never been diagnosed or tested for OCD, and I'm pretty sure I don't have it, but I sometimes tell people that at times it can look like I display OCD-like symptoms, but only when it comes to doing things in a specific way. That's because I have extremely specific ways of doing many things, even if it comes off as strange to others. Like yes, I'm well aware that an LP AND very detailed feedback about levels in the level pack topics is overkill on my part, as I'm essentially doing double duty and giving the same info about the levels twice, but the thing is I don't mind doing so. In my opinion, the more places where the same thing is stated, the better. From the feedback I've been giving and how my posts tend to be quite long, it should be quite clear that I'm a very detail-oriented person. If I think of more examples later on, I'll gladly list them. I can't think of further ones right now :laugh:

Also as you might have seen, I love making and maintaining lists. For example, my LPs list and the list of packs that I have solved, in the General Discussion and Lemmings Main, respectively.

If all goes well I hope to get the condition noticed a lot more. That would be my main goal. I always think it is good to share your opinion on things.

Absolutely! :) I think this is very important, not only so we know more about you, but also that others can be more aware of what OCD is in general and what daily life is like for a person who suffers from it. If you're especially fine with sharing info about yourself, all the better.  Indeed, given the diverse student population, in my profession I'm expected to have special needs students who I need to be able to provide accommodations/modifications to ensure he/she succeeds in the classroom. Although these students might be "different," they're still human like their non-handicapped peers. Also, these students can be just as capable and intelligent or even more. The important thing is that they simply "process information and learn differently," and by tailoring the lessons that uses methods that help them succeed, they will be able to do just as well as their abled peers. They can also bring unique viewpoints and raise interesting discussions during lessons that we can still learn a lot from them. Hence, I have the belief that all students are capable of succeeding in math, despite how it's not for everyone.

I'm hoping to get back into volunteering, I've been off since March last year due to the pandemic. I can understand when you are volunteering in the hospital shop it can be a lot of cause for concern due to the pandemic. Let us hope things do get better in relation to the covid.

I too have also been out of work since last March. Fortunately, I've been fully vaccinated since the beginning of April, meaning I've already gotten both Covid doses. Also, my entire state and economy will be fully reopening next month, so I will hopefully be able to get back into the workforce again soon. I'm just not one to sit around at home doing nothing, as I prefer to be at work. Even when I was a sub, even though I'm under no obligation to work every day, I'm extremely reluctant to take days off from work, and hence I ended up overworking myself. That's how much I love my job and how much I love working. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2021, 10:47:54 PM »
Thanks Kaywhyn for your comments and kind words. :thumbsup::thumbsup: Interesting what you were saying there. I do find that I take longer with tasks and notice people do these things a lot faster than myself. I usually take longer when I'm replying to an e-mail or replying to someone. I remember we were all filling out the application forms for (the samaritans) as I was wanting to become a listening volunteer. Everyone else finished filling out the forms and I was the last one to finish it as I was probably double-checking everything on the form making sure I was answering the questions correctly.  I have (autistic spectrum disorder) which I don't mind sharing here. I think I was always a bit slower with things, I remember taking a bit longer to understand a concept. You are right, we are all capable, I feel. :thumbsup:

Are you the math teacher in School Kaywhyn? It's a very deep subject and it was something I did not too bad when I was at college and school, maybe I could have done better. I notice it is a very hard subject. I did take math up to a higher-level but I can't remember if I went any further than this. A great subject maths and probably one of the hardest subjects I would say in my opinion. I remember getting frustrated because I never understood something argggggggg :devil:

You might a few of your students might like the lemmings, you never know. Hope you get back to work soon as well.

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2021, 08:05:05 PM »
Thanks Kaywhyn for your comments and kind words. :thumbsup::thumbsup: Interesting what you were saying there. I do find that I take longer with tasks and notice people do these things a lot faster than myself. I usually take longer when I'm replying to an e-mail or replying to someone. I remember we were all filling out the application forms for (the samaritans) as I was wanting to become a listening volunteer. Everyone else finished filling out the forms and I was the last one to finish it as I was probably double-checking everything on the form making sure I was answering the questions correctly.  I have (autistic spectrum disorder) which I don't mind sharing here. I think I was always a bit slower with things, I remember taking a bit longer to understand a concept. You are right, we are all capable, I feel. :thumbsup:

My pleasure :) I definitely know what it's like, as I too like to take my time on things. I'm a huge advocate of "baby steps" instead of the "look before you leap" approach. Although, I probably still fall victim to the latter anyway when it comes to LPing level packs, but only because I feel like I put the game on pause for far longer than I need to, and I think viewers like to see the LPer solving rather than just wonder when he/she will actually start assigning skills and all :laugh: Still, I'm happy to hear that you really enjoyed my LP of your Nuked Lems pack. I definitely have plans to LP your Ski Slope Lems as well. Stay tuned for that whenever that comes ;)

Another thing I want to point out is that it really pains me to see special needs people being teased and bullied. This is definitely not acceptable in my eyes, and certainly something that I will not tolerate in the classroom, as it's never ok to make fun of those who are less abled. Really, those people need to ask themselves if they would like it if they were in the shoes of someone suffering from a disorder and were being made fun of. It's quite hurtful.

Are you the math teacher in School Kaywhyn? It's a very deep subject and it was something I did not too bad when I was at college and school, maybe I could have done better. I notice it is a very hard subject. I did take math up to a higher-level but I can't remember if I went any further than this. A great subject maths and probably one of the hardest subjects I would say in my opinion. I remember getting frustrated because I never understood something argggggggg :devil:

That I am ;) I'm currently qualified to teach up through Calculus/Stats at the high school level, although I took the former while in high school. The only Stats courses I took was while I was in college for my math major, although I believe where you're from you use "university" instead? It's definitely a regional thing, since where I'm from, the USA, it's more common for you to hear "college" instead, but both college and university are synonymous with one another. Stats definitely destroyed me, though, though maybe it wouldn't had had I taken it while in high school, but my understanding is that you either take Calculus or Stats, but not both, as they're generally courses that you take in your senior year of high school. Unfortunately, if I'm ever asked to teach Stats, I would have to do a lot of studying/brushing up on it.

I also have a Master's in math, which allows me to teach math at the community college level. I believe if I am to be a professor at the university level, I would have to obtain a PhD. I'm not exactly sure about the requirements, but I believe all the college professors I have had do have at least a Doctorate.

Back when I was in college, I remember almost never ever leaving a midterm/final exam early, because I was quite obsessed with constantly double-checking my work. There were times I did leave early after finishing, but that's usually because I was so over it and didn't really care anymore and at that point I'm pretty much whatever happens happens. Other than those odd times where I left early, I generally stayed until the very end of the exam.

Math is definitely a difficult subject, especially once you get into algebra. From a student's point of view, I found this quite confusing, as I myself didn't have too much trouble when I was going through various math courses in middle and high school. Admittedly, it's probably because I had math textbooks that I could read over the summer before I took the associated course come the fall time. However, I definitely have a much better understanding of why students struggle with math now that I'm looking at it from an instructor's point of view. I'm often amused at how certain students even made it into Algebra 1 or higher, as success is very dependent on your mastery of math concepts from previous math courses, as the concepts build on each other to help you learn the newer and harder material. Along with non-mastery of the mathematical concepts in previous courses, usually I find that the biggest reason why so many students struggle with Algebra is because it has a lot of very abstract concepts. For example, many students who get to Algebra 1 still don't know how to do fractions or decimals. There's a lot of everyday terms that mean something completely different in math, like "function" for example. So really, it's almost like learning a new language once you get to Algebra. Even worse, it only gets harder from there once you get to Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus. As my high school AP Calculus teacher once said, "It's not the calculus that students don't get, it's the algebra."

Thus, I cannot take my students' knowledge of previous math concepts for granted. There's the whole keeping a steady pace through the curriculum, but at the same time review will be necessary since there will definitely be certain concepts that students will struggle with more than others. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2021, 11:19:30 PM »
Hi Kaywhyn  :thumbsup::thumbsup:

When I was at college I use to hang around with the special needs students as a lot of them were very friendly. I remember meeting a man who people were making fun of him or winding him up. I started to talk to him and he seemed like a really nice man. I hope I still get to see him in the future, he was a special needs student at the college. We always had some interesting conversations about topics such as football and many other topics. I thought it was a bit sad that the mainstream students usually stayed together, not really hanging around with the special needs students. I always found that kind of sad but that's that I suppose. I'm hoping to maybe having my book published around the start of next year or even earlier. The main idea behind the story is four characters who talk about their OCD, all four characters have the same OCD as myself which is harm OCD. The one I have is where I get thoughts and urges to do bad things, for example, my mind could tell me to send a horrible e-mail to someone. Usually, if I see a story in the news it tends to panic me as I imagine myself being the person who is committing the crime. Days can be tough but getting out and about has been an important thing for me as I can challenge the OCD, a lot of OCD sufferers might not go out much due to their condition which I think is a sad one. Yes, baby steps is a good approach, Interesting what you were saying there about the Lper the level packs. I think that's what makes a good let's play as you were saying about it being more action and less pause and think. The Skii Sloping lemmings might not be the best pack out there as I remember there being a lot of levels being a building fest and some of the later levels might have had a precism element to them. I would there are some good levels in the pack but I wouldn't say the skii sloping level pack was my biggest achievement. You might like the pack a lot. I remember removing two or three levels from the skii sloping lemmings as one of them was just basically using too many builders and it would probably get very boring for the person playing the level.

I remember in Maths we did flow charts and I remember when I was trying to draw everything things never went too well. I got more use to it the more that I was doing it. We did some statistics and boolean algebra if I have the name right. The funny thing recently was I was looking up a few maths terms which were to do with statistics such as looking at the mode, median, and mean of statistics. I found it quite interesting. Math is actually a brilliant subject as it is everywhere. You Picked a good subject to teach Kaywhyn. :thumbsup:

You might find certain students have their weaknesses and strengths when it comes down to math. I remember back in school we did some mental math which was quite good, we had ten questions and we got to see how many of them we got right.

Interesting what you were saying about the exams, yes I agree use most of the time, I guess that's what the time is there for. I remember doing a modern studies exam and there was a lot of writing involved I got a scribe who do the writing for me. I thought it helped a lot. I remember a lot of the answers had to have a lot of words in them. I did my modern studies on China and Crime and punishment which were both very interesting subjects. I always thought the whole debate about the death penalty was always interesting. Everyone tends to have their own views on it. (Me not like the death penalty)

I remember when I was first learning algebra I didn't understand it at all. I remember my dad gave my brother and I this algebra question and it took me a long time to figure it out. Mind you I was very young at the time, can't quite remember what age I was. Algabra is a great subject to learn, yeah as you were saying it does trick a lot of us who are very new to the concept.   

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Re: grams88 Blog
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2022, 12:00:48 AM »
Hi everyone

Been having a busy time with things. I might talk about things I've been up to and maybe other things.

I got my book published and is available on a lot of different book stores such as Barnes and Noble and many other ones. I got it self published on paperback. Now one thing in relation to spelling mistakes and grammar. I felt like I tried to get rid of a lot of the errors and did my best but they are still some, I'm going to say yes there is a bit of mistake here and there in the book.

Could I make a request if you are wanting to leave a review even if you do think it is not that good, could you leave a good review.

It's also on many other websites such as Barnes and Noble, Walmart and many other ones such as Goodreads. This is technically my first paperback book which I'm proud how it all turned out.

The main idea of the book is focused on what harm Ocd is and the fictional characters talk about their day to day life and what thoughts they get on a daily basis. I thought who would be best to explain it being from a harm Ocd sufferer such as myself. The harm thoughts the individual talk about are very real as these are the thoughts I get personally. Hope anyone who does give it a read learns more about the harm Ocd theme and how much torture the sufferer feels on a day to day basis.

I might be starting back at the volunteering very soon. That's some of the volunteers coming back and hoping to come back myself and if possible go back to the trolly service where we go round the wards offering the tuck shop service type of thing. I enjoy talking to patients who are always very friendly. We will be having to wear the mask all the time which is very understandable.

I'm also going to try my hand at becoming an extra on TV shows, I've been in contact with a company or agency and just need to get all my details such as height, weight probably. The company seem legit and are very helpful. Getting involved might mean I would probably have to wear a costume or something to that but it does have its pros and cons such as the costume might be very uncomfy. There is a good chance I could be an extra or supporting actor in a known TV show on netflix but it is still to be decided. THere is a lot of talk about the NDA, or non-disclosure agreement where I won't be able to discuss what show or thing it is.

My gran has been making steady progress, hoping to maybe walk without using the zimmer, still don't know if this is a good idea or a bad one but her carers are hopeful for that to happen. She has four or three carers that come in at different times of the day to help her with things such as cooking her a meal or general house cleaning. THey have been very helpful. I hot her a big monkey soft teddybear type toy. I called the Monkey George and Gran loves the monkey, she put glasses on the monkey and the monkey is sitting on her other seat. I thought it gives her something to talk about and it got the carers laughing.

Her eyesight and hearing are getting worse but she is okay when using the telephone, she struggles with the Alexa device where she can't hear you at all and you can hear everyone talking louder. I do feel sorry for her in that regard. My mum always makes a good point by saying she is 98 years old what do you expect.

One other thing I was wanting to add, was I notice Mobius was talking about the word game where you have to get as many words as possible. I think you guys would love word yatchze which is one of the games located on the hoyle board or table games.