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Messages - IchoTolot

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NeoLemmix Main / Re: Editor V1.29n-A Features
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:30:24 AM »
Not quite. There's still a dedicated folder for each engine (or collection; as you might want to have one folder for Orig, one for OhNo, etc when working with Traditional Lemmix); these folders have to be listed in an INI (though of course, there'll already be entries by default for CustLemm, NeoLemmix, Lemmini and SuperLemmini). However, adding new styles to the folders will simply be a matter of copying the folder into the style, without having to modify the INI - although with traditional Lemmix (and NeoLemmix in the case of styles using the VGAGRx.DAT / GROUNDxO.DAT naming system), you'd probably want to modify an INI (but don't have to), if you don't want them to simply be named "vgagr0", "vgagr1" etc in the editor.

Sounds also very easy to handle, if you can show how to rename those tilesets (with just standard names I definately must write a list for which is which).

I don't know too much about the L2 styles, but from my understanding, they're tile-based rather than piece-based. This could make them quite fiddly to use.

Unless you're meaning "take the Lemmini conversions of these styles, and make them into NeoLemmix-compatible styles", in which case that shouldn't be too hard at all. :)

Sounds perfect  :thumbsup:  You already got Egyptian and Shadow through my contest entrys, but on top of that I attach the Sports tileset to this post  ;)

NeoLemmix Main / Re: Editor V1.29n-A Features
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:03:27 PM »
That would be an awesome feature!  :thumbsup:
In traditional Lemmix I only added all new Lemmini styles into the ini, so it wasn't a big problem there, but in the NeoLemmix editor it seems a bit tricky to copy all my gathered tilesets to SuperLemmini and other systems (I had lots of trouble with Christmas(how I named it) beeing now xmas; the different folders you have to create and manage and so on).
The idea (if I got it correctly) of having one style folder with the basic sets for all and simply just copy all the new tilesets for NeoLemmix, Lemmini....  in the dedicated folder without changing the ini every time would be a blessing  :laugh:
I stay with Lemmix for the rest of my pack (112/150 btw  ;)), but after that is done: With this feature it would be much easier to get into the NeoLemmix editor (together with the tutorial you are planning to do maybe)  :thumbsup:

NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix Pack Creation Tutorial
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:58:12 AM »
I would love to see such a tutorial  :thumbsup: (especially, because I will start trying to make a few NeoLemmix levels on my own in ~ 2 month)

Creating the levels with the editor, I wouldn't consider the main problem. I myself would be very interested to know how to cram all the levels into one pack for NeoLemmix (that would be the MAIN.DAT part I assume) and how to set up an extra Player for the pack (with ratings, title, music etc)  ???

Level Design / Re: Official Tilesets vs. Custom Tilesets
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:50:39 PM »
I think Custom Tilesets add a lot of variety to a pack. More different architectures and more different ways to create beautiful looking levels (especially if the custom ones have a specific theme which you can work on). Also the different terrain pieces could inspire new tricks. The official tilesets will always be a standard, but in my opinion the custom ones are the way to go to spice things up and to create more different looking landscapes.

And in Lemmini it's very easy to add new custom tilesets (just copy the folder in "styles" and you're good to go). This and the fact that I prefer the "new" Lemmini physics and Lemming selection mechanics (apart from the basher glitch) over the oldschool DOS physics and mechanics, are the main points why I create my first pack for Lemmini.

Site Discussion / Re: Karma
« on: February 20, 2015, 04:58:12 PM »
Other question: What is and what does this "karma" feature?  ???

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #2 (Playing)
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:00:51 PM »
GOT IT!  8-)  My solution is Messy as hell, not without misplays and 100% could have saved more (76% is really pathetic lost ~ 10 Lems just through misplays), but I got through! Replay attached played in NeoLemmix.

(The 100% one must really be a masterpiece of precisicion and planning)

Huge respect for that Monster you have created, Nepster  :thumbsup:

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #2 (Playing)
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:26:58 PM »
Info: I used NeoLemmix for ALL my replays! Forgot that there was a Lemmix level so the replay won't work with it.

Annnnd just a quick  info to my own one: All the hatches and a lot of the layout have a real purpose. I know some of it seems a bit odd.... (It may come back with a few twists in 1-2 months  8-)). Furthermore try to not use any bashers for more of a challenge!

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #2 (Playing)
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:16:16 AM »
Solved two of them (100%). Replays attached! (You can probably guess which one needs some VERY deep thinking. My very first ALPHA attemt is in there, too)

Some thoughts:

Super Starship:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On the same level:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Criteria fulfilled!:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level Design / Re: Lemmini custom tilesets
« on: February 15, 2015, 12:16:21 PM »
Yeah it looks impressive, but for my upcomming Lemmini pack I don't want to use sth that kinda changes the whole hud and maybe more standard stuff, but I definetly must check it out sometime. I just want to inculde as many different different tilesets as possible to fesh things up a little.

Level Design / Re: Lemmini custom tilesets
« on: February 15, 2015, 10:28:54 AM »
Yes, but I have no clue how to put them together for an Lemmini tileset (or how to extract them into the right format). It usually uses gif files of the terrain and objects and binds them together in a text document.

In Development / Re: NeoLemmix Community Pack
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:28:41 AM »
4 or 5 ratings are fine I think, but personally I'm more of a fan of seperating the gimmik/frenzy levels into an extra rank.
Repeats should be done or not depending on how many levels (of each difficult) get together, or if a level is just born to be repeated (just my opinion). Having more different levels from more creators would be nicer than too many repeats.
Personally I an not a fan of secret levels. I think you should be able to play all the levels through beating them and not finding secrets.

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Doomsday Lemmings
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:48:35 AM »
I finally downloaded this game today, my solutions are attached! :)

I noticed in Outbreak 5: "Cursed Affliction" that zombies are contagious even through 3 pixel wide walls when I dug two holes next to each other at first. :P But it's maybe understandable.
Outbreak 2: "Haunted Pier", Plague 3: "Take One For The Team" and Plague 5: "Terror Cove" were pretty nice levels! Apocalypse 2: "Infection Bypass" was my least favourite one, the execution was somewhat frustrating there. :P
I don't know why the exit didn't open in Apocalypse 5: "One Last Lemming" (maybe you're supposed to be doomed at the end of the game :P) and other Apocalypse levels I suspect backrouting and neglecting to use the gimmick.
What does the text say in Plague 1: "Cycle Of Undeath", by the way?

Apocalypse 5 can be beaten. Hint:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I've got a nice minimal frustrating solution with a spare blocker and more lemmings saved as you needed for Apocalypse 2 just check my channel if my uploads reach that level.

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #1 (Results)
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:39:35 PM »
The terrain maximum should only really be a problem on traditional Lemmix (and maybe traditional Lemmini, I'm not sure if there's a limit there). NeoLemmix allows 1000 pieces, and I believe SuperLemmini has no limit.

Anyway, while I myself voted for Crane's level, yours was definitely a very good level too - it was kinda hard to pick, to be honest! (In the first round, I voted for both, along with Nepster's.)

I use Lemmix to create my Lemmini levels, so 400 is maximum. I have already heard that the NeoLemmix/SuperLemmini limit is 1000 and this is definitely a great improvement. Some tilesets (the little Shadow housebricks especially) need a lot more terrain pieces than the other and I like to use a lot of the given space to create my levels.
Maybe after all is set and done and SuperLemmini is at the 1.0 version I try to translate the pack for a "Remastered" version, but for now I use the stable Lemmini version which I am used to play with for the last years.

Contests / Re: Official Lemmings Forums Level Design Contest #1 (Results)
« on: February 08, 2015, 10:57:11 PM »
Congratulations Crane for winning the contest!!! :thumbsup:

I voted Crane's Precarious Construction (Part 2) and IchoTolot's Shadowrun in the first round and IchoTolot's Shadowrun in the second round. These two levels I found the most attractive looking, and I found Shadowrun alongside keiya's Careless Oasis to work as the authors wanted them to work. I'm really wondering though that Crane's level actually managed to win after that IchoTolot's level gained 6 votes from 6 voters in the first round against Crane's 4 votes from 6 voters, and the final resulted in Crane's 4-3 victory. :o Did someone change his/her mind in the middle of the contest? :P Anyway, a great rise for the underdog contender to be the final winner after all, Crane! :thumbsup:

IchoTolot, this was the first level I ever played from you and I can say that I am really anticipating your upcoming levelpack, this was fantastic. Crane, same to you, I've waited for your levelpack for few years already, maybe you're still working with it hopefully? :) Anyway, good job all the contenders, I enjoyed a lot playing everyone's levels after getting to used to NeoLemmix also.

Thx for the nice comment! :-[ I try to keep up the standard and maybe even improve my creating skills in the progress (esspecially the decorating side, if the terrain maximum allows it), to make the final pack as good as it can get!
I have a little secret about the second voting round: I myself voted for Crane's level  ;)

In Development / Re: NeoLemmix Community Pack
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:38:20 AM »
Sounds like a great idea!  :thumbsup:  Personally I still must get into NeoLemmix one day (I think you use the "NeoCustLemmix" setup in the editor to create new levels) and will probably try it out after I finished my own pack for Lemmini (2/3 done 100/150).
But after that is done and released; I would participate in creating levels for the pack.

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