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Contests / Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #4 (Playing)
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:39:40 PM »
Okay so, it's time for the playing (and updating) phase now! :)

Here are the rules for this phase:

In relation to other people's levels
1. You are allowed to discuss anything you want to about the levels in this topic
2. You are allowed to post replays of your solutions
3. Anything relating to the solution must be kept behind a spoiler tag, unless very vague. To give examples - "I thought the solution was very well-hidden" or "I liked that trick near the end" probably don't need to be, but "I liked that climber and stoner trick near the end" most definitely should be spoiler tagged. If in doubt, spoiler tag it.

In relation to your own levels
1. You are perfectly permitted to post your own replay of your level
2. You must not post updated versions of your levels in this topic; updated versions should be submitted to me via PM.
3. There will be three "update points", at which I will post any updated versions received. At each of these, the newest version you've submitted (assuming it's still within the contest rules) will be posted. Note that you can only update the level twice, so if you submit updates for both of the first two update points, you cannot submit any updates for the third point. If you submit an update after the update point time passes but before updates are actually uploaded, it will not be posted until the next update point.

In general
1. The update points (at which updated versions of the levels will be posted) are, all at midnight UTC, May 3rd, May 7th and May 11th.
2. The playing phase will close May 15th.

So with the rules out of the way, let's take a look at our levels! We have four NeoLemmix submissions and one Lix submission. As usual, the entries are listed in alphabetical order of creator's names.

"The Five" by Giga
Engine: NeoLemmix
Graphic set: Fire

"True Grid" by IchoTolot
Engine: NeoLemmix
Graphic set: Crystal

"Sweet As!" by namida
Engine: NeoLemmix
Graphic set: Candy

"Fourtissimo" by Nepster
Engine: NeoLemmix
Graphic set: Brick

"All Around the World" by Proxima
Engine: Lix
Graphic set: Sandstone

For the NeoLemmix levels, you can play them by launching NeoCustLemmix and pressing F6 on the title screen. Note that if you don't have the most recent version of NeoCustLemmix (V1.32n-B), you may also need to put a copy of the Candy graphic set in the same folder as NeoCustLemmix (a copy of it is included in the download) for "Sweet As!".

For the Lix level, put it in Lix's "levels" folder (or a subfolder thereof) and navigate to it from the main menu. The graphic set it uses is included with Lix.

Good luck to everyone! :)

NeoLemmix Main / Quick Guide to Using NeoLemmix Features in the Editor
« on: April 25, 2015, 01:25:35 PM »
Welcome! This post is to give a quick guide about how to use the new NeoLemmix object types, gimmicks and unique properties when designing levels. This assumes you're using the NeoLemmix Editor. Many of these are also applicable to SuperLemmini, but this post is created purely with NeoLemmix in mind.

This is currently, and probably always will be, a work-in-progress, so if what you're interested in isn't here, check back later (or send me a PM / create a topic to ask, and mention that you think it should be included here).


-= Level Properties =-

How to copy layout changes to another level (for repeats, etc)

Under "Edit" on the menu bar, there's an option called "Import Level Layout". When you select this option, you'll be prompted to choose a LVL file. The layout of the level file you load here will be copied to the currently-open level, but the stats and skillset will remain unchanged.

Specifying a music track

In recent versions, the option to specify a track number has been replaced with an option to specify a track name. You can simply type this in the "Music File" box. If you're making a custom pack, you'll need to know the names of your own music files. NeoLemmix also includes built-in all tracks from Original Lemmings (except the special graphics level ones), Oh No! More Lemmings!, and the Lemmings Plus II Frenzy and Gimmick tracks.

The names for these default tracks are "orig_01" to "orig_17" (in Amiga order), "ohno_01" to "ohno_06" (in DOS order), "gimmick" and "frenzy".

Do not include any extension when specifying these - ie: put "orig_01", not "" or "orig_01.ogg".

Specifying the entrance order

It is possible to specify the order of entrances that lemmings will fall from. This is done by opening the Window Ordering menu (under "View", or just press F12). This gives you a list of the window ordering (which may be blank). To add an entry in the list, first select the desired window object (note: it must not be set to "fake", for obvious reasons), then click "Add". You can also reorder the list, or overwrite an entry on the list with a different one (by selecting the desired window, clicking the desired entry in the list, and then clicking "From Selection").

There is no limit on how long this list can be, and the same window may occur more than once in the list (eg: a window order of A, A, B, A, B is perfectly fine). Windows that are not on this list will not release any lemmings and thus effectively act as fake.

The list may be left completely blank. In this case, the window ordering will simply be one lemming from each window, in order of their positions in the object list.

Autosteel / One-way settings

You may be wondering about the checkboxes at the bottom of the Level Properties window. By default, "Autosteel" will be checked but the others unchecked on a new level. The effects are as follows:
           Autosteel - When this is enabled, all steel terrain pieces in the level automatically have steel areas applied to them; avoiding the need to set them manually.
    Simple Autosteel - This option only works if Autosteel is also turned on. Normally, if a non-steel terrain piece overlaps the steel piece, the non-steel terrain piece's pixels will not have a steel area applied. This option overrides this, and causes the entire steel piece to become steel, even if non-steel overlaps it.
Disable Manual Steel - When this option is enabled, all steel areas in the level are ignored (autosteel still functions if it's enabled). This can be useful when porting levels from Lemmix / Lemmini, to avoid having to manually remove all the steel pieces.
   One-Way Inversion - Usually in NeoLemmix, terrain pieces will not become one-way walls (regardless of where you place one-way wall objects) unless they have a "One-Way" property set. This option inverts the effect; in other words, terrain pieces will become one-way walls (if a one-way wall object is placed on top of them) unless they have the "One-Way" property set.

-= Item Properties =-

How to use One-Way Walls

Under traditional Lemmix (and Lemmini), setting a one-way wall simply required placing a one-way wall object on top of some terrain, and (ideally) setting the "Only On Terrain" flag for those one-way wall objects. Under NeoLemmix, it's slightly more complicated, with the upside being that you don't have to either cut off one-way walls earlier than the edge or have them somewhat overlap unintended terrain. In NeoLemmix, only terrain pieces that have the "One-Way" attribute set can become one-way walls (or, if you have "One-Way Invert" set, then only pieces without that attribute set can become one-way walls). This allows you to have, for example, rough-edged one-way-walls that meet other rough-edged terrain, without the one-way "spilling" onto the unintended pieces.

One thing worth noting is that NeoLemmix has an additional type of one-way wall, as well as the traditional One-Way Left and One-Way Right. These extra ones are "One-Way Down Walls". They cannot be bashed at all, but can be dug, bombed, or mined (in either direction).

S Value and L Value

The effect of these two properties depends on the object type they're being used on. On a lot of types of objects, they don't do anything at all. What they do will be listed with the object types below.

The S Value can be set to any number between 0 and 15, while the L Value can be set to any number between 0 and 255.

Recent editor versions have an extra panel that lets you set these properties in a more intuitive way, rather than having to know what the values represent. It's still possible to edit the values directly if you prefer.

Extra properties of Windows (aka Entrances)

Windows in NeoLemmix are capable of spawning left-facing lemmings, or lemmings with permanent skills already applied to them.

To have a window spawn left-facing lemmings, simply check the "Face Left" option of the window's properties.

Pre-assigning skills can also be done. When the current selection solely includes windows (and/or preplaced lemmings), there'll be an extra panel that lets you select the preassigned skills. Alternatively, you can select them via setting the L Value of the window. There are a few values which can be used:
1 - Climbers
2 - Swimmers
4 - Floaters
8 - Gliders
16 - Disarmers
64 - Zombies

It is possible to use more than one of these; all that needs to be done is adding the values together. For example, if you wanted it to spawn lemmings that were both Climbers and Floaters, you'd enter (1 + 4 = ) 5. It's more convenient to use the quick panel, though.

One-Way Fields

Not to be confused with one-way walls, one-way fields are a semi-new object type in NeoLemmix - I say "semi" new because in fact DOS / Lemmix fully support them, but no graphic sets actually use them (they are used internally for technical purposes). There's no special stuff needing to be done when using them, but they're mentioned here just to cover what they do - they basically act like walls that can only be passed in one direction. Some examples of graphic sets containing these are the Psychedelic set, the Metal set and the Lab set.

Teleporters and Receivers

As expected, a teleporter teleports a lemming to the corresponding receiver. These work similar to traps, in that only one lemming can use them at a time.

Which receiver will pair with which teleporter is determined by two factors - the object index order, and the objects' S values. A teleporter will link to the next receiver in the object list (wrapping around if need be) that has the same S value as the teleporter. If you select one or more teleporters, plus a single receiver, at the same time, you can click a "Link Selected Teleporters" button to quickly ensure that all selected objects have the same S value as each other (and not shared with any other teleporters or receivers).

Pre-Placed Lemmings

Pre-placed lemmings do exactly what the name suggest - place a single lemming at a pre-determined position on the map. Apart from that they only give a single lemming rather than continuously spawning them, they in fact work much the same way as windows. You can set "Face Left" to make them initially face left, or set the L Value (in the same way as on a window) or use the quick select panel to pre-assign them permanent skills. They do have one extra option for setting the L value (and like the others, you can add it together with other values for a combined effect):
32 - Blocker

A pre-placed lemming placed in mid-air will start its life as a faller. This overrides the "Blocker" setting for obvious reasons.

Pre-placed Lemmings can be found in virtually every NeoLemmix graphic set.

Pickup Skill

A pickup skill is also pretty much what the name suggests - a skill which can be picked up and will be added to the available skills for the level. Note that if you set a pickup skill for a type of skill that isn't on the skillset, it will still appear in the level, and can still be "picked up", but won't actually add anything to the available skills. Thus, if you wish to intiially have zero of a skill but be able to pick it up, make sure to add the skill to the level's skillset with a quantity of zero.

Setting the type of skill given can be done via the S Value; however there is a quicker way. Just to the right of the Objects settings section on the piece properties, there's a blank dropdown box. If you click it, it presents a list of all 16 skills, and you can choose a skill from this list. The S Value will be set to the correct value for the skill you choose.

If for any reason you want/need to set it manually, then the S Value corresponds to (in order, from 0 to 15) Climber, Floater, Bomber, Blocker, Builder, Basher, Miner, Digger, Walker, Swimmer, Glider, Disarmer, Stoner, Platformer, Stacker, Cloner.

Pickup Skills can be found in virtually every NeoLemmix graphic set.

Locked Exits and Unlock Buttons

These two objects go hand-in-hand. A locked exit is like a normal exit, except it can't be used until all the unlock buttons have been pushed (by having a lemming walk over them). No special setup is needed for them; just place them in the level and they'll work. In the event that a locked exit is placed in a level that has no unlock buttons, it will immediately be unlocked at the start of the level.

Keep in mind that usually, the locked exit is a seperate object from the regular exit (this also means you can have both locked and non-locked exits in the same level). If you use the regular exit, it will not be locked even if the level contains buttons.

Locked Exits and Unlock Buttons can be found in (among others) the Metal style, the Circuit style and the Sega style.


An updraft slows the fall of any lemmings that fall through it. This also results in them being able to survive longer falls - the fall distance is measured from when they come out of the updraft, rather than when they started falling. Floaters will fall even slower again when in an updraft. The most spectacular effect is when Gliders encounter them - updrafts will cause gliders to move upwards instead of downwards! No special settings are needed on these; just place them and they'll work.

Updrafts can be found in (among others) the Fire set, the Tree set and the Sky set.


Splitters are kind of like one-way fields that change directions each time a lemming goes through them. The first lemming to walk through a splitter will walk out of it to the right, regardless of what direction he was facing before. The next one will walk out to the left, again regardless of what direction he was facing before. This continues in alternation.

Mostly, splitters are just a matter of "set them and they work", but if you enable the "Face Left" property, the first lemming to encounter it will go left instead (then the second will go right, third will go left again, etc).

Splitters can be found in (among others) the Brick, Psychedelic and Horror sets.

Radiation and Slowfreeze

Radiation and Slowfreeze objeects are very closely-related. Both of them are just a matter of "place them and they work". When a lemming walks through one of these, a 9-second countdown will appear above his head. When the countdown runs out, the lemming will become a Bomber (in the case of radiation) or a Stoner (in the case of slowfreeze).

Radiation can be found in (among others) the Psychedelic, Sky and Lab sets.
Slowfreeze can be found in (among others) the Crystal, Snow and Purple sets.

Triggered Animation

A "triggered animation" is kind of like a cross between a no-effect object and a trap. Like a no-effect object, it has no effect on the lemmings or anything else. Like a trap, it stays dormant until a lemming gets close enough, at which point it plays its sound and animation (but doesn't affect the lemming in any way).

None of the default graphic sets contain these. Some custom sets might.


A "hint" currently does nothing and will not even be displayed during playing a level. They initially were implemented solely as a cross-compatibility feature for converted Cheapo graphic sets / levels. As such, they will likely never be found in NeoLemmix graphic sets, but generally exist in almost any converted Cheapo graphic set. They are mentioned here just for completeness's sake. A proper use for them will probably be implemented in the future.

Splat Pads and Anti-Splat Pads

These two closely-related objects are both "place and they work" type objects; they affect lemmings that land on them after falling (the lemming must actually land within the pad's trigger area; not simply pass through it). A "splat pad" will make landing lemmings splat regardless of how far the fall was (or wasn't), unless they're floaters/gliders*. An "antisplat pad" is the opposite - a lemming falling onto them will survive the fall no matter how far it was.

Currently, the only NeoLemmix graphic set that contains these is the Wasteland set (from Lemmings Plus IV), though some converted Cheapo graphic sets may also contain them.

* Note that if they land *before* they at least start to pull out their parachute / glider, they will splat.

Moving Background

A moving background object is exactly what it says on the tin - a background animation that moves. It will wrap around the level if it reaches the edge. The editor doesn't always correctly draw them behind other objects / terrain, but the game itself always will, regardless of index order or no overwrite settings (however, these settings do still affect how moving background objects are drawn in relation to other moving background objects).

The S Value and L Value are used to set the direction and speed of movement respectively. An S value of 0 represents straight upwards, with each increase of one corresponding to a 22.5 degree (clockwise) increment - so 4 is to the right, 6 is to the bottom-right, etc. The L value is how many pixels it should move per game-time second (which is equal to 17 frames). There is also a quick select panel for these.

Do note that non-multiple-of-45 degree angles (ie: those with odd S values) tend to act like the closest non-diagonal line if the speeds are very slow. Also, do note that the formulas are not always 100% reliable due to rounding, so you may need some trial-and-error if for some reason you want a moving background object's position to be overly precise.

The only default graphic set that contains these is the Space graphic set from Lemmings Plus IV. Some custom graphic sets (such as the Honeycomb set from Lemmings Plus V) also contain these.

Single-Use Trap

A single-use trap is just like an ordinary trap. The only difference is that once it's been set off once, it becomes harmless. They're a matter of simply place them and they work.

The only default set that contains a single-use trap is the Wasteland set.

Background Image

These do not need to be placed at all. Simply by making a level with a graphic set that contains one, you'll get a level with the background.

-= Other =-

How do I make the "Play this level" option work?

Usually, you can get this to work by simply putting NeoLemmix.exe in the same folder as NeoLemmixEditor.exe. Recently, the editor download already comes with a copy of NeoLemmix.exe in the correct place.

If this option doesn't work for you, the first thing to check is that your editor and player are both completely up-to-date. Significant version mismatches can sometimes cause problems with this feature; though if they're close, it generally won't matter if they're not perfectly matched. (In particular, Editor V1.47n and Player V1.47n both won't work with older versions of the other half; you need the new versions of both.)

If you have NeoLemmix.exe in the same folder, the latest version of both the player and the editor, and it still isn't working, one last thing that might work is - try running NeoLemmix.exe (the copy that's in the editor's folder) directly. If you get a warning message popping up saying something like "This was downloaded from the internet, are you sure you want to run it?", uncheck the box that says "Always ask before running this program" and run it. If you don't have a checkbox (eg. on Windows 10), then simply clicking "More Info" (if nessecary) then "Run Anyway" should do the trick. As a last resort, try right-clicking the EXE, click "Properties", check the "Unblock" checkbox near the bottom, then click "OK".

How to make a custom graphic set

Making a custom graphic set is beyond both the scope of this guide, and the editor's capabilities (the editor is, however, fully capable of using your custom graphic set once you've made one).

If you already have a custom graphic set and just want to add it to the editor, all you need to do is copy it into the "styles". You can then edit the "styles.ini" file if you like to configure a more user-friendly display name in the editor and/or customize the ordering; this is optional, however.

If you're actually wanting to create a graphic set, you may want to check out the NeoLemmix Graphic Set Tool.

How to make a "special graphics" (aka VGASPEC) level

Please note that now that mixing graphic sets in a single level is supported, it is preferable to instead use this feature to achieve a VGASPEC-like effect.

Actually making the level is quite simple - just select the special graphic in its respective submenu from the level properties window in the editor. The two input boxes next to that are for the position of the special graphic.

Adding a special graphic file to the editor's styles is also simple - just copy/paste it into the appropriate subfolder under the "styles" folder; generally this will be the "NeoLemmix" folder. The filename must follow the following naming scheme:
x_<name>.dat  (where <name> is any name no longer than 16 characters, and not starting or ending with a space; it is fine to have spaces in the middle)

However, what you're probably most interested in is how to make the special graphics file. To do this, you'll need the NeoLemmix Graphic Set Tool. You'll need to look elsewhere for help on how to use it exactly, but what you're wanting to do is make a graphic set with no objects. The first terrain piece should be the special graphic image. This will generally be the entire level's layout, though there is no reason at all why you can't use a special graphic image in combination with normal terrain pieces if that suits your design better.

You may want to have steel areas in your level. While you can do it the old-fashioned way (adding steel areas to the level), you'd probably prefer the VGASPEC file itself to contain the information on what is or isn't steel, so that you can simply check the "Autosteel" box and that's that. Well - that can be done too! If you want to do this, add a second terrain piece to the level. This piece should be the same size as the first one; any pixel that's solid in it will be treated as steel.

What about one-way walls? As mentioned in an earlier section of this post, with normal terrain pieces, they can be marked as to whether or not they can become one-way walls. VGASPEC terrain can too! For this, add a third terrain piece, also of the same size. Any pixel that's solid in this can become one-way walls (or, in levels with "One-Way Invert" set, can't become one-way walls). Do note that they won't automatically become one-way walls; doing this simply makes them able to have one-way wall objects placed on them.

For reference, it doesn't matter what color the pixels in the second and third pieces are; only whether they're solid or not. When I've used this feature, I've simply copied the main image and erased all the parts that aren't steel or one-way respectively, but if you prefer, you can simply use colored squares or something like that.

If there's no second terrain piece, none of the image will have steel automatically applied to it - but you can absolutely still use manually-placed steel areas if you like! If there's no third terrain piece, all of the image is treated as being able to have one-way walls placed on it.

Now, this should be obvious but just in case - what if you want to use the one-way feature, but don't want any of the level to be automatically made into steel? That's simple - just make the second terrain piece entirely blank, then add the third one as normal! :)

How do I avoid backroutes?

Test your level for backroutes. Get someone else to test your level for backroutes. Get yet another person to test your level for backroutes. Alternatively, you can get rid of them much quicker by using the super-duper-secret "Backroute Removal" hidden menu. Using this is fairly complicated, so rather than trying to explain it in writing here, check out this video.

Main addition is some extra stuff in the graphics sets; they can now contain sound effects for traps / teleporters rather than all of them having to share a common pool.
That aside, one major cause of lag with the 10-second skip (and other skips) has been fixed.

Editor update is simply to support the new addition to the graphic sets and the new Flexi feature. It does also feature updated versions of the Cheapo sets, now with one-way arrows added like they should've been (but weren't) before.

Graphic set editor update is to support the new features; it also now can load Cheapo STY files directly, and adds one-way arrows to them automatically.

Player V1.32n
* Supports graphic sets that contain sound effects
* Supports a new object type, scrolling background objects
* Supports pseudo-random start frames for object animations
* Adds an option in Flexi packs to unlock all levels by default
* Fixed the issue where multi-frame skip features would sometimes lag if
  a bomber or stoner had been used

Download links:
NeoLemmix Website: Players | Cust | Flexi

Editor V1.32n-A
> Can correctly load graphic sets that contain sounds
> Added the option to always unlock all levels (for Flexi-based packs) to the SYSTEM.DAT editor
> The Encryption option has been removed; this feature is being deprecated and should no longer
  be used

NeoLemmix Website

Graphic Set Tool V0.98
>  Cheapo graphic sets can now be loaded directly from STY files.
>  Added support for graphic sets that contain sound effects (supported only in Full INI/PNG,
   NeoLemmix and Cheapo formats).
>  Added support for loading custom sound effects from Cheapo graphic sets.
>  Added support for the "Scrolling Background" object type added in NeoLemmix V1.32n.
>  Added support for the "Pseudorandom Starting Frame" option added in NeoLemmix V1.32n.
>  Fixed the bug where terrain/object sizes in the listing wouldn't update following the
   import of new images until some other property that affects the list (usually the trigger
   type) was changed.
>  Fixed the bug where INI/PNG export (whether LemSet-Compatible or Full) would fail on
   graphic sets that don't contain at least two objects.

NeoLemmix Website

General Discussion / Awesome news on the local zoo's Facebook page! :D
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:50:08 AM »

For those who don't have Facebook or just can't be bothered checking the post - they're getting capybaras! :D

Release date confirmed!
Unless any major issues that need to be fixed before first release arise (ie: not merely backroutes - they can be fixed in an update if need be; but crashes or major glitches), Lemmings Plus IV will be publicly released at midday UTC, June 3rd.

Once the release time passes, it'll be downloadable here:
Until then, that page will tell you exactly how long is left until release.

Lemmings Plus IV is confirmed and on the way!

I know I said I wasn't going to make any more Lemmings Plus games, but I just couldn't resist.

So, Lemmings Plus IV continues the normal pattern of what a main-series Lemmings Plus game is - a large level pack with new graphic sets! The target is 80 levels here, spread across four ranks. The overall aim for difficulty curve is similar to that of Lemmings Plus III, though with perhaps a steeper start and a smoother middle.
  • Smooth - As usual, starting off relatively easy. This would be comparable to late-Timid or perhaps early-Dodgy from LPIII.
  • Bumpy - Gets a little bit harder. I'd say still within Dodgy territory.
  • Twisted - Aiming for a similar difficulty to Rough with this one. Still relatively short, but quite challenging levels.
  • Insane - This one's intended to be of a similar standard to LPIII's Fierce. Expect multitasking, long and complex levels, rare tricks, and maybe even the odd tight time limit. Good luck. :P

There will not be any secret levels or gimmick/frenzy levels this time. There will be VGASPEC levels, but they'll just use the regular musics instead of having special ones - only the graphics will be special nope, I decided to give them special musics too.

The new Lemmings Plus IV graphic sets have all been revealed now. In the order they were revealed in, they are Candy, Space, Clockwork and Wasteland. For the first time in Lemmings Plus, these are not 32-color palette-based graphic sets, but full 24-bit color!

Lemmings Plus IV will make use of the new NeoLemmix skills, which have previously been seen in Holiday Lemmings Plus and Lemmings Plus Omega. NeoLemmix object types are also used, although so far no new ones are being used apart from moving decorative (no effect) objects. As Lemmings Plus Omega did, Lemmings Plus IV will mostly be avoiding time limits, though they will be used on some levels, usually as one of the major obstacles rather than an incidental added challenge.

As far as repeats go, it'll be the same as LPII / LPIII - generally no repeats, though there may be an occasional set of connected levels (like Cunning 1 / 7 / 13 from LPII), and there will be a once-per-rank level. However, there won't be large numbers of more-restricted repeats of earlier X-of-everything levels like LPI and LPO had.

Lemmings Plus IV will have talismans (achievements) from the first public release. There's also two new object types - moving background objects (harmless animations, but they move instead of staying in one place), and single-use traps (like normal traps, but they only work once); one graphic set also features splat pads and antisplat pads which existed in Cheapo (and thus in some converted-from-Cheapo graphic sets) but have not previously existed in any made-for-NeoLemmix graphic sets.

Like in LPO, time limits will be fairly rare - I did a count, and out of the 80 levels, only 9 levels have time limits (with 1 further level not having a time limit, but having a talisman for beating it in under a certain time). Two of these have time limits so high that they're negligable; it's because they're iterations of the once-per-rank level, and the time limit is less in each iteration.

A preview video has been uploaded.

The public demo of Lemmings Plus IV has been released:
Demo Download Link

Attached images: Smooth 1 and Twisted 1, the first two levels to be revealed.

Okay so, this voteoff is going to be a combined one between several games, due to them having a relatively small number of levels each - all of these combined are still the smallest of the four voteoffs!

> Xmas Lemmings 1991
> Xmas Lemmings 1992
> Holiday Lemmings 93
> Holiday Lemmings 94
> Covox Lemmings
> Prima Publishing Lemmings (aka "Official Lemmings Companion Game")

If you haven't yet played any of these, you can get them in Lemmix player format here:

The format will once again be the same. The re-rolling rules I've used for the first round are:
> If a set does not contain levels from at least five ranks.
> If a set does not contain at least three levels that aren't from H93 or H94.
> If a set does not contain at least one level from either Covox or Prima.
> If a set contains more than three consecutive levels.
> If a set contains both versions of "Presents of Mind"

For the second round, the rules are:
> If a set does not contain levels from at least three ranks
> If a set does not contain levels from at least two games
> If a set does not contain at least one level that isn't from H93 or H94
> If a set contains both versions of "Presents of Mind"

From the third round onwards, the sets don't get rerolled no matter what.

Each round has a limit on the number of levels that qualify to proceed to the next round. However, this limit may be exceeded in certain situations, depending on the results. Here's how the "limit" and the results combine to determine the qualifying levels:
1) All levels in first place qualify, no matter what.
2) If the limit has not been reached, all levels in second place qualify, no matter what.
3) If the limit has not been reached, then 3rd, 4th and so on are considered, but *only* if (a) including them won't cause the limit to be exceeded, and (b) they have at least one vote (first round) or half as many votes as the first place levels (any other round).

As before, each set is open for voting for 48 hours, except in the finals, where it's 72 hours. And like always, the number of votes allowed is a maximum, not an exact requirement - you are allowed to vote for fewer than the maximum if you don't feel enough levels are worthy of a vote.

Remember, no discussion of the levels being voted on at the time is allowed within the topic (but discussing them elsewhere on the boards is fine).

NOTE: Just to be clear, this is based off the DOS versions, which means Flurry 8 is "Vacation in Gemland", not "Clouds of Lemmings". The latter level will be in the fourth ("other levels") voteoff.

Round Breakdown

In all cases, when the sets cannot be divided equally, the remainder levels are added to the earlier rounds. EG: If a round says "divided into three equal sets" and there are 17 levels, the first two sets will have 6 levels each and the third set will have 5 levels. Likewise, if a round says "divided into sets of 5 levels" and there are 21 levels, the first set will get 6 levels. This does not affect the qualifying levels limit or the number of votes unless the round specifically states otherwise.

Round 1
Levels are divided into sets of 10 levels each. Three votes are allowed per user. Qualifying level limit is 5.

Round 2
Levels are divided into sets of 5 levels each. Two votes are allowed per user. Qualifying level limit is 3.

Round 3
Levels are divided into sets of 4 levels each. Two votes are allowed per user. Qualifying level limit is 2.

Round 3 has been cancelled since so few levels are making it through from Round 2. So we'll take the Round 2 qualifiers straight through to Round 4.

Round 4
Levels are broken into three sets (four sets if 20+ levels make it to here). Two votes are allowed per user. Qualifying level limit is 2.

Round 5
Levels are played in a single set. Two votes are allowed per user. Qualifying level limit is 2.

Round 6 (Finals)
Levels are played in a single set. One vote is allowed per user. This round determines the winner.
If 3+ levels make it here, and there is a tie for first, the two tied levels go into another extra round. This continues until there is either a clear winner, or a tie for first place between all levels (not including those that receive no votes).

Contests / Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #4
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:35:25 PM »
So, time for another level design contest! :)

General contest rules. Please note that there have been some changes to this since the previous contests. If you're one of those people who doesn't like reading these kind of lists, the tl;dr version would be "Lix levels are now allowed as long as they're single-player, entries don't close even after the deadline until a while has passed since the last entry was submitted, and you get a couple of chances to update your level during the playing phase".

(Hidden behind a spoiler tag to save space.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Contest #4

For this contest, your goal is to design a level that has exactly 5 skills total. This could be five of the same skill, one each of five different skills, or anywhere inbetween. If using NeoLemmix or Lix, using skills outside the original eight skills is permitted, but you still can't have more than five total.

Allowed Engines: Lemmix, NeoLemmix, Lemmini, SuperLemmini, Lix

Engine-Specific Rules:
NeoLemmix: Pickup skills are not allowed. Gimmicks that affect skill counts (such as overflow, reverse skill counts or other skills countdown) are not permitted; other gimmicks are fine.

Timeframe: Entries will close on the 25th of April 28th April at 17:34 (subject to general rule #10).

The prizes available for this contest are:
- US $10 (see general rule #8)
- One month worth of advertising in the forum's news ticker for any project you are creating or involved in, whether Lemmings-related or not and whether free or not (may be reserved for later use)
- A new gimmick of your choice added to NeoLemmix (within reason)
- A new object type of your choice added to NeoLemmix (within reason); this only includes supporting it in the code (and the graphic set editor), not actually adding the object to any graphic set
- Your choice for the next contest's rules (within reason)

BONUS: Everyone who enters a level in this contest (as long as it's within the rules) will receive a Lemmings Plus IV demo, with their choice of extra content out of either (a) an extra level each in the Twisted and Insane ranks, or (b) all four versions of the once-per-rank level. I've already started sending out these demos, so any further entries I'll send the demo as soon as I receive the entry - so let me know which one you'd like when you submit it.

Entries received: 5

NeoLemmix Main / Player V1.31n-B, Editor V1.31n-C Released
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:15:19 PM »
Player update

Main notes:
- New graphic set format is supported. You can use the NeoLemmix Graphic Set Tool to create/modify graphic sets in this format; LemSet does not (and will not) support it.
- It should be noted that if a new-format and old-format graphic set are both available to the player (whether internal or external), the new one takes priority.
- Slight mechanics changes to blockers, bombers and zombies. These shouldn't matter for most levels (though you may have to re-create replays), but should be tested nonetheless.
- One new gimmick has been added, which makes all four sides of the level deadly. This gimmick was chosen by DynaLem, who won the opportunity to pick one as a level design contest prize.
- Several bugfixes, mostly relating to NeoCustLemmix.

* Adds support for a new, more flexible graphic set format. Graphic sets in this
  format can be created using the NeoLemmix Graphic Set Tool. A graphic set in this
  format can also be used as a VGASPEC, in which case everything other than the
  first terrain piece is ignored.
* All built-in graphic sets (and the copies provided with the Flexi Toolkit) are
  now in the new format. VGASPECs remain in the old format, as it's a single file
  per VGASPEC either way. The only exception is Copycat Lemmings, which still uses
  the old format for now for technical (/ laziness) reasons.
* All levels are now treated as unlocked while Cheat Mode is active.
* Added a new gimmick, "Deadly Sides". This gimmick causes all four sides of
  the level to act like fire objects. (There is no editor update which lists this
  gimmick yet; in current versions use the (Gim28) checkbox.)
* Made a lot of adjustments to improve symmetry of various skills. Most are only
  affected graphically, but blockers and bombers have slight mechanics differences.
* Moved water objects from the main trigger area map to their own seperate one,
  so that objects such as pickup skills can be placed within water (for swimmers
  to get them) without weird results.
* Fixed the bug where level preview texts would not show on secret levels when
  accessed via a secret level trigger.
* Fixed the bug where NeoCustLemmix would crash when mass-dumping levels or images
  if the secret level slots were empty.
* Fixed the bug where NeoCustLemmix had reverted to saving auto-named replays with
  the rank name and level number rather than using the level title.
* Fixed the bug where lemmings could get below the level in a No Gravity level and
  become unable to do anything other than walk back and forwards endlessly.
* Fixed the positioning of the exit in H94 Hail 3.

* Fixed the fall distance in Cheapo Mode
* Supports graphic sets of non-standard resolutions
* Adds sound effects to some OhNo traps
* Fixed the bug where, upon first starting a player, if you don't change the rank
  you'll go to the first level, rather than the first unbeaten level

Download links:
NeoLemmix Website: (Players | Cust | Flexi)

Editor Update

Main notes:
- Supports the new graphic set format. Note that the current auto-detection algorithm will not correctly detect new graphic sets if their filename starts with g_, v_ or x_, or if the name of the set (by filename) matches another graphic set (ie: if you have an old-format graphic set "g_blah.dat"/"v_blah.dat", and a new format graphic set "blah.dat", the new one won't be detected). I hope to improve this in future updates, but for now, there's little reason to use names like that anyway so it should do the trick.
- Graphic sets that aren't numbered can now have an "Order" parameter, so that they're in a specified order rather than defaulting to alphabetical.
- Please note that NeoLemmix-format levels saved with this version will generally be completely incompatible with NeoLemmix versions prior to V1.24n (though I doubt anyone is still using any version that old anyway). This is because it doesn't associate a graphic set number with new-format graphic sets, so all saved levels purely use a graphic set name only; NeoLemmix versions prior to V1.24n have no support for this.
- Unless you manually add the old-format graphic sets back in, NeoLemmix playtest mode will only work with V1.31n (or newer, when new versions come out) of NeoCustLemmix.

> Supports the new NeoLemmix graphic set format.
> An order number can now be specified in styles.ini files to manually reorder styles that don't
  have an ID number.
> The "Deadly Sides" gimmick is now listed under it's proper name instead of (Gim28).
> "Rickroll" in the gimmicks list was changed to the more accurate name "Bait-and-switch".

> Fixed the bug where NeoLemmix-specific options for terrains / objects / steel areas would be
  disabled, even while editing NeoLemmix levels, if a Lemmini / SuperLemmini level had been
  edited since starting up the editor
> Fixed the bug where regular Lemmix levels (and very old NeoLemmix levels) couldn't be loaded
  properly in NeoLemmix style, and had to be loaded in Lemmix style then converted
> Added a "Mass Conversion" tool, to facilitate quickly converting large numbers of levels
  between formats (note: conversion from newer engines (NeoLemmix / SuperLemmini) to older
  engines (Lemmix / Lemmini) is not recommended)
> Completely reworked the "Validate Level" menu, and improved support for issues specific to
  various level formats

> Supports NeoLemmix new-format graphic sets with non-standard resolutions
> Fixed a bug relating to the fall distance in levels converted to Lemmini / SuperLemmini from
  Lemmix / NeoLemmix formats

NeoLemmix Website

Contests / Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #3 (Results)
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:19:26 PM »
Our third contest has ended, and as such, we have two winners! Only a first-place level prize for this one, but that's still two winners due to the nature of the contest as a tag-team one. :)

1st Place
Terrain design: DynaLem (Prize: New NeoLemmix gimmick)
Object / stats: IchoTolot (Prize: US$10)

This contest was quite clear - T=0K was significantly ahead of the other levels in both rounds of voting! :) However, I do have to say that at least in my opinion, all three levels in this contest were amazing!

As the contest is now over, you are free to discuss the levels anywhere you like, and to upload backroute-fixed / alternate / etc versions of them. Thanks for participating, and be sure to enter the new contest when it's up!

NeoLemmix Main / Graphic set editor (V1.01 Update released)
« on: April 04, 2015, 10:30:56 AM »
Current version: 1.01

Source Code (Delphi 7)

You can create a VGASPEC file with this too. Just create a graphic set with a single terrain piece (that being the level graphic) and no objects, and save it with a filename that starts with "x_". If you add a second terrain piece, any solid pixel in it will become steel (if the level its used in has autosteel enabled). Likewise, a third piece if present, any solid pixel will act the same as a regular terrain piece with the "One Way" option selected (it still pays attention to the One Way Invert flag as usual).

So, while I'd take it partly the lack of graphic set creation is simply due to lack of artistic talent (or at least, the perception of a lack of it) and/or willingness, I figure that making a better graphic set tool than LemSet is probably a worthwhile endeavour.

So my question is - how exactly should it look and function? Should it be integrated into NeoLemmix Editor, or a seperate program? (My preference is the latter, personally.)

I've been working on something, though it's still early days yet - at the moment this is practically just a mock-up (albeit designed in the Delphi IDE, so I can easily make it functional); the only thing that actually does anything so far is the "Black background" checkbox, which does more or less exactly what it says on the tin.

Any comments, suggestions, etc are welcome.

More likely than not, this tool will be made fully open-source as soon as it's complete, so if anyone wants to add support for other engines, they'll be able to do so.

For reference;
The File menu just contains your standard "New", "Load", "Save", "Exit" options.
The Tools menu will have, among other stuff, the "Import Cheapo style" option.

Up to date list of target import/outport formats - struck out ones have already been implemented (though a version with support implemented may not nessecerially have been released yet).

Target Import Formats
First version
> LemSet graphic set source "code"
> GSTool-specific INI / PNG source "code" (derivative of LemSet format)
> Cheapo Style Extractor output <removed in V0.99>
> DOS / Lemmix graphic sets
> NeoLemmix graphic sets
> New NeoLemmix graphic set format
> VGASPEC files
> Lemmini graphic sets
> SuperLemmini graphic sets
> Cheapo graphic sets (directly from STY file)
May consider if enough interest
> WinLemm graphic sets
> LJLPM's Lemmings clone (subject to LJLPM being okay with this)

Target Export Formats
First Release
> Old-Format NeoLemmix Graphic Sets <removed in V1.01>
> LemSet graphic set source "code" <removed in V1.01>
> GSTool-specific INI / PNG source "code"
> New NeoLemmix graphic set format
> SuperLemmini graphic sets
May consider if enough interest
> LJLPM's Lemmings clone (subject to LJLPM being okay with this)

Other Features
First Release
> Viewing all properties of pieces
> Editing all properties of pieces
> Adding and deleting pieces
> Viewing graphic set palette (still used for brick/minimap color and explosion particles even in RGB-based sets)
> Editing graphic set palette
> Viewing all frames of objects
> Adding and deleting frames from objects
> Importing individual frames from PNG files
> Exporting individual frames to PNG files
> Displaying trigger area on object image
> Reordering pieces
> Importing individual frames from BMP / GIF files
> Exporting individual frames to BMP files
> Importing entire object graphics as a strip of frames in PNG format
> Importing entire object graphics as a strip of frames in BMP / GIF formats
> Exporting entire object graphics as a strip of frames in PNG format
> Exporting entire object graphics as a strip of frames in BMP format
> Support for storing trap/teleporter/etc sound effects in a graphic set
> Support for properly managing the sound effects stored in a graphic set
> More user-friendly and flexible managing of custom sound effects in a graphic set
May consider if enough interest
> feel free to leave suggestions!

Why no BMP in first release? Because I'd have to add a way to select transparent colors, as while BMP-with-transparency does exist, it's extremely obscure. PNG on the other hand supports it as standard. Also, because supporting two formats is trickier than supporting one, so my main goal is to just have it working first.

Why no export to GIF? Because GIF is limited to 256 colors, and it's very plausible some graphic sets may use more than this, especially with 24-bit color ranges. Why support importing it then? Because Lemmini graphic sets use it and I plan to support importing them, and it's very little extra work to add importing other images from it. Besides, even though it's never used (and as such probably won't be supported for it in the first release), technically LemSet does support GIF files too.

NeoLemmix Main / Bomber symmetry bug
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:22:28 AM »
So, I've discovered a bug in NeoLemmix while playing through GigaLems. The easiest way to see this bug is to create a level in the martian style with a piece of the red railing sticking up, and try bombing from right next to it on both sides. On the right, they'll bomb right through, while on the left, one pixel will be left.

There are two possible approaches to dealing with this.

Option A) Moving the bomber mask by one pixel depending on the lemming's facing direction (in this case, it would be moved one pixel right if the lemming is facing right)
The advantage of this option is that it should break far less solutions than the other option, and will also be easier to implement. The disadvantage is that this is still somewhat asymmetrical, albeit with more consistent logic to it.

Option B) Adjust the bomber mask, making it one pixel thicker on the right (or one pixel thinner on the left).
The advantage of this option is that it gives symmetrical results in all cases. However, it's more likely to break levels, too, and implementing it will be trickier, particularly in the case of making the mask thicker (as this will likely require some modifications to MAIN.DAT's format, thus requiring all MAIN.DAT files to be rebuilt). Of the two sub-options, making it one pixel thicker on the right is less likely to break levels than making it thinner on the left.

I'm not entirely sure which option is best, so let's hear what people think. And please don't suggest "make it an option"; that isn't going to happen as I definitely don't want an optional mechanics switch over something that subtle.

Contests / Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #3 (Voting)
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:51:59 AM »
WARNING: Absolutely NO discussion of the contest levels is allowed ANYWHERE on the forums (except in private messages) from this point until voting has finished.

Okay, you've had some time to play the levels, time to vote for your favorites!

Remember, there is no specific criteria you're being asked to consider. It's just which level(s) you liked the most, no matter what the reasons for that may be.

As a reminder, the prizes available to the winners are - between the two creators of a level, it's just a matter of "first in, first served":
a) US$10, which may be received via PayPal or Bitcoin (or another significant cryptocurrency, such as Litecoin or Dogecoin), or alternatively used directly for a purchase up to that value from a reputable website - they must accept either PayPal or Bitcoin (or directly accept credit/debit cards, if they're a very well-known and reputable site). This includes that it can be an online donation to a charity.
b) A new object type added to NeoLemmix; this is only as far as supporting it in the code, and there is no guarantee I'll create (or add to) any graphic set including it.
c) A new gimmick added to NeoLemmix.
d) Their choice of rules for the next official contest (within reason).

The structure of the voting is:
Round 1 - All three levels are entered, each user gets two votes, the winning two levels proceed to the next round. Voting lasts 3 days.
Round 2 - The two winners from the first round are entered, each user gets one vote, this determines the winners. Voting lasts 3 days.

Just to be clear, in the first round, you do not have to vote for two levels if you don't want to. It is perfectly permissible to only vote for one.

In the case of a tie in the second round, the first round's results are used as a tiebreaker. In all other cases, I'll determine how to handle them if and when they happen.

Please note - your vote CANNOT be revoked, so take care! This is to avoid any suspicion that I may be removing votes for levels that I don't want to see win, etc. Think (and double-check what you've clicked) before you vote.

Winners will be contacted via private message in addition to results being announced in a new topic.

And once again, please note that strictly NO discussion of the contest levels is allowed ANYWHERE on the boards until voting is finished, apart from via private message - even this, don't abuse it (this is mostly allowed so, for example, people can ask the creator of a level if their solution is a backroute, etc).

If you don't have a copy of the levels yet, you can get them here:

Contests / Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #3 (Playing)
« on: March 25, 2015, 05:51:10 PM »
Alright, level submissions for the second contest have now closed, so it's time to start playing the levels and deciding what ones you like and so on!

Here are some rules for this topic:

1. You are allowed to discuss anything you like about the levels, be it your ideas on solving them, your opinions on the appearance of the level, etc.
2. Any details relating to the solution of the levels, unless very vague, must be spoiler-tagged. For example, "I liked that trick" is fine, "I liked that trick near the end" is probably also fine (though use some discretion), "I liked that cloner trick near the end" should probably be spoilered, and "I liked the trick where you clone the lemming then bomb both versions while the zombie is falling" definitely needs to go behind a spoiler tag.
3. Posting replays of your solutions is perfectly acceptable.

(The possible change of allowing updates will come into effect from the next contest. So, no updated versions are to be posted for this one.)

All three levels are NeoLemmix levels. The downloads are in a ZIP attached to this post.

Phase 1: DynaLem
Phase 2: IchoTolot
Graphic set: Snow

Deserted Cities of the Heart
Phase 1: IchoTolot
Phase 2: mobius
Graphic set: Bubble

The Sweltering Warehouse
Phase 1: mobius
Phase 2: DynaLem
Graphic set: Fire

All of these levels are NeoLemmix levels. The easiest way to run them is to start NeoCustLemmix, press F6 (load single level) on the title screen, and select the level file. Alternatively, you can open them in the editor then use playtest mode.

Voting will be opened in about a week. For this one, it'll be done in two rounds (lasting 4 days each); two votes per user in the first round, one vote per user in the second round (out of the top two levels), assuming that it's a straightforward result with two levels ahead of the rest in the first round.

NeoLemmix Main / Genesis version music pack
« on: March 23, 2015, 08:35:51 PM »

Just rename it to match the player name with _Music at the end. For example, "LemmixPlayerNeo_Music.dat".

You can use it with Orig, Covox, Prima, or Lemmings Plus I. (Well, you can use it with any player that supports music packs unless it needs a track higher than #21, but you won't get all of the tracks in that case (eg. with OhNo, you'd only get the first 6 tracks, since OhNo only has 6 tracks normally). The ones you can't use it with are Cust, Extra, and Lemmings Plus Flashbacks due to them using higher-numbered tracks, and LPIII, LPIII Bonus and Doomsday since they don't support music packs.)

NeoLemmix Main / Player V1.30n-D, Editor V1.30n-C Released
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:19:56 PM »
Well, another update! This update adds support for all previously-unsupported Cheapo object types (except gravity changers), as well as fixing a couple of bugs, mostly relating to Cheapo content. Aside from that, the converted versions of all "official" Cheapo styles are now included with Cust, Flexi and the editor.

Please note - although the end result should be the same, there were some fairly major changes to the behind-the-scenes code for teleporters. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs, or even simply differences in function compared to old versions, relating to them.

Player V1.30n
* Most of the Cheapo-exclusive object types are now supported; the only
  exception is the gravity changers. Hints are also not supported, but
  they are uniquely identified as hints, and won't be displayed in-game,
  this is so that they can be made to work in the future without needing
  to be re-converted.
* Receivers now work more similarly to in Cheapo on levels which have
  Cheapo Mode enabled.
* Fixed a bug where a teleporter would get "stuck" if no corresponding
  receiver existed if Cheapo Mode is active.
* Cust and Flexi now include all the "official" Cheapo styles.

See first reply for V1.30n-B updates.

NeoLemmix Website

Note that to properly use the new object types when converting Cheapo styles, LemSet V13 is needed. The same applies to using certain ones in custom styles.

Moving from older versions:
If upgrading from a version older than V1.29n, you will need to use LemMain to convert the MAIN.DAT file from the older format to the V1.29n+ format. You do not need to do anything with MAIN.DAT when upgrading from V1.29n or V1.29n-B.
All other files should be fine without any modification.
As always, it is highly recommended you re-test your levels with the new NeoLemmix version.

As for the editor, the changes are very minor (apart from that Cheapo styles are included with it now); pretty much limited to proper display of trigger areas on some types of objects that wouldn't display properly with the old editor.

Editor V1.30n-A
> Now includes NeoLemmix-converted versions of the "official" Cheapo styles
> Handles trigger areas on two-way teleporters and single-teleporters correctly

NeoLemmix Website

CheapoCon has also been updated. The update is only nessecary for levels that contain two-way teleporters; all other levels will be fine as-is.

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