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Level Review--Lemmings Revolution

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review thread for Lemmings Revolution.
Why let the reviewing end! I picked Revolution because it’s a game I love and I can’t review L2 or any of the others. (I could review paintball but that appears to have bad beef here. Not a single thread of discussion about that game! I’ll have to fix that eventually.)
Go from 4-5 to 4-6 etc.
Rules follow the same as the other reviews. (Except don't count on me to strictly enforce them. I'm easy).

I’m starting out with level 4-4 because all the levels before that are tutorial levels. If anybody really wants to review those levels you can of course. I personally think they’re mostly boring (even for tutorial levels)
I don’t know where to get pictures other than from the game itself. You couldn’t see the whole level from that however.
Thanks to finlay for use of his spreadsheet for much of the level information.
I’d kind of like to talk about general things about the game itself as well when they come up so feel free to do that. There’s a lot of things that bother me. (Despite this being my favorite Lemmings game).

4-4 Seafood Sarnie

Lemmings: 25
Save: 20
RR: <50 [< means RR can only go down, > means it can only go up. If otherwise not mentioned the RR is totally changable]
time: 10 minutes

skills: 20 bombers 20 blockers 20 builders, 20 bashers

good:  A good beginner level with a crab. I like the crab, I don’t really know why. 

bad: the laser gate is right by the entrance making it pretty pointless. Unless (as I’m guessing) it was just more tutorial stuff to show off what it does. Kind of an odd skill set for a beginner level.


--- Quote from: möbius on 2012-09-18 19:54:12 ---I don’t know where to get pictures other than from the game itself. You couldn’t see the whole level from that however.
--- End quote ---

When I started playing the game last December, I did screenshots of each level before any lemmings come out.  I forgot exactly why but I think partly so it's possible to examine a level at times when I don't want to actually fire up the game (especially at that point before GP's patch, so it's unplayable on Win7).  To account for the cylindrical nature, I always captured 4 screenshots per level.

Of course, I stopped playing after the 8th column and haven't gotten a chance to go back into it yet, so even if I found a good place to post the screenshots to, it won't cover many of the later levels anyway.

I would review the next level, but I don't even have the screenshots with me at the moment, so I don't know what the next level is or what it looks like. Maybe later tonight.


--- Quote from: ccexplore on 2012-09-19 17:17:13 ---When I started playing the game last December, I did screenshots of each level before any lemmings come out.  I forgot exactly why but I think partly so it's possible to examine a level at times when I don't want to actually fire up the game (especially at that point before GP's patch, so it's unplayable on Win7).  To account for the cylindrical nature, I always captured 4 screenshots per level.

Of course, I stopped playing after the 8th column and haven't gotten a chance to go back into it yet, so even if I found a good place to post the screenshots to, it won't cover many of the later levels anyway.

--- End quote ---

oh cool  That's nice. If you'd upload that I'd take it for my own reference as well. That would come in handy. You can put all the pics in or just one. I don't know which would be best, try and see. Maybe we could paste them together into one long horizontal pic. I looked online btw and didn't find much by the way of good quality pics.
Don't worry about after column 8, I can take pics of those if/when we ever get that far. I have a decent screen cap program now.

Lemmings Revolution levels! I haven't reviewed any levels yet because I guess it may have affected a little that I'd have to run the game and look at the level so I can remember it, whereas levels from other Lemmings games are quickly and easily on display on the Internet or in Lemmix, but I won't let that thing bother me too much.

4-5 - A Long and Lonely Road

Lemmings: 30
Save: 20
Release rate: 10
Time: 10 minutes
Skills: 20 bombers, 20 blockers, 20 builders, 20 bashers

Good: A very straightforward practice level. The most exciting part is at the halfway, where you have various different possibilities to turn the crowd towards the higher platform. Water pools bring some diversity to the layout.

Bad: Maybe a little too long distance to go with too few different obstacles.

hey Akseli, do you know about finlays+LemSteven’s spreadsheet? (I attached it to this post). It Lists all levels of almost every lemmings game and info on them. You can just use that for reference, (it’s what I’m doing. But I also sometimes play the level too, to refresh)
4-6 Lems at Loggerheads

Lemmings: 10
Save: 5
Release rate: 5
Time: 10 minutes
Skills: 10 climbers, 2 floaters, 2 builders

Good: A good beginner level (I guess we’ll be saying that a lot.) Its generic comment but I can’t think of anything else. Thought, I do like having to make them all climbers, something that's not done often in the early levels of older lemmings games.

Bad: Kind of boring.

this level is very similar in layout to “Let’s play catch”


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