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Lemmings Main / lemming anatomy topic
« Last post by The64Watcher on July 26, 2024, 11:40:24 PM »
what do lemmings eat, what if a lemming ate 2x or 3x its normal daily intake?

WHAT GOOEY INNARDS THAT CONNECT TO KEEP LIFE FLOWING IN THEM :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:
Tech & Research / Re: Lemmings Engine/Fangame System Standard
« Last post by WillLem on July 26, 2024, 06:04:24 PM »
Ah, I think I know what the OP is referring to. It's this post, in which namida shares a meme (in PNG format) about proliferating standards.

@The64Watcher Let me explain what that's about. So, in The Future Of Lemmini topic I proposed that we should re-invent Lemmini by merging all the best elements of the various versions (original Lemmini, SuperLemmini and SuperLemminiToo) into a single new version which becomes the new "Lemmini".

Namida's response is alluding to the fact that, rather than this "ultimate" version of Lemmini successfully making the others obsolete and triumphing as the universal standard, we'd simply end up with yet another version of Lemmini; people may still prefer to use te older versions, for whatever reason. That's the implication, anyway.

So, to be clear, namida isn't suggesting that we come up with a standard for Lemmings fangames - quite the opposite, in fact. He's pointing out that any attempt to do so simply creates another set of standards alongside all of the many existing ones. People generally tend to differ in their opinions about exactly how something should be done, so it's impossible to come up with something that will please everyone (and thus make everything else obsolete).

Hope that explains it :)
Congrats for beating the Heavy rank, Swerdis! :thumbsup: As said on YouTube, your solution to Hardcore 01 is a backroute, but I have no idea how to fix it without having "double one-way arrows" at my disposal... :evil:
Other Projects / Re: Something i will actualy do: Mechanical Terror!
« Last post by The64Watcher on July 26, 2024, 04:05:13 PM »
and this already flopped, ow
Tech & Research / Re: Lemmings Engine/Fangame System Standard
« Last post by The64Watcher on July 26, 2024, 04:01:54 PM »
I can't even figure out what you're trying to say here. What does PNG have to do with anything else here? What do you mean by "a standard"?
sir namida, when i went to lemmini, i looked at the future of lemmini, where you posted a reply to that topic, so what should a lemming standard be? what rules should it include? its up to you!
FWIW, I agree that this isn't a bug, at least in terms of Jumper physics.

However, there's a different angle to look at this one, as Simon alluded to: the splat pad is the source of the bug here, not the Jumper.

A case could be made for in-game gravity requiring splat pad interaction, and that would include the descent phase of Jumper and Reacher (and any other gravity-affected movement). I’d also then want to look at whether a splat pad should respond to upwards force as well (e.g. the ascent phase of Jumper and Reacher), making both positive and negative Gs a factor.

I suggest that it should either be left as-is or “fixed” only alongside these considerations, and certainly not in isolation as a Jumper bug.
I seem to recall that this was specifically discussed and decided to be the correct behaviour during the "What should the Jumper physics be like?" discussion prior to implementing it.

EDIT: Splat pad discussion starts on page 8.
The splat pad is the bug. It's also a feature. :8():

-- Simon
I would also argue "it's not a bug, it's a feature" because logically the lemming is still in the Jumper phase when they touch the terrain and haven't entered the Faller state at any point on the examples where they survive.  At least for me, it's game logic I can understand and also easy enough to test if a level includes it.  I would argue that level designers should probably avoid this set-up to avoid confusion, but that's up to them.
I would agree with Icho here in there being no bug. It's similar to the case of a Lemming descending a slope of 1, 2, or 3 pixels in the trigger area of a splat pad. In this case, the Lemming never transitions into a faller and so therefore survives the splat pad. It's only if he descends 4 pixels or more, where he does transition into a faller. Then he will splat inside the splat pad's trigger area. The exception to this is if the Lemming is a floater or a glider. Then he's always immune to the splat pad, even if you don't ever see him pull out his brolly or gliding device before landing inside the splat pad's trigger area.
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