Millas - (Project Freedom Planet X Lemmings) - Indefinite Hiatus

Started by GigaLem, February 19, 2017, 02:56:35 AM

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Just want to say that these tilesets are coming out really nice :thumbsup:


I think its about time I showed off another graphic set.

I present to you, Halayangube. Its not finished but its on its way there.
this level is called "What's so festive about a detour?"


Merry Christmas People and I have an offer to give for each of you.
I may need some extra hands in the level department. And so I have a question. Do you want to try out the new sets early? Both sets are practically complete but I'm not ready to release em to the public just yet. I'll be taking at least 2 people who PM on Lemmings forum or DM on Discord me first!
The rules are simple.

-You can only tileset mix with the two sets used in the "Festival Millas" pack
-You cannot redistribute the sets prior to when I release the pack.
-The only non-Millas objects that can be used are "arty_snow" and the snow blowers from the snow set.
-The Backgrounds from the both sets are the only backgrounds to be used

I'll even through in the some unfinished wips and test levels for you to edit by your request. I'll also offer the soundtrack for the pack as well.
Anyways, for today. I'll show you some Levels.

"No days off on Christmas"

"One Cool Glide" by Plom510


Happy new year, for those living in different time zones at the time of this post.

I may have not been able to have release Millas for the year of the dog but at least the Holiday pack barely made it before 2019 hit.
Festival Millas 2018 Release Thread

As for the main Millas Project, I will be writing up a "State of the Pack" update in January, About what to do for the rest of the development.
Like what to accommodate for, what to do about the final result, what is planned. Everything is still in progress, but I do somewhat see about 2019 release for the pack its self. Hopefully 2019 will be the last year of development for Millas because its been quite a ride. But until then, enjoy the rest of the holiday break.


Figured I'd get this out of the way.

2018 was an eventful year for better or worse. I wanna recap on what I accomplished for the pack and what I want to do for this year.

Somewhere mid-2018 I have help on converting the Levels to the new format. It started with just nessy but when conversions slowed down, I spoke about it pages ago and Ichotolot and Wafflem stapped in.

I have made a new tutorial rank to try to ease players in however I'll go over the results for what I want to do for 2019.

Got the sets used in the pack to use Millas again and added more pieces to each set to increase usability.

Finally released a new build in the new format.

Made a trailer for it.

Released holiday pack while it was still 2018.

I did accomplish a bit and I'm thankful to anyone whose helped along the way, but now I wanna get to what do for 2019.

Apparently, text isn't enough to guide beginners or beginners just ignore the very obvious text they should follow in the game. I'm completely stumped on what I want to do for the newborn rank. I don't know what to do to make it accessible to learn. I'll redevelop the newborn rank yet again as soon as get a good idea how. I'm open to suggestions so feel free to speak your mind.

I want to reevaluate the Puppy rank to make it more easy for those playing for the first time. I may take some of the current newborn levels and put it there but I want to have the Puppy rank not feel like a difficulty spike once you come off of the Newborn rank.

I'll need to readd the achievements for the game from the previous old format build or builds. I'll need to figure out how to make solutions that are talisman worthy. And I'll need figure out what levels from easier ranks to not only move up to higher ranks but easy levels I can make harder without needing to change too much.

This is something I'm debating post release. I want to rename the sets for my pack (the ones that aren't completely fanmade, IE Basset Temple) to "freedomplanet_set" I'm adamant about it because I'm afraid that I'll break a ton of levels doing that. I'm pretty sure there's a way to prevent that, but it might be a major pain to do over and over again. This will reflect sets for when I do Millas 2. Those sets will have the name "freedomplanet2_set" when it happens.

Me and Plom plan to start working on a holiday pack much sooner than we did 2018. With the idea of making 2 or 3 new tilesets for that while using the sets from 2018. The that's developed the more chances of releasing the pack before Christmas of that year. and while doing so, I'll try to fix whatever issues there were for for 2018 while adding some extra stuff that weren't added due to time constraints. Those who want to aid in that when the time comes are free to apply when I make the post for time sometime later this year.

Before I get to this I will be restoring the Master System sets that Raymanni recently redescovered and I may add some new nuances to the sets to make em fit for neolemmix. Until then to further progress and awoo.


I have a suggestion for the Newborn Rank. From Discord:

"I'll make a post but my quick thoughts on the Newborn Rank: what if you kept the levels from the original Newborn Rank that only introduced the skills one at a time, and then the NeoLemmix objects can be introduced in the Puppy Rank. That way it's a more gentle difficulty spike.

So let me go into more detail on that. I took a look at the pack that was sent to me during the conversion phase. One thing I noticed is that levels that were built to introduce one of the skills felt like good tutorial levels to ease new players into what each skill does because since these levels revolved around teaching the new skill there wasn't a true puzzle that was introduced to stump a player or create a bigger difficulty spike. On the other hand there were some levels that introduced NeoLemmix objects like one-way force fields or pre-assigned skills on an entrance that felt like they had more of a puzzle to them than the skill introduction levels. My ideas on how to handle this are the following:

- Re-make these specific levels to only focus on what the object does with a few other skills (after all the skills are introduced) that are not complex in where they have to go. Perfect examples are the pick-up skill level, the "today's lesson" button level, or the splitter intro level.

- Another idea would be to move them into the mid-Puppy rank like the one-way force field level and the pre-assigned skills to an entrance level. In fact before you even start introducing Neolemmix objects you give the player some more levels to practice the skills they learned.

- Overall even if a level was meant to be a tutorial of some kind don't be afraid to move it to a later rank especially if you or someone feels like it will fit perfectly there. For example that first zombie level in the Newborn Rank can probably be moved to the Puppy Rank and it would be okay because I consider the concept of zombies as something that can be very intimating to new players so not introducing them right away is okay in my eyes.


Wow, so many new tilesets in this topic now. I certainly can't wait to play this pack. Definitely the other pack to watch out for aside from my own pack.

I think it's great how the amount of tilesets we've had to choose from has exploded in the last year or so. I feel like the scope is definitely there to be more experimental with different tilesets.


First off, I want to apologize greatly for the lack of anything from this pack lately. I've tried getting back sooner but lots of things got in the way.
SRB2Kart mods, Trying to stay of the streets, California Trip, and lastly which was my fault Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (which by the way I have every costume, kart, wheel and decal for. Bring it on Back in time grand prix!)

I honestly want to try juggling this and other things while its still summer, I want to get back to the lab redesign, I'll try to fix Festival Milla 2018, I might plan the ground work for Festival Millas 2019 early, of course Let's Play #3 (which is all recorded BTW) which I'll begin in august hopefully.

I still need to consult nessy about the puppy rank, and I need to make another attempt at the newborn rank. I'll need to figure out the talismans for the levels because text editing is fun (Can the Level editor have a talisman editor built in please nepster?) and finally I need to have shimmier sprites made for all of the Millas, and festival Millas sets for the future.

Man I need to get busy, believe me when I say that I wanted to resume work back in june but a lot of things got in the way of my life and that just plain sucks.

But that was then, this is now. Hours ago it has been 5 years since Freedom Planet released, it was also the 4th anniversary of when I met Plom510 (and boy my life changed since, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him) while its not much, trust me I wish I had time to assemble a demo for this occasion. Here's a couple levels I've made to get back into the swing of things.

First an easy once for possibly the Puppy rank "I'll take Charlie Weaver to Block"

And Second a hard one, around the Super Dog rank "Up we go?"

It's entirely possible that after any consultation of the ranks that the Shimmier can be incorporated into the pack but I'm unsure. I Apologize for not progressing with the pack, life took me away from things and I appreciate you all for sticking with me. I should feel extremely ashamed in myself for not doing anything since January. While I did say I was on break, I really should have gotten back onto the project sooner. I'll try showing off any more levels or anything related in the near future. I already have plans for that and the like. Until then.....please come out this year Freedom Planet 2!


GigaLem don't feel ashamed in yourself for not doing anything since January. Everybody understands about life getting in the way and hey even if you were technically able to work on the pack but decided to do something there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's your project and you have the right to work on it whenever you can or feel like it and anyone who is truly excited for the pack to come out will always stick with you throughout the entire lifestyle of the project :)


As i'm getting my sets ready for 12.6 I figure I'd make a Road Map for not only getting to the next update but for handling the pack in general

-Update/Make new objects

Make new One way arrows, make better Switches, Splitters and then some, make new objects for the returning anti splat pads and maybe more

-Reevaluate the levels and or rebalance the pack + Newborn rank redo

I could potentially put in the Shimmier and maybe any new skills that get added, I'll have to consult with anyone who has tested my packs in the past to see what I can do

-Begin work on the two sets for Festival Millas 2019

The first thing im gonna do is update Festival Millas 2018 to fix a couple of things, I'm unsure if I want to add talismans yet, it'll depend on if the talismans get added to the level editor. Second the two new sets for Festival Millas 2019 will have these themes, A mountainous Tibet theme, and a Regal Siberian theme. These plans could change however so not everything is set in stone

-Depending on how much work gets done on Millas, Have a final level exclusive graphic set.

This could end up being an 2020 thing but yeah, a graphic set to wrap up the pack. I could very well not show what it looks like until the pack actually gets released. Just to keep it a surprise. I have come up with the concept earlier this year but yeah, a little something to bring the pack to a close. But just to clarify, it ain't a VGASpec.

That's all I have for now, until then see ya!


The good news is that I have migrated to 12.7, I should be sending the new custom pickups to nessy right now.

One thing I'll be doing is readding the talismans, they're long overdue.

Now with an understanding of the new pick ups, that just leaves other pickups to be done. I apologize for the silence but I should hopefully be back in action.

Two things to add for the 2020 road map. Idles for the existing traps and more talismans.

Thanks for waiting people.


2019 was a very stressful year for me, most of my time was taken away from and I barely even got to touch the pack because needing to migrate, however with the new version not requiring much from to me to Migrate, I should hopefully be back in the groove for this  year and believe me, I'm feeling confident about trying to get this pack done this year. (At least I hope so)

I have a Road map for things I want to get done for this year, that being the following

-Revamping certain objects, IE give Certain ones idles, making smaller replacements (via depreciated tab as soon as I can figure out how that works) New one way arrows and fields, splat/antisplat pads, the works
-Doing that one reevaluation plan I keep talking about to the entire pack to see what still looks good and what doesn't so I can have more better looking levels by the packs release
-Readding/adding more talismans, I dug through the 2.8 demo of Millas to get the old talismans back and I'll readd them as I reevaluate the levels
-Getting that new "New Born" rank done in a way that makes it so it's easy to understand but still interesting
-Finally have that Final Level graphic set done for Millas.

I thank everyone for their patience with this project and I've been feeling the drive again after Festival Millas 2019 which you can play right now by clicking here! or the Updated Festival Millas 2018

Here's to 2020 and finally getting this pack done, and hoping Freedom Planet 2 actually releases this year!


Let's show off one of the Quality of Life updates to the sets that'll soon be part of the auto downloadable sets

Brand New One Way Arrows
Take a Look by Clicking the Spoiler

This level is by Wafflem

More things are to come in the future but I am happy to be getting work done
Credit to Plom510 for making all these


Another Quality of Life Update is coming to Millas and mainly the graphic sets for them
Let's Show them off!

To start we have some newer prettier and sometimes compact switches

I showed off one of the new exits so let's show off the others

some removed versions of objects have seen new life as Splat and Anti-Splat pads. and on top of this, Nine slicing has been added to these objects to give a cool new effect to them

A much needed Change was given to the one way fields in Horizon Starport, the old ones were really rushed due to the fact that at the time of me building the sets, I was in the process of moving to a new home

lets move to the new traps, now no longer a reskin, watch out as a boulder in Dragon Valley could crush a poor Milla, keep your troop alive

and now this behemoth of a trap has now become compact and easier to place in levels for thermal base

now, not all of the revised objects are done, there are probably more on the way but for now I'm really happy to have these get made after so long.
A big thanks to Plom510 for making these.

I hope you stay tuned to more updates.


While I have more revisions on the way, I have a feeling Idle animations (secondary animations) are on very low priority until I can figure how to get them to work
I have followed the tutorial on how its applied, however everything I tried doesn't work.
I'm trying to make a secondary for couple of switches

the following is what I want it to look like while idling

I even had it set up the same way with the file names like everything else that had a idle animation

(this sheet below being the idle, I apologize if it's hard to see)

But in the game, it doesn't show up, at all.
I've looked at many objects with the lines of code I tried, I looked at this tutorial and it still persists on acting like it doesn't exist. Showing up as if there was no "name_constant" in the first place

this was the bit of code I tried before giving up, meaning that, these new object may take longer to release
  NAME constant
If anyone has any suggestions on what im doing wrong and how I can correct it and move on to other idles, please speak up immediately, thank you